The Signal, 1919-1-30, Page 8t
Thitimday, Jan. 3e, 1919.
Wall Paper
Do }QUI wall pltptnug be-
fore the papier hangers get
lousy with the spring work.
Dainty Bedroom Papers
$ c,
1,14c, l5c per roll.
Kitchen, Dining -room. Hall
Pal ers IOc; 15c, 20c per roll.
Large stock of Tapestries.
Grass Cloths and imported
22•isch goods at most reason
able prices.
- 7Hwo... GAP" G.v"
For that stubborn deep-seated
Cod Liver Extract
$t.00 a bottle
It's 1 tonic and strength -
builder too
Tablet Placed la Trinity Ckurcb. Corn-
well. by His Father.
(kern*au I reeluider. January 2.1
A monWnerltal memorial Itself -to the
sacred memory of the late Bishop
Strachan, wbo held a large place in early
Comwall bhtoev-Trinity church.�0t��
wall. has from time to time been e
with memorials to manylo( its parishion-
ers. The chimes, many tablets, stained
windows. altar and reredos. choir malls
and even the flower vases on the altar
bear testimony to the desire of loving re.l
atives of deceased persons to enamor
their memory in perpetual tribute.
Old Trinity is indeed a treasure hoyae
of memorials. and their number is ever
increasing: indeed. few churches in Can-
ada are more richly endowed in this direc-
On Sunday morning the rector unveiled
a tablet to the memory of the tate Pr.
(CapL) Clarence Dickinson Hamilton,tby
Ns father, Dr. C. J. Hamilton. it is Of
chaste and classic design m bronze. and is
suitably instribed. The tablet is placed
On the east wall of the church to the south
of the chancel.
The late Capt. Hamilton did good ser-
vice in the field as medical (Slicer w It h the
2nd Royal Susses and Ist Black Watch
Regunents and was home on furlough
until October, !sten he sailed on the
transport Hu ntsend to resume his military
duties at the front. He was not alto-
gether well when he left Cornwall. and
fell a victim to influenza when a few days
out and was buried at sea on October 9.
Ittln. a brilliant career beteg thus sud-
denly closed. Capt. Hamilton was born
in Cornwall on December 18, 1883.
\ Alter unveiling the tablet on Sunday
mhrning. Rev. Mr. Netten alluded to the
dist: gutshed service of the deceased
office saying in part:
It is arad if pleasing duty this morning
to accept or the church. from Dr. Hamil-
ton. this endid mural tablet a- a me-
morial to his . Captain Clarence Dick-
inson `Natant . who recently died at sea
while returning his duties at the front.
Yat will not need o he reminded of the
value of the art o healing throughout
this war. In the redun of medicine and
surgery there have n accomplui ed
facts of prevention and re wh'ch could
hardly have been hoped in wars of
other days. We know Capt. Ilton was
possessed of much professions . skill. and
official papers tell of service . ered by
him to the wounded and dying t the
foremost battle -lines -and such sery • as
could only be given through the cool
and courage of a brave man. His passi
is attended by a sadness peculiar to the
circumstances of burial. Ir is in human
nature that we should tong to localize the
object of endearment The realm o( mat-
ter is so close to all of us that we have no
11.1'11■T 111111111111
• \
We have now in stock a 1
newt and good assortment
I 11 of yt�*1,
ltite stamped lunch
cloths, ays,centres. scarfs
1 and pin nshions in pure 1
linen. A a new lot of mm
JillM gowns; dayslips and chilttim
rcn's dresses ansa number
of pretty stamped runners, 1
in tan centres and cushions.
$ Conte and see our line 1
1 ...SS e- NOBLE
before making a choice. 1
•11111MINIM M11
Felt That He Would Never WalkitZts
"FRUIT-A-TIV}:S" Brought
ill' awa 9t , Itull, P.Q.
"Fruit-a-tives" is certainly *wonder.
For a year, 1 suffered witli It' kerma-
; being foree,J to stay is bed
forfive mod kg. I tried all kinds of
medicine but without getting better;
and thought 1 would never be able
to walk again.
"Oue elan walk lying imbed, I read
thou.. `1'ruit-a dues' the great fruit
medicine , and it seemed just what I
needed, so I decided to try it.
The ji nal bo.r- helped me, and I took
the tablets regularly until every trace
of the Rheumatism left me.
/ k.rre every confidence; iw'Frwil-a-
layes' and strongly recommend them
to every sufferer front Rheumatism".
50e. a hoz, 6 for x'.50, trial sine 255.
At all dealers or sent postpaid on
receipt of price by Fruit-a-tivaa
Limited, Ottawa, Oat.
OBIT' .0 M. i =XMAS M 11.11 11111♦ 11 l♦ It l♦ It 1 11 l♦ r LIMI M r M IE
McMIU..AN.-A very. sad death took
Owe in Goderich on Saturday last, w hen •
With Wilson, wife of Mr. John McMillan,
panted away. The end carne very Lard- I'
*ray whit she was visiting her sister.RAM
1}1� McCreath, South street. Thr MI
late M1R'McMillan was born in Goderich
township thirty )ears ago and was a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wil -
stat. of town For sante )ears prior to AM
marriaie in 1914 she was a type cram-
pxautor, bring employed both with The i
Sigrnal and The Star, and was ver)•highly
thought of by a large circle of acquain- 1
tames. Besides her husband, Mrs. Mc-
Millan leaves a baby but a Lew weeks old.
her father and mother. two sisters. Mrs.
H. McCreath aid Mrs. Chas. Muir: loth
of town: tourtfl'3Rtlrs„ eeorge and Joecplt,
of Guder,ch township.'William, of Butte,
Montana. and Frederick. ,of Ck.derich.
The funeral took place from Mrs. h1c• ■
Creath'r'residence on Monday afternoon,
the services being conducted by Rev. Jul 1
Hamilton. assisted by Rev. R. C. Mc- 1
Dermid. Interment was made in Mait
land cemetery.
WIfL1.1NIS. -An esteemed resilient
of t;,slerirh for nearly sic deetade•s
ptissevl utvu). at (let *dam' ou WeduAr-
Itay. .lauuuryod. in the person of
Relarta eiruhuw. widow of the Late
.1. H. Tlw deceased was In
her w•vrit,-uluth year. having hptgi
horn la Liu• year 15-W hear Enniskillen.
Ireland. $hr tame to Canada when
a child anti in IMIS) was married to
Mr. .1. H. Williams. of this tori, and
had since (wen evert ly a rrskleut
est (:teIertl•h until tk•tola•r lust. }'or
nearly the -whale of this time -tis 1...
exact, from October 1st, 15111, to
1 k•t,.la•r 7tle. 191n --her home Was un
�L•ieke( I' i it wt. Tlw last few mouth"
of her life were spent at Cleveland.
ohi-te nor members of her fatally n•-
si,lr. all ..f whom neer prtwut with
her at the cud. .1r. Williams drab
eighteen years ago• and a family of
six sots and tau daughters survives.
The remedies were brought to eloderich
for burial. behest elevomWuiesl by Her.
F.. I.. N'illiuuu+ nest Mrs. W. D. Alex-
ander, lamb of Cleveland, sou a114
daughter of tlw deceased. Mr. V: M.
Alexander, of 1.111. -ago. a grandson.,
and airs. W. 11. N'flifatus. of Toronto.
a d+uiahtrr•In-ins. Tlw fuuersl ser-
vke was Kehl at let. lironer's•
A on Saturday ut"rtsiug by tlw rue tor.
clear conception of a purely spintual•kfe. 11e . A. 1.. 41. I'Ltrkr, nett th.• inter•
tarot teas i)1 34 itlan it cemetery. Thr
pallbearers were Messrs. Irsaald
('.trey. Jas. Connolly. U. .1. M,•,aw•.
N'u•_ Mcl'ittte, Hobert Young and J.
1'. IaitItwalte. Tlw death of Airs.
�N'illiuuts, who for ear many years wait,
"ne of the ia•st-kuowu and most hixhly
0,1 0011101i tvwidrnts of tloderwle. ra-
niot-e•s a link between tiw present and
tlw earlier history of the town. 211141
she will he missed by maty who knew
her during her long residence in
Reverence and affection are lavished upon
the poor body even after we know that it
has been discarded by the immortal self
within. it is thus perhaps inherent in us
int we should shrink from bunal at tea,
•.ugh our church, the church of a seater -
ale, provides a special service for
o ase.
ain Hamilton God's Acre may
led stone and those to whom
The Bathroom
What a luxury is a nice
bpthrootu in your borne! The '
t is repaid many times
by the added tomfott
aid nvenience. Let us give
you ces on fitting up a
bathroo is your residence.
Mane:lton 110.1041l110.1041lPlumbing
Ea vest roeighin,
Phone 133
Metal NV, a-
AND --
Buckskin Moccasins
Before your size is gone have a look
at our complete range of Hockey
Boots,:Moccasins, Shoe Packs, Felts
and winter Rubber Footwear.
We can:interest you both in qnality
and prices
There is a reason why you should
buy at home. ---THINK IT OVER.
hold no sf
he is dear traay lay no wreath upon his
tomb. but he now finds a fitting memorial
on the wall of the church to which he was
baptized and cantirmed and in which he
worshipped from a child. As we look VICTORIA SCHOOL.upon this tablet we shall think of him not
yr b t
as having found an untimely gra c
hating given his life for ail we hold most
dear as truly as if he had fatten at the hard
of the foe. He too has mad • that sacrifice
salads someone has happily called a
-lesser Calvary." and it is sacrinee that
wiltbe accepted by the Father n its al..
Who as at this Christmastide sent lac to.
The article above reprinted from The
Cornwall Freeholder refers to a young
man who was known to many in Goderich
-a grandson nt the late Mrs G. C. Shan -
nowt. and nephew of Mrs. 0. F Carry and
Mrs. S. McN: Lloyd of tour. A a boy
he attended Goderich Collegi3te In-
stitute for some time. His father. Dr.
C. J. Hamilton. is a Gudench "old bot '
who for many years has been a prominent
medical practitioner at Cornwall.
Fresh homemade sanely at H. T.
Edwards': Take some home with you.
Geography Exaasiilat1ine-Ites,ut 1.
!tarn" Edwards foo. Edith iteluhvrt
94, Elsie Reinhart 92. Alex. Fuw•Ilr
51. W'lilie Longmire Mel. Handl, Me -
Kenzie 7s. Ende Doak 75, Austin
Harris 70, tis•tn'ge 72.
Stanley 410'1•011 Ili 71. Elliott Tie•Yfttte
70, Alec.' M,llott h 70, Eeluu Me -
LTartan. -It., Willie Baker On, lama
uitrra' Countess. t.ymburtier 1111.
Mo • tleth Leckie 1q1. liiUle Andrews
:At, ' •Isis Thompson :Lk Man- *1oI.'.ttl
a, 1 villa lSt'kworth 51. Ku. -el
Young . Roland W'.Iker 47, Gladys . I:,stlrei Jamits �' Ureter
t'idean 4sw
. oleo Thompr 4•\
"What is the origin
"i've heard it wad
blue Monday '•
regarded by
We have finished taking stock and have gathered to-
gether a great many lines of goods that are being re-
duc d ' price to clear quickly.
/ great many different styles of Collars have been gathered together and are being put on
sale at one price. This lot is composed of fine low flat Collars and high Collars in lace and lawn.
They will be on sale at 25c each and every one is worth a great deal more money.
Even' Sweater Coat in the shop must be cleared and to do this they have been reduced to
prices that are less than cost. Regular $10.00 ladies' Sweater Coat' for 17.00. Regular $8.50
ladies' Sweater Coats for 16.00. Regular 17.00 ladies' Sweater Coats for .$5.00. These Coats
come in good colors with pretty trimmings.
Just a few Caps and rets of Cap and Scarf left and they must be cleared
Infants' pure wool white Mitts, regular 25c for 19c a pair.
Wool Scarfs in two shades and all wool, regular 85c for 63c
Sets of Scarf and Cap, regular $2.50 for $1.75.
Wool Hockey Caps, regular 75c for 60c and regular 50c for 40c.
Bots' Leather Mitts all reduced in price. , Regular 11.25 for 90c, regular 85c for 66c,
regular 60c for 95c, regular 45c for 35c.
A number of lines of Stockings that have been broken in sizes and cannot be replaced are
being greatly reduced in price. CPildren'scolored Stockings, red, pink and blue, regular Ii0c
for 411c, regular 50c for 3tic. Ribbed Stockings in odd sizes. in 'heavy weight. regular 50c for
40c, 45c for 35c, regular 40c for 35c. Plain Cashmere Stockings. regt. ar 90c for 75c, regular Mk.-
Ikfor 65c, regular 70c for 55c, regular 60c for 45c.
Every dee brings our Waist stock lower and to completely cleat our stock we have for this
week marked every Waist below wholesale price. About 20 Xi'al.ts in all to sell.
Georgette Blouses, regular 111.00 for $7.50, regular 110.00 for 17.00, regular $8.25 for
$3.50, regular $6.00 for 14 00.
Crepe de Chine Blouses. regular $6.75 for 14.50, regular 16.30 for 14,50.
Jap Silk Blouses, regular $:1.75 for $2.50.
• Voile Blouses, regular $6.00 for 14.00, regular $3.00 for $'2.00
Many other bargains, that space will not permit us to quote, are waiting for you. Take
advantage of these low prices and buy wanted materials.
We are closing at nine o'clock on Saturday evenings during the winter months.
Bay your War Saying Stamps here. We have them for sale.
D. & A.
Diogenes. who was turned out of his tub
on account of its bring wash day."
Put on No Lugs.
tBy Rev.Chas. Stelzle in Vancouver Sin.)
Those who are returning from the front
tell us that the Salvation Army is popular
with the boys.
It isn't so tong ago that almost every-
body was either amused or looked with
contempt upon this organ nation. because
it was so primitive, hut the very simplicity
of its work and workers is what made it
w n out" in France.
How The Hun Used Hi Red Cross Trains
It patron no 'tugs." Its workers were' simple. hearty "Hallelujah!' and never
right m the jus. at the trust of battk,1wen the suggestion that the workers rep -
bringing coffee and doughnuts to the boys resented a great, perfe.'tly-respectable or -
in the trenches• and there was always the ganization,
1111*11x11*1 it
The Hydro office and Store
1 • North Side of Square, Goderich 1'
1 JR 1
if Notice to Water Takers •
• Accor unill bddd to all
g to bylaw. 5 per cent. we added
I water rates that are 30 days in arrears from the end of each i
quarter. Therefore on Feb. 1st. 1919, this addition wig be 1
1 made to any water rates that are not fully paid up to Dec. II
3Ist. 1918. Pay your water rates now overdue and save
1 this 5 per cern. IR
1 In case of non-payment of rates in full to December )1
1 3 I st. 1918. the supply of water to any service may be cut off 1C
1 without further notice. 116
• i W. & L. Commission X
1 J. B. KELLY, Collector L. L. KNOX, Secretary $
1 It
1*111111*1111111 *)R1R *11111 *
I11m111111111110m11u11111111111l11111e111i1111111101111M1 r:
A Canadian signaller mending a wtre in a street flooded by the seamy before they lett Valmeis mM•
Gamma 11411 Orme testa which they bad used for conveying amsssaftins.
Industries Built on a Solid
Fair Prices 1 Constant Supply
II Extensive Variety IL
Careful Selection
1 Prompt Attention
U.iforn Treat eat I Absolute Reliability
You can finance tnnst lines
in your business with one-
quarter the amount of capital,
also save trouble and ex-
pense, by buying at home.
i,et tis convince you.
Wholesak;Fruits andeGi ceriea
Goderich, Obit.