HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-1-16, Page 1A CALENDAR with each Paid -in -ad- vance Subscription to The Signal for 1919 I VENTY PIRST YEAR -No $790 THE STERL1N4NK OF CANADA r'°* !4 : vR rd SAVE, Because - Thrift gives a man atlt-reliance. A FOR SALE OR Selye. PUBLIC NOTICE. ma t.y, . rjM.r eit ioudis READ THE CLUBBING LIST ON PAGE SEVEN GODERICH, ONTARIO THU SDAY.' JAN. 11i 1919 THEISIGNALPRINT INGCO.. LIMITED. Pt.Lnsaaa - - --- r' A FINE SHOWING AUCTION SALES. THEr NEWf COUNCIL AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS GETS 1 reeding Goderich(or the great num ?HZ SIGNAL'S "BUY - UDR -WAY. thought the council should issue a booklet poinbttg out historic spots in and around the town This could be done with very x x s -•--x x X l ttk txpCltlY: and would be a splendid ad Huron County Poultry Exhibition In IB this Isar ut The Illgmal bi area vert.sement. In the matter of good Loads the Reeve and Deputy Reeve. said this Worship, should use their best efforts in the county council to are that the resolution regarding the rebate to towns and villages should be confirmed by bylaw. The Government had outlined a policy for a Provincial highway and it had been accepted by the county. The council should endeavor to have this so arranged so to provide a g od road leading to Detroit and so in- crease the summer traffic from that sec- tion. The train service was something that demanded attention. for according to the present timetables it was very poor. fytayor Wigle thought if the C. P. R. could be OF CLASSY BIRDS. I AT-ROYa OAxrAI<OR' The undeta%ned auctioneer has received in • - ,tructsrls from MR. JOHN PFEFFER Mayer Wigi. Online* an 6atemlve to sell by public aucuoa, on lot east half 31, con- priiignimvia obs finning year. resioa 1. East W awarosh lone and a -hall mites • east el Auburn, commencing at 1 p. m. sharp on 1 , WI;,j%N!. D,1Y, JAN IARY Y:nd, DOM,1 'rhe lime . tae fofowing that ay: [loam+. - )n..ge 1h btoutes. I Inas it yore o1 was held, ac Ia foal to Belmerho I Glare. riwif( l yeais del: 1 marched team of Qeye, rising 3 and 4 years old morning at II CAtn.s. - One cow. 7 years old, due to calve 4th ent, with Maya' W May: 1 caw, 7 years old, with calf at for; 1 cow, Iyears old. Yeah calved. 1 Keller rising Y Year After the mem old, due to calve loth of May; two tarrba co..: tied their drt'lafat 3 inert nuns 3 years old 1 heeler, rine Asigned K old 3 Paled Angus stems.) urs old; 2toned oath of office they. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HEARS. SCISSORS. SAWS. CLI P - PERS sad KNIVia of all keds sharps Now is a good time to buy a°a1eby machine. All wart guaranteed. W. G. pu{trrty jet rfor s Goderich hhave three Thee L MB . St. Uavd's reset. « µ at Westreet ar,de n beak houses I Biber shoe. - :•(•e ail well located and the.termMel sate are easy. AM cru hair d.rlhngs w head 'es'der'ual i T THE GODERICH SKATTI Wood paying farm properties are Ise sale. within a' pr streets that are iced low for quick male. Several • A WA RINK the band bon attendance .bort d»tarce d Garrick an r I will he dad to n end tar ceIrdeseaantsa On Md r , OW, 7 uesday, ThurAd sday give yopart guises of them at any chime. weld Prday night thS le 10 aad nets. T. GlJNDR Y. kati05 in alter 000* - Goderich. i S USINESS FOR SALE. -THE OLD- NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. k7SFP. LISHED peleral store business at Carlow which has been conducted by the under - Meer Of signed l« the pit uCi years. Annual tur tillers! good reap+» l« selling. Well equipped Mors. good sable and barn. For terms or bather psylme'YWfs apply to CLARE a CLAYTON. Ss-tt R. R. No. 5. Guderech_ 1PARM POR SALE. -FINE 200 -ACRE ! r FARM -lots To and M. concegmon S.coaches Bruce county. Good productive clay leer. level and free from .toots. We I watered, hist fink • token land. Two last tank • Ma cement pigpen Was bui Xi arid ■prraapl l) Billrame beth alogetb orchards-4 iAnexcellent4.100 feta. Apply to MRS. ANNIE J. TIFFIN. K. IL hies 5. Lockouts. Ont. FARM FOR SAL -173 ACRES, k.'. 'r and 20. Huron . [:ode. scb town - p Coad tsnldin1,. a n ire of water: water i, torn. also ort - h. two orchards: csealdr'aMl t,mber Sixteen es neer riding 1.11cerne closer. 2 Scree sac -Sr-yclover: SO stem ready Tor acting 0*,. ex acres fall wheat Silo 1•-Y31. rebuilt act tW to bill Apply WALTER. R. N. No. 1. Clinton, Ont et ne M1 11. Clinton FARM FOR SALE. Thv esacut«s d she mate d foam& In rd• ' deceased. oiler ter tale Ifo acres to C.udench ' ,..,.ship, c■mpr us.g lot f. coeterwm 1,v., and .nth hall lot [-. Done seson amts On the memoir are a good frame house. a hank Mtn. mg-hntse. droving -shed. three good well. and a .pr mg -creek and t so, acres M orchard The,e es an cacelknt and very valuable bush on each parcel. consisting of twelve arm of hardwood on one parcel and Aura acme of cedar on the aper. The soil is clay beat on the parcel Ant mentioned and Ole are alr,ut arty -eight a res ht hs culti- vatron, about one-half of which is seeded down: on the orerx,d parcel the ao,1 is black k.am and Y excellent [rasing land. The property is located oma gaud gravel road t hee< miles from Clinton. For further particulars apply to MICHAEL FLICK,. R. R. 2. Clinton. or to W. BRYDONE. Clmton, COR SALE. -FRAME COTTAGE. IN lh' good state td repair; also M, adjoining. Ap- plyto h11. F. WOdLLCOMBE, Trafate trtt. LOR SALE.- SOLiD BRICK HOUSE with all conveniences central location. Ad - lb. B X lb. SIGNAL OFFICE. tiodench• RENT. -OFFICE AND FiVE- ROOM dwelling in connection therewith. r to W F KELLY. the 1919 council atute. on Monday all members pres presiding. the council had and taken the yllydae opened Angus haters 3 years old:. lolled Arst us spring the proceedingswith t indication. the Polled Aoguscal lel. d Rsrlth. ukf. 1 Polled htayor WJ e. Pt hitt inaugural atf¢resti, A t k■ old. 4oae F{u1 + -.jhrc proud sow duo to filter to Swarth said fie thought .{ vis. . cal le 10o the Citizens had c n saute now•., months old•wisely in t r selfclirlaof representat Io,1.LMSNts.-One wagon, 1 sleigh, i b Meg. 1 I fur b •t electturlArils that had appeared ase.rr, bah Marey -Harris retake; 1 horse rake 1 y In {{ y induced to put on an accommodation and drill. I animator. 1 riding plow, t stock rack. during the campaig there was every 1 hey rack, 1 set doubly harness. r est single hag- evidence that It wsa to be a progressive train, leavingGuelph at 7 a. m.. and re - sea., abut twelvebhmnsei oR lar, qs `Yyol i Wuncll. He trusted that Dv. year would turning in te even ng. it would be very re- d raws. ■lana 3(0) 'n . o rungs. s ! beneficial to Goderich I wed d trier week, Lao prove such to be the easy The rnemtlers bushel* o ml gram, an u numerous tomentNMI. ' should enter into a raise study of the It behooved the town to do something Ei erything wilt he geld without reserve. as the town's financial ptt,Wrmy, that they for the returned soldiers. Up to the proprietor has tool se if 5111 went little or nothing had been accomp- Tuws All purchase. of and under cash; could thoroughly keel themselves to a over that ■mount, a smacks' credit on purchasers 'die.:ation of the best methods to be He would suggest that clubrooms Str fight a foe cos pant credit Fo"r per cg's' adopted• be provic:td where the veterans could Mraw. r o*. 1 tags on creels amount. Har. meet, ow. he land settlement scheme for . naw, roots wed seals, tags. A definite aCllettle of sewer construction JOHN PFEFFER,THOS. GUNDRI • should be entered Pito, sand His Worahtp• returned men should also be investigated Propaertat . Art tomer . and he thought It would be good finance and every help be given to these men. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK if fifty per cent. of the amount of the de- The council of 19111 had endorsed a sol- ; bentures being roti -rd each year were diers' memorial scheme brought forward a considerable number from bringing spent on this work. Hos would mean an by a local organization and he would sue• their exhibits However, ro the whole expenditure of about 89.000 a year. Thr gest that tcommittee in charge be bl the officers consider this yearon's event as Goderleh This Week. The twenty-third annual exhibition of the Huron County Poultry and Pet Stock Association opened In the town hall on the first' 'shot In a buy-at•liosue cam- paign w•hk•h It Is hoped will 'arollwt fresh Interest in a matter of great Importance to the welfare of the toren. Tuesday last and continued for two days. Tele articles .111.•11 will be prd•w•utwl While the 1919 exhibition may not have been fully up to the standard of former years, still there was a large var- iety o[ birds shown In many of the classes the entries w'cre of a quality that would rank with the very Dost Mr. A. who read thN•w. W. Tyson, of Guelph, who is acting as Thhe owicipalgu did out dirtglu.tte Government judge, remarked to the Sig; nal representative that some of the with the inorcltnts of '41,ukrish, nor from week to week to OW. campaign bare leen isrepttred olds ea re auto are ta11•uIated 11) appeal to t111• good 'white! as well as to the ciril; spirit of those specimens shown compared favorably in It the Intentlou to conduct it solely with any n Iti their interests: It Is the broader attended this season. In the barred and h see at the exhibitions he had white Rocks. black and silver Hamburgs. Interest of the whole sowILIu11fly that $bode island Reds and Orpingllrls, la tide"shirr (•tlusltk•rutIon. A dlluger there were some exceedingly handsome threstrul the buslue•sio Ilfr u[ luteus specimens of the birth, which showed tic or elusively' that the poultry stock of Hwon like G(alrr'eh Prow the stele Itirs uC county wean( a quality that augurs well the mail -astir houses dif tow rltlrs, for the future. 1 he slight decrease In the awl now, before •teal great injury i1 number of exhibits is attributable to many catrsra, one of which is that Some d •, Is the tfmr to Impress upon the of Ow smaller bleeders have gone out of purple the. lass•atilty of their support business owing to the increased price oof of the Komi stores if they wish theme feed. Again, the {revajfing epidemic kept stores to isn't' • doing bushiets. It Tose public sac hasnreceived instructions e st to /bricks street and iluron road sewers asked to bring down as soon as possible' Clinton.publlr on t suction t term Torrance 1, east of veryood,. and especially successful In Cigtoon Nunn road ton Torr■rc< Iarm1, on atxwld be completed this year. some proposal as to what term the Irle• cerain sections. • TLESDAY. JANUARY 31s1. • ' The debenture debt of the town stanis moria) should take. The honor roll which The instructional exhibit of the Dernin- at u:uocl«k the billowing: I at i35U.0(l0. wlttcll works out at 170 per was bring pre red should be completed ion Experimental Farms was in charge of Mr. Walter Scott and was of great inter- est to those interested in poultry -rinsing. The form of the exhibit was very impos- ing and particularly well arranged. poper n g purpose The assessment of Goderiche! was the The question a market in Goderich r G BISSET BROS year. cause of much egaspiaiot ftttm had been treated of 1 y sal warning » hereby glues that presorts shooting floss`•- One span draft mares welt mat had. eao.ta. year.. 1 rarest r gelding. with the.teast possible delay. Hung w Mhos ei fits. wag os our ty rdl be +.ng Y eak,ted according b .. ratepayers,as.a okezb many, but loud Heights. ar e cow. dor February xth: 1 tor, i a bout and probably itlfaManY cases it w•ax lust;- on the other hand there were many who DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. VV EYE. EAR. NOSE. THROAT. gntdLate House Sermon New York Ophthelouc gee Ho.pstaAural l andt Gok1rfl arrant Sguare Throat Hs pis tondos, Est. A Iawloo St. SS.. 5teatlord. Telephone oaf. At Bedford Hntd. God,rkh. Wednesday. March 111th. from 7 p. en., to Thursday. March *(.b.atlpm. WANTED. due er Isy 10th; t'od Cie a Feistier nth i row. eat April 7th' lied and there cuss no doubt but that the considered' it seliollalY, and t Id be i mom Samples of the different grains to be used 'humid hardly be necessary to print out tlmt the more business the boon 't whet t stores do the better storks they wan keep. the better prh's they can give, and the Metter service tlwy can dtatu- tatn for their cus!utw•rs. klaliy people; however. are thoughtlerw. and It 1's to bring them to anular how nous* t Wry 1 ccs.. due April I,th: i cow. dee April :Mb; i assessment should t xgualized This war web for this council to Investigate the s old eat in (ceding poultry were Ptpwn m glass they stilt lament the town tfwduding matter thoroughly amt find out just what are a a number of colored plates of expenditure would be necessary. Another well arranged chicken farms were exposed themselves 1 by a Iad'sy of "buying at matter that demand-dt attention was the with electric lights behind which brought home' that these' articles are being providing of a standard set of aced. K . whereby weights could be compared, up every detail very prominently. Mini- r puldish/ l. ' d ( should also azure specimens of the best nests, crates, I Hewitt article \0 1 in thea week's established and the ra housing out. Scott was always on hand prepared to Signal' 4 page tri and hark for the The Government housing scheme instrtu ►e• laked cow. due April lath; I he,lcr. years May Ish; 1 honor cow: 3 hearers. tone} years: the only way to remedy the matter. hollers. 1 year old; 1 steer. 1 year ul , helms. in these days of c 061 financing the col- risi 1 ear, 3 steers rising 1 rear; I e uterd a 1g cant • an othcul record 01 11671 W. Ito- n[ y lection of tales war very pa 1, uttnneey bnll, 2 y<ars old. This bun's am Ar I n( milk aid 'natter and the beet and quickest method H a;lbs of Nu wPoutrare One Y's. mrkahire sow, flux of getting the stoney should be ac!optrd. Apra 30th 2 Y oskslnre sows, due in March: There were Iwo ways of getting pigs, 3 mot eh. old about 23 young white Leghorn the ne raw y 1M -emotion to strike ne • the rate. One was to accept the I e binder. • rtenditio-Oneort. trot Daeering . ,n 191s assessment for 19(9 and the other condition. 1 earlyne. n -It. -cut Marey larris mower. 1 steel ha. rake [may loader, Dud was to have the ass -ssor complete his roll r latest low -dawn e. It was to Itdn, both Massey- ons mate; I Few. C good cult valor, I nee t h«x sculser t new the council to say w%ltchthlw'd be done. NOTICE TU CREDITORS. • las new. 1 new manure spreader. i as provided for by statue up Certain standards o measures a uu Mr. be t coops and houses were on exhibition. Thu Id be investigated for Goderich was answer all enquiries and give any suossrOling articles til published badly in need of workingmen s houses. if Mr. A. W. Tyson. of Guelph, recog- the scheme could be made applicable to nixed throughout Ontario as one of the this town it should receive consideration N OTIGE TO TORS• mist competent judges. acted in that '•-hottosn plow, 1 sing plots. single ruiner, t Li the matter Of public works this town The V flet of ho it service should be ca,,acit here. Mr. Tyson was present Oliver sl. int prow, angle furrow: 1 No. n should be {asst the -aid idea that a load of taken a and if possible a service re- ) V 1'Ni MATT. q. IW 1= OF Drotice F. Fleury .alk laf dots node furrow: I tarn vel here and tbee(wtxked for prrman- , esuhlished. throughout to eiplam just why the .,,, oda. tall err yea Holum. ue NAPA/PAC- ► 1 w Ia rest Deering train and Lim ILjltns debtf G ,d heat stood awards were made as they were and what arCN, a »eft. COMITY t1 HutuN, rasetr►Ac- u Non {xxtsible [mar Cir' rear r nr est roadways year $6,100 was The chewing o d K - Iertmur wow 1 .temp seeder. g• rid a+ nee;3 eels spent r - ! Merits in cSrtaln birds mffuenced him in Iran harr.ks 1 nearly -n , M Ile rat and Ilttle or :cathing was of a per- now at f2I1.W0 and it should he the ret- ! , d have this reduced judging. eat 3-011,1 ~Kari mi er 1 rnrarly-ser 1 Lt hep leased. ShankY Mon [as t nal Ufr! More atlMtion should I d von of the total' t0 ve 1 cashes 1 I-.k.plolds gaa11 n". m (rack, uud mania The officers of the Huron County as arm. of 1f L3 the ;Isley front the C. P. R. h This debt [ wets engine. •eat. [ etrnaolldated write years ag I yt7aa.•, tlacttAta . momtha and fie I in be pad lU t f RIOS& ars m0 be a el 1► tt)e Old int* tome ea by so much rat year. Sock A this • di and it was' PnaitrY f h 7 tumor Art H s o short simpler 121, to it Acid(' he o a lubstxlt nature. 1soE altisidertsl advisable w rep aJ. thea >WUF{Q•1- 1aa ls, A war r 1'vroe pr 11k ]" lival't! mod 'W- ells, f(IE Engksfr author. once Vru nl•s would come to pees. from week to week. "THE FIREFLY'OF FRANCE." Record of Daring Deeds in Splendid Picture to Be Presented Next Week. The daring deeds of the aviat' •rs in tor. Allied service will form material for song estdent, H. Hays . Goderich: and story bng after .tile war is t octet!. It '* I bceii tore M. J3 esloen man has written history in the circumaicmm-to send by - o t that all creditor* sod oilers hiving claimers dr- machine. 1 nee In Inch grinder. I him 4410- Neenartt"A O I s! wimmo t to sat res. atthe ow/ td caaw., lime neer reran norrdipWa[ The road from the l.. panda against y wed on or of the said Leh day filter. with Mo . as and dot s salnr «3: Dias T. R. Waliat n. prexeedmg. Bell. Goderieh; tary•treasure'r, M• • H I k IR, ded on Cir ,hoot one pfh tray , b 1 new N . 1 H .g w to 3 the Square also sh old have consideration. The Mayon in con; lusioxl, gave tel! ole advice as to what was ex- E- Lymburnerulrlden h• s twit the led of the itdivi uCi mem the board was In aessl(n r cru. tch will be Wblist ase - erns saw r' ,Manya brave bird- ayor s suggestion was that council a Irl d l lyres when het or pylae wanner D H seed that i exception n[ a tow awards t eco e r . nig. at the said Town of l:od • Inch saw: 3 new eels :nn sloop sleighs, :;-itch d(kedher, A. D. requested. before - _ ._. _, runners:, ..I ,.tet det.ha-1 iron with testi; and the DI deliver to the London and n esiern Tryst Cor. pansy. London.Artar . the Executor ref the rd Estate, th a Christian and sarnamrs address and descriptions. the lull particulars m wrrttnE • 1 thou churns.• statement of their accounts. and the astute of the security, if any. held by them A 010 TARP nonce:that of er said last metol timed date the said Executor will proceed to dist rthule the arta of the said deceased ■mons the parties entitled thereto. having retard only to the clam of which it shall then have notice. and that the said Executor will not he liable our the acid arts or persons of whose clams notrt ice shall f to any heetsved by 0 at the Mme of such dutnbutim Dated a Gouench. this lard day of December. 1 A. D. 111". PROUDFOOT. KtLLORAN & COOKE. Goderich, Ontario. Sol.uton for the Eaecutor. 1111-31 roil SALE. _.. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE. 1 NTRRt A ADppty et SIGNAL OFFICWRITE. lit QODERICHNKNITTiNOPCO.Y THE 10-04 MUSIC. FREDERIC T. EGENER, Mas. Inc. SINGING PIANOFOR'T'E PI PE ORGAN Studio over Dunlop's Drug Store. Two Clyttesdaie colts, rising •ne' and tiro years old, Roth imported dam and ere. Yorkahitt' and Berkshire uoars and alta. front Rarr.<ttelii tttll stock. A %umber of Shorthorn females. JOHN DURST. W R. No. 2, Clinton. Telephone 1119 (Benmilkr). 3i -4t PUREBRED STOCK FOR SALE 1 have for ebur purebred shorthorn bulls __tam nine monttw Id and two thine Du tehs old. JAMES CHISHOLM. Telephone I non w 11 R. R. No. S Godench. '3A -t CARD OF THANKS. Isis . Clinton ,...,....a ......... , ..--sees---_- .. _. -- haraess 1 set double breeching harness, t set A year aKO, said His Worship. he h41 • doubly driving hs eel track. 1 h,ke-t,red buggy, r My suggested the appointment of a cemetery Kirk and car mor Merl track. with 1»1 feet rat r, r'c eR f rh,nletrees crannies, reeners, hoes. sboseir. commission, composed of one member a forks, and other things too numerous to mer•I ion. the council and two outsider-. The com mince s changing every year gave very entity of oats. Also oats and wheat. Terme c. Geerl!• Kayos and Larne Su-phen,am are nature of permanent improvements. He clerks for tie day. No reeve, as the proprietor has told h» farm. • mile opportunity for anything in the Teen. -All .oma of 510 and under. cash; over that amount. 1'l months' credit will he given on approved joint notes. Four per cent. off for cash. ERNEST ROZELL, T1103 Proprietor. I was still of the same opinion. The importance of the auto tourist trade.ted the Mayor to suggest some im- provements to Harbor Park in the way of scion for women, the year they were just entering would be liven on page 6 0[ this ureic one of harmony and that their sole thought would be the best interests of the - ------ town, The next order of business was the ap- anointment of the committee to strike the standing committees for the year, and it was moved by DeputyReeve Clark, sec- onded by Councillor Humber and carried, GUNURY, that the remaining members of the 19111 101;on.e,. accrarlmod a drinking council, Messrs Clark, Wallis. Davis, fountain and a p ace where lunch could Story and Mayor W igle,perform that duty, of special trues 1I next week) is 's Signal. TENDER WANTED. be served ' The atonal was then adjourned ten Improvements to the harbor was a minutes to allow that comm ;ecce to do its subject the Mayor said which should re- work anti on re -assembling the following cetve considerable attention from the were reported as the standing committees council. The sum of 850,000 had been for the year: voted by the Government, but owing to' Finance W. F. Clark. T. H. Mitchell, the war the money had never been spent. T. R. Wallis, T. M. Davis and L. G. MAIL CONTRACT. Agitation on the part of the council Parsons. should lead to the Government's giving' Pub is Works -T. R: Wallis. T. M. enc avis T. H. Mitchell, C.H. QEALtD TENDERS, ADDRESSED 1 hJ to the POatmasLer General. w111 be received at Ottawa until mon, on FRIDAY. the tsth DAY of FEBRUARY. 1919. ice the conveyance of Hes Majesty's mals. on a proposed Contract fo •aur years en time per wee OVER GODERIC igiNo, 6 RURAL ROUTE. from the est of July, 11. Printed ndrices containing furtber information el /to Conditions of proposed cont, act may be a 2 *lw P blankst forms of Goderc h, Duer na obtained and •A.dhurn. !and at the office of the Post Dungannon (Inspector. London. CHAS. E. H. FISHER, Post Office Inspector, THE FAMILY OF THE LATE Mit$. Poet tMhc «'s Ooh ALEXANDER- MCNEIL esprit their London. I uaIY, 1010. heartfelt thanks 1« the kin nese and sympfaky S -at rale nded rot hem inthsir late betterment. MEETINGS. School of Commerce Goderich, Ontario Students may enter any time. School hours 9 a.m to 12 a.m., 1 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. Persons wishing a thoroughly p rac'ticall and up-to-date Stenographic or Commer- cial Course may make arrangements with Miss Ward, at the rooms over Sharman's shoe store, any school day between 12 and 2 o'clock. A successful Business School is in your town. Don't miss this opportunity. B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts. Principal. consideration to the needs of •,od h U Y,•F Clark harbor. Humber and W. Walker. In 1915 the council investigated the Special, Relief and Reception, -L• install tion of a four -box fire alarm system; Parsons, W. F. Clark. W . Walker, J. at that time it was to cost 82,0011. It would Story and T. H. Mitchell. be well for this council to give tete matter Cemetery and Parks - T.M. Davis. T.R. 1 serious consideration. Wallis, L. G. Parsons, J. Story and T. H. 1 Humber. W. Walker and Wallis. Water, Light and Harbor - C. li. Hum- ber, NIDavis 1' R in order to provide some info!mation Mitchell. 4 Fire-) Story, T. M. Davis. C. H. T R W 11' -AUCTION SALES. %IEETING OF HURON COUNTY 111 COUNCIL. - The Council of the corporal ion of the County of Huron will meet in the cmtocd chamber. t.ode- rich. at 3 ,clock en the afternoon of Tuesday. tM 2slh day of January. 1919 A11 accounts against the County mwt he in the hands of the Berk not later than Monday preceding the tweeting d Connell. GEO. V. HOLM' N. County Clerk. Gnderich, January 16th. 1910'. .m -3t GORERICH iN STRIALANDAG' The annual 00Nul«y' meeting of the Goderich Industrial end Agricultural Society will be held in the Town H.3. Gnderxh, at 1 o'clock p. m Wednesdayy. the 22nd el January. 1130,1« elec- tion 01 ugsrora. treasurer's report and general Dueness W. T. MORNEY• DR. W. P. CLARK, Prominent. ' Acting Secy. l: rsGANNON AGRICULTURAL SO- iJ C,k:T1'. AUCTION SALE OF COWS AND YOUNG CAtTLE. }. The undenitned has been in,eructed to ill by pu lc auction, at lot 17, Maitland concession. Ooderich township, on THURSDAY, JANUARY 'MId, at I o'clock sharp the lot 0.irlt: One cow, with calf at lora; 2 cows due to Reshen ,n January; 4 cows, due to frrshen in February; 4 cows, due to freshen in March; 4 cows, due to freshen in April; 2 cows. dere to freshen in May: 1 cow. due to freshen in September, mdking well now; 4 heifer.. rising a, due to freshen Febru..ry and March RataSTaa10 Sro(R.- rhe heifer. resin` 1. Fatr- view Fkui.,e, No. 13[711!, due to freshen February 10: 1 mw, ruing 7, Printer May. No. 1117773. due tolre.hen March 10, Yount: CATTLE,- Five ate rs, rising 2, Polled - Angus grader; 2 Ayrshire heifers. rising 2 year. '1 MIDAS . - Cash,« approved joint antes fur three wit or nine wirier he, berries interest at 6 per cent. Gu40ANTta. Any co - sold to be with calf.not proving to he ,n one month from time o1 -sale. 10 per cent of purchase money will be refunded. Sale will be conducted indoor.. Good accom- modation for horses. W. II. LOMB. T. GUNDRY. Proprietor. Auctioneer. IMPORTANT SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS. The annual meeting of the Dunganaml Agrt- erohure !smote will he held in Fltott's hall, Dungannon. on Tuesday. January ria. 11124 at 1 o'clock p, m., for the Het tiono directors, the re- ceiving of the reports of officers. and other bust - mos, RMc1LWAIN, Secy. tiny. ANNUAL MEETING. The annul meeting of the imide M the Mc- Rillnp Mutual Fme Insurance Company will be held In the „wish hall. Srafoulh, ori FRIDAY. FFRRII ARY 701, at 3 o'clock p.m The busmen ret the meeting uta he to receive the a mid report end auditors' statement. the 114n -tom of Three direr tors and twnwd,lor. and other bummer which might be considered for the ' hen At of time Company. The retiring Ares tors Cir. Jahn 1, Grieve James Evans and John Benrwws iswho are ell eligible for re .l.rtinn 1 TAMES CONNOLLY, T E. HAYS, President. See.-Treas. seater*, Joreary 7, 1M,. At the Hamilton Street Auction Rooms on • SATURDAY. JANUARY 39th, at I.31, the following Thrse-piece mahgeny melee suite, 1 wk molts i tallied 6 -piece oak dining set. 1 small oak,rocker,l , large oak rocker, 1 wk jardiniere stand. 1 square parlor table. 1 cane -bottom armchair. I small sae rocker. I wooden moorhen. 1 red armchair, 6 dining chairs. 1 walnut card table. 1 dark doling - MOM Metrias table, 1 two hurnr, ml stove with oven. I light-colored diningrnom extension table. 1 ask sklervard. t children's small rockers, 1 linen the t with heddlu{5. 1 hang. g lamp. l parlor table lamp, 2 alarm elks, 2 mattresses. 11 leather pillows. 4 leather tick., 1 leather fishing tackle complete. 2 large rats. 1 nruswl. carpet 112121),' quantity rag cerpete and mats,-2airt 'ace cor- ning, l pair s r arch ripostet dealt bed couch, 1 lounge, I whatnot 1 lees kitchen cupboard. 1 emote copla ard, 1 icupboard.ifcbon fable. 1 kitchen rocker. 1 -lee ha.. 1 nursing rocker. 1 Mon fwd- sprigs an matters, 1 a+lehoard without giava, 1 walnut weelrolie. 1 'Argun. a gels ,shim», miseitny .4 dishes. goanlnty of graniteand numrvdus other kitchen and tau dry arlwles. Ths Mniture is all M firm class shape and moa as he duped of on day of sale Terms cash. THE LADS IN KHAKI. Sapper Harry Turner, of Bogota, (formerly of Goderich), who had a seri nervous breakdown just after entering training camp in England, returned to Canada last week. bient ether, and made for himself an un- forgettable memory. In the new Paramount picture. "The Firefly of France," which is to be seen at the Model Theatre on Friday and Satur- day of heat week, the deeds of an intrepid airman are the basis of the story, which concerns more particularly the saving of certain important papers that the Firefly has captured from the Germans. Wallace Reid and Ann Little have the leading roles and Raymond Hatton is the Firefly. Donald Crisp directed the picture. 1' GUNORY'S SALE REGISTER. Pte. P. A. FS)alhr returned hump SAt DAY. Jan. M. -Important sale of house' last w"el•k after helm, rittucl10k to the fwrivatient staff in I•alginlal • sine street atsb{rmrooms. at Int o'clock sharp. Febrilery lust. 1'te. Spa lir Joined tow - fortes at London n little diver a year ago nucj had 100.11 dctalntsl 111 England doing a crime work ever shoe his ar- rival then•. or was received in town last night from Pte. Harry L. Watwm saying he had arrived at St. John on the Scotian. Pte. Watson was a member of the Iiiist Bat- talion band and proceeded overseas with that organization over two years ago. Ile will likely arrive home on Saturday. bei, 1.. 1.,. arsons, Mrs. Pullin has received word from her Wallis and J. Story. I husband, Corp. L. M. Pullin, that he was NEW ADVER iISEMENTS--Ja Market - W. Walker, J. Story. C. H. returning to Canada. Mr. and Mrs. in • BORN. MctIARTIIIN. To Capt. and Mrs. D. A. Me Carten.3'L a street, Wi impeic Man.. a spm (Alan Br IN EMORIAM. MAIZE. -in lovingq mary 0f Ellen Gardner, beloved wife nl .11 t E, Maize, who e dared Into rest January 17. yl". Ellen sleeps in Jesus. ul thoutht. Mowed and mourned, >i 'a neer forgot. Blessed a=surance, Ile well rime. We'll meet in our eternal h o trot. u1 promise God has giv:,l`n; We part on estth-we meet .n Heaven, }limas Nd,AteD Sone. Humber. L G Parsons and W.F. Clark. I will return to their home In Alberta.,,tir County com.el Meet mg G. W.Hdman. Court of Revision -T. II. Mitchell. Live Stock for Sale --John Durst C. H. Humber, Er R. Wigle (Mayor). W F Clark and W. Walker. I SOLDIERb'MEMORIAL FUND. in each case the first -mentioned is to be chairman of the committee. Mayor Wigle was appointed the town's representative on the directorate of the Goderich Elevator and Transit Co. The regular meetings of the council for 1919 will be held on the first and third Friday of each month at 8 o'clock. Mr. H. T. Edwards was appointed to the Collegiate Institute board anti Mr. C. A Rend to th • public library board. The members of the board of health for last year were reappointed for 1919. assessor and tax collectorllefor this year at a salary of 5750. A bylaw was passed authorizing the torrowing of 83,750 to pay the interest on the West Shore Railway bonds. rhe question as to which hank should handle the town's business during the rating year was the subject of acme dis- cussion. but the matter was left in the i hands of the finance committee to report 1 at the next meeting. Mr. Wm. Camp II was reappointed AMOU1911t (')YT11lnl'TED. Previously acknowledged . - ..3 3414 34)) M. holing5 25 hi iitslel Theatre benctlt(Jan: S, 9) 37riixi W. T. MtLLAII. Treasurer. T. GUNDRY, Auctloeeer, Freati homemade candy ,it 11. T. Dunne -a for Sale -Clark a Clayton Farm for Sale -her.. Annie .t. Titan ..... Annual Meeting-Goderich industrial and Agri. cultural Society.. Auction Sale- W. H..Lobh; 1 Auction Sale --Thos. Gundry 5 Real Estate for Sale -Thos. Gundry 1 Mail Contract-Pr..lofhce Department......I The Signal Buy -at -Horne Campaign .... ..,•. II 3 Aunt ion Sale -Ernest Rosen .. 1 Card of Thanks - McNeil Family Annual Meeting -Dungannon Aarlewltural 18th. Pole . ..... . Edwards'. Take fat I with you. Scare r .. The rosined then adjourned to meet on Friday. January 17th. at S o'clock. CHARACTER AS APPLIED TO A 1)RtH:- sTORt.-Drugstores have character just as people have. You are particular re. gaoling the character of persons with whom you associate. Why not he as discriminating regarding the child of drug- store which is to supply your needs dur- ing the coming year? Wigle's drugstore is of the highest order. 1t affords many conveniences and up to date features not commonly found. The quality and freshneat of goods are assured and prices are always reasonable. As 10 service. we can only urge you to let us serve vou temporarily, feeling sure that such trial will win your approval. E. R. Wigle, Druggist, Goderich. NK OFMONTREM A Joint Bank Account enables man and wife; or two members of the same family, to have a Savings Account in common, and make deposits and with- drawals individually. A. W. Strickland, Manager. Goderich Branch.