HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-3-13, Page 6F --Thursday, Dtaroh 13, 1919.
Minister of Railways Will Act
as Receiver.
R( Goveraeot %Yea Iofotmeti to 0....
GENUINE p•nysThat Tramwontinental Lines
Since Taking Taalac-Atmano Sats He;
Feels as Will as He Ever Did.
"If you had seers me before I began tak-
ing Tarsier you would hardly believe me to
be the sante person." said A. F. Alined. a
well-known seed merchant of : i 1-J Peters
µLeet. Atlanta, Ga. continued,
Could ter Not Continue 1i. I)p.erc on I "I sFuffereed terribly with More than a rstornach trouble.
After March 10th, end Action After eating anything I would always
Had to Ile Taken at Olive to Pro• have gar on my' stomach and would con-
food. I suffered with heartburn constantly
Hon. J. D. Ian Mw•as extreme!) nervous, my liver felt
has been 'sluggish and I was bilious, too,
Grand Ilanguid and tiled out most of the time
The ' and often telt so bad that I could hardly
herd to my business.
vest locomen to to \Punk.
OF IReid, Minister of Raiders
appointed receiver of t
\MITA- ;Trunk Pacific Railway Syste
• brkh up my sour. undigested
TIONS I appointment follows an omciai'
goatiop which Sir Thomas Whit
SOLD ONIeelved on Thursday from the vl
president of the Grand Trunk Pact.
1HB Hallway Co.. • notification that la
MERITf3 OE view of the fact that the increased
rates applicable to the Grand Trunk I we
Pacific Railway have not been sum- fine
IINAI�DiSrirnt to meet the tn9reasrd operating 1 Ta
r3nenses it would not be poaslble
oft- a
1 heard 10 edam' people praising Tan
Lac that I began taking it. too, and by the
time I hntahed my, second bottle I had
gained nineteen pounds. ,} never suffer
ow with heartburn or indigestion and
a , not nervous like I was before. 1 sleep
and ret up in the morning feeling
ready for a hard day's work."
is )old in Goderich by E. R.
Seafotth by C. Aberhart. in
by J. Walton Mclubbon, in
M. E. Hemphill, in Blyth
Drug Store. 0t Wroxeter
in Londesburo' by John
in Exeter by W. S.
by Peter Bowey, in
& Edighofrer, in
in Clinton by
�lreppardton by
by H. V. Arm-
1i. Sansom.
for the company owing to lack of
funds to continue Its operations be-
yond March 10.
In view of this notification it be-
came necessary that the Government
should. in the public interest (muse-
= dfately take steps to ensure the coa-
ti GEO. HEILEMANN, (STIR i tlnued operation of the system. Under
-•i �x�■• existing legislation this cam be accom-
V ('Al to. .pet. 1411.1 .n women a a�s�e�t
,�st,a, ;.. o it, cont•, indnem
ou ,eOtIlealC ,171
ow sone and ibwt, partial
matin n,nd,t.un= Adenoids removed
� 1Mitbe km(e Andrew's
at r.ude°u. menet
sod St. aysa sleet.. : )tome
at.odays, TWr.da)l and satiated: am everting
ypw�- Nweet
'dished by an application to the
courts for an appointment of a re-
ceiver. The War Measures Act, how-
ever, was found to provide adequate
authority for action by the Govern- 1
pleat and consequently annorder-in-
was [massed appointing
Minister ot Railways receiver of the
Grand Trunk Pacific System, which
Includes the branch lines. telegraph.
steamships. hotel and development
and orhm composites.. Ala W I'- 41.11;
ton general manager of the Grand nousv
Trunk Pacific Railway System, has 1 Lloyd Georg* will confer with the
agreed to conform to the require-
te ?reach Government with a 'hew to
menta of the power hod to dutiefacilis
re- immediately bejfunlnt work on a N0.
the carryingIt powers noel duties re- tunnel in order to aheorb eke N0
qulrw. 01 liar huujeciI ?!g :rc oder. 1 unemployed dept"bIlfyed men has 1
a realest interest in all i Car to
«* ;,.,mediate uujeci of the Order, aroused the g
to prevent interruption in the oyer- quarters. Besides heirs& the biggest
I Fan wh
management of the sys- attempted e 1
�1 Grsou:,,e loeuutu Usu.enur• Graduate
,rat coop- t)c..tat ti•ttlen•w Curter
bwxesaw to the 1311 Mabe Sale °ewes
t. rt at ti 'Stat. atittt. (,odaich.
flillwouAS G$ NLJRV, • .
. 1 ts6: Cedrritl Ali naettl,6Pe
ft HSiaeal(1'tt ..4e Le I.: pt1) at
4,t;ytp(r 111114 FC 117.
R Ingham
Hensall b)
by White C,
hY �. N. Allen.
O. Loundnberry
Howey. in Br
Dashwood by Tie
Crediton by J. W.
W. S. R. ohne•.;
J. H. , in
strong, and in F • ADVT.
lhsosiltsatlon Fsphslned by Mlad.ler
of Militia. -
OTTAWA, March 11. --Steps which
TORON'1'O,HAREMS.1the Government has taken to Neill-
TOIiONTO, March 11. -The quota- 'tate the demobilization of the Cana -
tions on the Board of Trade yeater- ;Man Expeditionary Force and the re -
!absorption of its members into civil
day were
Violist saltoba atop Fen (ln atoFoWilliams).)
life were passed In review by Hon.
No 1 norther^, $2.24!1• \S. C. 6lewburn during th
England Will Nahid to
(Tont" ret.
LONDON. March `11. -The at
Bottle I.& 1D the
ndunrenet .by
of Commons that Prem er
e debate•0*
No. 2 northern, $2.21%.
No, 3 northers. 81.17(1• the speech from the throne In the
No. 4 wheal. $2.11%. C0lillllOna Monday. The Mlnlater of
Manitoba Oats (en stare Fart William). Militia and Defence replied to the
No. 2 c.lv'.. 74c. suggestion of some members of the
No. 3 C.K.. 66'sc. Opposition that the Government had
neglected to fare the problems of
demobilisation until the artbl•ttce
which ended hostilities was signed.'
On the contrary. he pointed out, the
Government had been making pre-
parations for the return of the troops
as long ago as 1016. Early In that
year it had established he Military
Hospitals Commission which later
grew into the Department of Soldiers
Civil Re-establishment. The object of
Kxtru No- t teed. 6,1(..
No. 1 teed. $1(5C.
Manitoba Barley (In Stere Peet wiles/03s
. No. 3 C.W., 5411ac
Nu. 4 f. W. L.%'.-
$te1ceted, 734c.
Feed, 7114C -
American Cern (Track, Termite, Prompt
No. 3 yellow. 81.61. •
No. 4 yellow, $1.11.
Ontario Oats (According to Freights Out.
side ).
sect 62c dier back to health and prodt•ble
this department was to help the so
No. 2 white. o - .
No. 3 white, Slc to 4,h•. • employment. Gee. Mewburn said
Ontario wheat (F.o.b. shipping l^t•- 'that he still thought aotdietw should
Accenting to Freights). /P- I have been brought back In accord -
No. 1 winter. per car lot. 81.11 to 11.11. ante with the len8h of their period
Ka 2$ winter. per car lot, 12.11 to $2.16.
No. 1 .Annie. per car lot. 12.07 to 2.17 • I of
longest those
No. 1 aVr1,tK. 1x'1 car tot. 11.E to i12.1T. of
No. 2 .i"Inc. per car lot. 11.01 to 1.16• 'first. At the earnests tallcllatlonthe '
Na 3 (According
spring, per car lot. tS to MAC
the Canadian Corps, however,
Fess pAccordlns to Fre+ghes Outside). present system of bringing home
No. 2. $1.7:, condo:•!. troops by units had been substituted.
Barley (According to Freights Outside). I Lack of Orman tonnage and the were
yauinK, sac to ss.•, n �•► Net
that the railways declared they
Buckwheat (According to Freights Out- unable to handle more SO 000
dela). h winter had
No. 2. 35r, notttitwl.
Rye (According to Freights Outside).
Nu. 2.$1. M. nominal.
Manitoba Flour (Toronto). 1e and Monl-
Go4.er ant atanduid, $10.75 to W. hen the ports of Q
Shipment In Jute t l6 tyle would
Government n•ndnrd, iL5 _ to 19.75. is be increased t0 60.000 a no e. time hada. Montreal, .J.
Toronto. Ito • justification ot the coupe of the
MIIIhed (Car Lots. Delivered. Montreal minion Government in sending a I
?'e4 19r.-aare •.1s4cWdedl
t lei 2t
men a month during the
so far limited the rute at which the
soldiers were being repatriated. Gen.
Mewburn hoped that in the summer
Ontario Flour (Prompt s 0s) I real could 1►e utilized e
th I
79 to $9 in Lass. Geo.Newborn devoted some ,
ran•♦per on, 'military force to Siberia. He pointed I
P• let.a, F 14' z5 ltd the military situation a year iso
feed flour. per a
Tier on.
ba . 111. t0 $3.se. which made it desirable to *assist the
Hay (Track, Toronto). Czecho-Slovaks to Russia, to help the
1, per ;on, 12•) to 121. Rtlsaian people throw off the German j
Per toe.. an � tom
11d a Its prevent Germ r t ex
arra (Track. Toronto) yoke t0 p res
(. Tisk. sul.c.tor, notary WtJ' Omtc
a.,,,lt,a, b.r..t. 1.ederi:l4 th414 deur t[uw
brre' ere. 'I fast Io',0 Wlcan et Wiest rat. a.
1. 4c,ndh,5'1rlost; •ici ."•- block, Pamaltot. Street
Seal testate. Lova and Insurance.
Odat on 1 t 1 ' 4414 1, letvn4 ,0o0. Irian Hama
r.,. ;,trot. (,ude-,.7.
.0.14511 lunch w bar, at loam rales.
M rituvotten. h C.. 1. L..I.IU.uaaw
H. 1. D. Cocas
4. r MLS'& F.14. a, tor•.-), soler rtor. etd.. (aodet.db.
at n.ey loaned at Lineal rates.
and from mail o •tions and erelor project ever pt or, w
r. talo few.. 1!+s therefore been already •t- try to solve the question of unetn- t ,a she t
1 tamed. loyment, it ls view also as a bid for Hnr1e>-Hal
An important feature! of the order• big business 4n the ., %inept sad ,t,. --¢7e (9
closer ltnktng up of the Empire.
the Government
that which O(' and
to Traffic experts eftrens etre opinion
the Government any other and ulti-
mate remedies whtctt it posse -sari- that a revolution in European onc-
teader the ring issue of trust moat- port would be certain any.
peace is restored, but a t moat would
trans -
gates seed or therms which it has
guaranteed otherwise a creditors d much to bring !bout a new ea
et . the system. Similarly the rights
n by tunnel bas d
and remedies of other parties are not t"
interfered with by the order.
In February the Gtyvernment In-
formed rice officials of the Grand
Trunk andGrand Trunk Pacific Rail-
way Compatd{es that it wad' not the 62 •r
intention of (be'Governtnent to elk west thannc-Vetunnel, oreit to asserted, iv..,c2 t4 02 s15fi
Parliament to T7uUke a further woke Arens service
63. slit+ 03
will mean six -hour exD
for the (:rand Totit Pacific hallway fe`ti,g of 4444 41.00 41.00
while the negotiations with, the between London
trains o ocher Faro- ,K•`
Jute 41,Od 41.n: 40.75 41.4x.3
1 Trunk Railway "remained in I through �t�ils t.s,A.-
th present unsa speen
I i matins
w rac .,
per ton. 810• plotting Russian resonr
Farmers' Market. cenlrating alt her attenttGU tfpon
t * 2, . 12. per 1auhsh I con ■
at' -No. 2, fi.0 per bushel. ,the wont in ilrlgillal !red E'rance. j J]
-No. 1, 112.03 per holies. I G t B itain .,_ urged Canada (9 ,
ng. 17c to $itc per 1•uahot.
tea r•
_I bpahet, 1 ntrIbate Then for a Siberian expedl-
uticw trap tart, tion, In which all the allied nations
ltye--Aswordlna 'to sample. ri.imloal. tee DpmPn on Uo ernnlenlTo lcoU dunol
pea-Ae cotdfng Q dsmVle, nominal.
Hay e%oyw . 1 to 3 er ton: ststn• reftlae to accede. The men wb0 had
a std Hover. if1 td 123 par ton gone to Siberia, however. Gen. Mew-
tl'gttCAGo GRAIltI (yARH)t+l. burn announced. would be returned '
J. H. Hick" t Co-.\ �Stand.rd rant to Canada at an early date. The
tuldlns. i'e•poe't the tnllpavint pr/oes os I Minister referred to activities of his
r e: Pro% department arid the overseas authori-
ties, and then spoke of he desire of 1
os.. (9oS. some Canadians to have the bodies
43'1 122 of relatives who had fallen 1n Fria e
,k 12(b brought back to Canada. He po i
b t2610 I out how dimcult it would be to satis- I
iiI fy such a desire. and told of the
6tt(a l measures being taken to care for the
`graves of Canadians who had bees
tN mento. "My.owe boy.' he added,
Os \ laid by the Somme."
o m I R
In continental hanaport. The e- 4 tha Chluao Board of T
partefetish o iah m other pre-war
parted with many corn -
uiylha. What fa interestto[ the Brit- Open. 144%. Lew. Ft
iah bueinesa men is the development i Mot u/ 144% 141 \14
of passenger and trade facilities !,pay 131 13115 133
which will bring the east nearer the I Juoa 12711k 13oty 12711
61ik 61
SL:AGEit, . BAI. KI f1I'K. SOL-
OL lic Sad .
'.'crow. u,toyi W
4)�:e-lust biome, LOoti•cl.. W- tin
Grant ru an ca
air unsatisfactory. condi- p` t a ted that the tunnel mil
may .s. 2s.i3 26.62 21.62 26.6.2 26.
tion." rose nearly i100.0u0,000, or about es
July . 26.97 2:,.07 26.97 25.17 23.47
The announcement f�the Grand ya), ,_,, ,4.2 2(_= 21 27 /(.r 23.7T
Trunk Pacific Railway o.�that meete- smuchpent a" A°erica. Britain and France Rtb,-
A' spent daily in warfare. Four or Ale . Jul) . 13,00 's.t.o2 2.. uv 22.03 i1
ot lack tl roosts to years will be required (0 oma0 Ie6e . 23.0 ww • .4
increased operating costs it would of the tunnel. ExDer ' ...,ported daily, , OAi nx
n uu
its road between %innlptr • gp,000 each way. bet 1
Prince Rupert after March 10\came I,of freight. UNION STOCK YARDS. (Witt
as a surprise to the GoverntilentTrue there had been rumors ^ i TOdONTO. Marek 11. -With a run
a'•- tray- I of 4000 cattle on the Union Stock ' to Ay uv
Yards y fair, the dem and generd a Africa.
anality Only
ally was weak, with all classes Bell- formed in Ge
log loiter. Butcher cows were from of putting a st
76c to 71 lower, and butcher cattle
from t0C to 76c lower than fast
week. f
With about 1300 hogs, tilt market
was drone and higher. 76c over
packets' quotations of last week's
closing, and setting at 17 tic Ib., '
fo..b and 13S4c lb., ted and watered. 1
compelled to discontt tie operas onnd I MIngers c lel be tradM 60 000 lona ,
as a
Rernwtor'f Is Cnpopul•r.
0JliasSbeenrch gf en thatect Counton
nstortt. former Ambassador to
ica, would be persona non grata
ce commissioner, and it is
ood he will not be sent.
kANCE. LOANS. ETC. _ weeks weeks ago that the company might i France's
1--_ PARI March 11. -New Agu
JT cA LI,)P -ta.M ni FIRE INSQR fail is moa (ting yearly interest pay- .l"\ the
11Ltilled to the correspondent by
ANL!, f �:tnar 1 "Tia town � .1 tell duetsoni March to
1. OT50.000.empgny on French war uch Foreign Omce.aThesenbrin0
up -
e l y masted nc 1. P. U
:lAwos-1-i .Ct.endlY. Pert. (:ode
P.O.I reesion, therefore, was that it would the•na' 6 0 OOOFreThh dead
to more
t Evana.l.crPtee bee.hwuod Y.O llamas however, paid the money. The m -
6 Mays. Set . l ream . SeakbrtaP
17. 11. •u[.r- V y.Mdi't'aur• M. Koho.3, em I endeavor to carry on as heretofore.
4 ,, lots 1. t.rieve• No. 4. Wad
,w k 11 No 7, beah,rth; Jobn turmeric.. \ aoursday. however,
o evethecvice-president
e the a-
od(aslten, Geo 'r4.ar`ne . . R Not" Mc- As the Grand Trunk:
o.th: Rd,ot arae' en'.Ue; Mak of the company.
Mi., Gtsiod fames ruin+. Beeehrwl, Jane' Parific corporation wait not in default the Algerians
C, t,,,,oaYGodench , d Kh. Apes Leach, d not liable to any action for tore-
em.cbky. - frond Issue or March 11. - Communists
mutate and tet their c recelp.td at R.
eta'. in coq Store, Clinton.iodeiR. o.- y i'.I of a receiver the Government -was un- i BASLE,
cry. Kin ton ramal, eoda.dl,, °* J N l to lake action under any exist- attacked the Parltement House at
J'sl:enrea lute. wyti`tu �-- legislation to keep Budapest ou Saturdaay night, accord -
I t t of the public Ins to a despatch received by the
IIISI� were tin-
• not await \pennant and cos• and Government building, n. al banks
der attack. but Government troops
defeated the Commnnlats and drove
them out of the city.
ation shows for the first time that
more than 3Oh000 French
ater art
died In the fig been borne by
of their kisses having
J. W. tela Cr `[ am
�. hu L Clinton: W t11um 4.liesney, Sestorth: Hungarian umbels Detested.
Sc tarot PO�c�'-h.rlderacanpsy �•
l closure- of a mortgage,
appointment Hr•^ge C mmu
ab a the road run-
n ing
. It
In the interest
cial act through aria
sequently it availed Itself of the au-
thority conferred upon it by the War
Measures Act to appoint Hon. J. D.
Reid, Minister of Railways. to tithe
charge of the operation of the Grand �,
Trunk paclt(C under the name of • �
receiver. This action ttpeipaask Pars
'lament to ratify by
legislation, which will be Intioduced
without delay.
Italian Parliament Adjourns.
Muties rch 1 1. -The adjourned on Saturday
Deputies y
until April :. The adjournment was
taken at the request of Premier Or-
lando, who indicated his des.re to
return to Paris to
bee present duringe an Important stag
Pand 1 tan lir• f✓
ussrstorY ,'nam) ppl
voice. i•, t nal urs A r at M .P W.
UI1RIE'te g r.r:.nei14 r•iad
• ,
?Alm. Bac.
`t; Cub c% t Dunk p s Dttg Store
Brophe) Bros.
1 ne �.eadinx
Fuo�rei Dlnao..
se. Embalmers
1 fie i.eadiii
Fun?rat Diructo4"
en^_ Embalmerss
��d.11 ��r r-. .u. .n 1�5
fisdere earefiillr atteborn tin
,at all h,•,n-.. ,•iah of d •y.
1. •"MK11'N
*Page's Dlapepeln" makes sick. ONI?s
gassy stomachs surely feel Ane
In flue minutes.
1f what ,von just ate is enuring on
woe stomach 0r 1114 like a lump of
Ie•(, 01 4.011 belch gar sad eructate
• roar, undigested lona. or lure • feeling
•.t ,Inisesi. heartburn, fnitnee. nausea.
8.44 taste in mouth sad stomach -head
prhe, yme can get relief 1■ Ave urinates
11.y Neutralizing setdtty. Pat an old to
nosh stomach (Nitres* new by getting •
'scar fifty -Deet ease of Papr's Diemerits
frets ••y dreg stere. ff Toe wells. In
tete *lasts• how seedless it Is to suffer
frost I.dlrNtlee,'rapepd* or say deem
web disorder etwl►wt I., food ferwes4aties
/nn to exccfillre ac:'i :n stomach.
(Tar for Webster.
plans are made for airmen
the entire continent of
councils are to be
any for the purpose
to strikes.
Wint �•s March 10. -Receipts et the 1 mica k Yards coda)' were 550 cattle,
14 calyx 72.11 hogs and lSf sheep.
110 to 116; heifers. 81
Btatcamr at.w[r,
to 812; Cows. $4.60 to 112; bulls, $3 to
1111.10; ellen, 76.50 to $10.50: stockers sod
feeders, 86.60 to 112.1•): ysal calves. 88
to 712; missy and lambs. $10 to $l5.
717.25; sows and heavies.
711 7') 114.164,, stags. $10 to 111.26;
lights. $13.10 to $14.60.
C'hlc March reed ,t ad)R elle»ed
--- --- mosly (Iy CCCC'vntOc ark opeestimated tomorrow
forty t sannigher; d, Hulk of sales. 816.76 to
$1$.113; I utchera, $16.it3 to 819; 11011.
$11.33 t $16.90:ckng. 1117.65 to
throw -outs. 17.76: plop. good to
716.3e to $17.73.
Cattle -Receipts. 21.00,. Qom( and
choice and beet steers
radest richer cattle
fully war: ; other f
23r lower: li,el0P II 7 prlee, •tuudteced
r• pt cows mot halters. 77 t0 115 canners
and cutters. 73.60 to 87.
Sheese-Recelpts. 32,000: market fully
stens: drtlmated tomorrole,
pelta. stand.
bra women who attend
our war ars
who have
Brockville Citizen Dles.
BROCKVILLE., March 11.-W. H.
Many of the n Cob.,to4k. one of Rroekvllle's oldest
wounded heroes in
thn and leading citizens, died Saturday
ALLISTOti, March ,11. e A very wooer used Doctor l'teree- morning at the family residence. af-
unique gathering took place in Knox Favorite Prescription, Of who recon ter a few days' Illness. He 'was born
lest, with its work at 13 t•vla. N.Y., Ang. 1. 1830. and
Presbyterian Church, When the con -
mend it. The hate extreme hard -
atter spending a social hours, imposes came to Rrockvllle 24 years later. L
ship Ion s e residing here elf eine?. ea was one evening. Dre.,enled their mfnlster. • ship on a woman's a off 5t Etsry ?. He and one
Rev. M. F. Cree, B.A., with a cheque
woman should make herv1. fit for ids 01 the builders or EtBC
for 1830 with which to buy a car. at Marie or ahri•hhe should of the largest real ate holders. He
obtain a book calked " Medical 1 was e l eel three tlrnet, and holders.
. He
Danish Priwee for Finland? Adviser," either at her newest drug he su Moral
y contested the riding819
�10s'• ten 50 one -cent Stamjl+*s to Inst e
t St , Bridgefnirg, in the riders! by-election aga 17
COPENHAGEN• March 11. -Rued- Dr. Pier'ee C �wr>th
ph mimes now mention the D•atsll !ant for this book which tells about , late Non. Peter White. He s sur -
1h Axel as • possible • Prince Bandaging Anatomy, physio! rived by hie wife, tour daughters and
Ai Ivne son.
for the 4hrgnP of Finland. Prince o�� ��
Ate1 Is a noted airman. He Is a son 'Ibotstam,la r)[ women in Canada have
overcome their stifferittga and have beam 11 t►'sat Pwrilattaewt et Nations.
of Pence Yiademar, and a cousin of March 11. - The forma -
of woman's 114, tyy- Dr Piero's H E: N N E,
King Christian. tic)ld ,,v.rt�
----- Favorite Por t hietn. �dtrY a-7 'I tion of an International legislativ
Mewey (►Mars for . - Exchange
in liquid fl to G. 6,..77-a.
li Parliament was proposed RattrMay by
OTTAWA, Money - F. ith 110e pierce, Buffalo, N. 1' , loo for foto 1 • committee of the International Con-
Chows.�,-League of Nation Societies
o( poet office money orders with Bel- - �. tin vt,y rs.l terence ot
gime, which was suspended In Aug- tosda ml"`eemm'wd- In session here The Parliament
t� stisa � would be elected directly by he trot-
1014, hamm0 been rrsumed, and aWa t Fa bel ie
post olficn money orders may now
obtained for payment 111 that w+ipefse to secure • demeeratl0
country as formerly.
Premier Lloyd George urges
MIs het
justice and fair play govern
national negotiations.
The Cseclln-Slovak military rot
•aad has proclaimed • stats of stalt
teeeesgsoet Mace►sstla a tag I ONA
• .sslania•�ss� 1M•s• k>LI�J
• A
erbeesedl� t VW
urian Ma" MS
1 w.a
weak and werems.
1 ra. •say dela.
t..e t swim
Om ' h...ripaisn
...b,ad a mark.
sig yep h. er aad wv e.a.piN.lr _n!s:� ei my
aM +l twat r 4 r • tattoo
Fr.b V nem . k... ,rite f
mites." -Jess Qin, ria. Its redeem at B.
conexplained.League et Ne
cieatltutlon for •
entries 1■ order, it was
Sir Thoma Lipton has offered an-
other rep to replace that won kir
Nutmeg IIi. which latter boat was
recently purehabd at Marblehead,
Mas., for the Royal Canadian Yacht
Club of itertosM-
At right prices
The Signal
the skill and care
used in making the
original high quality
is maintained in
milling i
"More Bread and
Better Bread
and Better
Crista F••d Board
Ewan$• 141044,
Cereal 2-0be
Floor 15, 10. 17, va
Canada Flour
Mills Co. Ltd.
Toronto. Ont.
- titGgrtrarnmeis t Standard
it E M E fi►1 B E F� T H - ME:;
!fie 31 Oats are given th - same egtetiteg
Are ou a Bolshevik .
[Col , evism is based upon
viole. , relies upon force, n
is des Bright or reason.
Nujol supplies necessary
nois(ure t0 soften intestinal
contents and facilitate easy,
thorough evacuation at reg-
ular intervals. Nujol makes
easier and more effective
the action of intestinal
muscles. Nujol absorbs
poisonous material.
To force e bowels to move
by takin castor oil, pills,
salts, mine e 1 waters, etc.,
is to out '. Nature and
"bolshevik'p the body. Be-
cause drugs act by produ-
cing irritation.
Castor oil, for instance, is so
obnoxious that the bowels
make frantic effort to Ret Yid
of it. Other medicines, from
senna to salts, provoke ac-
tion by causing the bowels
to try desperately to expel
them first.
With such remedies there-
fore the removal of bowel
waste is secondary a n d
wholly incidental. 11 ence,
the result is not to cure con-
stipation, hilt on (he con-
trary, to make it worse,
more obstinate, harder to
On the other hand, Nujol is
not a drug, does not act like
any drug, acts mechan-
ically, not medicinally; per-
suades Nature instead of
forcing her.
Nujol is free from any dele-
terious after effects, forms
no bad habits, can be used
at any age, under any con-
ditions, and overcomes con-
stipation because it works
hand in hand with Nature -
with her laws, not against
Self-poisoning due to con-
atipation causes over 90%
Of human illness. Get a
battle of Nujol from your
drilggist today, and send
cou on for free booklet -
"Thirty Feet of Danger."
warning. NuTol is sold *sly
8' to sailed bottles
bemiring the Nujol Trade Mark.
lomat on Najol. Yoe way sorer
from substitutes.
Nujol Laboratories
Is a.Mdwer, Nae Teck
Nujol Laboratories, Sewelsrd Oil CO. (New Jersey), 5(1 Rr.*d.
wry, New Perk. Plea.. send me free booklet "Thirty Feet of
Dmysr_ " -ass 7pSties sad sato-iatozic•tlO* it adnita.