The Signal, 1919-2-27, Page 5m . SIGNAL 1 tables ware tilled by the card-playms, and the prize -winners were Mist) Lawrence, .111 FOR SALE As we are putting In $ 1 25 Mr,D. Hogie and Mr. Clasen:e Taylor. electric power Afterwards there was dancing and it was well beyond the midnight hour when the strains of the orchestra ceased. 1 pier 6 H. P. International Engine present report a moat rn)<,yabie occasion, and the ttnancial result is the handsome ! igufturs, clutch pulley, large gasoline tank, par,' }, suui and I addition of $ 9.I+t) to the rnemortal fund. rings and wrenches. Can lir se511 illnuing at The Society wishes to thank the Rebekah "Owned and Operated by a Lodge for the loan of tables and chaps 1 r this occasion. Practical Mao" East Street Garage A Rare Treat. GODERICH - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover An entertainment of high artistic merit was given in North street Methodist 111—.--......R I church on Thursday evening last under the auspices of the choir of the church There was a large attendance and the audience was an appreciative one. nearly every number'un the program being en- cored. Mrs. G. H. King. of Peterb•xo . w A N r E v 1pin•1lnlr. Kural 'IM'ke I again a soloist in h North street church, Keg. A. c ti. Clarke, ria h of been again captivated her Goderich of audience m George's chun:h. GxLericli, has Iweu her first number. "Sing On." and held it appointed by Bishop \Villiauta rural through the succeeding b numbers. Mr. dean of IJte county of Huron. F. T. EKener was in excellentdentform. his tine baritone voice being heard to adv ante t;. W. t. A. Rooms Opined.. nt- ,yge in two numbers and encores. The opening of the G. W. V. A violin sobs by arise Grace Seager were nr.ulr w•aa marked by a Itanquet given given with exquisite taste and skill. Mrs. , Kid•.ev Pills. . u Wednesday evening by the ladies of I .`lay Rance Nrx cKinm, of Clinton, proved a s Kidney Pills a,, the War Auxiliary. It prov'ts1 to he a herself an artist in elocution and was WIN, ,-,.,its a box it ail very interesting and enjoyable event, I heard with great appreciation indna bits but owing to pr•essare on our s"Mee this several numbers. A piano duet by Miher sses glt week a detallal report will have to be Scott and Jackson was artistically rend - deferred. ered. and '\hiss Scott acted as accompanist throughout the evening with her usual Bard if .tgrleulturemetingunNteder the ability. Altogether the program was a A series of meetings the auspices rare treat. and Miss Scott. tne clever or - vim the West Huron d of Agriculture gambit of North street church, under will be held next week—on Tu -day at whose direction the entertainment wag ambit on Wednesday at Dungan- given. is to be congratulated upon the non. on Thursday at St. Helens and on succi of her effort. The church was Friday at Kintail. Further par prettily decorated with flowers for the are given by advertisement in this issue. occasion. It is hoped the meetings will be well at- Mrs. Cummings' Visit. tended.l We guarantee On Tuesday evening the sch'iol room p (good Roads Meeting. e>< St. George's church was well filled with e ting OUT prICCS 1►t•pnty Reeve Clerk has arranged for an appre•-iative audience of ladies to hear :vig,ublic meeting tat, be held in the town Mrs. Willoughby Cumlmnirs, D. C. L., of uueil chamber next 1'uewlay electing Toronto, speak on foreign missions. Mrs. iu connection with the Provincial high- i Cummings is a very tkl int and forcible tray project. Mayor Wigle will ptq' 1 speaker and she made a strong appeal fix side and the reeves and councillors o ..- t-,t.r support of missions, especially 1 have been invited us he R Everybody intererited in the rt gnestt.tn c \ Robertson & Mair Conscio Food board Ltcsnce No S-21411 Grocers 1, highway improvement is urgttii to h filledI preeivnt as tine meeting. . Oddfellows' Hall was t0 overflow- adjoining the occasidxn bet euojc�. of mothers',pensi n by the Holy desirability of havng women on the . the euchre sod dance ing on Tuesday night, • chuck m aid i — far LOCAL TOPICS. Fresh Eggs AND Choice Dairy Butter Cash or Trade Dodd's Kidney Pilis GVDU1C1, O!?. are the tally iradkina that wilt cure Dia- betes. Like 13right'v D.s- ease this dis- ease was in- curable until Dodd's Kidney Pills cured iL loxias themselves conies* that without Dud's Kidney Pills they are powerless against Dia. betel. Dodds Kidney t ills are the keit nwdicine that ever cured Diabetes. imitations— box, nater and i+, II, are advertised to do .o, but the medicine that Jura cure labotos be in charge 4.1 the -elvlces in \ ict.xia • street Methodist church next Sunday. A nion of the twat lethodtatement ist churches rding rin uGodorx:h w be made and halloos for the vote will be distributed. The ballots will be return. able on Sunday, Mar:h 91h. The services in Kiwi church next Sabbath will be conducted by the mender. In the morningll the dts's rataent ed to ' of the Lord's Supper' all the members of the eongrevati n. -1n the evening the tiwnte will be "The Church Mi,itant.' 1)n Friday evening • at If o'clock a preparatory service will be held. The service. in North street \leth•tdist • church will be cortdtx•ted fnext Sunday u �d In Iby the pastor. Rev. Dr. will deal watt the evening the pa: • another incident in the Pilgrim's Progress -subject: •'Thr I>etectable Mountains.- s in the church i parlor at 0a a. nub Sunday hoot and Bible classes meet at 3 p. m. You will • be made weltllame to any et there services. EP CROSS NOTES. headquarters of 1 w that all knitted goods led in by. Mand lath. knitters to work hard d bung all nufrhexl over to Cr. (,allow'* dna have wished \Vont flu mint be ha I Crass state iMay weask on I until that date I work and yarn le ;onus!, North street•. .\r nlnahers of pe DC g this kind held in Goderich and it is hoped to purehase that ex • (lent 9tiality 01 I Merit Co. of Chicago. A few years ago he returned to his native township, took it will not to the last. Nes. Gro. herH. yarn d 4.«•1 , aour local N Asir s storehon I over the old o his at township, erected King, of Peterborough, sang with y which was a delight I Manlayt Thursday and sl orbit' after- a over handsometld new iwuae and settled down sweetness t the Ids of the farm Ile a old-time uwas member to her old friends as well as to those who Thurt lay, February 27, 1919' -$ APITAL • RIESZ YE —$ ••000.000 TOTAL A S — Iaoi00o000 THE FASCINATION OF SAVING tint log is a habit that bnnits hue satisfac- tion. There is something fascinating about watching the dollars moult 4p. grows e with of independence and security the knowledge that you have meaty, in the Hank. 1•refeire fur future uncertainties by opening a w'ing's Account with this lank moi. Interest allowed at current rates. 4.46 UNION BANK OF CANADA BEAD OfI-ICE . WINNIPEG. MAN. •GODERICH BRANCH, F. WOOLLCOMBE, . - - M.earer. --- T1 death of Mr. Allan R. throii.h *h.• ii;.;,.411'N already at \'.ork learned of OCf . which tic- awl to :, i.»'i.•t\ Neil eelahlitiherl ati& Greed ofn Saturdaye townfip correct on Saturday last after a brief ill- we•11 kuovv u, wo it was d.rid•ed� to tllik ries of aOVentdicitis. Dlr. Green was a I our colhs•tors to continue their rikilde strong robust titan, only four wntith» more t Ii11 Jusi) t r sb1►, i.rrl» of t I in his forty-third for ext ho year, and the news of his death came as I wiu•u rhe• ►tree P e• a great surprise. He was burn in Colborne. r•nog•s•s w ill prolaibly le 1i.i-.4x1. We• but for ten years or so lived in the States. ill uris ,ly their -ttuour ycontributor 4114 a to in connected with the Fairbauke- nd f•el cuiddeill fled •t hearty' respos•»w will lie wade W this further uppesti to oto' g•'Ia•r)aity, As M. Itottt:ItTrooN, 'fres :n r'r' of W'a rtl 4 'ullei io/trl. tuxes of life Hill Presbyterian church and h by not before heardrtier. A duet given , Basket-113a1L a liwluld, h was warmly esteemed sb3 and highly re much enjoyed. Humber and Nina Whiting K -t {»asks* -Lull ted by all who knew him. Ile leaves Dr. Rutledge presided I lirasu up uioo11g tire boys' •lel , aawife and three children. ary. Herbert over the meeting. The jttrges were Miss 1 Ben d M Methodist. [taytf»t and 1'1••wby I and Dorothea and is mourned also by his aged father. Mr. Andrew Green, his broth- ers Will and James. u( Colborne. and three sisters: Mrs. Kober res of Col - t....%.4, o¢n.\i andPMissMurdoch . rrtlanal too k place to Colborne cemetery on W'edfl sday• — -- Collections fur. Refugees - ECONOMIZE MAKE YOUR OLD HAT NEW WiTH COLORITE Colors old and new straw hats, satin, silk and canvas ,tipper;, and basketry. it is waterproof and dural'le, very • eerily applied, and dries in 3) minutes. There are 16 colors. Come in and we will show you the different ,trades. ' Phone and mail orders quickly filled. Name Society of St. t'etex s scjaol board. of the soldiers' memorial fund. Over forty I On Wednesday evening Mrs. Cum I decided upon by the direr mangy gave an illustrated lecture on timlerich lndustnal Exhibition for this I Japan to the girls of the church. The year's fair. limelight views were particularly good and I Mr. Albert Rivers, who recently re - the lecture was most instructive. It is m„veil to town from Dungannon. ha» Girls'League will shortly• purchased from Mr. J. J. \leaver the in Japan. At the ciu'.r o. easant refreshments were served and �a p The supply of Laurier portraits at this social hour was spent. • office is exhausted and out-of-town sub - On Wednesday afternoon \Ins. Cum scribers will please not send further orders. mines addressed a combined meeting of the three chapters of the 1. 0. D. E. on the welfare of girls employed in the prob he 4 las it if the •rfu n 1. Sharman, hiss S. lly an t ,•hurchee». Thr nr+q M h• doled ale Mooney. These gave their decision in I tat► pluer ou 11w lay evenin la's, Iwtwtt•n Ital•11•ta- anal I'rer.byterhut the result. LI4-11, being a ilecisire victory for St. .\islr••w's 514,41111 tuetaiou blight 1w wade of t'a{rafu Erie %Vils•m 11111 \Villi.• \Vrlr, who were the .chief ,caul -getter» for the sterid'». 'Che Itaptiste were ••I•Iw•Iy giwrdte!, and, us u n silt, esperieixrrl much ditticulty in breaking away anti shorting on the basket. Mt. .bines''» have u ••lever guano -tie. who un- lin- favor of Miss Jean MacEwen. let prize: Mats Maud Howell. 2nd prize; Miss Marguerite Lymhurner.:ird prize. LOCAL TOPIC INS RIEF'. Having been asked by the Mayor to . entertain the returned soldiers, the (.en- I proving ha every ,»Lu•st. Anna eral Brough Chapter has planned an I I,twb anal John ttotutld um wv ri yh•• evening of entertainment for March t7tth. i.t.tI lot iii•.y v tlt•s. itt's II Il. ld h. e Monday. 15, Visual s.7. esIplayers strictly to the rules. Mr. )1,'- tieptember lo, iFi sail 17. are the dates C tars u( tbtr l.'rewrh was utY+ciul timekeeper. and Melville ,)It- .gilt official scorer. .tknit lift, attended, and ww a very exciting' ' ,•onte•t. Next week the Itatpti-Is ate! M:•thotllsts meet in the 414. ,IIIII game tri the schedule. Thi• hams Ih+•rl up as follows: Smith's Art Store 1:.,.t St i i..,.I1t li' THOS. LEGG IM1111IIIIIIIIU111111111111111111111111111NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111M1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU11111 111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIn1111111111 I MODEL THEATRE JIIIIIIIHIIINIIImlllllplll SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY Pure house -made Lard, crocks or pails... .....- 1 lb. lots .................30c Domestic Shortening 30C H. A. Brand Oleomargarine�x Our own Pork Sausage 23c Our own Bologna Sausage 20e r Mutton `rex Leg peony, Loin young Mutton ........23f Chops young Mutton sic Stews young Mutton Ibc, 18c Choice Corned Beef ...18c, 25c Phone West side Square Red (' Ti. the I. tate of Tile signal. lk•ar Mir. Maus of our .'•nitrlbulora lune been as 'tic alien the Iter) frost» t'olleet coli» ail Iw dl:••uuti 1. This question was ,h tide) ut the luw•tlug ,a( the iii,•ail Has t'ru.s S.a •h.'ty' ou i \louditY rceuiiig ria tv,' should like to pr••s•ut !lira matter to our ••itizeiw through (int ioinutuw •, The Slgmi1. It•d t'ross activities + tie the +til- I tiler+ are still going ••u v iet•wms acid at home and most •',rnthnue or uolitlw yet. Supplies are net weds .int much now awl the host shipments a • to bit went in March. as free leans{»r tatltlu expected that a be formed m St. residence ou `el+tun street next t a r' tt.\I''1'id:uxrd», t'. Itaithby he the railways will •s•ase• thea. .lint files Cummit►¢s made a very favorable 'doses-, own residence. soil J Ikaialds.m : s tit r••. H. f'lutrorl . 1 menet- will .till M• i.•vd•rl to pure) tat• impression in Goderich and her coming I i rays preagassn will be looked forward to with w111 1»• held at tb• ,ho *captain./ lin hospital aeric. pleasure. s 1 lerty F:IRii avrnu. uu �T\111tF:v\ M I Me r- 1'M KeI t rix. }i»it•ty Iw. al. r W. 1'. T. l •..\et is Ides. On Monday last the W. C. T. U. met in the home of Mrs. i Rev. i 0,terhout. St Georges Churchwaoan's ,UI It being Frances Willard Memorial Day a I intends holding a high tea and bazaar in arch I 4Mrs.March :flank. IM.W. 1 ow•ell took charge of the first part of the meeting. Mrs. G. M. Elliott Faye a very tine paper om "Reconstruc- t tion. d Ibe used in the purchase of an electric iron I Tickets rocs and Mrs goitre and anything else the committee may set Huron road. Goderich township. The lit for the children's shelter. The March . -- deceased had been ill with influenza and meeting will be held at Mrs. Aitken's I CHURCH NOTES. 1 her death was caused from the after - home, the public horn . - 1 effects 01 this msease. The late Miss Thursday afternoon the members of who was in her twenty-third the W. C. T. U. and other visitors at The March meeting of the Ministerialym highly respected in the neigh • tended the parlor meeting at the home of Assodation will be held in the vestry of 1 year, was and a wide (nigh' Mrs. Mooney, East street. `ars. Gordon North street Methodist church no Mon- I mourn her early wide The f friendsthy I interested theni the whole community goes out to the Murray. of Hamilton, day. March 10th at 2 p m. Full attend -father, mother and two brothers in their ladies a a couple of hours speaking of ante requested. different departments of W. C. T. U me Power of Life” ,tri d "The Law of tad bereavement. The funeral will be work. Her address was instructivei and I Possession.•• or "Why Does thee Gambier I held Friday to Maitlagd cemetery. ` The Union ecided to give $10 to inspiring and it will be a p some time • in the future Mrs. Murray again visits Goderich. the Baptist church On Friday evening was the scene of interest when six young ladies gave essays on "Why the growing, manufacture and use of tobacco is useless and harmful to the human system." The papers were all very good and the mem- bers of the W. C. T. U. wish to thank Mrs. Urquhart. whohad interest shown in contest charge. for her great the work. This is the first contest of The pastor, Rev. Never win*' will be the su {ec s sidered at the Baptist church next Lord'sI ATEW -person—An old `�esdep etiof 1' Day. Bible school at 3 p. m. and B. • Goderich, a P. U. at S o'clock. T. Mathews, widow of the late William Rev. R. C. McDermid was in Bruce I Matthews. passed away on Tuesday county last Sunday in the interest.; ot e of I jail that Alextor andra ae hospital, pgnt 1, where The dee Forward Movement. and the pulpit Knox church was occupied by Rev. Wil- I ceased was a daughter of the late John Ilam M• of terdaformerly 1era Mrs. a many yearsminister at Exeter. Mr. I Baxter of town. Her husband. who was ail Martin was heard with mu:h interest. 1114911 well-known nrema m ttwill clerk. taken `n H. O;terhout. will 1 Brantford b• the aftcrn ren G• T. H. (rain tom arrow i Friday l for interment in the Mathews tamely plot in Greenwood emetery In that cit. 4 o as:. 1•1t lust their all and to pro%i e purchase food and clothing and other i nes •.•sea rhes. We think that it is latter to ice. .ulh.•tlous for this purl arse ht 1;01114ictt DEAN'S Special Blend Coffee Blended from the finest Mocha and Ja4a Coffee Beans Freshly Roasted Freshly Ground Our Coffee \s'ill atisfy you. Get a pound t4xlay Price, 50c per pound. l• Wednesday and Thursday, March 5, 6 FOR THE SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL FUND BILLIE BURKE 1\ "THE LAND OF PROMISE" Billie Bi''- d Or E elle Pn -taw The greatest stage suc- cess of its season. The talk of the Great White Way. This tender heart interest story enhanced by the captivating presence of Billie Burke becomes a Paramount Picture you can't afford to muss. MODEL THEATRE WED. and THI R' MARCH f and ti 1n aid of the Soldier's' Memorial Fund ADMISSION 35c One performance daily, at S o'clock Friday and Saturday, March 7, 8 GH ARLIE CHAPLIN "THE ADVENTURER" ammo ammo Immo limow IMMO N BROS. atOCERS No. 14.411511 ons.•Phone ctrl WRIGLEY5,. NIcKEE.--There passed awl/ in Gale - rich township on Monday. February 24th, Alice Rutledge Hamilton, widow of the late Thomas McKee. The deceased lady was in her eighty-eighth year and had been for many years a resident of Goderich township. Her husband pre- deceased her eleven years. The funeral was held from the residence of her daugh- ter, Mrs. T. J. Johnston, 4th concession, on Wednesday last and was very largely, attended, interment being made in Mait- land cemetery. A family of four daugh- ters survive. all of whom are residents of Goderich township: Mrs. T. J. Johns- ton. Mrs. Geo. Falconer, Mrs. Jas. Ross and Mrs. Johnston. 401, HOGGARTH.--The home of Mr. and IN Mrs. Thomas Hoggarth, Baytield road. has been sadly bereaved by the death of *their second son, Thomas Frank. making >= the first break in their family circle. t. Frank. who was in his ninth year. had an attack of influenza about Ch istmas time, Ebut recovered and went back to school. A Iweek before his death the disease recurred in a virulent form. Besides the sorrowing parents, two brothers and two sisters are bereaved. The fun• ral services nn Tues- day afternoon were conducted by Rev. I. 11 0sterhout and Rey 1. E. Ford, and the pallbearers were four of Frank's schoolmates- Johnnie Sproid, Elwood Thompson, Kingsley Ilarris and Emmet - son Elliott. EQUINN. — There passel away at Toronto on Monday, February 2lth, Mrs, Margaret. Quinn, relict of the late Daniel Quinn. The deceased lady was in her eighty•faurtli year and was In- dnsposed .in y s week, with bronchitis, when death took place For many years Mr. and Mrs. Quinn lived In Ash- nekt township, near lanes. Where the former died twenty years ago. A hew - years atter her hnshand's death Mrs. C Qninn renIoved to Toronto, where she iaisi - Made her house with her children. ,, The remains were brought from Toron- to and were interred in lit. Joseph's ..... IC cemetery, Kingshridge, on Wednesday, ra re puce mass being hekl in St. Joseph s I church. 'Ilse following ramps, survive: .john, of Colorado: Jeoeettb itmi William, aof Toronto: 2 .t1011 Mit Dalton. of Toronto. GREEN. -11 was with the deepeat re 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111E Bret that friends in town and country A LSO WILLIAM RUSSELL iN- "Up Romance Road" . The story of a love affair which rail too smoothly, shunted to tne rocky road and became entirely too rough. Matinee Saturday at 3 o'clock USUAL PRICES elaMI ERMETICALLY sealed in its wax - wrapped package. air- tight. impurity proof WRIGLEYS is hygienic and whole- some. The goody that's good for young and old. The Flavour Lasts MAOC 1141 C*NAOA el sere re so WRIGLEY'S Iles for rats 14144 S3