The Signal, 1919-2-27, Page 6grotto, of the I'1 Irrol total Provincial l:p•r •ells :uua Ihr nuniripdtth•s. Iur'r1ieolr1 by the representative of T(s• Mail unit Enrp ire. rhe pro- prietors' of -the 4 .w1er11•h tlo11'rns ea- p.r .si141 themselves as rhon.ughly' done. nod we :11.1• looking 4o the satisfied lith loo• outlook for (114' do11l.Ihlg .4f our output' this year. titian. 141111 rd11W1 the 1e.11ef final During the war, the high prt.1• 11 It':nw111a 1111. In a short *tow, d.e wore material (.11.4411 11 111111111111p. 11111 now business than at a11' tow.. in it, his- that there is a f.•ndwmy f1.N"unl nl n•- IM:. They pointed to the $harem l4 d -tion 04 w111 Ie able to proceed sell which 1111• manufacturing plants with 111111'4• isuald4•one. As proof of ...entered on the king of war 'rpi'p- our faith 111the future se nr. opening yu•'l 141441 sen• td the opinion that the new branch otfkes-in many parts of New Itrlmu- h N w. uloel'Including lice Il a w• 1 1f o •!t% h11t b/ the I si161 Id u .• 4'ist• 111 •Id r t 4 1 tehoo 1 hail assured Duhr c 'try of as w'k.k 11181 Pri1111• Edw'aril IslntNl. . la -Hod of 1u1{arallele 1 pr.s{N•rll,y.-We:11e )(11111.. to tench out every - The (Wretch Salt ('0mpon . , where for in•r,as11 business. -141141 we Tla• I:rwlerleh X4411 Company is I•IIe14 that the northern' district. of ..44.4411 principally by Toronto own., 111ru•io 11 ill provide 11 114. field fur Mr. 4'. N'nrt,'l, is suluginK din1c(4.r. "our pr44hets owing 1.. the present The mitimaer, Mr. .1. P. 11.1(1 n. *41141411 poor roads. Thu• G,v,•r11nent peau (lel the outlook for the (Inure watt 'will very pitiably i.ffo't low SSudl.11ry 44,y bright. and that shear was tinl'district. 61181 Iwsid.% Ihr lol.mlzattot (4411.tiun {.lot slut tit,' output (.f tow wheel,.. for soldiers *4i11 11Iw, reran phot 1v.ald he doubled by tie spring. Iwai roads loud. Iu4ldrutli11y tow de- Alnady a targe r%tensh.0 hod lwell1 n1/tItd, for tuarhlHry .Itch na we - .-- - . manufacture. "Tlw0 Is 110 question bql that we will have to exten4L.nr plant:" said Mr. Moore. "if we Hr• to be in a i os. . than to take Imre of the orders which 1 sin Ieulydent w4' oil! revel% e. Not only ((4, se look to *4 ('H(er business in 1'111Mda. but we an• kiting 1..r tante oilers from France awl It.•l*lelnl. We dd(lpa%I h44rghly to Frnucc dnri11g the war. but the demand for rund"building tillchhn•ry will no doubt Incrase with. the rebuilding of the (I.4nstf1,141 cities a11d tow ns. aIIiI we are looking for quite n Ia1444' export trade." .ill turn wow left the plated 14.r over seas will (44• given their pboe% w b. I Now She is Strongand Well I ley ov • lank, and prefe•rene 1i i11 beiven to teterrns where passible. Western Canada Flour 31BM ('a. 4loerich. Feb. 1.1. l'wo other I:.u1r- rirh flnlw' that err reaching out for inti anticipating greatly increased hu%111c'Iw are the National Shipbuilding 4'onlpuv an11 the 1:4441erirh 4h•1nu Company. Roth are very 1111,y" at present. piini. ub.rly the former plant. which has .-,,inial orders to keep It worklug night /11111 day for more luau a year. The organ tirlu 114 .p4riu11r.- We ask every nervous, weak. nut: ing lel sanitary supplies and expect, dawn, ailing woman in this town tO to melee barge orders from overw•as, tr7 this cod liver and iron tonic oa where the president Is now rlrr•41,:1ug our guarantee to return their money for export trade. 44 tails to help sham Although not as active ea It wits during the wit tin. Western Canada Flour 311111 4'ongauy is also 11oki114 to the future for increased 4 ulptit. The hill at press• it is cad%Id by the unsettled condition of the s heat market pain it x111 likely hake some the before normal is rsaelw-1. 144 the meantime the firm 11114 11.4'111111 to /arra alttloa It. rntir4 'htR tallier than add to Ilse present shote ..I' un- employment. "1)nr workers were very (1411hfnl to us daring the '.Nr and Steal by 11. When Ilan' •v44 :1 great s.an•Ity of labor." said Mr. 41..f:.legaw. the iricer of the plain. to the represent*- , torr of 11w• )11a11 and Empire. "and we are not goitig to turn them out of em - i ployment 11/1N. Itn1lue.% 1, 110111111 to pick op In et short time and ser 1111• hoping to 111111 (on1lderahly to our urea - 1 etit stuff whin the whent market renclies 1a s(•ttl.rl state. "Ap to the fnt11re of Canada I hare no filar whatever and 1 firmly lwlleve that ser are going to have a very rapid development of Industries In (him country-. 1 11m an optimist all ilia sal mud 1 rant say more than that." %Ir. Mlegaw's firm Is holding pint - Dona for employers who went over - eras and 51(11 glue preference to re- turned saddlers. Gedeeleh Organ Company. "Ihislnv"s never looked better. end the pro peetl for tow future are eery pn,ml14ing." Nes the cherry statement f Mr. 4'. K. Sanndrra, aeerl•tary• 4 r n� tow G.wierirh 4 tramp 417. '.ltlat now ser are tunkl11g orf to ohtalu n share of the .trade. and Mr. Alexamler f the Ilrni I4 over In France arranging it orders. ave are already well r'at*Mls4wd In Franc es we hare an exhibit et the 1.y,n:. Fair, and s. Ore looking for mush bel"Inn%N from the reunstmet ion wark. lk'sldc 1 J A WORD' ABOUT BITING GRO- cerleti out of town. Just get aur prices Stst and your money will stay Isere to help build try) our own •town. Think this over and buy at home every, time. --J. H. Pipe. a Furt4ard, the !tress Brigade! Take Tour stand. Wallows Ma 111. I'romptly they all arrayed camera. of ..III 'I'hrmw•h•r, to f root and the result wits the hanlaouiest photo* that ever grated the studio of an artist, For to one had blundered. l6 9'liutvlla�', February 27, 1919. INDUSTRIAL EXPANSION FOR GODERICH. X*;tufacturers Looking Forward to Increased Business after War -- Positions Open for Returning Soldiers. Aa Wlskie vii N' .l local afalr% I% mo/1e awl operations 011 r 1WN' 0.1.11 are being 1•arried on. When every- alwny% iuter4sling' and wane arlikICN thing had been completed a1441 the new Lt1a1 Im\e apl4'ared in n•t•c41 i.suc. pi by-products under way employment The Tomah. Mail and 1.:uipiie not only %tuuld be given to double the amount wit a Nidendld adhrrtist•meut for GINIr- of of ,e% 441ugagwl "1\"..rLNrle•1d1'ulugeIonsl.,IorMbly non• rich. iu the 'outside world hut provide {u1•in•s thiel Previous to the war." Roll ' readisq for our own citizen*. wild \Ir. Itu(101. "and 1 have to fear These articles *re the pltolu(t of a tthate%et• of the future. Nor hat 1 titan reporter of The Mall Hutt Empire slyfear 4.1 the futureres f Canada.ca1 vii., w11N In (4.‘",1(.11 m,,,,„111ayN r. bol. 111H1111(a1.1111.1',4 414 1110114 he ,order the guidance of Mayor 1 /Wires to the 11414 (wnl(41,4lls• but etrl•y: %44I(. We ue,Ant lbs milk*" as the). thing 14ill .,role nut 1111 right.'. rapoeared in Ire i%%IwN 01 the Toronto Regarding1k t11. employment f re- . e - • ?i* .QGHAL 11111 Informed on rellrllle'iautlwrity that there i% u hinge uulrket In Britain for plum(dug 1111pplin, anti sanitary wood - stork. l:eruuu tow{mntthpu has beau entirely 1.111ui11utr41 rn4 Ilse buyers are now sattstled thdt there 1s not plug to he rely nllucl(444 In priers. "1 believe tail there will Inst Ise a111' reduction II)i prllws or tin' rate of Wagers. The labor condition is better Duni II 44rt. lids been. and 111e work linemen All not stand for 11 IwlttetIou. "If me get the business that we expect we 1(11 luso to run Ilse plant flight and day. awl that will main almost d1.u1.1I11g our staff. "No matter boo thongs go ser will mak* 1,41114 for lite 1111.1. who lett sea for overseas," ht{ Nall regarding the rmllhoy'ua-lot of retuned soldiers. "and eterythhic email 'the vetenl1u will pet preform a fu the posit lotu at the plaint." National Shipbuilding Ce. The National Shipbuilding firm Is r hog at tory speed tura 1K marine engines anti boilers for the Amerkau aril F reaehe (ii.versawut4, and has 1(1an7 position... open for uu4'ha11iu'. 11 hi 111110 iwi41tiv1elg nu11y enquiries for repair pert« of the en- gine 44111th It mauufuctlr•s, but has 1114'11 co111111. 1411 to re1114 • orders Ite- (11uw• 4.1 the sllortag4 of 1114%110 1111111 workers. - "We are carrying night and . slay shifts;' said Air. Peter (:orris, the wrretury-treasurer, "Hud lana enough work to ktr•p us going for .. year at . eugapri 011 fourteen m44riue engines for the French C1.verlllw•la a1141 the F:mrrg- envy Iieet /'ur{or:4 t11u, and butt num, mutes orders 4448 11111141. We are 4ery optimistic. 141141 hare 1t big field for - products.•. Ite•g11roliug t1w employment of re - Dirtied wtldier4. Mr. I:,rrie stated tlu.t could 1w veru detisd to give rs..p.er of lie I;Nh and 17th, respec- Ilia' w� Ilial 11 1 ler of Ilan from the Itlwlt •ehcly: were. still ,4%•1'14ers, but that their p)141- tederiell. fel.. 1i. -- TI.t•rr Is pl'r- tions could to op•.. rot; them out their PI/111, 4'o thou in 4h11141•io 44441.'41.. of 4.1•turl. .\1111 44. rat' as 1,4.,4111e prrfer- ,I111• hlrg.• 11•(11 r•' Nl4•r• its la1s111e/M ••111.1. 11B (14' given to the returned 1114.1 111.••1 soak NItb1 'nN1r' 1•..11It11,'INe or 114 „ii Ia),II It111N Ill the pts lit. ,..l;wisw 4'r (111• Cloture of industrial 1).usintwRead Mrrhlner) Cu. l'11n:1.11 it'll" 4..wh•rfeh. 11 111414 W11 '1914 owlwrs of the IhlmIuluu (414414 (441 1 altos -lest 11. :lily Iegno• try war Ma..111•w 1'/lmplan7 a\Iwr'I t Iar$1' 1411Nrr achtil.. 44441 .4. 11 has "01 1144 111411/4. 411 the I)nlrrs that *4(11 result film t1n• dlHk'ul1i.•s 144 o14r1'4u,• iu ucwtin( i1tr•Ision of t1w 1►.nuhtd4411 ((tel (titlarks (11': 41' 4'11111111(.11% 111111 are 11111frWltlllg 41:ote•rtinierit% to plewe•et1 w14(4 I(4' 1n*ns.rial dl11 t'ts N'Ik•re hllsllasw 11111111'114 111' tlhOna1g11Gdr•" ill 1111 tarts has l.crn gr4114. 1114161WI 111 onk•rs for' ..r the 1.1n1utry. and or• making ar- 111111t1n1. nt.11 sup/pdies for overwrite. •, r111K4uwut14 to. hake ('11 a o1 Ihr 14u1 it 111114 I.e.'', n.nNldt rvhly' handl- rreasvl bnslu,r '. Tlwir plant is Nork- , ap(Ii( I4v a sl11.rlagr of labor. a4. Ihr na-. 'Iw11ic. lea 1114. 4,1144 plants were tin niii41414(11 44.o las (4 here higher 1444441444 44(4,ahnrl rot 1,11udtio4 work x1111 111111- $00114•11117 1111- 1 1 111111 /111 11 tie various lag 111 lop splrrl at present. and they are !welting numerous enquiries from various parts Of 1'aludH • and the ('uih11 'late', w•ldle they are 1llwl dinr-IiaK their when/tun to oversea% true.. 1111rth•ularly in longue'. and II sat least. .Inst WN o4' .,r. 4.%o 114.114 T t l' 1,44 ' ' the firm \ , 1 . industries sen" largely rrladwl. i1'Ith 1 thele plefereue. There are a n11mter - IN fur at 1111 end the majority of the It,•IKiuw. of veterans working in the plant at plants are 11441(1111 returning 111 normal. Two years logo.- the firm Nturted lel present. and they are giving 1t'• 441- 1O1 R MOTTO - ono in Serena ill.' 11." Naas 144,4 I's- the 1111(4444110 of seluw machinery. most satisfaction.. I , slp,:or• , :11 to all. fellsions ere being. made for greatly 11111 the stoves. 1h1411 has uncoiled increased business. Notably are the the t414111n• Into promoted the luta.- Phone l•aa. 4ksterleh Kull Company. formerly III I duction of a rotary plow for removing%%'Ingham luel.illg for Power. Ilit1 the maker, A deputation from Kingham was in 11111 Company. 7t'.. former. I% s u nkI Market. C. ran. 1(141 and is Inking 1141 the um Mir' ager. atoll kir. T. M1tvlw11. wrretary- system here. Kingham u- seeking power facture- of- by-prillunt. of wait. nal treasurer. loth declared, that Hwy the latter is establishing 1.11111411 uM11e, hoped to double the output this year. iu tario,s parts 4.1 the !Nonillion for -At present we are doing n big ftN hlunlliu: 4.1 orders «1114.14 N ill bu.fu, s," ,aid )Ir. )IIt4h411. "hut not ' IIA."% n.ene from rho good roads I)r•'•'anything !Ike whist •114 *ial$•t Iwlwn • Kr/. a the rad-hellldhrt progranis for the year have been decided upon by 11e Gower 11ulent and Ile municipalities. From 41e outlook 11,4w 444' 4111 carry' luny liven• workers than we ha 41• ever The Signal `BUY=,4T=HOME' Campaign GODERICH. ONT. . r --4.!.e• *'..111411••*.. .. } IF YOU BUY OUT OF TOWN AND I BUY OUT OF TOWN, WHAT WILL BECOME OF 0 UR The Dollar You Spend in Ooderich will ``Come Nome to Boost" 1 Read these articles with care. They may present something you hadn't thought of before. Patronise the people whose ads are here. They are your neighbors and will treat you right. The money you spend with them stays in cir- culation in Goderich and neighborhood. WE ('AN SAVE MONEY FOR AOL' tf lou buy at homy. Tbis week we ate offering hundred* of traveller's samples iu huudLerehtef, at 2.S pt•r tent. less Motu regular price. Not m tailed handkerchief in Ow lot and a real prize• iu emelt mw. Ito SUM mud saw tll4.14 1:14.41• rxl.gr 111114 Wet•k.- J. H. Colborne. MAKS -Miff STORE `YOUR STORE. You will till here all kind. of Pure 1)nlgn and Mttltrhn•%. lls.o full 11114.,. of '1'44(141 Articles. Drug Sun - (trust. su'I 1'IWt11g111p1111 (kods. p'r'ies right. 'Buy at houe.- ('antp1ell'. Drug Store. rih\Am4ri.•l411 1'h•m1ca1 4.01111w ol?. 4044 from 14.dl•s alkw, ant 1 1 the 11.whni,4r/ Itoa11 3h14hi41 are confident stmt It will t111d 11 rr,itly town on'tilursday last making enquiries i LI 11 k •t Jlr. 1' I anon• the maw >K to the Norkitlgs of the Hydro power 11 NFEVOILS IIOLJS[W1Ft LOON VINOI. for manufacturers, and Its present plant ' not being sufficiently large to yield much of an increase the possibilities of Hydro' power are being considered. The qu's- tion of price. of COU(Le. is an important one. and it is recognized that Hydro power cannot bf delivered at Wingham. under the present methods of fixing the price, at any very attractive rate.. but still it may be the best thing availibie. Eugenia Falls. father than Niagara. would probably be the source of the power to be delivered at Kingham. if that town makes a contract salt the Hydro people. Berkeley. Cal. -"I was nervous, irotable, no appetite, could not sleep. and was al rays tired. so my house- work was a great effort. After many other medicines had failed Vinol built me up and made me strong. I Have a good appetite and sleep well. Every nervous. weak. ailing` woman should try it?' -Mrs. N. Edmunds. 21 )7 Dwight Way. Berkeley. Cal .1. .%. t'1)1PIt1'I,1.. I'rtlggi.t, 11114. Winter Footwear Style, fit and durability re three very important f ures in footwear. The are qualities that every 11 • e of Shoes and Rubbers t , our immense stock mu* possess. Every line Is, selected with these ends in view, therefore ensuring per- fect quality and footwear that will stand the most severe teat in any weather. REPAIRING -- Geo. MacVicar North side Square. Goderich Marla�t'S $je�jic Removes GalI S*ones 24'-llour;s THE Neve; -Failing Remedy fcr Appendicitis Indigestion, Stomach Disorders, A ppeal icitis and Ki.rneyStones are often caused by Gall Stones. and misl•*d pc --pie until those had attacks of Gall Stone Colic appear. N"t one in ten Gall Stone Sufferers knows what is the trouble Marlatt's Specific will cure without tela or oper- ation. For sale exclusively in Gode- rich 07 ...JAMES A. CAMPBELL... J.W. MARLATr& SSI O1TAR10 ST. TORONTO Or". Robertson t Mair. DONT 1.11E IN DARKNESS. Have your home wired fur electric- ity 111x1 be up to slate. Get our estimates. We furnish everything but 11w Jitter. Large blue of fix- tures on 11:141. If we do it. it will be dote tight. --Robs Tait. YOU CAN GET BETTER SATISFM'- tion ami a lower pr'w ou printims In town than you can by wending 0. the city. If you doubt this ort 111• Iw�e a talk with you. Besides. when you bare your printing done in "town. the winter's wage, are spent in town. -The Sips! PeidLsg C+.. Limited. WALL P.IPER-.II.1. THE SEA- w)11's 44.41 ••.t 111111 most attractive dto'lgps. liespite the price hind • of the 1 • oRc•r 1 44.1. 4 wean It, 1.11 paper. most .vmpl.te and r,aw.mably pri1'411 lines to 14'• 111,41. Buy from your Moue nw•lrlu1141s anal let your tinea km.N yon are 1111re. -Parsons' Fair. CALL 1�Ni1 SEF. Vr1BAT YOL' ('AN buy gtjhker and Purity I'ut•kl ge thin( 11K on Friday unit Saturday. - .1. Spahr. THE GRE AT FUNDAMENTAL ta1•tor hi 'winning and keeping the better trade at home la to handle the hest mrrehandls•. Hats that attract are of (polity. Ecelnsive- n•%N anti ltt•tltlemt-ut.-Miss M. R MarVkttr. WHEN AK' BUY DRUGS PURITY should be the first consideration. We haddle a fall line of Pure Drugs. Medicines. Toilet Art lutes. anil everything that Is r•old in a 11ml-- class I►ru* $tore. l:(041 Servie. Buy at home. -E. R Wigle. MAKE OUR GARAGE YOUR GAR - age. If your auto is sick we 41111 Anctor Ir gIik'k. F'el11 line of 11ter«- sories and tire. 011 hand. (If (1)1111514 Toto know we handle (he Ford. the universal car. Get In your order for spring -P. J. MarEwan. For Good Reliable Shoe Repairs, try Smith & Ring j0 fall Sweet. Opt'os.te Knox Church Us Trial '.4'U a Give t sure ('O All Ell 144' a ndrr Massey -Harris Shop -.FOR -- BINDERS, MOWERS AND C(TLTIVATORS. DF.LCO-LIGHT PLANTS. BUCKEYE INCUBATORS. GRAY AND McLAUGHLIN CARRIAGES. GAS ENGINES. WIRE FENCE. OLD HOMESTEAD FERTILIZER. Robert Wilson Hamihnh St (:odetCh NEW SPRING FOOTWEAR ON I'P- totle-minute lasts. \t'o hair them in plain and (•olored combinations. 1N.t11 on the Cuban and faints heels. Wer lIi4"e men- ,tyles 8t Sharttaans Shoe `tore. STOP. 1.0OK. LISTEN! BEFORE 7a„1 buy a Stove or any kind of Hanlwar•: Yon will find our prle•s whole lot lower than ont-of-town price:. Give ua a (•bane first and Ise ennvlrl(rd.-C. J. Harper. JUST PICK OUT ANY ARTICLE iN ynnr ,ntal04111•. then ser 114we V1 " IN not only eomlwte In Klee.. hat will %nye you money Its Hardware. Stores. Tools. Boat tinplates. etc. Try u, and see. -('Las. C. Lee. A WORD TO HOUSEWIVF11. JUST simply insist On having your bread Orden'. come from home bakeries. Every loaf of oat-of-t(.wn bread Inn eat Jost hurts our town that much. Try our home-made pro.luets. - J. W. Smith. GOLDEN RULE HAS PLACE IN TRADE. Has Been Found to Be Good Business Policy Both for Buyer and Seller -Obligation Not One -Sided -Consumer Gains As Much By Being Fair With Merchant as Latter Does By Being Square and Honest. 1 (Copyright.) Some cynical persons have remarked tint the Golden Rule has no place in business. They have taken the posi- tion that instead of doing lotto others as you would have them do unto you. the only safe and sane plan is to do others before they have a chimer to do you. - Fortunately for business and for the world at I:arge, however, these persons are few anti far between. '"'Ire great majority of people are honest. t it has leen proven repeatedly that even in business it pays to practise the ((0141en Rule, just as it has been proven repeatedly that "honesty is the lest, Iioliey.' It not only snakes a malt feel better dowel in his heart when he employs the prineiple of the tlolden Rule. but he finds that it is good biat►ine: This applies not only to the man who stands be- hind the counter and gives a full pound of sugar fo the num who ask. for a pound, but a1alsoto the luau who stands on the other side of the counter 'and pak his Money' for the (ouud of sugar. Does Consumer Do His Part? The eomsu8ter expects the merchant to 11e honest and square and Rive him his moneys worth for ever; pemlt.' that hr spends with him►, but how often does the consumer stop and ask" himself the quest' , "Am l beigg as. fair and I at with the merchant as he is being with sur!" The colaunler not only expects the merchant to give 11im honest weight and full measure at the lowest possible price. but he expects a world of other things et the saute time. Nine times out of ten he expects the nterehamt to give him credit. ami nine times out of ten the nlerrhent rife. it. Minty times he expects the merchnat to "carry" him for three or four mouths befi,re he pays for what he bays. and as maty times the merchant does it. Ile expects the merchant to pay for advertising apace in the 4httreh program whits he pk getting up. and the merchant dues it, He exJe4ts the mer- chant to "kirk in" moat Iiberatly when he is raising a fund for the benefit-44-the.:towu baud, and the merchant does it. Ile expects the merchant to provide the bonus which is to to paid to hbtain a new feetory- which will benefit the working man. the clerk and everybody else in the town. and the merchant dues it. Ile expects the merchant t.. "(guile aero«." with a donation to help the poor family which otherwise would become a charge win the eouuu1u flogs of the eonunnnity. and the merchant does. Another Bide to Picture. ' Now, look on the other side of the picture. lir. ('on - sumer decides that he needs a new snit of clothes, or Jlra. Conttu)ner decides that she wants a new kitchen range or some -of the little Consumers express a desire for it train of'\ ears or a bobsled. Mr. Consumer pieks up the big mail- order catalogue which the mail-order house has printed with his money or that of others like him, and he looks it over until he finds a picture that strikes his eye. It's a picture of a "nifty" looking snit of clothes. Of course. he can't feel the picture to see whether the cloth is as good as it looks; he can't look the mail-order man in the eye and ask him whether he will guarantee it to wear for at least 11 month or nix weeks; he can't tell the mail-order roan that he will drop in the first of the month and settle for it ; he can't tell the mail-order man that he wonld like to have a little of his business or a chance to do a little carpenter work or painting or pluulbilig work for him, as long as he is buy. ing Itis goods from him, for the mail-order man hasn't Any business or any work to give. him. But the picture is a pretty one, so Mr. Consumer digs out his hard-earned eawh, goes down to the postoffice, buys a money -order and sends it to the snail -order man. After' a week or ten days. or poedhly two weeks, the suit arrives. It may be nothing like the picture. The cloth may be of poor quality. The chances are - that it doesn't fit at all. But there is milling for•Mi•. Consumer to do but put the suit on and wear it. He can't get his money bark. He might send the suit back and the mail-order man might send another in its place, but the ehances are that it wouldn't he any Netter than the first tend Mr., Consumer would only be out the additional express Ieharges. Pound Golden Rnle Pays. Mr. Consumer found that it pays to remember the Golden Rule in business. If he had done unto the merchant as he would like the merchant to do unto him. 11e would have got more for his money and he would have aided in making it possible for the merchant to help him and his town when they needed help. The world has discovered that the Golden Rnle is not for use only 00 Sundays. but that it is value on every (lav of the week. JUST EKAMIN'E OUR LiNE OF Clothing and get lar prices 1111.4. Big line of floe Clothing for men and boys Also nifty line of /:ent.4- Furnlahinge. Hats. ('.ape. etc. You will purr money by trading here --- G. G. Newton. 771E DOLI..IR 101' SPEND AT home stays here Hurl yon *114 11*Mr to pt it Ia: k next Clay. If yin .4,1111 It Olit ,4f ((44414 it 14 gone forever. (:et our prices on l:rw'erlem and wive money by buying herr.-- J. H. Leach. stmemmimmilliMMiallt WE 'HANDI.E A FI'LL LLNE Or 'all Linda ut Books, Stationery, 1)fi1:e Supplies. (4(i.nol Books are a %4N•t•iaity with 0a. Leave your order With els for your favorite magaxlte. We are 444 your w•rvlce. Roy at Inoue.- lues. Porter. A S.IPE STORE TO PIN YOUR faith to is tow So:Web ((tore. where 4.%4.14 are wail on their nw1 merits, not en p utTed-up valise*. If it la 1lay thitlg In I►ryguoda you want, el tall on its l,ntl we w111 do our best to plow you. -1). Millar S Sem all 1"OI R HORSE BLANKETS 11101 Robe- :it aou1• %lieu you 4:ur get thew at _el per le•ut, off regular prhe- 1. J. I'altridge. QV A L I T% CONSIDERED. OUR: llrl.'er 'are reas..uale. We Iundte t11e pert. -Laren Bre. WARS CLOUDS ARE PARTED. Now`let us all teaser for ■ bigger alma letter I:Iwleri'h. %Vt. 1.1111 du 11 ((7 all of u. buying our supplies at Irma•. it trill Ileli' wonderfully Kar lel for I(anlware. Moor. moil l'I,,mbWg. }Fred Hint. AU. WE ASK iii A ('OMP.IRIS411s of our line of Furniture with others Get our prices, then draw cunt con- cussions. Big stick to 411.ww from. (Sur Undertaking I%•lartmen, 1 - complete. Bay at Iwme.-. Bropb►y Brae. HERE Lai OUR TROUBLE WHEY• we have to 11444* r sh.uld> le•a t her show•. 141411 Ilalw r sole.. When %11,Nri .e1a11e from our hNwl dealer. 1%4 110 lot Imre chi, trouble. We d.. a!t kiwi+ Ili plowregairlllg nod n.• d.. it - It. right. -Samuel Stuhh. ' PRf'TERIA. BOOK OF' PRiitlr :l+Bl I -This new 11.1 M11111. auth.lrfzl•,4 b7 no. Gtuer111 '4..etub1y of tai Pres- byterian 1'hurcll in 4'11uada, ural 44111,11 IS being 11du1Nw1 generally, is now In stock WI* t* ipg awohl ap _Thsnsses's Mole Stere. - - 1'Ol WILL FIND `YOU CAN ALW.11S Aare 011111)' by doing your trading In Grueerles. i►ryE1w44IN and GeiwraL ML•n'lundtw• with ns. (Mr prices I ore an object letw n In bn4111g at 11.1014' ever? time. -J. J. Betimes'. - F R A M R S rat PHOTOGRAPHS, for Painting:, for Prints. 1)ur framing la artistic. inexpensive and tlatisfaetory.-Ssaith's Art Stere. East street. 111.111. ORDER HOUSES DO NOT partk•niarly hurt our !mattress, fait We ar.' in lila With any move that helps our tow'11 and our Inrn•lusta. For flue 4'oufe.tlon•ry and lee. (:ream Ton will 111x1 the pure 1111I1F at our stone. --C. Rlarkutotw. T011 WILL FLND BY BUYING. your now and Feed from, us yon will be rt;ell pimpled with oar war of doing buaittelw. Good stock at right pri(ee. We believe In trading at- home. tlame. It will help as a11.-Videar • ('ONSI'LT YOUR CATALOGUE, than commit t1, and note they saving. in Iia mesa and Horse Gods, Tnlnk,, Bags. Horne Blankets, or anything for the stable N',• wilt not be undersold by any mall order house. -H. J. F'lalser. -- LIVE A\1) 1.T LIVE -THAT IN A. F . good working motto for everyday life. Ghe the home merchant a flume to do bu141u(•1as with you 011 a fnlr I1,h. You will find It the beet pin hiking ev(•ryt111ng`\ -I-nto. rnn• ',toleration. 1.11-e aid 71 let 1•. -Tar - Signal "'riding Co- I.N. Fit SPE('IAL FOOTWEAR BAR - Sins this week see Gee. MseVkarli. windows. north side of aqua re, Glderkli. IT IS FAR SETTER ANI) S.1F'EIC to have your old photographs copied or enlarger) by N rpttponotflole firm like our% than to intrust them to - the arra agent woo earls at your hark dut1r. Tliey are irate •Ith ns N'e uaiietwtaid thea work and do. not oyer ..rite --J. T. Fell. BEWARE OF CATAI.00I'E F1'RNi- tnre; it all looks alike In plctnre.. Better trade at home. we carry a full Ion(• Of Furniturr for every room In the hony`, at prices that w111 twat only mall order knusr.- W. Walker. - - 1 W11.1. H011) MY FIRS!' OPENING of $pr•Ine Miitlnery t(at11Ilaf, %/44n•h Nth. and (fon4sy. March iMh. 3leKinnon bin Toronto hooking 1.p the Infest rtvlew. M. E. ('alaet'Iaa ART GOOiiS ARE iN A CLASS ST them elves. We earr7 a 1141 line In Art and t'ancy" ((0041., Nn'eltie1. rte All dainty and will pgMhr anyone who 1. interested In hi. - ChM. plods. Try ns be be pleanio: q. Noble. ea. You Owe a ditizen's Duty to Your Own Town rt 111