HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-1-16, Page 211-111tinvitlay. Isaiah M. 10111. TB" .11101IAL 1110* of the important places. There is MOH curiosity as to whether Lloyd 41:14 tejnal George Is taming the lions or the lions are about to eat him. . - I ell Si SION A L PRINT1N0 00.. LTD. General noiee *as jiw German colonies Pc istatsaane , in Africa should no be handed back to - Ger ny. The Germans. he says. noes( 1111.104)%I. JANC.Mtk If. 1919. dethe tetntones in their poises - don, and their treatment ol the native u s. - - - pepulation created dangerous condttiotw. WHERE HURON STANUS, Rothe should be a good authority' 011 --- African questions. *1'" luauy po ally kuow where the 1 count) .4 Huron ,INU41». ILI n1•1811100 10 other counties. an the matter of agricul • . lural priallictirtie A bulletin ',until hy the u ar ; % . vars. They' voted a d•ee a. retaining Del. irtiuttut of Agriculture, and dated themselves the power ot re-electing a .. - _ NO% ember. 11114, gives wino. infinite- - - - - tem aloug this line. inernber for one or ril We years. or Ot ,. will alt *1. (\unity. but it ie interest tag W. all know that !futon is a horse 1,, ,_ ii 'us record should prose unsatisfactute - i rejecting him alter one t ea: in the count to kit ta that in the number tit horses on hand this .ttunty is third in the The Glob ; scolded the Western Ontario 11; ‘. ince. the leaders beteg: Liberals for not makmg a sufficiently detinue pronouncement on the tare guns- .s4Ant tem. The other da' . to yet right a Quebec flume . . __Anklet Liberal paper. - it put forth a list of . Huron is third. ateste liteatIde. the suhaects with a hich Liberals should con - t ity The voters ot God.-rtch nslup tool. a seeable vie* of Wm *tinsel to estend 0* term of the municipal counol to two OODERICU, ONT. Buying a Packet of It Is not a gamble, but a sure thing that you are getting the greatest possible Quality and Value to the limit of your expenditure. TRY - IT. a WA figure-. being: NI eidetic x . . 146.971.. neve . tat .3.1 lemon . . . • tstio; 111 elieep and laughs .1turon i. i141e tkl% 11 iu the list, the three leading comities heiug Grey. .iWt* and Ken- 114 rt.a. ,4 • H.1:•.4a 44 fI 1 In •111•••• as folkore: Kota . 92.4n4 Esset. stilt 'mow li Ir .n ..70,744 111 1,41111) HOMO is second: . MnItteset „. 8210.424 Huron 11.*42 It ts twiny people blue s that But .44 (VOW) hat twilit e'llita.1 youltri etet) man. witinau au.1 4h41J to the eitonty? In Wheat matte:4km% lionin 4. uttt among the leaderst hot in bark it is th in number ot bushels. anti in 0111:4 17 1••• Ore:. The leader, an.: Ittitta:Y. .1,141.ftt; 1 tett:44 (tits. 11414o84 .11.79.S.143. .S.6441.41 The c tow tea01 Haron. Perth. ton. Illithtleses and Wellington are sail eir temetltote Of the greatten tie v. *rowing districts hi Mein aid. *WI of these imuntien Huron is atteonting so the °Metal Mores. with 110.Ifli bush - els. Lan:goo e ..... ing next with 26.347 bitishele. There ir coneltienthly more 111Se reeled in the aye counties nutted , Manta alt the re* 01 411* Province ni- g Oiler. As a live stock county. Huron produces a large quantity of mixed grants. 1.527.• 674 bushels. Only Wellington and Ox- ford exceed Huron in this respect. with 2.601. 263 bushels and 1.5e2.370 bushels. respectively. Huron groes also 2.232.e &Si bushels of turnips and 1.421.142 bushels o m ingels. several coanties ez cee ling it in production of turnios. but only one county works going ahead of it in mange*. Rye. buckw heat. peas, corn and Po. tattles are relatively unimportant crops ifl, Huron. but in beans this county. with 1 a productton of 41t1314 bushels, is ex- creded only by Kent. which Is credited ei it h 2607 bushels. Huron *sixth m production of alfalfa. In hay and clover Huron IS thtrd. with hbddleux and Grey' leadtng. ▪ Nliddlesett and Huron hare the largest extent of cleared pastures. and at extent ot ort-hards Hunan ts third. the acreage in the leading cesint try being`. Northumberland .17 .0•16 1,0(010 .15.306 linnet 12.7IS From these Inures it is eaes; to make -;- out a caw for this rand old county as one of the met important counties, sericulturallt-: in the Psaume or. for that matter. to the Dominion of Canada. It ie a pre nucleate foundei. too. on staple products. w that Huron fainters te. del -eh -pang &keg present lime may assent flus nerdy a forts/nom positton mono( the ara!th-pnschscing areas A the I)crunsei Ile Sinicoe lost Vert b Ilttroo cern thenteelves. and thts list 11 headed by he tariff. Vie begirt, eat: Thr (il.)tae that the Liberal rutty' should take a swing stand en the trine question.but. unpoceint as that question is, there are gime other things that are et -en more fundamental. Otte of three is the principle that Canada shad not be divided It es of racy and creed. Another to the pneci tie of law elect' ns. a principle that at t ns day re- quire- iindicatotti in the passe ice of the Wartime E. eet etty Act. But allowing. kir the moment. that The Globe's test of Lescraaer. a erect attitude on the tariff questton. is the proper test. will The 'Globe tell its readers how as 1.4 0(111 statesman. Mr. N. ft. Rowell *wide on this question ! An 'Merv** wah Mr. • Rowell by a Glebe repot ter on ,this very pressing issue of the tariff. in which Mr. Rowell aould repress himself "in a mac tical program. not in rhetorical gush- (to use an expression lawn The Globe* would i be decidedly were -stint. Surely The I Globe's tat onte -tatesntan Mould Illent- i, lire up to The Gob's own standard. HOW THE GERMANS B• EHAVE. , Ilispeettal. and Oftea Cstdial. is the Khaki Lads of Cased Another letter by Sergt. W. E. Elliott, with the Canadian troops in Germany. b publtsbed by The Loudon Free Press: beradorl. Germany (Cologne area). Dec. 12.- -Tonight Canadian troops are keeping "Die Wacht Am Rhein." Wes- tern Ontario Is represented by the old 1st Battalton. and somewhere un our nght as ester unit. the gallant 111441. is likewise guarding a bridgehead. OP CANADA 54thAnnual Statement -30th November, 1918 The Fifty-foorth irnntist Aleering of the Shareholder% of the 1 ni..n 8.441. of C it is hettt at the !lead Othre of the It in the ('. 01 WIonipeg, at *helve noun, oa Weineet t St h 4441.1144. The Priadettt, MR. Ji 'MN CALT, in the due.. DIRECTORS' REPORT The Direittees h .ee p-*. -- in p-esent;ng tSeir report sh sr mg the re -ed of the biturezti of the flank tor the year ending N.Amober ak h. 11111x. Liurin,g il.e leaf °..n4 104he depletion of the staff caused ht• rano ment foe Int:11.40-y servire, the lol'ota ing othcra were clued : it.o.ca art h. oN-Tieet and Toledo in the Province of Ont tri.i; Ad mar. 4 tuerneen lateen. $1Jitirt Netherhill and Salt- etor in the Provirsce of Sastotebewan; of hich all exeept &LOA,. 44.4434 11441 berg% TWO! The .umber al Branches and Agencies in ofrra 00 November 311th. 1914.. wait 2tat. The usual inspection of all Branches and Agencies has been made. • Mr. S. E. Elkin, M.P., of Si. John. N.B., has been elected 40 1141 a mussel on toe Board of Llirectors. j JOHN C.ALT, President. PROFIT AND LOSS AOODUNT Balance at crriit of amount. 30th November 1917 $106.621.7,41 Net prtitire foe the yl-ar. after &dotting ex- penses ot management. intereet daielepori- tem. reserving (11interest and etc r, and making prunnion far had and doulitfu debts and for rebate on hill* tinder &room. have amounted no tion /M4.171.36 111100.79K90 Which has lima applied as funniest-- Ditidend No. 124. 21.i per rent, paid lst March, 191S Dividead No, 12.i. 21/ per mat.. paid 1st June, 19111 Dividend No. 1!t% 2M per ce.nt., paid 3n1 September. 191s Dividend No. 127. 211 per cent.. pat-ahls 2ad Deceinber, 19IS Transferred to Rest Account W"ritten off Bar.k Premises Account Contribution to Oficers' Pension Fund. Contributitin to linfilax Relief Fund. Contribution to Canacrian Red Cross, Manitoba Branch. .......... Contribution to Young Men's Christian Ammo - (tattoo Oserseas Contribution to Salvation Army Over Contribution to Belgian Relief Fund Contribution to Knights of Columbus. Army Hut Appeal ContnIaltion to Navy Lea;ve el Canada Saikirs' Week War Tu t on Bank Note Cirettlatioa to N....10.er. 191S. Balance of Profits carried leeward • This bu g tn which we are quartered is, like most of the towns allotted to the 1st. nothing much to look at. but at my rate we are enjoying a kw days' rebel horn hiking. The place looks bitter , than when we came. anyway, for the civOthrovet,Puh thriatrunturnastby ucerci.estodatrantanty acrapedtted the mud front the Aglaia -thoroughfare -a thing they'd never done before. 1 ma - doubt. Furthermore. a huge Canadian mail arrived this afternuon, ball a lorrYlalldr the othet hall of the truck's cargo being a charier of underclothing -not new. it's true. but quiet and docile. We have not I ' bad a bath for a mouth. Ttse Hun does ian -cempree' baths. 'SEUL with that lenste of duds we shall look more un preenve • hen we march through Cologne ida y atter tiATIJICOle. Ce moral tatiesbach. commanding the ' bc gade. reviewed the battalion just be- ' lore we came in here. His escort troop of C Nathan Light Home etre in line on his nght. soh swords at tbe carry. and ' ksiked very we and swanky. Charlie i Adams' band played the battalion past. = to the swum of -John Peel." and we all = bucked up and tried to look as if we hat: not done about eighteen kilometers al • ' ready. 1 Real Walkers Now As a matter el tact. a twenty -kilometer march w n.i" nowaJays. 'The unit did 'E. forts on one day recently. over rather ' ES muddy roads. When the march is only • ten or to we count It as a day on which we did not move. 1 think C. B. King ' will not make much (U1 of this &ere- • gaga wannywherareit get.4 vs rharne.ou 40 St amommilong Uinta; 1 Ingersoll will be a rner incident and Street car rides eithm London quite I un - %Dwelt of - a Thr German people are still respect - l, immesh:. std oftentwhth cordial. In fact. condi 1 dons merit be described as -fair and tandem'. True. enceone (0 (10I went inside her house and 'Lammed the door the other day as we marched past. 1 blVitterathrorit.shel had. a - -B . i g- r. t . . . . nthings to, P- • black leave the street and go hurriedly into the honer. handkerchief to her ere& The Alhel a 1 :AIX ! CAM! MI late ICI siva 1112,500 00 112.500.00 112.500.00 112.50n 00 200.4100.00 75.030 10.000.00 5.000.00 5.000.00 3.000.00 2.00000 1.000.00 1,000.00 2.5011.00 50,000.0 125.2964.90 3930.75eL90 M111•111, • MOM T ORtAt. P101 ES A det:hive o reported in the puce cf hoot. Has anybody noticed a drop in tt • Fay.? of boom The Doraitioa Parliament has been cm: ed 'Thursder. Fetruary The sessam promises to be a livery one. German *tethers are sent% their Iron Cremes There are signs that miittarlies siot as popular to Germany as 1 •as. Toronto speaker says Canada * not 'qua' the real rieus of Riese. Horrors! Can things be anv worse thee, dm the netimepers region ' Eastern Ontario Liberals are meeting in convention this week at Ottawa. TM gathering 1 umileir to that held m No- vember at Landon kw Western Ontario. • hedgate Irma the comniamts mode by anniiing outdo's. 11411 41 entering nab- owdy nogg ebb the maghtstro on Imo, 114 4.- which brag them hack Ws Grad& WO Gsrile ban osneasocrit Cskw S. with Cern 'Marra 116.;• Hoar Las, CIONo MOO, and /ARM occnpy. General Statement of Liabilities and Assets • AS ON 36th NOVEMBER, 1918 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Rest Acniunt ...... Balance of Profit and Loss Account carried forward I'm:tainted Ditidendt Dividend No. 127. it. able 2nd December, 19111. $ 2.000100-00 3,1100,001100 . 126.21115.90 $ .1.:21$.29fs.$0 10.381 43 11t50000 3:449.00013 AS -49,060.33 Noteof the *link in circulation 12334.649.00 Depaata wst hearing interest fat.siXs'.:337./sa Deposit. bearing interest Balances due t s other Batiks in I, anatta 6.14,d01.94 Balatices due to Banks and Banking Correspoodraas elsewhere thei in Calends 1.731.177.75 .141.W:1,127.62 Accept sore* under Letters of Crollt 2.7thi.4111:.C6 Liabilities not ischoltd ia the totrgoing 71.797.11 6131..1sL451.33 ASSETS Coin $ Dominion Government Notes. • 15.9411$3*416-38.010 -------------....... , Csold iiiercli-er $ 14 Deposit with the Minister of Fiaance for the purposes of die Chenlation Fund .00.01) Notes 4 oche' Ranks 72711.,117.302716 De.** in the Central Gold Reserves Cheques on other Banks MOM 00 BaLaweer d.), bv other Banks in Canada 92.1161.47 Balutere due by Banks and Banking Carrespeadents elsewhere chant ia Canada 2,9ret,7166-72 Dornittioa sad Provincial 11;.-Yernmeett Secuntate oot eweet..tratitet i;hie 12..7,27.937.S2 Canadian Municipal Set -nettles. and Bret*, Foreign and Colorist Public Securities ocher than Car-adtin ........... . . . 15.731.33/1.76 Ray ilwaattve.etier Bonds. Dite-enturs-s and Stacks not exceeding market value 2,501,144.71 Call andtetset not exceeding 30 CU', Lomas ia Canada. on Bonds. Debentures and Stoeke .. .. . . 11,1301,7V1.411 Call arid Short knot earedlog 30 day il Loans iderwhese thee its Conde. 3:A0.123.00 Other Curr! -)t cans *ad DierotintY in Camels Oleos Mote of interne . Other t urreot Loans and Chscounts einsehere thes in cereal (km rebate of ▪ interest • . Red Leath other than Bank Premises. Alomiamees on Real Estate sold to the Saa Overdue Debts. emanated kw. prow far Sank Premises. at sot man then rani less aseaseas writes el. L iabilities of curenmers under Letters of Croat. neper centre Other Amni sot included in the foregoiag is • 71.36e.127 06 74,021,132S.49 1.1141.112.23 2t94,13V4) 144 .69 32": "WA 1.217 Anti :10 2.7116.4F fet 106.159 23 1133.1S1.431,52 JOHN GALT, Posidost. IL B. SHAW. General M .1011114$1,. /tenon of tlia Auditors to the Shomehelleirm of the Union Beak of Canada. in a., -or 14-s e with the provisions of subsections 19 And 20 el Section 36 01 the Bonk .Oct. we report 1. 110 stiareh. eters as follows - - We have audited the elsos• Rebore Sheet with the hooks and washers at Head Oe sad with the •airtilad envois Irons Ombranches We loot nbtained all the intternatiee *141eiplanatiore that we have required. and are af tee opiiises Ow the tram:moms ell the Baak vilmb kore come seder our Notice ham bees Wallis the pewees ad the Raab le addition tower verification at the lath Nosteweber. wr hove. *wise the year. clerked the rash Ind vortiod the townies never:wag the invest mean of the Bank at Is chief or. mid =Ape' breeches mei Mend thiera.te he Se with the retries is the looks al die Bank mistime t la lWar miaow *41. &lame Sheet is properly denten eap sis as tis eahasit a true and citron irw .4*41* alate ef the alt iirs al the Rank. ancerdmi ins the best el war ielermatisa, sell He esplaastiami gime to es. awl is slows by the toots at the Rank. T. HARRY Wt$R. E.'X READ. C. R. HEc.111.11,, Andiews, WI the ine 01 um*, RF_AD. INSGAN CD„, Chartered Aesweseasera INI DoembA, 1NS. 111111111111111 Price Reductions her husband or son. no doubt. A‘ I have uktim41 ttd. the r"Pectot byth"nItie 1111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111 . . Melte fit le= teCIPtueat_ __, t____ mtsug iin: Canadians. Before we craned the bard _ 111111111111 1111111H111111111ELE carrikandi .1111""`,..1thr.t.....-1' he.ds.the ""1 imill111111.1111.ingamm have r ot heard the teem lately. With factories runnel( and stores teen. rand& in go d repair and railways in orteraltrio- it w unpin -Able not to m "ke cornpaniont with other countries we have crossed. For in-tance. on arroag in a town or vil- lage our signallers at once take crier Ilia leindione exxhange. No civilian is allowed to use it. We speak from batta- lion headquarters to triode in a shortid time even than 111414 (10 boys used to kip their own lines from trench to du. ilie civd telephone is a negbgdge facoarks Frce. It ono news to theworld that 1 Gertnany employs sysuen. with a sapital "*S. - but it n interesting to tee that system at wart Sawstart11.1legrert-spoaltiaa allow "respect:. the majtwity of children who throng as 1 watch the Canadiaas pier are wearing l tierturin army caps late property. se I doubt, oe their fathers or heathery'. If by any chasm they forget 14) 4081 these ; oft at the proper time there is generally 1 • *Later or mother near to smock . at the caps tor them. A city policeman , mood us the lareet. watching tni go throrigh. a few days ago and wearing a I particularly Sae helmet with shining brews emit- 1 have it ou good author- = it that atter the rear of the column ..... had passed the police (dicer was oot = weaning the helmet Our padre ridgy in the rear of the battalion- and Ms 1 , 404.410 is *-Oliry that impulse - I The Prasinn eagle min orreams at 1 i us from the lades of bessewonsa ; i motor lorries alma this mac; trail a- i • windiag helaI Valenciennes to the Rhine- This hasty rettremeet--• ram t ter retreat from lions than that or Ishii --makes one think of Napileon's re- turn from Moncar. so many are the - exhausted boners who bones have bees lett on the roadside for the crow. .42) pick. i Civilian" are ea allowed oo the soret after 7 p. ai German time. They am sot permitted to proceed from one ' town to another witbent a pain. tymied by the ahem la theme of the Canidiaa nail goanered thereie- All German rain are mithered op and destroyed. . sad treapone Mat we the property of civilians placed tinder guard Forane 01 other pplies needed from time to time to h014 on* the reviler Wane are requisitinmed. • fleld-ga) lorry. with the Pelleliall eagle on Eta side. is rite likely to be oromnandeered by a ( sea than *leer sod takes. Genuses driver and all. to haul • toad Inc his Aritannic V ties 'v. We bs i one d sy before yesterday to bassi our billeting party. =1' 14.. is getting art • small taste • of Irani be cave Belerinm. 11 is not hi Ma Britiah mature to be Itnisaioh. but we hope so be Inas. Throe,* it alI. Isa 1 bore entintasesL the ordusary OSSIMMIS b well betaseed sad 'eve cresnallatit We band a picture 01the kaiser Wag Or Or table ed a bonse-orie of our ballsair--takee treat the wan apparently by die beeturbobbT hilansif. we no- amorbod on it. mad be unready said. in a Peed dingiast. Ana! ' It to naberees taw*sass Out r-''.' bealdiasu in WV atuseeipaltelea. • wbbeh nod osooldy wee. in law gat leesse.. the bille""armLbser moor •4y 81 word.e•lrnatasuiptPwirim":: floil • fats( ownine. ehreslas where the lower. 01 .41* ether woad CISCO re01111P MI Ile be hew- ers at nod anir=wers ot wow If the Oernseis to die Stool nosioss tor oneinstions to SOMA elide@ paying taw Moe let/ Ite gip W. dry are nertnialy swalatortio Ow pia onitradly. Tiro goo moos at ma psonsa. 1 awry. nig so saw tag is owe. so nen pleased to lillete their goarroni enspfornest, Sasilly. se endiareed in ilml dial Mia Slettink enr not A hens sad herlik Oat taw proopeet .4 paving taanay ligbswe borriato dem so_ Ala Ilboy say boo -1Io sianbt atabli.` Men's Sweaters Penman's make, in dark heather color mixture, splen- did quality and well made, heavy double cuffs and good pockets. Sizes 3S to 41. Worth $5, at each -824S Ladies' Coats About sixty Coats, all this season's make Tweeds, Velours, etc. Perfect styles and well niaile Placed tiow for clearing at each .. ,,••• ••• ••• St $10. SIS and Men's Fur Coats Men's Sitka Heaver Fur Coats, of selected well matched skins, heavily lined and quilted, cuff; in sleeves. ' All sizes 3 to 50. Special price Women's Dresses Dresses of Silk Poplins and Duchess Silks, well and neatly made and trimmed in latest fashions. Sizes 84 to 40, in blues, black, taurs, etc. At each $1S, $18,10 Staples 36 -inch White Twill Sheeting or Nightgown Twill. 3.,c, for ....... 38, 40, 42 and 44 -inch hest Circnlor Pillow Cotton, best made and extra heavy. 80c, for . 45c 27 -inch best quality old-fashioned grey Flannel. 80c, for 40c 2S -inch best Military Flannel, in grey fairy mix., suit- able for dreraca, suits, skirts, shirts, blouses. Worth today 80c, for .60c 36 -inch American Chintz Prints, for i24,essse, kimonos, quilts, 20 patterns to choose from. January only. Worth 41k, for . . 25c 18 -oz. best quality Batting forqnilts, opens up beauti- fully. Worth it. for 40c W. ACHESON & SON tee MON. 11 Electrical Appliances The war has taught the country the awessity for economy and in this connec- Ikea the larger use of electricity is an im- portant factor. We have all kinds and classes of appliances. among which are the following: Electric Toaster and Percolator Electric Iron, Vacuum Chaser Electric Grill and Caermit Range Come and inspect our stock-kt the articles speak for themselves. Mao - "Ph" me 193 West street ROBT. TAIT THE ELECTRICIAN next to Post Office Shop 'Phone K2 BUY War -Savings Stamps Ott sa. at as MONEY -ORDER POST OFFICES • BANKS AND 111FHFREVILlt 'THIS SIGN DISPLAYED BUY War -Savings !tamps for $4.00 ;, place them on the CertifiCate, which will given to you; have your Stamps registered against free of charge et any Money -Order Post Office; end on the first day of 1104. Canada witl pity you 15.00 each fair yaw stamps. Ag as aid to the purchase of' W.-& you not bay THRIFT Mamma Inc 75 rests each. Sixteen of them Thrift Starnes en • 'Thrift Card will be exchanged Inc • W. -S. S. Thrift &snipe de see hem hoterest. Their virtue is that they mesh* rein to apply every 20 cents yea am save tereards the parttime of Govertment. interest-beering security. • high rates of interest mum be psid cm °overwind beerier blell at 41 bat eight that every me.. momen. sect child Item the opportunity to ~nate iihwast.--Sir Timm Wha, $5!1 for $4.11 1