The Signal, 1919-1-30, Page 64 =Thursday, Jan.: 30. 190. TER .SIONAL - • GODRRICH. ONT. TWO LETTERS FROM GEORGE MACEWAN. A L vely Piece of Work in the Roye Battle Recalled -Haw Two Motor Lorries Routed the Germans ---A Watt to the Field of Waterloo. u(I. leaving us to it. up our officer's car and then catch up. We found that the laminar were too tight and we couldn't turn it over. Otte of the boys went got an ox and a huge long string of elas- tic that is used for aeroplane *pouter. It was1st in fun, but anyway we hit3►ed 1'up and started the car that way. nirlr (pmite a ber of fare". 1 road the Signals you setlt Inc with interest. Thr casualty lists have been heavy awl we, wit.. are alit... leave 'WWII W le thankful for. When 1 lead of the death of Hassell Hates iu the Hoye to/title, it brnaght things very vividly ffyypp to mind. 1 was in it and to give you Mews of the novel way to which ee an example of what we rattle through aboutFlatted dm car reached here before we 111 tell vim about did. A yoke of oxen is )tact the thing fa l'u •ellen that night of August ?til at he)' 11.911 we little diwansd of what Liam hauling a truck out of the thud. T won't )rte like a tears of horses and can before us. 11 a had just anmpirtwl a pull more.250`inilr trip for Ikea' tires and we had We are now stationed beside a big hone only about twenty five kilts Futzir aeroplatle assembling place. when a motorcycle rider hit a truck Hooch plugs and tolls are around thick. arid tilled himself. t,unbure and 1 11 eoxlgh the "'lilies). of Me. P. Jikx+ . Aeroplanes, melt) slightly dwnaged, stand weer told to take his ixdy aortas Mace:wan. we publish this week two on trains ready to be pulled back. In teruntry to a luur•gue, then to cut vee 1 utlereeting letters written by his the basement there are halt -a dozen new across and catch up. They depend a u( the Canadian Motor en ince in crafts read} to be i. stalled• great deal on a driver to find hes way rt"'• (' Entzie must have been in a serious con- try huitiuet. That was the morning of -,ivlachine Gun Brigade. dition. Hit tutor transport is scattered the big Meatier and it was to start et all slot the road. They are beautiful b o'clock. We were just torpiug the it. N'heu we left The following is front a letter written at Modelle. near tiny. Belgium, on Deeemtag hurts:- ihurts: but all have steel tires: s, J 'bei 2, e. 1 parentl) he ha lute or no rubber. outside is a line 4ig truck on the rai Yesterday we reached Namur. It is, a tor running on the rails, minus a ha= Feely city and the streets are lined with 1 that is all. Todaj', we found a handsaaoe people welcoming the Allies Above us I touring car hidden away, in running coa- aa we go through the streets are standards 1 du ivn except for the magneto. A _lar4e strung across hearing inscriptions such as 'German 'on the •'Victoire et b orineur aux Allies." "Glare has no doubt been 1 aux vallgtlers.' Out of every winders some German officer. hangs a Belgian flag and the people cheer i The Field Wlaterloee } and smile. A- we et to the east side of Netting we 1 must tell you about rte the thane River and great bridges i �ttkheIA e. of W'ateeloo. ri wa, a great on a truck tiring an explosive bunib of 1 M (ill the plh we rued m Genappe. stitch you will remem- got the melee to attack. Two lorries ber was the place where B(ilcber was, (I was the driver of Mer) apparently nd raw a huge monument d( Frederic empty went wailing up the brad pawl hill when the artillery open up right in ft'uut of u.. I was scaled and thu{rgitt l was xhut Heat thi.ig. 1 tell YOU WILL ALWAYS FIN!) IT TO you I rts"( un Ula beaks• iu a hurry. ad .autage, when you waut Rill. to make a lung story short. Il jpdwxls, lis "'""Vit us. 1 hIT ale (juesnrl \tlnwlw, which i. on 41 liiid*ye Is to carry a fall lilt• of roils that 'aw a Fal, (4++ 4usoul Ft'it>iir IF YOU BUY OUT OF TOWN AND l BUY OUT OF TOWN, WHAT WILL. BECOME OF OUR TOWN? x� Bt1Y �AT =HOME Campaign Tie SignaI Read these articles with care. They may present something you hadn't thought of before. Patronise the people whose ads are here. They are your neighbors and will treat yon right. The money you spend with them stays in cir- culation in Goderich and neighborhood. The Dollar You Spend in Goderich will "Come Home t0 BOOS['[1 1 v real, w 1 1 1 t IIIc Illxgh•i _ waw waking a eland. luxurious car of gunnels were does twhild tlar marl and we had ups fields. He war kudekiug its olio..11 as fast as oar turn come up. 1 wise 1111 the 1 trollsi moor - Om o or - trip to the tare at the tihw. It is a gw1 ii?winted span it herr and there. Fath of these � aigt t the chance of a lifetime We aft- wets (mend weight. has true centre span messing and tiled in with non girders. The rest is of course No..esrek. The Meuse is a good Lazed rivet with barge; and tugs going back and kw 1. The barges were by men and omen on the bank scenery in Be gin is ser) picturesque. The w hole country : s to be one big valley with this river rutins through it. The banks are sheer roc - with great factories all country. Several cities and towns Moog. A huge fortress with twav) guns, seen in the distance. On the top is loolslxllev. etc.. overlooking the Meuse large monument topped by the Brit was rother imposing. It was probably hor . We then went M the museum and two hundred fret above us and If proper- saw the actual swords, bayonets, helmets. ly armed cunt( hold up the biggest army breast plates, etc., that were used. a Wilhelm. the German emprrotl at that cavalry, machine gunuer,land wfwntry tune but who was then our ally. We also right into the enemy. 1 never til gilt saw the great pyramid built by Wan me would (.5er come out of it. women from theearth of the batt field. Fooled the Germans. We climbed to the top, 2:t0 steps. and The Gel,oau ufilorls este at break- er fast and front what raptured ofioers said we f d that it had been re- ported 14 therm that two lorries were within their lines, but they had mply tl ght it was Wo supply ie., run though the lines by ohs - •e, wo gave orders not to fire but new them. On we Mailed, our old s harking with throttles wide here. It is wouden. lead. t+rnn. silver and w e I nflrn�ioingall of twenty-five railer. an paper. but is English. French. Belgian likea circus tent. We stood on a round hour. We bit the Poye crossroads and German We have francs. marks, platform about twenty' fret across and and sto ped with a bang that )stoke and prevent all traffic on the river. Ne clacked our necks looking at it. We have an awful assortment of money Next we entered a large round stone building about eighty feet across with the •hpt topaglass dome. We clinmrld the Ke stair': andfoundourselves in a roundroom pe(eoniga tater tells no larger than street- twenty fret Treat the ground. The our lm{ a•a„ truck eIr car tickets, coupons worth '25 centimes. or Kt t was real soft and grass, pompe l 2 1 2 pennies. etc: It Is strange and An, 1 the walle, was n en:. quite confusing. ! • , trt•hed light. (111 the ground lay and usa4 iin ( guns. 1'e put the enemy but the juice. Large lute of ax - Soap Scarce is 8tigism. len see, men. t, ,skeii guns, helmets, to rout. It dlue was line work and tuns 4111 hand. If 5.• s" it, it w 111 (►(1e thine you can hardly buy here is etc. Blood ran 48n the gr. 1, a little Mrr..met r wi,'tt the Cori: dr Guerre la• dour right. Kobt. Tait. I 1 T1 is rete our o The 1111 officers lift NO - r d. All tit once nine hien from the toott4Nn of each betted a with the rials will throve to )-n11 that you (1.11 always buy wlult you %lint right here 1n Goderich. \u heel 10 g(4 (nit of no. it. are our pries urs lower thaw etty prides. We carry every - thlltg to Ile (mini In a asst a less llryguotls Store. tiny it hour•. It)• w1 doing you help to make (keit-rich a wood town to lire In. --J. H. Cat - borne. M.%K OUR STORE Yl)l'R STOKE. ton will aid herr all kinds of Flare ;Irmo. and tleleitxm, slat. lilt litres o1' Toilet Articles, lint: Sun- dries. nix[ Plurtogrxfdlle Good.. 1'rl1•el right. Huy alt twome. -- ('aombelrs Ikug Stare. - - - HAYS NOV A %I(7ROLA IN 1Ol'R home? If not, you are hieing a lot of gold entertainment these long winter nights. 1let our prides and tern's. Large sloek (4f Rooks. 111111.. upptir•., Music (:awls. etc. -.Jas. F. Tlslrmwnl. DON'T LINE IN DARKNESS. Have your home wire' for ele'tri.•- jt)- anti 1e' up to duce. 1:et our est h uites. We furnish eseryt1•111g tow. An ordinary cake of l'ea's soap rteent Also tend taw .t. d T(si0. h that We had their erffdw, fu is foul (cares. or 1k', and waFhigg graduwlh blended with that 1111 the knives, tucks ts, tunics, every - ed half fan incwoman canvas which hi tutu fades into the gut some great erre had to stand who a francs. thin The bo eta did our wa-htng showed us sone of .L). 011 the camas ens ps inter torr g• tone soap she used. It was so strong with battle of Waterloo with the !ereiwh,, lw'tli`etril•s, but we I;g that the din had been eaten otT, her Hellish mind Germans all lighting in by our trucks for eiti rgencies, w. did knot share the 'Toil. be infantry of franc (en An omelette is worthaone d sulolr and Wood. It. 1( we t, ..multi.. fulh,wus u and Kuseell thing ten Go rumen 'eke It is a good and being lurusned o it 1. err tts Battle wa. there. Readingg the inc i- thrmgcri ed rntrn x feeds us. battle it all rerun( .s real. Horses dent in thepapers I wo detect what I received the Knox church parcel this and men were lifesier and you time all right and in good shape. It aiuldn't tell the real rudwlel. from the you would thio if you k w that my I was pias i1q saoh tri s 4111 the must have conte cher in record time. 7 here w as a nice piece of cake, a bar of gu la f Lohacct, paintings. Through 1hesuio.rwetimid ('Ii _ Nee the different cities just the sante (i••1.111*I1r. \` n. chocolate. trackage o as the teal ones we saw frau the to 1 never telt ws lueely in wy^shite as I Ivxke, and a Christmas card. 1 he per• ; of the mowed. A Ic•tuter pliuted out olid that day. The officer and risen enlist letter from the pastor was very ac 'the ft charge of (ireys Hoax•. were err -melting we uelting on the floor (d the joist the same 10. 1 lift pietiste we are truck and 1 was sitbing up •lo . I SO f 'lint with. 'We see Napoleon thought 1 was about " pteen" leer ceptahle. Here the people use oxen for all heat) wort.. 1 he) fasten the yoke over the horns so that it pulls from its forehead. The Germans took all the hors. s away when they came through. The men here have never been in the army, for they lived so else to the border tiro (he Ger- mans entered before they could be called up. One O: -power. Vve had some fun at the last place we were at: The rest of the batteries moved H 1 tit g inglr loan led aim, the high. One can laugh about it no f 11 auulel lot a [t ie gl r M . Prince o thongs- sure [rally hard to ',lieu that t maid square of his own men. 1 never authorities would shove track,. who waw' anything like it. 1t was simple. It* have n ve goe. but they did, ami t•ar- woudlrrful and pwifeet. i11 every detail• tied off the spoils t14•. It el here taken years to c parte such u masterpiece. A Letter from Bonn. - Fr nt a letter by Mr. MacEwen, w ritteu at Brun. Grrwxny, Deenther tw 11)114: L Here we 1410 tent upto this beautiful VINOL MAKES 1, GOOD BLOOD Positive -Convincing Proof Many so-called remedies for anae- aria are only so in name. Their mak- ers are afraid to prove their claims by telling what their medicine.: contain. The only way to be honest with the people is to let them know what they are paying for. Here is the Vinol f..rmula. When the doctor knows what a medicine contains, it teas/ to be a "patent" medicine. r cod Ll ver and Beef Peptotee . t ro i end Meyanpe Pevv(.oa(es, Iron enJ Ar,- rsor.iun,C. Ls./ y.ssph.tee, Caacar(e. feny doctor will tell you that the ine gredienta of Vinol, as named above. wit enrich the blood and banish anae- mi.o and create strength. Wham the blo3d is pure and rich and red, the Ire y is strong and robust - can prove this at our expense hr. muse your money will be returned 11 b'inol doer not improve your health. 1 Winter Footwear Style. fit and durability are three very important features in footwear. They are qualities that every line of Shoes and Rubbers in our immense stock must possess. Every line is selected with these ends in view, therefore ensuring per- fect quality and footwear that will stand the most severe test in any weather. REPAIRING - Geo. MacVicar North title S•iMite. Goderich city for the Inlrp.ar 111 keeping older. We have (out batteries and a H 2 in our brigade. Four trurke with right drivers and alwnit one hundred peen me rent to patrol Bonn for two weeks. Everything has to be in "loan" shape. not x trace of grease or mud, Mo dealt t hat the officers can put on their yet• Iny• Nlihout soilin them low g g • 114 is a fine city. Everything seems KM usual. Great eieani-rolotee sheet-tnl•s going along on double tlro(ls. shape open as in pre-war days, fteiuitifully dressed w1411r1 and 115(11 with canes+ walking the street.. Even the German soldiers are dlim- cherged and are orating new tailored mare smoking fat cigars uud enjoying life. 1t would ha. a been different with us if they had been top dog. The train street is called Knisentrasse. It arenas a shame that thew• ti na and 1 hies in Germany are s. Nevelt when the towns of France ate tat- tered to the RI I. Germany is a great country and if it were not for the high state of etilJi- yathill one would a•nl*t think he were in 1'anlula. It in lovely W see acres, and acres of fall wheat quite green now. Vet ps I look at it 1 thought that this war. the wheat in- tended to feed German seedier( next year. The Germans certainly- go in tor intensive farming. l'he gerund -- ' w•n.s constantly malt 1 clop. The roads ere tine. well tuscadau'- iv4•d and h bet ter and newer than throe of Fr..nre, but would not have stood the mune traffic. The lienunn p eeple seem glad the war is over, lost they hat( leen kept altogether in the dark tygwlding it. They know nothing aloud where the war ended or on what. date. They have no lose for the Enganh or French. Thr) sty they ran forgive their rM,ldieIe for being defeated by ('anadiens. Australian nr hznericana, hut can never forgive theca for giving any before the Engli.h. 11'e are billeted with a Gernfan. es - moldier who has been in Macedonia for the (last three years. He doe" every- thing he rail for to, AA he ears he know" n hat it is 141 le a no dier. We all have lasts now-. The German people hast to supply them; then they are all put up in an empty hour'. If bene aren't produced by a vermin tinw the pes.ple have to pay n fine They 111141 get flit gime piniehnt•trt if they are not indoor. by 7 o'clock They nerd film treatment. 1 1 wart delighted to get a panel from the Hehekahe with a nice aloin, petit of weeks, cave. grim, honey and a 11)1911• 14 apple.. Everything With lovely Yesterday we all went and had It mineral lath. The water wit. el. 111,1 end ?dicky that von couldn't rill. our handl pant die other. A boy in our brigade called (:seen ie a nephew of Gavin Green. He and 1111 ai•tet used to visit in Gear -rich when they •ere rhikli.n. utas Wend at Raya i was Neklcd4n se -t t.het reed taken at home, bametnber I1th. 1 can r•(o.g- • Kalt. eci.filc Pteiiove$ 1 Stone 4:Ilour 1 ThZ fi ler-Failiig Remedy for Appendicitis Indigestion, Stomach Disorders. Appendicitis and Kidney Stones are often calomel ! Gail Stoner:, and mislead people until those bad attacks of Gall Stone Colic appear. Net one is tan Gall Stone Sufferers knows what the trou'alc. Lfartatt's Speci& will cure without ndin or oper- cation. For Male erclwalvely In Gode- rich by ...JAMiA:S A. CAMPBELL... ,.W. MARLATT 6.dO 161 OIMAR10 'if'. TORONTO ONT. Massey -Harris Shop -- FOR - BINDERS, MON ERS AND CULTIVATORS. DELCO-LIGHT PLANTS. BUCKEYE INCITBATORS. GRAY ANDMcLAUGHLJN CARRIAGES. OAS ENGINE&. WIRE FENCE. OLD HOMESTEAD FERTILIZER.. Robert Wilson Hamilton St Goderich YOL' CAN GDT BETTER S.iTI14FAC- non and a lower prier on printing lis town than you con by sending to the city. 1f yon doubt tills let 1" have a talk with you. Ite•"hk•s. when yon tune your printing dole Mu tows, the printer's wages are spent in town. -The Signal Printing Co.. limited. Ai•TKR STO('K-TAKING CLEAR - A 'E HALE -bipedal prides on twiny lines of, hpttsrhold erre-lee during the next two week.. 'Don't u,is14 this opgsortuulty- t(4 buy gieele below catalogue pries.-Parnafa' Fair. TICKLE IS WITH AN ORDER AND we'll tickle you with the result. Our telephone Is No. 141: ams we sk you to ns• it when yon want uythiisg in good .free!' I:ri5 111 '. {• In Flews.--, fpr. 1Yl: E ALWAYS THE FIRST TO dlispil 11w late'. a patious to ladles Hate and MtlIltery. We keep in (*instant t •h with the latest Mous- Large stook of triutwed I to and Shapes. Buy at home. It ye. -Mise )1. R. Mat - Vicar. .. WIi IOU 111 DRUG$ PURITY idiot be the est consideration. We handle a full line of Pure Drugs. Mel ilii a Toilet . Art kits, and esrrythlag that 1s sold In a find - (less Drug Store. flood service. Buy et home --E. R Wigle. MAKE OQR GARAGE. LOt'R GAR- ' age. iV your auto 1.1 sick we not doctor It quick. Full line of 11(1,•.- s,riem and tire. on lulud. or ...unto yon know we !mildly the Forl• the ininerr,l car. Get in your under for spring. -P, J. MarEwan. .1 WORM ABOUT BUYING GRO- (*tire out of town. Just get our prhes first and your money 5'll1 shay 11ere to help build up our own town. Thtnk this over and buy at huwe every ttme.-J. H. Pipe. - WHAT 1S MORE PLEASING TY.IN to have your photo to s•txl to your frlendee Come in and alt for your Idaho. it we make 1t we know pair friends will come too and get theirs taken. We do our lest to please yon. --K. R Sallews. NEW SPRING FOOTWEAR ON UP - to -the -what.. lasts. We have thein In plata adl rntnr"d es,mhlm,tlons. lith on the 4.11an and Louis beet. 44e Owes; two style. et Sharmmanis Shan Rare. STOP. LOOK. LISTEN: BEFORE 7(i11 May a Store or any kind of Hardware. Ton will And our prices a whole int lower than out-of-town nrrksw. ( ve ns n chance first and 1e ennrfeeed. 4'. J. Harper. JUST PiCK OUT ANY ARTICLE IN ',nor entalogtw, theta 1511 nm. WP Mill 1101 imly compete In prie•.. but will seer ,11111 money In Hardware, Stoves. Toms, Moat itnpplhee, rte. Try Ira and err. --Chas, C. Lee. A WORI) TO TiOI'SEWINES. JUST ..imply 111141.1 on ha%lug tour bread orders (one front I" bakeries. l rers- loaf of oat -of -town bread you eft Just hurts our town that mwh. Tr: unr hoae-Iwde products. - J. W. Swift "SIGHT UNSEEN" TRADE IS GAMBLE. Consumer Takes Long Chance When He Buys From the Mail Order House-Generaly Is Losing Game -Method of Doing Business Is Very Different When You Purchase Goods From Your Home Merchant. When you were a youngster, did you ever stake it trade, "eight uumeen?" Of course you did. What boy has not risked hie jackknife.or Ilia( choicemt marble on much 11 propo- sit' and I ' oft a his he repented of his raeh deed when he dimeov'ered what `{►t got in the trade? He generally found that the deal tillied out to the advantage of the one who trade the prlpueittri►r►. ' o There is a little of the gambling instinct iu the blood of nearly every wan, e'omatl *WI child, but even the hardened galubler likes to got a '• ruts for hi.. ,•. ' The "sight unseen" proposition domicil appeal to hint in the least. '!'here are thousands of people` however, who would be properly indignant if they were people, of being gamblers, who every day take a chance on the greatest gambling gatue in the world. .ind worse than that., they are risking their money on a "sight imeeell" propositilta • When one of the thoussitde of reeds who build up anti keep up the great mail order houses of'. the country seut1s his money away to pay for some artiele tfwt he has selected from the mail order catalogue• he is tak ig a chance on getting what he expecte to get. The trail o er house may be perfectly, honest and still the purchaser steads n good chance of not getting what he expects to get, The mull order catalogues are filled with pictures that eat('h the rye. The deseriptionti are brief. as they must be wilier thotisudle of articles are to be deserihed within the rlonfines of our book. No matter how hard the mail order 1 se might try to tell the truth,. the whole truth mei nothing but the truth. it amid fie an intlxrssibilit; . The buyer is simply taking a chalice. Buying "Sight Unseen." How much more satuefactnrs' it is to walk into a store in your home town and ask to see au article whieh you may have seen advertised in your house paper. What would) anyone think of your busiuern ability or ylttpy( tentiesiera10 if you walked into a store at home and mud: "1 "UM it picture in the papier today of a suit which ( liked very tined'. Please wrap up one for Inc. here's the money." Thr wee= chant world think that you were crazy, hitt that its exaetly what you do every time you send an under to a mail order house. You buy "sight unseen" at►d yon haven't is ghost of a chance of getting your money bark if the article is uh- sati.fuetory when it reaches you. How- different is the proceeding when you go into the store in your own home town to buy a suit of clothes. or a stove or a yard of ribbon. You may have seen a pietnre of it.in the merchant's advertisement in the home paper and you know that, as the merchant is reliable. you can count on the goods being as he represents them in his advertisement. ' But does he ask you to take his word for everything? (hies he hide the artiele behind the counter and tell you that you can't even see it until you huy it and pry over the money for it? Hardly. if the article in not already in plain eight on the counter the merchant produces it for your inspection. If it dots not exactly 'quit you he has others that are at little different and that he is glad to have you inspect. Get Merchant's Guarantee. Then. if it is a suit of clothes you are buying, car a piece of dress Ronde or a pair of socks, you may ask if the mer- chant will guarantee that it will wear as long aot an artiele of that kind could be expected to wear and he will tell you • either that he will guarantee it or that he will not. if he tells you that he will guarantee it you will know that you will get your money back or another suit or another pair of socks in its place if it (doesn't wear like it ahold(, for the tperchant, besides being an honest man in most casen, cannot tifford not to make hit word good. He ix dependent upon your business and that of other. in his own community and he cannot afford to misrepresent his good.. • After having all this opportunity to see what you are buying, you take your muit•or your stove or whatever it is you buy home or it it sent home for you without -any de- livery charge., and after you get home and take another look at it and decide you don't want it after all you send it hack. - You are not buying adnnething "sight unseen" when you buy from your home merchant. You don't look at a piehtre of an artiele in a newspaper, read a short descrip- tion of it, go to the pto.toffhee and tiny a money order and send it to the merchant with the instructions, "Send me a suit of clothes" --or a stove or whatever it may he -"and pay your delivery man 50 cents for delivering it to me." There's a world of difference in the two methods of doing business and it's not hard to figure out which is the hest for the man who is doing the huyine. WE H.iNIII.E A FILL LINE or all kinds of Books, Statl .1) . office Supplies. School nooks are a specialty w'Itll us. Lee .• your order with us for your fa. ortte eumgeslue. We an• at roar w•r%h,•. Buy at home, --lieu. Porter, .A SAFE STORE TO PIN SOUK fsltb to Is the l4,otelt Ilton•, where pants are weld ou their Heal merits. taut on putted -11p ratites. 1f It (4 nnythhlg lis 1lrygoa►s you want, (1111 4111 Its art w'r will 1110 4810 best to ptrossyou.--D. Millar S Sew. • BUY 1111 K HOS BLANKET* and' Huls•' tit 11001.• when you don get thew :It 211 per (velli. Off regular pries. ---.A. J. PalIridge. Q 1 A 1. 1 T V CONSIDERED. OUK twit... are reasonable . 11'.• hntNl;r the lest. -Ulan Bros. STAR ('LOt'US ARS P NOW tet us till loot fur a better G,wlerich. We es .1 its buying our t III help 15'14 ret a borne. Few Its for Plumbing. --Ford RTEI►. rigger a n. I do It by npplie s til' ulalrrfnity 14l0ves 1114.1 AU. WE ASK IS A COMPARISON of our Zile of F'uruitun• with stlwrs. Get air prows, thou draw your 41.1i- cluslul•$. Itig stock to choose fn.u: lour 1•Mena king 1 winriui•t11 1- cuwpletc. Buy at hoiur. lisepIM) HERB iS OUR TROI'8LE-WHEN we hese to, repair "hods)• le-,tler Flaw. 51(11 palter role•+. When *h..•' 1„11.• f unr 1.11.111 dealers Oe so not ha11. this trouble. 11'e do 1411 kttds of shoe repairing and we s" it right. _Samuel Smith. THE QUESTION OF BU17\I: .1T lame (1111 be r,lswl by gettll'g tor. pal ,s asst. W"r ran N.11151•1 s IJ an, one a to* where. (lake ie. pare it. We handle a full Mit. or Fon y and lk•rentl d:nm,•rks. RobeKaoa a Mak._ -- - VOL: W'IW. FIND YOU ('.IN Al.I1.118 ' reale msmey-Ivy Mug yegliKttn.iiiW In linreeries, Drygotts ions General. Merchandise with ns. 1 e r prices are an object 11.+.w1n In baJ inc at Iuirud• every tint... -.1, J. MrEwra LADIES OF GODERICIII AM) 1 /Ci• r t N11'Y.-If you an. I1tere.ted11 dainty tilt pools you relit and our trot• 1ie11qu11eters 111 1;o.lerl.;11. hlr lines of art good'• an• carefully s•lertel. 11•.• du letm.titcloluc and can stilt particular p*Msi.le. Smith's Art Were. --- MAIL ORI/ER HOUSES 110 NOT pnrticular!y hurt owls In311111 w. but a1• an• lis Ilea• with any tarn•• time h(•Ip" our. town alai Our tar•ninnta. For alt• 1'ontegthinery anti hest Cream you will And the pare thing. at our store.- -C. Rlatinikonte. TOL' WiLL FIND BY Rl'YIN6• your Flour and Feed from u. yon will be wet! pleased with u1r way of doing busllets, (food stock at right privet. We believe In trading tit honer. 1t will help ns all.-Videfule & Cs CONS(' T VOt'R ('ATAIONi('R, then consult us and tate the ens•IQg in Harne.s unci florae (1,10?., Tnm►m, Pape. Horse Blankets, or anything for 111e 1114hde. We w111 not be widened() to sty mall order hinier,---N. J. iPisher. NE ALOE CURIOSITY S IN% ON- ye Nye old.. Hlunllfon "tree?. If you Ilke Ile o11h• shove outside. come !1- Nide, and you w111 like 1411 poor nod catalog-tns to lir. Taylor'. old hi11- skh• 111(1 throw theta Into I'Intt'. old dam -alt•, and you 14111 help to *5111g. the Golden (Sate. FOR SPiX'IAL F(NITN'E.1K 1LAR- geine this week Kee Geo. 'IareImes windows, north side of 31.),, r.•. 1 :Mk•11r11. • BEW.►RE OF C.1T.1LO(:1.15 Ft'RNF tare: It all looks alike in pti't%l ea_ Hett,r trade at home. we carry a hell line of Furniture for every room In the bon*. . at prices that w VII 114111 any mall under tome.- W. Walker.. HOW MI'('H W01Ilj YOU TAR fur that photo of mother, or tether, or ehlls? Don't putt off getting yonr Photograph hikers. It 1s a duty 1114 well as n plessor,. WI* 110 tap -to -date work.- .1, T. Fell. JUST EXAMINE Ol'E LiNE OF ('lolWog end get our prhes first Bk line of car Clothing for 'men rad boys. Alan MOT_line of Gent e' Paradtalgn. Hata ps. eta. You will save /as ter Ilv trading beep. -- O. (.. Nvi deo. THE i OIA.AR VOL'' SPENi) AT home start here and you are to get It lark twit day. if you mens 1t out of town It 11. gore forever. Get nor pr1(rs on Groe*rles and save money ig buytrrg here. --J. H. Lead'. e MISS CAMERON HAS RETURNEI) frnm the elty and Is ne*Ay to thaw Midwinter mad Spring Millinery. The holler, are Wirier.' to 11111 at her Mlow-r.oltar, Hntnntnn street, at any time. ART GOOIN4 ARF IN A 01..188 E'l'f "4 thenwelre,. R'r (nary a full 11nne In Art and ram. I:.nnls. Novelties, err. .111 .lillnt) tins 5111 please Anyone 51.41 I. Interested In hlgh- glomw gond., • Try 11. and Is plell.ed. ---:1. Mable. You Owe a Citizen's Duty to Your Own Town