The Signal, 1919-1-16, Page 5Age
We Want to Take Care of Yolllr SIlrije Battery
maks wipter, and we know how to do jj t;;ht 1t will only cost
you $2. Bring it in any time
East Sitreet Garage •'Owned and GpcTMed by a
PR »Jinn"
GODERICII - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover
How many of your frit. 'ids
have gives you photographs s 'f
themselves and received none oq
ton in return ?
Why not discharge these oh-
jigat loos
Portrait.% are our specialty,
the kind that breathe your own
County Council.
The county council is called to meet Al
Tuesday. January ;filth, for the first
session of 1919.
TSB .111t1NAL
,alms ante. The following Wilmot
were eIN the : President, rapt. pt. Alex,
Lawson; ♦Ilei'-pr•wklrlil• Thor. M.
Irrt'is; rerl'etary-trearm r.r, W. '1'.
Millin•: directors. 1.. e:. 1'rrwnis, A .1.
1 •.14ep.r, R. J. Meguw ft 1111 1:. org•• Mae-
' Ica r,
Hockey Season Opens.
On Tuesday evening next the hockey
season here opens with a game between
Seaforth d on
Thursdaynd eevenodeny onech, to withl Clinton.
The ice in the local rink has been in pretty
(air shape for some time and the local
team has had considerable practice and the
game next Tuesday should be very inter -
1' eating Next to abirty on the ice what
our boys are must in need of is encourage
meet, and the only way to supply
need it by attending the gate. In inst.
years Ooderich has had a distinct pee
on the hockey map of the Province, and
so it may but of thesnt lens the boys
terest on thehe part
cannot be expected to supply all the en-
thusiasm neetes!y. 1)o not forget the
G. C. I. Literary Society. dam and ern* rt renvememt to be
The Literary Society of the G. C. 1. mit present.
n Monday and elected the tollowingotlu-
( : Presgient, G. M. Pinder: 1st vice- Hospital Board Elects Officers.
• lent, A. B. MacEwan; 2nd vice- The hospital board met in the court
ix •n1, E- Pridham; secretary, O- Allen: house library on Tuesday afternoon.
t ME. Wallace. pianist. Leonard' Present, I. Kidd, Judge Dickson, Rey.,
Macklin; editors, 11. Howard, D. Dancey !JE. Ford, C. A. Nairn. Sheriff Rfynolds,
and Jack 'artlltall; councillors -I. A. acid 1 H Macdonald. Mrs. Carrie. Mrs. Cam-
s Bedford; Form I1. and H II 4c-
1. B, Johim. 1. Lee: Form 1I1. A and
Commercial, Is'ker: Form IV., Ernest
B. Layton Wb 'nes. Claire Hays and
Lee; were secrets
cion and Rev. Canon (,
L. l
counts were read and ordered to be paid.
The treasurer then submitted several ac-
counts. amounting to t490, which he ex.,
cued to pay as soon as the grant from
OOD)r. tlli'1 Qom.
*Die uatun services of the North sires'
ArmVictoria street Methodist congrega-
ttbrr. whits are increasing in interest and
h Sundays n�, as follows: in Victoria Ten
o'clo. k, fellowship meeting; 11 o'clock.
morning service, sermon by Rev. J. H.
Osterhout; 3 p. m., Bible classes will meet
in the auditoriums; 7 o'clock, evening wor-
ship. sermon by Rev. Dr. Rutledge. A
union literary meeting will be held
by the Epworth Leagues on Tuesday
Herself. Her S I evening and the 0111011 prayer -meeting on
T by 1 Wednesday evening.
tzenil► Should Coo-` _-.
Wtdme Dyer•
council, was received.
wrtk Traiplr .4 selrlation e county council,
unc•t ing d' r he I election of officers then took plan. result -
The amoral genera. atm was twirl ling as follows: President. Jo`ePh Kidd;
011a iiiit Monday evening wgsl14at for t11.• our- vice-president. Judge Dickson: sec#etary.
purl r.'I14.rt 1 Rev. Canon G. C. Hill; treasurer, C. A.
P"'"" 01 reeiv1"4 1114• Lir, 'or the en- )Nairn; house committee, Rev. J. E. Ford.
and 1111• of oai.1•r1 . Mrs. Carrie. Mrs. Cameron. groppetfty
(committee D Macdonald, Sheriti Re1yn-
Iflnrlr flrl/1rr/lroltix+mr»X illi
od erich Board of Tr_a
d e
By planning far the year's expenditure at the beginning of
the year.
ilBy getting a full and equitable as.seasmeut.
By collecting the year's taxes in TWO instalments.
By charging proper rates for all public utility services.
By doing no unnecessary work, and having efficient manage-
ment of all work that is done.
By increased prodnctiou and commerce.
NOW is the time to make YOUR suggestion
W. M. BOWDEN.ladosttial!lecretal).
New Menbers Wm. Proudfoot.K.C.
H. C. Filsinger, Elly.
�1i1. P,,P.
olds. Rev. A. L. G. Clarke, E. R. Wigle:
! finance committee. Judge Dickson. C. A.
R Canon Hill
I Nairn Rev.
• •
Benefit for Memorial Fund.
The l,eie'fil for tin. rlrlellerr nmtu-
1 (mitt 01 the Madel Theatre prat
err'► •e•s11lIy 141141 Ttsmrslrly
of 1Wwl• e•urouuh•re4I taw ruughett
we.'k of 1111' wsts.1. 1111 fu .ons`
wi"iiii'r •11• rlll•114111141• was 11.11 large
s11pa•114e 1. '0111. Tlw pletnr•, "liar -
un either k was au ,'xlelit•ut 4)111•,
awry- Aileen." 1 .stets evenhlg tlwr•
soil lit s,kllt10. nlraw. *4ti Weilla•s-
j ors a ,pw•Ia1 P1, T. M. Mae•gr•gor
11ay' night air. H. 1ig1,' lof Rrrs•k-
111141 lire. R. W1 I'k. Willi sede/e 111141
rine' kindly favored rrswitrlh the
Wer• eutbnsluwtlenity • .e Sestg.•r,
ThnrsAry night Mist (Irk ...,,11)1,41,
vlu1h11,4, stet Mr. F. 'r. ER,•rw of Mr.
gait,' •k•11gliIfitI nunttwes. n1• , ar-
Eg,'1wr-s being lila ow 11 moltsel, • ors
rang•'uleut of tie,' verses •' I u Flair, ,
i FIe111s.' Thede. tie• first time it I.
1141-11 sung. Wu' revel %ell 111111 hearty
14ppris•Irltsm. The 1'•111.11,11 1)11.1K-4-
1 ins rliip plays•' Thursday night sort
01111411 111'11 to the• 111ea1n re of the
��tepher, 111. -"For four years 1
aaffered from irregui ties, yeakneaa�
ie 6Dlhesa, bad
waa in a run dawn
condition. Two et
our beat doctors
failed to do me any
good- 1 beard so
much about what
LyydisE. Pinkham'n
pound had don. for.
others, 1 tried it
and was cured. 1
am no longer ner-
vous, am regular,
pd in excellent
beslth. I believe t T.,crud nd will
cure any female trouble." -Mrs. ALICI
HE LER, Christopher, 111.
Nervousness is often a symptom of
weakness or some functional derange-
ment, which maybe overcome by the
famous root and herb remedy, Ly
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, aa
thousands' of women base !found by
If complications exist. write Lydia E.
Plnkham Medicine Co., Lynn. Masa., foe
••../1111■■11/1•••■■../111111.1■1•II :
' ilytiro office and Store• TheIR
■ •
■ North Side of Square
Li Is Now Open for Business •
'� Water Rates are hereafter payable quarterly iii ad- 1
A vance on the first days of January, April, July and X -
X October of each year.
. ,XA discount of 1:1 per cent. will be allowed off rates . i
.l♦ when 'paid on or before the first of each quarter. ■
.; per cent. will be added to all water rates that areIll
' :i() days in arrears from the end of each quarter. r
311 Irons, Toasters, (:rills, Vacuum Cleaners. Heaters, Etc. a
.1 Uw "Hydra" Lsops See Our Electric Washing Machine 1
Ir W...& L. Commission NI
' IN
J. B. KELLY, Collector I. L. KNO`C, Secretary
!11•■ ■11[.A■/i1■R■•■N■■■••■■Ili
The cheapest food on the
Fresh Lake Trout 20c a ib.
Fresh and Pickled Herring
suggestions in regard to your a'ne'nt about nine mouths and hart 1) !wen
The result of ita Fong experience Y visiting at Ow parental ho here for
_ vera, service. a 'few weeks, returned to To into this
_ _ week to hake u 110.41 11111 a1 hie trade, r
as a primer. I
A Real Snowplow. Mrs. It. S. Il:rlott, who hard been 71
ac MondayryClast the the first
rst i Rued vt,dtt1 her pi rent s. Mr. 111141 rt.
Machinery Co. ix ofiattwo•of y ltuliert c'lark, mrm•ued thio W,wk 10 POST CA
are budding
consignment of six rotary Canadian Fairsnowplowthey hw• huuw 111 }:es•x. $he ors Mr" - I
are bundling for the Fairbanks- I hwulwl by lier sister, !list 4Hive t'lark
Morse Co., of Montreal. This plow i ani who will visit' with her fw' two or '
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Massey, of
Stoney Creek. art, visiting at the
of Mr. and Mee. Jus. A. Camp-
Mies Redd McNevin et limed to
Toronto Chir Werk after a t isit with
Icer parents, lir. slid ?Jr'. W. J. Mei
Mr. 0. W. Rhynas. of Brantford, a
former Goderich boy. has been elected an
elder of Alexandria Presbyterian church,
M s. Chas. Simons, St. David's street,
left on Wednesday to spend the remain-
ing winter months with Mr. and Mrs
0. W. Rhynas at Branttord.
Mr. Ernest ('lark, win) haw a poal-
lion with the 4'. P. R. tit Mae Tier,
flat.. 1isitel at `11.' parental home in
Man for few 11}1714 the par' Werk.
111r. tie ott Maio/ell, of the. Model
11•eat.t1+, who has Wien wrestling with
a dose of tit.- "ftp'�.,at his 111)111 et
�Viugl ie reported to have
"bested" his `advet-.nt'y +u1d ie ex-
ported lack to town oti\liaturday-
SIr. Harry 1liffortl, who sue width
111e 111,3141 Air Fore,. at 'forum,) for
Thursday, January 14I, 1010. M
APITAL a AL5EiIf'E-$ $400.000
TOTAL ASSET 0300004000
Mama' conlileace ds ewenthet wee, tweo rlxrpan e
if the beat r-•.ilts one lb, iA
business relation*.
Many. businesses have been Insisted to success
because the firms or individuals to k the book
into their fullest coufiJeuce and p,.bte,l by the
advice o:,taiaed.
Is, your business transaction• yoo would be: well
advised to consult our local unmake,. He will be
gLd to help you with bwcouu..el :re-/
11 A" 01 IL'. V.INN1PLG MAN.
F. WOOLLCOMBE. s 1Namager.
Mov.vl lye 2Mt4'auu and Flbe tithatt
hylew No.of non he passed,
the 'talents of officers, and that alt
bytaws io r.•frrew•e thereto be hereby
1-'11111111111: a1.1 that the salary of Itecve
rill •ollm•il10E1 te' $50.1111 per year
each: aww•ss11r, $70; collector, $70;
clerk, $1_5. Carrie'. Stove) by
4 'urrey mud Flakier tbat tine 4'0111101
lwtttiuu the' .'runty council of Huron
cuIlaly at its volatile meeting to seek
ll14• .o -operation of the I'reivinoial (tov-
ertuu.•ut In the trotter of a laud Nettk•-
meul plan for the benefit of t11e re-
turned soldiers fru* ttsr •'ouuty of
IIuroc We would suggest that *otot•-
thlilg similar to the 111,14 suggeste1l by
Rri,..• .•ouaty uag11t he considered.
Loved by gap.k r and je'o ter tI i,t Use
ek'rk ratify till t*altier c010141e4 IA
the Jewell di1c1r' that If they wait the
ditch put tbroogts-they wally the , leek
to [hut effe.•t at owe and that the .
clerk notify 144W11.1 Hardier that they
wish ilea to clear up the jaw pile that
1e (111 111.4 f'el'l. 1114 4,0011 JIM W.:, 4510.
Ctw following tic, oro114 *tree ordered
piaid : 'rhe ltig11111. $ 5), it. Olen, fen
etmg in :41r1'hee'e Ieud, $1.;t0: M.
Mlteb.•II, ,uh•ert at K. e:o.>tl'r, $;t;
Jobe l.ery, tilling at e'. AIe1'Mee's,
$112.5; Roe!1 Taylor, glutellilig .tie•
residon 10, $1') A4. 4'o.i1.II 11Qlourtied
to February 11th at 1 put, un rte.lie'iha
ofe'nrney uadItaalell•1WAIN, t'l.'lk.
innovation of its kind and is without
doubt the most improved machine for the
removal of snow and the opening of roads
in the winter months. Through the court-
esy of Mr. Wright a Signal representative
had an opportunity of inspecting this
machine both finished and in the course of
construction. It is a very ponderous
affair. about eighteen feet in length, and
solid steel in construction throughout. It
is set upon sleighs. the machinery working
between the bobs. The pl,lw is set im-
mediately behind the treat sleigh and
raises the row and feeds it back
'line week+.
The 81g114l1 can sate you money on
your daily lap•r. See the clubbing
list mi page 7 of this issue.
` l'tll-It(ntNE TU1\'NI�HII'.
The dale' eonM'il of Colborne
township wet in the toWllehip hall on
Monday. Memhs:re all ppresent, and
after ia*fllli flex tlettI Aftnit ra p;aif
to the rotatory cutters which lain' 11liniug the property 41ualifil•si,.1
operate on both sides. These cutlet~ 1turn► their melts at the .land' table.
%Hoots* b: 111!.1 meeting r1:acl *M1
adopted, on n.otku of, 44nyiter and
(7urrey. Siebel »ly Fisher and t'trrrey
that bylaw No, 1 ur•1910 h.' llnawul 114),
appointing the follows rg odk•ere:
Auditors, A. P. Shepperd lial .John A.
Yonlg: hoard of health, Dr. Weir,
Reeve Young. Albeit WJlwon and R.
Mellwatn: sanitary 111speetors, W.
atratlghatI. It. Clew .1. i►• Famish and
urb of Montreal, and it meant the sawing , r;Portre Fowler ;eh•1 p1 cafnurort..lohu
of Ulmer,- The ma hire e* 'he product I Levy, A. M. Strauglian. Jae. McManus,
Of the mind of W. L.. tadig. • f St. Fran -1-1. :Sterling: fewer vl.•wrr1. K. Shaw.
cit' Main.' who was in town last week in -
which revolve at a_ high rate of
'hrowo the snow upwards into steel
'n which the force sends it forty FiTty fret to the sides of the road. The
tsouer * generated from a tifty-horsepower
_one soy 'ch gets in the centre top. and
with two tea't's hitched to the front the
pk,w has no ts.ouble whatever in nego-
tiating seven -foot drift:'. Last winter this
:plow sods used in o1<renlounf. a sub -
sheeting the two machines before they
were shipped. The production of ibis
improved machine for taking care of the
roads in winter comes at $ very oppor.
tune time when municipalities and also
the Provincial Government are finding
that it is absolutely essential that more
attention be paid to highways.
Loc. mt. TorICS IN BRIEF.
Miss Ethel Farrow is supplying for Miss
Burrnt at tie Central school this week.
the latter being indisposed.
3f 11. .t. Forrester. a well-known
cunt,* *4111. droplw••1 .h -td in a nom
in that own hast Friday availing while
comers' with a friend. 11e .wale
seventy y re of age.
Mr. F. t - Wright and Mr. JIM.
who lived iniuries in the
exllusiou nt lire 1h.tlli 11. •in ttoud
' Maehiewry Co.. a record.'' last week,
have almost reeove. 11 from the effects
of the rec•idruf.
Hugh Woods, who claimed Clinton as
his home. was gathered in by Chief
Pcselethwaite on Monday last. in the
police court he was charged with vag-
rancy and P. M. Reid gave hyo two
months. �, ,r`�
Mr. C A. Red. pol:cemagistrate ofGodie
rich, now has his Mize in the court house.
The room in the southeast corner of tete
second floor has been splendidly fitted up
and Mr. Reid will be found there in the`
future. Minor cases will be tried m his
office. but for more important ones the
council chamber or county court room
will be used.
The oratorio -Holy Pity," by eiaul.
Iso to he prodneeed in Kwux church on
Monday tinder the din etlon of
\L•. t'. 1'. Fgelle•r. It is evpl•te11 to
have a chorus of seventy -Ave volas.
aril any singer in town who wish to
take part are 1414.11 to see Mr. Egetter
at as early a date rs p..lslh►r, us the
praeti••es 111'ly continent* 1.'st week.
Robertson & Mair
Phone 164 Cee. Hamilton Sr. and Square
Canada Food Board Latent No. 8-1141
JANUARY 22nd and 23rd
Mary PickfordIN
"Stella Maris"
Ar., W. Hallows. .lir?.. Watwee, J. J.
1tolsertwlu. John long, It. Moore and
Jahn Jetlktsl.: pals'-ke per11,
Metier. 11. Berle. J. Lome, A. McNeil
and Akleu.Allen: 11e14104r, 4' I'. Mc-
Neil ; ndl.Mor, A. J. t;ofdlhotpP:
of Dodd's Kidney Pills are
legion. The Ilex iso-initattd,
the outside coating and shape of the
pills are imitated and the mime- Doeld's
Kidney Pills is imitated imitations are
dangerous. • The original is safe. Dodoes
Kidney Poi. have a reputation. it:itn-
tors have rune or they woukin t imitr.te.
So they trade on the reputation of Docirri
Kidney Pills. Do not be do.c.ised. There
only is o'one norms. . Dmtd.. iK the
original. Dodd a is the name 10 he care-
ful 'about -
flat. 3ames Hamilton neenpied the
pIljdt of Knob chnr•ts 1,11 N 1sy, HIV
pastor living absent on net -mint of 111-
ue•a• h1 his fatally.
A literary entertainment will be given !
ern Thursday. January :10. in the lectbre
room of Victoria street church. Further
announcement later.
Rev. H. C. Mcl)ermid will conduct the
services an Knox church ne'tt Sunday.
Morning *object: 'The Divine Com-
forter." Evening subject: "Noting the
Gond Points."
"The Poor Man's Nsalm'• and "The
Man with a Handicap are the subjects
for discwtal n at the Baptist church next
Lord's Day. Bible seised at 3 and B. Y.
P. U. at li o'clock.
The services of St. George's church will
be held in the pariah hall 'for the balance
of the winter months. On Sunday next
holy communion will he administered at
the dole of the morning service an,l the
regular evensong will be, as usual, at •71
p. m. Rev. Canon Hill ant officiate.
The Presbyterial W.iman's Missionary
Society met at Canton on Tnesrtay.
Gdderich was represented by Mrs. Hamil-
ton, Mrs. Hume, Mrs. M. McKay, Mrs.
D. Thrmp eo n. Mitres Dentop, Ferguson
and Adelaide Nairn, and Union church,
Goderlch township, by Mrs. George FIN
Style, fit and durability
are .three very' important
features in footwear.
They are qualities that •
every line of Shoes and
Rubbers in our immense
stock must possess.
Every line is selected
with these ends in view,
therefore ensuring per-
fect quality and footwear
that will stand the most
severe test in any
Geo. MacVicar
North side Square, Goderich
A •leodid line of new black
and white
The best local view, that 11dti
ever beep shown.
New subjects, distinct and clear.
at 3 for 5c.
Send' your friends some of
these new cards, and chow what
a pretty place is "Huron's
Golden Gate."
Smith's Art Store
Tweet ltfeet ' Phone 1:I8
i s.
We have the fight 111.
goods for this winter
weather. Let us Fit
.you out.
Prices ate
R' -1 -G -H -T'
and dou-k you forget it
M. Robins
Gents' Furnisher
Open evenings
. , r � � I lilt
Be Sure to Get
tp 's~ a s'ieeA.
HE wax -wrapped
sealed package
upon it is a guar-
antee of quality.
The largest chewing -
gum factories in the
world - the Iargest
selling gum in the
world: that is what
WRIGLEY'S means.
M.dI Ir
The Flavour Lasts!