HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-3-20, Page 6unestalieforifillIMINIWOMOMPosm- 44.010,111;44Alitookialsiigue - • -
111"74:PW.ItiV2r P:r2771,41F
7 • '"'"or
< P.
46".4 4', •
1 -Thursday. March 13, 1019, •
BLOCKADETO BE LIFTED ree. (14)‘E s:11•1c1 lEsrERNIAN.
Germans Can Resume Trade
With Outside World.
New Butt government Bill Be Pere
mittod to Parchase 370.000 Tone
of Food Monthly In Ili:tient, and
Neutral Countrkm. rind Certain
F:sporls Are Also to Be Allotted
Spent %moll Fortune on Treatments
Before Finding Belief By
Taking Titular.
I spent at least to thousand dollars
fin medicit
ines :'d treatments before 1
finally got relief by taking Tanlac," said
Wile) Vesperman of 441b Healer avenue.
1 Dallas. Texas.
'1 suffered with rheumatism in my left
aim and shoulder for seven years," he
by Ante's.
IIEWAREcontinued, "and at times I was 60 bad y
PARIS. Mareh 10. - German, in ycrippled up that 1 would just have to
OF coosideration of a deposit of Ell.- igiye up and go to bid. 1 also tainered
IMITATIONS reeve an im med tat e delivery of • ate formed to much gas that I %Quid' to do. He saw them first at Win -
000.000 In gold at Brussels, will re- terribly with indigestion, and what little I
270,000 tons of foodstuffs. according 'belch up my sour. undigested tood and MatlitIeeti2a1;eillso:el,.40'n store, Fort oittearat. cheater. and adtnired them greatly.
to the •greement entered Into be- would become faint from dizziness. I! Nu' 2 • On Jan. 6, 1018, when they went in -
teen the German delegates and the i could hardly sleep at night frt the miseryl Lioi,„.4.„(d''.,..'.''' to line, it was he who had recon -
representatives of the allied powers I 1 was in and in the morning I would got reslai
d. 7c . ' noitred their position. They had lin-
Germany will further be entitled gueptfaeemulinngd.50 awful that 1 could hardly,
, I American CornsVraproac,ek..t Toronto, Pronma pressed Mtn as being an ezceptlonally
fine body of men, and a.ppearances
to purchase monthly 370,000 tons "But Tanlac has driven aea) every bit' l',I". III Y'1,1::::' LI .`;• were not deceptive. Discussing Col.
at Brussels.
of food in enemy and neutral culla* of the pain and misery. I never suffer ost:ria Patit (Acton:114e to Freights Out. Peck's statement to the House teat
. I l No 3 and,. go., io im. 1611 army which had revolted during
waters 'and vegetables. The reatric- want. My condition has unproved so No. 2 whue. 671: to 64e,
TORONTO, Muth 11 -Qwritatlisso
4%11 BM Board of Trod* filatilfda/
were as follows:
Manitoba Witted tie lam Feet Wilitasith
Ne. norther,. 02 2441.
No. northern, 82.311e.
No. I northern. 1611.111114.
No. 4 WIICYI, $1.1114.
Manitoba Oats (In Stem, Fort wustavis2.
t C 69%c
No 3 C.W.,
baba No 1 teed. 66%c.
So 1 feed 64%.
Sen. Maurice Makes Reply to Col.
Peck, V.U.
HALIFAX. N.8., March IR.- •
Maj. -Gen. F. Maurice. K.C.M.G., C.B.
was a passenger on the Carmania
arriving here Monday. He has come
out for the purpose of delivering a
series of lectures at the invitation of
a number of friends in New York,
Gen. Maurice stated he was glad of
the opportunity of coming out with
the Canadians, and especially with
the Princess Patricias, which hap-
pened to be the first Canadian bat-
talion with which he had anything
4411,, in 'bract,. Ws and chdclite
diorartv acutr etter.rin and ni r rum diseases. eye
•" • Ow, DOW. 4nd 'thront, pAa tiat, Orator., lumbago
and rheumatic ..orghtium. Adentr.tis Featured
knife (Ace at imidence. corner
Illialnos and St Arielren'• streets At home e
1140Ird.Yra ThuradA) and Satud Ay*, any evenine
Os appointment.
tries, beaides fish from European I from indigestion and can eat anything I 'tonally knew of no unit In the Brit -
week, Gen. Maurice said that be per -
;:on44"41"* N.' •
Use only three level tea-
spoonfuls for five cups
TEA:i good tea'
Sold only in **ailed packages
er Graduate T.I.0(1,./ Unieraity. iloacluate
Royal College ol Dent Al SUILIV•Kla
SI.ISellbOf 10 the late St•inr sale Offices corner
bet vise and West street tauderich
removed. , that I am able now to give all my time to Ontario, Wheat (1. e.b. ahlositno P 1 t
ArcorMno te Freloht•t• • ^ s' the period of the war. He thought
tions on fishing in the Baltic will be wonderfully sine,. I slatted on an ac
The blockade of Germany Is to be my business, just like I did before that the body of men Col. Peck had re -
lifted to a certaia extent immediate- awful rheumatism got Its Ladd on Inc. My
ly, according to Herbert Hoover. Food wife is taking Tanlac too. and she is just
Controller, who returned Sunday as enthusiastic about it as I am.
from Brussels. Tanlac is sold in Goderich by E. R.
-g , • f th b • C Aberhart. in
Wingham by J. Walton l'AcKibbon. in n a, rAN to.. rt2i ;11,;0,01c1COsc01% dii,7753:17. t.F.,:zitaniltia Outside).
Henson by A. M. E. Hemphill. in Blyth Peace Congress, the pelmet. oho hag
by White City Drug Store, in Wroxeter come immediately from Paris. mid
Buckwheat (According to Freights Out -
by J. N. Allen, in Lonciesboro' by John side). that the rumors of disagreement were
Howey. in Brumfield by Peter Boom in I NO 14,csirdIng to Freloht• Otitelde).
No 1 11 :17 to 41 40 nominal. due to a greater extent to people out-
side the conference than to those
0. Loundsberry, in Exeter by' W. S. No. 2i11.77,0nob.niri•leaut., cr....m.).
Dashwood b) 1 tertian 8 Edighoffer, in actually taking part in the proceeds
Crediton by J. W. Orme. in Clinton' by i Geverriteeet sranderd. 010.7i to $11. lags. He personally thought the
_W.S. R. Holnies, in Sheppardton by i Ontario Flour (Prompt ightprnent, In Jute members wen co-operating in a won-
). IL Simpsoe, in Gorne by H. V. Arm- 1 Government stamt3c:fd). $$ Li to $9 73,In Lei rid making every Imo -
strong. and in Fordo ich by H. Sensate. 1,,,,,
Montreal: $9 5a to 4114. I .. - bagi. SdiejiteUISaWc rai for the Ideal they all i
According to Hoover, Germany. Se L.
tinder certain restrictions, can re-
sume her trade with the °Weide
Some of the ships which the Ger-
mans must Immediately turn over to
I the Allies will be operated by German
crews, but will not Ey the German
The lista are now being prepared
covering the exports which Get -fussy
will be permitted to send out. They
will consist chiefly of coal. dyestuffs.
potash and timber.
The Germans first wanted the
United States to advance money for
the purchase of the food for Ger-
zany When thin was refused the
No 2 winter. per ca, lot. 1111.11 US tete ferred to were se -collection of drafts
No rtititer. ruse enr 0,. $2.t2.
No. I spring. per car tot, M III to 62.17. -f
0 1017, and that no complete unit
No. 3 amino. ter car oto 12 02 to 111 was involved. In any event the trou-
No 2 *prang per r lot. $2 04 to $2 14.
Peas tact.indine to Freights Outsteel. ble was very short-lived.
No 3 winter. per ear lot. $2 01 (u $3 it. stationed at Etaples in the •titunin
T in to the subject of the
German delegates, agreed to turn
over gold at the Belgian border at
t d that $130 0110,-
otos 67, Goderich. All mitructions by mad r
144 at Stgoal (adore will be pumper" attended to A
tedence telephone 110 It
..v• LH. solse'or, nuialy sum.. (Arne
111 stiett. Loderscb. thud Moe from
Neoax. itu.i.tunciA (a: Man at Meratt rat S.
Who-. F. !Esti Bk4.1., Bas.ltun Street
&cal Estate. Loom and lasurance.
ce. It is un ers o
O is available now. More will
rniahed in a few days.
The German ships will start for
merica via England in a few days.
Is not likely that they will carry
• c
diun, say. a German Governme
wireleas meseage. concerning the
portation from Germany of pota
timber, dyes and other products.
Ships going to France and Engle
• • ADVT. Tormito. ' had in mind.
Millirem" (Car Lots. Delivered. Moritratal
lir relobits. sags Included).
ran. pe . '''
Good feed flour. i•el bag. $2 25 to 4355.
Shorts, per ton. II? 76.
- Hay (Track. Torente)• Germans Are Preparing for Further
$14 tO 115 . UpriAings.
i No 1. per ton. $2, to $21
Str•vr (Track. Torontit)• .
11 Cu lotm per ton. 410.
F•rmers' Market.
Fon wheat -Nil': 2. $2.12 per tnuivet.
Spring wheat - No. 2. $2 14 per bushel.
Doom wheat -No. 3. 42 H per bushel.
1Bari.v-Illislting. Mc to 111 per bushel.
Onto -life to 70. per bushel.
Buckwheat- Nominal.
Ry.--.Aorottlins to sample. nominal.
P•ms-hreordtris to sample. nominal.
Flay -Timothy. 126 to 124 per ton. min-
ed and clover. 122 to $2.: per ton.
J. R Rickell ra Co. Standard Bank
Building. report the following prices oa
the t'hicago Board of Trade;
Unintilat From Moose JIM Dentaside
Tariff Real:4011.
OTTAWA, March 18.-B. A.
Maharg. Unionist member tor Moose
Jaw, and president of the Saskatch-
ewan Grain GrowersAssociation, is
apacIty load of American troops on not one of those who believe the
MIxed. per 200
eir first voyage as alterations will preAnt C,overnment should proceed
ve to be made when they reach
Merle*. With the solution of poet -war prob-
British and German committees lents before undertaking the task of
ve opened negotiations in !totter- tariff revision. On the contearY.
during his speech in the House of
Commons Monday, Mr. Maharg
threatened the Government with the
resignation of certain western mem-
bera and with the prospect of by-
imediately are cargo vessels In electione. at an early date If prompt
utral pores in South and Central action was not taken to meet the
meriea and the Dutch East Indies. demands of the western ferment'
het will 1)e permitted to leave with organizations. "Western Canada fit
ruses for Germany with German salChinK thiri Government," said the
ewe but under Allied flags. When Moose Jaw member, "is watching this
e ships put out from German ports House and the members of this
House. Unless something Is done at
team to attempt to remedy conditions
in so far as the west ig concerned."
he added. for the. beet of the Min-
istry, "you will 'have a number
by-elections on your hands before
this House ineeia again at its next
session." Mr. Mahan; displayed very
little of the speech of compromise.
of which some metubers of the House
have spoken. and certainly made no
appeal to sentiment.
On behalf of titeny. if net all grain
growers In his own province. he pot
forward demands for what nia5 lte
briefly summarized as substantial re-
ductions in the tariff protection af-
Olfso co =Wort w-lond $10411,0101 Rao"' 10 he handed over they will
se stoat, Gooistab • manner by Germans, but on ar
Private hinds to Wm ist Imam rates. In Allied ports the crewwill
replaced. by Allied trews, and
Germans reterned.
There is available In England
Immediate moveinent to Germ
approximately 30.000 tons of
products. 5.000 tons of beams, 6.
tons of t ice, and 15.000 tons
cereals The United States ha
Rotterdam and on the way
approximately 7S.000 tons of br
A summary of the agreen
o h that payment by Geri
• In
0s4 -
Watmetrour, Coosa . Itanlian
, 4 I 1111S1 LB. att,xnay. solicitor. MC.. lieoderich
Moly loaned at 'most rate*
wilu, notary. public mid Moveyancri.
Court 041-13m
Alst. A ....0 - Vertu and isolated town prop.
arty insured.
- 011imers-Jas. Connolly. P0'.. Godertch P 0:
j at, Evans, V We -hes , beerinvood P.O.:Thorn:is
16 liar., sec. -Time , ovsiortk P.0
1.)..CCIOt.- LP 1. Met:onyx, I(.* No. 5,Ses-
0•111. John L. liarieve, No. 4. Walton; William
mi, it. It No. z. ;seaman, tuba Benner:rtes.
odhaLi. (.40. McCtar
aty. . K. No. 3. Sea -
oath, Bonen FefIlai, Harlock. Malcom Mc -
item. Chinon, Jame. ISValis, Beechisood, James
Connolly, Goirerich.
Agents: J. M. Yeo, GOSer:Ch. Ales Leitch.
R- U. No. 1, Clinton; IN Plum Lhesrica. Sealintli.
E Hishiey. Seals's Pohcr -hOider• tar. pay all
Menlo and get thew cows tecripted at Id. J.
ravish's Clothing Store, Clinton. K.II Cutt'•
y, hingston street. Gardena, or J. H.
_urreliotilegial 8,0.44.11111,014,
- ...- -.7--..--------,
=---:..--,-----• - -•
1usitlEs. Utslanruroad SA':,ELR. SCOTT. TEACHER OF
Voice. Piano and taxa.. Puts', Pt -enured ior
aux y elannnat IOW Apo, y at II H. 1'. W.
- "
.. I R E If E R I C T. E 0 E N E R,
• • Miff+. BAC.: '
tttdio At( Dttilt110 thug -Store
Bropho Bros.
will be made by freight hire accru-
ing to the Germans for the tine of forded the products of 4h' manti 3
the shipping and part from creditsturers of the Dominion and absolute
that Germany may continue to eatab- ' protection in the form of a continti-
Hash. and maintain in neutral coun- anon of a fixed guaranteed price tor
tries. part from German exports, part wheat. the farmers' product. Fur -
from the sale of German -owned for- thermore. he asserted that the Dom -
elan securities, and part by the use inion should continue to provide
of German gold. credits. out of which foreign buyers
might pay for wheat and agricultural
Abitientees Fined In Sherbrooke. product* purchased in Canada.
Mr. Mahat g informed the House
that the Western farmer?' had no
Intention to ally themselves with one
of the old political parties. "Neither.
I think. will they tie themselves up
to the Unionist party at this time,"
he added.
1St Icadin?,
Fun•tral Dlectiirt
and Embalmer?
(0•41.11/ C.1..1.111, *II...Mir..?
h• .1161, of 41.7.
• /1.1.:141, 14
4.1111•Arafft...•••••••••,... ••••• • ••••••....4"0811010.0
_ ..•••
SHERBROOKE, Que. March le. -
Judge Mulvena on Friday handled
the first cases of alleged desertion
which have come before him since
the recent general mix-up has taken
piaCe over the various orders -in -
Council. Charged with being absent
"'Pepe% Diapepsin" neutralizes exces-
sive v. -id In stomach, relieving
dyspepsia, heartburn and
distress at enCe.
Time .1' In five minutesill atom -
.ch distreo. due to aeidity. will go.
No ladigestien, heartburn, sourness or
tielehing of as or eructations of unlit
relvd fond, no discineee, bloatimg, foul
kreath or headaehe. •
Dispepaln 111 noted for Its
in regulating upset stomachs.
irWthe sereat, quielreat stostaah sweet -
Mee P. the whole world, end es 54
Is harmless. Put en earl to etontach
Illetresa et mire by getting • large fift,.
omit rem of Pape's iltiapepsia from eisy
shere.• Yen realise is eve salatites
02 111 est :MAW front hull-
, dyspepsia . any stosseli
swat* mesa -It fermentation due 0.
without leave. and failing to report
tor military service when notified, Stiliecribe for The Signal
Edgar 'Paquette of Magog was fined
$230 and coats or three months In
Accused of failing to report for
medical examination when notified
to do so, Odias Goulet of Sherbrooke
was tined $25 and *oats or 20 days.
Judge Mulvena notified the Gov-
ernment representative that he had
received no documents relating to
the late order -in -Council, which
seemed to contradict one another,
and that he would only deal with
cases In which the accused pleaded
114117. unites the Government saw
fit to employ t•ounsel.
• ts.91111$11S •-mwerigestryeeeM
Daylight Saving In U. S.
WASHINGTON, March 18. - To
make effective the daylight savings
law, Director -General Hines instruct-
ed railroads, to turn their clocks
ahead one hour nt 2 a.m. tin ay,
March 30. Trains will ruin on the
new schedule thereafter, but will be
held only at terminals. While on the
road they will not stop for an hour
to make tip the difference In time.
Each railroad will be called on tO
"properly stafeguard movement of its
trains on the road at the time of the
change. -
Clocks' will be moved back an hour
at 2 a.m. on the last Sunday in
Corn -
Mar. ... 149%
May . . 119%
Jul> ... 124
llar. ..
July . .
Pork -
May .
Lard -
112% -
High. Low. Clow. Close.
133, 14014 16241 146%
142 tail% 142 136%
136% 134 12341 132%
45.70 46.75 44.66 41.76 44.76
42.70 42.70 42.60 42.70 41.70
27.65 27 65 27.65
27.07 27 10 26 60
26.00 25 17 24.67
22.77 13.47 22.31
27.35 27.55
Jul . /Lie 27.15)
"231e- 16.47
. 143.S9 22.17
BERLIN, March 14. - Although
last weeks Spertacan uprising was
put down, the Government, so far
yroiu relaxing its vigilance, is already
taking measures; to prevent a repe-
tition. The Prussian Minister of
Education, Herr Haenisch, tta•
sued an eloquent appeal to young
collegians to join the volunteer
corps "to aave the Fatherland.
against which Bolshevism threatens
ID the eam, while the hydra a
anarchy and civil warfare raises its
head at home."
The Minister of Defence. Herr
Noske, has issued a decree unloosing
penalties up to one year's imprison-
went for interference with street car
employes, or trafac. or sabotage of 1
telegraph wires. cars or other ma -1
lariat. This is Mainly intended to
make it impossible tor the minority
of the street car moo to prevent the 1
majority front working in caae of
another strike.
The Spartacan attempts to import
arms from points outside of Berlin
fire being chocked by the miiitary
forces at various rallroad *tattos,
who have already conflocated • quan-
tity of arms and atomunittois:.
Fighting for Peseetysi.
UNION STOVE YARD. LONDON. March 18.- Ukralataa
tORONTO, March 13. - With a troops have entered Prsemysil. ao-
comparatieely light run of cattle at cording to a German wireless de -
the Union Stock Yards yesterday- spatch. The Poles are stilt in the
2550 head, all told --and an active northwestern part of the town. The
market, the market opened and dos- Ukraluisne are also in the suburbs
ed steady to strong, with an advance i of Lemberg and along the whole
of from 26e to 10c over the Mose 01 Przeinyal-Lemberg line, traffic here
last wea. The quality of the cattle being comidetelY stoPPed•
was for the most part very oommon,
but there were • few good, useful Atirertiee iu The Signal. lt pas.
loads of handy butcher cattle and one
extra choice load of steers, tbe Mt- - -
ter selling at 516.15.
The lamb trade was strong over
tbe close of butt week, and selling up
26e above last Thursday. The sheep .
casseket is steady to strong.
With a fairly heavy run of hogs-
2fie2 in all -the market, of course,
head ateady with last weks prices -
10%0 lb, f.o.b., but packers are
talktng 60c lower for to -day.
East Buffalo, N. Y.. March 17 -Cattle
receipts 4.11111; steady. Prime steeis, $17.60
to 516.50; a few, $19; shipping steers.
1116.5u to $17; butchers, 1110 to 851.511;
earlings. 210 to 217; heifers. 1111 to
VISO; cows. $5 to $12; Mills, $7.50 to $12:
stockers and feedria. ri to $11; fresh
KcElyING WAR cm%
The patriotc cents tower.
to 76 cent* lower; others 25 cents to 36
Hogs. receipts 12.000; plgs. Id cent.
Heay, $19.75 to 51E90;
spirit and devotion mixed and yorker, $59.65; moo yorkers.
with which Cana- MI5 10 $16.0; Pigs. $11 to $15.25:
dian women have
roughs. $16 to $16 75; stas, $12 to $14.
weep and larniut. receipts 14,000; •C
so far pertormed Ulm. Lomita. $12 to $20,76; yearlings.
war-servicework sit to 415.60; wethers. 116 to 814: ewes,
and made sacrifices la to 616; mixed 'heap. 814.50 to $16.40
has never been CHICAGO LIVE wrom.
equalled in the Chicago. March 17.-Hogs-Itecelpts
Work Inc 00,000 Rettirned Men.
SYDNEY, Austiatia. March 18. -
Premier Sidman in a spettCrf Satur-
day said that the Government intead-
ed to find employment for 80.000 sol-
diers in New South Wales, Melly, by
legislation compelling employers to
reinstate returned noldierS; Necondly,
by settingS.000 soldiers on the land;
thirdly, by employing the remainder
o poblic works.
All reatrictione on Imports froen
all parts of the British Empire to
Great Britain have been removd.
Jack Johnson has loosed • signed
statement to th• effect that his Met
with Willard at Marano waa 6
, frame-up,
htatory of any ISA": market ttrrn; fully steady with'
nuntry. Mothers, Saturday's •viii•se: estimated tom,rrow„
lotes sitzgort thin burden ste,..artstiaeulte7,c1Putesr isitar;140°.
#c hi h.t.
wives and am," 3Q:1os The day rotors mend.
wl glrfwgth and er; othei• sod feeders stead); cal•as tee
fortitde. But 'ewer: estimated receipts totnuiroW,
MOO Tlie day prices stand.
tr""eadywiwmisekrerabal-los Sheep and lambe--Receiptit. 10000;
from the com- norket very uneven; good. ...Moles. fat
Manses: mostly 1Sc to Vic higher; wows
plaints and wek= ahem up more. common •nri flied:iota
tlike ri6t Waie for grlin.0 1;r44: U:
whieli are so common to Women, Modes steady to higher: estimated tip -
this womanly aystem.
If • woman is home down is1 ZrwKites. Medium to choie. $11. a to
and sufferinga, by nervousneal or y I to: culls and common. 16 to 511
t $20 40. culla •ntl common. HS 2.•
spells, by headache or backache, "Favorite ,
Prescription" should be taen. It nin
now be had in tablet forni as well se liquid
at moat drug storew. Send to Dr. Pierce.
Branch at "Bridgeburg, Ont., for • 10c
trial pkg. of tablet.
For fifty years Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets have been most satiefactory im
liver and bowel troubles.
0.04..-. OW. -"De.
Pieroit's favorite Pte.
amptina made • our
woman ot ma. 40
altrom ale wean 1 ed.
Un. 1 lisown• ram -
down, weak mere -
"sower. bast k
demoted with '0-4..-
im lot dal tot em
..;;.... mond Ail ony sew's{
, sad wail so bwl Mot 1
mold waviely walk
saroa. the 6...r elies
Etaloa. Ow 'Preseription ' Whew I Mg
,..•,,........... moan townosoi and haw
tins eorriptaudy waned nw. and I immadirg00
invalth thee I mow JAA 1..5o4t taking Ws
merlsera• It ill only • *owl...tot iniallelim foe
ereass."-idni. Ryas 11k04er. 4 Mimi 16.
Wert Socialist Saxon Premier.
PARIS, March 14 -- Dt 0
nauer, a former Socialist member
tho Retchstag and a former minister,
has been elected Premier of Saxony,
according to a Haves despatch trom
To Socialise Plants.
COPENHAGN, March 18 - The
Gorman !gallons' Aasetubly on Thurs-
day. according to advices from Wei-
mar, adopted a bill concerning the
socialisation of factoriee II also
passed • mitaaure regulating the coal
Flee In Eganviike.
EDANTILLE. March 10. - The
mash and door factory of 0 Reilly &
1Maski and the residence ef Thomas
Kearary at Kilialoe Station were
completely destroyed by fire Sates
day night.
et your
4 .
Counter Check
at The Signal
Western Canada Flour Mills Co. Limited
What Happens
to the food you eat?
'• •
During digestion certain
kin ds of food containing pro-
teins, such as meat, egg
white, milk casein, wheat
luten, etc., are split into
many dilfertht substances.
Somt! of these the body uses
to rebuild damaged or dead
tissues; some, however, are
not only useless and harm-
ful but in some races actually
poisonus. Regular, thorot•gh
bowel evacuation gets rid of
the latter.
Constipation permits stagna-
tion and absorption of these
poisons into she blood, with
injury to the whole body.
taking castor oil, pills, salts,
mineral waters,etc.,in order
to force the bowels to move
does not -cannot cure con-
stipation -but makes it
V.01 -11C.
On the other hand Nujol
overcomes constipation and
brings about the habit of
easy, thorough bowel evac-
uation at regular intervals,
because Nujol is not *drug,
. does not act like any drug.
: 4,6 )7,711-[1-141
• "4. •
pg. * oimra' gra.
" te
Nujol brings about return
to Nature 's methods of sup-
plying necessary lubrication
of the bowel contents, by
facilitating intestinal muscu-
lar action, by absorbing poi-
sonous matter, and thus se-
curing necessary cleansing
of the intestinal canal and
protection of the defensive
properties of the blood itself.
Nujol has no deleterious
after effects, produces no
bad habits, makes the bowels
regular as clockwork.
"Nujol is efficient at any age
-under any conditions -is
satisfactory and safe.
How and Why Nujol over-
comes constipation is de-
scribed in an interesting
and authoritative booklet,
"Thirty Feet of banter."free
on request. Send for it and
get a bottle of Nujol from
your druggist, todaY.
Nujol Laboratories
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