HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-3-13, Page 9THE . !SIGNAL GODUICH. ONT.- Proof that Some Women do Avoid Operations Mrs. Etta Dorian, of Ogdensburg, Wis., says: -I suffered from female troubles which causand side. I edpiercingpains like a strength w I Chreugti ghad to go bed. to The 4octor advised au y operatlt all o* but I would not listen to it I thought of what I had read about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compouud and tried It. The tint bottle brought great relief and s1* bottles have entirely cured me. All women who have female trouble of any load sboald try Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Cumpwuld." How Mrs. Boyd Ayoidted an Operation. Canton, suffered cietath ` \\ rouugeda muh sufing. and two doctors trouble ed h ` 1 would have to go through au operation before 1 could . \ 1Ly mother, wbo bad been helped by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, advised se. to try it be- ` fore submitting to an operation. It relibved me from Tatizoubles so I can do my boos" work without any difficulty. 1 advisa e &Dy womn wbo to afflicted with female troubles to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound a trial and it will do as much for them ' - Mrs. ItLAinn BoTn, 1411 bib bt.1 N. E.. Canton. Ohio. Every Sick Woman Shd'it LYDIA E. PINKHAM S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Before Submitting 7b An Operation - 7 w, N account of pres- ent weather con- ditions the wholesale companies have been able to make better deliveries of Coal and we are now ab,e to supply : - Chestut Sto P and gg Coal Soft and C el Coal in any quant fes. MacEwan Estate tylllA ILINNKNAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS. MODEL BOOT AVO SHOE REPAIR DEPOT The boot and shoe repair she a of the late Thos. Hall, corn r of Hamilton and New. gate 'treats; has bete re- opened 'and orders are whit. ited for .iH kinds of Footwear Repairs Good work and reason_ able prices guaranteed Sami Ward & Son THE TOWN CORM Member* ebaut r.teialy Udtlded 1,O lhueslion of .tpprrllll In 11. W. Kailwa) 4uil--Itis IN.nllllen Day l'rlebral• to t'outrulplation. 1'be regular 1)lieli ig of the town council was held o1, Friday evening hash, 1'1141 all members present a1111 )tapir w'itae pn•.I,1lug. )L•. l'aunplr•II, tai •-ullel•tur. reported only 620,1 111iN lett 1lalrlle•teI of 111141 444 Cees. chief 1'ostlelhw'aite. us inspector of 11e•teIlls 44111* wea..,trew:, reported that Iw had a,•ighel bread • to all the bakeries 441141 finial r.erythi111f rorte•t. Ile had also weighed a number of howls of oust. the result of which w•ur 41111111111411 Ili his r1•poel. A. t'. limiter, 11. 1►., mew/hail health uflle•r, w•111 In lis report fur 11.11K as fol lows : Medical Health I/deer's Report. ' 4:ont11uieu.- I her•w11h respect- fully lspeL- fn11y IM•g to ,uhmlt the report Of the heal bard of health, for the yeah 1911. -During the year we were prlle- tieally free from lily outbreak of the ordinary Aomuiiulcmble diseases. such a• 1/1414141114 11 WI scarlet fetor. Several ruses of diphtheria oteurresi of a very malignant tyles, causing threw deaths. 4) Ing to septet quarantine and use of antitoxin the disease was in each in- stantl• limit.! 141 the house iii which it uveurrel. Ther,• were 00 lutes of typhoid reiM•rted. (U4M11•rtch, in rOm- Not a Law y sr. Tee :awyel was clog; -examining a wit - nest t0 a robbery: • 'When did the robbery take place ?" he asked. "1 think-" began the witness. • We don't care what you think, sir. Ile want to know what you know." "Then if you dont wanto •O F 1 } 1 1. ease" Waded in dente! So a rce.ent ('anedlkn irlestlgetion s•1o.ir3 9'hese wire nut 4110 -es 01 laic -tit t4 4 d'seems -of eonsumetion' et I; phtbd! They were eters wl.ree e pMe eD liLd sua:a:csd acme sheet lu;.4t7---a tit, a turn, a wire -1 tt.'• -end where the wound, bete,; thought net serious enough tor care Ertl tre:.tessnt, had beta aa::lectn .. Lica: 1•M*snil:g rad death r•ee.dt.' 1 A4 he n you yr your children s' ' *sin aey Itjury, ensnre ar•alust In- ..tle..•i by ap.!ylag Zam•auk. 'pita. talo. sooth.c•s the pain, "tops L:eetl- int, and by destroying al p•rt•ts prevents bland-poisonlag. etc. Iiea•:c no Lind n sed be lost from work or al Pleasure by those who uze All esti"rs, Lee. box. PT antlat ` r i+ffll-tr . min with ttutarlo and the world '('aureitlee Reprly. .nfferd serenely fruw the outbreak of •rIN• public works ruwnllt t.w Icrwu- 841a11114h llidaeuz*, e1111mea•lug aiMrut , lueudel that a tau, .ar 01 tar% fa. the first of 4Mtdr•r. From then tuiale111oxiur44.•4 s.,Nat mallow,. Ise pur leemulwr :j1.l we had twelve dlstbsi.4444,.44. to 1s• delfvrnMI 1111 later 111,111 directly du• to luflueusar ..r pneumonia Ju1M• 1•ith: 41111 Is•ud.1•k and ash 4,,;;+ us a M1.p14.1. The average see of those fu the tout., beets be eue.'1 tutu luuds•r dying of the diwaw vets 2;.! a y1a111 Ito Iw IIwv1 11y the department : that the 111 with the g „huh.. nl the enu14il which llnresp.eIlk euerrl ,rh.ii leer a1)d n•+all throughout the 1om1)tr). 10 that I nflkw+ Iii re -upholstered : that the 1•ouu- f4rr young were the most frequently .•11 .•hander, whine and rola 114nt44irs attacked and had a high asortality ii, thi• town building he re -decorated rate. ft 1+ ilupesllrlr to ray haw tuff r•4rlind. 4'erta111 114111ng h1 the Many ,ane of the dine:tee wee had In Wheel itign factory had been add and for municipality, as I er I'uldk Hsllth the .re in front ..f 51r. Itrowule''s Act dors mut n1411111 the report ung of 11a111 keen r,'n,otel H. n14u•stel. .•a 111 of 4uff ul•ttsaa. 11 Is probable that •1'11• 11111111.1• committee eloped that this dc1e•t sill be remedied. so that a 4.I,•ssr". W. T. monkey, Thus. 4:u1Nh•y, timbre strict quit Mullin'. eau he oh- rhos. Pritchard. Iter. .1. F:. Ford, 4). nerved. 'rue Ira rd thought ft wIse Carey. le. )lay•F.441411 x1441 3. hates had t know what 11111111E the eddeml' t111.1011e ,hllrche1, rnfuudel to the spam their . i41olon W •IIINIIM and prohibit other pub111• .411 the A•-ictury bomb. pnrchaad by' 'lie 1 think, 1 may owed leave .tstared. 1 fil,Ntiuiw. w.hk h had a Markel i1,- {,-i{ralin, amounting to $1011.00. can't tail without thinking. I'm not a la w _n News tin. NMehrl pwwitte• 11/4.1411 to 1shortening the period 1,t Use epidemic. 1l44• hi+tury '°K.11 44- empowered IN• to 1•cluuiue the list fur the ,1eulc l,, the past is that 11 Ielt'rr i1, i;emu honor roll and nee tfiat it was ""1"`"•siyl• waver/ 'r11•re W a► deiula c 1NI41411 only of IhMlerieh 111e0ple• The Teething Troubles. Baby's teething time is a time of worry I for most mother'. Baby's little gurus t become swollen and tender; his bowels get out of order and constipation, colic or even diarrhoea sets in. To make the ;teething period easy Baby's Own Tablets t should be given the little one. They sweeten the stomach. regulate the bowels land keep babyQood-natured. Concerning them Mrs. Marcel De LeBlanc. Mem• • •I have ramcook, West N. B.. wrest: tlt►ed Baby's Own Tablets fox lit past sec at tis• 1•roviw•lul 1.aIM,ratory In 1 ,11- I rIN• fuforu,atin' hr had and h. mu, Pears and have found them indispensable. I lou. )lamp lvmpl44iutM of 1launhary Il,,, yaynY rIN1tiIJ key. the eNn1 it To my mind nothing can equal them m "now how w.•re 1,14,wtiratel a1Nl more In frith, with thew• matter,. r•111w1ie1. It i+ II.riM1* that DOW we 51.)or \'Ih• Ptd fist alive• 11me will Ir• able to pr.Meetl with he Apt- 1 ago /esu Leutlrua,.11 fr n w-1•.l.•ru tlult the •dl,athe (-amitoti's Parried le 'it., n•4.otr1 flat the ptdilw cat will have Its n•sult 11 there should'; ch.•k 14yst•n1 Iced 1 ,, .. •n n3,4444111 slid nelfortlnlat•h- Iw ally further t)llh,reak i 1'4,14 ready for m,.•. Iw't fall ..r. w imt.r. 'rb,•+e n•i4s•t. w.•r.• all a,1.gltd. The• .144ugha•r-11otiw11 441441 .lairi,•s councillor Humber %Vents to Know. 44 "EP I1pa'1e11 by the Iralnl x1141 a , .,•olu14411nr Iinwlwr ,,.IIn11► In ku..w monthly ius4MetIotl carrion! on I.y the w'lult was 4„,1„,,. ,3,„0, iII a tion I1,Mia1•lor. *411....1404110. tests of fililk !with the Ica.iu41 of 111.• "h." l{iits s•eunrl from the wagons 111 all .lases I fa. -fury 4o a 11,44 ''111•111. 41 1114+ *bowed! a IM•rlwutage of cle.lm rarer 1,,u, '1.1..7 i44 flue dark i11 the ur44tYrr hint that rlrplind by rIN• 11Nv1 bylaw. awl. rstin1 that 1114 in It• a lad They 4,111 Mh(111w1 au rllsrwe of ,may Imrd.• 4114 offer to 44w• the M,ildillg .111.1 pn•w•rvativer . Th.•w• te•..1n were 0111.1.r, 4,1:4141. Nn'e•1 miser had liv141141 ,.II 1 Th1twfsy, Mare'h 1111,1171,-.2.• XICIODOCXXXXXXXXXICIC NEW Spring Hats ARRIVING rflnrlr[rb 4 COME IN AND SEE THEM Everything -in Men's Wear at right prices ALL THE TIME McLEAN BROS Semi -Ready Tailors and Genn Furnishers The SQUARE GODERICH f>• i'rttltaflt111xrturttAxft xgtrtflrxIr1 xxhR11/1rIrinrvax yp - fl r cvl t t at _ . a ifVlrUlflttfl[tfttlf11tf1sff1nf11Id11uf1r1/1tXX CXr CXXXXhrflrtrlrf!e is .ANNOUNCEMENT allaying the fever accompanying teething. i would not be without them and can to other strongly rewrnmend them mothers." The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a note t from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.. Brockville. Ont r. t pe . T t 111114+ alt{ For the wen dre1.ed man who prefers a medium bro.J UN. Made in Black or Tan Cad and Kid, with medium weight scle. A Well Known Trade Mark and `VT at is Back of It. MOST Canadi: ns 'ill instantly recognize our trade mark as standing kr certain standards r'f flality in shoes. But what back of it Le? 1,a soy shouldhy hit be so generally accept es a sufficient guarantee of good far the under bonds, as it wave, to maintain the quality In the first place there is backaof it by of his product, or lose his reputation. And the largest sou" man souring those in other,Canand, higher his reputation becomes, the heavier Ilia with resources ar txynald those of any R msibility grows Noblesse oblige. material greater bu)idg power in the markets. n•i14 But that is riot all. Important as those things are, • That is what is ism k of the A.H.M. trade marl[. they are not the reit important. For beck of That is what we offer to Canadian wearers of shoes. the trade *nark there is anioh else v':irh We That is why we ask you to look for the manureo- tuber's trade mark on the shoe" you buy. fauldith not here{"" if ver would: obligation to keep faith with the pul.lir. The manufacturer of unbranded gods assumes no responsibility Oar them after they leave ia nmy. manufacturer anufacturer of trade marked goods obligationan lents last dayof their use.The cthroughlear trade mark puts him Nee hate prepared a booklet entitled "Haw to Buy tii.,nes." May we send you a ropy with our compliments? i'leas, address our head office at Montreal. AMES HOLDEN McCREADY LIM1TLD ••Shoefhakers to the Nation" wrstviern rn1110/4't11 VANeiOt Asa ST. JONN TORONTO \\ t -this T►Nfe-mark on every sole \*** Whew yew buy Shops look for - tem of dry earth Ocoee* throng!' parts' 4►nta rim city had %totted him 4411) 11144,11• Of the town not r1•rvel by ..'s.err. „motirh•r „carding the w iw..1 itlg" Thih, proposed has twee held 011 •'n I 1,a.•t1a•v, w :h Ila• idea o1 •••tlhlirhfug account ,.f war conditions. a -The extension of the water 'wake f ham iMeen reportedly hron4ht 40. 7.N1r 144,f1.e 111141 It 1.1 a question that must 1r• very 411011 'toilet,. eel'fdend. The water supply hag been chlorillaate14 now for the iast two year+. and 1,a that uuty lie given the credit of oar pray - hail Immunity from typhoid. "It fM cavil more nerl."ary -to 11114e our eew'age treated imp ns to lender it hm1N'uuu-. At the 'weren't time there it great danger of our ripply being contaminated front t menage omelet. 1 %%011111 resit* •*igg t im- nudfrte• Inquiry . w• must vital p11)1 s 111 the 1lealth 1,f a mnuidplllty." led. l A. 4'. Ill'eTEK. F'e•lulwry 1.t, 111111. Th.. auditor: retort for 191s was reefvel anti referred to the Iflwla" committee, with Instruolon• 1.1 have it 'whiten' by April 1st. Donald McKay. for the I,,-ul fi+ber- men, asked for the tine of the town hall for two week,' for seaming 111 net.. Keenest Kennon'. A. )1. Glover asked for a permit to erect a lane on his invade.. en Fast *erect. Referred to the fire .vwwitttl•. The county clerk wrote linking the rnroN•il to fnrtii.h Mtn with a map showing the streets 1111044n .sero eting tip the good nods sy-t.•m of the 'county. 1teferrel to the public works 441141 special elmmltte•r. - 4III a repmwt from the Stratford i'rurliiellrl Highway Arenrclation the council poniard 44 renairy 'tn igly endorsing the )'rodmchll highway on n route through Stratford. 4.9,1.1 of this resolution are to to .11)1 ter the Premier of (Marin mud to the• mem- 1er1 of tiw Legislature from Huron lvuuty. 11 InNlilrtr.'. They i11s451'1.1l the **dory and .tail that 1hry cul+idenll 11 11 11111.4 foto harp' for 111*• purpose they boosted. They hid 111, ertfpnny formed uud wen• 11(11 144 a petition to make any offer. They :inked taw Mayor to keep the. matter cound.•utial for perwmsl reawnl1 and bald that he would Bear fr thein later. 141 def.•r- rtlr to their skies hr 111111 dole no and for lid-. Iridin only tate wea11N•rr of /he eatiN•t1 111111 not 141.11 informed fully. The )payor I14411 re eol*vll Ila ward from the gentlemen sits" their visit here. 1•,,iisN•iIh,r 111s ro,Il-' ''i''ed that the lank o1 wt.:4 .u1rt •.49141..14.. the rink was giving way mai the owner. of the property .hol1141 he ark411 to make the trve.4111 r) i.gra err. 'rh.• Ite•yr thuight that the to:•ightly condition of the ltortMma corurr of Wert and Wiiterfi'r ..tr,et. 141111,1 receive w • attention. Referred to the . piddle work. coiu- mlttl•.• ` t'olnll•ilinr (lumber 'lid he meter - wham! that )Ir. Ai.' Stratton. town tnwsurer. did pro intend to r••110114 111.1 (little. 114 a result of hi. leen* 111- hew., 11 ewes, and 4,+k,11 if hi. Ie,ignutfou had been n/"iyel. The )lays +old that it had not, but h1- all probability it would Ire in hes IwNr meeting. iheputy 111•"'e 4'lark and I'um ieillor Story .u.. '11 111111 all 4,e114111tr for +Ip- Ildlr+ .1 be ',Intend once 'a wol4th 1414.1 1141 1'rr.ent ont+tnuding a..•omits were to in. sent in not hater than April l.t. 4 iirrlel. 'rite lt,eve 11 411.tel that the clerk is+u.4 an order tor any sllpp11414 and ares .,nle•r be aft*,hod to the 1,11)41114. w hell 41'11.111111. It,'frrrll *0 the flu., ll.ve 1 :1111.0. The Reeve 111111 4h•pin)' it.eve •uo%,•d that 4,..l,-rl.i) haee a uluu4ter 110- whdnn 14uy ,,1,brntion thi. year anti nM *14)44 1141 possible the grau4l.hund 414• put hl .11445•, and that al a later *lade n .pub11c 111.1111)41 be called to discus's 1.4•1131111111:11t1•11. 114 ,nuu,1'tlnn with the Now WOMAN Toon VINOI. r .4, ,r ?tma. 4'44 rrle1. The O. W. S. Railway Nutt. The miner of :111 nplMal tet 'the Privy 1'01111..11 ht ,1111ue•t1nu 11ith the 1'•.11 Shore 11/1414417 lawrnit came in for ,1,1)+iderahh di+,•111+1ot1. 'rhe 14114M- tton of 44IN'ther It was a 144 to risk mother 412.444) in referring the Matter to the Mutt trlbuual or let the matter She is Strong and I drug •4141 put up with the Ion. tooktip n great deal of time. The )layer thought It eves a .wfudie from the start and It was only throwing away good money to take the ease farther. G1sh'ich sled the other nnlnici shiner (night fist as evil u.1,pt the I.w. first. an list. .11 .t CLINM1 had already been spent i14 law co.tr and he mai. 111)1 In favor of letting the matter go i farther. The Keene, _1h•puty Reeve, t'uuri,illurs Wallin and Story were of the wane opinion a. the )laynr, but t'uti'N•Illor. Parwrn-. Humber, Walker al DTI )lit,hefl were In favoT of an ap- prat. However. 11e matter watt left In the mayor's hands; to tell a op1.1a1 meeting of the .•onneil •I. won 44tt the tree,, w.lh•Itnr was ha a lw,Mitlou to dlw•nas the matter and n Nasi ded.lon w111 thea 1.• urrle ell to. (;aleph. h, tint. The emu 1 ll thea *Wantland. Hearty Philadelphiaa "I was over- worked, run down, nervous, could not eat or sleep. I felt like crying all the time. I toed different remedies with- out benefit. The doctor said it was a wonder I was alive, and when Vinod was given me I began to improve. I have taken eight bottles and am now strong and perfectly healthy in every respect, end have gained in weight. 1 can not praise Vinol enough" -Mrs. Sarah A. Jones, 1013 Nevada St., Philadelphia, Pa. We gwrantee Vino) to make over- worked, weak women strong or re- turn your money. Formula 0n every bottle. This is your protection. J. .1. CAMPBELL. leruggist, We are pleased to be able to inform the pnblic that we are now in a position to supply any quantity of hard coal in all sizes. Also any quantity of soft coal for dontestic use. We wish to extend thanks to our customers, who'have been very patient during the stress of the coal shortage, and now that it has been relieved we will give our old -tient: service and prompt delivery. The Saulta Coal Co. Phone No. 75 B. J. Sanits' residence • W. W. Swifts' residence -No. -, - No. 202 XXXXXXXXXXXXXC HYDRO PROPERTY OF THE PEOPLE OF ONTARIO TOU are part owner of a great organization hay- '''. ing an investment of over b0 million dollars. You, as a citizen of Ontario, -have an interest in every.gcneratittg plarif, every pole, every foot of wire, every piece of machinery and all buildings under the control of the Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario. You buy electricity from yourself and pay yourself for it. Your interest in Hydro should not end with the power but extend to electrical appliances as well. The name "HYDRO- goes on appliances only after they have been thoroughly tested in the laboratories of the Commission and proved to be thoroughly reliable. 11Y DRO Quality Lamps, for a 4om pk. are tested for candk power. current consumption, length .f life and freedom from mechanical defects. When you light your home with i►YDRO Quality Lamps !loo Itnom that they girt their full-rat li r amount 4 (ouru►rt wand bturn f for at least 11,500 lighting hs. HYDRO-E1F(TRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO cot ft BY - WATERWORKS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT COMMISSION op oPos OtsTfa,