HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-1-30, Page 7THE SIGNAL OODE IOH, ONT. 1'.1'? 7' i • III' 'in illi ', Economical Purity la your soap, purity is not only desirable but its an absolute necessity if you want yaw clothes t0 last. sealiahl $wain .Mulutely pare -se fillers or adulterants of say kis4 : !MOO gosraatee of this. SunIi*ht Soa'i washes clothes beautifully clean - fresh es sew - without the •teres) wear sad tear et the wash board. LEVER a3OTHEa! LIMITED TOIaONTO COUNTY and DISTRICT G. A. )Deadman. of Brurate's, left last week on a trip to Florida. Robert Reid bas been clouted 4i ;111 the vacancy is the MoKlllop township council. - Mrs. Jas. foment, el the Parr line, Stanley, poanviel away in her eighty- third year. Mix. Brenner, widow of the late 'Zacob Brenner, died January _filth at urich, aged seventy-tive years. B. W. Morriqun has mold his farm of one hundred aures at Ellipsis to %Vatter Stephens. of Blake. fur Sel.i00, and is removing to Clinton to live. John Mitchell. of the 9th oo4oesniun, Croy townMhip, died on January 19th after a throe weeks' illness. He was fifty -ave years of age and leaves a widow. nue son and three daughters. Mrs. Delgaty. w,ldow of the late Alex. Delgaty, died at Dauphin, Man., Ion, January 8th. The deceased and 1 her husband. before going West fu i len9, lived in McKillop and (trey town- ships in this ooatnty. Mrs. Alex. McPherson and daughter. Miss Ella. have removed from Hensel) W Stratton), where they Mill make their home. Prior to their departure they were waude the recipients of tare- ' wellyseMeotati.ms from various organ - feat ions. A Farmer' Club has been organised at S1. Helens with the following °dicers: Pre'irdent, Wan. Rutherford; secretary - treasurer, T. B. Taylor; Ilnaoee ootu- wittee, W. E. McPherson, ;'rank Todd, D. B. Murray: auditors. Geo. Stewart, W..4. Miller. Mesa Annie ('lark, daughter ot Mr. and MFM. lease Clark of Ethel. and Percy R. McCracken. of Listowel, were Intended on Wednesday. January 22nd. at the home of the bride. They will reside on the groom'', tarty four aloe west of Listowel. Graham Waters As • nourishing school lunch for a child - or with cheese, or with milk in the evening -Teller's Graham Wafers are unexcelled`'.. The nut -like flavor is due to the natural sweetness of selected flour brought out by perfect baking. Always crisp, fresh and appetising. Packed in air tight packages. For sale at all grocers. Telfers il�li11�111.I:111�.Wei,.,��[uiw1,.�.:,tl J� u. .n THE SIGNAL'S CLUBBING LIST, 1919 Tilt. Signal and Toronto Daily Globe .$5.25 The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire .... 5.25 The Signal 'ind Toronto Daily World 5.25 The Signal and Toronto Daily Star 4.30 The Signal and Farmer's Advocate 3.00 The Signal and Montreal Family Herald acid Weekly Star 2.65 The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) 2.50 The Signal and London Daily Advertiser5.25 The Signal .end London Daily Frreevss 5.25 The Sinal and Presbyterian and t: 3 minster .30 The Signal and Catholic Record ... • 2.75 The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto).. 4.25 The Signal and McLean's Magazine . • . • 3.00 The Signal and Farmers' Magazine 2.50 The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness 2.90 The Signal and World Wide 3.25 The Signal and Canadian Magazine 3.50 The Signal and Canadian Poultry Hjournal 2.00 ton) The Signal and Canadian Countryman . 2.25 The Signal and Farm and Dairy 2.40 The Signal and Rod and Gun 2.90 These rales ata for papers sent t.. addresses in ('antuls. The Signal can also give clubbingrates with many other periodicals in Canada and the nited States. The above publications may be obtained by Signal subscribers in any combin . the evprice for ) any 50 repre- senting ep pub- lication being the figure given senting the price of The Signal. For instance: The Nigral and The Family Herald and Weekly Star_ .42.815 The (.lobe (}5.211 Si .50). J i`a 16. (11 -making the price of the three papers $6.40. Remit by postal note or express order-NOT,by Bank cheque. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED Goderich, Ontario Du 7'itestlay afternoon of last week Samuel Wesley remelt, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Joeepd' Taman, and Olive Helen Cowan, daughter of.Mr. and Mrs. iohn bridge and Carrick bridge The modern hired girl allows the i.tnn Cowan, all of East r. and r.. were e s over thee Wanted -Position by man wiltingltb ily to sit down at the table with her .1 club rooms for its employthe Ontario Railway ai d Municipal Beard act as nurse or undertaker's tMtaatant.- they are respectable." says The I?iiid united in marriage by Res. E. F. 1ltolsuns Bank. The rooms have been for some information. Other than the Cleveland Plaindealer. Armstrong of \Vinghan. fitted up for dancing and other amuse- I ants already mentioned, only a pew New?. A very okl lady Belmert this lite on meats provided with a plata paarto yard small accounts were ped, the total being --_ -.- the idth inert. at Belmore This wan \otherwise comfortably furnished. Each i33{.rpt. ilei motion by Richards •n and Mrs. 1%atherine Baker, who wan in her girl on the staff is a member of the club, , Hackett, ad)ournrnerit was made to Mon- I . ]t►4rh year. The chronh:kx of heraeatb without payment of any fee, and upon; day February 10th, at 1 O'clock p. m. JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfIIIIIII111111IIlIIIIIIIL: TIME YOU BREATHE you lobale cold germs. some of which are bound to lodge in the throat and breathing pamaages. You cannot prevent this. You can. however, prevent their do- velopment which sets up Infiniti. mation resulting In coughs, colds. bronchitis, sore throat and V ry nglila' T. -avoid these troubles, kerp the throat. nasal and breathing passages bathed with the medici- nal and germ -destroying vapor that Is released when Peps are dlsolved In the mouth. This vapor mingles with the breath and reaches the remotest parts off the throat. breathing passages and lungs; destroying all germs and preventing infection. Srleguard ourself by keeping • supply of Peps on band. See box. All dealers or Peps Co.. Toronto. FItI�:E TRIiApackage akage his a at sent you upsreceipt vertlsenvent and lc. stamp to cover return postage. unto West Shue R. R. bonds guaranteed. was duly read and passed, finally, on mu - non by Hackett and Richardson. The followwere made: motionsamieson andel appointing eackettt That the old clerk remain at same salary, 1213. Hackett and Jamieson -Th it John Cam- eron be re -appointed assessor at a salary of $100 and reasonable extras for compil- ing information for soldiers' honor roll. and for equalizing the union school sec- tions. Johnston and Richardson -That C.E. WI) ntreh be re -appointed collector al a sa.Jry of III10. Richardson and Johnston -That W. P. Reed be reap- pointed e- p.p{rianted treasurer at a salary of 11140. Blackett and Jamlesan-Tlut Donald Mc- j Lean and Wm. McCarthy be re -appointed auditors at $12 each for the usual audit and reports. Jamieson and Johnston - That Dr. Sunpson be reappointed sled -1 ical health officer and sanitary r Hackett and Jamieson -That Wa ram B. Hawkins be reappointed member of the )seal board of health. Hackett and Rich• ardson-That David M. Johnston. Rich- ard Johnston, Thomas Garvey. Robert Drannen and Neil Murdoch be reap- i panted •heap valuators Jamieson ao.d Hackett moved the re-appuintment of • fenceviewers as hollows: 1-. E. Me- Donagh. Robert Webster (concession 13), Robert Drannxn, K. J. McKenzie, Wm DiBlack. Henry Clufl, lames Lane, Thus. ckson. -names Mallough, John Finlay- son. James Crawford, John McLeod and Th. mas Sullivan. Richardson and Jaof nne, i son moved the re appointment keepers. viz.: John R. Savage, Nels. Pearson. Ned McDonald, Frank Scott, I R. T. Irwin an Jas. N. Kickley. Rich ardsan and Jamieson moved the first reading of bylaw No. 2. to appoint officers and fax salaries, and that the by aw be left to next meeting for final disposal. Sheep claims of Jos Hamilton for 140. R. J. Buller for $72 and R. J. McKenzie Ii I for $til, all being properly sworn to and the report of the valuator in each easel Corresponding with the claim, it was moved by Racket and Jamieson that these clams be bead. Moved by Jamieson 1 and Hackett that Robert Drannen be paid 110 for services as valuator re claims of Hamilton. Bollen and McKenzie. ship. Mr. Brown had been manager of Moved by Hackett and Jamieson that the Mase of refugee about three years. Jas. Doyle be refunded 12 dog tax on succeeding the late Mr. Mulch in the ' accent of error in assessing, he not having position. 1 any dog. The matter of rebuilding Taylor was discussed, The Clinton Knitting Co. has o and it was decided to have the clerk write IF YOLL HAVENT PURCHASED YOUR OVERCOAT YOU CAN NOW TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR January Clearance Sale of OVERCOATS 200° DISCOUNT on Every Man's and Boy's OVERCOAT in Our Store Our stock is entirely too large and we take this means of reducing it. All our Readymades and Semi-Readys come in for the price -cutting. If you are in need of a heavy or light -weight coat it will pay you to call and look our assortment over. McLEjAN BROS. Sensi-Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers The SQUARE GODERICH XXXXXXXXXMCC Will Stay Right Through, Writ Sarcastic. dura not give much of her lite history, ,but the very tact that it dated hack to the year of Waterloo is in itself re- markable. A wedding was quietly wileninized at the Brussels manse on January 14th, when . Miss ltopbeinia Robinson, youngest daughter of lira. David Robin- eonof Mcl►iloop, way united in mar - quitting the employment of the Company her membership ceases. The girls elect the officers of the club from then- own numbers Ex ETVR. Norman B .,., . Fantof Manston, Ianer•Or former Exeter boy, died Dec- ember :10th at the age of forty-one tine to James Me- lith 1, of I;Iwa• years. He leaver a wife and four chil- I t-yson rib THos G. ALLEN Clerk. = 1-7-- ElectricalAppliances `The Treasute of flood Health Maintained Through The death occurred at Clinton on 1p. The young couple will reside in ;.luta • di -en Easily -- - r. Lords` Kirk, who is engaged with - - Th has taught the country the The war h necessity for economy and in this connec- tion the larger use of electricity is an im- portant factor. Mrs. `4a`luuel Cnlruore. in I:aborne. seventy-eibpht. yearn. The deceased Pink Pills. nil He o Better from England many with b bail accident recently. y cause t Iwetwi hie otre t IMk ger y _ We have all binds and classes of appliances, among yin ��1 in the cities, the towns. the voltages, oat s which are the following machine and the wrist9nwas badlytime dent of htier, di, a wen Enda), Ja reef- the (arms and m the m ries sial lumber hrokes. It will be aheu set he time demi of Exeter, died of t'aday, •Iasusry here Dr Williams Pink 1'111' before ho will haie the use of the amu.. they have 17th, in ht� seventy-eIuM year. He had been a railway contractor and builder both in Canada and the United States. conducted aawan is in Grey township and Mceilltvrey, and bought grain at Seaturth and Exeter. .4 real estate change has been pot through whereby L. Petering, of tows, gets pnnsesston of the 13t' -acre farm of Georgie Williams, of 1'storne. Mr. tl illiams gets possession of C. B. Ssell's b use in town, lately vacated by Fred May. and Mr. Snell gets Mr. ;'arsons' grass farm to Stephen towo- ehtp. camps, rating a ia,lfne engine when „ ago and resided here until two There is not a nook or corner in a a. ' - himwen let hand wan -awn into the yearn ago. w Electric Toaster aad Percolator - havt not been used. and from one -end of ' C _ the country to the otherElectric Iron, Vacuum Cleaner brought back to bread -winners. their wives and families the splendid treasure t= Electric Grill and Cooling Range of new hie and strength. t. You have only to ask your neighbors. •= and they can tell you of some rheumatic or nerve -shattered man. 'orae suffering =a E. woman, athng youth or anaemic girl wool Come and inspect our stock -let the articles speak owes present !health and Atrength to Dr. for themselves. W alkane' Pink Pills For more than arael quarter of a century these polls have been = known not only in Canada, but through- ;dreliable tonic• HAD NO APPETITE -COULD NOT WORK. Theo Mrs. Lavoie Used Oodd's Kidney Pies. Vauban, Quebec, Jan. 27 (Special). -"I know that Dodd's Kidney Pills are good." So says Mme. Xavier Lavoie, a well- known and highly respected resident of this place. And Mme. Lavoie tells Out o)1 her own experience why she recommends her.friends to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. "I suffered from kidney disease, head - a he and indigestion. 1 had no appetite, and could not work. My .,heart also bothered me. I took Dodd's Kdney Pils, and 1 am now in perfect health. 1 recom- I mend Dodd's Kidney Pills to everyone I who suffers from kidney disease.' That Mme. Lavoie's troubles all came from sick kdnreys is shown by the quick relief she got from the use of D.�dd's Kidney Pills. They are purely and smirk a kidney remedy. The reason they give good results for so many differ- ent diseases is that when the kidneys are sick the whale body is sick. WINONAM. A nnnuher of new cases of the '•11n" are reported from the surrounding country. Two deaths txxnrred bore on Sun- day. Andrew Reid died In his eighty - tlrsr. year and Wm. Da*son passed away 1n his seventy-eighth year. , John Mitchell, wro enlisted in the West aid went throngh a number of battles and was wounded and sent back to England. afterwards transfer- ring to the Flying Corps, has been killed in England, according to a rnneeago re- ceived by his father. J. J. Mitchell, of town. Eli Elliott, one of the pioneer resi- dents ot this section, diel January 14th at the home of his son. Manuel Elliott, at Hamilton, in his seientpq afth year. The deceased was bort in England and cause to Canada with his brother. James Elliott, nearly tlfty yearn ago. .4 few oars later the two irrothels came to Wingham and for a number o[ yeara were extensively engaged in the aanrkactnre of brick and tile. The remains of the deeeased were brought here from Hamilton and were 4nter•retl In the Whighamcemetery. Mr. Elliott'. wife died some yeah ago; seven sows and three daughters sur- vive. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. ASHFiELD. Council met January 131 h and declared duly,eonsututed afterdeclarat000f queh- lrcation and oath of office, as follows; Jos. P. DJItonr�t Reeve. Jas. Hackett, Deputy Reeve. and Thos. J. Richardson. loan Jamieson and Frank Johnston. councillors. 1 he ininvtes of December 16. 1918. being read were approved correct on motion d Hackett and Jamieson. A letter from So- licitor Proudfoat're the proceeds of rail- way material, as also re the flnaltion of solicitor for the township, resulted in pro. longed discussion, and it was finally de- cided that perhaps the best disposal of !he funds would be to have bonds to that amount surrendered to the nitwicip fides, failing which the funds should be invested in 5', per cent. Canada bonds or such, so that the accumulated interest would be available when the beads fell due; and that the position of solicitor would again be considered at next meeting Dr. Senna son's report as health officer and sanitary inspector for 1918 was received, and ap- proved satisfactory. on motion by Hackett and Richardson, and his fee, $50, ordered paid. Mr. . Harry Bellamy, a returned soldier, having applied for the 1919 printing moved by Jamieson and John- ston that the contract for the usual print- (including the necessary adver- tising) be given to Harry Bellamy at the lump price of $90. Moved by Hackett and Johnston that a grant of 110 be mitde to the Sick Children's itnenitalt. Toronto. Moved by Jamieson and Hackett that a grant of 110 be made to the National Sanitarium, Gravenhurst. Bylaw No. 1 of 1919, to borrow X(,2.50 from Maisons Bank to pay the interest coupons of On - CLINTON. Rev. W. B. Moulton, of the M.ddleton- Hoknesville Anglican parish has receivad **invitation to St. Paul's cathed' al, De orbit. and will probably accept it. Clinton was shocked by the news of the Allah of Mina Lillian Cantelrn, eldest diseghter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Can- tel n, which occurred at Sarnia on Sao ur- day. 18th inst., after a short flhren, of in- fluenza and pneumonia. Mies Cantelon sow visiting at Sarnia when she was taken at. John Brown. manager of the county hoot* of refuge here, died on Saturday, 18th inst.. in his six 9d year He been is poor ht f r some tkM. r. Brown wit It Made er( Stepten town- ship, his former home being near (,rand Bend. The remains were taken to his old haute and were Interredthend Bend cemetery. Bdodes son survives, a resident of Stephan town - ant a the world, as a House ROBT. TAIT bl.od making medicine. „ o,• -' The wonderful success of Dr. Williams' Phom THE ELECTRICIAN = Pink Pills is due to the fact that they go 193 s right to the root of the disease fn the' leis t blood, and by milking the vital fluid rich j = West street next t0 ()flit e and red strengthen every organ and every M nerve, this driving out disease and pain, and hcmaking ve and strong.dep`'Mr. people NiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAlhIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHUhIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIiIIIIIITi bJohnson, one of the best-known and most nighty esteemed men in Lunenburg count) , N. ter., says: •' 1 am a Provancul land an exposed for the greater part of the year to very hard work travcl- liltg through the forests by day and camp- ing out by night, and 1 find the only thing that will keep me up to the mark is Dr. Williams' fink Pills. When 1 leave home for a trip an the woods of mills as ins terested an having my supply provisions. and on such occasions 1 take them regularly. The result is 1 am always fit 1 never take cold. and can digest all kinds of food such as we have to put up with hastily cooked in the woods. Having proved the value of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills as a tonic and health -builder, 1 ani never without them, and i ksse no oppor- tunity , in recommending them to weak people whom I meet." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills should tie kept in every home, and their occasional use will keep the blood pure and ward off ill- ness. l'ou can get then pills through any medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 cents a Not or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Here is the way an exchange duns its sibscribers: "it you have frequent faint - lag spells, accompanied by chills, cramps corns, bunions, chilblains, epilepsy and jaundice, it is a sign you are not well, but i tble to die any minute. Pay your gut- scriptien in advance and thus make your- self our self solid for a good obituary notice. ' A PATRIOTIC DUTY Almost as vital as that of protecting the honor 1 of flag and country, is the duty of protecting and safe -guarding health. When strength is well-nigh exhausted and the resistive powers are reduced, then is the time disease germs are the moat potent and when S EMULSION affords splendid mid effectual means of offsetting the tendency to,9ird weal/lois and protecting strength. The abundant tonic and unique nourishing properties of 3cbtt'a Emulsion make it a dependable agent that may be used everyday, by anyone, to protect strength. tlir� aee(Ia tswet. Tweets. assn. For the balance of this month you will find some VERY INTERESTING PRICES ON MANY LINES AT WALKER'S We have gone through our immense stock and have selected some real bargains. Below ydu will get an idea as to real values : llilcloth,\$\yyards pattens. 60c y ard- One Iron is $16.00. We have about From $5.50 to 118.00. One only Snitcase.\Regular 114.50, for $:t.75. Club Bag, Walker's special, 87.50. Worth $9.50. wide, old stock, well seasoned, lovely regular value $26.00. The price ticl-et oz. Mattresses to sell at the old prices. We have several pieces of I*mrniture, taken in ex- change for other goods, that We are selling AWAY AWAY below their value. Come in and ask to see two Extension Tables. We .have one at 110, the other at 59.00. Worth doe a this amount. If you want an Extension Table, d t wait. IN OUR PHONOGRAPH DEPARTMENT In store No. 2 we have two real bargains on Phono- graphs. Visit our music room, where comfort awaits yon. A pleasure to select records. We have records for all makes of machines. A visit through our store will convince you that Walker'; is the place to buy. "Often the Cheapest, Always the Best" Two Stores LKER 0 -0 -0 -1C -R -11-C-11 Two Stores