HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-1-16, Page 64-Thurbda7, January 18. 1919. 714 HURON POULTRY SHOW Li:,t ot Winners at the AnnualLEXhibition held This Week. Flack l:r•,.hme• 1.4 lieu, Jo... Ilowv- rie, 4;.,dencil I.s11KshYus hla.•k; Int cock. 1 and 2 lien, and 1.1 pnllrt. 31141. Ilow•ri.. 4)I 111 Huck tharretl,--1 and 2 loose., 1, 2 (Int 3 hen. 1 alto 2 cockerel, y1� 2 3 and / pullet e191 1st pen, ll. J. .pp/a,t, •ioderictl: Sal cockerel and 311' �IllIet. 1heantowtl Bros.. Uoderh•h. r Oiyineuth ,partridge -1st cock. 1st Niru, Frank Jeffrey. Goderich. i}'lywou411 Hook to -- rvx'k, iel lien. 1 and 2 cock/TelIn41 1st pul- let. Wm. 11. Doak, l. /,et t.taa 1\'yardottr--1. 2 :191 3 ca k: 12 and 3 her. 1 and Y c/a -keret. ce4'14erel. 1. 2 and 3 pullet.: triter( h lir•bat11. Mitchell. Partridge at'y14odollr--let hen. 1 and 2 eoeI.rel, 1 and 2 pullet. Shearduvn Krim. Golden I.:1•.41 1l>atnlutteM-1. 2 and 3 cock. I. 2 and 3 ben, 1. 2 and 3 cock- erel. 1, 2 and 3 pullet, M. E. Ly ilburu- er, r:..k•rich. . . i1•her Laced Wyandultr.-':Irl cock., 2, G 141141 Mb hen. 3r.1 r,.4keree. 2n' put. let, St. e.. I. lnburner:' let rock. 1st heti, 1, Y and i cockerel and fat pullet. Jno. Huwrir. Silver Pencilled. N'yatdottl.---I bud 2 oa•kn. 1, 2 and 3 tun. 1. 2 and 3 cock- erel. 1. 2 and 3 pullet. Steffen a1 6re- haul Mth•hrIl. 111114 W'yaudottes-1.t cock. Int hen, flit cockerel and 1-1 pullet, lent. Doak: S etw•k. 2 hen. 3 pullet. Y. Wooleolube. 10h1.1.' I.laO' Bede S. 1L'--2 and 3 cock, 3 and 1 hen. H. P. Laellhr.ok. tl,akricll: 1st rock. 1 and 2 ben. 1. ,2 and 3 4...4.1.s•.•,, 1 and a plillrl: Jm4. Ince. Lanyon. lth.41k Islaitd Kris H. 1.i '1.t Pork. 1 and 2 her. 2nA r,)4•kt-rel. 3 and i pul- let, H••wgarlh h 'Nicholson. 4i.Ylrrirh'. y and 3 ...wk. 3 and i ben.. 1st cockerel, 1 std 2 pullet. H. P. I.asllbrooke. Ltihurps. Hruwu S. l:. -1.1 cock, hit hen: I. 2 tend 3 riw•kerel, 3nl pullet, Jou. Howryr: ?nil e..•k, 2 and 3 hen. illi cockerel. 1 and t i4.4lI . Lr.1ir Mntt.m.' It. It. No. 3. Mitchu11: ::t -.I 1 -•N -k. F. %indit.mdse. 4.1441•'ric11. ' Ieghurne. fjtr,%^u It. U.• -1st ...wk. Jno. Hol►rir. Legliunl., White S. 4 --I01 cock. 1st hen. 1. 2 and .3 enekercl, 1. 2 aid :1 441)11.1 and tet 1"'11, 300. Nidi-. I:.wlr- rrh. 1errhoros, Hilff-1st ruck. 1.t let,, 1 and 2 ,•,wise•,, 1 and 2 yulb l: lLeslie • Nuttou. Vatdu.ians--1M1 •Fork. 1 and Y lien. `1st 4a'ker•I, 1 .not 2 pallet. Jne.. Now - 1‘..t -lack flt9•k Spanish -1. 2 ant? :1 heti. lid takerel. Jno. !towels. �H urea.. Meek (S. 4:.1-1.t cockerel. I Acid 2 pullet. S heard'wr Woe. Jerk s -Iso hen. Jno. Hoesrie. urpifpitm'i Huff -let rack. Inst hen. 1 slid :t rlrkerel, f and 2 pullet. Leslie MiLtun: Ytie) r..ek, 1. 3 and 1 hen. ltd ca k. rel ant , 3M pnllrt. Trio.. Bowler. rfrodenrl.. \ 4)rpinMtol.. White- 1st rock, 1 and 2 • heti, 1 and :t risk keret, 1 :.rel 2 pillet. I1n11gar114 d1.Ikuito4-.m: 2nd cork. :t and hen, end eakkerel :t and 1 pullet and 1.1 perk M. F:. Lyntruer. , •us$ax. Hell -1st el ` . 1st hen. 1 and rosier•,. 1 and Y pit t, Thee. Rew- ire and - 1,2 w - r k sneers. 1 t ' sell I Flo. hen, H.• n. Lashbronh. liemlirits. Stark -1. 2 a Y ,.nil :I e,.ekerel. 1, '2 and 3 4., 114•1i.ay, .7.ak•rtch. - Ilamhuries Sifter pencilled - t, 3iheo, 1.1 pldlrt. W'm. Carter, 1 horn. Ilamhuras, r:uld,•n pencil!. cockerel, 1.4 millet. Wm. Garter. llamberg.. Siker ep.ligleti-1st cork I. '-' awl 3 hen. 1. Y and 3 .cockerel ai• Ind pulkL W''n. Corder: 2 and 3 rock. 4111 hen. 1. 3 and 4 pullet, Jno, W'rhl.. .otrrii1 - Iland,iiras, 4.n141••n Spangled -1st eiw•k, 1. 2 all' 3 loll. I. 2 and 3 cock - ere?. 1. 2 and :1 pnllrt. Wm Garter. I',t I:141110.--44( noel, arc here. 1.t cockerel and let pullet, Frank Jeffrey : 1. an.) 2 heti. Jno. \l.•hh. 'Mite. 1st hen. 4l. .I. Shaw. Ilreaitiental R*nlam• 1 orbit, Hur--1st ruck and 1.1 I'en. Jolla Webb. I:..•hin, Yuark - 1.1 cork, 2 and 3 hell awl 'Ind pullet, Al. F:. Iq'wburuer: 2111 c..•►, hit bell and 3rd pullet, jig.. Webb; tat cockerel rad tat pullet. WW }p, 11nak. Cochin, 11'IiitP-Jet corkers.' and tel pullet. Wil. Garter. Light Brahma. -1 and 2 co•►. fel ben, 1st cockerel and 1 and Y pullet, N'm. rter: 3r1 cock. MO ilea and 3rd mallet, Jno. Webb. Game Ilardams Black Breasted Iced .1•t r.w'kutel rod 114 pullet. VIlIl. H: IMwk'". • Bourn {lucks -1St drake and 101 du Frank' Jeffrey. Indian 'twiner. fawn and white --let 'Mike and 1st duck, Leslie Sloane': Ind duck. John It,,wrie. (3'ines• 4iersr--1141 , gander 3191 VI moose, G..1. Stints. lNseen• Feilibacks-tet pair. Jno. Webb. Fan Tails -let pair, hullo Hunter, Goderich: Ind pair. Jno. Webb. yn,w Ilonlere--1st pair. 'Colin Hun- ter. Fly int Homers -1st pair, Win. 1Str- ler; 2m1 pair. 4:.11111 Hunter; 3rd pair, Jno. Webb. Jacobins --1St pair. 3110. W4 4b: 2nd pair. S. G. Melia). • Tumbler-. iuuffe.l--1st pair, 1:14111 Hunter: Yid pair, Jnu. Webb. 1:1. un-le•KM,rt T IIs r:- Is' pair. Jtu.. Howrie. ` Trumpeters---Ist and 2nd pair, Galin Hinder. . Rabbit •. Whit* P011s11 --114 pafr, 1)1mem, THE SIGNAL ALL HOME BY AUGUST. Canadian Troops to Be Returned from Overseas. Ottawa, Jan. 5. -It is stated in militia circle's here that the end of August next will see the return to Canada of the last units of the military forces of Canada now oversew in Europe. For the present there w ill be no speeding up to the return of troops beyond .the numbers already arranged fur -20,000 in January, increas- mg to 30,000 in February. but in the spring and summer months the number Morn not to Cana la will rise to 45,000 M. 1:. I.y 114. spotuhiy. UNIUN BANK OF CANADA IS RAPIDLY EXPANDING ITS DEPOSITS. Continued Growth of Assets and • Very Satisfactory Profit Showing Mark the Annual Statement Just Issued. With mcrearwd deposits and a substan- Mary's Thanks. When little Mary fractured one of the noes governing table belies/kir she was re - from the family beard and made to est her dinner at a little table in a corner. Her presence a as tint red by the other members of the family. After a period of silence the family heard her giving thanks. "l thank Thee, Lord, for preparing for me a table in the presence of mine enemies." And that was the last time that Mary ate away from the family table. w tial Increase In current loans in Canada. the Union Bank of Canada. which has The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. of ntic iewed its annual statem' nt Brock%ill. Ont.. will award a prize of 125 $25.00 for a Letter. CAN YOU WRITE Thirteen Prizes Av. arded in a Letter \ Writing Competition. •' Some years ago Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. of Om ..offered O., offered a series of prizes to residents of Ontario for the best letters describing cures wrought by the use of Dr. N illiams' Pink Pills for Pale People. • Hundreds of letters were submfted in this competition. and yet nights. Ort oar prier. aid there mut have been thousands of other trriu4. - Large stack of thanks. (Mire users of the pills who did not avail them- supplies. yln.I,- GuaM. rh. _Jas. F. selves of the opportunity to win a prize. Tlao*asela To all these another letter -writing con- -- - --- petition is offered. Thousands of cures DONT Ul' @Y D A R K N E S 8. through the use o(Dr. Williams' Pink Pit s Have your h tar wired for ,dretrk•- have never been reported. These will ity Rad •104• a to elate. Ort our furnish the material for the letters to be eetimiters. W furnish everything written in this contest. There is no de- but Hie Jnire. .segs 'line of fix - 'nand upon the imagination; every letter tI'1.,•. oil hard. ww it,. it. It wilt must deal with facts and facts only. be done right.- . Tait, THE PRIZES: to E 1 The Signal `BU Y_AT=H0ME' Campaigll Read these articles with care. They may present something you hadn't thought of before. Patronise the people whose ads lire here. They are your neighbors and will treat you right. The money you spend with them stays in cir- �t culation in Goderich and neighborhood. sett • OODBUICS. ONT. IF YOU BUY OUT OF TOWN AND I BUY OUT OF TOWN, WHAT WILL BECOME OF OUt l? The Dollar You Spend in Goderich will ''Come Nome to Boost" 101" WILL ALWAYS FIND IT TO your advantage. when you want 1)rygoreis. to 1'n1ult UM. Our Mtn is to curry a jull 110e of goods that will pry 1 you that you tau always.' bur what yea ,waut right Isere fu Goderfch. No nest to Rut tint of town. as our privets are lower than city prhrs. We curry every- thing to be found In n Hrst-1•Iass 1)rygnods Store. Huy at h . sty so 414/11141 7011 help to make (;,s$Prlch it mood tow et to lire In. -J. H. ('ol- borae. MAKE 01 R STORE %OU"R STORE, Yon will Hud 4,,•re all kinds of I'„rr i11114." and kiedIviue., al.,, fu11 lila•+ of Toilet Articles, ,)rug Sun- dries, and I'hutotrn{dtic 1;19011s. I'ri1e* right. Huy et home .- 4,,ameitelFs Drug Sten. H.A% howl of 1 wiut0 'YOe A 1'ICTROLA IN '01'41 1f nor. you are lining a lot t eitrrtainuielt dews lung dated November 300. is certainly doing its lull share in the support of Canadian commercial and financial a•aivity. This expansion is the most striking feature of thepxesent statement, if we except the very satisfactory growth in profits. and the fact that their pseuds, not being cut into by any appxopna a - tions for deprecia- tionscontingencies as during the las 'cowedfor the best letter 'cowed on or befog, the 20th day of February. 1919. from residents of Ontario,on the,ublect: "Why I Recommend Ili. Williams' Pink Pills-" A prize of 110 sill be awarded for the second best letter receivad: a prize of 15 fox the third best letter, and ten prizes of S2 each (a the next best ten letters - 101" CAN GET KET911 SATISFAC- tion and a lower mit • on printing in total Mau you 1•x11 11ij 1.01111111g 10 his let us ire city. If you doubt have a talk with your., I(csldes, when you have yeadone, print(ug dot • in town. the printer's wukt•s are stent In towu.-The Signal sting ('o.. Limited. THE CONDITIONS. .111.14T STOP AND THINK BF.FO three years, were available not alone for you wend out of town for Harness payment of the usual 9 p. c. dividend of The cure a benefit irAm the • tate of Dr, and then don't do 1(. You wily fie 1450 000 but for the putting of 1200.000 Williams' Pink Pills described in the letter ,our peers mush lower. barge .tint into the rest account and the totting off may- be In the writer's own call*. or one „f Ilobrs. Alai., 't", liege. asdcTrunks. that has come under his ox her personal };v0rythb uuikate, ll 44(e. yo41 alre o(175.0g0 from vo u eaof b 'g g The growth very in volume of bssittha observation- what you are getting. -A, J. Palle while *4884 very satisfactory . was less than More than one cure may be described ridge it ht therw,se hale been owing to in the letter. but every statement must be _ - of mug ° r (iteral) y and absolutely true. Vie (act that the date torch payment just Every letter must he signed by the full WE ARE ALWAYS THF. FIIC'T TO Victory tart balance -sheet ns occurred Just dGpdul the latest creations In before 1414. balance -sheet was struck, and name and correct address Of the person !Attlee" ' Hat41 1191 Millinery. We the w'.thrlrawais for this purpose cut into sending it. If it describes the cure of keep vii Hats nt turllil altp the some {etsat other than the writer of the latest fashions. Large Abair of triIutned Lints alai %hopes. Roy at hung•. It pays. -Miss M. IIs Mae - Vicar. the savings deposits considerably In letter, it must also be signed by the per - led this class hofive's wasdollyactually. soil whose cure is described as a guarantee ees by mare plan fathe Ens was than it was in 1917, but the toes wan of the truth of the statement made. much more than pmpensated by the The writer of each letter must state the growth of to nofinterest-bearing de- name and date of the paper in which he posits. witch rose nearly 14 1-2 millions. or she saw this announcement. Total public tiabilities (excluding ac- Fine writing will not win the prize um mod case to describe. ibe. _ less on have cepxanrrs, dividends due and un>peci a g The you of the recommendation and not the style of the letter will be the basis of the award. it is understand that the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. shall have the right to pub- lish any letter enteted in this contest if they desire to do so, whether It wins a prize or not. The coldest will close on February 20th. 1919, and the prizes will be awarded as soon as passible thereafter. Do not delay. if you know of a cure write your letter NOW. Observe the above conditions carefully or your letter may be thrown out. Address all letters as follows: The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 3 Igen. 1. fled liabilities) were 1141,553,127 against u11r1, a 14:12.162.445 a year ago. Against these public liabilities the. and Bank still held 572.368.327 of liquid as- s- sets, in spite of a reduction in this class of assets amounting to nearly five millions during the year. This liquid reserve is at the rate of over 51 per cent_ of pubhc liabilities. and cotleists largely' ot Govern- ment securities (Canadian 512.527.93S. British ani other 115.720.338. Dominion rote* 515.113.307, deposit in Central Gold Reserve 17.800,000, Canadian call loans 16.506,729 and foreign call loans $3.3/49,- 150. Tetat asset!; were 515:3.1x1,451. against 5143,411.927 in 1917 and 1109. 2244 in 191ti. It is this volume of busi s. the tact that a considerable pro ion of It is now in the form of active assets which accounts for the high profit earning capacity of the Bank. The policy of ag- gressiveness. enterprise. originality and expansionewhich has marked the conduct of the l'nion Hank of Canada for several yams past is now bearing very satisfac- tory fruit in the shape of growth and profits. and promises to do 90 even more extensively in the future ' GRAIN ELEVATOR FOR ONTARIO. remark, " We often have accidents. Toronto Wants Dominion Government to but I've ramped se ter" He MU* thought PIE would be nett. Yet he Locate It la That City. was ! His talnry was only a alight one and he neglected it. it began to tester. Then blood-potsoningset to and developed so quickly that he had to have lits arm amputated. How about you ? you may be next ! You can sategnard yourself aeatost the result of accidents, as inlay other people have esne, hf keeping 7.arn-But always handy. Mies S. A.. Wernicke of Hilton, R.('.. accidentally ran a needle so tar Into her anger that It pierced the (sone. She writes. " My hand became so stiff and swop en that i could rot use it. I nate ally tried every remedy I knew of, I tit 1t only sot worse. Blood-polaon ng devel- oped and extended rig! up my arm. Tlu pain was Intense, and 1 eertatol thol.e'ht I would lose my arm. which was in • terribly In- flamed and swollen states and liter- ally nterally covered wlth lamps. A friend advised see to tie Zam Bull, which i tit', and It was not ions before the pain grew lees. With persever- ance t!te tetammatlea vas all draws met, the swelling end lamps 4lsappeared, awl eay arm wsa sees suite well again" ram -Fink Is also beet ter eczema sad *11 skis troubles, ulcers. res - ■fag sores and pills All stores, toe. A ,factory worker was heard to Toronto, .Ian. W. -Efforts are to be maie to have the Dominion Government erect a large leiminal grain elevator, with a minimum capa.ity of one million bush- els. in (Stam. A deputstein is to go to Ottawa next Tuesday morning and put forward the claims of this Province. 1t will include representatives if the grain section of the Board of Trade. the United Farmers of l.ntario. and the Toronto Harbor Commission. and will be headed by the Provincial Minister of Agriculture. lion. George S. Henry. At the present time the Domin- ion Government is operating similar elevators in other Provinces. It is con- tended bt Ontario grain men that there is urgent need of such a building In this part of the Dominion. They point out that of any large amount of grain ,* pur- chased in the Province there a no place where it can be shipped and clearers. While all the delegates will urge the necessity of such an elevator being pro- vided eoewhere in the Province. the Toronto representatives will point out to Hon. A. K. MacLean, acting Minister of Trade and Commerce. and Hon. T. A. Crerar, Minister of Agricultu.e, who will receive the deputatictri. the advantages of locating the elevatox in this city. The Harbor ('ommtission representatives will emphasize the suitahtlity of Toronto for the purpose. and suggret a site situated on their property. It is felt that to be of greatest atrvlce an elevator should be accessible not alone by all the ra)trasds in the Province. Mut also by lake vessels. Every ordinarily unused nook and corner ot the firm should d brought to growing feed for stock next string. Letter Contest Department. Ample. Heck -Does your wife understand any language except English ' Peck -No; she can do all the talking that's neceioary in that. WHEN IOU BUY DRUGS PURITY slnudd Le the first eon*lderatiou. 11'.• handle a full line of hove l/rugs. Mw1i011es. Toilet 2rtkhM,' and everything that is mold in a first- class Drug Stare. (load slender. Buy a1 home. --E. IC N7gee% Sign in front of country church: "Do not hitch here." Nothing for couples desiring to get married to do but go else- where. YOU SHOULD BE AS LOYAL TO YOUR COMMUNITY AS TO YOURSELF. The Ootlerieh concern: listed below. conscious of the fact that tho.uw►uds of dollars are being sent out of this territory for merchandise that can be bought at house. 121414 launched a campaign in the hope that it will create u stronger feeling of community interest -a sentiment Most vital for the prosperity of the entire community. In bold 'type, you therefore read the slogan that they -propose to p14opttlarize-"BUY IN TOUR HOME TOWN." It is the purpose of the progressive concerts+ ,whose names appear on this page to present arguments of such convincing nature that the people of this community will respond thereto with the result that they will make a solemn pledge to first endeavor to get what they need from home merchants before sending, their money out of town. The time for consideration of this question could not be more opportune than the present. "Preparedness," the h atchword of .Canada. should begin at home and can be exemplified in no more far reselling manner than by real co-operation lir this vitally important "BUY AT HOME" movement:' It is a thought that should be taken to heart and given consideration by every person who earns 'their living in, or owes their success to this community. This campaign is launched in the firm belief that th1- people of this community will follow the dictates of their good sense, and^bring she "BUY AT BOMB CAMPAIGN" to an actuality that will be of vast benefit to the rlttirc' territory. This movement ix no selfish propaganda of this paper and of these progr4siv'e conceals who have combined in co- operative community appeal. They urge that yollread the ieilme'sage they will give you each trekit tbrottgh the sol - is of The Signal. They invite you ti) give careful con - side tion to the facts which 1111 bf present . 7o tsty. this In tier over with your friebds anti luleighb rs. Resttifs are sure O follow I- '' • • The h n resolve to "BUY AT BONI" will not Only help the ret •I merchants, but the manufacturer and jobber. the farmer a 'acent to our town, and it will also help in Iy • or indirectly, ' ct Il 'herd Ire ' will eft every line of bu oness. It benefit every indi 'dual of this section. WC WILI. FINI) 501 ('AN ALN'AUS save money I. doing your trading he Groceries. 1)ryg,wwla and general ' )ler'haudlse with us. Our priers tire au 01+r1 lesson In buying at ls*, home ri,•ry time. J. J. 11eEwPkt - ft • LADIES OF GOI)ERICH ANI) ,'ICI• L: XIII'.- If you are interested la rlaluty art 109939 you w•111 41191 d)1Ir more Iw•nd.plarters In (*I,'rich. s' Our Iles of •rt goods are eareftdll w'Ic•twL N'.• do hrttwtiicblug attd car null palrrknlar people. -Smith's ..C1'41Art Saw*. MAIL OR- DER HOUSER DO N41T parrlcnlurly hart our bushes-. Lot 44r are I11 1419' wlth a111- 111.,1.• 111:11 110110. ...,r (ON 11 nod aur merchants - For tine ('"ufevtinnery told Lee Cream you will tlnd the pure thing at our story. -c. BlatkahlSr. 101' WILL FIND BY 111.11S • your Floor soil Fled it u- '•'4t u III 4.• *yell pleu...1 ltll 0111' 4)41` .at doing Juane... 47,..1 stock at rizlit bele•. 1tl• Iwo lei a in 1, 1.11'1_ ..1 holo•. 11 will 111.11.'ns all. I Wean 2 lye, (' O N141' L T 10111 ('.1T.1LOGI. F:. tiles ir,ustllt us Nisi lade tilt. .11%'c1i4 is IInrnrs. 91 INA Hor..• 1;...1..: Trunks. (tags. 111.rw• Illiulket s. ur anything fur the stable. W.. 1. ill not la. ut.lers.dd I.y any mail order h.otar.-H. .f. Fisher. OF COURSE IOU %%A -NT F.4KHION- able Hate 141441 Mlllltlery. %fell. wr are right up to date In NII tl.• Ipirs[ designs 14191 OW 'WS. ui.l if we haven't what y191 want in .t.. k we will make H up 'for you. '1'0 nw . NINA buy tuf hutfn•. 2111*. ll. E.. Cameron. WE ARE B1'ILDING I P .► 21I E. htwlte•s lu Hoots nod 4140.•. 1.y giving you 11 .4(111 r• 410111 L'iz liar of I11.110"' Show-. All 1b.• !:III+i product. of Ili.. hest factories In 4'alwd14. Buy at 1 . Gee. Mae- . 5-'klar. BEWARE OF ('.1T,1LOGl E FI•RNI- tan•: it all Looks alike In pictures.. Ityttor feade.ritMenge. -;flY emery a:l fo14 Ilise 1Y y riifl.re for " .'cery room in the luxtu', at pri.rs that viii heat any mail onset hru+•.- W. Walker. JUST EXAMiI,''E OUR LINE 02" .4'Iothltlg 111441 get our prllr's fleet. 11141 line of file (clothing for nen awl Myers. Also nifty line of helve • etc. 4)1r Furnishings. flirt.. raps. VIII* Mnc1• Ila.otey by tending h.•r•.- 0. G. Newton. MAKE OUR GARAGE YOUR GAR- agr. If yn11r auto is wick we 11111 doctor it quick. Null line of nees- wirlto and tines on hand. 111 coarse yea, 1:ilow we !inutile the Ford. the rote*r.:d car. 1:44 to your order for Spaying. -P. J. MarEwan. A WORD ABOUT BUSING 011:0- lrrteil 41114 of town. .hist get our priers drat alai your moo0y w111 stay here to kelp hnlld up our own town. Think flits over rind buy at 114)111e ('v4r)- time. -J. H. Pips. Massey -Harris Shop -FOR -- BINDERS. MO'.k ERS AND LTIVATORS. DBLCO-t4OHT PLANTS. BUCKEYE 'CURATORS. GRAY AND McLAUGHLIN CARRIAGF,S. OAS ENGINES. WIRE FENCE. OLD HOMESTEAD FERTILIZER. Robert Wilson Hamilton St. Goderich WE HANDLE A mu. LiNE OF all kinli& of Hooke. Stationary. 4)Aide :'applies. 41•h1o1 Hacks are n specialty with us. ,,Pave your order n'Itb us for your favorite magazine. We are at your service. Buy at h04a4.--Gee. Porter. GET IN TOIY'H WITH ('8. WE (-eery a fig pine of household articles Hint 44-111 woe yon many u dollar. All kinds of small ware. Fancy 1:414)1141, 2n11'I(1es. ('111 a1141 Ret alrpaafutwl.-- Parsons' Fair. Ol"R LONG ANi) CONTINUOUS h11slr44.41. In Goderich shonW be 11111• ciuring lestimony that Ton can rely 011 every dollar's worth of flryg4wdw we sell. That Is the way We have Omit tip onr Targe trod". See us Hent amt keep yoI'r motley al 1,0m0. -1). Millar 2 Sock JUST PICK OUT ANT ARTICLE IN your 1wtalogiu'. then Iwe 4141. We will not only d4.)m)Pte in prick's, but will save you nlnley 111 hardware, Stuyes, Tools. Boat Supplies, etc. Try UK amt ...e. -Chas. C. Lee. I)ON"T BE A RAINBOW CHASER. 5Ylwn it i. (7r,4rrlPe you are Lnylug we want you to know we can 1.111 any shall order horn*. Any at home and make this a live town. It w111 help Ito all.-Ikan Bras. WAR CLOUDS ARE PARTED. Now let 1114 1111 boost for a bigger and letter Gnerlch. We can 1L, It lir all of its buying onr supplies at limine. It will help won41'rtully. 44e IDM for Hardware. Stoves alai I'tnmhing•--Fred Haat. ALL WE ASK iS A COMPARISON of one the of Furniture with (ften. Get our priers,. then drug your con- clusions. Itlg stock to ebonies from. (hlr 1'ndertnkIng 1t041.rtulent IM complete. IW at home. --Brepbey Bas. MAKE UP THAT ORDER OF G41ti• .cries, bring it 0, us and we w-111 do letter for you than au)' outof-tow-o 11011.0. Try our Teas ar91 Coffer. Viol will like our way of doing Poet- n.'ss.-J111hn Spahr. WHAT IS MORE PIEASING THAN 14, hate ;your photo to send to your f ember ('time he and sit for your p o. If we make it we kunw your frlet a ,will .rime tw1 amt get t1e1r1 taken. We du onr le+t t0 plosive you.- R. Satllow% 1'01' WILli ALWA144 FIND GOOD values In Hants HMI sb,ptw in onr store. NO 110041 (0 send nut of town. If we haven't (th latest et 714. they are not in ('ensile. 14.. your trad- ing at home. -Wm. Sharman. STOl. LOOK. LISTEN( BEFORE you hyy,y a Stave or ally Mud of Hanlw-R1.1•. Yon will M.I 1)111 ;whim wleide lot lower than ',out-of-town prIevir Give w a chance- end and be eoi rIw1r1.--l'..1. Hamer. ARE 50(' NOT PROUD OF Square, 7011 1'hleen of Gods" 1)f tours* you are. IVell,-dhl ever atop to think what the ►aqua wut88d look Tike If everybody did h4 for her) buying out of town and the .toren were all (domed 'I 13uy ■t home and help keep tip tie appear - awe of the Mau. -Thr faaL HERE i8 OUR TROI'BLF WHEN we Imre to repair shoddy lentlwr s11nt•s with paper wiles. When 1111411.11 r'nm4 from m1r ►1901 dealers we do not 1u1re thls 4ro,ble. Nye do 1111 kir111w o1 shoe repalrfng and we. do 1t right. --Samuel Smith. THE 1110I.LAIC IOU 4PENI) A1' home Stays here a1141 ton are to get 18 hock text lWy. If roil "I'114 H nit 1.2 town 11 IM gone foreler. /1st our prkl's ..n (/nweries a1441 ware moue, lir buying Myr'.-J. 11. Leat*,. HOW MUCH WOULD 5OU TARiE for that photo of 11lo1her. tir fattier, }�• or 1I1U11 r 344,111 pat off getting your Nadal/rnph taken. 1t i+ la duty as 141.11 ns 11 plwaon'. Nye 11.. 9p -to -date work. --J. T. Fels THE QUESTION OF WINING AT home mil be volved by gettIi.g our prices" fleet. We .'tin rom4iet.' with anyone anywhere. Make. nM breve iL WP handle n .,full line of Fancy - nest Gelwrel l;r.wrrk'M.-Rabertsas 2 Male. , 1RT 61/008 ARE IN A CLASS BT thetoselref.. We curry a full line le Art and Filmy Goods, N,,'Plthw. etc. All dnlit)' sal will please aurora. who L Illtl'te,ted hi Mich- ela... septets. Try us std he pleased. -M. N4ile A WORD TO HOU"SI(WiVES. JUST , ,.imply Insl.f un liming your bread orders 14.1184' from I • halu•rles. Every loaf of 41111 Of tuvn bread you t Snot harte aur lo)1'u that watch. our hoilc-11111.11 pr.11lM.-- i. Sniffle CONDITIONS IN OLD COUNTRY. Upheaval Coming. Says Nippon Soldier - Standard of Living Is Low. Kippen. Ian. tr. --An interesting and informative insight into conditions in England is furnisher) in a letter from Quartermaster Bert Faskin, of the Cana- dian Forestry Corp.. in England. in a letter to his parents here. Quarter master Peskin is a graduate of Tomnto University. Part of the letter follow "Capt. Fmgland. s Knox College man who roomed there in 1915, was up to camp about the Khaki University work, and explaining the Canadian Govern- ment's band neopleiti(W. Many of the boys who never con*idered fanning be- fore are going to try their luck at it. We had a long talk atter his meeting was over upon the Changing of the hays views on account of their experience over here. It dtnitld make a tremendous dif- ference if-fere ce when they get back home. Besides the abnormal life in the army, the every, da life. the sights. the customs. and tet 0f cnnvenatinti are entirely dif- ferent fern tlinr we were aocumomed to in Canadafrom the teacher'. point of t,ew, history will be a more real and a more vital subject than it ever was before. as well as hose personal. • 'Then in peihcs, 1 think Most thoughtful Canadians hang their head. in silent shame. We haven't a Bob Ragars in Lloyd George's Cabinet. i had been to the gallery of the Ontario and Domi- nican houses and also to Westminster. end the general tones of the latter, even when the Irish members were on the floor. were on a much higher level than that at home. Ott the other hand. Canada is leagues ahead of this country with regard to the standard of living 04 the working people. I have peen here in Mansfield a mother give her baby girl of three years a QIg(Ple of pennies to go to a fish and chip Mop for her supper, while she her/elf went to the nearest 'pub' for a couple of 'jars' ora pint. Mansfield with a population of say .35,000 has a hundred 'beta.' or salon, besides the hotels, and every night there are more women than men in them. Every night in November one could see a row of baby carriages lured up outside the 'pubs.' while the mothers were guzzling inside in the warm foul air. ( *scold say that leas than thirty per cent. of the people are churchgoer}. Loyd Geary hes hit on the main causes First. bad hotline. in going anywhere through the industrial parts of 'England, one posses miles of houses exactly alike, all built care up to the street. 90 the children hive no place to play except on the streets. The monotony of these streets is enough to kill the soul of the best *pint. "Second, !duration. To gain an en- trance to a grammar school means either of two things. Either one must be com- paratively wealthy. or the child must be the first in his Claes. High or dammar schools aren't free. so the poor in Eng- land haven't an equal chance with the rich. "Third, the land question. As long as the feudal s .tem of land inure exists, English farm labxers never will be any- thing else than what they are tnday, dull. hack -bent clodhoppers. 'Unless one really experiences it by a visit to this land, one cannot form a real conception of what is involved in the distinct clans differences. The upper classe& i e , the rest lawlownere and pacers, the middle dames and the laboring classes are as distinct as white, red and black "It is only to he hoped when the up brava) in this triunity comes, and it is hound to conte. it .81 not he of a salt- guinary natilre.' But the John McLan, Ramsay McDonald and Pnilip Snowden group are a danger to the future well- being of the country. When we get back. England won't be a faraway land. to us. in which We have only a puling interest. it will be Iikra second home, where we *hall watch th4 housecleaning with intercs• ." Raise two crops of pigs a year. it M the common practice in the Kestern and Central States arid might well be a more common prat' ice in Canada. The hog is the cheapest pr. duces of animal fats. Ikm't send It to market ! thin condition; it doesn't pap. There is an estimated decrease of 28.- 000.000 head of cattle in the principal countries of Europe. Years must elapse before European beef and dairy prxhic- t.icu is back nomal. Canada hasto learrned the lemon that mixed farming is permanent farming and that without plenty of live stock a fans gets poor., every year. Shipments n( Tref to Europe and i' the conditions over there now pertaining are Ikftted y by refrigerator d4Sce on tM• I• 'Aonls more tonne bees nes ivfg- ibfe more heel win be.hipped. 4 d ..-