The Signal, 1918-12-26, Page 81Tbneihy, Det. 26. 1MS.
Office Supplies
for 1919
Ledge's, Journals, Day
Balks from 'irk up.
Books, Itlauk Bks, Metro. Books,
Bill. Pay'ahle,. Bills Receiv-
able, etc.
Canadian Office and Pocket
'Diaries, Canadian Alutan-
acs, etc.
Genuine Shannon Files, with
or without poach, and bind-
ing cases.
Highest trade Lead Pencils
and Erataers, Penholders,
F.sterbrook Pelts. Business
Envelopes, all sizes. Type-
writing Pipers, Stepheus'
and Carter's Ink.
Special selling agents for
W'aterman's Ideal Fountain
Pen, priced from A2.501 up.
isle. E. H. Somersal Had a Hand in
Chasing Oat the Hun
Pte. E. H. Somerset', the writer of the
following letter. sent uverseaa eels the
tele Battalions was wounded at Vrny
Ridge. and alter eleven months in England
was bad. in the lines about the middle of
August last and went thugh all the
hese) lighting of the Canadians from that
time to the der of the war:
for axle minute doubted but that 1 wopld
get tone bate. Some of the boys were GERMANS ARE FRIENDLY.
on leave at the I Mile the animismwas
signed and they say the people in Blighty
simply went wild. The boys here seemed
veru uncortcerred about it. Nobody
could realise It at all. Such a dead
stillness, nut a sound hardly except for a
roobttr canting or something of that
Wine. One expected every minute to
bear the big guns start up apin. We
were right up in a hat ie called front line.
Of course there nere no trenches: open
We have a picture shoe and the theatre
Suing here. I was at the pictures last
Mete. j t ra
list (wadis ReneeeSoldiers Reee
With the Canadian Army in Ger-
many Dec 17. - - Canadian Cotpe
headquarters were established at
Bonn on Dee 11, one month after
the signing of the armistice. theen
Caaadla■ first and second diwlsioa
are now taking up their positions as
• part of the second army on the
right bank of the Rhine and the sea
welcome the end of their long gels
DEAR MOTHER. -The other day 1 seemed cher strange to be grimage entirely by foot, which baa
wrote you a few lines. but at that tune able to go to a show once more. The l'. continued, almost without interrup-
the Hiles d censorship were such that our m. C. A.'s supply' nearly all the amuse- tion since the crossing of the Canal
hardly knew shat to write. Just at arta' li a Its and of course they have their can- du Nord on Sept. 27. They were as-
tnt WC Art in that tar -(aired city of'hrons..c eweesaand sell things for about Ifa1f thejiKae4 the most dimeult tank of all
which Fritz took possession of about 22114 11e civilian stores do. 1'et some . -.pie i in {he mbeh through the Ardennes
of August. 1914. and where to reigned e(whd•them and say they are just a • nch and RhlnelaDd.
supreme until about a week ago. TUC of graftcre. This is getting to be a The attitude et the German pops -
"contemptible" Canadians chased hint 1Ry tetter, au will cine• lation to our troops appeared to los
rodeoch-'4iww'. Cold.Gm-
Mr. Earl Elliott is home from Toronto
far the holidays.
Mr Bert Murphy. of the railway mail
ani vice between London and W ingham.
was in Loan over Sunday.
County 'l'rescuter Lane is spending
the (7hristauas seri en with hie son.
Dr. Chas. Ione,et Detroit.
Jas. A. Campbell
Dei. •t
out. Our battery was the first to enter wis}1es 10 all.
the city, although the infantry claims first ' ' Your loving bort,
Owe. Anyway, tbe 3rd division was PrE. E . H. Souuts u. No. tra.O84
first. Now the place is literally aloe with E Battery'
Canadians. 3rd Can. M. G Battalion. B. E. F.,
Mons is quite a big place, not any the France.
worse of the war, at least very little. fast __
Friday there was a big demonstralioq. ANN HISTORIC DOCUMENT.
The King of Belgium was here and the
Canadians turned the city over to the Order Issued to Canadians Before the
Belgian people. I happened to be on the Krockout Blow.
guard if honor, as they termed it. Of
course. none of us are very fond of that Below is a copy of the historic ceder
kind of thing. Still. it's a lot better than issued to tbe Fust Canadian Infantry
last Sunday. He sure made it lively for igade on the eve of the gnat offensive
us that day -his farewell kick. We have
seen a lot of country of late. both Belgium
and France. The people certainly are
glad to get away from the Go man yoke.
Just at present the foremost thought in
r minds is. when are we gang to get know
e. but IA's not so bad when we ow
gang to gel there erelong. Just
what a joyful time it will
more partings. fo [mire
s. Why. it will just be like
t back home once more. It
weary time for everybody.
as great rejoicing at home
-whizz bangs" flying about as they were
which brought the migHty German army i 36 c•utlmes In official exchange. be -
to its knees. The order ea, sent W Car- tog therefore almost double the
ada by `ergt. W. E. Elliott of they 1st value. Accordingly Germany, In 11 -
Battalion (son of Mr. and Mrs. G. M.
Elliott of town):
we a
tie -no
Heaven to
has been a Ion
'lbw days. •
lee are haying t weather herr: very i *ill tall. In front of the held howitzers
friendly and based on the theory that
as the war is over we might as well
be friends again. Needless to say
these advances were not met halt
way, and our men have exhibited ad-
mlreble reserve and restraint. Inci-
dents beer been few because the
people lief the occupied territories
have tmmedlately been put under
strict discipline. These appears to be
ample supply of food of all descrip-
tions. In the Rhine cities our men
are better off than In Belgium, be-
cuse we have axed a +slue for the
mark of 70 centimes, whereas in Bel-
gium the mark ■till fetches 1 franc
Firet Canadian infantry Brigade.
September 26. 1915.
To AU Ranks. First Canadian Infantry
Br Stade. ,
For the attack which sir are about to
make forty batteries of field artillery will
hre in barrage. giving one held gun to
every twenty yards. In front of the field
artillery. the shells of the held howitzers
little ram: of sour out in the country the heavy howuzers, andbe),.ond ththe
there Is lots of mud. , t ee do not notice heavy howitzers and H. V. guns will fire
it in the city. Bel, ium
very fiat country. hardly
the water is just about to
surface. 1 think it woul
-country for roots or bas, but
'grain. A person is hardly out of
till he gets into another. Trevi
war the population was estimat
about tiW per square mile. while
for mstanoe had only three per sq
mile Some difference. isn't it' Bete
is one of the most thickly populated
countries outside of China. Ye
are billeted has hien a Normal school. tr
but • Fritz). used it for a hospital. It is ( perti
heated by steam and has both gas and vict
electric lishts and a good water supply. 50 , may be
are Men in style in comparison with crxttdent
n the whole is a
any hills. and
feet from the
be • a good
wet for
on selected targets i.
On the front of tine .division twenty
four batteries of machine guns will give
covering fire.
As you advance. more metal will be
throe over year heals on the enemy
to the' than in any prrvsms action in which you
at have been engaged.
a j Plans have been carefully made end
[matured. Every possibility ha. been fore-
seen and provided for as far as it is
umanly possible to do so.
o ask this brigade. wtth its record and
'tions. to do its duty could be an in-
ce en my part. Accustomed to
rehwill go into this battle. which
dectstve battle of the war.
w g success -absolute and cten-
shat we have had. No nwoe old wet. plete. I es . id ask you to remtsrnber that
leaky dugouts aid mud in the trenches • the eyes of t world are upon you. You
kneedeep• and if you stood still for a few ' are constantly i the thoutrhtsand prayers
mrqutes you would not oe able to `et I of the people 0 CANADA and we are
your feet out at all. Oh! spat a relief it fighting for the sacred cause for
is to think there is no more of awful jobs which men can hgh namely. the liberty
to do and wonder if you are going to be of our people and to feat a foe whose
spared 1 s conte Ind of it. Still 1 never I ruthless brutality will = a by A'ord in
history. Today he is uta
EGoderich Board of Trade!
The E::et• itive Council of the Board has completed
mui•h of iia, organisation work and statistical detail.
essential iii prosecuting a campaign of indnatrial de-
velopment in the reconstrnt•tive period following the
anticipated otfieial signing of pepee.
In advancing the interests of oar community it is int
iterative that each citizen extend his full co-operat'
to the attainment of the almost. advantage afforded by
the natural and created f,teilities of "IIi'ROON'S
11OLI)E 4 GATE..• 1r
Let 'lig therefore present an adequate representation at
our nettnination peering in the Town Ifal1 on Moeda'
evening, the :eitlih inst. nlltl appoint for these responsible
ofiees the best men fitted for their respective task..
Executive Council, Board of Trade
G.L Parsons. President
(loderieh, Ont.. 1)eeemher 24th. 1918.
XXX Xuthfb 11aA1XXXXXXrll a •CXXXX /vldln/srarsrtfltX
Iumnfiinmmminimm m muumn mnnuominti nuumm1HHiuunm
Cold Weather
at Popular Prices
We have a complete stock of Ladies' and Men's
cFelt Boots. Some plain felt, others with leather
E facing. warmly lined. with and without toe caps.
Have us show you.
Hockey Boots
Both in high and low cut styles. With
without ankle supporta. lined and unlined.
trouble to show and quote you paces.
eying and reel-
ing in defeat. Today weand those asso-
ciated with ue. will deliver knockout
blow. With absolute Confide 1 leave
the issue in your hands.
W. A. Gibbus
B igadier-G
Commanding First Canadian In
Brigade. -
guideline her debt to Belgium, will
have to redeem each paper mark sbe
blued by two German marks.
Ressld► Commander W W Return to
LONDON. Dec. 17. -Field Marshal
Sir Douglas Haig, cowntander-ta-
ehief of the British forces in France,
will arrive in England Thursday
morning with a staff of distinguished
emcers. After landing at the dock-
yard Ib Dover the Yield Marshal and
his party will be drives from the sea
frost to the Admiralty pier station
where a civic address will be pre-
sented the held marshal. Later, air
Douglas will drive to the Town Hail.
Lady Haig will be present.
Leaving Dover the marshal is ex-
pected to arrive in London to the
early afternoon. where he will be met
by the Duke of Connaught on behalf
fo Klwg George. An imposing mili-
tary welcome 1. being arranged by
the War Omoe. From the station the
field marshal, wtth troops lining the
streets, win drive to Buckingham
Palace where King George will give
a luncbeos in his honor.
More ("madame V.C. s.
LONDON, Dec. 17. - 'I3iz noon
Comedians have been awarded the
Victoria Cross. Thin brings the total
Canadian Victoria Crosses to 55. The
newly -announced winners of the
medal are
Lt. -Col. W. H. C. Kennedy, born in
1180. 1a Ayrshire. Scotland. Enlisted
la September, 1914, at Valcartier. la
the 1 3t Battalion. now with 24th.
Wounded slightly is August, 1918.
Occupation, company manager Holds
' D.R.O. and C.M.O. and Croix de
t : uerre.
Capt. 11. S. Hutcheson, Medical*,
barn In Mont Carmel. Illinois. En-
listed at Toronto la December, 1115,'
Reed 45.
Lieut. O. T. Lyall, bora In Yam -
cheater, Eng., 1■ 1812. inlihkd at
St, Catharines, Ont., In September,
Pte. .1. F. Young. born at Kidder-
minster. Eng.. in 1893. Enlisted at
Montreal In October, 1915: tobacco
Pte. W. L. Rayfield, born in Well -
mond, Eng., la 1881. Enlisted as
Victoria, in July, 1917; trade, lane -
PrP. ('. J.,iyunney, born in DuWa,
Ireland. litillsted In March, 1916;
Owing to the lamented death of the head of
this house, Mr. J. H. Colborne, the store
has been closed for a few days. It will be
re -opened on Saturday.
parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Elliott.
Prof. J. C Robertson. of Victoria Col-
lege, Toronto. and Mrs. Robertson a e
spending the Christmas season in town.
Mr. H. Macgregor leaves tom&rrow
(Friday) Os relieve the manager of the
Sterling Bank at Sombre for a week or;Po.
Mrs. It. J. Smith and daughter
Hester, of Guelph, ate visiting in
town. Mr. Smith wise here Chriet-
ntas Day.
Zurich Herald: Mr. Daniel Staubus
moved his household effects this week to
Goderich. where Mr. and Mrs. Staubus
will reside.
Miss Anuli Campbell and Mrs.
Rogers anti son. of Toront... spent
Christmas at the home of Mr. Wm.
Miss Agn' s Hamilton. of the Kincar-
dine high school staff. is visitingQ her par-
ents. Rev. James and Mrs. (Hamiltons
during the Chr stmas vacation.
Mrs. Darby and daughter. Eota, of
Almont. Michigan. are vending a few
weeks with the fo rmer's parents. Mr and
Mrs. D. Cameron.
Mr. and Mrs. David Jardine. who re
turned home recently after spending the
summer and fall months suiting their
daughten in the West. are enjoying the
holiday sea on with relatives at Holmes-
Mrs. A. Davidson is spending Christ-
mas with her sitter. Mrs. R. A. King, at
Blyth. and is staying over for the diamond
an iversary of Mr. and Mrs. G. King. to
be observed on Saturday next.
Mr. Leonard Dunkeld is home from
Oshawa for the holiday season. Mrs.
Miss lla Allen is home from Guelph for
the holiday season.
Mus Evelyn Dean is spending the
holidays, at BulIalq.
Mr. A. E. Cook was up from Toronto
for a brief visit this week.
Mies Edith Murne•y. from Tota.nto,
11 Amon` the holiday visitors.
Mins Olive Robertve.n moue home
from Toronto for the holiday.
Miss Olive Goldthorpe is home from
otontoeor the Christmas holidays.
• iss Minnie Campbell is home frons
Aar 'n fot the (:hrietnia.• vneation.
Mr. rank McArthur. of Toronto. is
'pendia Christmas at the parental home.
Capt. :. E. Kahuna •n i+ home otter•
laying t*r t 'e boat tit the winter at
Miss Mary urky.. of Toronto. is
Vending the Ch mas season at the old
Mr. Athol MacQu
among th • visitors in t. n for the
Mr. J. T. Goldthorpe a ed from New
Liskeard to spend the Chr Inas season
in town,
Take a glass of Salta if your Back harts
or Bladder bothers yob-Drak
wore water.
ie, of Toronto. is
Mr. Harold Murney came up Tor
onto to •eaP4sis Christmas turke at the
old hone,
lire. Uilton Kehler's of New 11
berg. Is spending the Christina
season in town.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Elliott and Miss
ivy spent Christtrtas with Mrs. W. E.
Elliott at London.
Mr. and Miss Ben 11. Robinson, of
Detroit. are visiting at the h • of
Mr and Mo.. William Robinson.
Miss icy Elliott is here from London to
spend her New Year yacati nt .with her
11 yeti must have your treat every day,
est it, but flush yrrnr kidneys with salts
occasionally. says a noted autbnrity who
91116 is f.h*t pleat forma uric acid which
almost perelyws the kidneys in their ef-
forts to expel it from the Mood. They
bemuse slutgtab and weaken, then yea
suffer with a dull misery in the kilne:
region, sharp pains in the back or sic'
headache, dimness, your stomach ears,
tongue is costed and whin the weather
is bad mu have rheumatic twinges. The
LAM! gets eloudy, full of sediment., the
channels often rt sore and Irritated,
obliging you to week relief two or three
time dining the night.
To neutralise these Irritating acids, to
cleanse the kidneys diad flesh on the
body's wrote get (mir wanes of
Jail Salta from any pharmacy hen;
take • tableepnnafsl in a glass of
water before breaktaer Inc • few days
•nd your kidneys will then set Rae. This
famous •alt• Is nia.l. from the said et
grail.. and lemon juice, *nmbieed with
it tkfa, and has been naso for Rwaeeatlnn•
to Rosh and stimelata slepp'iat kidneys,
also to nrntraliae the mitts in urine,
an it nn tenger Irritates, tem meets
Madder weakness.
.f•d Felts to ine•tteemeive: omen! la -
1 Ines, and mains a deliJ'tfu: af•lvetuwa
idles eater Mint
Ake wide/ Le l•..aseaiy..
Dunkeld has leen here for several weeks
attending her mother, Mrs. D. Cameron,
during an illness of several weeks. Mrs.
Cameron. we are pleased to state. is able
to be about again.
This Theatre shows the fam-
ous Parantouut and Artcraft
Pictures advertised iu the
Saturday 'Evening Port and
other popular inagazinees.
• / IQ .
"The Kaiser s
today or tomorrow, then next
week see the other 3 pieta -es
on our programme for next
week which is printed on
Page 5
All Paramount and Artcraft
We arc
now prepared to
serve the public for their
Christman baking with
th beat goods obtain-
able on the market.
Helaine. seeders and etedle.s•
New Currants.
Citron, Orange and Lemon
Shelled Walnuts a n d
A t nlonds.
Icing Sugar, Shredded
Drdtnadorv, Anchor and
ExcElsior Dates.
Also in stack a full line or
general groceries.
Trr our Black and Japan
Ten at fi:k per lb.
No trouble to show goods.
Phone 1441 . HalMlton Street
Lieenee No. R
Medical statistics reveal the start -
nag fact that 2.462 died of consump-
tion In Ontario last year - seven
every day of the year.
It has destroyed more human life
than all the wars of the universe.
One-quarter of all who die between
the ages of 20 and 50 are vletims ur
the Greet Wbite Plague. fam-
sad story of a once happy
has been brought to our attention.
The father. 111 for many months,
worked away at his trade until fin-
ally, broken down completely. he had
to give up. An examination proved'
him to be In the last stage of con-
sumption. He lived but a short limp
atter. leaving a legacy of disease to.
his four little children, all of whom
were found to be Infected.
Fortunately their plight was dis-
covered In time, and they were hur-
ried to the Queen Mary Hospital for
Consumptive Children.
The fall little mother is eking
out an existence as best she ran- -
her one ray of sunshine • weekly
visit to her little ones. now much Int-
proved In health.
The Queen Mary Hospital I. defogs
a great work amongst the consume -
tive children -nine out of ten of One
early eases may be cured 1f taken,
la time. Help Is urgently needed to
earry on the work. Coatrlbutlons
may be sent to Mr. A. E. Antes.
Chairman of Finance Committee. Sr
King street west, Toronto. by whom
they will be gratefully acknowledged
Canada's Only Roiining Centre
The Great Smelter at Trail, B.O.
LTIIOUGH, as Is well known. a I at that time tbe War Eagle--c'er.trs I deed, a • • then to 'melte our mere.
Awerld-wiM attention was first , Star group of mines at Rossland. the qulrement• for these metals In Enl,b-
directed to British C,lumbla St Eugene lead mine at Moyle and'edor unmanufacturel form its re,
by reason of the dl.coverles ID the other properties. (which slice bevel pun hared at, of course, a vastly ear
isle "'fifties- and early "sixties" of been further augmented) and tile lhane►r1 price repreeenting the prnftt$
alluvial gold in the Fraser rivet and
in the streams of the 1 ariboo dis-
trict -and for many years a rich har-
arvest was reaped from these sources -
mining as an tmportan. bank Indus-
ndus., try of the Province --and It Is now i� ��7y
by far the most Important Industry d th 01 '11 11 Itlq
I* British CAlurnble-was not. fairly. Beard those In charge of the 7r�Oj
Messaged until nearly forty-five yesr. 1,178.821 oz. gold, 27,500.3:.0 az silver.R
,.teis and the bundles of the Trail, 418.328.b24 Ib. lead. 75.017.410 Ib. mop.lsaslter set to work with a wilt. a
smelter to 1898 by that brilliant ped and 13,058.998 ib. acne. IsncceMed after mach PxpedoeDlt
yens; AtherIrae financier and copper The elle of the smelter wag admire tion In producing refined arae eare•'ro
king, 1. Auguste Helnze, not only ably selected having regard to .m' lytle•Ily on a eemmercla' scale los
made Roseland, whose mines have gin/tering and commercial consider Plant now in-peratlon has s ,ap.,ity
eases pro4no`ed gold, sliver and cop• aliens and requiem nta on in MMP- of from 80 to 70 tons of spClter daily
per to the :'wtue of $70.000.000 is'vated terrace of gravelly VIII over sad last Seer ,rodnrvd I t0(1O sere of
round Genres. Out had the effect of looking the Columbia river. a. °ley zine. bovine a •'aloe i 1 Clone 040,
enormously stlmglatIng mineral de- • few miles distant are the tn*gnlS ' whlrhs as is .hotel !n sn official pe-
velopme•t and t
capital In mining In
the province. But H
toady a huslsene mas.
hill his smeltery w
not actuated by ph+Ian
elemosyttity motives. It wa
of his elan to operate the SCA
the profit of anyone but h
Ilenee •Ithongh hP rer.lred a lhnd
grant from the Provincial GovetMI• stare Is recent vases it hu trealPdlthstmsrrvinuslr that ^n en 1.761sKerd
meat as • eonsideraelon for the loco:
in_addition In British Cobtmbla lead.ith ay ploy further eatmeet 1 be
*traction of the smelter and of s'inc and copper ora ores from the snnv.rreq Into hlfsr'eatm..r. w ybe
narrow-gnage rsllw'ay to afford mon 'token. Manitoba. and Ontarld. from In turn 1. refined ler -uppercww,
neelien between the works at Tral; the, united States and from China n nlsne whl h bar as initisl ra.
and the meet' at Roseland. ■r.d also Fenn quite small beginnings th•
obtained an aseuraoce from the Do- work, par. been expanded un'' they •nI 11 enlarger)
dally. Sit whlrL s
minion (loverdaaent of a holm* of a now corer many acres of ermine. and '1 fl '• rgetitr -to haemle .w
dollar on eew h ten of ore treated. he' whim working at reit earmelty give ter ars ,•n e- P'ndhris et ..
also took rare that the rat•, imposed employment to 1.100 men a •ar*e p'e •oiphat• I ..-
en the treatment of euntoma ores 9repertlen eel whnm are !Pres artly �iPtIPl'dm h�Arof'd st't -r
should be • tolerably stiff one. In 1skilled. Is 'thea al tick It 1s r of pro I •earl, itis now oft r iilc
fart PrP long. as the deTP:opmeet Mi pard to go IntoeVehnteal dMNln. but i !littlest eery* s* .he
the mines progressed and It became' it may be stated briefly that Abe Maio l��tlest and as sac
necessary to market bre of a lower ' smelting plant corded. of from c•ed
blast.-lurnaees. four lead Mast I meld ImnortsAt and
vele average.
per I ferntnbing the m
munition m.kteg
cleat a has*P* esetreAnti-g mate
tiverneas nl the
forts. Nor d
reeved ler r
Miura Its ore
has se ass
rapacity of the plant was greatly la- of manufacture In a foreign c,.unlrr
creased. so that tbe undertaking now l ples the import duty. All of wh,eb
ranks as one of the largest and moss.l ora• the reverse of good ',assn..
Important of Ib kind In the Relish [But the war. which (tan had co mint
Empire. This is attested by the feet lattve an..sfeict on t natlonai on
that the smelter has trest^d co datelilee 1n general. Influenced riot
S.179.307 tons of ore having a gross, benetlrlalty In MIs direction ala
value of 894,315,754 and representlaie an upon a totting • un
investment of cent Falls of Bennington. from which Port. mark. ' an apo• h In the metal
her seetlons of the plant derives its power. More ,lurgteat hlatere of ens ti Re slues
se was essen-; over. ore can be shipped fm treat. with the refinlne of runner, whleh /1e
d In estab I meat to this centre most readily and Inc. the war w^s on many sides pro
eerta:nly'advantageously from the various to souneed to be an onlertakine that-
roplc or cantles In both West and lest Keefe- could not eeonomlesIlr tie roedtia•trif
no tart nay, and Indeed from much farther in Caned.. but w•Itrh Aerieg t..e gest
er for
afield. In consequence the Trail two years has been most sucreesfrI1
smelter ha* become almost a national ;carried nn at Tat n, owe ropMr
If not an 'nterratinnal lestltutl°'esvrter* lnstal'ed in 1918 oesbitsR•
the margin of profit
left to the miners after paying
became renstderwble re -
etre -tete end con*rquewtlr the hen. tio
faction was very general
1894 the mite -tine works sad rail. Is the mast Interesting part e. the
way were, acltilred by tis. Comedies atorv: and ase esteem/II ruble/einenl
melee Railway. and the rates were reflects fhei grest*.t noeHble ^redtt
at rine* mimed very materially. It throw reaper 'h1e for lid aur .Priem
eatablishmeat • ".afaro the mar the
•.sly resell mete: In relit e. tarts
pt eon: ed In Canada was lead, wheat
ran ezilsalslay gnaw -limo at Trail:
furnaces. and two 12 -ft haste -lined
ennverters, the product of which IP
relined locally. Pmpinying electro
lytlr methods This lotto?. ^erbsns.
Is flair. however. to state that the nets
owners were In • meals better octet
flow to eaderUite to smelt at a t,WPr
emit swing to the groat en.apesiwg Si
Prated (be
ores hand
11re Berl
fn*1 fM1cw1^tt the dPv*lspi$eS( of rte bwf all gut eepper and eartat'
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