The Signal, 1919-2-6, Page 3Si;AGER. 1A1.RISTIsR, SO.
• IL1'IGk, merry. public bun wuveysiker.
t.acs-LOW t (house. Gourde. venni
M111t1T8 Ol!
PAl H, specialist to wuarn'e and children'
.rears, acute, chronic and nervous diseases, eye
ear, e and throat, partial drainer. Jumba
▪ , rheumatic oradutuna Adenoids removed
without the knife (Mace at residence. corner
and St. streets At home place Thursdays Std Satadays, any evening
b, appourmant.
Gredwte Toruew University. Graduate
nal Lancet of Dental Surgeons.
neocare to the late Major Selo. Offices corner
quare .nu Nem sunt. Gooerich.
Loa n:.. (;Werah. All Ly mad o
telt at Saran C 1I cr ail be prumptiy adeno.0 to
illiendeece telephone Inc
G. CAMERON. K. C.. HAiltR1S-
1 all. osmium. notary pubs . Ulbce
Ma• i%eoe Street. t,oderica thrd dem Iwm
apart. 7 cyst Ira.. to Nolo at knead rate.
ruw,it., SIL,
tabu- Sterileg; Beek' bkek, Hamilton Street
Geerah. lrkpawns se.
Yowl Lame, Loans aW Insurance.
es. the .eaa't, wow ,door item Hama
• butte. Gamow.
Private lusts to Ian at lova* rataal
•. i'Iaaa+rwl. N L. J• 1..Kattcaar
As. n4).Coosa.
/ Ii lS l 1 K. au... i.y. rrsass, etc.. tloertch.
&sae 7 army at an. e.1 Ines.
iataurlAMW. WANk. alb.
E CO.- 5 sem sea isolated town prop-
erty enured.
tracers -Pm Connolly, Pres., Goderich P. 0 ,
ft/liEvans. Vice -Pres.. beeth.wd P. ll.. llamas
aye. bet. -1 rear, Seabrtb P. U.
Duet ton- D. F. McGregor, k. R. No. 3, Sea -
arta. John G. Grave. Nu. 4, Balton; Witham
Bann, K. R. ho. a. sealurth. Join b.olw.ww
Besdbaaen; Geo. Mci.rtaey. R. K. No. 5, Sea -
sink, Robert Perna hrwck; Malcolm Mc -
B erea. LI,ntoa; Janes tans, Peerhwoud; James
Connolly. coax rich.
Ae.nt.: J. W. Yeo. Goderich; Alt.. Leitch.
R. tt. No 1, Clntoi. N dlww
m t.htey, Sealurth,
a Hinckley. `-troll h. Luicy-holders can pay all
ysarni• um tet Mtn' .asw reutpted al K. 4.
alirtr, s L1utlu,g Stott. lhetun. K. 11. lull's
Ceseery. ItmgetuIl tort. lArderrch. or J. H.
Maui's Genera& Mire. bsy.ieai.
Vince, Fanwood Orion. Pupls prepared for
��,,�eaaaaeerrvalay eaamustnx.e. Apply at MRR P. W.
6:t1�tRlb'S firtunnta road.
Change for Worse in Dublin
Situat ion.
Most Extreme Section of the Sinn
Fein Orgauiaatlrm 1s Now Lead -
Ing Trouble -makers - Ireland by
Morslrtg Union With Labor
Party Has Gained Considerable
LONDON, Feb. 4. "A se, as
change for the worse has coine over
the actuation here during the last
24 hours," states a Dublin despatch
to the Daily News. "Information In
my possession which comes from un.
impeachable source makes 11 clear
that we may expect very Important
developments almost at once. While
Belfast has been thinking industrial-
ly, Dublin, as usual, has been think-
ing politically, although industry is
now Vie engine of her politics. Her
mind has been occupied with the fate
of the 90 'German plot' prisoners
in England, 30 of whom have been
elected members of Parliament. Until
rFriday night the executive committee
ot the Slnn' Fein, or to be precise,
the Cabinet for the Republican Gov-
ernment, were certain that these 30
persons were to be set at liberty
Immediately. So thoroughly satisfied
were they that this was to be done
that no step* were taken to harass
this executive act and their contem-
plated demonstration was cancelled.
But the prisoners have not yet been
'There is now no prospect of their
being released and the position 1s ten
times worse than if that prospect had
never been entertained. The Sinn
Fein executive committee conaider
they have been tricked again
and accordingly will go ahead with
plans that were matured some weeks
ago to bring this question forcibly in-
to notice. The fact that the prisoners
have neither been charged with any
offence or tried Is being made much
use of. It cannot be doubted that
any campaign of force thus opened
will throw the whole country once
more Into a state of disorder. Both
the political and industrial wings of
the republican movement find the
moment ripe for a blow. The gravest
danger to the Government has always
been that these forces would forms a
temporary union. That union may
be achieved very shortly. The con-
centration of the two wings upon
concrete issues could not have been
more skilfully timed by/the cleverest
generals. With their banners in-
scribed, 'Release the prisoners' and
a '40 -hour week,' the allied army of
patriots and Industrialists claim they
will be Able to rally three-quarters
of the population. Their line of ac-
tion Is largely a matter of ppecula-
tion, but I am crediably informed
that, on the Sinn Fein side, the Fen-
ian section has succeeded in securing
almost complete control, leaving in-
dividual members of the executive
committee with only nominal author-
ity. It la common knowledge that,
on the labor side, power has passed
entirely Into the hands of the ex-
treme Connollyitea or Bolsheviks. It
is significant that the Jesuit fathers
in this city, whose church is attended
largely by the narrowest sect of the
Sinn Fein, are exceedingiy uneasy
and have been busy warning people
to prepare for trouble. Large stocks
of flour and candles are being laid
in by many Dublin households."
The Belfast "Big Five" strike
leaders, known as Bolshevists. have
been shipped elsewhere. It was re-
ported last night that some tanks
and armored ears are on the way
The British Cabinet held a session
yesterday to discuss the labor situa-
tion. It Is said, however, that the
Government Is still against any Inter-
The Parliamentary Committee of
the Trades Union Congress decided
yesterday to summon a specjal meet-
ing to consider the whole question
of industrial unrest.
The corporation of the city of
Belfast yesterday asked the Lord
Mayor to intervene In the strike. It
was announced that Lord Plrrie,
Controller of Merchant Shipbuilding,
had been obliged to cancel all his of-
ficial engageruenta in order to go to
Belfast in connection with the strike.
Mus. Bac.
Elttio leer Dtnkps Dog Stoic
Brophe3 Bros.
'I a Leading
Funeral Directors
Sad Embalmers
Orders eerefully attended to
at all hours. night or day.
wpape's Olapepeln" makes stele. nolle.
Gassy stomachs surely feel fine
In five minutes.
If what you just ate la soaring nn
your stomach or lies like a lump of
lead• or you later gas and eructate
Mt>r, undigested fond, or have a feeling
et iiseinesot, heartburn, fullness, aaaaea,
bei taste in mouth Sad stomach -head -
sae, you can get relief in ave minutes
by neutralista( avidity. Pat as tad to
we► stomach distress sew by reties a
large fifty -coat etas of Pagres Dfapepeln
from any drag sera_t Toe realise L
are mIsnte. View ss�eHlrs if is le dmlte
trios indigestlw, dyspepsia or any tAaa►
sell disorder caused by fold fee sestatlen
tine to esld"e acid is demi.
Result of Action of Owen Sound
OWEN SOUND, Feb. 4. -The ac-
tion of the mob in running Reeve
Weber, of Neustadt, out of town on
Thursday night was discussed at the
final session of the County Council
on Saturday. Weber walked to Shal-
low Lake in a heavy rainstorms
Thursday night and spent the bal-
ance of the night in a shed in that
village. He boarded the morning
train at Shallow Lake and 1s now III
with pneumonia at his home in Neu-
stadt. The town of Owen Sound is
threatened with an action for dam-
ages If he recovers, and In case his
illness proves fatal the ringleaders
In Thursday night's episode w111 be
In an awkward predicament. The
warden of the county, Mr. John Mc -
Quake •and Elias Lemond, deputy
reaseof Owen Sound, both expressed
regret at the occurrence and assured
the council that the citizens of Owen
Sound were not in sympathy with
such tactics. Dr. Warne, of Han-
over, referred to a letter which he
had received from Weber on Sunday.
Decline to Meet the 'Germans,
• LONDON, Feb. 4. - The Belgian
and American trades union delegates
have refused to attend the inter-
national Trades Union and Sorlallat
Congresses at Berne. it 1s very prob-
able the Canadian delegates will fol-
low the lead of (hampers. P. 14.
Draper will c.rtalntly not go, and
Gustave Franco. of Montreal, who is
of Belgian birth, 1. undecided. His
credentials call for attendance at
Berne, but were issued without cor-
rect lnformatloa of the situation is
Rump.. The Canadian delegates
must choose between North Ameri-
t•an trades unionism aad Coatlaeatal
I:nrc-man Socialism.
T 810NAL
Thursday, February 6, 1919. -3
Hasn't Had a Sigo of Rheumatic Trouble
Sine He Took Tanlac -Has Gain,d
rfltirty-toe Pounds.
"1 have actually gained thirty-one
pounds on three bottles of Tanlac and 1
now feel like a new man in every way."
said J. T. Hawkins, residing at 435 John-
son 'live, Memphis, 'Tennessee, some time
l was just racked with pain from rheu-
matism for a whole year until 1 axlldn' 1 hit
a lick of work and was just up and down,
m city duan, all the time. My joints
w• ild swell and cramp so I couldn't raise
my arm to my head -couldn't comb my
hair -and when I stooped over t0 tie my
shun the pain would almost make me
cry out loud. 1 got in such a shape that
1 couldn't eat anythialg without suffering
afterward and nothing I tried in the way
of medicine helped me any at al'.
"1 only weighed 106 pounds when 1
Started taking 1 anlac and now I weith
159. My joints don't hurt any more and
I can bend over and use my arms al work
with as much ease as I ever could. I can
eat anything I want and as much as 1
with and feel like a new person all the
time "
Tanlac is sold in Goderich by E. R.
Wigle, in Sealorth by C. Aberhart, in
Wingham by J. Walton McKibbon, in
Hensen by A. M. E. Hemphill, in Blyth
by White City Drug Store, in Wroxeter
by J. N. Allen, in Londesboro' by John
0. Loundsberry, in Eeter by W. S.
Howey. in Bruceheld byPeter Bowey. in
Dashwood by Tiernan Edighulfer, in
Crediton by J. W. Orme, in Cantors by
W. S. R. Holmes, in Sheppardton by
J. H. Simpson, in Corrie by H. V. Arm-
nd in Fordwich by H. Sansom,
• Huron Presbyterial Society.
The following is the treasurer's financial
statement of the Huron Presbyterial
Women's Missionary Society, for the year
1918, The report represents an increase
of 144 over 1917:
Auburn. '
$ 120 60
104 50
Blyth (Marion Oliver Circa)..
».__ 46 65
288 00
180 00'
109 I5
Brucefield (Kelly Cade).. 214 241
Clinton _..........» 236 00'
e gmondv Ile ?20 47 �
Exeter 83 00
Exeter (Logie CU.)................. 167 30
Goderich_-._... _...................'.,..._ 355 00'
Goderich (Arthur Cirde)...».....o.. 86 15'
1Godench Township Unica- 73 50,
Grand Bend .....-....... - 115 00
Hensen 184 30
Hills Green. _ 37 00.
Kippers .. 149 15
Kirktom.....,,»».».......................... 181 50
Leeburn.... _- 54 00
Lend, shoo o'»114 50
McKillop (Duffs dlurch),... 58 25'
Seaforth. 506 45'
Seaforth (Bar. Kirkman Circle) . 25 SO
Smith's Hill 60 50
Thames Road ..... a • 23'2 00
Varna -
Winthrop (Associated Sot ety)
Moderates Are Now In Control In
• Getaway.
BERLIN, Feb. 4. -The Soldiers'
and Workinen's Council are making
a last desperate effort te' fight off ex-
tinction before the National Assem-
bly opens nest week. The Greater
Berlin Soviet Council 1s now trying
to arrange for another National So-
viet Congress, the obvious purpose of
which is to exert united Influence
over the National Assembly and to
' force it to adopt Socialist measures
It ie not likely to take otherwise. The
truth is that the Soviets are down
at least for a time. The nature of
the Spartacus coup caused a reaction
the effect of which has become more
obvious each day. Their officers are.
regaining power over the troops and
the Frlebelt, the organ of the Inde-
pendent Socla)ists, claims that the
I officers corp. is regaining strength,
iand becoming again the direetlhg
political factor. The National Asaem-
bly, It is expected. will correct any
reactionary tendencies and the effort
of the Government now is merely to
present a united Germany, under they
i present Central Government before
' the National Assembly. That is why
Gustav Nord'', who directs the Gov-
ernment's defensive measures. is
forting the small group of so-called
Soldiers' Councils 1■ Bremen and
Hamburg to lay down their arms and
to adroit themselves under the orders
of the Central Governj4tent.
Noeke, who is the Kireneky of this
resolution. but has strength to carry
out his djcUsiorial ideas which Keren-
sky did not hove, is directing disci-
plined troops slowly upon Bremen
and Hamburg and the Soldiers' Coon -
elle there w111 undoubtedly have to
yield. Noake is still negotiating
while the local councils are prepar-
ing machine-gun defences, so the
' National Assembly may meet during
a few bloody days In the north.
Mission hands -
h UsleLean).._
rucefield (Little Disciples)...
Clintonl(Buay Bees)
Egmondville (11tt e Helpers)
Exeter (Willing Workers)
Goderich (McGillivray)
Hensall (King's Own)..........„
Seaforth (Sunshine)
Varna (Willing Workers)
III -health Forces Him to Give Up Kb.
LONDON. Feb. 4. - Lord North-
cliffe has retired as chairman of his
asabc fated newspapers, which include
the Daily Mail. the Evening News
and the Weekly Despatch, thus end-
ing one of the greatest romances in
the history of the world's news-
Lord Northcliffe as Alfred Harms-
worth, a young and penniless man,
made three vows -to become a n1Y
lionaire, to be the owner of the Times
and to be made a"belted earl." He
attained all three of these early am-
bitions some time since; now owing
to his ill -health he has been ordered
by his medical advisers to take a long
rest, and it is probable he will remain
in the south of France. where be has
gone to recuperate.
He retired from the directorship
of hit papers many months ago, so
iso z" that his absence now will not Inter-
39 '0 fere with the great developments
.120 61 which are contemplated at Carmelite
House, now that the war is practical -
8;.4t) m
ty ended. Tile new ehalran of the
841)0 company is Thorns'! Marlowe. for
• teeny years editor of the Dally Hall.
21 0E0 The story of Lord Northcliffe's rise
10 305 0 to fame and fortune is a veritable ro-
91 mance of industry. He began his ca -
91 frreer in a small office divided by a
17 IS wooden partition as the English
11 0 agent of an American cycling maga-
zine, but the venture proved unsue-
ceseful and the young firm, which
$ 320.821 was known as Carr and Company,
:4451 43. was threatened with extinction, but
soon afterward he obtained his first
real footing and"4bereafter his pro-
gress was rapid.
To Provincial Treasurer -
April i 395 D0,
July. ...... ......._
Januar y.
8 00
2723 43
14451 43
Treasurer H. P. W. M. S.
"I hear that De Smart is Going to
marry his diverted wife." "Yes; her
lawyer presented her in such an attrac- 1
five light at the divorce trial that he fell
in love with her." judge.
The patriotic
spirit and devotion
with which Cana -
dim women Lave
so far performed ,
war -service work
and made sacrifices
has never been
equalled in the
history of any
country. Mothers,
wives and sisters
support this burden
with strength and
fortitude. But
those who are al-
ready miserable
from the com-
plaints and weak-
nesses which are so common to women,
should take the right temperance tonic for
the womanly system.
If a woman is borne down by pperamm
and suffering'', by nervotlsnees or dizzy
spell., by headache or backache, "Favorite
Prescription" should be taken. It can
now be had in tablet form as well an liquid
at most drug storm. Bend to Dr. Pierce's
Branch at Bridgchurg, Ont., for a 10e
trial pkg of tablets.
For fifty years Dr. Pierre's Pleasant
Pelleta have been moat satisfactory in
beer and bowel troubles.
Windsor. Owl. -"Dr.
Piet..'. Favors Pre-
esriptlon made a new 1
woman of me. For
shunt eis yeses 1 oaf-
lerad with woman's
trouble during .bier
time I borerns .11 rear
down, weak and nen.
owl 1 oN have
res. b.ekaeh.e sad
palm is my sine
dneton l with the Mus-
ue-tar but did om get
owed of my .i1 .as
sad arm r. bad that 1
meld Matonly *alk
.nor the floor whoa
taloa, the •Preeeriptiew.' When 1
ad I 11111•411
two bottler I . meek I ssadhfl....
Mates hl thin cared psi Wee* raise dais
►.tear k.J than 1 rear ra
seedt.dae. It r rely a waeMf.J as.dltd.. Ise .-etre Motes N,10,, a IMI a.
Iixtenslve Promises Were Made by
PARIS, Feb. 4. -The text of a
treaty signed on August 17, 1916,
between Roumania and the Quad-
ruple Entente 1. published to -day by
the Temps. tI embodies the condi-
tione under which Roumania entered
the war.
In part, it provided for the terri-
torial integrity of Roumania in the
whole extent of its frontier; that
Roumania was to declare war on and
attack Austria-Hungary, and that she
should cease economic relations and
commercial exchanges with the ene-
mies of all the Allies; Roumania not
to raise fortifications is front of Bel-
grade: Roumania not to make a
separate peace, and to enjoy the same
rights as the Allies in the peace pre-
linlinaries and in the discussion of
questions submitted to the Peace
1'nder the terms of the military
convention Russia was to send three
divisions Into Dobrudja to co-operate
with the Roumanian army against
the Vulgarians, the Allies to make
an offensive at Salonica at least
eight days before Roumania en-
tered the war, and Roumania to re-
ceive munitions of war from the
Crown Prince Wants Divorce,
ZURICH. Feb. 4. -Frederick Wil-
liam Hohenzollern, eldest son of the
former German Emperor, according
10 a Berlin despatch to the Munich
Zeit ung, has instituted proceedings
for a divorce. Prederick William Is
now an exile from Germany on the
Dutch island of Welringen. The fam-
ily of the former Crown Prince has
remained at Potsdam. Frederick Wil-
liam was married in June, 1905, to
the Grand Duchess Cecile of Meck-
lenburg, a sister of the Queen of
11,823 British Airmen Caanalttes.
LONDON. Feb. 4. -The total of
British realities in the air service
for the entire period of the war was
11,623. Of this number 6,161 were
killed and 7,345 wounded. The re-
mainder are rnlssing or known to
hove been taken prisoner.
Premier Lloyd George la arrang-
ing to leave the Peace Conference et
Paris and return temporarily to Lon-
don to deal with the Iertoue indus-
trial situ.ttlon.
TORONTO, Feb. 4.-Tbe quota-
tions on the Board of Trade Yester-
day were as follows:
Manitoba What (in Stora Fort William.)
Na 1 northern, $2.31%.
No. 2 northern. $2.215%.
No. 3 northern. 13.17ls.
No. 4 wheat. 12.11!%.
Manitoba Oats (In Stora Fort Wltlland.)
Nu. 3 C.W..elite.
No. 3 C.W..
Extra No. 1 feed, 629.c.
No. 1 feed. 6921 c.
No. 2 Iced, t5%e.
Manitoba nanny (1n item, Fart tNI.
No. 3 C.W., $ltslam).c.
No. 4 C.W., 769oc.
Rejected. S$%c.
Feed, 6543c.
American Corn (Track, T Pr.relp4
Shipment ).
No. 3 yellow, 51St.
Ne. 4 yellow, 51.65.
Ontario Oats (According to Freights
outslds )•
No. 2 white, 69c to 63e.
No. 3 white. S$C to Ile.
Ontario Wheat (f.o.b. Shipping Points,
According to Freights). .
No. 1 winter. per car lot, 52.14 to am,
No. 2 winter, per car lot, 12.11 to 19.11
No. 3 winter. per car lot. 12.07 to peri59L.19.
No. 1 spring. r car lot. 52.09 tp 17.
No, 3 spring. per eel. lot, 12.06 to 59.14.
No. 3 spring. per car lot, 12.02 to 1911
as (According to Freights Outside).
'o. 2. 52.
ley (According to greights Outsld).
tilting, 73r to 71e, nominal_
S alwheat (According to Freights Out.
No. • 2, $1. nominal.
Ilya (ccordlnO to Freights Outside).
Nd. J, 81 25. nominal.
Manitoba Flour (Toronto).
Bar onallty. $10.13 to
Ontario Flour (Prompt • Shipment ).
War q lity, $10, In bags, Montreal)
510, In bake, Toronto.
Mussed (C r Lots. Ciellvered, Montreal
-- Fre to, lags Included).
l!51rsn, per -'t on. i37.:t3:
Shorts, per n, 142.26.
. i()ood feed fl r, per bag. 13.40.
-May (rack• Toronto).
No. 1. per ton, 522 to 522.
Mixed, per ton. X321 to 821.
• Straw (Track, Toronto).
Car lots, per ton, 210 to $11.
Farmers' M
Fan wheat -No. 2, 12.13 per bushel.
Spring wheat -No. 2, 52.11 per bushel.
(loose wheat -No. 3, 32.08 per buaheL
Barlec-Malting, lne to 83c per busheL
Oale-47c to 63e per bubhe,.
Buckwheat -Nominal.
J. P. Bickell & Co., Standard Rank
Building. report the following prices oa
the Chicago Beard ad Trade: •
Open. High. Low. Cloak. Close.
Corn -
Fel.. . 126 128' 126 126 12514
Mar. ... 123 124% 123 .126 4224+
Aral ... 11814 121 183%20?{ 117
July ... 1141s 116 % 114', 116;% It$%
• ... 56% 55 5614 5774 56
56 {
May .67th 5k1,437 n. 5S% ' 54-,
July .. 76t4 564 5544 56% 54
Pork -
May . 37.35 37.10 37.25 37.45 37.60
lier 22.75 22.00 22.35 22.40 22 72
. 20.70 20.90 30.52 20.52 20 77
TORONTO, Feb. 4. -With 2511
tattle on the Union Stock Yards yes-
terday,, there was a very keen de-
mand for all classes of butchers'
steere and heifers with weight and
quality, and the market for all such
classes of cattle was front 5Oe to
76e per cwt. higher than last Mon-
The demand for lightweight stock-
ers and feeders was comparatively
weak, but choice milkers and close-up
springers sold at satisfactory prices.
The calf trade, with receipts of
155 head, win steady, and the sheep
and lamb trade stronger, Lambs sell-
ing at from 15c to 15%c and 15%e
Ib., and sheep at 8c to 10c.
The run of hogs was about 1100,
and the price, as near about 15560
lb., f.o.b., and 16I4c Ib., fed and wat-
ered. The outlook seems to be for
steady , prices, but even this is con-
ject ure.
w'Innipeg, Feb. 3. -Receipts at the
Union Stock Yard. today were 1100 cat-
tle and 171M hogs. Butcher steers, 510.50
to 514.10: heifers, 16.75 to 19.50; cows.
54.50 to 19: bulls, 55 to 17.50; oxen, 55
to 50.30; stockers and feeders. 16.75 to
511; veal calves, 15 to 512; sheep and
(ambit. 510 to 515.
Hogs -Selects. 515.25; sows and heav-
ies. 19.23 to 112.25;. stag., 17.25 to 13.25;
lights, 510 to $12.25.
Chicago, Feb. 3.-Hogs-Recelpta, 4000;
market strong to Ric higher; good clear-
ance effected.
Cattle --Receipts, 18,0410: beef steers,
unevenly strong to 25c higher; two loads
fine heavy beeves at 120; fat cows and
heifers, tic to 50c higher; canners and
rapes. steady: hulls end feeders, strong
to 25c higher. Ree( cattle, good, choice
and prime. 514.40 to 120.25; common and
medium, 51.4 25 to 516.40. Butcher stock,
cows and helfera, 56.15 to 114.60: can-
ners and cutters. 18.75 to 16.35. (Hock-
ers end feeders, good, choice and fancy,
510 50 to 114.25; Inferior, common and
median,, 57.71 to $10.50. Veal calves,
gond and hose., 113.75 t0 114.25.
Sheep -Receipts, 21,000: lambs, strong
to 13, higher; yearling. and sheer,,
steady to strong; feeder.. firm. Lambs.
choice and prime, 811.75 10 116.55; me-
dium and good. 515.40 to 516.75; culls,
112 to 514. Ewes. choice and prime,
111350 to 113.50; medium and good, 19.75
to 110.50; culls, 55 to 57.75.
Feet Buffalo. N.Y., Fib. 3.-Cattle-
Reeeipts, 2,100; strong; prime steers,
17.50 to 511.50; ahlppinr. steers, 516 to
17: butchers, 110 to 116.75: yearlings,
13 to 116.75; heifers. 11 to 113,25; cows,
54,50 to 113; bulls, 86 50 to 811.25; stock
ere and feeders 15.50 to 111; fresh cows
and sprin are, 165 to 8158,
Calves-. ecelpta, 1,100; 25 rents lower;
55 to t1g.26.
Hoge -Receipts 10.400; pier 75 cents
to 81 higher. others 10 cents higher;
heavy and mixed. 117.90 to 811; yorken,
817.00; light Yorkers, 117.50 to 17.751
plait, 817.23 to 117.58: throw -out., 112 t
816; stags, $10 to 813; Canadians, 117.1
to 51744-- - -
Sheep and lambs-Recelpte, 15.010;
lamb. 60 cents lower. other steads;
Iamb., 811 to 517.40; yearlings. 610 to 816;
wethers, 511 to 812:; ewes. 14 to 511:
mixed sheep, 510.75 to 811.50.
Canadian Goods for Vladivostok.
Canadian economic mission In Si-
beria has opened fine offices in Cen-
tral Vladivostok. The general policy
of the commissioner remain@ unde-
cided pending the arrival of the other
commissioners, who are expected
The Grampian brought 1,014 sol-
diers and 330 eivillane to St. John.
and the Carmanla and Tunisian are
coming to Canada with 3,471 troops.
"lf a man empties his purse into his head
no man can take it from him
An investment in knowledge al-
ways pays the beat interest."
---Benjamin Franklin
Young man, young woman --you are the architect
of your own fortune. Your success or failure in life
depends altogether upon yourself. If you would be
successful you must LEARN TO DO.
Genius is fifty per cent. TRAINING and fifty per cent.
WORK. As you carve out your future you will make a most
serious mistake if you fail to provide a strong, secure founda-
tion in the way of practical business education.
"It is only the trained, qualified man who snakes his life tell."
The time to lay the proper foundation is NOW -and this is
the school.
Business Stenographic`
Secretarial Civil Service
For further particulars write to
B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principal
M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice -Principal
Wads gMy enter at any time.
Phone 208
To all Automobile Owners
fitted up, also expert mechanics, and are able to
repair all makes of cars.
We would advise owners to bring their cars in early
this fall and winter to have them overhauled and
painted ready for next season's running. It
saves you time and money to have your work done
in the winter when you lay up your car.
We also look after all gasoline engine work. Ex-
perts on electric work and adjustments. Give us a
Phone 83
South street
BAKIER eM4lnager Replai Dept.
Cure Sick Headache, Constipation,
Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad
Breath -Candy Cathartic.
No odds bow bad your liver, stomach
or bowels; how much your head aches,
how miserable you are from constipa-
tion, indigestion, biliousness and slug-
gish bowels -you always get relief with
Ca+carets. They immediately cleanse
and regulate the stomach, remove tSe
sour, fermenting food and foul gases;
take the excess bile from the liver and
carry off the constipated wnste matter
and poison from the intestines and
bowels. A 10 -cent box from your drug-
rist will keep your liver and bowels
clean; stomach Meet 1311 head clear for
months. They work ',vhile you Bleep.
Sillicus-"She is just the sweetest thing
in tte world." Cynicus-'That's what
the fly thought when it got stuck on the
Have you renewed your subscript ion
to The Signal for 11)111?
Owing to the scarcity of
Coal, and the fact that
sales have, of necessity, to
be made in very small
quantities, we have found
it absolutely necessary to
make a rule that
-MacEwan Estate
You Buy
when you purchase
"More Bread and Better Bread rind Better Pastry"
For Better Porridge Use
writ• agars. . • >tschiaaa..1