HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-3-13, Page 8s
8 -Thursday, March 13, 1919.
Ed. H. Paerreare Notes SOWN. of ('tuba's
Interwllsg Eeatarea.
Mr. I. 11. P14wa1orf. of tow ('ulumbla
Toot Steel ('u., t'Wtago-a wt.!'- know u ...,...
x ISH 1 hall 111 any Miler oat) "war
(:oNlerkll old buy -haw been taking a 110% I its sire ill the \11114144.
Irby 110 rubel. Florida.loris. 141144 other At I dined til Ih• Awerit:on flub and
'anticl'uiIIl ttatrw. ural following atm a tended a breakfast --12 ....lock 1x0111--
rxlrwets from letter* which he 111110 i Ki%4n by 1he Itolury Club of Havana.
II •n• 1 uw•t w1111v pn,WI'Wilt l'111w1as.
gnome, twerp; from 1'. S. and •Europe,
Polities and Brum of interest a11(1 III-
strurliun: 111 the aftrrumm throw
reader read a good uuvrl or l.ouwIllblg
by n•IlucMt. l,. thiti way the Cullom
cigar factory haul tseetaws well posited
III 110118 and world affairs ata! polities.
The claim is made that `herr are
• hlg11 price) motor cMrs 111
sent from 'layout':
1 found l'ula of great tuterrst.
Culw Is 7111 wiles lung „al 300 miles
aide In the widest pa.
metier are mined Imre. alma s.ww gold. From the north via rail you enter
1 11 III told I; as Hare poral oil fields.
The phonier depend* mostly on tow I Florida at Jacksonville, a city of about
sugar trills. The lobbing 11uuw'S carry 75.000' having increased in population
trrltk• ol4iius to Hr*141a, is this is 100 per cent. in the last ten years. We
their JollrillK Iwlitre for tow wluolr motored to St. Augustine, the oldeet city
Wand. in the U. S. A. here we found wonder -
as ,,,, approach lid Volta o4, tow lul winter resort hotels, situated in beaut•
boat in the early 'morning it Is r ilul tropical gardens. An old Spanish
M•ii. r sight, all whirr old rnaw tort with dungeons. torture chambers,
with a few yellow 11,111 1.1111. trimmings. etc., to he expected in a well preserved
The buildings tutee tlw upls'uraq(w of olkl Spa411.1, l.rt, A 1lrslork'al,,truly
kerpas the place`, guides esu (t you
's been freshly painted 4,r wa11aw1 s history loses
that Ifullrulur 1111144 1 you of it.
bes111ifnl apnea f111144.. teem.•+a 110 interest i
St. Augustine still preserves the Gov. :tan yrrvlo 4414414 ut Doe 4mrnla+. tlwu
widens mit. curring 110 1114• west, and er�•s first render( or palace, also a,
extends inland several nillee. forming home of the monks used by them up to
a wonderful manna protected Iutrl.ur. Ifd10. the natrow winding eowpath streets.
The 1.11141pM•sl, or the only cheap, thing some with no sidewalk at all, some with
in Ifa4+41a 15 Fool 1(x15. Twenty sidewalk on one Ade only.
At Palatka, I took a small doubk-
oVer 1+ the rate for 0111• or Carex'
ps•rw,1a decked boat Intal holds conveniently
grey r went radius, hilt are to 11 thirty five pe
gnat extent the ('1118 club. You is a daylight. trip of about 0 les down
rsons) for Silver Springs. It
fillip un• 111 thaw 111 every business
block. all thro41gh the city : no doors t Ocklawala River. This river
t twenty feet aide in some the
4,r w11r100sthe aidewalk!s Every like cafe tropical foliage overhangs, and frequently
eurhlg of the boat. Silver
elrrte•s wines, tient liquors, but the brushes the
('ulwn drinks mu1tly etfe•, black, am Springs covers about a city block,the
talk Is a great luxury. The e,w•s, you water rises from .many springs.
see. see very poor. 411 nruris11e1 : 1 am Silver River and flows with a three-mile
told it h+ difficult to grow grrssea have- current. from twenty to forty feet deep,
Mg the proper fool rabies. The oxen nine miles into the Ocklas owahat River.er cargo-
• in
4'o tr do alt l animals lianulling. tlw
*ix pied boat with a plate -glass panel m tit
sk, all tow las moving over a tremendous bowl
Tlue,u carol l4, r suw•de t*r fort. bottom, and with
These (wets have very wile tire'A 51111 fanned of rock. eighty feet deep
the wheels are seven feet or over' in every a on the bottom so distinct it
that I had it in my hand. We
Milian two -wheeled (arts. 711 would suddenly pass over a shallow part,
tCuban planter11) 111tH on a small pony own up with mass and sea ferns. on
the coq or in the earning an elle over another deep bowl, and all seem to
buys late, wlwre a1. learns the Iwwe. retied different -colored lights.
Tams his sl at
and moron tome. The trip passing over the different
ably five
at a very fest walk. r, a4 in consumes an hour, and pebbles at
ably fire milts, 4,r a ewer over, am a adeptih of sixty feet are as easily seen as
lour1 emcee fader 114 semi Il as far as at twenty feet or two tett.
1 enter as acs{ p dnywd the wy walaud reto i made the acquaintance of the owner
alt lanint their
S1unda wheu IMry were
■II 11111 in Ilwlr 1+ruday 1x51: gene• Ind the Springs. secured a boat from him.
We spent two pours paddling over the
94)4'wives riding behind them. and Springs. then we went in bathing. When
un• lad ,1 loby to his arwx 14111 his I came to settle up for boat. suite.
aIle The
hint. towels„ etc., he refused to accept any -
nadl through 1114' country hues thing. stating we were his guests.
pia 1111 4pet either se are tine. Trees was a great shock, as the natives claim
planted 4,n 4'11111414 side. w. that for their iusiness is skinning alligators in the
hranei 4,r thirty miles 1.l r 5t retch the summer. and tourists in the winter
branches n14et urerlwad In 111te un sewer.
broken 'shaded archway. Tlu• side I neglected W state we saw several
road,' I am loll are awful. In cows- alligators on our trip through the jungle
Big the Miami we 5x8 n114l went up the lkklawaha river.
through a sugar mill, sew banana.
rroaunt, orange trees, tobarce plants. No Soft Snap.
sugar cline 111141 the paler steal rope 111 One should not judge Florida from a
made from. railroad train nor the small towns from
Flrvana wo a w leo $ 110 leer the eights around the railr,ad stations,
formed ear- .5 workmen. n, dura >Z (n per but I have come to the conc usion beauti•
year -$1.50 per month. tett the fol palms will grow on mightv poor ail.
Tendo hl the h11s.(orI ,(.,v4' dole and orange trees also. Anyone coming
Blob shindy., three sorriest, e,verinR r expecting t get rich oft the
Work : stairway,' •1111 p(1111$ haute are
of Italian marble and onyx. Italian
marble Maim, gnat high wiling*, eat
11 1110,1•111.1111. In aohllth,n a h.apilal
wet In a beautiful pork. fourteen budd-
ing.. anti Ins' 111 1411011rltel loll, 110
wants, every man a room, nor more
than two fwd.. in tiny 1114(114, 4,18 bulld-
• Ina hall 14win1nming IMM1I nod gym -
slum. I do not think there 111 a
hloapital In 1'. S. 1•x11 10111'11 11, and all
Ih1• .. 4dt11 maiwge•r of su1•la
Ih'uos us IuK4r5ull-Itanl, 1lalw. x &
N'i1.v+x, etc., y14.
la Florida. ty
cess , IlITa1I*1t
Fully twelve mem parr through the
4now11 1akNtlt Yet,' 141144 they you'd 1101
1101 144. 11ut ileketeour take the 'money
fast enough.
!:very Sunday they have e►ck tight'.
19ekrt$ are on sale in 111( bolels. We
.1111 not Ker, lent they het 1111 11rw• 11,111'
the 811110 as they Iwo 1111 ererythiug
they 1'+111 1 114I�k 10.1 1111.
A of Havana.
'1.o I(I IIP 'dory of M r. Phoney I$
1111/•r1•'t i lig.
111 11114'+4115 airy 111+1111Ne1 till their
_os rim ge. (alts. 1144111 11511, 1.11*, dogs,
horses. e11•., etc.. ►u a low l'( of
g r,.1,41d 41111/11 ti4' -'\'(1151111," 11114 1111.11
teller. 1111411 ria. and plague. It was (40
14111 MY 14114. 1\1.1"41 prohibited from going
Iwor i1. ex seta for the purpxsle of
4441nplug garb*Kt•: scavenger,' lad a
Ilm(w• or permit. for which tiwy paid
a small fee per year. for duluping
Mr. 4'le•n'y, 1111 American, laud 1irwt
hl 4'111Mt for twenty years. Seeing
signs of war with 1'. S.:\. Ite couverttd
everything urado1.11• Into cash. 1k•-
yo.ile.1 fu a Cuban bank 10 Iw Irons -
(erred to 1'. S. .\. '4'w, ufik ial* looted
110• Isl. and 11411 111 Spatial. In
w•111iug 1111 115• affairs of 115• basil. the
Culottes ygave 1'11.'n•y illy to 1111.
plague spot. thlnkIng they were 1111151•.
ilia hint n lemuu. When 1ls• tear watt..
over, 1(5 yt111 know, I'. S. %turfed 411 land
eleanel up Ha\+um. 'they 1111(41 Ili
the "\-elalkl. or onetime prohibited
.11.1nIeI. font 111 w•wl•rs, patruleul,
wide streets. awl curling. 1t i' n,w
lite need IMaullfld resider+• dimtrlcl in
flaVIuu1. waking ('here)' 1111111)' times r
milli ire.
The 'obit ow 81111 (1111111114• 14, koop,
1 111 14 MI beautifully (1(111. There 'ire
10 flies 4,r umstqu11(8' h1 Ilrra1a.
Then• is not a window w rw•ueL either
i11 hotels. rides. or 'orient*. hole*, a1
there is 1111 11111•w+i1) for tht•lr lasing
'I'hev,• are very few Iwo -slurp private
h1111a', I& 11. 11 111 the 15.8 part of
11tita1ut. 'Th.. great uluulwr of Iwauti-
fui inures w,mIl lead you to believe
tike had a greu1 uulpy wllliotatr•5.
These huutex are all whit.. 4,r (tram.
They all hate• pallet* l4, the (•litre fu
Which ane imams anti feria, and the
ro ouls Goo 11tH Ilalye•o. Ot'R MOTTO -
At Palm Beach. .t square deal to all.
The following letter was written from i firm 164.
the Royal Poinciana. at Palm Beach,1
Florida. March 3rd:
i1 K ,old present a through and 1 imagine 111 Y
harbor n ,hclr telling Y
The Dollar You Spenlf in Goderich will ``Come Home to Boost"
� _Campaigfl
E nos
BUhe Signal
Read these articles with care. They may present something you hadn't thought of before. Patronise the ptONe
whose ads are here. They are your neighbors and will treat you right. The money you spend with them stays is cir-
culation in Goderich and neighborhood.
NEW 1011.E tt1.0('SE*4-'I'ua
very 114 1•11 is 1M•111g shown 111 V141 141
1114,118.1 111+11 1114' 11,111.1 a re 09•
(rpll.ual, 1:5141. wai.1
kw. 1111 411-
dlrl,luul 101141. wh1,11 Make' It
difle•r••ul fr anything (ter shown
kelvin. l : t 11►y 8,1111 4. new and slur
asatt•riuls are of the threat. New
skIrti)I%s Ile• IM•iug• shown hl the
item est a1141 Iw11t rhe•k.. They an•
slwwto In 51111111 1.1'1' to Malo clow
ll{51i1N't1\1•. We•
11,.' g...10ts we are
allowbtg IM•fore ,wa141iig out of 111V 11.
-J. 11. l'olborne.
1 11.11E A 1�1RGE .%SSOKTMENT
of Spring and hummer Milliurry l4,
the I14'w okapi.* also ideas: also a
1411•.• I1.w - -Mhos
M ready -to unsat IlauJltou
111141 2.75
wen .1. _
gyutl4 111111(, wt. will 44(.1141 our way
1., Sallow' Studio and deur( each
I he other's 'heck) ere 111e sithe114114*'
rodeo.. lot that we expect to depart
11(.11., right away, but we err 110111451
to b:l tl�tbe best photos 440 can get.
I b-lieve that some parts of Florida'
have a gr. part of thet Everglades,tandare the soil 1 in I110v1, yo1.ur
t IN home wDARKNESS. for ��
some places is ten feet deep, black and Icy /I 1111 IIP up to date. Get our
'ch capable of growing many things. (-.bowl.,. We fin -Mali everything
Robertson • Maly.
to this State ex ing o ^•
beautiful sunshine would be mightily mecca for the wealthy. beautifully gowned
mistaken. 1t takes capital to start, and women of tthd macoun tryttnde pd Canada. hint
a lot of hard work. r res tut
Farming conditions are so different that !suits are not for bathing l4, p .
a farmer from the North wo uk1 he kat. ' evidently to take a sunhath in. The
until he had studied conditions -his hig 1 popular root* of travelling. around the
hnrues and Northern farmindimPlements I grounds. and to thetteach, is in a wicker
use'e'ti here. carriage. mounted on three pneumatic -
Tampa is a city of about 75.000. Their tired wheels and puahed, o r propelled, by
chief industry is the manufacture 01 a colored boy as you would propel a
cigars, and one or two shipyards. The 1I bicycle.
for g1x.(NI per year. flub 1111.1 h,wpitnl• Tampa flay hotel is a wonderful place. 1 This hotel and the Breakers (run by
no extras. There are some wonderful hotels in F1'r- the same management) have been fu1
Tlw (Nihon. stlrt to work very 1 ida, but none more wonderful than the fall season. I reached here at 8. o'clock
young in cigar factories. To °verron11• Tampa Bay hotel. last night and could not get a room until
the lark /of s•holing. a reader MIM on We motored to Sr Petersburg, fifty- - 10 p. m.
a 0,iwel mat in these factories x1141 five miles. This town has 30,0(111 resor- I -- -
reads to thea all day. In the morning tern, and klllked to me like a resort for It is easy t ,get rich after you have the
t1,.' areas 01 the day, telegrams, cable- old people. Returning to Tampa we first million.
stopped at Billait, nated for its gulf
courses and hotel. Here you see society,
The Government hese mental stations
and the Dade County Fair showed many
interesting exhibits.inclined This
�l - frbe eshly-drained
land is at present
There are some beautiful groves around
Miami. in which are grown oranges of all
kinds. lemons. grapefruit, limes, etc., but
it required a lot of work to place the land
in the condition in which it is now. 1n
many sections the land is covert(' with a
but tlw Juice. Large line of fix•
tor,•' 011 115111. If we 11.. it, it will
be low right.-RoMt. Tait.
lion and r lower prk'e on printing
in town than you emir by wending to
the city. It you doubt this let us .--
have a talk with you. Besides,
when you have your printing done
layer of stone. This stone n compare• In town, the printer's wages ■414
tively aft until exposed to the . tr. To, spent In town.-Tbe Signal Printing
plant an orange grove you blast a hole, (.o., Limited.
To plant garden truck
plant your tree.
you remove the layer of stone, build your
fehces and your house, if you wish to, of
This hotel. the Royal Poinciana at I
Palm Beach, is the show place of Florida.
it has 1500 rooms, four miles of corridor,
oder( ul gardens. It is the winter
paints, nnurewe1, brutalise and wall
paper ways never w, varied and (,m-
plete. A stoney of our wall papers
will Marlow a trleetlun of the heat
anti moat lip -to -41a te dt4dgna, awl
totally Iwo ideas is patterns. An
early w•Ie•tiou will (mune maths- ,
faction.--Parwetni Eater.
Black as Dirt
About the E
and, judging from the prices, they do
not have to worry about skinning alliga• Father's Definition.
tors in the summertime. Sailing from Pa what is a family jar ?"
Tampa we had a delightful earl, twe A vessel of wrath, my
yesnights and a day to Have, stopping three Trsnticript.
(tours at Key Weal len route).
Gambling at Ilavana.
Uvs r Was All Upset and There
Was Pain Under the th(ml•
dor-hada - Two Inter-
esting Letters.
Ilf great Interest 10 1114• 8x5 the
ga 11111 1 11X n VII
draw, hog formr 4114 n14,1111 1 1•rr d n
lakes plate
11411.4 n month. 11 'earls tit 7 11.111.
\\.tales. loons. the Mize of Illxrlobe. Irl,4-
iug Ihr 'bomber. un them are p1u0e1
1 14 11 brows cages, • galore oleo?
00 many pooplo suffer from do- three feet In dltimet4,•, the other oleo'
raagom•nu of ohs liver that wo feel Iwo fret in altimeter. The....1',49,5 ore
sural theca two reports, just recently w bidet urnuod v Ory tepidly. 4,1140
roeslvd, *111 prays interesting road -4I 1•r) 1440 minima.. a small 11414 heel)'
lag wad valuable Information to many �� n homily. owl Jeep. to 1a11, another
readers of this paper.111511 1101y 1'1111+ the 11undwr, pIr4P5. it
Mr► F. L. Harris. Kearley P.O.. ,n n spfnal4, flu• Iwr (1 checked
by it Judge silting In front of this
spindly. • The hallo nm taken Troon Ile
b4rgo lull snlnll rage els0•41tively.
.0 M,ut 51* 115.11 /411111 n slightly raked
platform in trout of r long table, the
brass voice,' are In front of this table,
and hl front of the cages are evidently
'Mem six clerks or ueawoofer re-
porter's, 1 could not make out which.
Out in front eat men. women and hnya
listening. end comparing the Aumlwra
with the number they had bought.
Everyota• buys lottery tickets: they
are soil by vendors In tem.treete at all
Ogee et14nls, cafe*, etc. The running
rams term to go all the time: they
have n beautiful track, and a very
barge betting ring.
Our llnrly, twelve in ail. sent to wee
5 .Ialaltil Molle 1 propoun+ll Idgh a
119114. Itovem wolf' al ¢12.111, other
waits $1.:111 to $2.:.0: every owl Was
taken. It is a crows between luanllwll
,owl Internee. int mn(11 more exr11t11g
ilisn either. This 114 the Mlwnlah
nolb.lal X81114•. A wl,ker trough or
mental nls,ut eight/w11 111.1145 lung Is
bowl to 1114• howl; with this they fetch
sit throw the ball. Thy ,,,.rt 110 210
S ask., writes: "1 wail aaffering. from
liver trouble --had a heavy pain under
ono aboulder blade all the time, and
w4, needy aa black v dirt around lila
oyaa, mo I concluded to try aom• of
Dr. Chaser Kidney -Liner Pella. 1 did
e a. and were I had taken ono 21c
bol tbo polo lad loft me aad I rom-
satnGad to gain la dash. and by the
Dias 1 bad taken two boxes I was
completely eared and telt like a naw
trouble w4, mutual ley
�yaef' vy work out-of-doors, and. of
oofrw, \Gary sating and eonetlpatioa.
1 would aavtm anyone suffering from
Irkte y or liver trouble to give Dr.
bs fills a trial." •
as. Charles Terry, Tweed. oat_
writes : "Refers i wee marrlsd I was
troubled with •nlargment of the
Hoer. By Ilver became go enlarged
that you could dot•et the swelling
as either a14e. and y 1,14, only with
a1illo.Ny that i could get my clothes
Oa, ♦ trims/ advkn•d me to get Dr.
t1. . .itimono d thus treatmeI• and nt.
11114 I alar
l� WWI nine beret which oared me
that time. Thom. about two or
Team afterward 1 wa• troubled
with tie swelling. but only on
1101 side. 1 secured eem• moors
op -Cher Pi11e, and look them. feet long. :In feet high and :NI Gast a ide.
Malty eared 111•. T have net The Iwll Is then aerre.t as In handball
lrsnbNe 111 this war ante( 1 x1141 til( opponent moons It . the one
gppraarf'al' recommend Dr. a iallai"a', 111180e‘ lows,w Joint.
dlvo► PIM fn wryer• having9 111•fore the Jt1me yon buy a ticket,
the same 115 111 w bore' ane•, 011 he
*1,1e 1'011 5010)1 ws t110 beat players' ; a
Iwll rine. on more lets are taken.
The game starts, and 14s oto tilde sir
the other forge* 'bead the ietting
Or liver trouble,.
Kim alae foetid 11r. chain%
Mf Terpentina aweellawt for
MOM in fret. any •f
it ea8*ee wl1A no have
114 deoy-14nr P111•. •no Starts anew. Everyone appears 10
Si.,.at Int 51144 the crowd, t0 one trot nwler-
If >lttss .0 pow A OS standing Mpg
psalah. aaw W 110 fruit•
elle a lett. 1 for
For Good Reliable Shoe
Repairs, try
Smith & Ring
JO East Street. Oppovie Knox Church
Gine Us a Trial
Massey -Harris
Robert Wilson
lady (J,nk.r nod Purity Package
(pals for on Friday we) Saturday -
1.i. RItchr.
factor in winning and keeping the
Iwtler trade at home is to handle
the lest nwr•handiae. Hata that
attract are of Quality, Exclusive -
nem and Itelinement.-Mita M. R.
1 MaeVkar.
Hamilton St. OodericY
troubled with that tired feeling take
Wigle'' iron fills. One hundred to
a bottle for :d:w',
People Cannot Take More Out of a Community Than They
Put In -Collapse Is Inevitable -Town Will Not Survive
Long If Its Commercial Stucture Is Torn Down Paster
Than It Can Be Built Up.
Ile whb dances must pay the tiddler. That is an old
saying which is full of truth. The primary idea in this say-
ing, of course, is that one. cannot have any pleasure without
paying for it in soiue way, but this is not the only sense its
which it may be construed. It means that we cannot pursue
any foolish policy indefinitely without paying for it in the
No man can overtax his phyaieal strength indefinitely
without risking ultimate disaster. Dissipation or overwork
may be continued for a time without any noticeable results,
but if continued for a sufficiently long time the inevitable
comes to pass. The laws of nature cannot be violated with
impunity. It one takes out of life more than he puts 111, if
he tears down his phyaieal strength faster than he builds it
up, he must eventually pay the fiddler.
What is true of the laws of "Attire is equally true of ecu -o
ltomie lawx. The people of a community may for a time
tear down the commercial structure of a toWn faster than
they build it up without meeting disaster, but it c t be
continued indefinitely. In the end they must pay the fid-
age. If emir auto is sack we can
doctor it quick. Full line of amen -
pukka *1141 1lnv. o11 hand. Of cowrie
you know we handle the Font, the
m,lveraal ear. (tet In your order
for spring. -P..1. Maelwan. -
mrb*e out of town. JnMt get. our
11(141* first all your money will
stay here to help 11111144 lop our own
town. 'Fluink MI* over nod buy at
home every time.- -J. 11. I'ijjle.
to -the -minute lasts. We have them
Iti plain and elorell etnbInalion1,
loth on 1114 1'111.1111 alai !Aida heels.
Ste thew• 1114* styles at Shlarstttn'a
Shoe Stare.
you buy a Stove or any kind of
Hardware. You w111 find our prime
a whole lot lower than out-of-town
prima. (live us a chanty first and
be eonvined.-C. J. Harper.
your catalogue. thele arm tea We
will not only /+wlp•te In prices, bi,t
will w1rP yon 1140114) In hardware.
Storm, 'Pools, Boal. Snppliex. ole.
Try us and ePe.--('Ma. C. Lee.
pimply Millet (w having your breed
nnlerw (14111' from home lakerieti.
ltrery haat of mit of Town bread you
eat Ju1t hurls our town flat mech.
Try our bone -made products. -
J. W. Stai11Y.
Ezhalut Resources et Community.
The permit' who makes his living in a eomunulitc.1-etciv-
ing the money of the community for his labor or the pro-
ducts of his labor, and then spends his income outside of
his community is helping to exhaust the resoureea of the
community just as the man who expends his energy through
dissipation or overexertion faster than he builds it up is ex-
haunting his physical resources. One man may do this, of
course, without noticeably affecting the eeonoie1c strength
of the community, but when a dozen tneu or women do it
the effect becomes noticeable and when a hundred do it the
resources of the community become exhausted to the�ttr
Thom where collapse is inevitable. Thowpm- a�
for_this situation may think that they haveprofited indi-
vidually by their actions, but they have not realized that in
the end they utast pay the fiddler.
There are some persons who seem to be able to get
through life without tnueli.rffort. There are some who pro-
ceed out the theory that the world owes thein a living and
they proceed to collect it. They take what they can get
and give nothing iu return. Such persona, however, are
not very numerous. Most of us must pay for everything
that we get. Some may have to pay more than their share
and these are carrying the burden of those who get more
than they pay for. The feet remains that, as a general rule,
one cannot have much worth while without paying for it.
The merchants of any community are the backbone of
that community, Ito far as its prosperity and progress are
concerned. Individually there may be some of them who
do not exert themselves tsf boost their- community, but col-
lectively they are the men upon whom the living of every
perran► in the community depends. The success or failure
of an individual merchant may not be ofrparticular concern
to the people of a community, but the success or failure of
the merchants as a whole is a matter of the very greatest
Provide Market for !armors.
The merehntltM of a town, in the first place, provide $
market for a large part of the.productdof the farmers in the
territory Burr ling the town. They buy the products of
•, the farmers ill small quantities, in accordance with their
need, and some of then` buy in larger quantities for ship-
ment to foreign markets. If the merlehants could not do
this there would be no market at least for the small
quantities except at ruinous prieea. if the farmers could
not realize a reasonable profit from their products, there
would be no money for them to spend and there could
money to pay for your product's or to your
It is, therefore, of the greatest importance to every member
of the community, whether a resident of the town or a
farmer in the country surrounding the town, that the mer-
chants be enabled to provide this market for at leant a part
of the farmer's products.
Every dollar sent. away from a town to a mail order
house hclpll to diminish the ability of the local merchants to
provide a market for the farmer's products or to do any of
the many other things wbieh the merchant's of every town
do for their community.
week. -one Upright Piano,
e/ludlthal, a wap at ."10.11). Oar
1t-1Mlave l'lallo Pane Organ, beauti-
ful w•rflint Iwars as gond -514 new,
$750), l'a11 early awl take adven-
trg. of a tatrga111. AWING IF. Taw
son. Murk Mere.
of Table Runners, ('entree and
I' it 11 11111 M. Alma everylltilpt In
Kra awed white Ilton'. Silk and
crochet 1knwde.-timNA's Art Store.
Eliot street. Phot( 1110.
woloan who places his or het eon -
admire to 010 is entitled to the beat
werrhanlls• and the Meet afore ner-
vier to he securest •uywbere.-Geo.
then you will Iw prepared fur taklug
early' sprluic melte,'. Developing
■111 Printing Prompt w•r*iee. Give
us a trial order.-Camphadil'a Drug
■Il kinds of Books, Stationery,
(►t&ee Supplies. School Books are
a specialty with us. Leave your
order with us for your favorite
magazine. We are at your service.
Buy at boi ie. -0s. Porter.
faith 10 la tlw Settle,. Store, where
tusks are wed on their real merits,
not on puffed-up ralnea. 1f it to
any this' in DrygoIKIM you want,
(•511 4,11 115 and we will Ito our cast
to please you., -D. Milo S SN.
Business in a eommttnity cannot be emulnefed on a one -
aided Immix. A man eannot take out of his community a
good living for himself and family and give nothing in re-
turn. He nra). do mo for a short time and get away with it,
but in the end be must pay the fiddler.
Clefaing and get 011r priors first. 15511P *taps here and you ere liable
RIK line
of fine ('1othitei fart pen (n get It lack next day. 1f you mood
Furand bop'. Alw, nifty line sit [lents' It out of town It M gnoe forever'
will /MVP
m Hata. (toad est. eon (let our pekes on (1rover1ee and rave
will 6. Ne tolby by trading hare- money by buying tiers. -J. II. lose&
G. Newton.
■Id Robes at home when pun can
get them at SII per .ant. off regular
prima.- A. J. Partridge.
priers are resaorable. We handle
the bent. --Dean Brea.
Nuw let u,' all !moat for a bigger and
better I:Ixlerle•h. We can do it by
all of us buying our onpplte) at
Talmo. IL. wUI hula wonderfully.
Sew six for Hardware, Stoves ■nl
llnulhhlg. -Fred Hunt.
of our Ilse of Furnihtn• with (Ahem.
4:et our prkea, then draw your e,n-
chlMlonw. Big Mtlr•k to eh,14.' from.
Our I'nh•rtaking Demi _ is
complete. Boy it home. --
we have to repair shoddy leather
plasm with toper wdl•5. When wham
feline from our boil dealer,. we do
art have tido trouble. We do all
kh1415 of Mo/M• 19'{w (ri�ng rail we du It
rigout--Soimuel Siattl�
rave money by doing your trading
1n Orreries, I)rygoode and General
Merch•lutime with u4'. Our prices
are an object lessen In buying at
horde every time. -J. J. McEwen.
particularly hurt our Waimea, but
we are In line with any Move that
M'Ilru our 14118)1 alai fair tucr•huntw.
For fine ('1111fe•11on•ry and 1.*
Cream you will find the pure thing
at our shirr.-- C. Blackstone.
then ceneidt n4' and note the oaring
in 1larneaa and Florae Goods,
Tninka, Bagel, Borer Blankets, or
anything for the 'viable. 'We will
not be undersold by any mall order
hone. -11I. J. Fluke(.
good working motto for everyday
lifts. Give the home merchant a
Chane to do ixlMln..ss with 701) on a
fair Iwxls. You w111 find it the beet
plan taking everything Into eappn-
sidrratlon. I.Ire and let live. -'Ilse
Signal Printing
to have your old photographs eopbed
or enlarged by a rsrlponalble firm
like omit than to intrtat them to
fie first agent who rano att your
bark door. They err wale with us.
We mdPr*1an41 tits work and do
not overcharge.- J. T. Fell.
if you are looking for Art (loxia,
(4411 rim Mtamplsl (luallonw, Meade
and ('entrepirrs, 1.ntwh and Tray
('lotto., ('ro9M•t Thread', ('roelet
('uryaha, hath Towel*, and otter
Novelties'. Always a ploaattm to
show our *tack, -Miles 14. Nelle.
your Flour and Fed from us you
w111 he well ileawe(1 with ,nor way of
doing homineoa. (food stook at right
prices. We believe 1n trpdhtg at
borne. It w111 help us all. --1'
tnrw; It all looks alike in pietures..
Better trade at home. We Carry a
fuel line 4,f lenrtlture for every
room In the house, at prk'ea that
will Meat any mail order house. -
W. Walker.
You owe a Citi;en's Duty to Your Own Town