HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-3-13, Page 5TBI GODICRIOE, TbureAlay, Mara 19, 1919.-- 5 Jima a Loader Lave boon aeocuod. -"" Thew javenile entertainers wake a bit.wherever they go. One of them is STORAGE BATTERIES 1;tilutillvidlie':°:1.1411anliAlli:::42:111.. "TclY al4 „4:1141Ti!..; bo, sou Lek earl thepromesda will he for patriotic work. .( Beard of Trade Notes. sei An Interesting meeting pi the retail East Street Garafe "*"" ala °Per" ‘Y a Practical Man" trade committee of the Rd of Tr ide was 'meld on Tuesday evening. The GODEIUGI - - - ONTO Arthur M. Glover question of retail prices in Goderich was up for consideration, and after some dis- istr- amnion It was decided to have a commit- tee look into the matter thoroughly. in - - order to ascertain how the cost of living 1111111 X X II II NIX II XXX X X IIX IN Something New X X Reform Monograms Ill 1 1 111j, All initials in stock. a Al a 111 Ask for your initials anil a a combine your monogram a 11( to suit yourself. IX a rseful for marking linens, 1 II etc. a X II X Novelties and Notions • I: X X X X A Can solicited. Yalu MISS S. NOBLE a X•XXIIIXXXXXXX LOCAL TOPICS. in Goderich compares with that m other towns of similar size and situation. This committee is composed of Meters. W. C. Pridham, L W. Taylor, C. M. Robe -tem, land Reg. Sharman. _ . Huron Tonsiebig in later of AppeaL It was dended to have a Dollar Day toe Goderich merchants the first Wesines- dsy in May. • - The retail merchants will entertain the officers of the veesels lying tn harbur here before they leave port. Reorganizing the 13aed. ties concerned iout In the appeal. The committee appointed for the re - Dominion Day in Gederiels. organization of the 33rd Regiment band is making progrew, and it ie confidently The town council has done the right expected that Goderich this year will thing in making an early Istaxt on a have a band that will rank with thebest Dominion Day celebration in (iuderich. 01 'ewar years. Already a consider - The First of July 4.aaa 4.1w4 -YR been ablE number of players are in sieht. and big day in Goderich. hut it in intended negotiations are proceeding for the 10 wake make Ow deinomitratlon .this year, , gagement of a bandmaster. Mr. George on th. flrnt atttz-.14r annivereary of Stewart is working indefatigably to Canada's birthday, a greater tesaalon than ever. At a meeting of ratepayers of Huron township. called to discuss the 0. W. S. Rail% ay Lawsuit against the Toronto General Trusts Co. a resolution was pawed lavoring an appeal to the Privy Council, providing the other ronnicipah- Milk Teets. The medical health °Meer reports the following reenits of testa made of milk from lucid dairlea, the figures represent- ing the percentage of butter fat: James NleMauus. 4.1, Johnston Bros. Ms II Bisset Brom , 3.4 John 'Watts-. 3.2. a :The local board of health require., a !Percentage of 3, so that in each mum MIL, the requirement is exceeded. The Maple Leaf Eistertahmment. IFor the entertainment to he given bv The Britleh Admiralty has given to the Maple Leaf Chapter. I. O. 11 K. the caundlan N4ITMI Forces two rub- ou Friday. March 21st. in Victoria He mentioned particularly the winter anarines mow at Itormutla. Opera H,F04e, the retools+ Munro chit- lot 107s. About the eth of February in secure positions in town for prospective bandsmen. and the heads of some 0 our manufacturing establi-shments are cor- dially co-operating with him. Any employer who has a vacancy in his staff can confer a favor upon the committee. and assist in re-establishing the band, by notifying Mr. Stewart, or Sheriff Rey- nolds. who is chairman of the committee, eo that if possible the vacancy nsay be filled by a bandsman. The IIId Winter of 111711. .Asked tf he remembered any pre- VNIUM winter like the present one, Mr. William Skiinings, one sif our okl residents. replied that he certainly did. e One of the most dancer - an and repuk.iy• hprinst of Kidney Diseare is ROPS 1 for which Dodd'. Kidiwry PiUs are the only certain cure. In Dropsy the hid, neys are actually atomised ifp, arid the water, winch shou'l be expelled in the "orm of urine, flows back a. d lodges in the cells ot the flesh and puffs out the akin. , Remove the filth which plogs up the drain. Kestore the Kidneys to health. There ie only one Kidney Medicine DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS 1. : Planibria CV, 400 Farmers 406 swo 448 lire:here 474 460 403 lies !teens 394 414 418 C. 11. 11. 41:15 47.3 4111 Prlistere 3147 430 427 G. W. V. A. 4413 4412 :414 454 370 423 G. W. V. A. Notes. 'Phe lisol loam!' of the G. IV. V. A. ls flIlI 4., 4 lig splendid progress. It is now twetipylag the quarters over the 1 1111)11 flank, whieh int yr been lilted tip in most eumfortable style. The brawl' lui. a membership of twenty- tive and iet lies all ninnies! uses, to iole sod assist in maiiitainiug tlw prineipw. fer Which so unsay loyal 1:1 millions fought a IA died -in Flanders th-ld.." 'r. \V V. A lield an eleetion of °Meer.: in 1 110 011111 rooms 011 Monday evening, Mang, 3. such ()Melaka to hold otitis. for a period of three months: 4.14.)). pls.-Meet . 1 Jr. \held i 11 ; presi- dent, A. P. Sturdy ; 1s1' ylee-presidetit, I'. I 'arm. : ?aid viee-president , 11. 11. 4.: sis•retury, F. Riley ; Kea Allow, 4'. P. Chapman; elke01 1 1 1%0 committee, Alessr.. Peachy , Carroll a 1141 The euchre party and dams. held tinder the auspiees of the W. V. A. in 1 he 41.411.41(1".' Ilall 01 1 Friday \ ening. February ;_Ntli. e as a ..11 11011411d W line 4,),. 4% 414 n a'4 any- thing hut tat'. (usable the a ttendance taxed the eapswity of the bull. At the progressi4 gat me fort y tables; wen. in l0•)' 31 11 1 after 40 I4)' games lire. W. L. Illorren. Mr. Ilia.. Black and Mims V Iola NIct laeliert y %ere awn rdiel 44,, 1117.,.. thl 1/4•4 I lig 11e.1 11011 1 1 1 Ill 1 1 111•1 44) 10 4)1,' 11,4r of 411*' 1 ;01 101-111 1 01,110,1ra :slid 4)4.4hough tit.' floor %Va.. .1 igt1 I y erowiled 0Verf011o had 1114044 enjoyable lime. The pro- readoi of the evening net fed the Veterans 8110. . The tl, W. V. .1wishes to thank all *Ito MO kindly contributed to tusking the recent euehre party dud ibinee sueli a splendid sneers.. that year, he Held, tiugh Dunlop'n schooner came up from Toledo to this port. In the same winter Mr. ekini• ings and the late Alex. Menro went over to Attril 4.'. to dig, sknok root for asthma. and, said Mr. Skimmings. 'It was tio warm the perepiration rolled off we." It became colder later In the season, but still there waa ao iee on lake or river, and to *settee a supply men went out in the lake and secured pieces of loe which floated down froui the uorth at the spring breakorp. There was another mild winter tu 1442, said one inforinant. Loral Bowling League. The liwal tee -pin bowliug league whieh her 110011 11111171115 for trume thne. •1 (14" Pastime Hilliard Parlor. in glum Ing eeinae splendid Acores. The 11 1 the league le -as follows: Played Won Lord Pet. Thi Mere- -.::-.--. :1-3----- -14 -- -At _ , Plumbers 4 1.7t 11 Printers ..... i 15 7 14 Millers li 7 8 Farnien; 12 5 7 Il. W. V. A'15 0 9 5 10 :v43 act. nowledged with thanks. Oa. Been. 15 I'. P. ft . Each tett in vv ill play twentysnw 12 4 8 :an : The Association alio ackowledg:hiwip.th : thanks the receipt of $2.5 from the United :Patriotic Society of Goderich tow cane-, throvighout the sehethile which %ill linielt on M•reh :rah. The follow- 1 Ing tea iii. played during the pit .t 11111111 ng Donations towards the furnishing of the Kar Veterans' rooms have been re- ceived from Mayor Wigle, M. G. Camer- on, Mrs. C. E. Sale, Hee. Hays, C. C. Tee . Fen, C. -(. Saundem Atre tow L..Drrass.) ..rGheallowstar, Rowena JIVnael.kAer.sinNitthr. 417 1 Mrs. h.lcCreath, Smith's Art Store Frank Riley, Mrs. J. W. Murray. and ar 41110 Thrift, per,onsi'and stational, ia the great- est weed of the bow. " IA'aste nut, want got '' is the lesson every Caaarlien nice learn and printing. Start Low! Make your first contntotion to Thrift, and your commsy'sforelfase a Faring. A.count in this gook. lutereet p.od at current rates. UNION BANK FiLAD Of . GODE1110-1 F. WOOLLCOMBE. . Mel OF CANADA W1NNIP£C., MAN. BRANCH. . Manager. • tervices. Tbe choir will give special music. Men's Sunday Club meets at 10 a. in. in the church parlor. Incine service ict Knox ebureb next Suldeith moruing and e ening will be et,sadueted try the minister, lter. R. C. Melcerusid. In the morning the ser- mon *ill tw the fourth in the sertem on the Lord's Prayer. Subject ; "Chaim Will Supreme." 11:1 (11.. eVenillig the seri tee will be a special one for our sea -hien and liehermen, mouse of whom are leach% very .0011 for the season's work. There will lie appropriate mush- by the ebolr. Subjeet of the sermon.: -The Urge uf the Future." Credits •Suatais Our Fireige Trade. 'rile nitwit. hardly realizes the extent 1 13 o 11 1,1 1 1 '11 Ilada S export t rade IN de- , pendent on tile presiding of eredite for : otlier governments. Siti--e the middle I of 1".ilk eredits au tttttt ding to 11'240,41011,- 44.7.14,1x.i.1,111:uvi..111.:Ialw1111107,11m71 to the itritish Imperial NI " 1(11 1.4 Iteurd, $1:12.0110.- iiim; for the litingw.e of Catuivliau grain. 31-4,000,0410; fer exports of dairy produete, *:15,01.10.0110; ter the sale of the 11. 0. ,}11011041 1110.1%. $,..0110,0011; for ot her ex perts of food. *111.000,000. Thts--nsisiUllk-4.1•Anis-Ixsanilig_L:alind 141111/11, Ill the form of loans. Out of , their .iii lugs tiler ltintitain people in , this eimutry bought Ise hot bonds, e a iiil t bus pro\ hied 44." funds out of w ti h• la t hese ad% am"-, were made. This pntethe must he ..outinurd lf Catania is to get her 9.41ilre of flls. ex- pert trade. Thee.. *he buy war tlitV- ius+ anti thrift, stamps; supply money for these credits. AVOID COUGH', Imo C0UGHERJ1 C'441"g5preeds Dartcse • Ht14011 30 DRORPSTOPJ- COUGUT UMI 1111.1 FOR MADRE% SPECIALS for the week -end trade RED RHUNAEE ?mil CURLY • LETTUCE RED RADISH' RIPE TOMATOES ; NEW CAULIFLOWER PARSLEY FRESH FISH SALMON AND . SARDINES _ During the Lent season we will keep in stock Fresh Fish. Our stock of canned Sairnon and Sar- dines is complete, at a specially low price. HARBOR MOTS& \ - The engine room crewo Ili all the Canada Steaniehip Eine steamers &re Mei), titling out for the coining season gnd a, large a lllll iint of work is being done. Mr. Jones. of Port C.olhorne. superintendent .if repairs, ito pereonaJly looking after all outside Week. Be. sides the various job.; of woodwork, sew funne's are being placed on the Martian and the 'Midland Prinoe. All the stetsnier.or thin line in Goderiek ace under orders 60 Dave everything ready to linen the season on April 1st if necousary. ' The work of unloading the etearner 4,awa at the Weetern Canada Flour Nfille was completed this week. The steamer Central West has been -un- loaded 84 the elevator and work will immediately be proceeded with on the Breitung and Negaunee, and very shortly. in all probability, all'tbe stor- age cargoile WM be taken into the eleva- tor. ('apt. Bouvet, of Marine City, ekipper of the steamer Central Weet, is' in town this week The Captain le here in oonnection -with the unloesking of the veseele of the Cleveland -Cliff Iron Co., which have been carrying storage cargo in the harbor here this winter. Capt. Romig informed The Miguel that him company did not intend to put any repairs upon their boats here this win- ter. for, being on American register, they would have to pay duty upon such repairs on entering their home ports. Just when thew boats will go Into coni - 'Weston for the 4010100 be is unable to say, for considerable depends npon the grain nituation. He expects the crews to report here about April 13th. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Special for Saturday only, a 25C large tin of Salmon for 20C. Have Your Auto Painted See our special assortment of fresh and cured FISH. This Will iitterest loll, the price of Fieh Faxing receutly declincil from two to four cents Ter pound. . YE OLDE TYME MINUET MUNRO CHILDREN, from London Victoria Opera House March 2Ist Auspices Maple Leaf Chapter Robertson & Mair Grocers Phans 164. Cor.Hamdton St and Square Canada Food BoardLeener No 1-2/19 in readiness for the approaching season. DEAN BROS. GROCERS License No. 8-41158 Store Phone 110 House Phoebe IV Be Sure to Get _ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • . : 1, MODEL THEATRE • • • -r, Wednesday and Thursday Friday and Saturday • • i Pauline Frederick, in Marguerite Clark • • - IN - • • • • • • • • • IS* 40 Pauline Frederick. "Her Final , Reckoning" 1 A Paramount Picture "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN" Mr. and Mr.. Janice retewart. of cleveland, toe vieiting their relativee in town JUNI at Beniniller. Jack Hall has sold his fine driving horse for a good price to Wtn. Culbert, *119 has taken hint West. Another dance 19 to be given in Odfifellowi' Hall on Weineetlay night next, the 19th inet. Good ie. A brooch with a cairngorn centre was picked up the other flay and • hauthsi in at the Signal office. where • the owner may recover it. A John Burrow,' anti family. formerly rin of Port Albert. who have 'west resitting In town ter 'wine time while Mr. Bur- . row. was ettiplieed with the Natimuil 'O., tett today for • Yining. Sask.. where they will reside • rennonently. • Mr. James Dickson, who for many year held the position of deputy in the • Huron county registry office, has been • appointed to a similar position in Bruce county, at Walkerton. Mr. Dickson • makes an etc -cab -1U official. being pains- • taking and accurate, and his many Goderich friends are pleased to learn of • his appointment, though regretting the • necessity of his removal from Goderich. • Just a shadow on a window shade ! what a tumult it can cause! 1 • CHURCH mom • 1 Iles-. .1. II. Osterhout. it G., will be • In Strut ford on Sunday enmity lug to Rev. W. H. Graham's X• 'She Evidence of Life" and ''The law • of Preparation, or Youth's lippertun- Ai, ity." will be the subjects considered at 1114:. the Baptist church next 1,ord'a 11ay • Slide signiori at 3 p. tn. and 11. Y. 1'. IT • at 11 0.010Ck. 1101'. i/t, itlItiOdgo prose li next • Me min y morning in V ictoria street 4) Methodist church. The evening ser- vice he0 Meknes), (111 11,11)11M of • the .1k:ern' street anniversary. Settilay 006100 111141 1411,).' etas. gt 3 in'ilis•k. • The anniversary o4. Xiirth street Metho- dist church will tie obeerved next Stin- e deY.. Rev. W. 11. (;raham, II. A.. of • Stratford, will preach on thie occasion. The friend* of the congregation are in- vited 10 join with Notth street in these 11 E wax -wrapped sealed package with WRIGLEY'S upon it is a guar- antee of quality. ADDED ATTRACTION: Uruce Rairnsfather's Car- toons. Series No. h.. • ,a;tifir Final R-ec konul •••••••••••••••••••••••00",~••••••••,••••••••••••• ofdAwaseisefiekez Wed. and Thurs. March 19 and 20 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MARCH 2! and IS Matinee Saturday at 3 Prices: Matinee 'ix and 15c Evenings isc and I.5c The largest chewing - gum factories in the world -the I argesl selling gum in the world: that is what WRIGLEY'S means. SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT! 47 The Flavour Lasts!