The Signal, 1919-2-20, Page 5FOR SALE As we are putting in $125
electric power
6 H. P. International Engine
2 ignitois, clutch pulley, large gasoline tank, spare 1listun an.l
rings and wrenches. Can be seen running at
East Street Gare
GODERICH - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Closer
"Owned and Operated by a
Practical Maa"
We Have ell All
In big bottles and
little bottles
Mixed or Plain
Sweet or Sour
At an exceptionally
low price
Robertson & Mair
Phone 11.4. Cor. Ham,hon So and Square
Canada Food board Licence No 1-2449
. lana.
n of ['labile blk
Air 11/1.114/1 /01/ las (area et h•nd•rl uu
ls• or the Hoard of Trade to Ib'.
F. It. t'or..11. alinivter of Public
Work., UtT;.an fn vi.It 4.'"l. ri.-h aril
address the INalr.t of Trail.: at :an early
.. 1
00tflatlek ONT.
planned to make the greyhound trip to
Goderich this year ,xe Moodily, June
161h• This will be a week laver than last
Year. The announcement of this annual
holiday event will he received with anti-
cipations of pleasure by the people of
60(k -rich and vicinity,
Kiocaroine Favors appeal,
Kincardine- Reporter: At a special
meeting of the council held Tuesday night
to consider whether they were in favor of
carrying the case of the West Share Rail-
way to the Privy Council, the decision
arrived at was that if the other munici-
palities were in favor of doing this our
council would agree to it.
For the Memorial Fund.
A euchre and dance will be held in Odd -
fellows' }Tall next Tuesday event
g under
the auspices of the Iroly Name Society
St. Peter's church, in aid of the soldiers'
memorial fund. Tickets are .e0c. Cards
will be taken at s. 1.;, and afterwards there
will be dancing. 1t is hoped there will be
a large attendance, not Only to enjoy a
social evening but to help a worthy cause.
G. W. v. Notes.
The Goderich branch of the Great War
Veteran„ Association has taken the old
Y. 11. C. A. rooms, over the Union Bank.
as its headquarters. The rooms win be
opened by the ladies of the Ahmeek
Chapter, I. 0. D. E., on Wednesday or
Thursday of next week. •
The Maple Leaf Chapter, 1. 0. D. E..
has kindly donated tla to the G. W.V. A.
The public is asked to remember the
dance to be given in (tddfellows' Hall on
Friday of next week by the G. W. V. A.
The boys are looking for a large crowd.
school Exarainaffe►lar for 1919,
The Huron public sehaol promotion t
e•awinations -for 1919,:alme entrance
aacl graduation examinations will he
held the lent week of Juoe, 1919.
Teachers will /lend a Mtatetuent of the
number of papers respired tor each
1 class to their public whoa/ inspector on
or be'foit'e June 1st, 1919. The applies,-
flirty; for uMt 1
s r.,
H. IS.
flume and
P. S
� uatMon are to be sent Witte is»pee:-
or uu or before June lett, 1919.
'hence at Big MU1.
stn Monday the 11Ju1Uu1Me•rllemt was
uadr that Mr. J. W. Fra vet-, who for
»umber of years 10.1 1..'i, ill.' 1.g al
!manager for 1I • 'Ve.nern •'nuada
'lour Mills 1'e.. lad teud.•r,v1 his
'.wigu:ltrindn, rind wind.,Ill• -111'.•.•1.. lea hyoMr.
Mr. It. 1. Mekaw, %J r. Era ver is to
ta4u r Yu.itiuu iu the .ilea es un
.,f the (Vrtnta,ne, with strperyislon of
11.• territory lis the %Vertern uuturio
ls•uin.nla. lila friends will he plea wd
t.. b',aru that he awl him family will
.till, weld'. In Gdteri,'b. Mr. J. J.
folie, of the herd ullkv, at Toronto,
was h.ry waking the transfer.
A basketball game at the G. C. I. gym-
nasium last night, between the B. 0. Ns
Club of North street Methodist church
and the St. Andrew's Club of }Cruex
chgrch, resulted in a win for .the latter by
a score of 2:1-14. The teams were:
St. Andrew's Club B. 0. N. Crub
E. Wilson Centre W. ThompsonW. Weir L. leeward W. Sanderson
C. Boyle R. '" H. ,$andvson
J. !Marshall L. defence A. Barker
H. McLeod R. F. tVashingteen
A series of games, in which a team from
the Baptist church dos well as the two
above mentioned will take part, has been
arranged, andgames will be played ac-
cording to the ollowing schedule:
February 24 -Baptists v. St. Andrew's.
• March 3 -Methodists v. Baptista
March 12 -St. Andrew's v. Methodists.
Noted Speaker Coating.
A very great treat 1. in .tore for tI
women of tit. e:.srrge'v church. h, 11
fortlue.wing visit of air..N'iltoughhy
(''rowing, Ir, e. J,., of 'Toronto, who
is to deliver two ad.h•etiw•.,, uu 'rue,.-
day u1111 'VeslIMwlay of next week, in
St. Gworge•'. w•lIoolh,,iiw. Hoth tws•t-
ti1ge will take plass' in the evening, at
4 e, i•lssek. The first 1111•1114,44. 011 Toes -
day, wi11 be more particularly for the
women, and the R'WlIw .lay a/h»M
will IM' • espr•ially for fix• uveae.
Mrs. Willoughby 1'nuumlugs is perhaps;41M• iMwt•knuwu publicist lu her sphereha
Canada, 111k1Iola h. 'u very prowl
tout In all forms of patricide work.
notably the 1. 11. Ir. I . It 1s plainted
to have every unman and girl of tit.
,;.rn•gt.s attend theme meetings, and.
have the 'pleasure or lwarh'( and tont
Mg the .estlug'Isheel s1'e'I,k,r.
Vital Statistics for a Decade.
TownClerk Knox has just compiled the
vital statistic) for Goderich for the past
ten years and they are interesting for the
purpose of comparison. The past year
shows the largest death rate, but this, in a
large measure, is accounted t.,r by the
"fru" epidemic. in births 1918 falls to
the bottom of the list and in marriages
he decrease is even more apparent. Fol-
lowing is the list:
The (;re ho and Trip..
The Signal reeives word from the F
White Star Line, Detroit. that it is
- -;
Births. Mar- Deaths.
1909 ... 82 34 77
1910.....:..::.. 410 43 73
105 46 74
1912......• 94 .12 71
...... .. tib
4:i 72
1914, ......
1916. 90 ; :/9 eJY
... 79 35 67,
1926.....................79 43 70
1917,....... .. . 79 33 71
1918 .......- _ .. __ _ 78 . 21 til
Death et Cannel J. R Strang,
Word has ben received by Dr Strang
of the death of his brother, Colonel John
R. Strang, on February 15th at Riverside.
California. ,Colonel Strang, who was a
drstinruisbed veteran of the American
Civil War, removed to California about
fifteen years ago, from Geneeo, N. Y.
w here he had practised law for many
liars. He was the eldest son of the late
ev. James Strang of Galt. and wed born
in that town seventy-nine year ago. but
in early manhood became an American
citizen. Last summer he came Fast
to visit his sons, Dr. Walter W. Strang of
New York City. and Arthur Innis Strang,
a lawyer at White Plains, N. Y.. and
before re turnate to California spent a
week in G:xlerich in September. Early
in January he suffered a paralytic stroke,
fromwhich he never rallied, passing
cefully away a few weeks later, He-
es his sons he is survived by two
lighters, living in Riverside, and his
ethers, Dr. Hugh Innis Strang of town
id Mr. Janes Strang of Moffatt, Ontar-
- ...� . . •14. -
-fuzo•tas h Ince e•.renff
R.AY 2, The Claws oC•
Ehe �iaiL
Showing at tl'e Muriel 'theatre Friday and Saturday,•this
week. Saturday' matinee, a“.L o'clock. Prices.. Matinee. 10th
and 15c ; evenings, 1 and 211c.
I Rette'Ranitution of Militia !'nils.
• A letter has been went by t11. 1hin,
i ti. 4'. a lett Mien. 31liin er..f afilitia ,nal
He'rein'.. to utlilvrs emn)na'dh.g 'nits
nr the Canadian militia, asking that
steps tM' taken at once for the•g.,n-
ism ion of the rnginients, -it is Imped.-
, sots -the aani.t.•r in this lets, '.that
i t11.• re•turMint soldiers will regard the
militia regiments from wirie•h w, many
o4 Mehl 111Y4rveiwl as in' :1 real :M.1N'
their military bones. It is 't fit-
ting thin the ume•mla•r" of these rein -
man t•, ass seem izhag the honor whb•h
has 1..'1 gailld for them and for
canasta by their cuwrriele•a in arms,
.hoabl p eels»' to r.rrh•e them and
444(1 r4 cert. them into* the regimental
Ill.. Every militia r. -giro• nt should
41111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111II I1i1111111111111i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111I11111111111111111111HIIIIIIT 11L
FEBRUARY 26lh and -27th
is the deadliest and most
painful malady to which
mw,kiod,..ubl•ct, Dud4l'v
Kidney fills will cure any
cave of Bright's Disease.
They have never failed in
one Wright caw, They are
the only restudy that ever
Mee cured it, and They are
the only remedy that Can
firer are battalions of
tttsld's Kidney Pills -pill,
box and name --but imita-
tions aro dangerous. The
original and only genuine
cure for Bright's biseaue is
1.,.1,1'. t:iiiu•} Pius aro I
filar ants a bone et all
aim to 4.e• a nmt►Ye or iutere,et to whi.•h•t.( thew uve•rseus will culturally•
turn fur ioowrs leship and, if need be,
for assistance.- A committee, of
which aleeir-(:eheral stir W. 1►. Utter
fa elwirimen, Is glvieg'me•I l consider-
ation to the problem of reorganization
of the active militia, upon u plan
which will at urMw preserve the history
of militia re'glments and perpetual. -
the Identity of ovi•!'.w0.g IRON HOW,
Harbor Notes.
Mr. Wm. Jones, of Port Colborne
superintendent of repairs for the Canad
Steamship Lirtes, has a gang of hfteen
men at won the company's boats i
Goderich roor, The Cl S L. steame
here this Inter are the Martian, B1cke
dike, Ionic. Midland Prince and Agaw
and each is having a certain amount, o
repairs made. This company also ha
a number*" of men of the engineering staff
at work overhauling the machinery.
The steamer Agawa, which has bee
carrying storage cargo, c ..--.--_
discharge at the Western Canada llu
mills on Wednesday.
The lack of the necessary weather t
produce ice of anything like reasonahl
thickness has been causing the local ice
concern re: r
a din
tary, stet at Cbr,ton last week :,nd at
ranged that a special eight-day meeting
be held in every .um/legation n the Pres-
bytery, beginning early In Man.ha Some
of the leading men in the Presbyterian
church will be on hand to carry on these
meetings. The Presbyterian church in
Canada has launched a great Forward
Movement, The reason for such a move-
ment at this time is to conserve and guide
into channels of constructive Christian
effort the spirit of self-sacrifice and of
!devotion to a ghat cause whfeh the war
has revealed.
The rnoxithly meeting of the Red Cross
Sodkey will be held on Monday evening
at A o'clock in the court house.
Flags at the public buildings aro
eying at half-mast thief week as
a Murk of respext fur the latae Mir
Wilfrid Laurier,
The old theatre stand on the Square
near the corner of Montreal street is be -
1 ung fitted up (ora restaurant and will be
occupied by Mr. H. T. Edwards,
•Rt. Ex, .Comp. R. B Hilmer, D. D.
G. S for Huron district No. ti, paid his
official visit t • Huron Chapter, No. 30,
Royal Arch Masons, t theregular meet-
ing on Tuesday ever last.
Miss Barry ('oalbe, Clinton. arkl
31iss Joy Lobb, of Gods• 'eh thwtnship,
have iseeeived wool Lha they were
Mlhle'P.rf'I in their rade bier o -
K pian
forte rota which they trial at
London C.rnea'ryall ny a week ago.
These two were the .nily{y candidates
front Horan and Moth obtained high
Mr. Frank A. Elliott was borne from
Toros o over Sunday.
Miss Margaret Stripe was hum from
a Toronto for the week -e, -d.
Mrs. D. Martyn is spending a short
n time with Ripley friends,
r- Mrs. Cliforrt, of Brantford. 4s visit -
e In in town at the residence of .31r. and
I- Mrs. Win. Strachan.
s Mis, (Capt.) Bogie, of Sheppartlton,
has .been 'Visiting her daughter, Mrs G
Thursday, February 20, 1919. ' 6
Thrift, personal and national, ks �i
est need of the boar. ' Waite eat, irwat
not " is the lesson eatery Canadian must
learn a„d practise.
Start now I Make your 6;.t coatribntwn
to Thrift, and your couutr}y welfare a
Savings Account In this Bank. lutrtret
paid at current rates
F. WOOLLCOMBE. - Manager.
'flak h. wxuwd by prenlug1 nutter to
the value of t11ea,teive The lessee dor
mg the year awuunted to $7,003.10
The working expenses amounted to
$1947.7.1, atal-1ng a WWI ekpenlitur
for 11114 of t•1,9.111.;,i, 'Thee total as-
»esament paid for 1918 awouuttd to
$9,o.rtl47, and at present the t'owpaely
tall a cash ha lame out hsud of
vS.fitifL08. The retiring dirty -ton,,
were Messrs. John Brenner ie.,. Lugau ;
and J, H. Grieve and J44wes 1':%aus, of
ateKHlup- '!'hese were all »'-.-lt ' oil,
Me.. rs, Jawe•g Kerr, of Seaforth, am'
John 1lovenha•k, ur Egwuadvllle, were
re-elected auditors, -11 a tweeting of
the dit'wttors held alrter the, annual
ateettim, air. Junes ('ouue.11y, of e:.ale-
rich, was »•-e•ler teal president : air.
'1111nrea Evans, of M»Kilpul,.
dem : ural Mr. 'Thomas E. ilium, mei re-
tary rind 1r.vrsute -
Love makes a young man sober and an
old man giddy.
H. Green, the past week. lA
n Miss M. R. MacVicar has returned N SINGER
o from Toronto, where she was attending ,
ur the spri g millinery openings.
Mr. Cyril Dalton, who had hien home 1, Its STORE Al
o for some weeks recuperating from an 111 . a
e nes., left this morning for Windsor, where 1
he takes a position in a drug store.
the corning summer's supply. However
this t Thursday/ morning a start was ma
tux the season s harvest and the best tlta
could be got measured only eight inches
The same situation is apparent at W he
points on the lakes, with the excep:ion o
Port MtNicoll and Victoria Harbor
where the ice is in splendid shape. and
the harvest there, this winter, is quite an
industr , for a large amount is being
shipped to Toronto and other places. At
Port Arthur and Fort William the harbor
is free of ice and the ice breakers have
not yet been put in commission.
tiratatutly .teknlledged.
The• poblie are e.ide•ulty deeply i,t-
tel•est,vl iet the work of the children,.
SO, A1d Siety. Judging by the hollowing
os-rheel during the
week, all of which are gratefully
lick now brlg.VI: Ladies in the rielntty
Of Si. 10.90,1 hie. per alio. .low '
al.Atliste•r. :�'2l w
for the p'r•ha• of a
washing 1111111.1e/11. anal wringer, a gift
which will be tory lunch appreciated;
Ashnr•I, townshipVIM I. VYleiI, 11111: rlllag.•
of Ih•uw•Is, 'ale: A. M. Itobertwn.,
I....lertrk and Ile, 4'haa VeK,ly, Sea -
forth, ea.•h all: Theis. ,t. Gear, Beigrave. i'. F. Hooper. Exeter. alai .1. 10
Slithe•rlaud, Sell? oath. ra.11
Beadle. ik•ondll.r, and Bra. .1
1.4':Ilh.'i'dule, 1:rltsw•I,. 'ii. -J, al; 1.1,
held iatriotic �.M•lety, doming: Mrs.
Nel•ou 1:rahunh, tthrtpa,rdtou, a quilt;
and tram 10ale•rlai 14tlze•lls the fellow-
: 31rs. T. N'atlie. 2 Jars fruit: airs.
sll, apple. Mutt jar of fruit;
dia. 1).'t'ilwm. replant,. aOff ..Pltkw:
31 r". "'. 1.. Horton. 0.welling Dad
hatalk .n-1,Iefse trail Me rowan arid
mike: Mrs. A. Porter, frail, Jelly and
plekles: ales.• 1'ari•p1•, tipples Au/rand►: airs. Little, 'lief; :
t'nff, Mrs. Io, Millar,. mil 1` this, Is very 4IM•ooraging. and fur
offh•e:rs of the Society a" w.41 as thematron Of the shelter will 1M• (lased
to have friends or arpore 0110 wi.Iw•s
hl sere tb.• work ('4444 at ibe shelter andhhsl.•(-t it for Ibeinw,hew,
Mr. Frank Baechler, who recently
de received his discharge from military
t service, has gone to Ottawa to take a
position in the. railway mail service. His
r �'run is from ht
to Waltham.
R. sole to attend the W. 4'. T.
meow contest. in the 35an tier ehurrh .0
Friday evening, God program.
St. George's Churchwoman's Guild
will hokf a high tea and bazaar in the
Masonic Temple on Tuesday, March 4th.
Further particulars later.
There will be a special practice of "rhe
Holy City" Monday evenmi( u1 Knott•
church. All members of the choirs are
requested to be present at .et o'clock shatp.
"The Church and the World" and "A
Messenger from the World Beyond- will
be the subjects considered at the Baptist
church next Lord's Day. Bilk school at
3 p. m. and 13. Y. P. U. at x o'clock.
The congregations of Victoria street
and North s 'eet Methodist churches will
worsh p together next Sunday in North
street church. Rev. J. H. (Atethout will ,
preach in the morning and Rev. Dr, Rut-
ledge will preach at the eventng service.
As this will he the last service arranged
for by the union committer, a grand rally
of ail the friends of the two congregations
is looked for. Union fellowship meeting
at 10 a, m.
Mrs. Hamilton addressed large and
▪ nterested cuneregationsin Knot church
last Sunday m the interests of the wutk o
al the Women's Missionary Society, In the
1 morning she spoke on foreign misalon
work and at the evening service on home
missions, presenting the vaned aspects of
the great work of the W. M. S. in a force
ful and illuminating manner. The Hurst
Presbyterial Society as a branch of the
W. M. S. is taking a worthy part in this
work of spreading e1e:ightcnrnent among
the daik places in our own and in other
lands, and Mrs. Harniltom's addresses
brought home ie a most effective w•a% the
urgent need of supp'rtmg the work is toe
greatest possible extent
The cnnwrlittee M Huron Presbytery sbytery ore
the Forward Movement of whale qtr.
1111111111111NIIIlillliilllillll(I(!(!11lIII!lIHIAlIiI(I(f!I!i(IIIlIlIIIlIl11111!lIiIIIl11111111111HIIi1111111111IIiIiflliifll!lill11lllAlllilllf(F'and Rev'aDraAitken, oft4:penlrcrtet)."Xre,
Mekillop Mire Insurance Co.
'riu• ,nlnnal wrs`tInIY of an. M.•KJn.q►
!M'rtes1 Fire 10011111Me• e'0'1111n4e' ttM.t
41.4.1 iu the eintewil elmailier of the
town1.1,11, ni.nfurth, nu Friday, 7th
lust. The m. 'thug was presided over
1 11 r. Jas, t' ply, of 1:eslerpeb,
!provident of *44'. 4'unitaoy, and then.
,was a U•ry s,aall atte•hhda IM•e•, cud 11.,
curet* -nun; whir/ runic ^Pent to in
idte:.t' that tt..' ptrliryhOhler.l iese
1r0rry-Y,unaleue. 'ill Iniird of
!dtnvteree ,end fbe at:in n'r lis which
they hay.• 45..•44 (Grtv1411g tilt••s of
Oho, lloatfku,). Al t:re-.ul then ere
(ter fere,- I.i .tt l.anei.., .-oc.ring hlsnr-
4.11c1. to tlo• alumna of $- 1:t3,ISM,.
Shirrif's Imperial
made from Seville oranges
We have just . received a
shipment of this season's
make of this well-known
high-grade article.
The price in pound jars is
30 cents.
Four -pound tins, 90 cents.
License No, 8.4858
Store Ph ne 110 Wile.' Piton, 4417
improved Train Service
Lv, Goder,ch 5.50 AM,
Ar. Toronto 10 SO_AM,
Lv, Goderich 2.20 PM,
Ar, Tomato f.'s PM.
Parlor-Soflet car between Stratford and
Toronto on afternoon tram.
For further porn( Marl aS to mien -soon,
Or tickers, spies to Cored Trunk Town
P. F. 1,AWRF:NC'F: & SONS'
Town Agents Phone M
hare e now in ,tock
• uew and gond assortment
of white stamped lunch
or cloths, iia}s, centres, .scarfs
and pin cushions in pure rere
• linen. Also a new lot of
};owns, dvyslips.and child-
ren's dresses and a number
• of pretty stamped matters, ■
tart centre; and cttshions,
l $ Come and see our line 1t
N is -fore making a choice.
3°5u a prods
Disease' //Pi
30 DROltf-STOP.J cOuC i.i
IfALZ 11OLr IVR tiet.DRrw
I1'in, Tourbl. e
leak inY of
call ul and let ns mend
Don't put it off until it
becomes so bad that your
• place ntay be flooded. .:"A
stitch in time saves nine."
Ma union Street P,,o.,. ins
'Metal Wuek
The Greatest Nzme
in Good y -Land
44'0L EY'5
iaraest- -
selling Qum
in the world nat-
urally has to have
a package worthy
of its contents.
So look for
in the sealed Package that
keeps ail of its goodness In,
That's why
The Flavour Lasts!