HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-3-13, Page 2sss TIM .11110NAL 3--Ttinreday, March 13, 1919 PRI SIONAL PRINTING W., LTD. Posiastutzto • Thursday, March 1:1. 1919 You cannot begin to measure . Its goodness alongside of others, the qualitybeing INCOMPARABLE. THE WAR AND EDUCATION. I'he Mount Forest Confederate, the editor of which la a Mitering' mem has this to say on the probable tendeu- ekes of education in the immediate R Mai future: ms 11 seelikely that the war expert, once the world has beau going through will affect to a conaiderable essteut the course of study in °"r *ch`'°6 and vatious directions which that effort took i months during which the new plan of ten It withe importance of the practical aud the I ask fanners to adopt something that is "I am conscious that 1 have made i It la los good as it wsa at univeralties. ll d to emphasise h as the Red Cross wut k. the Pat-1marking time prevails. It is t fair to In rt, a : 'sowords, pareiand to lessen the attention i riotk Fund work, etc. ? As the women tunworkaSle in the city. Luau till/delta1 knows iti”.0 that.iji•t I believe lir has left lit me a kirk devoted to the theoretical aud the 'took such a large share in the work of the _ Which 1 can use on .011111.1i011 -I will utilitarn a Ornamental. • war outside of the actual fighting. the i N tural iscimice and its practical /spoil. . . preparation of such a record as this NOTES FROM OTTAWA. I "NONE MUST FALTER." In His Last Political Address the Great Liberal Chieftain Uttered Words of Faith and Courage Wished to Do His Duty to the • Last. •-•• Ottawa, Feb. 17. ---In Sir Wilfrid Laurier's laid *alit Wel speech, de- livered b.4ikt' Eastern Milano Liberal Assoriation on January 14. he cosieluded 011 • penional tet•te Itch tam IkeelUS nationally pregnaut a it 11 0529 awaiting In that lie made him .Is' Is shim' of ale faith that had atistaliwsl or Mixed. 1 Sealed Packets Only the paid, referred striking Black, Green • terms to the feet that he 1.011111 hope for a much- longer period ou earth, wad expressed his vigorous home — that the world Is 011 tlw threshold oof ad rester thlugit. Meer; 1111111M11111111111111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111 Special Showing of Women'Oillst Serge and Crepe de Chine DRESSES he my friend still, just as tl lllll gli our opinions ei t. *c id. is my polio still. 1M Duty Cheerfully. "I a as placed at the head of the Liberal trarty great many yeers age so maw that I had lwtter not count them. 1 .feel every slay that 1 am wither riper awl riper for ileaveu. 1 would Kindly realgu the poilition which 1 owe to the roundowe KIRI tritaitlithip of tle. Libt•rals of Canada and leave the isk to youNger But, so long as that givea uw the health which now isajoy--thotigh I Vainnot say that attention than heretofore. It 111•11 is to might well be undertaken by them. t cations will receive a great deal more , . a progress he must understand the force0 need not be t» bulky, and could be pre - of uature that are all about him and 10 served with other memorials of the great make use .if these forces for the ot humanitr Great as, has neon the war. advance iu this reitioect duriug the past tiny or oue hundred years. a atill greater advance is paisible in the next century.. In order that progress,' shall ,, al world twist be Mr. 11. C. Hockqn. M. P. for .Weat ,Tonaito, who is also editor of The Orauge Sentinel, male a slashing attack IBA week ou the Civil Service WILVT OTHERS SAY. Coniiiihedon, charging that tinder it a system uf gross corruptiqn had grown uss Favoritism wiutpractirted. ho said, Take Off Poatage Tax. leeu examined in the uiluutemt detail pos. et..t.alu cantlidatea for poltions in tire be made t ie The F,nanoul Times. atni "Maisie' information WAY g ',Mole, and new elemeuts aitalssolurees The extra postage rate wits pot In force civil morviee which enabled them to lied t . the Husteusuce aud' comfort in Canada as a means of supplementing app t ,e the tevenue simply because it was instan- . The tautly 01 lauguages a ill take a taneous and easy. and there was no time Pa's their examinations sotcaaafIllie• new c,,wir.„. modem bugui,10,4 win he to lose. Since that day w5. have per- Mr. Hocken contended that partitions in . fected tar more effective devices in the the outsidis service should ist. filled on ot the 1111111aa race. gnages. Till% is because of their more ' way of taxation, and theh extra postage the recommendation of the member atudied rather than ancient dead Ian insult...hate utility iu human intercourse rate, a handicap alike onbusiness ad on representing the constituency in which today. The amatory ,t* 'widens tato inlormatton, should be abandoned. glow hos wa 'ally a great i :Cue as a , Should Not '1 ote atoneto Themselves. the vacancy occurred. as n't 0110 Wall , better (wannest to %peak as to the Ittneca 'eater of culture: it is alga o of Areal , Weekly Sun. %Tillie iu commerce. in pditics, iii so- . i A propotal to raise the sessiorial in. of the applicant for a position. tutdmenett fcroz Later in the week lion. A. K Maclean Bin the chaotic,' will uat tall into sesarsid°ItoPaber" cieti-, iu wiener. in diplomacy. t demstionities us3( me5oomb. oet•aelone there have been when I hail to disappoint Nome of tuy friends. But. sir, If another 111 my Weer who knew thia country as 1 know it, from mid to eud, and in all ita 4 eel taw numbet • be ftic undertook to reply to Mr. Hocken and hallo. sioeration.eat -the It a i olt stated that his allegations against the itistkieu17.GreArk. alans will atudS ers 1 • h c�st h mei that dti e Civvil Service Commission were without for malty modern' languages are rooted .1,0 persuade , crease is. wa a . y a lig rr nt:PllaY an' ign lioruo 4, ko„wleage of living which theta is every reason to be- foundation in fact. Mr. Hocken after- ! Indea iu that language. and oue celnutrhtthhaiteteasott, tier:loot. I talian. or . a rule ought tobe tat bore will soonfall to ahtl normal.d p i. own. I demand a Parliamentary investigation, Af wards told a reporter that he would not latio. not vote increase of the indemnities of its i although he stated that Mr. Maclean had Spanish WithYttt• Wale ii.U./U'leOl.te' possible. that an existingParliament may own members. but only of the indemni- not met has charges on several points. dit•ts. the tendency will be tossants tWs of in .mbers of a succeeding Parlia• --- ' Possibly, 11'. oar cmteativorary pre - what tit culled the ••practieal' iu educe. ment. It is said that such a rule is fol , lowed in the Congress of the United ' A still greater sensation wail made the Lion: yet it wriild he unfortunate it States with respect to the salanys of the , daY following the Hacken speed% by the there were uot straug Zullaencea to members of the President s Cabinet. An ', speech of Sr Sin Hughes. formerly Min• prevent too great a tread tu this dine- ',crease of salary is not voted to an ac. tater 0: Militla. %Oil charged that title tim. The man is only hall eolitcate.1 tnalhsecreltartty, 1:1),Ilitionly to tt.:s ss oufciessort. . i Parti i Canadian Com nander in France need. rse who is elucated only in a utilitarian ' _ meucnt aorr tehe.cynical airan:lesaerm hrap. s slander- lessly sicriliced the lives 'of Canadian meume: he hould uat ouly Mesa- lisw to ous suggestion that an increase of holsoldiers far Me stke of winning glory for s do things, but he olisatist have a decp idemnity is offered by the Government aslhimaelf. He in-ntioned particularly the sense of why certain things !should he , attack upon Cainbrai, and the capture of . a bit *be to hot ltd Lthe Unoiont:t ostsortogetr done, and this **nee can la- cultivated urnrenot. Preven to di I Pa - , Mons on the day the armistice came into Only by a kuowledge or hiatus.> andi The Proposed "Grab." I effect, as examples of needless slaughter, literature and philosophy and Alter! Oolka Packet and emphatically declared that the Gen - things not included iu the category of I eral in command should be court mar the strictly utill'ariati. the indemnity to members was one of the , A demand for 11.000 of an increase in I (hailed. Another feature of his speech was a reference to Sir Joseph Flavelle, whom lust moves of the session at Ottawa. ' The excuse is the high cost of living.! he dubbed "the owner of this Govern - But the cost of living is coming down, menu' and he declared that during the . and will continue to come down. Should . war Sir Joseph had feathered his nest to • ha the extent of one hundred million dollars. the sessional indemnity go up there is no EDITORIAL NOTES. March has alread det eloped lamblike qualities. Having been kept too long at ithyl. the Canadian troops naturaevery m her 1 Was raised, "Condemn Queb.c, she mint be ',scams . tiitietereereeset ntativuelidtmheatr ntry ail ge . rhyled• — alio is known to promote or support this' ostracized.' game or grab, and vote against him atSir Sam's attack is discounted by his • Airplanes are brig offered tor sale at 61 t311" tahnedne..seatrvercetiian.A :!:alkexaboaniuptie"sacof Toronto at 12.000 each. Most of us can , these grahsters would set! A consider. gc up in the air lar less than that. able increase in the salary of Ministers of the Crown would be defensible, but hall 1 the rank and file, with 12,500 a year, The Mail and Empire remarks that if railway passes and mileage. are away the German fleet is to be sunk it ought to r id already. • The city press is be sunk at the spot where the Lusitania lies. 111 more chance of it coming there is of a sober man teeing two moons He declared that an attempt was ma e in the sky. Ftirtherrnore. the higber thel'Ogheedie Laurier" into the coalit on. and "indemnity' the tamer the quaftly - when the Liberal leader declined the cry erratic record, yet it has arrested wide- spread attention, and already demands have come from various quarters for a searching investigation. An annraincement of firstrate importance prabably muzzled on this question; and was made at the beginning of this. week, the provincial prea will be recreant if it I when the Grand ,Trunk Pacific Railway went into the hands of the Minister of neglects to make effective protest. !Maintaining Pomp and VanitY• Railways as receiver. The Company Liberal party. 1 think. as. in • , • The Toronto Telegram gets off a pretty - Sun. • • itet lon that anew al- 'Why Joe Left Home. 11•111KIII Uly 1411/1re. %lit 0 IUY .1111 l'c any 110$10011 Wiliell 15 aashintal to me hy the party, whether It be that of 1:itend. Captain or Lovely dresses they are; cut on newest models, wits, and one gown to a style or -.;olor, in such shades as French blue, Fo2h blue, French grey, sand and navy. Some are cleverly braided with silk, others tuckei. Beautiful materials. Prices range $17, *20, 522, $25 and 530 New Wash -Goods Huid-tom! Voiles, in 40 -inch widths, tie it dr,ig11- and some are extremely large patterns, spirit 11,I •m••• colorings and shades. At pr yard ..... Sec, 69c, 7Sc E Ginghams Large plaid Ginghatns and all atyles of broken and small check and stripes, best AMerican and English Ginghains. Colors warranted. Very special, at per yard.............. • .. ............................... ••••••• MIONM. = Curtain Nets 30 to 40 inches wide hemstitched or lace-trirnmel Marquisette or Voile Curtain Scrims, in white or arab. At pr yard 20c, 25c and ... • ,Floor Rugs 'rhe late Sir Wilfrid Laurier. A splendid showing of Brussels Rugs in 3x3i, 3a-1, :;x4 yards, neat designs, new. greens, blues, fawns. Ranging in price. Tapestry Rugs in above mentioned sizes.. Gossard Corsets For style, fit, comfort and durability Gossard Corsets are celled We show styles suitable for differ., eat figures. and warrant the Corset in every pa ic ular. They lace in front. Price $2.50, $3.50. 05.00, $6.(X) and up 30c 2e3. 353, in browns, •••: --SU to so • • $19 to 126 •I••••• e.g••• W. ACHESON & S N from a tourist standpoint, is going to • j enjoy a big tourist businesr. with all the sevultant profits. In many quarters in !Montreal it is thought that the hotel accommodation of the city will be quite inadequate to pro• vide for the invasion. the Canada 1SteamshiP Co.. for instance. are making extensive preparations 10 deal with a largely increased passenger list. A Deal Between Gentlemen. One day an old Southerner walked into a banker'S office. The Southerner was • ampouent elements—and it 0 hont .1.11, are in (lit' ranka. Whatever my typical gentleman of Cie old school. ' i mac be I will do my duty cheer- What can I do for you!' asked the %smuting 1 cairn that perhaps le It 'letter MOO, any other oratusollati happily. Nothing would be o then. even tisliligk he and 'night have I greater satisfaction to me, now that 1 oliffrrisl, 1 ism sure that he woad.' have have bosom to feel the weight of years realized that, acting am I did, lily mint than. as 1 hare said. to leave the bask was to win the war --and that %N. my of leadership to a y ..... 'ger Genreal. tO promote the hicheat That aatiafuetion may be given or tereet of Canada. AI the sanw time 1 it may not. lout my duty is to tight, realize --and whether I realised it or and tiKilt wIll ato long as thsi gives. not it still remains tri'- that it is IIII• 'Width. 1 regret that 1 am not still the privilege of every fibers! to .oine riienty years younger. and that hare hie own opinion, that In tattering , 111111111.1 curry on Ow fight with the ami asworiation such MA yours lie doss mani. %icor as I rondo! have carried it not resign eoneeteuee into twenty ears ago. hands of smaller, hut keep' It 10 glee I, Great is the Cause. aecomit of h to hls Maker and to Dino "Still our rause reunatina, 11.1111 With Had Cosildente of Party. I: the broadening (lay hy day our alone. "I have hart the confidence of the ideals sr.. higher and higher every W.,. great is that rause. and so banker. -Weil." (toiled t.lee Southerner. "about thirty-five suars ago I loaned a man down South some money—not a very big sum. I told him tat whenever I should need it I would let him know and he could pay me the money. I need some money now, .0 I shall let him know. and I would like to have you transact the business for 'My good friend.' replied the banker. "you have no claim on that money. The statute of limitations has run agatnst that loan years and yeani ago." "Sir," replied the Southerner, "Or man to whom 1 loaned that money is a gentle- man. The statute of limitations never runs up against a gentleman." So the banker sent Inc the mmey. Within a reasonable time thereafter the 1 here was a gentleman at good one when it suxgests that the farm- London Adverttser. found 'Leif unable to continue operation. nay leader of it party ever hool 111 (lila high Ulnae itleala, that 110 otw has tile money crs will not need to bother about dayligh- Lieutetiant-Gosernors in Canada's Prov -The amoult required to maintain owing to lack of funds. What will be the Out there is Mit 11 11 III I right to feller, but every sow mod do the other end ttse transaction aiso ti party who will owy that. 1 ever him bit aeconlIng to his mbility. And, saving now that they have bought up The inces each year would make an. interest - ultimate disnositi f the road remains tried to intinenee his conscience. looking tor the future. wy how Is that _ _ _ ing table. If the facts were available, it iprobably would be shown that each of • b Governors cost their Provinces in the neighborhood of 1100.000 a year, considering the maintenance of the Crown official himself, his staff and t.is official residence. Ontario'S Lieutenant Governor gets 010.000 a year and he has a personal and military staff. For what useful purpose? Mr. Dewart's enticism of the fashion show staged at the opening of the Legis- lature br:ngs the question into discussion. It focuses attention upon the fact that a Lieutenant -Governor and his staff are largely the figures about which is d he show and snobbishness that the su Sir Joseph Weill y Flavelle saj, s he did n make a hundred milliotis out uf the war. Well, will Sir Joseph, to save a lot of talk, tell us just how many millions he did make The price of overalls may be expected to go dp a notch oir tan belore the next general t leetion, when the politicians 041 be prising in more or less lattliful imitation of the farmer candidate. there t The Farmers' Publishing Cu. has pur- chased "lhe Weekly Sun of Toronto and will publish it as the official organ of the United Farmers of Ontario, with the idea of converting it into a dailt later on. Now they say Canada is to have "day- litlid-saving" again this year if it is put into effect across the border. And a few . years ago we were told how %sicked, it i Judging loan the petitions that are would be for Canada to take as legislMion !being sent to Parliament, the farmers of Ontario appear to he about a unit in their frurn Washington! 1 opposition todaylight saving as a national I institution. There must be something to he determined. but it will like y the day Is not far distant when w encir one to Judge, and It his Judgment Glory to in the biElleat, and on added to the srgem 01 Government nays told flown who did me the honor Ishii, bear again In the hearPMS tile "Dear Joe—CAxne home. Forgive and 1111511 to call use their leader that It WI'* for 1101PefIll Illef011Ige brought years ago: forget. 1 have deoroyed the book of war shomlol lw contrary to mine lit. woolil !earth peace. good -will to all mem" likes to parade in peacock style before lf,.1u1utMI 4)1 the eyes of the hot p It is the 1114 the ( 111 Province's one concemion to p-mp and large. this unwholesome and un - vanity, yet how many people, if asked tot.ill'OelaS 1.4 earried on largely vote on the question, would vote for the through the add of the city press. Al- utaintenance of the Lieutenant -Governor reedy the smell vilinges of the country in his satin breeches and silk stockings... are i•lilier entirt•ly gone or 1114' fast The princial qualification for the place going. The foitraarners village, with is an actor's aboity to wear clothes. Ite shoe -whop, blacksmith shop. Store, wheelwright. postottire 8111i peddle )11111, Farmers and Daylight Saying. 1* 1.11111`1" Kone or boa disuippearing rind Peterhof° Rev.ew. *11 hs it tlw comites limn+ and the ettiCiellcy of the country PIC110.111. Ni the city vampire Is sucking at the Ibils of the larger towns, using every deviets fa I r or nen Ir. in the way of advertising mai otherwlee, tq centre trade In the city and ileetroy the here- tofore valuable and COIlVelliellt. 110111e market of the fernier. This proesess W011111 he huposalltle. or at least mneh more difficult a tot slower. (11.1 not To isrlitoo 11.11MSe.O. 11 111111y preow pro- vincial Ili its ci I ion, brit seittah and local hi Its news service and in- terest. The Toronto papers are all Tormitn.' Notwithstanding their large eirenin t in he vast majority of the towns and %allure.' of the Province, their policy la dirt...tett warty with a view to the advaneement of their own •Ity furtherance of their policy of Toronto, not only first. lint Ilnit. lost and oil the time. Inetances could be elted every day In proof of We assertion. . Whitt is the n'medy't Unfortimately • there Is northing any too hopeful in sight Thr smaller Mlles. snub as Th ..... RM. where there is populat JIM MIA tO support * stood daily impel% tirn very largely Intlepentlent, gni lug sun:lent seagle railways. TORONTO AGAINST ONTARIO. Gotha . Thr publishers of The St. Thomas Thinsonlournal make the atatentent Omit their paler is reed In iihiety per et•nt. et the It ..... of the city. The Tini.....fournal 4s to be nongratulatet, HMI sO is, the tOW11. St. Thomas is Independent (if the Toronto daily 01 %‚..I14. a fart of much more Import - :111,e WI 11 1111,51 people realize. More and more Toronto contintiri4 to fatten ' •i ntai public spirit. on the part .if the people to Kite their own paper the pretenses.. Eveu In the smaller towns, where a weekly only is tiosailde. II gelle11111S /01111plirt Of tile 11,1104' 1111Ilee WIii ,lo SI 4111115 towards helping the editor in Itis work of advertising the 110111e town and advoratiqg its inter- ests. lint the Prise INV Will i...oi. ...• that the Provincial war tax which has The Provincial Government announces i tangible upon bathed, something more than an unjustifl i able opposition to the adoption of an irf• which all this objection is been collected through the municipalities ' novation and the rejection of the custom •1 1. -1's allow a reduction in the tax rate to every duce the Government to allow the present o to all this trouble in an effort to in - r municipality this year. 1 system of time -keeping to remain. l'he farmers of Ontario are certainly entitled to a hearing in this matter, all important "The purchase of the Quebec & Sagu- --they are in the affairs of the commun. enav Railway should be thoroughly yen- ity. is to be discontinued forthwith. This will 0( years, otherwise the farmers would not tilated in Parliament. This affair has a Urban residents who are in favor of •daylight-saving are pmne to dispose of history." This from The Globe. But Ithe farmer' amtentions with undue the deal will not be ventilated, and The lightness. They say that if they are not Globe will go on supporting the men who benefited by daylight saving they are at liberty to leave their clocks as they are at present and proceed with their vocation as The inevitable inconvenience of such a pith has been demonstrated in the urban centres No man in the 1 ity would he willing to CO change bit habits of living and maintain a perpenial strife with established custom throughout the are responsible for it. In seklition to the honor roll which the town council is having prepared. would it not be well to have a general record - compiled of the town's a sr effort in the • 4. / BUSY TOURIST SEASON. Symptoms of What May Be Expeeteal the Coming Summer. The American people have developed a new and virulent form of fever —described by specialists as 'Ibe travelling bug." As a consequence, saes The Financial Times to awe liow the mood •of % 111 . of Montreal it is a rare event In as lona US 1 11,' hisensiete craze for 1011Y- I find a vacant room in hotel or boarding ing in the department stores endures 1 house in any of the eastern town* Of Cities. owl vetty iv:thrasher motion" to divide ', As a Montreal, man just back from the tile rural 111111 semi -rural 111HIMIletit WI+ I States remarked. "It's a long. long way of unbolts !around New York just now to find a bed," _. and this state of affairs is practically true ofevery big city in the United States, POPULAR WEST OF THE Thereason given Inc this unusual situation is that the manufacturers and merchants GREAT LAKES. and people generally who have been busy accumulating wealth during the war Mrs. W. J. Vale Talks ol Dodd's K.dney _ Pere:rd. Tfhe:y1 ethaoatootth;oyaib.roldcthao ngEueroagl. Pins. , as the "not wanted sign in the way of Pandora, Alt., March 10 (Special 1. ••••We . iestrictions is still up. so they are just are never without Dodd's Kidney Pills in flooding into the big towns where theatres the house." That's what Mrs. W. J. and gaiety generally are in evidence. Vale. a well-known and highly respected ' Even Canada. this early in the season. resident of this place. has to say of the , is benefiting by the holiday -taking, and great Canadian remedy: My' hustand - we are informed that the leading hotels in sellers fmtn lumbago. and they always , Montreal are • practically full up with help him," is the reason that she gives. - travelling Canadian and American visit - "I must tell you what Dodd's Dyspepsia ors—the proportions being about fifty - Tablets did Inc me. They cured me of a fifty. very bad attack of dyspepsia. 1 have; The rail and steamship companies are allo derived great benefit from the use sof preparing Inc a big summer rush in Can- Dodd's Kidney Pills." 1 ada from the United States, and they an• It is evidence like this that proves that - ticipate a record season in their history. Dodd's remedies have gained a permanent During the war the restrictions Inc entry place in the family medicine chests of the ' to this country were somewhat severe, West. Dodd's Kidney Pills are particul i but I1011/ that they are removed arty popular. The success with which ! it is believed that the peopte of they have been used to treat all kinds of 1 the I 'nited States will simply swarm kidney ills from backache to rheumatism t into Canada durinq the spring and and Briht's disease have earned f r thern , summer months. Canada. it is pointed the gratitude of thousands of people. I out. has received a his advertisement —. — . States greatly admired our war efforts. ARE •—...5..."110.....•••••••••••••• ••••••,• lam -05, during the war. and the people of the Her • im, They are now anziotn to visit and gee for Lady—What is your aim in life. mY themselves a country they have read so good woman much about. In short, is the opinion Good Woman —Me husband. gen'rally of those best able to judge that Canada. McEwen's Weekly Specials Gusto, 10c per package. Dotniuion Corn Fiakes, 11k per package. Krumbles. lOctper package Canned Tomatoes, 2s, 15c iwt • tin. Nice Bottle Pickles, 10.: Red Rose Tea, 55c per 11. Worth 70c. Bought before the advance. 15c packagea-Chocolate Buds. for 10c. Drudge, a lOcipackage for J. J. McEwen License No. 5-7(ota We sell them Put your THRIFT STAMPS on an Earning Basis MG5 Remember, when you are filling up your Thrift Card, that the 25 cent Thrift Stamps, which you can buy wherever you see the above sign, are simply a means to an end. Thrift Stamps earn no interest. The interest begins when your Thrift Card, filled with 16 Stamps,is taken to the Money - Order Post Office, Bank or other place displaying the Beaver -Triangle sign, and ex- changed as $4.00 in the pur- chase of a War -Savings Stamp, which costa $4.02 this month. War -Savings Stamps earn 414 r cent compound interest, 'rig redeemable on January st, 1924, for $5.00 each. • . 11,..1119.01.1•111.11111111111810.....1.4...*. :`''; • "•.-