HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-3-20, Page 5s•Q.*.,.«.+•-
Batteries charges! f I
"°"'d d Operated by a
East Street Garae Practical Man"
GODERICH - - - OIIT 0 Arthur M. Glove ■
>tl >• nl l� �Il >r r lr Ir rl �» NE
Something New B ! Court Goderich. Na 32, C. O. F., be
IJt •iia al lies. DWI 10101.
The death occurred at tendon on Mon-
day of the Very Rev. Dean Evans Davis,
at the age of seventy years. The deceased
was rector of St. amts, London. for
forty-three years and was widely known.
He was created dean of the diocese et
Huron in 1911`. The funeral takes place at
London today. Councillor T. M. Davis of
town. who k a nephew of the deceased
clergyman. has one to London to attendun
the feral.
Presbyterian Sumner SebeoL
At a meeting held at Knox church Ifst
event •g it was definitely decided to bold a
summer school in Goderich this year.
This school will be under the awwppices of
the Synod of Hamilton add Lardner and
will doubtless be an event of considerable
importance. With. the exception of a
school for girls of "teen" age to be held at
Grimsby, this will be the only school this
. O. .. t oast. .; summer within the bounds of the Synod.
r to it will be conducted along the Zinn of the
-at home thelodge rooms on Forward Movement and will be held dur-
II;urea: street, on Tuesday
my !splendid program was rendered before the lir 11.J Fisher. who rr.•rntly in111 -
• N .Ask for your initials and / IN t c. P. R. rami.Agent. w
f the ; tont branch of rubber work. he
offered for sale in Alberta, Saskatchewan
II f k linen~ 111omuch Mirage as p dis- and as vulcanizing is the only
an m new " ing the first week of July.
eveningMr. T.
r . $ ' Drennan. C. R.. occupied the • air and a Stud) ing t'uleanizing.
All initials in stock. i 150 guests. Refreshments were served I 'tailed an up•t,• date vulcanizing plant.
x $ and an enjoyable social evening was spent. In his harness shop. is in 'Toronto this
week making
a stud of this iw rr-
cowbiue your monogramMr. Joseph Kidd up tours agent n t iurreaNtel ctpet ,.t rubber matte it
C. P. R. has been appointed local agent
to suit )vturself • tl 0X10000 acres of C. P. R. land I inoperative that the turi*L get as
s,sihle out of his
Useful or marking and Manitoba. This land is being is
etc on posed of on easy terms by the railway safe way to have theist repaired, it has
1111 `company and is being widely advertised. pellet' up prte:tfcally • new fletd of
week for those who midetrtand it.
and Notions * I County ('with.
O IOnf of A special sitting of the County Court
Id on Wednesday. with Judge
a i Dickson presiding. The case on trial was
between Jewish scrapdealers, D. Brown,
A Call solicited. of Goderich and Max Welsh of illsllt. tine -table, Gi give this town more
Vhhit of C. P. R. pariahs.
Li rew immo W a request front the
Gosierich Board of Tr e that a change
be made in the t'. 1'. R. pasmenge'r
action related to the sok .1 some convenient n0111001
MissKelly Tells How L;
E• Pinkhans's Vesetwb�
Compound Restored
Her Health.
011, t • ler it
funk. After bearing the evidence the C. P. R. ufttei•lm visited two, ern Wed-
alm MISS S NOBLE edge reserved his derision M G Cam- I motley Imo. The party included
• eron, ( for plambff. and L b �� B Howard,
Mine Position for a Goderkh OM Noy. I A. Williams, divisional supe n n-
�' * $ $ $ ■ ■ ■ ■ U � � dant end 1?. J hlrlr aN• aNanstnnt
D. P. A., Toronto:
Ial a Dances for ds1endant t W. B. Baui(ut,), 1). F. A., Toronto;
li to
Mr. Maitland .l. .If t... year. of t 1tiil- au rinteinlent, l,nu,lon. The mate
fold wet fur venue stunn has bre:, , .a thorough inquiry int.' the" matter
a rendre examiner tin the li. T. but gave out no information that
R., has Moen appellate] supero sur of j could be a ,ustt tied as iudi acing a
T. schedule of basketball games.apptenti.es over the entire syst,10. could
was eoN•h11el last week. rid. Andreae* He will have him headquarters At' a . Society.Clubw 11114141K the series. Neat Well -1 Mois real, lett will ....tool his h at Literary
twolay, Mateo' omit. a game will be Ptt.ratfumd. He will have supervision At the last ieetins of the G. C. 1.
pinyvst Iss•
lw.rt the M.•th.sttsts von employee*. Mr. ttumlwr is a Literary Society a debate was held on the
-tmin•w''s. I G.tlrrieh old boy, s brother of l aruneil= subject: "Resolved. that the army did
for 1'. H. Humber. inure towards winning the war than the
Medal talrile•st navy •' The debaters for the a►hrmative
Newark, N. J. -"For about three
years 1 suffered from nervone band reak-
I could hardly
stand, and had bee&
aches every day. I
tried everything 1
could think of sad
was under • phy-
ssieciiaann's care for twe
had use girl
-,Pinkham's Vege-
table Cwmpoundend
olio told ase about
it. From thm first
day 1 took It 1 began
to feel r
-- HON E
,Froment of
Silver Thi ' were Catherine Hays and Fred Feller,
This your the vd' t'. T. 1'. will hold � alive lean Cooke Wm.
t I '. k ilollu ,u.
The re▪ wa▪ rk hiss heed '
repeatedly wad. that Mr. littera t
should writs, mut ham exp•rienees and
Wale them published. as they would
!mike a netsible uddit(On to the liter
utuse of the war.
A wusit•al program wag giien by
MINK stager, Mias 14u041 Millfaii. Miss
Y;drieuliu lt'atsotl, Mr. 1.'. '1'. 1•:geier
and Mr. 11. T. Xt.'Macgr'Kur, with Mrs.
1'uulwr Ont1 Miss Mott as artsiIU-
11uu1nts. Mayor ll'hde acted as chair-
man and informed the audience tot to
the progress toady in tvwtesoluu with
the memorial luted.
11 is iterhaps Ianlly neetessorry to
Nay that Mr. I)nrrant. as well alt the
insolent artists. gave his eervkese en-
tirely w►llout retwinerutluu, alai the
e theta 1" gra1 rfuI 10 all who took
purr ill ties preemie fur their very
r;etiero115r assistance.
Notes from the Chilliren's Shelter.
ThVsteaular meeting of the Children's
Aid Society was held on Tuesday of last
week, and was as usual MI of interest in
the several casts dealt with. The little
family being cared for at the setter is
grow ng, and fresh problems anse weekly,
as each new case brings with t its own t
difficulties and requirements. The Society '
officers will he glad to answer any en- '
Time -Jay, Mar.•b 20, 1919 A
._ :. ;-; ri
C.pteal 021d H •- - - $s.ti00.000
T•tallaae+ta. Nov. 30th. 19114. over') 53.000.000
Don't Let tour Children
go through the mare struggle you have
had. Sow, that they may have ample
opportuuity�for a good start in life. .
The only sure way to save is to start tI
savings account. Open otse today. ave
` F. WOOLLCOMBE, • . Manager.
lay. At palsied by his bride.
'Bert,'' who is a well-known Goderich
•okl boy," took the mantel 4444
Idling • tin March :irtl, the young lady
ut his chid- br'ug Leila B. Evans of
Inndon, Ont. They ale waking their
I at tVinghaw, Mr. Murphy's tun
Icing Omni Wiagliant to London.
Mr. John L Aitken has returned to
town after a stayof ten months with his
son, Scott. at Hood River. Oregon. He
Iwas away longer than he hal intended, a-
his son took seriously in several months
ago. and he remained to look after his
1 fruit ranch for him. We are pleased to
Ie rn that Mr. Scot 'Aitken has suthcientls
ed to attend to bus work, and we
now I am weU and Detre and I quiries from anyone contemplating t
oso able to do moat act I
rare flowing and
thsxsep recently
placed, even since the opening of the
shelter, are most gratifying. Many dons
tions of articles useful in the home are
be,ng received. and the kindly interest
manifested in various parts of the count) '
is most encouraging. The home ie con-
tinually in need of such things as ootatoes
and other vegetables. apples and canned
fruits, and anyone having such to spare
cannot do better than send a supply to
have been recom-
s mending the Com-
pound ever mince and give you my pet -
mission to publish this letter."-Ilisa
Fi o KeLoY, 476 So. 14th St., Newark.
N. J.
The reason this 1amens root and herb
remedy, Lydia E. Pinkhem'• Vegetable
Compound, was so successful in Miss
Kelly's ease was because it went to the he shelter. 1
root of her trouble restored ber to • i . the items ul busititsa transacted at are glad to welcome Mr. Aitken senior
norma' be•lthy eosditloa and es a rss&t last meeting west the pt K
Mr asrMltw°•s diMNoaroi
harbor. Theme and other pfO1pt•ts'
for new busliws' undertakings in
I;odrrfeb are being followed up.
The Het of rewdutlohs which are 10
etrmr before tow AsuusxIated Octants of
Trade of outset() at the animal meet-
ing at Toronto on . March 27 4111 ' "
was gime over and of the thlrty-nine
r•s.rlsulotw twenty-two were approved,
ten disnpproted anti the remainder lett
to the Judgment of the Board's drM
elites, elm will probably he Messrs.
Parents, Fiume 111151 Bowden.
The(median of a general t•leau-up
of tow town and getting ritl_of the eye-
ud for the nes sures caused by the dumping of sober
u t t. -ton• *Inver u1.dn1 •Yad�la "i1 tint. 'Clarke. The decisln of the Joldges was i am' otlwr r•
�: � other IId1c places was discussed stud
• a fuse 011 streets and ill
,•, etdug of Elope,. toy, y , in favor of the negative. tither numbershe W p
Thn.• utetlals will lie awarded. for On the program were an instrumental by l..tstrd tot to the proper quarter for
lion. AN•nta1 unisir. Nittgltut an.l chs u_ u8he t�.nsid.red
lion. Any girl or Isle g MIA•! the
Reda ltoolkombe, a recdatitm by Ma any urtica that may
Ings ..f tett and °fleet, years willing to Howell, the reacting of the Journal by adviwblr.
DortxhY Dantey, a reading by Reta A letter was wives! from Mr. t'. E.
, enter the t1I'sr\e .,!nests M asked to Worsell, a selection by the (,be flub horning, distrlet passenger agent of
report to Mrs. J. G. Iteiulutrt. Itritan- and a play. "The Grecian Bend," in the 5:. T. it. promising consideration
We. havejust received a I tufa nod, Mrs. li. M. l;tllutt, which seven of the girls took part. of the Board's representations in teak-
alnttt-.al street. I1
thect m of the back to Goderich.
followingaccounts: Travelling and other I •
expenses the agent, i:lti.30: provisions---
a4,5�"; I The Hebekahs held another of their
populate "At homes' on Friday even
Pure Clover Honey tug Iasi 'there was a large attett,lanee
and a .leawatit evening was m It with
1 ppeefd
coeds and dun •ing.-- On Min11ay
Put up in convenient -sired evening• AJrt•tl '3rd, the Rebekah*,
45c and int.•nd holding an ' at home".for f• neighbors, to the number uRgty ox rifts, • pendent c t
glasses. 20c. 30c, 1 re urntyk esthete anal thew w v meet war format in cealerieh in 1 ei for Inc children Of
- .. • r 'gin faef1411ea.^ A ., " • diel tartars mow** >l *t"ti'd a � who haditalhered to bid farewell. to the: tee what is being done
41'nt the Il. at in the Province. it bad a genial heed of he house and his amiable I Huron county.
5(k each Went ttrwawoeth R and eathumt•s se par
read by !Ste Arthur t Rev. J. E. Hunter. well known as one
James Adams, in behalf of the gathering, of the Crossley -Hunter revival - party.
died at his home at Toronto on Monday.
toget her with the Weal 1 lddfeliow
hie up the mew timetable.
Rebekah,: Al Home.
and needful articles for the shelter, 569.21. ,
The salary o1 the matron. who is proving'
herself a most faithful and efficient man- 1
ager, was increased to $40 per month.
Since the last meeting in February sex)
children have been taken in and three
placed in foster -homes. Several of those j
now in the homes are attending re.ularly
at the public schools and showing the'
benefit" of their new surroundings And
training. •
The following donations and subscrip
tions are acknowledged since the last're-1
port pttblished: A Fried t25; town .1
Goderich,,$SC; Goderich W. C. T. l $10:
Ashfield Soldiers' Aid Circle, lifl.80i
Methodist S.S., Seaforth, 92; Wm llartry
S alorth, St: "Inasmuch." $2.80; Mrs. t
Chas.' E. Young and Mrs. E. R. Wigle, `
Goderich, $1 each; Mrs. Geo. McCien- {I
aghan. Whitechurch. $2.25:.Robt. Clark,
Sraforth, $1; Ree. Sharman. Goderich.
• $2: the Misses Whitely. Goderich. a 0.11
organ: Mrs. Chas. Roes. Gaderich. baby 1
carriage and a gi - -art; Mrs Stokes, K.. I
child's clothing; Heti el Methodist church.
wilt: . three
Goderich township, a q jars
EarawpwscM to Be Reified.The Il.tird Is hivnhtg the Hoe. t. IllI each of fruit and pickles. lre,gg Knighf.1 - --- -
t',sly n, omit. to I:cmb•rirh and address I cream. anodes and potatoes;
Nr. MAI•olul Sin•IJir, Grand High I I high chair. two * /�\ u_�
Priest of the Encaipqu,ent of the a meeting. to date .arty in April being ekahi ig; Mrs.A. Porter. �OID COUG, f✓
1- 1). 0. F.. areonopauiwl by air. IetergOsted us the time for the visit. `kitchen chairs, a blackboard and child's �����
Matehall of Tun,.nto and I). I). 0. M. I oathtub. interested in child -
Howland of Exeter, reldteteext a mrrt- Saying Farewell. 1 Visitors and anyone (�J1Q -
in of Goderich Oddfellows Islet week Last Friday night the home o1 Mr. and', welfare will be cordially welcome at the Gestures
w it h the k1.•a of resuscitating H umn Mrs. Herbert Morns, Colborne township, I horse at any time. 1f you have a warm'
•uramtnoet,t, N... 28. This enemy' I was invaded by a party of friends and corner in your heart for helpless and oi� - . J
h kite!, calI at the sh Iter and
Consider This
After all, it is not the ques-
tion of price which' is the stain
consideration when having pho-
tographs taken,but the questions
of likeness and permanence.
Which are cheaper_photo-
graphs which last a year or so,
and then fade, or those which
last for fifty years and then are
as good as the day they were
taken?- Our photographs are
permanent and our prices reason-
Keep your eyes on
our window
,,.. display
Drainage ('axes. large t' membership
On liaWniey Iasi two appeal's w•el•e and was the first encampment in the
beard, before J udgr Dickson. against jurisdicl iUn to Itecsmnr ' fonuel.
the e1Urt 01 wrist"" of West ...... Wawa- and many of the older 's residents can presented the host and hostess wtlh a
loath h' They were in eonnee 11 other the *mart n stance
text -in -Ids psis to their removal to;
the West. The follow/nngg address wast
1 cNeil while Mr.
township a ver eeuie
thin with the John B. l' x and of it's drill eorpn. Ilnwever, interest ! katherupholatertd armchair and rocking-
' Kirk drains and had been before the, b egwn to leg, and about 1900 the chair.
Ico count). judge at two prior 'sitting* of ('antp became defunct. It was revivedTo Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Morris.
which the r•.ent one w•t•1 Mut • by scone of the old members in 191)7, I We, your neighbors and friends. have
IenntinuatOm. Win. PisssiGxtt, K. C.. but after • few meetings again sus -gathered here this evening to bad you
I ward for the apls•Ilentt and C. penile) operations. As a remit of the farewell on the eve of your departure
1 he it• is from our community to take part in the
ever -flowing stream moving to the great
West. Words are but a poor vehicle for
(.attmw for the Woos up.
IOw St. Patrick's Night.
Robertson & l Tie was an,lh•r hid gathering
(lbws Hall on Monday night
when t
uu•eting ou Tucmd. again
proposed to get the organization
mooted, with every hope that Huron
Encampment will again a.acnnte •
r/minent p ace in Ilp De
Mies Lassa Elliott was - visiting at Tor-
onto for a few days this week.
Nil- and )Ira. finery Martin. of To-
ronto. are .p•udiug a week In town.
J. W, 'itttwsae, of Toronto, Is
the expression of feeling, but w1 t visiting relatives end friends in town.
Odd e last 1 Otldfelk/wsht in I ids we find at our command we wish to `hiss 4;r11.,. "s inti writ b I street,
hr the General Brough Chapter. 1 O
shim dimtnrt, find afield day vel I express our deep regret at your contem
Grocers D. E , tack a turn at entertamm�a the, held on (lsstd Fntlay, whet, a degree ,
removal from amongst us, who hu- r.tnru.rl from a visit to 'I'urunt°.
IsEl4... The first part ort the ev tnnr t,.o n from Toronto will confer the 1 have always found you the best of neigh ?I r. 411110... ft. Hcm1g e°n. of Toronto,
1twasoccuPie10Ithpt(grme euchre and'vent r.•Iacive+ in town on Wether
e day.
Phone It1. CwJi.melton and �`I• 'after lunch they was dancing. The
Canada Food Board Leers. No a-214 1 affair was much enjoyed. the members of
the General Brough Chapter being lust -
rate entertainers.
"Doug" Fairbanks
--- -
"Say! Young Fellow" E
k u n A Ig. -.le class of rantlidaG•s hors and friends. a ltru,t you will have
from Goderich and the surr undmg
eta bordinote lodge o. After the meeting,
oysters were served and a a.•cis' hour
was spent.
Board of Trade Notes.
A meeting of the exeemtive eonl•11
of the hoard of Trude wan held on
Monday evening. A commune -at ion
was revived from Mr. Ernest Heaton
of Toronto regarding the prospect of
the establishing here of a sanitarium.
a project in whieb a Neve York man
has +Mown an Interest. Another cow-
n•mileatfon, from a Chit -ago man. was
with reefereme to a promos to
establish a smelt shipbuilding plant
mil rrltsel reptile outfit at t;alerIeh
the success for which you Itiok in your
change of sphere; but still we cannot
resist the hope that, no matter how rosy
the conditions in which you find yourselves
your new °he you time
find your wandering back to
the old scenes in Colborne. We sha I not
mon forget you. and we should like (6
think that you will no soon forget us,
and if in the course of time you should
tum your steps back to the old home
township you will receive a glad and warm
welome. Will you accept, as tokens of our
,goodwill and esteem.these two chairs.with
our hope that you will find much comfort
in them in;your new home ?
Mr. Morris trade a fitting reply, thank-
ing the friends for their gifts and their
kind words. A pleasant time was spent
with music, games, d.•Icing and refresh-
Mr. Maris left on Wednesday for
Austen, Man., where he will engage in
farming. Mrs. Mum and children will
follow next week.
Mr. Ihu•rant's .ttidres'.
The Soldiers' Memorial Fund com-
mittee was very fortunate in secutttgf
the emiseut of Mr. Dudley t'. Dm•rattt,
of Vancouver, 11. 1'., who as we Men-
tioned in n preview+ issue of The
Signal was visithig Mr. and 1111! Ore•
Williams after hie return fro$ over-
. ns. to give a leture• on his ezpert-
eu.t's for the hem'flt of the fund. Thi,
w•us given in Victoria Hp•ta Hoose on
Thursday night of lost week, and al-
though It wax arranged with on a
few days' notice an audience 01 three
e'or four hundred people Ratherel and
listened gwlllaund as Mr. it urrant
told of 11(51 esperfence+ as a prisoner -
of -war old of hie snecessire attempts
eko apes. Peer time; r
ode the
bthe fourth attempt
being for liberty, the time he
being +tltse•51+f111, but by
erwawd the German border Into Hot -
blot! 'the armistice bad been algneel.
aper. Durrant toll Nome Itwtahees of
the inhuman treatment which was the
Mt of priwraere-of-war In Oermany,
but said that although he had urn
',element e.1 other nationalities leg on
their knees' for mercy, he never knew
of a Britisher fo flinch Is'fore hit cap-
raptors. He spoke In terms of warm
aptnw•hc1ion of the i'niutdia11 Rel
(`rets. and stated that had It hot ern
for the ptir.el+ novelve1 by the Can-
adians from their friends °!wide
eighty ler rent. of them would have.
diel. The Itissian prlsorwrs, who got
no parcels. lad a eery had tittle or it.
At the chose of the address a rote of
th•nit was antlered to the epee err on
motion of Judge Dickson and County
Our present supply is SPEC-
white mealy cookers
selected for table use
TI,.' \tis -so )Mary and 'fella
\Intheeei hunt• he•u vlsithne friends at
H.q,'tt 11.
.111.s. Isla liode*yti. of Toronto, is
the guest of Iver eoueln. )Liss alargaref
itols•rt son. Victoria toria street.
Miss Lizzie lir•rr, of Toronto, at-
twttlel the Owwral of lest. auut,1 Mrs.
3lottgotnery. on Friday last. . -
Mrs David Bell returned last week
tom London, where she was visiting her {j
son Milton. The latter. since returning
from overseas, has been taking a course in
the technical school at London acrd is
now leaking. with his wife and child, to
take a position at Stockton. California.
Nle. It. 1t. St11owm has returned from
a trip to Alg,iquiu Park, where he
went to pet wone pietlres for tie ad-
vert Ring
d-verti+ing them etment °f the tirantl
Trtusk Railway. owing to flu• mild
weather the camps were already
breaking lip and Mr. rtallowm mate
only a brief stay.
Mr. W. E. Murphy. of the railway
nisi! service, was in town over Sun
with the right flavor
Doug. playfully toys with the spinning fly -wheel of a huge
engine in this one. It's a thriller, believe ns
fresh from the pit
Try a small order of each
License No, ft --49109
Store Phone 110 House Phone 1117
45 /ilk If,
Diaelxse 1 y l.t,41870
Have Your
Auto Painted
in readiness for the
approaching season.
Jack Kay
1 opera House Blot L
s� •
A discount of 15 per cent
will be allowed off the neat
quarter:, whter rates if pair(
on or before April -1st, 1919
Water and Light Rates pay-
Wile to Mr. 1. B. Kelly, Col-
lector, at the "Hydro" Store
and office, on the Square.
Water and Light Commisaiten
'I'owa o Goderich
three brands
sealed in air -tight
packages. Easy to find
it is on sale
Look tor. ask tor.
be sure to get
Greatest Name
in Goody -Land
If you have Backache you have
Kidney Disease. if you neglect
Backache it will develop into
•owwthing worse -Bright it Dis-
irease or Diabetes. There ie no
nae rubbing and doctoring your
(lack. Cure the kidneys. There
M only one kidney medicine but
it cures Backache every time-