HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-1-30, Page 5♦ -. THE . SIGNAL OODI NICs., ONT. We Want to Take Care of Your St Ira;e Battery this wintry, an,l wr know how to do it right. It will only cost 11 it `2. Tiring it in any time. East Street Garage GODERICH - - - ONTARIO Owl.ed and Operated by a Practical Arthur M. Glover tSJ LOCAL TOPICS. M o d e l Theatre 'rhe Hark% (,orup•ru. PROGRAM Week commencing February Mouday and Tuesday VIVIAN MARTIN, in "THE SUNSET TRAiL" The eh! favorite 'rout Marks, with rth.• talent.d little urib. Arlie marks, will 1'• 1K-ee• for 011,' night-- sat 3rd1 v•br111 ry 14 -- a t v I -toric t mem Mao., .e. Iu a Iwo p4,y which hr' never Is.•u -,.•u lit Goderich. '.'Phe Man (\'110 (' ('1444* Ix11 i,." 'rills Is a real laugh- ' Provoker ; don't taloa 11. 1'lever vamho- iih. here ion SOW Mee. now w•11h1g ut Edwwdr' at popular prices. A Capable Musician. The to/lowing from The Listowel Ban- ner refers to a 1 wrier Goderich young man, brother of Mrs. R. R. &allows: The organ recital by Mr. H. L. Bam- 1Vtdnesday and Thursday J. STUART BLACKTON presents lord, following the evening service in the "MISSING" Methodist church, was greatly enjoyed, Font the tremendously succesr;f ul the rnal..nty of the congregation remain- From by Mrs- Hutu hr Ward 'ng' and these werehes. joined by a itutnber p y mother churches. As an rugamst, Mr. Bamford has unusual ability and his ser- vices from Sunday to Sunday have been highly appreciated, so that the board feels repaid for the large expenditure on the pipe organ, from which Mr. Bamford has prod music of an inspiring nature, that has been helpful to the services. Lecture on Tuberculosis. It', Coming! It's Here' the ). H. Dyke, the field secretary of e National Sanitarium Association, will Bennet's colossal 3 -ring Circus give a lecture in the Presbyterian Sunday Bigger and .letter than, ever before • school room on Sunday 'veining. February '. at 8.20, after church services, on the ENID BENNET, in subject of tuberculosis. its nature, treat- ment and prevention, illustrated with ,. lantern views. The lecture will be both' "The Biggest Show on Earth linterestin{j and instructive. Not only will fthose afflicted with this dread disease Matinee Saturday at 3 o'clock ! n how to help themselves, but the in- ftxmatron gained may be the means of Admission, matinee 10c and 15c preventing the hearers from contracting evenings 20c and 15c the disrase. A collection will be taken .leu the Muskoka Free Hespilal Ix Con- sum pt t ves. Friday and Saturday DOROTHY DALTON, in ..LOVE LETTERS" Friday and Saturday this week socxxxexocxxxcxxx=xax2e SPECIAL REDUCTION SALE The local hockey team went to Seaforth "k"I WOMEN OF 011 Tuesday left to play the first scheduled game of this 0. 11. A. distr ct that the ice has permitted. The result was defeat for the t uderich boys. in skating and stick - handling they were septal to then oppott ents, but they lacked in team work. This that the boys have ad no iceaiato Iy-Proof that Lydia E. Piak- ha's Vegetable Colll*oaaJ H. MIDOLE AGE is accounted for partly by the t t Seta Help t. Pass the Gillis Safe• practise on and without this most essen- tial part of training tram work cannot be looked for. Tke material is here and if Can be Relied UPM. the weatherman will produce the neces- sary ice Goderich will 1101 be lacking. Uttbana,111.-"During Change of Life. Clinton is booked for a game in Goderich to addition to its annoynng.ymptoens, 1 on Friday evening, and no doubt the bad ail attack of boys, having profited by their trip to /t • grippe which lasted Seaforth. will make a different bhuwln. .1 4 all winter and left b )t !.'Ralf me in a weakened It 1,1 a x.111 -known fart that the I condition I fillet impute of 'Huron le within the Juri.- times that I would diction of the ('a with' Teuiwu ,,:u., \ r nrverbxwetl sin Act, while with the exception of Perth eminty the toot of the Prnvitwe hr tinter the Ontario f1•lulrnw v l.•1. I'nt11 rwrntly the Moused 1itlnor c,•rslUlw would not ship 14). ohol luno C. T. •A. counties, but rile /Ifitario license Iwanf, w 11110e duty it is to r i- finn the Ih.vise law's throughout the Prov lie..•, 1n'1iu.-lwl tlw v'ewl,r1 that .urh sldtralu'ut, w'1.1..- Ieg111 w hen a 1.•gttfar licenced physician's pres•rite tine arcompaiiied r)w request. Sinus tlwe ago u Goderich citizen, who was journeying to iA1111.111, 1.1'ellgltt Iork fain• bottles nr liquor for friends wbn had „rut *her neee,lwry utiesh•faifs .1,m utuetns with his. th1 Ttle•wlny last he wee hruaght before 1'. M. !nail to ulu.w,•r the charge of "unlawfully bringing httoSMathIK' lI.tnnr int., the roomy- of !lump ectio fry to the pno- visnous of putt 11 of the.t':uurda Tian- 'wrathy- .%.-t and amendments tiles -to." 'root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pink- 79te .•rltt.•tar w104 tlikeu alld the magi'- berm'. Vegetable Compound, trate a,Ijrnlnavl the ca -e 1.111111 Tu,w- (toy nett. 1 read of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- ta b le Compound and what it did foe wOmen passing through the Change of Lie, ao 1 told my doctor I would try it. !noon began to gain In strength and the annoying symptom. di. - appeared and your Vegetable Compound has made me a well, strong woman .o I do all my own housework- 1 cannot teeommend Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vege- table Compound too highly to women peeping through the Change of Life." -M rs- nuns H atsson, 1316 f:3. Orchad. 8t'., Urbana, Ill. Women who suffer from n.r,ouene.., "beat flashes," backache, headache. end "the blue." should try this famous Special Meeting of Council, of Montreal, which has beet doing the town's business for nearly forty years, The town council met bit, Tuesday had been charging the town 5 1-2 per evening last to receive the report of the ce t. A year ago the rate was raised to finance committee with reference to the d per cent. The changed conditions of town's banking credit for the coming the financial market together with the linens committee's request fora re- year. The committee reported that the Hank of Montreal had offered a credit for adjustment of the interest rate will result current expenditure, pending the collet- in a considerable saving in the town's tion of taxes, up to $63,000 over and banking business. above the amount required to pay bonds !. O. O. F, Installation. the West Shore Railway. the rate to be .5 1-2 per cent., while the town is to be At the regular meeting of Huron Lodge, No. 62, 1.0. 0 F.. on Monday evening last the officers for the present term were installed. The ceremony was performed by Bro. C A. Nairn, P. G., acting as Until the beginning M 19�� the 3 cent. monthly on daily balances. The report was accepted by the council and a bylaw was passed authorizing the same. The G. W. V. A. asked the council to assist in the furnishing of club nems and the matter was referred to a special committee to report at the nes" regular meeting Until the beginning of 191, the Bank February la to February 8th )loth dates ink ln-l\e 2 package, Corn Flake, for 25c. Sherri$', Jelly Powder 10c a package. 'Lie can of Baking Powder for 22c. 500 can of Coffee 45c, Purity ,c- Pnrity and Robin Iloxl Rolled Oats 30c. Lipton's Tea 60C a lb. Go)d Medal Tea ilk a lb. Minto Tea liOc a lb. 2 -Ib. package Red Rose Tea, worth 1$1.50, for 61.25. Gem Lye ltk a can. Gold Dust, regular 7c and 13k packages for 5c and IOc 13c package Bull I)og Ammonia 111'. Comfort Soap, Naptha Powder, tic, or 5 for 25c A big 35c package Star Ammonia for :ilk. .A 13c package Star Ammonia for 1lc. :3 package.. ltk Ammonia for'! -'c- 6 package -.5c .ammonia for 2 •: These are Real Bargains and will save you money ROBERTSON & MAIR Pboae 164 Cor. Hamilton St. and Square XMCMCOCXXXXXXXXXX=XMC mcmccocneoccx COMING! One night only V ictoria Opera House Saturday, February 1 Canada's Favorite meridian TOM MARKS Presenting Arlie Marks and her Clever Comedy Company in that New York success in three actd. "The Man Who Came Back The Langbing Hit of the Season -6 . VAUDI:YILL1. ACTS 6 No waits. A continuous show from start to finish Prices 25c, 35c and 50c Seats now on sale at Edwards'. Do not mist, this Big Fun Show. Doors oven at 7.30. Curtain rises at 8.15. Sisters! Dancers ! Nen! If \'on Can't Laugh, Dont Come �nttRlHlitiANtAIIIlAl1111iiiill IgA(IIIIIIIIitlliliti111111IIA111111IIIIIIIIIN11lUgIIIIQIIIIII111111IIllitiliNiNIINIIIIIIIIIIIIINHHIIIIILLemnoMIROONIO 2= MODEL THEATRE ���;lii J. STUART BLACKTON PRESENTS From the tremendously successful noveLby Mrs. Humphry Ward. j.STUART !LACICItU I ismia•mospismismaysimpapI J�G�w • A love that passeth all understanding kept green the memory of the man recorded "MISSING." "MISSING" A PARAMOUNT PICTURE personally supervised by J. STUART BLACKTON ••••••••• • TWO DAYS .WEDNESDAY A ND THURSDAY FEBRUARY 5th and 61h s D. D. G. M., with Bra Fred Sturdy, P. G., acting as G. M., and the work was splendidly exemplified by these two capable officers. The following officers were installed: N. G., L. L Knox; V. G., Geo. Symonds; chaplai , T.' R. Wallis: R. S , C. A. Reid; F.S. F. Clerk; treasurer, J. S. Platt: i W. ' N. G., W. Abel; L. S N. G.. Took; warden, Wm. Patton: conduc nr, L. Young: R. S. V. G., C. surra L S. V. G. Robt. Bell; R. S. S Rob Wilson: L. S. S.. Wm. Sproul; 1. G., F Craigie; 0. G., J. W. Newcombe. ( After the installation ceremony Br L, L. linos, N. G., and his officers I /erred the second degree M etempttry Kyle, well befitting the excellent repo tion this lodge has for its degree work. There was a very Targe number of me hers and visiting brethren present, an after the degree work adjournment w made to the banquetting hall. where the lifpurth.r'egree was exemplit ioexcellent style The usual toasts 'were proposed and interspersed with vocal selections. A most enjoyable evening was spent. Mrs. Gordon Hurray'' tdrlrews. lei • Th.:iot- ev.•ntee leo Mrs. Gordonor.n Murray, Hutuiit.w, of the Pro- vincialW. 1, T. 1., ger\,• all address h1 Knox rlinrelt on "'Woman'so'itlzl'n- 'hfp." Airs. t►eterhout c,vl n inlet the •gw•Iilug devotional ,•.en-i'ew and Miss Marjorie Aitken and Mn. F. '1'. Emmet* reordered Nolo,.. Mr.. .1, P. /into n. fel the 1.114)W. 4'. T. 1'., ire.hl,vl and Airs. heavers, of.Iseter, comity presi- dent. Iutrimineet 'the speaker, Mr.. AL /11$ S. W110 1s originally . from V. -ensu!, for many years took a tem hug Vert in trmpenln..• work In the old hand before )w., •u.hconnectig connect eat wird the U', V. T. 1'. work In /'an- ntl:,. Mitelugs travt'Ileil widely and I.•ing a kern observer her ;.1,11','.' sin' very inter -eating. She dealt w ith the different ways in why•I* thefranehi,•.' ..hoard Ie extended t.r the women and of the v'a Anus plugs to w (1411 *.8111 .1111111e1 aspire. The wouderfnl work 1rrforme d by the Women of the British }nvie• during the war.honld .entitle them. she claimed. NI' the /011114. 1'011-* -i.terntion aN men ill the gove•rniug or tin 1.111111 ry. Movements wereun Lw,t practically all over the Empire to give w •u the vote and Airs. at array's nd,h•r.' wax along .slur•:Itlolru1 line's 111 preparation for that 1•31.111. After the kluging of tile National Anthem AIF", Murray pronoun. •1 the Tem• dict teen made ..n I lir Lad bill, 11 NM IP pltastng news to the public to learn that the coal shortage is a thing of the peat. By the advertisement of the S.tults Coal Co. on another page the welcome news is !Mears. given to the public. The Sault' inform The Signal that they have plenty of foal ort hand of all sizes and the cars are arriving with extreme regularity. 1 $enlshipt oyster., always mist, at }:111v)l 1444 , i'111/1111 bah l'EK�II\.]iL MENTION. Niles 1', y Elliott has returned to echo of at London. Mr. Matthew Welsh, of Reid's Corners was a visitor in Goderich this week, Mr. John Young left an Thursday last tovisithis daughter at.Buffalo, N. Y. Miss Lasca Elliott leaves tomorrow for a pew days' visit with relatives at Toronto. Mrs. E. C. Webb is spending a kw weeks visiting her aunt at Springfield, Mass. Miss Margery Moore returned to Tor- onto o i Wednesday after a few weeks' visit in town. Mia 1w ,•y.l I,•aves''this week t., slued t remaining winter the with r daughter, Meibleak,. Jos.bleak, at R A. L. G. Clarke and family re- turned last work from Windsor, where they were spending a holiday, and Mr. Clarke otliclated at the service+ in St. a George's church . Sunday. Mr. Harry McCreath, who is attending the Agricultural College at Guelph, came hone to attend the funeral of his sister- in-law. Mrs. McMillan. Mr. J. B Reynolds, who has been away from town recuperating atter a severe attack of influenza and pleurisy, returned to Goderich this week much improved in health. Mr. Law*enceGrey, of Acton, formerly on the stall of the Union Bank here. who returned recently from overseas. spent the week -end with Goderich friends. A 1. it. 1'. Al winnings has returnedfront +tiautron(, Where he laid lawn ga number of houses. Ale. Theo. klrwklu', at rolvu. 01111 Mr. 11. i:. Augustine, of 1111101:111111011. *110 ser.• working with him, also have• re- turned. Mr. M1111111114:$ 103/111. 'on0•. W1111 of a' n'aonl ley' .•1.:-tltig 1w•veu 111/11.1.. in ninety working .Imre.. The man who buys cheap goods to save money is like the man who sops Fl the clock to save time. There is o cos sistenty in the act o{ a person who at- tempts to save money in the purchase of drugs or the compounding of a prescrip- F e tion. In some hiof business puce may well he featured as a talking point, but t- I in the drug business quality regardless of Y.; I rice should be the main consideration. Fr I We handle pure patent drugs and guarantee the quality of everything sold and the prices charged are as low as those °' [ asked elsewhere for a similar quality of e°n- t gods. The same high standard which we place on drugs also applies to our drug ta- It sundries and various side lines. 1( you are a careful buyer we solicit m your business. E. R. Wigle, druggist, as G.xlerich. LOCAL Topics IN BRIEF. The London Free Press reported the score of Tuesday night's ho.c:.ev match at Seaforth as Sea&nth, 71, Goderich, 0. Not exactly right: it was o ley 17 to 0. A meeting for the reorganization of the 33rd Regiment hand will he held in the town council chambers on Friday evening, at R o'clock Former bandsmen and all • others interested are requested to attend. • The wholesale firm of James Lloyd & a Son, East street, which hitherto has con- linee3 its operations chiefly to fruit, has taken on several new lines for the grocery trade, such as soaps, teas, canned goods, etc. A Valentine tea end bazaar, under the auspices of -,,the Arthur Circle, will be held on Saturday afternoon, February 15th, in the store formerly occupiedy Mr. 0. C. Whitely. Homemade bakir1, candy a•rr1 fancy articles for sale.' Tea served from 3.30 until 7 o'clock. The regular ninrithly meeting of the (Joderich branch of the Women's insti- tute will be held at the home of Mrs. Fowl, . Elgin avenue, on Thursday. Feb- ruary 6th. Bill call to be answered with hinta on taking care 01 clothes. Subject: "Success from Various Standpoints," also the subject for January The Grand Trunk Railway calls atten- tion to its Goderich Toronto timetable published in its advertieemettt in this. agate. The afternoon train carries a parlor -buffet c,r between Stratford and Toronto, so that passengers may have tea on the train and arrive at Toronto in god lime to attend the theatre or any public gathering. Althnugh the weather has been exrep- tionatly mild, and no great inroads have EARTH ISEASE i, a symptom of Kidney Disease, A well-known doctor has said, •' 1 never yet made a post -noel eels ex- ununation inacaecot death tram Heart Disease with- out finding the kidney, wereatfault." The Kid,,, y medicine w pith was first 08 the market, most sac -et... - NJ for Heart Iaiwa•.- and all Kidney Trouble•., and nose Widely imitated io Dodd's Kidney Pills Cereal Special fr FOR ONE WEEK ONLY SHREDDED WHEAT 10 the popular breakfast food Regular price 1.1c package, spec- ial price 2 packages for,25c. Kellogg Toasted Gnashes fresh and crisp Regular price 1:c package, spec- ial price 2 packages for tic. PURITY OATS in packages The breakfast food for winter mornings Regular price 30c package, spec- ial price 25c package. Compare these prices ,with the mail order quotations. DEAN BROS. GROCERS License No. 8-18514 4tor. Ph ne 110 11,11rs.' Phone Ill 'Pleur -thy., Jan 10, 1^1'1 !+i • APiTAL • RESER'vr-s 11,�1 IItpOO -ibTAL. AT►3ET S --0130000000 THE FASCINATION OF SAVING Saving is • habit that Goa There Is ►en,etbrn watching the dollars mowMr u . of independence and ',chilly grow• whet the knowledge that you have money ie the lsauk. 1 resole for future uncertaiatirs by opening a l-avings Account with this }geek new. 1 eterest allowed at current rates. UNION BANK OF CANADA ItEAD OFFICE 'a'lNNtl'EC.. MAN. GODERICH BRANCH, F. WOOLLCOMBE, . - - Rte na ere •. The annual congregational meeting of Knox church will be held next Wednesday evening, commencing at S o'clock. After the business of the evening is concluded light refreshments will be served, the arrangements being in the hands of the session. the board of managers and the Missionary Association. CENTRAL STRATFORD. O14T.. I, recognised as one of the most reliable Commercial Schools Canada. The instructors are ex- perienced and the courses are up-to-date. Graduates are placed in positionwalxl they meet with sticcevi Students may en- ter at any time. Write at once for free catalogue. D. A. McLacau.eti, Principal. dINIIMINWWWIW _.-,-_-.- Reciprocity How many of vogr friends have given you photographs of themselves and received none of yon in return ? Why not discharge these ob- ligations TODAY' Portraits are our specialty, the kind that breathe your oxen personality. J. T. FELL PHOTOGRAPHER The S:gaal .:au muse ion ,µ11,y on your daily {apf•r. Ne•e the' 1IuLIi1K 11s1 011 Pap. % ,II this i„nP- For Good Reliable Shoe Repari\►s, try Smith is Ring lei East Street. ere tiros Cho. Is Give Vs a 1Triol i EVERYTHING 1N_ MEN'S WEAR I FROM HAT TO SHCES We have the r;ght goods fcr :his wink( weather. Let us fit you out. Prices are R, -I -G -H -T and dcn't ycu fcrgtt it M. Robins Grits' Furnisher ( )pen t J Jt 1 WRIGLEY'S The Greatest Name in Goody -Land 'The largest - selling sum in the world nat- urally has to have a package worthy of its contents. So look for WRIGLEY'S In this seated package that keeps all of Its goodness In. That's wily The Flavour Lasts!