HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-1-30, Page 3THE . SIGNAL
Thursday, Jan. 30, 1919.-3
Soldiers Raid Establishments 111
ONLY Winnipeg.
Foreigners !lust All Be Thrown Out
1iEN01NE of Employment In Western City
PA7 H, epecwlat to women's and children'
arrest+. acute. chronic and rer•o.a diseases, eye
e r, now and tbrew partial deafness. lumbago
etnow- rheum/Mt conditions. Aden xis removed
w ebfoot the knife. Office at roadence, earaar
Wimp and St Andrew's streets. M home cam
Meedaya, Thursdays and Wieder., any event:.
07 aepu.atment.
Graduate Tomato Urverwty. Graduate
yd fiber d Dental Surgeon.
S,cceeax to the late Make Sale. ()three comer
emit sod west street. Goderich.
Luz 67. Codench. All trsuuctwna Ly grad o
left at Squat tate will be prumptlY atteodedte
Resedeece Leleabrme lar.
-Mayor Took Action That Raved
Serious Situation When Veterans
Were ('usaasencing to Be Very
WINNIPEG. Jan. 28. -Timely ac-
tion by Mayor Charles F. Gray and
Brig. -Gen. H. D. B. Ketchen was the
only thing witch saved a most threat-
ening situation at the big .Naclflpg
plant of the Swift -Canadian Com-
pany. at Elmwood, a suburb of Wit-.
nlpeg, yesterday afternoon. With a
large crowd of returned men and
sympathisers clamoring at the gates
of the establishment. Mayor Gray
mounted an improvised platform and
with Gen. Ketchen, succeeded In get-
ting the men to at least retrain from
raiding the plant and ejecting the
alien employes bodily, a course which
was pursued by the soldiers at sev-
eral places which they later visited.
This action by the mayor and Gen.
Ketchen was taken at the outset of
the afternoon's program of the men.
They had gone to the packing plant
to demand that all allena be replaced
by white labor. Just when things
looked at their worst the mayor and
Oen. Ketchen appeared on the scene.
The latter spoke first, urging the men
not to hamper he work being carried
out In their behalf by wiser counsels
and to go back to the city and give
the manager of the plant a chance to
dismiss the aliens.
The crowd wafted until the general
had spoken and then hurled epithets
at the manager, W. R. Ingram, who
was present and tried to address
them. Mayor Gray then mounted the
Mrs. Reese Declares Sbs Hadn't Been
Well le Pikes* Years Uutel She Took Events That Will Influence the
Tarlac -Trouble Gone. Course of Histo.ly.
"1 wouldn't take a thousand dollars
melt lee the good Tarlac has done me," Peace Conference farese IKraulutluru
said Mrs. Lula Reese, who resides at 1.569 to Creme t'urwml„sle,ns That Will
Hicks street, Augusta, Georgia. t'o,udder brogue of Nations,
"Il May sound strange, but l have suf-
fered with stomach trouble, rheumatism Reeponalblllt) For the War and
and neuralgiauntil I got to the place Other Similar Problems of rurld
where 1 didirt care whether 1 lived or Nigiascagrr.
died Everything 1 ate tlourrt ori my
stomach and made trouble for me, and in PARIS, Jan. 24.-A sense of reso-
addition to the rheumatism 1 fell and kittens dealing with the creation of
broke my arm and it seemed like my a League of Nations, enquiries into
other troubles kept it from healing up like responsibility for the war. on repar-
it ought to 1 just lived in misery all the salon. International legislation and
time and couldn't get any relief. International control of ports. water -
"I have just finished my second bottle ways and railroads were brought be -
of Taelac and it is surprising how 1 have
improved considering that I have not been
resell before to fifteen years. The rheu-
matism and soreness is gone from my
arms, my stomach is all right and 1 canoe
anything 1 want and digest it. 1 have
and feel ggood alle the time. ble to do ;i
want everybody to know that Tanlac has
restored my health."
Tanlac is sold in Goderich by E. -R.
W1�igle, in Sealorth by C. Aberhart, in
Wingham by J. Walton McKibbon, in
Henl by A. M. E. Hemphill, in Blyth
by White City thug Store. m Wroxeter
by J N. Allen, in Londesboro' by John
O. Loundsberry, in Exeter by W. S.
Howey. in l3ruceheld by Peter I3o0ey, in
Dashwood by Tiernan k Edighoffer, in
Crediton by J. W. (lime, in Ciinux) by
W. S. R. Holmes, in Sheppardton by
J. H. Simpson. in Gorrie by H. V. Arm-
strong. and in Fordwich by H. Sansom.
Ashfield Soldiers' aid Circle.
The members of the Ashfield Soldiers'
Aid Circle held a very eojoyab e meeting
at the home of Mrs. David Andrew. 12th
concession. Ashfield, on Tuesday. 14111
railings and in almost dramatic terms January, when over forty members
appealed for British fair play. met to transact the business for
"i am an Englishman, and I want the month. Good reports of work done
you men to give British fair play. were brought in and it was unanimously
We want to get the aliens out. and decided that each tnooth's collections
I am with you in that, but let us do should be sent as soon as possible to the the following: J P Bickel) t< Co. suntans Rant
TORONTO. Jan. 25. --The quota-
tiona on the Beard of Trade yester-
day were as follows: -
Manitoba Wheat on stere Feet Willie/1h
Net Including store,
No. 1 uortbern, $2.24',.
No, 2 nu rote, u. 42,21 a.
No. 3 northern. $2.17Ss.
No. 4 wheat. 12.111..
Manitoba Oats tin stere, Fort
No. 2 C.W., 6311.c,
No, 3 C.W., 07Set'.
Extra Nu. 1 teed. 645.
No, 1 feed, 571,.e.
American Cern (Track. Toronto, January
Shipment ).
No. 3 yellow. SI 30
Ne. 4 Yellen. 31.23.
Ontario Oats (According to Freight
fore Sunday's session of the Peace No 2 white, tic to 62:.
Conference. They follow: No. 3 white, tut to 0J,
On the League of Nations. -"That Ontario Wheat tt...b, ehipptng Pelnh,
1t 1a essential to the maintenance of AeeaNing u Fro, 53.14
No, 1 winter, per car lot, 39.14 to 11:.99,
the world settlement 1hteh the Ar No. 2 winter. per car lot. $2.11 to 32,11.
soclated Nations are now met to No. 3 winter. per car lot. 82.07 to 52.111.
establish that a League of Nations be No. 2 spring. per car lotper car , i .01 to u6 to { .17.
created to promote international I No. 3 senna. per tar lot. $:.u3 to 32,10.
obllgatlon■ and provide safeguards ' Peat (According to Freights Outside).
against war. This league should be i
a( No. 2,
(Aeon/Ing to Frelgbta Outside).created as an Integral part of the Ma41ne. 7k to 70c. nom,n.i
general treaty of peace. and should aackwneat (Aeesr/Inp to F. -tants out -
be open to every
its objects. I Rye (clvllrlted nation s1de).
which can be relied on to ptomote Ile. 3, Si. nominal.
Aceenine to Freights Outside/.
"The members Of the league I No, 2, $1,40 nominal. b
Manitega Fleur (Toronto).
should periodically meet In inter- i war quaaty, 811,31
national conference. and should have Ontario Fleur (Prompt Shipment).
a permanent organization and seers- t'ar qu+llty• $1". in bagy. ]1w,treal;
tsetse to carry on the business of the 81". In bass. Toronto.
league In the intervals between the Mulfead (Car Cees, Oeli Montes!
Fnieht+. included),
conferences. Rran, per ton$113a7.2.5 .
' "The conference, therefore: ap- aborts. per ton, 842.25
points a committee representative of Vu l pHea io T $22 to 5 ronte)-
the Associated Government to work sited. per ton. $2I to 827•
out the details of the constitution straw (Track. Teronte).
and the functions of the league." car lou, per ton, 810 to $u.
Tbta resolution "on the League ofFarrwen• Market.
Nations" was unanimously ado ted F'an wheat -No 2. 112 ever bar .
p aL
Spring wheats -Vo. $211 per er Weak
by the Peace Conference. Goose wheat -No. 3, 82.03 per bushel.
On Responsibility. -"That a nom- rleyM1Itl41"• ng. to 03:' per bushel
mission eompused of two reprtaenta- 07- o Sc per bushel,
•Dees aplet'Hue eat -Nominal.
from the Aveave Great Pow- Fye -According to sample, 'aminal
en and fluv e repreaenlatives to be Hay -Timothy. 827 to 123 per ton: mta-
elected by the other powers be ap- ed and closer, $23 to 828 per ton.
pointed to enquire and report upon CHICAGO GRAIN MARKKT.
It constitutionally." he urged. "00 Belgian retieR fund. The (.bele is doing% -First-The responsibility of the Building. report the following prices ua
back to the city and show them that good work and needs the hearty co-oper- authors of the war• Inc Chicago Board of Trade :
you will give there a chance to get :tion of every man and woman in Ash- "Second -The facts as to breaches
"If a man empties his purse into his head
no man can take it from him
An investment in knowledge al-
ways pays the beat interest.-
-Benjamin Franklin
Young man, young woman -you are the architect
of your own fortune. Your success or failure in life
depends altogether upon yourself. If you would be
successful you must LEARN TO DO.
Genius is fifty per cent. TRAINING and fifty per cent.
WORK. As you carve out your future you will make amost
serious mistake if you fail to provide a strong, secure founda-
tion in the way of practical business education.
"It is only the trained, qualified man who makes his life tell. "
The time to lay the proper foundation is NOW ---and this is
the school.
Civil Service
For further particular, write to
B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principal
M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice -Principal
• Students may enter at any time.
Phone 208
d1tnAA5lc5C5C5beets5C5lc5l*/loFlnflt M
Free. X
rid of the aliens. and tf they don't field. for, as our president emphasizes the of the laws and customs of war cumCorn-
- Open High. [.ow. Close Close.
l a for reef
do It then, then is the t
m -
oning. Send a letter to every em-
ployer of alien labor In town and
ask for the foreigners to be replaced.
►1 G CAMERON K C BARRIS Give them three days to do It," he
�1J1 lav, MAK aur nowY puWt U*tc
' " e continued.
Isamiltoa Street. t,uiloncn, thud door from But this did not altogether ep-
hemera- 1rwt.1unos w wan a' wwat raL.a. , pease the crowd. "We want them
-- - - -- - . out now, and out quick." yelled one
-12 C HAYS. I soldier, and he was loudly cheered.
"Well. the manager AAays he will . tseastablI- b* Il`LIC0.14..• TARY get hem out right away." answered
WJsat.-Sterhm&Hank/ Weil.. bomdton Street the mayor. "1 promise you 1 will
Gsssa ic0 'teammate..stand by you and see that you get a
Rod Estate. Loans sod Insurance. show
deal. Now go back, boys. and
show them that you are law-abiding
---- - , citizens. Obey Gen. Ketches and
PR04JDFOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE.' 'general law' and they will are that
aliens have to go. The manager says
•A*A1STER5 SOLICITORS• NOTARIks i he will meet a committee of yours
P/JtsLIC. LTC. and will go over the employes' names
thelbueseeAl det. ucerykb ,t, ""''° .weer arum Hasid with you. That Is fair now, boys, and
restate iamb w w
ken at Tat rates.), I give him a chance to make good on
•.Iraut.WW1, K 4... J. L.,1ULLUSAb it."
n. J. u. Coons. I Manager Ingram said hat he
-- would "have every alien off he Jag
, LL. B., BAR.: to -morrow if the boys can get ntbA
- k.s'oakGARROR'
.5(1. l..).8141:101.111.,t.essrta.i t0 211 their places."
eels•. MASON at lowest rata.
The crowd separted after this.
I' SE.AGLR, BAKRiSTER. SOL. One section beaded for 51. Bonlfae
a 1LawN wte,y l,,bt,t.nota.nveyatur. and another for home. The Alaska
s ,se -Lot.. nom..t.uottah. 'a 14O While na scog e Company soldiers piled xt 'I7n o
' the warehouse tbe couple of aliens
employed there vanished through a
rear door. Manager Baker told the
_ soldiers he had tried time and agala'
to get returned soldiers to fill the
11cKILIOP MUTUAL FIRE iNSUR- aliens' places.iii
jab, 0,, aro. Yee -71.7, bets hw0ud r.U., 1 Wmm I Bwrters of an Austrian Club, One
5.. tiers. rms., Stawrtb P.U. election of soldiers and their sym-
imes.un- D. P. I..ct,sesor. R, R. No. 3. Sea-
arta, Jots' l.. !sieve. No. ♦ wotun; widea= Mitktsers paid a visit to this stab -
kL o-Farmaod tw+sateuLowe mop- Sus ling a gramophone at ore
tyro, -d. on Higgins avenue to be the head-
l.tla r,.-J+t. Connolly. F4a, GoderchP. O.;
Roan, H. a no. 2, bealtxth, Juba ben.e...a. liehment. No damage was done, the
aredbesen. two. McCartney. it. R. No 3, Ser leaders of the men announcing that
Wpb, Newest tae W. hauutk. Malcolm Mc -
Ewa. t.lenu.s. Jaws cosset. beech..
.00, beechw0, Jame. dere Was 00 cause for trpuble. la
a. k. No 1, LbntOt', Ye Warm Chanty. `Itatortb. 8e tis the Union Jack, and thea the
E huahk ), �taaue't.. Ne.cr•hvieers call par ell erowd surrounded the Manitoba Cold
avant. -'a aft sen tun rece,pted at k. J• Lttoratie Company's plant. Two aliens
Msec,a, 0 Lktl.us Sax.. Gloom. k. i1. Cott'. nn out, one making his get -away,
R t,r y��(ue,b.ruttA��tch, H. while the second was captured by the
crowd from which the police rescued
blm after he had received several
Mews in the tare.
A number of other places were
�- --- visited with similar results, including
tip Empresa Hotel, the Carlton Cafe
woke P'anoand(Jr3sn. Pupds prepered for a d the Fort Garry Hotel..
Gamervatuy Malmo' tons. Apply at MR. P. W.
CLkklt'S. b,.tan'ua road.
(;eaa,olry t,,.wr,ab a backyard two aliens were forced
Aare.. j w. l.a Goderich. Aka. Leitch.
fact. we must speed up the work as the
need is greater than ever. Everyone will
rejoice with Mrs. Topp in the knowledge
that her son, who was a German pt lamer.
is now in England en route for the home-
Following is the list of goods shipped
through Guderich censoring committee:
16 dresses, valued at $2.50 ........2 40 00
3 suits pyjamas. at 22.50 7 60
3 held shirts. at 22.75
36 pairs socks, at 21.26
5 pairs children's stockings
2 dresses and 2,skirta.
Brophe3 Bros.
Ise Leading
Funeral UireUun
•s: Embalmers
1Be Leading
Funeral Directors
ant Embalmers
aa... carefully .woew i�
O,dera carefully attended to
at all hours, night ter day.
'*.pees D4apepsin" neutralises view
siva aeld in *ternach, relieving
dyspepsia, heartburn and
dlstres at once.
Thee Ito le eve minutes all Moue
melt diatoms, doe to aridity, will go.
No ledigestiern. hearthern, amasses or
leviable( of gas or eriectatkms of undi-
gssled food, no diaaters*, bloating, fool
or ktsdaelie.
s Dlap.psin is noted for Ile
h regulatingq opeet stnmaebs.
Is the wrest, qulekr.t stomach mesa -
met he the whole world, and Imides ft
Y harmless. Put an red to stomach
Iiistreas at ulna by reties s large aft7
eM1 eau..1 Papas t)1ap.psil howl ss7
shore. • Yoe realize in 0v0 minutes
kid azealsss ft Is to softer from fedi-
',uplaads to vee .termeeb Ale -
• mused byes hermewtatIeS doe M
da esshe odds in ufcMsl . -
Bolshevik( Mare Attacked Allied
8 26
4 6
milted by the forces of the German Jan. .... 1211
empire and their allies on land, on Feb .. 110'4
sea, and in the air during the present March .. 118
May 115
war; Oata-
'Third-The degree of responetbt1- Jan, ..,. $7
Ity for these offences attaching\�to ae . .... 57
particular mem+ members of the enemy
forces, including members of the gen-.\ J_upork-' 444'
eral staffs and other Individuals, bow-
ay ...27.20
ever highly placed;
"Fourth -The constitution and �� 2217
procedure of a tribunal appropriate Mat 5'1
to the trial of these offencert; Rita -
"Fifth -Any other matters cognate .tan
or ancillary to the abed.' which may M.) 1(0 15
Total........ 2111 75setae In he course of he enquiry
7.The thanks of the Circle are due Miss and which the commission finds it
1. Ramsay for her kind donation of three useful and relevant to take into con-
for her donation of two nice children's
ira of socks. also to Mri. Wm. Graham
On Reparation. -"That a enmmis-
drtases and two skirts. meeting will be bel at Mrs. eros be appointedwhich surall en -
The next
prise not morreethan there represen-
Rd. MctAhinnrv's, February 11111, when tatives apiece from eerie of the Ove
boxes will be packed and sent to those Great Powers and not more than two
boys who are still overseas r regeree.nt+tiv
,ee apfe Belgium
Pola11e1, Bo and
4. • - ser
Pulpit Announcements • boa, to examine a report.
'Firer, on the amount of repara-
A Walkerton clergyman on Sunday Last tion which the enemy conntrlee
read an annour cement as requested rel- ought to pay; second. on what they '
ative to a certain collection that was to be are capable of paying, and. third. on
Taken up throughout the town on the; the method. the form and time within
which payment should be made."
On International Legislation. -
"That a commission composed of two
representatives apiece from the are
Great Power, kIid Ove representa-
tives to be appointed to enquire and
report upon the International regime
for ports, waterways and railways."
The delegates t.f the Great Powers
on the League of Nations will be:
For the United Stats -President
Wilson and Col. E. M. House.
For Great Britain -Lord Robert
Cecil and Gen. Jan Christian Smuts
For France -Leon Bourgeols and
Ferdinand Larnaude. Dean of the
Faculty of Law of the University of
For Italy -Premier Orlando and
Viterbo Scialoia.
For Japan -Viscount Chinda and
]i. Ochial.
The delegates of the small nation
will be announced later.
Tuesday following. after which he re-
marked that he had no special reference
to that announcement in particular. hut
to announcements in General. which he
was frequently asked to make. when he
said that he did not think that it was one
of the functions of the church, but rather
that of the press. and the printing offices.
where, if there were no ample time t i get
sufficient publicity in the paper. small
bills might be printed and put up in pub-
lic places. or circulated throughout the
town. -Walkerton Times.
Had the Hight Idea.
White the Germans were marching
through a Belgian province. one of them
said sneeringly to a farmer staring seed:
"You may sew. hut we shall reap."
"Well. perhaps you may." was dhe
reply, "I am sowing hemp." -Loudon
ARCHANGEL., Jan. 28 -The Bol-
ebeviki are now on the offensive with
Infantry or artillery, or both. against
four of the seven thin columns of the
allies and Russians which have pene-
trated southward through the frozen
forest swamps of the Province of
Saturday night the enemy entered
Sbenkurak, while the flied column of
American. Russian and British which
have evacuated Shenkursk, marched
In a round -about detour over the deep
snow on the road. evading a forte
of several hundred of the enen(y, who
wafted on the main high road to trap
the column in its retreat.
In good spirits. despite long
marches in the cold and ten days of
hard fighting, the Americans and the
other troops of the Allied forces were
at Sheguvari on Sunday. approxi-
mate'? 30 miles north of Shenkunk,
00 the Vega river. The enemy appar-
ently la sending patrols to follow the
retreating troops, but up to this
morning no new attacks had been
made on this sector.
Saturday the Bolshevik' attacked
the Allied positions at Taresevo, a
village some forty miles east of Shen-
kursk, in the sector between the Vaga
river and the Voingda railroad. They
were repulsed with heavy losses, the
British, American and Russian troops
lighting with such valor that the eae-
my column which attacked on the
`left of Taree.vo. along the Kotchnta*
read. retired In considerable dis-
order. leaving twenty men dead In
the snow On the right of the vil-
lage an enemy column was +potted by
tb. American artillery avid retreated
ander a rata et shells. '
Many of the brave women who attend
our wounded beroes in this war are
women who have used Doctor Pierce's
Favorite Prescription, or who recom-
mend it. The hoepital, with its work
and long bourn, =polies extreme hard-
ship on a woman's strength. Every
woman should make herself fit for war's
call at home or abroad. She sho11ld.
obtain a book cased the " Medical
Adviser." either at her nearest drug
store or by sending 60 onet•ent stampp to
Dr. Pierce, Court.wright St., ltndgeburg,
Ont., for Bandaging,book whichyPMys
Hurting, Anatomy,
ogy Marriage.
Thotlsnde of worsen in Canada have
overcome their sufferings and have bees
cured of woman's ilk, Icy i r. Piers e's
Fineries Pre eription. Sold by dniggluy
{e liquid or tablets. Send f)r. V.. M.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., 10c for trial p
Cameo., Owe -
aa yore dad t
to old ay nesaa iso
&tine to the MOW
etb.te Uwe have reed
rare (e ysvoriea Pre•
rriptiee '
Afore moth-
erhood 1 . gid aal0
prejorl7 r' es t aria
masatweek sod serveta, she
►ed a brit
1 s W.7 eestrapra
whet 1 ►saga .
She 'ryssipYa
salad a mark*
{a�rrreeseet Ware
ya neo bade.
1 Inept ap iia ea .ad w ..oebtel ._teal .4 sat
ie • seed
FIlesegg a.44It 0.40, '- styop er el the MaltbyMet ervaim
'waM-era ma. AK 335 /d liaptsaa
Cheered Bolshevism.
MONTREAL. Jon. 28. - Isidore
Boltuck, who was arrested Friday for
an inflammatory spe'ec'h at a meeting
of the unemployed, and who was re-
leased next day after having proved
his British cttizenxhip, again address-
ed a meeting Sni,day, in which he
hinted at tier use of baronets as a
solution of the unemployment ques-
tion that had been expressed by a
previous speaker, Albert Rt. Martin.
The meeting .00k place In the
Labor Temple ant wee attended by
about 600 men. who Wildly cheered
every reference to the Avid Govern-
ment of Russia.
Not a Single Man tlurvlved.
LONDON. Jan 28. - Of he 203
German submarines lost during the
war. 1t Is estimated here semi -official-
ly , 120 were sunk with all on board.
and that In the others an average
of halt the crew perished. The com-
plement of the German submarines
varied. Somme mall boats had only
20 On board, while a brat of the
eTuber type averaged between 115
and 60.
114'1 1211
113 11S-
112% 1110‘
111 1111..
524, 154..
531. r.65.
53 555.
43.01 41.00
37.20 36.60 38.60 37.80
22.47 22.30 22.47 22.67
22.55 22.22 22.47 22.67
•2.4(1 !2.11e
!i'.85 20.42 20.45 20.112
TORONTO. Jan. 22. -With around
2500 cattle on the exchange yester-
day there was e fair demand for
choice heavy weight steers and heif-
ers, weighing from 10110 lbs. up, with
a elms demand for medlima botcher,
and heifers, with the cors lower and
very hard to sell. Canners sold from
$5.50 to 15.75. and there w'a. a fair
demand for fresh milkers and close
up springers. Altegelher the market
was slow and lower, practically all
grades excepting the heavy etrers
showing a decline of from 50c to 75e
par cwt.
The calf market held about steady
with a light run, 97 altogether.
choice veal gold from 15 Inc• to 16 tar,
and medium veal, 13r to 15r, with
heavy fat calves selling from 9e to
The run of lambs was 260. very
light, and the Iambs sold from 1334e
to 14 sot', and sheep, b tic to 10c per
Cheerio, Jan. 27.-Hop.-P•ecelpts
41 tee,,; ,.peeling steady to strotil With
Lraty butchers favored and mostly b to
lar ,•ens higher; rally top $17.15 fur oath
closing dull with many carried
„ver,. Hulk of sales, '$17.35 to 317.75;
0ulcheie, 517.34. to 817.110; heat', 810.65 to
$17.50; tat•klns, 816.50 to 317.35; throw -
outs. 515.75 to 516.50; pia*, gond to
choice, $11.7. to 812.0.'. Cattle-rteceV',
32,110,; common and. she stock and fat
cattle slow to 25 cents lower; ais other
grades steady; top steers,181S,611; calves,
bar cent* lower. 181)' p'r'ices unchanged,
•except canner and centres. $5.75 to $..15.
Sheep -Receipts 17!00; market. meetly
15 to 25 cents higher on killing Musses;
feeding stuck stead). Lambe, choice ■nd
prime, 816.15 to"; mrdimn and good,
10$16.tcoot. $11.011 to 1141,0,
Ewe.. choice and tonne. 110.50 to 810.05;
medium and Rood, 19.25 to 810.50; culla,
, 00 10T1171•1.1
0 17,75,
Fast Buffalo, Jun. 37.-tattle-l:e-
celpts. 400"; slow and lower; prune
•leers, $17 to 117.50; shipping steer.. 811
w 816.50; butchers. 111 to $16; yearlMp.
872 to $16; belfere, 510 to 412.50; cows,
$4 to $11,50; hulls. 57 to 511; stockers
an4 feeders. 87 to 811; fresh cons and
epringers, 815 to 3150,
Calves-Recelpts, 1600; saw; 25c tow-
e1r, $5 to 314:5.
Hogs -Receipt e. 31,250; plEs ■t.ady:
others 20c to 2.34• lower seat), 117,60 to
$17 M: mixed and )orkers. 817.40 to
. 117,65; light y,rksrs. 835.311 10 sic: pigs.
' 812 to $15.50; throw -outs, 112 to Sr.
at*gs. 4141 to 812.50, /
Rheep ■nd lambs-flec.ip7e, 01,041;
easier; Iambs, 111 to 811,73; others un-
Winnipeg. Jan, 227-R,relpta at the
t'nlon stork Tards wore 13tsi cattle, 22
calves. 1224 noes and 224 sheep,
Butcher steers, 114,50 to 814 50; heifers.
$0.75 to $11; cows. 85.25 to $10.50: hulls,
K to 59; oxen, 15.50 to 810; stockers
and feeders. 51.75 to $11.25; veal calves,
84 to 39.10. *herp and Iambs. 110 to $1$,
Hoxu--Selects, 515.60: snws and he.cleg,
19 to 112.60: stage. *7.50 to 59.50; lith*,
510 to $12.50.
To Helvetia Interned Irish Prisoners.
('techs tartar, ()deriver'.
AMSTERDAM. Jan. 23. - Czech
troops have raptured Oderberg from
tbe Poles after sanguinary fighting
according to a despatch from the
Breslau National Council.
Oderbetg fa a town of 1,600 popu-
lation situated on the Oder river on
the frontier between Austrian Silesia
sad Prussia.
To all Automobile Owners
fitted up, also expert mechanics, and are able to
repair all makes of cars.
We would advise owners to bring their cars in early
this fall and winter to have them overhauled and
painted ready for next season's running. It
saves you time and money to have your work done
in the winter when you lay up your car.
We also look after all gasoline engine work. Ex-
perts on electric work and adjustments. Give us a
F'hone 83 South street
LEO BAKER, Manager Repair Dept.
Has.. "m n•u,•ttt' 1 yoni' $011WrIpt'on
1„ The Signal for 19110
DUBLIN, Jan. 2e. -The Irish Gov-
ernment has decided to release the
Irish prisoners who are now interned
in England.
The Irish prisoners interned la
England are mainly those wrested
1111 year In reinsertion with an al-
leged revolutionary conspiracy by
Rergeent-Cook Wee ifir'h Rabin. the Sinn Fetn. They inrlude a num-
OTTAWA. Jan 28. - T1r. Militia bar of Sinn F.in members of Paella
Department has adopted the plan of meet.
attaching to each conducting party
on board the steamers one sergeant- Fire of mysterinust origin de•atroy-
cook, who will look after the depart- sod about 530.005 worth of property
ment's interest In the feeding of the at plaet of A. Blair ! Co . Wood-
men by Me ships' erews
The Double Track Route
' C11111AGO
Unexcelled dining car neerviue
Sleeping cane nn fight trains. and
parlor' car. eau petite day trains.
Full information form any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent. or\ C. E. Horn-
inl;. District Passenger ..Agent, To-
Town Agents Phone 8
Owing to the scarcity of
Coal, and the fact that
sales have, of necessity, to
be made in very small
quantities, we have found
it absolutely necessary to
make a rule that
Mac Ewan Estate
Western Canada Flour Mills Co. Limited
ream. reed awe Lamm nos - Cereal 2.10 - Twee 11, 1s, 19. es
fe So