The Signal, 1919-2-20, Page 6A r-. it S—Thursday, February '20,1919. TRZ . i wrAL IN — GODERICH. OST. — TME: TON'S (Oil o Jolu. Johratun .Appointed Nigh Police- taro—Gram t. G. W. 1'. 1. list, regular meeting 01 the town coined was held onFndas cvenntg. 7th toot., with all members present and Mayor R Ogle in the chair. The annual report of the secretar of the hre t*jgad- was received and referred to tla, fat oomuntttee. All application was made for the use of the hit at the gravel pit for pasture dur- ing the coining .season. Referred to p ol.I.0 oorka committee. W.n. Brownlee wore asking the council to 'comae a targe ash tree that was over- tiAsdig his property on Palmertlto(t street. pelerred ,to the public works committee ;It 01 power to act. e Poultry Association asked for a iii of 125. Referred to the finance com- tttge. The request of the Children's Aid So ciety for the usual grant of 150 was re (erred to the ?inane committee. The. Ontrrso Municipal Association wrote asking the co-operation of the Goderich council by becoming a member mid forwarding the annual fee. Refet-red to the finance committee. The city of Stratford good road- com- mittee asked that Goierich be strongly represented at the convention in that co) on February Ilth in connection with the propae • Provincial highway. Mayor N Ogle asked Reeve Davis to occupy the chair white he addressed the council. fits Worolop said that Goderich. mid this part. of Huron county. was vital- ly interested Ori the proposed Stratford meeting. It w as held oath the purpose l of impressing upon the Government that the highway from Toronto to Windsor via Hamilton, Brantford and London would not adequately sere a Targe section of the Province north of that line and that the highway should be run so as at least to touch Stratford. the county of Hurori was definitely cofnmitted to a good roads scheme and besides this it war pubable that a branch line of the Provincial highway would be built to Gadei ich and then t. • Southampton and Wiartol. He was of the opinion that (ioderich should he strongly represented at this meeting and the delegates should include at least the Reese and Deputy Reeve, because they were weU versed in the good roads scheme as far as the coi:nty was concerned After considerable discussion the Mayor. Reeve. Qepoty Reeve and Councillor % Ahs, chairman of the public works com- mittee. were delegated to attend the meeting at :Stratford. The water and light commission wrote informing the council that. in the matter of water rates. it had placed the town .n the same position as the i ovate consum- es. In thus way it could save 15 per aro(. bs pay mg the rates in advance each quarter. The invoice for the cgrrent quarter was et closed. A motion was passed that the water and light committee investigate the commission's missi n's invoice. with regard to the rates chargtd the town, more especially iru respect to factories, and report at the next meeting he solicitor for the city of St. Thomas in a communication asked the co -opera - host of the local council in a move to have the date of the municipal nominations and elections changed t D Ito• second and t Ord Mondays in December. and the year's business to dose on November 3t1h. Referred to the special committee. The finance committee recommended - that Moss Cbti0rd receitre a further re- fund of 36 ?i is connectbn faith her in- come tax; no grant to the Navy League, HAVE You A HUSBAN child or fruit. who 1s sufferlag from eczema. of other skin ills. ave, or as obstinate sore that has dolled medical treatment? If .o Mat 1a a ease for Lam -Bat. Mrs. B. Ellis. of CastletOm. writes" " My h'osband suffered in- tensely with s running sore on his foot. The sore penetrated to the bore. and the tadammation was so bad that he could sot sleep at ulghts. Alter spending a lot of money anti trying every remedy we heard of, wit.` no result. 1 read of a caro which Zam-Buk had effected 1a a similar este. and got a Iwo. " Within two hours after the lint application the psis was eased; and with perseverance the loam - motion way drawn out. flan se'!!- ing reduced. and before long the sore was entirely healed." %ant -link, also cure.( ulcer~. abe- cesse•s. Pcaema. poisoned woun•Is, pimples, cold sores, chapped hands and chilblains. 14e boa. 3 for 81.".5, at all drug- gists, or Zam-But Co., Toronto. AFJER SICKNIESS THEY cavi HER VINOL And She Soon Got Back Her Strength New Castle, Ind.—"The measles left me run down, no appetite. could rot rest at night, and 1 took a severe cold which settled on my lungs. so I wast unable to keep about my house- work. My doctor advised me to take Vinol• and six bottles restored my health so I do all my housework, in- . eluding wishing. Vinol is the best medicine I ever used."—Alice Record, 437 So. r r th St.. New Castle, Ind. We guarantee this wonderful cod Eget ■nd iron tonic. Vino?. for all w;ak run-down. nervous conditions. d' ltrtu;p.L,. Itruggi..t. e;akerich, Ont. L1 CKNOW. R. 11. McQualin left last week on a business trip to Winnipeg. Mrs. D. Gilbertson and children left last week for Mra(ord, where they Iola make their home. John Smith. 151 Sask•doon. Sask., is herr visiting his mother and ht. brother. Geo. 11. Smit' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. M. Nicholson, of Mouse Jaw. are visitiuit old friends in Lockouts and vkm:ty, A Thenizedf.u.kciow Ixass band has been re:- t he S org t;t:AFI al:'l'I1. 1t'. Ilarlry, of this town. ha• been elected president of We Ontario Horti- cultural l4w•iet y Arnold. the young ton of Mr. and Met. G.T. Turabull. frwoterro$ his leg above the ankle* mobile tobogganing the other da). and • young son of John `with had hi" collarboue- broken while 2c pia) inn; hockey the same day. tilt IF YOU BUY OUT OF TOWN AND t BUY OUT OF TOWN, WHAT WILL BECOME OF OUR Ur? The Dollar You Spend in Goderich will "Come Home to Boost" Mr. Craig. of Loudon. has bees ap pointed organist of the Presbyterian church at a salary of Pat. Andrew Archibald. w iso recently sold trig fanu in 't'ucker..with, tum pur- chaned the reaitkucr of Thomas Brown on ('entre street soil will move to town shortly . George E. Jackson. ti pioneer resident. died Sunday morning last at his home in Egmoudville atter au illness of sever- al weeks. He was in bis eip;hty fifth yew` and had loom postwamter of Egmasd- ville for ntty•aeveu )'ears. Ile was prominent in many public affairs and on two oc•casiout was a caudidate for the Legislature in the Conservative interest to opls.sition to the late Archi- bald Bishop. 11 lieu he was a young uaau he won the chess championship of l'amula and throughout hiss lite he as tote county council had given a large maintaiue.l a keen interest In athletic contribution; no action on the request of tort%. the National Sanitarium for a grant: s Porte t:x o..ir.r sacs: 11'e have in our 315.00 to the hospital for Sick Children: I a number of accounts ordered paid. midst at pressen' one of the old pioueerw The public works committee recommend- of Huron count -in the person of Mr. ed that the town wood Le sold in one, isoH. J. Smith. for. Smith was born in or three-quarter cord lots. ar.d reported Weston. York county. in 11448, hut when that certain machines had been shipped nine )'ears of age came with his family from the 1l heel Rigs factory and the to Huron, when they settled on the money received and depwsittd to the Parc 11110. S4tanley, .and where he sow town account. the forest develop iuto the tine terms The special committee rect mmended that we have today. On the death of that the ringing of the curlew bell be con- his first wife In loot he hold his ?Mem tinned and the police be instructed tom• and moved to Eketer, where be re - force the law regarding children on the rosined a year. after which „he puri street after nine o'clock: that the Cana- chased a farm at Hills Green. In hist? dian Reconstruction Association be noti— fied that Goderich is doing everything I Hort he again solei his farm anti moved possible to provide employment for re- to Zorra township near Woodstock, turned soldiers and munition • workers: where he conducted a general more for that the claim on behalf of Mr. Mc- twelve years'. Eleven gars ago he Donald for recognition by the Carnegie 'ieold hh1 hilliness and since then he has notice pioneering in Rainy River district, Hero Fund be brought again to the of that body: that the request of the To where he owns two quarter-hections of ronto city council coo Provincial war tax be goal taint land. At present he and filed: that the council give active assistance Mrs. Smith are at the home of his to those endeavoring to have the Provin- eldest son, Jobn H. Smith, East Wil- liam highway take the northern route; liars street. where be will be pleased that the town solicitor prepare and for. leo have oke friends call on him. a'• his ward to the Dominion Railway Com- health will not permit him to go about inat the Bell mach - `BUY=AT=t10ME' Campaign Read these articles with care. They may present something ``hose ads are here. They are your neighbors and will treat culation in Goderich and neighborhood. you hadn't thought of before. Patronize the people you right. The money you spend with them stays in cir- WE CAN SAVE- MONE1 FOR YOU if you buy at home. This week we are offering 1 In•it,. of traveller's iytuples in handkerchiefs at _5 ler tent. hess than regular price. Not it `toiled ltatwlker•hief in the lot and a real prize iu Pnch wit•. Re sure and we this Iar}-e range 11ti. week . -- J. H. ('album`. mission a formal protest aga Telephone Co.'s proposed increase in rates. The special committee. composed of the Reeve and Deputy Reeve. which sas appointed at the last meeting to report upon the n q est of the G. VI. V. A. for ! a grant to assist to furnishing its club rooms. recommended that the sum of + 1350.00 be granted. This matter came in for considerable discumion, as to what method should be pursued in going the money. Some were of the opinion that the town should have some say as to how the money was to be spent and should have a representative on hand s hen the purchases were made. Reeve Davis. who was one of the commit- tee. wanted the money given outright and he thought the boys richly . deserved it. He refused absolutely to act on any committee to oversee the spending of this sum. There were many suggestions and motions. but Shen Deputy Reeve Clark came to the rescue and volunteered to act as the town's representative the com- mittee's report was immediately auopled. A number of applications were received for the position of nightwatchman and the council went into committee of the whtvle to consider them. Mr. •John Johnston. of Goderich, re- ceived the appotntment at 1.850 per year. with uniform, and if he remains twelve months a bonus of S50. Chairman Parsons reported that the police bylaws sere nearly ready. As soon as possible they would be read over to the police, who would be instructed to en- force them strictly. Reeve Davis bh•ught up the matter of weights and measures inspection. A motion was introduced and passed in- structing the police to enforce strictly this bylaw. The clerk was instructed to notify all chairmen of committees what business they were expected to report upon at forth- coming meetings. Councillor Parsons. oho had spent some time at Cleveland and Detroit. in connection with a boat service. as a re- presentative of the hoard of Trade, re- ported that an all probability there would be a boat calling here during the coming season. A motion sas mooed asking the differ- ent committees to bring down estimable , as to their probahle expenditure during the "coming year; also that the treasurer give estimates at the beginning of each month of shat money is needed during the ensuing month. The Jackson Mfg. Co. and Goderich Salt Company bylaws. which were voted n at the last election, received their nnal reading. - fThe council then adjourned. Winter Footwear Style. fit and durability are three very important features in footwear. They are qualities that every line of Shoes and Rubbers in our immense stock must possess. Every line is selected with these ends in view, therefore ensuring per- fect quality and footwear that will stand the moat severe test in any weather. . — REPAIRING— Geo. MacVicar North sine Square, Goderch MAKE Ol R STOKE JOUR STOKE. You will nod Ian• all kinds of Pure Drugs uud Mi-tti1'llle., ala. full line's of Puller .\r`id`s. Drug `nu. dries. and I'huh.traphfc• (twwis. Prices riglit_ 1:ity at home. ('lrtglbetl's Drug Store. WK GUARANTEE OUR PRI('iS and can sure you money by buying at home. Inn- Prii-es are right. Our Goods are right.--Rebertson a Mair. DON'T 1.11E IN DARKNESS. Have your home wired' for electric- ity anti- be up to dote. (:et our estitnutes. Wt' fnrni-la everything hut the juice. Large flue of fix - Mow on hum'. If we do it. It will be delta right. -R.bt. TsR. WEAK, EMACIATE`,. NERVOUS AND PALE. Mrs. Frank Berry Says She Found a Care in Dodd's Kodnev PiW, New Jersey.Northumberland Co . N.B., Feb. 17 (Speciale.—Mrs. Frank Berry, a well-known resident of this place. is omit one more added to the host of New Brunswick women who are singing the praises of Dodd's Kidney Pills. "Dodd's odd's Kidney Pills have cured me. I was weak, emaciated and nervous. I would start in my sleep and had bad dreams and nightmares I was unable to do my work. my eyes were dull and heavy. and 1 sas troubled with bilious. neva. headache and constipation. My' hands and feet were always coif. my skin dry and harsh, and my face was marked with pimples. 1 was always tired and weak. and 1 knew 1 had bad kidneys. i took just three hosier* of Dodd's Kidney Pills. and they have done me a *orld of good. They have cured me." Often the apology is worse thin the offence. THE Never -Failing Rem,: // fcr ppendicitls Indigcsti In. Stomach Ditonlers, Appen.li•- •ieand KiclneyStoees are often caused by Gall Stoney. and mislead people until those bad attacks of Gall Stone Colic appear. Not one im ten Gall Stone lufe:era knows what the trouble llariett'a Specific win cute without pain or opt»- atloe. For sale exclusively in Gode- rich by ...JAMES A. CAMPBELL... J.W. MARLATT&CO sal ONTARIO ST. TOROw3O 0k1 For Good Reliable Shoe, , Repairs, try Smith & Ring it East Street. Opposite Knoll Church Give Us a Trial Massey -Harris Shop — FOR BINDERS, MOWERS AND CULTIVATORS. DELCO-LIGHT PLANTS. BUCKEYE LNti?BATORS GRAY AND McLA(TG.HLI N CARRIAGES. GAS ENGINES. WIRE FENCE. OLD HOMESTEAD FERTILIZER Robert Wilson Hamilton St. Goderich 101' CAN GET BETTER SATISEAC- tion acid a iu\ver 'rive (no printing in town than you sun by st•ndiud to tlw city. If yon doubt this let us haste a talk with you. liesldes. when you live }'our printing done in town. the printer's wage"• lane stent in town.—The Sigml Printing Co.. limited. WALL PAPER! A TIME1.1' SHOW - lag of excellent values. combining the rawest and most attractive pat- tern.. 'rhes-• base been s.•I,.etetl from tile leading Amrricau wand facturers. A wide range 15f designs at orient that will compete moo Mot aur mall under 1 se. Buy tit hone:--Panornri' Fair. CAI,, AND SEE WHAT YOU CAN "tray quaker and Parity Package 15:16 fur i•n Friday 111111 Wtttirday.— J. Spahr. THE G K E .I T FUNDAMENTAL factot in winning and keeping the letter 'trade at bonne is to handle the best merchandise. Hats that attnact are of Quality. Exclusive- ness hod Refinement. -111sts M. R. Mar1'iear. WHEN YOU Bl'Y DRUGS PURITY should be the first consideration. We handle a frit line of Pure Drugo. Medicine.., Toilet Art iciest. anal eyerything tluit is sold in a first - elms. Itrug Store. Good sorrier. Buy ata home.—E. IL Wigle. MAKE OUR GARAGE YOUIt GAR - age. If your mita is tick we ton do -tor it quick. Full lime of amen - sone, and tires on 'mud. Of tonnae yon know we handle the Fond. the universal car. (.et in your order for spt'ng.—P. J. MaeEwan. A WORD ABOt'T BInYING GRO- ceries out of town. Jnat get our prkyh, Arat and your money will stay here to help build up our own Moot. Think this over and buy at home every time.—J. H. Pipe. SALiIWS THE PHOTOGRAPHER is a public benefactor. A tnistiug maid had her photo taken by $w1111/w.. and Peat to John Mc • out esit. in return she received a reply t,.ntatning a 1/111111111 64/1 wealth of hope. Before onr ' his letter John's musings were ttiertuiuly defined. somewhat like this: Is It from mother, old and gray. Or from the little ?meting maid w'laose heart i won before 1 strayed Out to the mounthins league. ataxy? NEW SPRLNG FOOTWEAR ON UP - to -the -minute lusts. We hare them in plain and en1orc) enmhinatlona, loth on the Potain and Louis heels. these tits styles at Sharman's Shoe Stere. STOP, LOOK. LISTEN! BEFORE you buy a Stove or any kind of Hardware. You will find our prices a whole lot lower than out -of town prices. Give no a clause first and he connItred.—('. J. Harper. JUST Pi('K OUT ANY ARTi('i.E LN your (•Ittateglie, then ear us. We will not only e•ompete in price., but will wire 31511 money In Hardware. Stores. Tools, ih,nt Supplies. a•te. Try uy and see.—('las. ('. Lee. A WORD 110 iAO('SEWiVES. JUST simply insist on having your bread ordera t•nme from home tinkering. )Every loaf of °rat -of - ton n bread you eat Just borts our town that much. Try onr lotus 11011(1• prodilets. - J. W. Smith. • MARKETS NEEDED BY THE FARMERS. Presence of Thriving Cities Near By Important to Residents of Country—Merchants Do Their Part—Town and Rural Community Are Dependent Upon Each Other— Co-operation Alone Brings Prosperity to Both. (Copy right.) Residents of towns and cities everywhere are beginning to realize wore acutely the fact that, except under very un- usual Conditions, their communities will prosper and develop only in proportion to the prosperity and development that comes to the farming seetiotu; which surmount thew. Real- izing this fact, commercial clubs and chambers of commerce have in reeeut years been devoting as much of their atten- tion to developing the country districts as they have to se- curing new industries and attracting new resident.. They know that as the eonntry about the towns becomes more thickly settled and as the farmers become more prospemt;o the more -money will be spent in the towns and the faster these towns will grow. It is largely for this reason that the residents of the towns and cities have been doing more and more to aid the farmers in growing bigger crops and in improving marketing conditions. The towns and cities have contributed more andmore liberally toward the build- ing of good roads in the country diatriets and have paid a large part of the expense of maintaining agricultural ex- perts to assist the farmers in growing bigger crops and getting more money nut of their crops when they are placed on the market. • Not One -Sided Proposition. Nit phi. in not a one-sided proposition. if the city is dependent upon the country. so is the country dependent upon the city. Chat the fa r raises is worth absolutely nothing to Ilion unless he can .el it at a price that will pay him stair return cu the he money ant time invested in its pm - duction. The farmer, without markets, would he in the game fix as a storekeeper without customers. In almost every ease the farmer is dependent up(m the near -by town or city fur a Market for at least his perishable products. In the language of the street, it is t 8 -fifty proposi- The town needs the eonntry and the c untry needs -n. The farmer needs the aatiiatanoe of the store - of the town -in securing a market for his products. the assistance 0I the storekeepers of the town in roads over which he may haul his products, g more time than the prodtlets are mirth. He often needs t e assistance of the storekeepers in helping him oder a period financial stringeuey. Sto per Needs ?armor's Tirade. • (ht the other and the storekeepet_.needt the business of the farnier. He mea not ask the farmer to sell him his product. 1.11 credit ev though at the time he may be bard pushed for cash and m need more credit badly. He does not ask the farmer to he hire build a sidewalk in front of his store. Ile does not as for the business of the ;farmer provided that he can sell th fanner the goods he needs at its low- a price as he can secure hem for elsewhere. But does fie always get the rmer')i business! Ask the mail order man in the big city or sk the postmaster or the express agent in any town or cit in the country. They could, if they would, tell of thousan of dollars sent :sway to the big cities to pay for goods that could be purchased • inthe nearest moresora nie th and gulch t e just as cheaply town or city. These thousands of dollars,'when sent to the mail order houses in the big cities, never cozfl back. They do not help to build good roads past the fa •tern' houses. When the next crops are harvested, the mail rder man won't buy any of the farmer's products. The po toes, the tomatoes, the melons and other thing* that the farm raises may lie and rot upon the ground so far as the mail rder man is concerned. No Credit from ]!Gail Order Illaii The mail order man won't sell the farmer 2 cents' worth of goods on one day's credit no matter how badly the farmer may need the goods or how little ready cash he has to pay for them. If the farmer's house burns doilttt, the mail order man is not going to sell him any lumber on, credit so that he may build another home. He will take whit cash he can get the farmer to send him and there his interest in the farmer ends. If the farmer has no money to pay for what he needs, the mail order man will find others to help well the stream of dollars which is building up his great fortune and helping build up the great city in which he live*. Let the home merchant help the farmer when he needs it. And the local merehant doer help the farmer as long as he can, but there conies a time when he cannot. He cannot make money without customers. Without the legitimate profit that he makes from his sales he cannot "carry" the farmer over the rough spots, he cannot contribute to the good road* fund, he cannot pay- the farmer cash for his products! t iou. the to Iceepe He need getting g w•ithotnt 101: JI ST EXAMiNE *UR LINE OF clothing sad get our prices drat. itis line of fine Clothing for men and hop. Airs) nifty line of Gents' Furnishings, Hata, Gaps, etc. Yon will dads •oney by Meng here.— G. G. IMs3sa. THE 1)(1.1.AR 1'Or SPEND AT home ots)s herr and you are liable to get It beet. next day. If yon send It out of town It 10 atone forever. Get mir pri.wa on (iroeries and Pave money by buying Here. --J. H. Leath. WE HANDLE: A FL'I.L LINE or all khats of Books, Stationery, Oflkt Supplies. Sellout Books aro a specialty with us. Last` your order with us for your favorite tuugrsfue. We are at your service. Buy at home. --Geo. Pester. A RAFE STORE TO PLN IOUR. faith to. is tins Scotch store. wlero voila urs sold on their real merits, not on puffed-up varnish. 1f it Is ancthlug in I)rvguols yon want. `,all °u its uixl we will do our test - to please you.—D. Millar S Sen. Ir Miss CAMERON HAS RETURNED from the city and is ready to show Midwinter and Spring MillItwry. The latife. are Invited to (all at her %bow -room*, Hamilton street. at any time. BUY POCK HORSE IILANKETS• and Riches rat 1 • when you can get thew at Cin peer cent. on regular price..—A, J. I'altridge. Q 1' A L I T' CONSIDERED. OUR 'Drives are reasonable. We bundle - the best.—Dean Brun. I AK C10(1)5 ARE PARTED. No.. Int ns all boost fur a bigger anti hotter I:awlerh•h. We can do It by ' all of rats lwtyittg our supplieat ay - It. . '"In.. It will help wonderfully See us for Hardware, Stoves and. l'tumbing.—Erred Huut. ALL WE ASK IS A COMPARISON. of ourdhir of furniture with other I; -t our prh•es, thou draw your tY.11- elu4ous. lila shock to choose from Ihir 1'nlertaklug Department l» enniplete. !toy at hots•. --Bonen Bow HERE IS OUR TROCRLF.-11'HEN we have to repair shoddy leather slows wit' pmIer soles. When sl.••.-+ rem` from our loatl'dritiers wr do not "litre this trouble. tVe do all klils of 1.116. repairing and ne .1.. it right.—Saartrel Snaith. PRE`B1-TERLIN BOOK OF PK.11uE —This nett li3nnud. authuriz..t Lc the General .%••vmhly of the 1'ro-- bytertan 1'Iuu•ch lir 5'II uad:t• uud whkb Is (wing adopted generally to now in stock and being add at TbnasOn's Moult Start.. YOU WILL FLND YOU CAN ALWAYS - ea VP money by doing your trading. in Groceries. I)r'yg.wtls and Geist -nil ylerchaudlse witlr Inc Our priers; are Airs object lesson In buying at home every tine.- J. J. MriEnri . FRA M R S FOR PHOTOGRAPHS,. for Paintings. for Primo (hir framing Is &effort,. Intstenalve and iattafaetory.—Sadtb'i A#t Store. East street. - MAIL • ORDER HOUSES 1)0 NOT. particularly hurt our business. Inc. we are lu litho with any move that. helpu our town nil our nierelu uts For tine l'outeetinhery anti lee ('ream you will tied the pure thing, at our ,ttire.--C. Blackstone. YOU WILL FIND BY Bl'11NG•• your ?'lour and Fwd from n• you will he well pltawsl with our way or doing buahieos. Good spa I. at right prieheo. we believe is trading alt house .• It will help us all.--ltdeas a CO. ('0581 LT YOUR CATALOGUE then consult us and note the saving in Hotness and Horse Gowns, Trunks. Raga. florae Ithrnkets. or anything for the stable. we will not to undersold by any nail °eller house.—H. J. Fisher. LIVE AND LET LIVE.THAT 1S A goal working motto for everyday life. (:1ve the home merchant it chanty to do business with yon °n a fair Iasla. You will find it the beat plan taking ece•rything into con- sideration. Lire snit let live. The Signal Printing Co.. Ltd. no SPECIAL FOOTWEAR BAR - pins this week see Ges. Mae1-irar's windows. north side of Square, Goderich. IT IN FAR MITER AND SAFER' to hair your old photographs copied or Pribi MIA by a reuponsihle firm like ours than to Intrust them 0. the first agent `alio rolls at your hack door. 1'ltey are sate with no. We nnderstnnd, this work hod do not overcharge. . T. Foil. BEWARE OF CATH 1•E FERN" tore; It all looks alike in pictures'. Better trade ■t home. We carry a full line of Furniture .for every room in the house, at pt•i(ya that will Twat may mall order house.— W. Walker. ART GOODS ARE IN A CLASS BY themselves. We carry a • fall iinb In Art and Fancy Goods, Novelties. etc. MI dainty aund rill please anyone who Is Interested in hlgh- claws gond.' Try ns and Iso• pleasrrl. —SNoble. You Owe a Citizen's Duty to Your Own Town, -1