The Signal, 1919-2-20, Page 7Economical Purity In your soap, purity is not only desirable but its an absolute necessity if you want )our clothes to last. 4,aIight flap is ab••hrtely pare ao filler. or adulterant. of say kind : SSW/ guemotee of this. washes elotbsa beautifully ole•■ —freak as new without the *terse! weer sad tar of the wash board. LEVER DROTHF:Rx IIMIIFI TORONTO r1O1inflr=lssflefloflc flofOtadlof'1tX/lnritrfltsfln We are pleased to be able to inform the pVblic that we are now in a position to Supply any quantity of hard coal in all sizes. Also any quantity of soft coal for domestic use. We wish to extend thanks to our customers, who have been very patient during the stress of the coal shortage, and now that it has been relievedwe will give our old-time service and prompt delivery. ANNOUNCEMENT The Saults Coal Co. Phone No. 75 B. J. Saints' residence W. W. Sats' residence No. 275 No. 22Q22 X TAE SIGNAL --- GODERICH, ONT. xdevoted is the I Te MI WOMEN widow of the late Premier Greenray of health and COUNTY and DISTRICT M,,,at„ b,, Mrs. John Slemmon, a highly esteemed resident of Grey township. died on Janu- uary 20th at the hone of her daughter, Mrs Alex. Lamont. at Olds. Alberta. She was in her eightieth year. She went West last June to stay with her daughter. William Dale, an old resident of the township of Tucket-smitlr, died Tues- day morning of last week at his huiue Personal Experience. the Huron road. in his seventieth year. The (locoweed' wan born at Woodstock and come to Huruu with his mol,eae, wantt to leen,. latents inure than sixty years age. rated Lydia 1as.'a M galsibl i I trouble. A sister droppedr of ekea ddevoted from heart George Denootme, a lacheer of Drys- dale section, is dead at the age of eighty- sia years. Samuel Reichert, of Zurich. died Feb- I ruary 7th in his forty -fust year, a victim of consumption. Mrii. Jordan, wife of James Jonian, post�naater of Dublin, died on the Mlh fast., after a brief Wneaa. John Elder has Melo his term uu the London road, south of Exetee. to Frank Bean, who take, possession in the spas ng. George shale. of Henselh fell off a high Mad el logs aril irwcwtrwl his kneel severely. Ile will bit fad up nor several weeks. The "nu" epidemic 1s w) bad around Whltechureh that services in the Pres- hyterian church have been suspended for two Sundays. Frederick Genttnev, of Dashwood. died on the tith inst. in his seventieth year, a few hours after being seized with a paralytic iftroke. John Yeo, of Kwan Lake, Man., has purchased Alex. Smith's tarty on the Alb ooncesniof of Morris, The price is reported to be $6.91111 - Mr. and Mrs. A Tuwuseili I; of Tuekersmith, celebrated the twenty- fifth anniversary of their wedding on the 7th inst. Busses wen- present from Auburn. Seatorth, t'buten and l:gwond- v i l le. A sudden death occurred at Centralia on the 11th inst., when Grace Emery. widow of the late John Evans. passed away at the age of sixty-three years. She had been apparently in her usual ST. AUGI'STINE. , Inicrut.d lot last area Tuesu.AV. Feb. 11. Mr. tt idle Thompson. of the G. C. 1 , spent the week end at his home here. Muses Esther and lona McClinchey. of Blyth. visited their sister. Mrs. Charles Robinson. this week. Mr. J.W. Boyle visited Goderich friends last week. Mrs. Jas. Craig called on Wingham friends on Tuesday. Misses Josephine and Betsy McAllister spent the week -end with Brussel, and Jamestown friends. Mrs. George Henry had the misfortune to break her leg by slipping and falling on the ice one day last week. aeeordlag to a scientist, aro freed every time a person roughs! It you happen to be in the vlclatty 1t la Impoesibie for you to breathe without Inhaling some of them Yet there is one sure way to a%oid infec- tion—Keep your mouth and throat bathed with the pleasant but germ - destroying senor that is liberated' from a Peps pastille as It dissolve. In the retook. Not only as a nresen'he but aa • cure for brcnehttls, sons threat, coughs and laryoiititla. reps are equally good. MI dealers, bee. ben. PEPS NNO ARE ILL'S This Wonsan Recesiuneesele Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege- table eltable Composed—Her is survived by his wife, one son, pots.) sty .I 1 George C., of Mullett. and two daugh- tor4, Mrs. liklo Crich, it/ Clinton. and Nes. Wesley Nutt, of Tuokerswtth. Henry Krueger has sold his farm on the 15th cones -ion, Hay, to David Haugh. sort of John. Haugh. Mr. Krueger has since purchased the (arm of Joe. Gascho and w 11 get pears -eon during March. Mr. Gas_ho has purchased the residential property in Zunch of Jacob Howald and will move to the viirage with his family, to reside. It is rumored that Mr. Howald and family intend moving to Kitchener. John Brenner has purchased the ten acres, just east of Zurich, owned by the estate of the late F. Hess, sr., and gets immedi- Na 1, McLean, Nebraska. ate possession. This famous root and herb remedy, At \mity. Oriso•to. on January 2lth, Lydia E. 1'inkham's Vegetable COM - Robert McGowan, formerly of Etat pound, has been restoring women of \Vawanosh. dies) in his eighty-fifth America to health for more than forty year. Almost thirty years ago Mr. years and it will well pay any woman McGowan sold his farms in \Vawanosh who suffers from displacements, in - and moved W Oregon. For some years he wurkod at building and the last years of his life he spent on a farm. 'venom wk• aai/er from any (��� Carbanes. as it' �gs tom me ,rise fgeenodd than all the incense's -odious. have • fine y Siam talo (t 1 baby as hase gaited us soots aatl strength. My Me - band and 1 both praise year 'nest - kis. to all interim women"—Yrs. Joon Yorria.mate flammatioa, ulceration, irregularities, backache, headaches, nervousness or "the blues" to give this successful He is survived by his abed widow. remedy • trial. three sons—Ansoni ou the farm: For special ■eggeetioas is regard to Howard, in Portland, atsd William. lel year ailment writs Lydia E. Prnkhatn \Vashingtoo—and two daughters -Mrs. edleln• ('a, I.y�n�a, aaao. The molt Wyatt, on the adjoining farm, and of its long expetienco 1s at your cervica Mary, at home. Mrs. H. Mcgoarrie, of Rlyth. is a easter. EXETER. Rev. J W. Baird has been invited by the official board of James street Metho- dist church to remain for the fourth year as rrastor. At her home at Burlington on the 4th shortly. Aaron Bennett was presented by the employees of the St. Thomas Packing Co., St. Thomas. with a null -headed umbrella and a smoking set prior to his leaving that city for Hlyth, where he is inst.. Addie Matlock. wife of Edgar Wil- engaging in twsineee. liamson, died suddenly at the age of 1 f forty-four years The deceased was born at Crediton and later resided in Exeter THIS IS AN AGE OF for several years, cofducting a millinery six,p here. WEAK NERVES. Dr. W. E. Dempster, of Toronto. a 1 former resident of Exeter. died on Febru- 1 ary 7th at Timmins, Ont.. aged thirty- . five years. The deceased. who was a i Men and Women Alike Suffer chiropractor. left here last September and moved to Toronto, taking a reasition as i from This Serious Ailment. traveller and it was while he .as .sit 041; for the road that he was taken with influenzaanything is the crymight of and died after a brief illness. thousallondhseart of rasa an and women who A former prominent resident of Exeter, be made well and strong by the new, rich red blood Dr. Wil in the person of Thomas E. Handford, uams' Pini: Pills act - died at Ingersoll on the 7th inst. He was 1 tally make. ill only a few dais, with 'influenza. The i Misery day and night is the lot of hosts ewthorsixy yrs of mem and women who are. today the - decago. andased lived heren untilalnearoutExeter seven yeaearsvictims of weak nerves. Thin, pale, drawn ago, when he moved with his family to I faces and dejected attitude tell a cad tale, Ingersoll He was an extensive dealer un . for nervous weakness means being tor - horses. The remains were brought to tured by mdrbid thoughts and unaccount- 1 ati a fits of dep ession. These sufferers Exeter for btaiaf;NGHAM. , are painfully sensitive and easily agitated by sone chance remark. �.Iecplessness A movement has been started for the i robs them of energy and:strength; their erection of a soldier's memorial in 1 eyes are sunken and their limbs tremble; Wiogluur. Neighboring muuicipah- 1 appetite is poor and memory often fails ties will be invited to co-operate. This nervous exhaustion is one of the '1'hursda. F•'tir;i ry 20, 191'9.-7 • MOCXXXXXXXXXXXDOOCXXXXXXXXX Famous Wherever Good Music is Appreciated TO have GOOD music these days docs not require a Musician in the family—the magic of the �•� _ ns w with its wonderful collection of Records, produces the performance of world-famous Artists, Bands :fid Or- chestras with a fidelity almost unbelievable I It is thc Phonograph supreme—technical perfection makes it so. It plays Pathe' Records with a permanent, genuine Sapphire ball which NEVER injures the record. needles to change. It plays other Recort's as well the Pathe, and it has a tone modulator permitting you to augment or decrease thc volume of tone at your leasure And yet, with all its admitted su- periority, including cabinet designs copied from historical furniture, it is just as easy to own a Pathephone as a phonograph of the old-time needle make, for the Pathephone costs no more than the ordinary Phonograph and most Dealers will sell it to you on the easiest terms imaginable. At the annual meeting of North Huron County ()range Lodge, held recently at Wingham, the old officers were re-elected: County master, J. A. Johnston, Dungan- non; deputy county master, John A. Montgomery, Clifford; recording secretary, T. R. Bennett, Wingham; financial secre- tary, James Stewart. Wingham; treasurer, Robert McMurray, Bel rave; director of ceremonies. T. J. McLean, Wingham; lecturer, H. I.eashman. BRUSSELS. Mrs. Shaw, widow of the late Angus Shaw, died at the Wingham hospital on the 9th inst. from the effects of a fall which she had on the sidewalk here a few days before. She was in her seventy- second year. A marriage in which the people of Brussels were much interested was that of Dr. Alexander McKelvey. a former Brus eels boy. to Margaret. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Kent, Toronto. The ceremony was performed at Old St. And- rew's church. Toronto, on the 4th inst., by Rev. Dr. Law. Dr. and Mrs. Mc- Kelvey have gone to California for the wedding trip and on their return will 'reside in Toronto. BLT TH. The Hlyth fair this year will be on September 22nsi and '23rd. Rev. W. B. Hawkins and three little children have all been 111, but are now doing well. The Blyth Agrlcaltnral Society will thaw year put ou a field Crop eouipeti- tion In tnrnlpus. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mc(bugbey an- nounce the engagement of their .daugh- ter. Mary ('., to (4eo. E. Blake, the wedding to take place thio month. Ken. Buck, of Milton, one of the firm who recently purchased the late Reeve Taylor's garage and auto h iciness, has taken lip residence here and his partner, J. H. Stephenson, of iia t, will folh,w THY it COMPARE it—it will emerge 'uccrssfully The Patht Freres Phonograph Sales Co. A-64 Clifford Street Toronto M.-r...i i.e. env •.. MI..s. whole. SPECIAL BUYS' SUITS AGES FROM 13 TO 16 YEARS SIZES 32, 33, 34 ONE WEEK ONLY AS ADVERTISED IN THE WINDOW McLEAN BROS • Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers The SQUARE GODERiCH afar XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX most- semen evils affecting -wterr and women of today. The only way to bring back sound. vigorous health is to -feed the starved nerves, which are clamoring for new. rich blood. This new blood can be had through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which fact accounts for the thous- ands of cures of nervous di -eases brought about by this powerful blood builder and nerve restorer. Through a fair use of this medicine thousands of despond -..t people have beertkmade bnght, active and 4rong. Among these is- Miss bibiane Chiawioeu, South Beach, Que., who say "i ata a teacher by profession, and probably due I to the close confinement and arduous nature of mydoties 1 became much run- l down and suffered from extreme nervous- ness. The least noise tee Id startle me. and my heart would beat violently. in- deed my condition was an unhappy are. 1 had often heard of Dr. Wiliam..' Pink Pills as a curt: for nervous trouhies and decided to give them a fair trial. 1 am Irla(f� to say that this medicine mom- -.restored ray health, and I can conn ently recommend it to all suffering fmm nervous troubles." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by e1' dealers in medicine, or may be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six Doses for 12.50 from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville,'Ont. During Convalescence the' aftermath of acute disease, when Physical strength is at low ebb, the body needs particular, effective nourishment to hasten res- toration of strength and vim. There isino better time to utilize the peculiar nutrient equalities of Wesley Walker EMULSU ON Being a food and tank, it qui dcty abets in the restoration of the depleted vitalit and improves the biood- quality. Sootff'a imide up the body by Naive's beat medium notaiahrrsent. seam mase. Throne. or. el SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON AND GODERICH Young men and women are more and more find- ing that without a business training they are finder a serious handicap. Even if they do not intend to en- gage in purely commercial work, they require a knowl- edge of modern business methods in order to succeed in almost any line of activity. An investment in a sound commercial education will yield big dividends in the years to come. Schools at Clinton and Goderich Business Secretarial COURSES : Stenographic Civil Service l or flirther particulars write to B. F WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principal students may enter at any time. ;either Clinton or Goderichj CLINTON. The death of Th ,mas Tric,t on the Lith inst. removed one o[ the old resi- dents of this action. Mr. Trick was born eighty-four years ago in Cornwall. England, and came to this country twenty. years iter. After some years in Victoria and Oxford counties he carne to Goderich_ township, where he carried on a milling business until about twenty years ago, - when he removed to Clinton. His second wife survives him, also three sons: Robert and Frank, who still carry on the milling business on the Bayfield road, and Levi. 01 London. ' Clinton is to have a public hospital, a - decision to this effect having been reached at a public meeting on the 7th inst. The hospital is to be under the control of the women of the town and vicinity. The meeting also passed a resolution, to be forwarded to the county council, propos- ing the erection of a hospital as a county memorial to the soldiers who have fallen in the great war. Lieut. Will. Doherty, who has just re- turned from overseas, was in town for a few days visiting old friends. Lieutenant Doherty enlisted as a private in 1914 and has served at Lemnos. at Gallipoli, in Egypt, at Saloniki, in Serbia and for the last year of the war in France. He bears the marks of several wounds, and also carries Brutish. French and Serbian decor- ations. Ile is a son of the late J. Doherty of Clinton and was teaching at Toronto when he enlisted. Mrs. Chas. F. Libby. wife of the pro- ! prietor fit the Clinton Knitting Co'.11 died Monday of last week having sustained a stroke of paralysis a few days previews ohe was in her sixty-eighth year and livedo at Lowell, Mass., before coming to Chocks with her Husband about five years afpt. The remains were taken to Lowell for interment. 1 Further comity News on page SA Any man who does you an ill turn will never forgive you for it. For the balance of this month you will find some VERY INTERESTING PRICES ON MANY LINES AT WALKER'S • ' We have gone through our immense stock and have selected some real bargains. Below you will get an idea as to real values : Oilcloth, 2 yards wide, old stock, well seasoned, lovely patterns. (iOc yard. One Iron Bed, regular valve $20.00, The price ticl-et is $16.00. We have about 1 doz. Mattresses to sell at the old prices. From IDA to 18.00. One only Suitcase. Regular $4.5s), for 63.75. AkM Club Bag, Walker's special; $7.50. Worth 19.50. We have several pieces of Furniture, taken in ex- change for other goods, that we are selling AWAY AWAY below their valu!, Come in and ask to see two Extension Tables. We have one at 110, the other at $900. Worth double this amount. Ii yon want nn Extension Table, don't wait, IN OUR PHONOGRAPH DEPARTMENT Ito store No. 2 we have two real bargains on Phono- graphs. 1Visit our music room, where comfort awaits you. A pleasure to select records. We have records for all makes of machines. A visit through our store will convince you that Walker's is the place to bay. "Oftei the Cheapest, Always the Best" Two Stores WALKER O -O -D -E -R ,-C-H Two ,Stores 1