HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-3-13, Page 10IIIPOPIP11111111111111111111.11111i1111111111111111111111111111111.111.111...Anossio... samiteess"-- 8 A ri la 1 T1 +11 111 t 44 1, ti 11 0 a '1 1. we' Thursday, Mafia+ 1.3,161(.% TSB IBCHWAL 601:1111.311111. 01111T. Wall Paper w th us is a SPECIALTY not a sideline. , Now that the boys Ire re- turning from overseas, make your homes nice and bright to receive them. WALL PAPER will do it. Our stock is COMPLETE and PRICES most REAS- ONABLE. Select now Why Joe Left Home. •*1 tear Joe -Come home. Forgive and top get . 1 have destroyed the book of aar recipes.- tolet.''- Tid-Hot. gpuselseaspuesseseassoomeineda•Wiitelli OSITUARe. ---- (eLAOCHLIN.-- On Sunday last there died at Kingsitildge the tire- inonthteold child of Mr. and Mn. JO*. tEl.anglillit of Kingithrldge. Inter- uwn1 took plate on Mointaty In $t. .loseph's 111.turtery LARILINE.-There died 111 Alex- andra horpltal on klatch Oillo, ?awry lEthel Martin. wife of Mr. Julia J. Jardine. Nestrate street. The Lite Mrs. Jardine Was born in (lode - rich township thIrty-four years ago slat war a daughter of the late Mr. mil Sirs. Arehibead Marlin. Souse time mei she had ti very severe althea f intliwnsui. a relapse of whk.11 de- veloped into pneumonia. vaunting death. Thirteen years ago the deceased was married to Sir. Janinw and educe then had resided in Godericb Besides the husband tine child. Florence May, nod one slater. Mn. Trish l'homption, of West Wawnitosb. are left. Tht fun- erel took place, to Catharine cemetery on Saturday last. LEOKIE.-It was were sudden the news which came from Toronto ot the death of Miss Helen Jean Leckie. youugeet daughter of the late Mr. and Sirs. Thos. Leckie of Kincardine and sister of lir. T. T. Leckie of town. on lhuniday of last week. Miss Leckie had not been strong in health since aa operalion a new ears ago. She had been to a doctor and had taken gas to have a few teeth extracted. and she peacefully 'Missed away the neat (111). Thursday. from pneumonia and weak heart. What makes the sorrow more keen is that her sister. Idea McIver. of Toronto. has been confined to the house for over a year with Muesli, and t heir sister Mies Mina (who haa- named here in the boapital) has waited on the two sisters faithfully' and {attend). The family home ass formerly in Kincardine. but Jean went to Orange, New Jersey, where her angel had been musing. They rettirued to Canada and Jean conducted a millinery business in St. Thomas until a year ago and latter- ly renioved to Toronto. SW Was of a cheerful nature and never complained, but was always willing and happy doing- tor others. and made many friends wherever she was. She wax a 'member of the Presbyterian church. She is survived by the two sisters already mentioned and by two brothers. William J.. of Toronto. and T. T.. of Goderich. The funeral service was helot at the hone in Toronto on Wed- nesday evening, Hev. Dr. AleGiiiivya). of nonlir i're-h)terian church, "cut - Model Theatre PROGRAM Week commencing March 17th Monday and Tuesday VIVIAN MARTIN, in "Viviette- ‘Vedut.;clay and PAULINE FREDERICK! 10 - "Her Final Reckoning" MARGUERITE CLARK - 111 "Uncle Tom's Cabin" • ....••••••••• ••••••••••• The Life of Your Home When the boyi and girls grow up and aet away from you, a lot of the home life goes with them Their departure makes a hole that's mighty hard to fill, and it is all the harder if you have neglec- ted to take the step that would provide you the means of keeping at least a part of them with you. Hare Thee Photographed NOW. J. T. FELL PHOTOGRAPHER 1 SPECIAL TO CLEAR 2(' dozen tnett's Police Braces via& from good quality. to clear at 23c dozen men's Canvas Gloves fleece: lincd, in grey only. to clear at 22c M. Robins OPEN EVENINGS FRIENDS THOUGHT HE WORD DIE 41tUrr-A-TIVEr Coomeirad Dy •Plesla alai Rotated His Heald& MR. ROMEMT NEWTON. Littlit Bras d'Or..r. B. "I was a .terrilde sufferer from Apsfretsia a ,t;frai ilia for years. 1 laid plan after rating, belching gaa. constaat headaches,anddi,1 not sleep well at night. I lost so much weight - going from 1S5 pounds to 146 pounds-rhAt I Iss•anie alarmed and taw several doctors who, however, did mo no good. Finally, a friend told me to try 'Frail -a -tires% * IN a week, lksre was improstoneffl. The constipation was corrected ; and soon I was free of pain, headaches and tI.tL miserable feeling that accompanies 1.)3 spepsia. I continued to take this splendid fruit medicine and now I am well, strong and vigorous". ROBERT NEWTON. 50e. a bor,6 for $2.50, trial sise rm. At all dealers or sent postpaid oa receipt of price by Iruit-a-tivea Limited, Ott-iwa. WU.L HOLD SCHOOL *AUL l'elbarna Toirkip Seeder ['ar- moire [`reparations far Ever Next Fall. A meeting was held at the Colbi.ne township hall on Tuesday evening to consider the holding of a school fair this year. There was a (taxi representation of the teachers and trustees of the public betimes of the township, eight school sections being represented. Reeve Young acted as chairman, and Mr. S. B. Stothers of Clinton, county agricultural representative, was present and explained the mode of conducting school fairs and the benef is that at- tached to them. It was decided to hold a fair, with all of the eight sections taking part. The date will be some time in the fall. In the meantime the pupils of the venous in schools will be interested in the growitm ot vegetables and grains, the raising of poultry, the tilting of stock. and other gg preparations for the fair. In this manner the ,*wk of the school is linked to that of MI the home. with advantage to both. A a committee of three pupils in each .chool is to be formed, and one of the- three is to be on the general board of directors for the fair. An adult committee of which Reeve Young is chairman will supervise the preparations. ting. and interment was made next day in Kincardine cemetery. Rev. Mr. Overend. of Knox church, conducting the service. Mies lwelie was well kuown here. a. she visited at her brother's many times. GREEN.-Itaplilly the ranks of the warty wilier. of tlw Huron tract are thinning. us one by one these luirity old 'Mowers are slipping away to tlw Greet 1W:eon& With the passing of Mrs. William tireen on Sunday last -In her nibety-sixth year. One of the fert rental:dug links with those palely days wail soy -enter 'torn In Wiltshire, near - -- gumninniumminiummunummumumiontumimmouniminium Real Snappy Footwear 1•••• .11•••• AT POPULAR PRICES Have tis show you our new arrivals in stylish spring and stintnier footwear, in all leathers. with high and low heels. Footwear with snap,. and styles that should please you. No trouble to show yon. Or Repair Department is fitted with the latest mod- ern shoe machinery, including an electric driven stitcher for sewing NEOLIN and leather soles. Try a pair of our 11CW J. T. S. Rubber Heels. Witliont doubt the hest Rubber Ifeel oil the market. Try a pair and 1* convinced, They cost 110 more. WM. SHARMAN THE SHOE M A N MiiiiiilliiiiiilillitliMilinniNiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiMPIIIIIIIIIiii Weduesday, Unruh 12. Social Evoilsig.-On Thur even- ing. March ft4II. a social evening will be held at tlw home of Y. W. /talked, Si hayfield road, for the memberoo anti at friends of the United -Patriotic Society. .ts the work for overseas is practically ended tlw members wish to give • fintint•inl statentent, wind up the busi- ness, then disband. after which the ladies have under 11111,11(11.rlItillil a re- onotoiration ler another 1141111e. All friend. of the Society who have as- sisted lit inoile3" donations or work. besides nil neendwra with their friends, are given a cordial invitation to at- tend. n without further notice. L O. L. receptiOn--On Tuesday evening 1.. D. 1.. No. 14. of tlw 4th coulee -140W held a special meeting its 11 "'11 lin to two teteirned soldiers, Benjamin Young and Hiram Cox. Tia- ',unity master. Mr. Geo. Vander- burg. etas no the ehnir. Atter tlw law, au address and • openine even . pro-o•idariou was given to the two soldii•rs by the past master, Mr. John Welfare, who presented each with a wed. lodge (idler. Eat+ of the rediplents 14*14114 14 uitable reply. ex- pressing his thanks and appreciation. A number of addresses nen- given loy members of the lodge and a very Inter- etiug • mo "tiood Citizenship" by N. W. Trewartha, Reels. of Goderich ten inside. Jame% Young. a returned soldier. was also a very welcome rishor. At the elope lunch was served. of which all partook heartily. Frani Monday night the to, -tubers of the Boderich Township I'araters* Club turned out a record historic Sitaiwbenge. within sight of attenthinee at their regular meeting to the famous Sulk.hut7 PI,iIIIs. iii the hear addresses by three awn wbo took year II...23. Mrs. Illrren, whew* maiden mime was l'harlotte Menem. deur to Cannot* in 1S.T.2 with her father, the late Janie% Morrie. and settled near Hsulltort. After an interval of two years the family came to Goderkh and took up land in Colborne township. On April 1st. 1+145, the 111.11.111sed was a leo arrive part In the great war. Attention wns Wird by the prealdeot, Mr. 111,F:roy, to the growing Hat of names returned men who are honor- ary numbers of the Club. •iz., Harry Beattie. Rose Tit hhorne and Hiram f'ox. and li took great pleasure In add- ing to the list the name,' of (apt. R. It. merriest oot Ow late it Mitsui Groes 11141 Sloan. rtipt. Fred Sturdy and Lieut. in 1911.1 this (-null*. after sivty years McClinton. who had klotly aeeepted of wedded life. celebrated their .kt. leyio„yron te come out and 1.11 "Ilk mond wedding." to be folloned a sometroing of their experiomea during year later by the hueltenot's death. the 'stir. A few matters of busbies. After their marriage Mr. Mal Mra; were transacted. such as t•iiitorsing tlw Green leok 1111 11,11(1 011 the 14111 "D"' action of Ow Good Roads Assochttion ii,,,l 4.idloorlit• towlisiiiP. which was in Its code:Icor to get a Provionial thee almost nit unbroken busk. To- highway between Stratford and Voile. gather they lalswed until this form r1-11, and the appointing of ',frown.. woe. entirely cleared, anti on it they Isnot" Sail -rid and .1. Menneas a resided omit Psis, when they left committee to meet the Board Of Trade Ontario and mado their hone at 1111 11111111114111 of special interest to the rasselton. North Dakota, where they club.- Th., special feature of the lived for twentymie year. and wiwre, ercising was led off by Capt. moan, In Peo.l. they telebrated their golden Wedding. Mining hat* to Doderleli fis ittlifi Mrs. (liven had since been it con- tinuous resident. Until un meklent befell het' two years ago the deepened lady was remarkably active and almost until tielast her mind was 'worth.- utnrly bright. The events of nearly fourscore years ego vt ere as vivid with her as those of that ninny thus. For a fe% years before her fitnrrinee Mrs. lireen was employed in the household of the hi 1. ikr. 'that op and her recol- the •witilers ell properly keep to leer of this re rkahle geutle lllll themselves. Lieut. MeClInton's uni- was quite clear. When Dr. Ihinlop form added a touch of volor and Tar - drew up his fait tttttt will (the (original y witieh •ppetiled to everybody of which Is still in the possession of present its 54 -wholly of the Itritiali Mr. D. McDonald, clerk of the Sturm- info). As the speaker took his plate nate l'ourt beret, has been 1111 the platform It was noted that the waited snot commented oil by IlY uniform was well tilled, and that tlw eminent Jurists, he mad the 11111011111 would undoubtedly gni. 11 good draft to tlw then Mise Slorrho 14ltIlIb al -.,,4l4( of himself in any show the afore...id 11114' to pot On. It was elven he started his :address, 110W - twee. that his H111114111.1forgot the 111/111 ill II,- 414111 ilest•riptions he gave of life on a destroyer in the North Sea. Every hod,' preeent hitched himself nom sod aft, and got on his sea leo while the billows steeliest the lee wmpicra and the spindrift splashed over Ow %mei'. of tle- Ie.! royer 101 11 burrowed Its Way to the Ca mita 1 to bend Off an exenrsion of the German navy into the North Sea. There was a I inwson, of Bieltintr, Cal.: Sirs. W. T. 111,1•1:1111111111 (if adventure and a saltiness hill, of Wheatland, N. D.: Mrs. .1. 11. ..1 renlIty as the speaker told of lila 1'11111118111. Of lictroit, Mich. There ' experietwee in knitting are also over 111111 111111111.(41 grand- n hieb Wel Just amoderrel the (Iry of a ehiltiren rind greaten' nolehildren. The French fishing rwhooner by tying Meat decerised holy 41 n- it emisIstent Mein- oil onfshle the undersea boat. t'i' of North street Methodist ehurch. :111.1 then (Whig. 111 1.11111.111,11011 /11111 the P1411.V11.141 1111 WellOOK(111Y. Which hoped the time would niot he foor were In mei attended, wert• ronducted hint when Catania. would take14 mach by Rev. lintledge. and Messrs. 4 1st erhout to tool S'ord. The folio', ing were the paillwanws: IL It. OttaLlowN, Stewart. Jas. Bogie, Gavin Grosm, Abner Morris and Jas. Holland. In- lento es he told or the experiences of a ferment was Mode Il Colborne eem- I man of the lftlst, the !Ionia regiment, etery beside the remains of her late trona tiw time It 11V11N ordered overtime 1111AI:11111 1111111 1t 44115 eventually broken up to reltiforne other milts al the front. He then' took them with him through the shell torn 811141144:1 l'. tour the top to relim e s aettichinent .111111 11/111 fawn depleted Noel. Its.111g 110111' 1111., and white enrryine 1111, 1111 had 1111 illV1f111. 14011 to J1111013' .1111'11 1111 M10111111' ever (114.11111141. 140 they la die wllh and. in order thn t t hey might ha mm.. netted idea of solillerie km1011.111, he brought out some gas who t In a very interesting manner of the detail'. In the life of t'anadian fore the pleasant duty of Mr. Geo. moldier front the time he left home tin vniNierbura to see that th.• program he tutol made a round trip to the front on this orost.iou was properly carried line trenches to Franey and Belgium. toot. Ile turd to house crowded with Ile tonehed nn transportation. agri. enthusiasm peopl, patriotism, good enttnre, vromen.,, work in the .11r. maitre, 3o11711, beau(y. wit and wistiolli. 5 1111111111111111111111111111BINININIININIONNINISIN 111111111011111011111101111010111 THE COLBORNE STORE """Z" 111•1•••••• The New Voile Blouses Have Arrived BY far the largest and best assortment of Voile Blouses that we have ever offered our customers. Each style is a creation in itself, and is made after the latest and best models. No Voile Blouses have been carried from last season, so our present showing is new in every respect and can be relied upon as being correct. The range is large but the quantity of each style is small, some as low as one blouse to a style. These new Blouses range in price from $3.00 to $7.50 each, and there is value in each one. New Cretonnes and Sateens A large stock of Ctetonnes and Sateens in colors. These cloths are f inches wide, and the color scheme in each is good. Both light and dark pa They niake pretty hangings atici.are well adapted for covering boxes and furni 60c to 90c a yard m 27 terns ure. inches to 36 are shown. Priced from Floor Coverings Three pieces of a 2 -yard Felt Floor Covering which sold at 75c a square ) ard, to be cleared at 50c a yard. This is very much lower than any other Floor Coveting and will give good wear Corsets We have gathered together several broken lines of Corsets which cannot be replaced and have put them on sale very much below regular prices. There is botlt back and front lace in this lot; and nearly every size is represented. See this lot before buying, as they are good value Galateas and Ginghams For children's cotton snits and rompers there is nothing that both color and wear like Galatea. This cloth is 29 inches wide. in at CO: a yard. Ginghams for dresses and aprons in a large range of patterns yard. will give the satisfaction in both light and dark colors. 27 inches wide, at 37vc a 1 THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY 1 D. & A. Corsets J. H. COLBORNE Standard Patterns. • 1111111111111111111011(1111•11111111111111•NINDINININIINNINININNINININUN National Anthem. After the meeting the v isitore and the Club'tt ereelitive officers were entertained by a nodal committee in a most acceptable =inner Weirs/vs, aux ut the home of Mr. R. Y. Cox on the concewdon that the grand caundian degree of "Weksoute liotille" was put on Iaat Sat- urday night. the candidate tor horrors being Hiram Cox, tlw only eon of the host. Hiram has hero overseas for a colittle of doing a little job for the Empire In gesterai and the neigh - Morro ronn.I the .1.1 homestead in par- ticular. It has been arranged among Ow Owlet -tell townr.hip comaillora that tlw honor of acting as tuaater of owe - womb-. tin these Joyful oweasbries should fall to the lot of (hs councillor of the 1111 04011 in which the returned moldier has his home. It was there - hospital accommodation sod effielency a very pleasing 'Milner, mak- - Ing film of thedifficulties as soldiers are wont -to tio. nisi telling ..f every- thing but 'the horrors of war whIeli n few minutes totter completing it. The late Mrs. Green's memories of the joy. and sorrone end hurdships of threw early settlers, whose industry laid the ftnionintion for the present fertile (smutty Of IInron,wae a eomplete history of those days of floderieh and the surrentooline tovonehip.... of the Inte SI, s. Green's eleven children. SOV1111 are still Wing: Alfred. or De- troit Ntart•li. of Grinnell. Iowa : W.. .if 1A141 Angales, Cal.: Mrs .1. I', Pronto. tot ItoderIch: Mrs. .10o. grean.r interest than she 11/111 hitherto In ow Brills,' navy 13 havinor n work- ing interest In it. Capt. Prod rltiirily closely the attention of the Ninth Tit for Tat. Thompson was a very enthusiastic golfer and one' day Iv- was complaining bitterly to his friend Brown alarm the had manners of s of the club mem hers. "Look at Jones. for in.tance," he said. "The aro actually crowd my tee just as 1 was going to drive. What would you have done if sow had been in my piece ?" •'%%ell,' said Brown, "seeing that he crossed your tee. shoukl have dotted his nein anti tank flirt rillOrP for them to eve.''-london Idea.. handle, and smell. and biol. in cape small replied to the vfile of thanks; aril being. a. the sisa. may, 111011 of petits," lw 1.4 nothing es.ope which would intake 114. "weleome home- more of a reaillt. The Iteeve. Mr. Natalia' Trewarthh, followed the rhalrenstes address With words of welcome and In turn was followed by alerra. Geo. Monk and C. (lox. who contributed seksHoes at different intervals ist a very trattefactor, manner. bliss Pearl Edwards 'vetted • Ora eon courtebir In very good form, and abet added to the evening's enter- tainment by the manner In which sbe read tlw humorous remit 01 a carries:4 editor's mistakes. The township rottn- eillora. A Linittety rod 11. Sulkehl, ably fulfilled their duties in extendiuit the townehlres welcome to Hiroo/Land they were folkovred by Iter. Mr, John McClure and uer- met 11111:24 r. Jae. Sterling made a short Pompeii aud sang "Itosodn' to the Gloatolu'.- and Miss Marian Me- Dongall recited -Thb. Canada of .1110. - with trite patriotic fervor. Mr. It. V. cos smoke of his POO with Kid* anci expressed his heartfelt thank. for the safe return vottehsafed to him This program being about hided here of tlw evening espreswed Ids en- joyment of the entertainment, nrwl de- clared that he felt tanworthy of such an unrome proohor am 11* speakers hail drelt out to ann. He thanked tba Indies of the patriotic sorted...a in Um name of lib. emeriedes and himself for the eomfort- with which Hwy hail pro- vided the hurl at the front. and then lie asked the company stand anti give three elwors for the boys wig - would never return. Ile led the 4 -Wee- nie. and the result wns to -imprint. for- th..., who no. aertistoussl 01 Catuotlano as 511 people. The inners fairly shook witiv the Knock, but they shook again niters !ferry Salkeld called for litres- more cheers and n tiger for Itiratat himself. The ladies. as timed. had hountifttlly provide.' the choitest refreshments, whieli. usnal. disappeanst In a re- markably short time Then the guests, - rope sind smog the National Anthem, hum twinging to a close Hiram Cox's house-eom I ng ceieltrat ion. HAVE YOU TRIED THE AutoStropRWOR? Until you have you MN never know the pleasure of a perfect shave. No cuts or Irritation Stropped • jiff Blades last a lifetime Blade edge always keen and sharp No trouble to clean ALL FOR $5.00 INCLUDING TWELVE BLAMES. STROP, AND EXAMEN CASE Come In and take one on trial You'll never return It. lit is a shaving wonder. mask.. and it Mills isiteth, inti a Ger- !noted lo Mr. .101111 McC. lure and Fame is to notoriety *hat the rev-e al .stultal hi Me. base 14alkeld, andtho turtle is to the mock. meeting eloped with the Angina of the Phone 90 The pleasure you have in looking at pictures is reminiscent of the fun you had in making them. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE _ THE PENSLAR STORE North Si and Square- .. , 1