HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-1-16, Page 4a Thyrgysy, Jatwary lis, 1010. Dont Deceive Yourself Ih thinking that clothing will tie cheaper in the spring, As s )ratter of fact woollens are _~i per cent. higher for spring 1919 than for fall 1918. Europe is in Rags and Britain will have to supply the cloth to clothe the people. The mills have far more orders than they can possibly fdl, and goods are going, to be seamy. h j ' One advice to you is to buy owl( Suit or Overcoat now and, gave $5.00 to $10 00 on next season's prices, Other people are (loing it, why not you Walter C. Pridham 2t*h Century Clothing Borsalino Hats DUNGANNON. MR. N. F. WHYARD is the agent for THE SIGNAL at Dungannon. Orden lest with hem for .ubKr.pt orw, adverueemente or lob printing wdi receive prompt aaent.ua. Telephone lGudrn.h ItutalI r.fa. Thos. G. Allen DUNGANNON Issuer of Marriage Licenses Conon i oner fbr Affsdsv,a. r.. and Conveyancer W,il., Deed,. NanMKe Ae..,n.nn. n. C.,efullr e..c cad and Mone, Soy pl,ed low Moos.ge.. AGENT FOR F. W andd Life Iwew.nJ ee. .n .. b.., "(A,npu,,.. only. THE !SIGNAL LANES. MONDAY, Jan. t3. Min Vera Alton, of Dungannon, is assisting C. W. Alton in the store. Our worthy mail man had to make a trip on .Sunday. owing to the large amount of mail that accumulated during the past week's atom. A baby girl arrived et the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Bowler. Congratulations. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. 13 O'Laughlin and fancily in the tors of their eldest daughter.' Mamie. who died in Gaderich from influrnzs alter a short illness. She was only twenty-four years old and was highly respected in this neighborhood. • \Crlhwsday, January 1:1. 1 on ing tp luxe w'eek's storm. which bl.a•kttl the roads. 1 finigniimin Wan without walls from Weluesday night to SHIM -1111Y. tour tin• brigade was called out Kat- urdu} afteriaalu. resplukled quickly 5151 mode u fast run to Mrs. Slulckle- iton'.. WIsar.• 11 WW1 dlwrot.•r•11 the 11111111W)' NAM op fine. .►1 one time It I.s,ked serious enough. but the fire was 5. 5,11 under .nutrol. ,1)eWage 1 Id fully ...vend by insurance: Mle \ halo* Ism" arrived at the home of marriage. Nicherd Finnigan last week. mak, and wrltomt Mrs. Watson to our tfoved of PaI•. and the se - ! MIh'. liter.+ M. l'. crate left on community. l3etore the w'eddtn( M[.! the ewelltng was all sone- Beton we i \ � tc p( influtnga has Watson remodaeed his house and barna' hall chin d the drat box the sores ■ tie tpderri MWah1y for &,hwrH, when• she will nes I have told est abated•the General Brough Chapter, 1. O• were nearly all go ■ in Mr. ; visit (Hoist* fora few' weeks. on the 10th conc"sbn, and he now has a {)• E »ill re o{ern the tea•roap Mr. This. Parks is tual'It+{t Mr)wr eery comfortable homestead. the People around here about your I. tis luxe, latch' ticculmed sen old resident of Poplat Row has de- Ointment. and I cannot praise it too 1NcLes improrThom. s at his Iwuw•. It fa now two years since m7 hits r: nn o` re encu e f hate tent you $1.50 ox a ou huuda at the hour+, o r+y. C. Potter. w to ' and ft never came lack. so Yo � for another Year. aslose rn r s s LOYAL. TUESDAY, Jan. 14. We regret to say that Mrs. Robert Mc- Millan is quite paorly and is under the r - GODZRIORa • Ringworm on Child's Head Oaused Great Distress and Spread to Neck and Ears --Cure Waa Speedily Effected When Right Treatment Was Ttecom- mended. doctor's care. N e hope she will soon be tetter. Mr. William tIcMillan, wh 1 is chief engineer ext one of the lake b ,ate, is visit - g. also a chief engineer on a bid eighter, is expected home ' his week. 1 hep t season was one of the busiest in the hist ry of the lake marine trade. and it loks s d there would be very busy tint's on t lakes next season also. Mr. Tea . (nide s W home after looks hale a Ai join his boat. trig. at tee parental home. Mr. James lake 1n March. r is at the rental a season cut the Takes. He hearty. He ex•iects to re• ich is laid up at idland, ■■■■■arm`s■ ■■■■■■x■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■: ■ ■ ■ E MORE SPECIAL VALUES FOR THE e • ...•ice• obatlr: ere is tnu+disease of `he sm. pa more ▪ , the mother who »rase this letter does e0 . fully realfalag what tt will mean to Other anxious mothers to know about ■ JANuARy Dr. Chase's Ointment. 11 This remarkable c end wa broumers ght ■ about two years ago• been no return of the distressing dna- l ease there can be no doubt that the cure h perutanent• Mrs. D. Stebbins. Grand Bend, Ont.. writes : "I am going to tell you taOlat- I experience with Dr. Chu' went. My little girl had sores core r out en her heed which look`d like kg • • ■ ■ ■ ■ ringworms. TheY were sP ■ nothing helped her. 1 to k het, and I tried hom• art t. bbe ■ doctor, and he opened some of the ■ sores, which were we big as the yoke ■ of an egg• The salve he gave me to .1 ,ha neer The wooer t stalled in Smith's Hill' put an w•aa very severe, an- -- - is church by Mr. Fred stunt. of Goderich, is child would ry for an hour For or more giving god satistacti.m. The recent ; tter an nod is spread all over eke windy days gave it a severe ten. bit it head, and came down to her over and la caved to be equal to what was expected pr sun. Bhe ern edo ter her At last r. ii Of it.e leg _ _ r. .. -. _ __ . some. kind ladles Sit told me abeUt : d We congratulate n re- ■ his the first time I put tt on she Woo 11♦ 0/C. Whitely. ars I M , d �dtx Nom. McKenzie s bsitwl ted this life in the pets td of Mr. W. 1 much ]♦ f Th Signal f U \[t hosed t occurred at the little girl was troubled in this can . I c+nriot do without !, al Isu•r. Mrs.Pietism', Wing - hem \ 1 K home of his daughter at Winnipeg Mr. 'ah+ rid home news. Ke itouiet be Ilam. Niter was respected as a good farmer vee she Is completely cured. T oslk• ) r t1f and he leaves at liberty to use this statement suffer- large and much esteemed Iambi'• for the m without it." - Mrs 1 hos A. P 1 Miss t.liauute) le a rnu{ 1 and an excellent neighbor. r ' tbasite. Brantford. Ont. benent of others who may docs this week with her friend. Mitek it you have read that fascinating store. r.\mls•r MrKetixle. "The Firefly' of France." you will want to lir. it cad Mrs. 11. Itellanty returldrl see it in pictures at the Model Theatre) „n Llouduy- from their' visit to Strat- sext•week. it gnu have not read it, there i ihni. isa.treat in Store for you. - -\ meeting of the district 4)rarigt• ioalm• was ,I,.4I Iwo• Tuesday after - 111111/11. Tlw "tin" hes at ruck" our town agal11. Mr. 111111 Mrs. )'has. Thompson and family are down »1111 It. Many oU1.•rs lire 111 with 11)1115. hot we hope • nothing neon. serious will develop. The 111111110 Iu111ing of the 1 mullion .\gricnitural Society will lw l 1 IwI.1 in Elliott's hall next '1needay' work of at( icultural Instruction. Ke the mttroorv.o( Alex: and Arman 1 afteroon. I believe Mr. Lawson will be away for three be memory. a four seeks. g 'wee A Last Chance. The death .d rs. h est week tVWallELD. • . We learn that The Family' Herald , removed an esteemed lady from our • Iteighborh ad Some of our people at- WemisDAY,Jan. 1'11. CREST BRAND PURE Castile Soap IS THE BEST Long bars, regular price. 30c. Special price for one week ..... .............25c Toilet size cake, regular price 7c. Special price _ For one week...•.. 1 .....5c DEAN BROS. GROCERS Ulgenle Nfo.14-4858 Phne110 MIDWINTER SALE 0 We are all glad to see how Fred Quaid ing in nner is improving a atatrment as a similar me ■ h Brenner. J.P.. endorses this >r Dress Tweeds at 39c peryard■ Several pieces of Tweeds. splendid for children's school dresses, separate ■ skirts and house dresses, much below their regular value, in greets, grey and brown. ■ ■ 36 inches wide. 39c yard. 1 TOQUES, TAMS AND SWEATERS AT HALF-PRICE ■ Our centre table is piled up with a clearing line of Toques, Tams and child- ■ ten's Sweaters. They are odd lines from our regular stork. All marked at half-price. ■ COATS ■ COATS ■ ■ k thenew spring Coats which ■ Every one must b■ ■ NI■ •■ Still further reductions in all our women's winter Coats, not a gam; t soon manyleft. Lie sold to make room for Clearance of Women's Waists Every Waist has been gone over and all odd and cbroken e!ineshehave letb n lodes laid aside and greatly reduced in price to make a speedy Lawns, Pique, Habutai, Crepe de Chine and Georgettes. Priced from 50c up. January Sewing values in iter the accident that JnaeD follows � "1'hls is to oer Exceptionally $ ■ threatened to to so se sous He is nasty my that •r a.m personally acanaitstN I ill 'his is the month for doing the family sewing. alk h ten and to dry e f D atebbtns of Grand BMg.N k C mbrics Lawns Voiles and Batistes. ■ 1 ■ ' able t.1 w' with amt with M rs � ttons, sereno s, a ■ to 1 betties her statement with }y d z5 yard. Whitby, where the will suss m conduct be true and eerrect. ■ ing a "shoo course" under the auspices Dr. chase's Ointment. n cents • of the 's sub men' of Agriculture. Mr. ' boL all dealers er Edmanso . Bates b ret will be "Artimal Hos• Co.,imited Toronto. Be talk yell town. rink. an' s Ointment to Mr. E. V. Lawson left yesterday for reteren a to De. Chase' ■ Ni■ ■ ■ ■ See our special value in white Cotton, 36 inc es wi e. McCall Patterns, the new spring styles now on sale. C ■ Lawson's eu ) t who tris u ■ belidry and we are confident that his et the druggist a enllltrtltnt•. Remember we close Saturday nights at 9 o'clock. Shop early. addresses will be b nth interesting and in- late acceP IN forming. We are glad to see one of our -_ own young inert coming to the front in the •- - --- - - •• ■ The leading phone and mail order store. ■ ■ 1111 and Wears altar of Montreal ars tended the !unreal on Thursday. A MERRY Ev f:'oxo.-Thr ow alp' shortly to withdraw their offer of the THE Pox (,0T AMA'. -(her usually per tiw•idtd U l't by the' shairhoMerw ■ War Album which has been given t5, `,wet lit ale hamlet was the scene of •, the s\'r.tlirid �'hreshiug Company. 1 ■ I Il t ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 1 1( Scotch Store PHONE u Millar's VI who this sean.un aubscrlbe/1 u. that ,rite -- adventure the other day. when a at their manual meeting, Alta )r 1 • 1 PHONE 46 ■ great {raiser. The Album is certainly a red fox. having been stirred up by the the home"( Nr. R. R. Redmond on i vastus little hook to have, information. formati a Saltf.od nimrod. Dick Fritzley, and • yy Inn 1•venii,g. A spiem ba lrt•am, ■ ■ h thelathes, enjoyed•' vast amount of useful a crena on. wounded in the lea, came through pie•Istre.l b�' th, +u o•s, w,15 The coloring of the flags of all the iviii-ar travelling on hies leg•. (her P ■ ■ ■ 1♦ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 11 11 ■ 11jr ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Allies Is beautiful. The new editiony be j. f. Mt.a gues ts. The rrsidroG 1 ■ ■ * ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■. ■ ■ ■■ now lamed has a complete rucurd °. 1 1 byratelephare totbe olfthe kwt, but ed lir. J. \\'. !ttal.il$I .. seting 115 chair- " uutn, in his Garai jovial manner,. • ' ■ as► - sooner had the 'phone rung than Rey nard i Irugthy ,wd int,eet•ssnin., proi'ram i IC t Montreal f fay sl b\ appeared, given. ,. the chikfn•n•"'c•1 teams drawing toga to their mill. t year Sututortptian to the Billy h they will leleph me 1 b yr park tghtlu+n Mrs. R J Rues the war. it IS said an edition 2641AM copies were soap up Y citizens of n orae 1 pod b the ed I by the time Billy had got Alissa nA the wane uuu his gun Mister Fax had made a getaway. • were choruses by • read- hen. W. T. Riddell pays car a y' Next time ,sex w, oa Family Herald with the Album thrown I a litt'e sooner. n he can be ready and ing+ by Mr. w '11' Farm's.' Mr. John and Mrs. R. M. young attendedSociety the In tree It Is a barntafn silting on the stools prep red to shwa. In' Buchanan and Leila Stackhouse. meeting of the Presbyterial Sxiety at CARLOW. the meantime he intends to eat his )teals s-iolin Ned »•detinue by Mr. H. R. Clinton on Tuesday• \VgnveaDAr, Jan. t.i. with his gun on the table beside him. mond, piano hen by \li5ss' -- I •)k.Harvey Metier. of Auburp, is ASHFIELD. Grace Redmond and Leila Htackhou . addresses by Vic,•-tnsident W. 1. COLBORtiE. • arcing as iiiatii.n same at lamented , death THURSDAY Dec e. Pnrks Councillor Buchanan and. TUESDAY. Jan. 14. ing to h r 1 tan a l ^stir W O('RNS a'U - I others, exprevaln h1A1T4t.�tD . of Mr. Churchill. M h regret is felt in this tonnmuni y with the entrrprlrr W d 1 mei Isuirntwi death by T 1'ouNc MEN 1( entire satisfaction CoNCfrg'tov NOTES. -Mr, tx t at ant bight hope% Wm. Snyder spent the weekend wi h Mr. \\'111. Potter. of Chicago. alio I the sad and sudden death of two young fou- a continuation of the float visite* Mea P. Meteor, of Winnipeg. ohs• men. Messrs. Alex. Johnston and Armour s,,,.,.,ss. Mica Herein tun, of $lyth. , friends at asses Mr. Harry Hallmfln eccnuq.eultd the reunains of her Macbturch The urcurr> ta^ceS in con- I ao awl as $ec panist in her usual ens ar.amd renewing add acquaintances father. Ur. W. C. Pottier, trout \Vinni- y' I sat week Mise Rose Durst returned to were guests .d their sistrr•in•Isw•, rection with their deaths were pathetic. brilliant. ulnunrr and also contributed Pi.. Pelee last week to tJtke up her ,chord p�q� They had been youthful companions and several excellent pia beta• `,f • duties, after spending the holidays under , Mrs. Skold. Potter_ _•neighbors all their lives. They were both {I ter snore refreshments, a space was the parental rout. Mie, Ruby Truem• I (N)I)ERII'fi TUWNSI1II'. victims of the dread influenza. which sub- cleared and the "old -tuners' showed) who had been ,pending a few TvtrlrDiv, len. 14. sequently developed into pneumonia and the beginner* how it used to be doer � Weeks with friends in this vicinity-. re • The lin" hat. trro.ru out 1,-r the in each case proved fatal in spite of all •,,,1 moved that they are •not vet ; turned to her home at Hetwall on Sakur ' that medical skill and the care and atter- .•Ilea_! neem.'' With the tendering of day last. We are pleased to note that •• second time in this Wwuship, break_ tion of nursing could do for them. Alex. I a hearty vote of alutriks t.. Mies Her• I Miss Della Grigg, who has been ill with `ing all tre.i'da this time. Johnston ofd December 13, after about rm on for her splendid assistance an attack of pneumonia. is able to be 1 I while Mr. Keg. Fuller was angering twelve days' illness His sufferings were ami to Mrs. Red d and Reymond around again. Mr. Earl Blake had the from an attack of the "fin' the stews borne v ry patiently and without a mor- for their h. epitality. a must enjoy. misfortune to cut his foot with an ate called at hI , mor He was twenty-six yr ag „his....„,,ung last week- a atm. l'uugr•autlationa• A th ing with her aunt h4r 1st th ST'S �-IIR PA1N EXTERMINATOR DON'T BUFFER PAIN -BUY HIRST'8 b seslast Marts et rbi eths. tambeao. menages sed earache. g4WIr •sect*', tw ?Obeying mike )slat► �ms awe threat cad eta» anal elbewts. P ewer M • y •wed. Diel eilyteet 'S Blr,t'relwnrt eases Nam is ale bass. Hes • b.em.d e.r•. At *Wars or wv-he s1. ■IIST CIYILDY 0).. mums. dull% 'a 1 . haat week and left ars of e. wAs closed with the hiss Eva Brindley is rnit- F :MMM Margaret 'Vain has comms used week Mr K m Bolton, rif Hamilton h.•r duties at tier school at hippen. brothers. Noble who AL'BLRN was up for a few data thus Mr. and Mrs. Bert len have re- turned house trout t hicatto, where �, ( i'1 Hstt taM huhday5 ri mare d slued has been received f Ti swan Hiram Cox, who nes senors his bereaved parents, Mr. and singing of Llw i`ational n vin. Mrs William J hnston. he leaves to' mourn his loss two rot rs . Is in the Canadian army overseas. and WtrDNEsnnv. Jan. 15. William: at home, and four sisters: Mrs. David Parrish and Mrs. McKeith. of The anniversary services arranged to Saskatchewan. and Mrs. Wilfrid Farnsh be held In Kr.o red church IextthSabbath and Mrs. Rowell Bissett. of Ashheld. have been postponed e num- Armour Machiurchv died December30 ber of influenza cases. He is sursived by his father. Mr. A. Mt e, 1 he storm last •rhursdav and Friday Murchy', three brothers -Arch), of ire- gave our (ural mail carrier a holiday ow - trust. and Hugh and David. of 'askatche- ing t', the state of the road`. wan -and four sisters: Mrs. George Fer- Our teacher. Mr. Wiggins. ggns.a opened guson, of Goderich. Miss Mary (nurse). • school on Monday, who attended him so faithfully during his dance. owing to sickness in so many illness, and Misses Olive. teacher. of homes. Lanes. and Annie. at home. He was' Mr. A. Asquith has a car of feed un- losidin this w•eek s. Prouse. IS week looking after his business interests here . Mr. D. F. Schwann delivered a pair of choice milch cows to Mr. H Lamprey, of Gode• nch tow'nshlp. his week. Ihr spent the n I ex- peete11 to return noon, that he has smeared a position in England and will not he home I..r some time yet. The . ,...hers of the United Patri• tic society will lures at the home of Miss A Andel -will, Ifayflt•Itt road, on Ss,ylnewfxy, January 22nd. The members of the Society at their fart voted, flys) N• lk•I fan reset 11%Itillinery �IN �n Extra Special Value in All ule'tm gest un Trimmed Hats d 9+6 to pnruch relief l I of nd un- . 1111[ .conn- Q finished e e 1 5 tee child that all thirty oto years age a tlni„h1•a{ »oaks and the children's gar- i ()anion bore his suffer' LS without sora � SundaylnitthGannounc nl:ralie illness of Nalf Price n.nt1shottl,l , (*$laird 10 fur ship -'plant. with semen • f �r � usrnt eta solos nw p..ssible. fhtse two young men taken suddenly his sem Kldtam m (� �«phis •peedY re- al ('ut•4rn..-Thr inaugur• rom amongst us will be much missed. moss. We all hope al meeting of the t..sh•rich township I Their sudden death has cast a gloom over covert'. r. Velvet and Felt Shapes I "'unwil was held u' Monday.pointThe the pian community. wh 1m to knahey l,• both as Johne Ferguson's Hamilton farm has n puichased Wawa- the year: officers were appointed ek.ii Inc to term youngt farm.for Wawa - the year: ('lett, obis: A;antee,(ss- to esteem and respect. ere lovely them and pleas- :5000. betterMr. Hamiltons sold his fifty -, slows, Cn Ho Lobb; rig. s, filo.. an Duly said. they (luuld and he treasurer Hour 11(• last r Dear I weretheir notdivided. The theirdeath of by acre bornedto on the 6th concession .nf Col - Noah Plaetzer. Possession is to ,s .1en this'prime asked for incirnsrs o r.A ry, and )e neighborhood, and veers. 1111%11141N t+t ran few • I no apptanWuents were mal r to lhe5r 'ti ons for which applications will for$1.00 1 t and the treasure o t 4t iytl two beresved families have the sincere given Howtlon& Lawson have several s)mpathyoftheentire K -- __ event it being t 11 MISS M. R. MacV�car 1 he conaidrred at thenor roll" for .he townehip is. next meeting. THE EVERYDAY BATTLE -- KINGSTON STREET • I .-•• --- to he prepared and An effort was I to w sr - - - j of thun.,"' secure 1 Winter Term from Jan. 6. CENTRAL n� STrlArrEOrlD. ON T.. We place grs,luatrs in 11o.ationt Adv students )f last term are now fling as high 50 eta and even trio wek.while boys are earning Miifien.. Re has,'Commer- $ oithsad and Telegraphy De - a. Write for our free eata- names. Dt r.. 'es, P,inclpeL " town,. 115, Battles are not all fought with cannon and of thump /mm the tuwnnhq) oho battles I i the great war. h 11 The most vital are the everyday menlls•rs ts,•tr n'is)rted nuftl(Ient W I nese. For nearly five decades srrr't m - THE F.tItMItWt ('Lean. -The meeting I s C ..f the Farmers' Chili an Monday , against the debilitating tendencies that invite w evening was well attended and new 1 L 1 ahs• ntcuilwn�hip of the Club. A Iw1 of nadirs are included 1 andmg 111.51• wM) have Joiniti the Clear this year The har has been brightened up and is now ctnufortahh• and well lighted. The president. Mr. Dermot, M'Ksoy, gave his Inaugural 1 address, which was an able effort. and beentrying • ske•tobed the advauoxment which has has been a definite help to millions in the been made 'luring the last handrail I -Breed for quality that will produce maximum weights in shortest time." says the live stock expert. yews, in twien.w amts other dcpart- meets of fife, including sgricgCe. 1'1'he next meeting wi 1 be *octal ' evening on Monday, 27th Inst., at the home of Me. Arad lite. H. V. Malaria, $syneld road. The Indian will serve Ianeh. A g.wod time le In store for hose who attend. battles against weakness. Scotts is as nc in blood -forming properties and as powerful in strength -supporting qualities nasi as of yore. Let ms's Easidalipie help yea win your bMttlSs- 11.wtt a .awes. Tereeb. out IK McEwen's Specials Boys' fleece -lined Underwear. $1.2.5 per suit. Bove' heavy Mitts. handl-knit, .i0c per pair. Men's fleece -lined Underwear, $1.75 per suit. Men's heavy Socks, ri k per pair. Men's heavy Mitts, llamd- knit, 5c per pair. VARN--black and grey, washed and unwashed, two, and three ply. Also black Fingering Yarn. Flannelette Blankets. We have a good price on the targe and small sizes. J. J. McEwen [shiest* No. 8-7e411 For the balance of this month you will find some VERY INTERESTING PRICES ON MANY LINES AT WALKER'S We have gone through our immense stock and have seiectedaome real bargains. Below you will get an idea as to real valves : ‘I , Oilcloth, 2 yards elide, old stock, well seasoned, lovely patterns. 60c yard. One Iron Bed, regular value $26.00. The price ticket is $18.00. We have about 1 doz. Mattresses to sell at the old prices. From $5.50 to $R.00, One only Suitcase. Regular R4.'s), for $ l 7"). Club Bag, Walker's special, $ i . 50. Worth 89.50. We have several pieces of Furniture, taken in ex- change for other goods, that we are selling AWAY AWAY below their value. Come in and ask to see two Extension Tables. We have one at CO, the other at $9 00. Worth double this amount. If you want an Extension Table. don't wait. IN OUR PHONOGRAPH DEPARTMENT In store No. 2 we have two.real bargains on Phono- graphs. Visit our music room, where comfort awaits yon. A We have records for all makes of pleasure to select records. ntaohines. A visit through our store will convince von that Walker's is the place to boy. 'tOhen th! Cheapest, Always the Best" Two Stores WALKER a- O- D- L- R- t- C h Two Ston .