The Signal, 1919-2-6, Page 2e
2 --Thursday, February 6, 1919.
Tliia . SIGNAL
Thursday, February 6, 1919.
Butterflies seen at Regina in January!
What brand of cough medicine do they
use out there ? - - -
The city of Guelph has chosen the aster
as its emblematic flower. Will there be
enough different flowers to go 'round
among all the towns ?
It is difficult to work up any great
worry over the possible failure of the ice
harvest. A good hot summer has no
terrors for most of us - from this distance..
Public opinion is with the county coun-
cil in os support of the war work of the
Salvation Army. The Fiddlers speak well
of the Salvation Army, an that is a sufll-
1 dent recommend.
The children's shelter which was opened
only a few maths ago has already proved
s) useful an institution that before long
we sha'.I be wondering how the county
ever got along without it. There is
nothing better worth saving than a child.
Yes, Sir Robert B rden is the man
to meet the Bolshevik' and tell them
where they gel off at. See stow he quelled
the Bolshevik uprising in the House of
Commons at Ottawa last year when it
was proposed to abolish titles in Canada.
The town of Thorold has adopted
what looks like a very sensible plan for
the reception of returned auldle r
They set apart one day a week for the
welcoming of men who have returned
during the previous seven days. Why
not try this plan in G)derich:' 1t
would save much contusion and uncer-
tainty. and would give the towns-
people a be:ter opportunity of turning
out to show their appreciation of, the.
lade in khaki.
The county council d (erred to the
iuue session oonsideration of the mat-
ter of aaalatance to returned soldiers,
appointing a committee to bring in a
report on the gaestion. Pronirt . tion
is desirable bre one advantage of the
postponement i% that by the ttmj the
councll again meet% Mere will have
been a good deal of putic discussion of
the problem and It miy be an easier
matter to (discover and adopt the
proper solution. The question Is one of
the moat important that could be dealt
with by'the county council and should he
approached with the hroadest spirit of
wytnpsthy with the returned roan who
finds h►tnaelf without a settled place in
the world of peace after wtme years of
patriotic service overseas.
Positive Definite Knowledge
of its Matchless Quality and Value has been
the forceful power that has created a sale
of 25 million packets Annually.
TRY IT a Tea-Pof ot ATrestgis better. than a
Volume uments
Caretaker, $730 (an Suer ease of S.NII. teachers in Ontario change schools annual -
Road superintendent, i11110I (41510 ly. In few cases, says the inspector, art
for good roads work. $100 for ordinary the boards responsible for these changes,
road wurk,$31) for expenses). which are the re sat serious obstacle to the
Crown attorney, 11100. real progress and proper training of the
Auditors of county a000uuta• 440. pupda There were sixty-two changes
Auditors ot,orlwilial justioe aceouuta. in West Huron insp ctorate in 1918.
IS • day and mileage, All recognise the value of physical
inobool inspectors, each $13.30 and
$.23 expeuses.
Councillors, 53 per day and mileage.
The report of the county property
training for pupils of all ages. This is
being taken by nearly all the teachers.
In most schools it,is smartly and cheer-
fully done. Military drill is well done in
committee mentioned the usual viniss many of the schools. Almost seventy-five
to the county buildings. and everythiug per cent. of the schools received a gradt
was reported satlwfa••tory except that for one or both of these.
the registry once was not ftp to the As agriculture is the chief industry of
staudarl of clwui:ness. The uratrou of the county and of the Province. it is fit -
the children's shelter was cougrutu- ting that agriculture should be taught in
lated upon the rmcieat wansgeweut all our public schools. especially the
of that instltutiuu. The cousmlttee
recommended that a new heating sys-
terk be iustened at the shelter during
theluwwer. The report was adopted.
Inspector Chisholm, of Toronto, was
present at Friday morning's session as •atesreceive instruction in agriculture to
• representative of the 1 iepartuient of qualify them to teach it in their schools.
Education and addressed the council uu The aim in teaching agriculture is to make
the subject of a proposed rearrau,euteut the pupils realize the fundaments
of theachool inspectorates by forming principles underlying farm operations. to
a new inspectorate taking lu portions render them capable of thinking and in -
of Huron. Lawhton and Mil.11e%ex. vestigating for themselves. and to show
Generous Grant for Salvation Army for Work Among Soldiers- The townships of Hay and Stephen are them that live stock, soil and crops furnish
Revision of County Officials' Salaries -James B. Reynolds the portions of Huron county that is is problems requiring the best ability and
protested to takeout of this county, training. The instruction is interesting
Appointed Manager of County House of Refuge. After hearlug Inspectorate Clete- fur the pu,ils, as it relates to the work
holes It wap decided to defer tete being dote by those in their homes. Our
matter unto the June session. ' schools are in session thirty hours a week.
•Follnwltig W a (uutinuuttou et rhe of \losses. Clark and Duds, no net fon Grateful for .11lied Vletey. Surely one hnu. or more should be given
report of the praeedings of the ...ntity being reel( uunended. Otherwi-r the It was moved by Messrs. Laporte and ; weekly to the subject that is matt closely
council last week. partially rels,rt.•.1 repot was adopted. Trewartha: Be it resolved that this county connected with the lives and work of the
1n last •wrs'k'a Slgual : House of Refuge Appolntrueuts. council return thanks to the Almighty for people. The Department of Education
Mr. G. M. Elliott. county agent of the The hoots- of refuge • 'iter re- the great victory of the Allies on the desires that agriculture be taught in all
Children's Aid Society, appeared before iwrtsvl, teeommendu)g the appoint- battlefields ofsEurope, and that we record trontfuu(d on cage 6.)
the council snaking a request regarding inert of Jaime. •R. Reynolds lied New. cur appreciation of the gallant Canadian
Marjorie Guthrie, a little cripple at Gor- Reynolds, of tie/lrrleli, as nran•ger troops who have won high honor and dis-
rie, to have her sent to the Sick Chil- and matron of the honer of tofu e. tinction in the Allied armies. We also
dren's hospital at Toronto for treatment. Other applicants were: W. lit desire particularly to emphasize our ap-
Fergueon. H. H. No 4. Brussels predation of the gallant manner in which
G. M. Bradford. Goderich. Albert taut• our men from Huron county have ac -
ton. Seaforth: ('lar. Edgar, Harristga; quitted themselves in places of danger.
Mr. i.beuhart. lieaforth. 'They have clowned themselves with glory
and have brought honor to their home
county. and. although we lament the
death of so many 01 them and extend to
the bereaved our sincerest sympathy. we
rejoice that the cause of freedom and
righteousness for which they fought has
alt the suggestion of the Warden this
was adopted by all standing and ringing
rural schools. The Federal and Provincial
Governments spend large sums annually
fee the teaching of this subject in the
colleges, normal schools, high schools and
public schools. All normal school gradu-
it is evident that a 0 attempt is being
made to use the popular feeling against
Germany for the bolstering of the protec-
tionist cause. One speaker at a meeting
in Toronto the other day went so far as
to say that free traders were pro -Ger-
mans. 1f this speaker had been asked a
fair question: Why not absolutely pro-
hibit the importation of German goods.
and alive the free importation of goods
from the countries of sour allies ? he would
have been forced to show his hand, for
the thoroughgoing high -tariff man is just
as reluctant to allow French or Italian or
United States manufactures to enter this
country as the German goods. The tariff
question is an economic question, and
flag-waving has to 'do with it.
if in the past Canada imported German
goods it was because the importers con
sidered it good business to do so. After
what has happened in the last five years
Canadians may refuse absolutely to buy
German goods. not because of any fancied
benefit to themselves in a dollar -and -cents
say from such refusal, but because they
wish to have as little as possible to do
with a people who have caused the world
so much suffering. Let us think clearly
on this question and ref.:se to he stamp-
eded by men who either are ignorant or
have "an axe to grind."
The president of the Toronto
B.,url if Trade, wfto im also the mana-
ger of the Dominion Bank. hating
uttered some critic -Min of the Pr,)vhn.
sial Hydro -electric system, The Tor.
oot) Telegram gets after him with its
verbal hatchet and compares him to
"t he limber -Jawed and empty-headed
chatterer who climes, upon his soap-
box on a street corner and denolinrea
the chartered banks of Canada." The
Telegram does not deign to may
wherein Mr. Bngert'a remarks were
inaccurate or unfair; it is sui ncieat
(from The Telegtwtn's point of view)
merely Dust he dluss not fall down and
worship Sir Adam Reek and the Hy-
dro. This sort of thing has kept the
Hydro managementpractically im-
mune from .`eitiiienu for a good newly
years, but there are signs that tbd
people of (l'nteris, air awaking to elle
danger of setting up a Hydro *On.
(racy that is a law undo itself Ind
Mr. Elliott's request was granted.
A report of the house of refuge com-
mittee containing a revision of the by.
laws governing the officials of the house
of refuge was presented and adopted with When this report was anitnitted to
some slight amendment. - the council their was Bowe crlticiur of
Public School Inspectors Field and what was deemed hasty action. and the
Tom asked an increase et travelling al- report was referred back to the cone
lowansee on account of idcreased cost of [situs.
living and of travelling. Turnkey Knox The report of the nuance committee
asked for an increase of sahry. These dealing with acconuts w•as presented
communications were sent to the execu• and adopted.
tiye committee. I Mesars. labester and Beavers moved
A number of motions for grants to
various societies and institutions were
referred to the executive cor mittee.
that the clerk he instructed to prepare
a bylaw lu aecs rtlaace with the motion
passed at the Detemloer meeting re•
God Save the King.
The good roads commission submitted
the following recommendatiore: That the
On motion of Meters LaPorte and Marilee to towns and villages in the claim of D. McDonald. Kintail. of S20 Inc
Young it was ordered !'.at a statement be county ninety per cent. of the amount damages to his automobile 'on a deals -
printed and distribute at this meeting of levied upon them ouder the (,ora reads nated road be paid; that the claim of 'A
•ibm Cantelon Clinton Inc 54 dam is
damages to h
the council showing the amnunte emr. Referred a. good rot1
*Veil from each municipality during ""m^1°11"autcmobile be paid; that the county road
191s and also amounts expended in each Menem. Clark and Sanders moved superintendent attend the meeting of the
'that the touuutttce appointed at the Ontano.Good Roads Association: that ac-
counts between the municipalities in con-
nection with the expenditure on the
up the matter of a laud settlement county road system be adjusted each ) ear.
echerue along the liues suggested by and that five per cern. be added to alt
roltorne township. Referred to overdue accounts due the county under
special coin tit itter. the road system; that a bylaw be prepared
A inotion by Messrs. Dari. nod Forth for 'he r funding to towns and villages of
hoeing to the ercetion of a county hos- ninety per cent. of the good roads levy
pital a. a war ore ia1 was refernxl and that this be sent to the Department
to the special committee. ' Inc approval: that the council pass. a bylaw
A session was held Thursday even- to connect the road in the village of
ing at which a uuwber of committee Wroxeter with the good roads system. and
reports were dealt with. t hat the county still maintain the present
The secoud report of the special eom- bridge. and that this bylaw also be referred
wittee mule the following recowweuti- to the Department.
*Alone: The report was edopted.
That a committee of tour and the On motion of Messrs. Bailie and La-
Wanleu be appointed to tep.rt at the porte it waadllactded that the Red Gross
June session on the matter of a e.uuty grant for this year be given to the differ
memorial hospital: that Dr. Clark's est organizations doing Red Cross or any
other patriotic relief work.
To Assist Returned Soldiers.
Moved by Messrs. Laporte and Sanders,
and carried, that a committee be ap
"� •' last streeting of council to deal with
Mr. John Fingland withdrew his aspli- :oat cn affecting ret'trued soldiers take
cation for the position of coon.' auditor.
and Mr. D. F. McGregor. of Tucker -
smith. was appointed instead. The
Other auditor is Mr. Peter Cantelon of
Messrs Clark. Livingston ani Young
were added to the house of refuge com-
mittee to deal with applications for mana-
ger, matron and assistant matron.
Gaoler Griffin reported seven inmates
in the goal, most of them on charges of
Mr. D Patterson, county engineer.
submitted his report of the work done
under his direction since the December
session uJ 1916. The orders issued
amounted to 1114.589.31. The engineer
recommended early action if the council
should decide to ourchase any machinery
or implements. Graders were required, or
better arrangements made s ith the town-
ships for the use of implements. In some
sections a stone crusher could be used to conventual at Toronto; re cuuiunwica- pointed whose duty it will be to investi-
advantage and miles of hauling saved 1 tins from Ontario connty asktug for 4 gate to went extent the Government will
where gravel was too coarse to be used grant bona the Domiuinn Government assist the returned heroes of Huron
from the pits where the gravel was re- to supplement the Pruvint•ial grout% to county, and report at the. June meeting,
quired. The purchase of all machinery
by the county was subject to the ap-
proval of the Department. and to make
sure of the grant the approval of the
motiou regardiug a land settleureet
pcheuie for returned %either% be
adopted; that Mester. Beaver% laid
Saudeno he dt'legatt-a to the goad roadie
the wain and important highways in so that the council may discuss the ad -
this Province, that same be adopted. visibility of rendering further aid. and
'I he report was adopted. that this committee be composed of six
The education committee reeow• members from township municipalities
Deportment should be obtained if mended the following appointment, of and three from urban municipalities.
purchasing. Co leglate institute trustees: Goderteh. By another motion It was decided that
On Thursday morning the good roads Dr. Macklin; Clinton. R. E Mauning:. the members of this committee should be
system was up Inc consideration and a. Seatorth, Dr. Harrows; \ 'iuglaw. R. Messrs. Laporte, Sanders, Young. Living.
lengthy discussion took place. County \anstone. The payments to be made ston. Govenlock, Moffatt. Beavers, Ford
Engineer Patterson tcxd, part in the dis• to the different Collegiate. iee the and Petty.
'county ounty were indicated as fo ows: I A move Inc Hydro -radial connection Inc
cosies and replied to a number oguts-
tions, ane some Knotty p ants f con- Ooderich, 11,939.17; Clinton 51,36x'21; the townships bordering on Lake Huron
tnrctiou with the work rrreivt-,i slut( \\'inghaur, 51,244.91; Sewforth, $5,344).1 was indicated in a motion prevented by
Nan (iranta Passed. Messrs. Livingston and Govenlo ck, and
'tat km. y
The float report of the s .•• int nom. The report rut the executive esonimit- carred' that the Reeves of Stephen. Hay,
}" p ( Stanley. Bayfield. (,oderich and Ashfield
mitts*. made the following t.,(Inen• tet' was read and adopted. It Con -
be delegates to the Hydro -radial comen-
datiena: He petition of thSer county 4ainel tine following recommendation' tion at Toronto with a view to securing..outwit of ', Victoria (for an amend- that t grant of 111 be made to the better facilities Inc transportation Inc the
'tient of the dog tax law to rennet county children's shelter; that 11115 be townships bordering on Lak' Huron.
drivers and abackers to keep stock granted to each school fair in the Moved by Messrs Mitchell and Petty,
penned .wwule (inns dugs), that no ac- county; that 12,Wn per mourn for and carried, that a bylaw be passed con-
tfo,; iw taken; rr dayi ghtitseiig, eleven meronts, beginning February 1st, ! ting designated road No. 6. C'sborne
that this net
council join in p-titionin 1919, be granted to the Salvation 'Army township, with the town line between
pg for its work among the soldier: that lisborne and Hibbert, a designated road
12.5 be granted to each spring seed and in the Perth good roads system.
live mock show at Hensel!. ('listen.
ileaforth and \Vingham: that 1125 Is' 7 he house of refuge l committee again
granted to each Hoard of Agriculture reported on the matter of theappo:ntment
and 511) to each 11'ou,en's Iuetltnte in' of a manager and a matron for the house
the county; that 1211 he grained to each ' of rt•luee. Tbemajority report irecom-
puhlic library in the county: that MOMI mended the appointment of Mr. and Mrs•
be granted to the \Vinghaur and (hale- i J• 11. Reynolds, and a minority report
rich hospitals, to be divided e.qually;' adyised that the appointment be deferred
that the usual grants be made to con- I until vlarch.
tinuatlon % haols: that S25 be granted to i The Majority report was adopted o
tr o i . ne 13
1 repenting ate to After passing a number of bylaws t
that. it Is trfrrlr(d In the whole crnm• towns and villages on the nod roads i council sang Auld Lang Syne and a.
tett: n• rotlltttinliration tmm the levy he not paid. as It would `,e depart-
epart- ! }corned to meet the first Tuesday i
county of Hastings with regard to Ing from the requirements of the Aet; June.
width of wagon tires, that no action that 425 be granted to the Horton Schools of West Huron.
be taken: 4e eonmuunicntiou from the Poultry and Pet Stock Association: in Mr. J. E. Tom, inspector of public
the loaner of the claim of Mrs. Neil schools Inc West Huron, in his report Inc
Taylor. her, 00 the theaccmatted death the year 1918 mentioned the interruption
fc her to the a that the matter tee re- to the work of the schools that had been
te farted .i the county road the high. occaso ed by the epidemic of influenza.
examine the condition cot the high. There was an average loss of five week%
waycd the point 'ofe ale theyt and it then during the year. Two schools in Hay
power 1.r it t le; Mat
they he gleed lost thirteen weeks each and two schools
power to settle; that Oroschool
be allowed in Colborne did not lose one day. To
to each n the public schhe for eckor al- make up Inc kat time the regular work
lowfor anceoef On lieu cf the aft 525 will continue unt I the end of June. The
granted of Ind) chid): that 1.25 he departmental examinations wit be held
that 51 to gr Nick for dronb htordt I,e in July. The number of pupils enrolled
that SIo home
gated for that
a tier the in 1917 was 4,438, average attendance
comet horse grumde: that *Co Ice
granted t., the, 1%'ouIens County War
Salaries of (Halals.
The committee reeommendeul the
following as the salaries fort the next
two years:
Gorst umctals-
G•Mer, $ls)n (an Increase of 5:10).
Matron. 52211 (oro incresss of 4123 i,
Turnkey, $710 (an Increase of Viol.
Owl phyaictan. 1120.
Hnnse of Rcfnge 1Hllciale-
inepes•tor, t1h5I).
Physician. 111.10.
Chaplain, 1100.
Matmn, 11410.
Asslstaat matron, SSW.
MaeaKer, 11510.
(busty 01flel 1w-
Warttna, 5151 •
Treasurer. SINE.
Clerk. $1100.
that the law he not pin. in effect th s
year; re ppeetition from the city of
Kingston favot•i(lg the d.•portatiun of
alien enemies, that this council ap-
[nnt'e of same; to tie(• nilatiotl
from Prince Fwdwald county (that the
Province be divided into dietricts.
.4eh district to have one good toads
engineer), that no action Ica taken:
re e kation t Peel county,
proposing a frontage tux on desig-
tuated roads, that no notion le taken; ug a tall vote of lit to
It ' (billsf • 1' 1b9r 11 each Agrlcniturat Societyholds •
township nr• aidin neem owl giddier'',
f lair; that the musty per cent. rah
city of T,,h.ntn with regard to Pro•
rincial weir tax, that a reeduticn Joe
passed ht' thin dimwit a%king that the
tax he /114-orttimid; re ,',',1neet f
Stretford for delegates to attend i
highway meeting. that U. delegates
be sent from this emoted: re motion
that Me•ssre. Gosenl,ek, Livingston
and Doig be Appointed as the good
toads rotnmiseion for 1919. that same
be adopted; re motion "f Sanders and
Mavis, that the Government Is' ment-
or' •lixod to place the drug tux on the
nuinufacsunrs of (Lug%, that the
ennneil fav or the mime; that the re.
port of the district agriculturnl teppore.
sentative be printed in pamphlet
The rlwnme regarding the Provin.
clad war lax was amended on motion
bunks no rontnd, correction nr criti-
cism Krom any quarter. 1t would he
regarded ve folly Is, say that. because
the Poatofflee i).•paltment is a good
(petltution, anyone who finds fault
With It In the hetet degree in an
enemy of the public. Yet that is Poet
tbeattitmde whkh hue been far toxo
e.m,rnon with regard t, Hs Ito 0,1 -
2.&35 and percentage of attendance 01.
in 1918 the number of pupils enrolled was
4,137. average attendance 2,410 and per-
centage or attendance 58
A substantial and convenient school
was built in U. S. S. No. 4. Ashheld
(Lochalsh), at a cost of 511,000. It is well
heated. lighted, ventilated and neatly
finished. The ,Dunlop and Porter's Hill
schools were veneered with Milton bricks,
remodelled, etc., mskine totem equal to
new schools. Preperationl are being
made 10 erect an . xcellent two -roomed
school at Winchelsea in 1919. With the
war over, several sections slou:d provide
better ectxxolein 1920.
Of the 114 teethes in the inspectorate,
122 were women and 12 men The high-
est salary pmM to a woman in an urban
school was $900 seri in a rural school
51,060; and to a man 51,050 in an uthen
school and 11,000 in a rural school.
About fifty per cent. of the rural
The Bathroom
What a luxury is a nice
bathroom in your home! The
cost is repaid many times
over by the added comfort
and convenience. [.et us give
you prices on fitting up a
bathroom in your residence.
Hamilton Street
Phone las
Notal 'Wer
MIN ls■■■■IK IK IN
▪ We have now in stock a It
• new and good assortment 2
2 of white stamped lunch
vw Cloths, trays, centres, scarfs
• and pin cu: hions in pure
• linen. Also a new lot of
2 gowns, dayslips and chile[-
ren's dresses and a number
of pretty stamped runners,
ix tan centres and cushions. a
a Conte and see our line a
• before making•a choice.
ssu icialixlrima
Take a glass of Salta if your Back hurts
or Bladder bothers yon -Drink
more water.
If you must hare your meat every day,
eat it, but flush your kidneys with salts
oeeasinnelly, says a Doted authority who
tells us that meat forme urie acid which
almost peralyrea the kidneys in taeir ef-
fgqrts to expel it from the blood. They
blocome sluggish and weaken, then yon
suffer with • dull misery in the kidney
region. sharp pains in the beck or sick
headache, dirzincs., your stomach sour,
tongue is mated and when the weather
is had you have rheumatic twinges. Tie
urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the
channels often get sore and irritated,
obliging you to seek relief two or three
time during the sight.
To neutralize these Irritating acids, to
cleanse the kidneys mid flush off the
body's nrinons waste get four ounces of
Jad Salts from any pharmacy bent
take • tablespoonful in • glass of
water before breaktaat for a few days
and your kidneys will then act ane. This
jeans.w salts fs mauls from the acid of
and lemon juice, enmhined with
Ith a, and has horn used for generntios•
to flush sed stimulate alunriah kfdatts,
aho30 eentr•lis M
the arida wise,
so it oro longer Irritates, thus aiding
bladder weaklams.
Jul Kilts le tlserpertalre; eanrrnt In-
here, anti wuates a delig'.tful ettervese,as
Alia-water &risk.
January Bargains
Stock Taking Deminds Quick 'Selling
Every item listed below is at a bargain price
Tapestry Rugs
English Floor Rugs in gall qualities and good choice
of patterns. Size 3x3 yards IDS, for $14. 3x3} yards
$20, for 117. 3x4 yards $25, for 120.
Pure Linen Towelling
600 yards all pure linen Towelling for rollers or tea
towels. Today's value is 40.:, at per yard 'l )c
White Cottons
Yard -wide Twill Cotton, heavy even thread and pure.
Suitable for sheeting, pillow slips or general household
purposes. Worth 40c, at per yard 28c
Yard -wide splendid qu'slity white Flannelette, heavy
weight, entirety free from finish or dressing. Worth
50c, at per yard 37c
Scarfs, Muffs, B lag, etc. Salle, Mink• Lynx, Persian
Sets, ranging in price from 120 to $90, now clearing
at . 112 to $60Suiting Serges
Navy blue and black, all pure wool Suiting .ierges and
Gabardines. guaranteed indigo dye, 38 to .i1 inches
wide and old stock. At per yard .....$1.90, 52.50, 13.0)
Baldwin's Fingering Yarn
Baldwin's 4 -ply finest Fingering, in white, grey and
black. Per sltein 30c
Ladies' Coats
Unreserved clearing of stylish new winter Coats, in
,tweeds, velours and broadcloths, balance of our winter
stock, and a splendid choice, many at half original
prices $S, $10, $1:.
Men's Fur Coats
Men's Sitka Beaver and Black Dog Coats with No. 1
lanb collar, all sizes 42 to 50. Select skins and splen-
didly lined, and cuffs in sleeves. Special bargain, each
Women's all -wool cashmere rib H )se. Sizes 9, 9; and
10. Regnlal $1, for ;;>L
Women's silk fleece seamless Hose, heavy, soft and
warm. Size b to 10. At per pair 50c
Gossard Corsets
The new Gossard Corsets are in, and values are extra
ordinarily Y
good.The Corset st car sell with every rYguar -
antee and warrant. Styles for every figure. The
Corset that never looses its shape. At each $2 50,
$3.00, $350, $.i 00 and up.
,Ei ffiiiMIIII NIIIIIIIImm11 .1gU1111
Always Effective -end accts quickly
Relieves lams back, lumbago. DeaaiRr•, spades, hue joints sad miseries,
toothache, earache, sere throat sad other painful eampiaiwte-Hlrsee
Stop./ the Poem. Get a bottle today. Haven handy -has a hundred
-owe. At dealers or sorb, era. NI ST tSY&DY (X), nasillm Can.
$$.00 for $4.9
And Every Dollar
Worth More.
Small savings now
share in the high
interest on Govern-
ment Securities.
War -Savings Stamps
Cost $4.00 this month
Redeernedin 1924 for
$5.00. Sold at Money -
Order Post Offices,
Banks and wherever
the Triangle and
Beaver sign is dis-
played. ,