HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-12-26, Page 71'
Robustness to many is almost entirely a
matter of habit, the habit of taking care and the
consistent use of
The energizing properties of Scott's have been
proved in thousands of homes nearly everywhere.
The habit of using Scott's regularly at trying periods
inst.. when their youngest daughter,
Maryand Pte. Lyle S. Hopper,
of Monis-township, wer_ united in mar
nage. Tne ceremony was performed by
Rev. J. W. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs.
Hopper have taken up housekeeping on
the groom's farm.
A man well known throughout the
icounty of Huron passed sway on Tues-
day. Dxenbx 17th. in the person of
lohn S:arlett. of McKillop who died at
the age of sixty-nine years after a few
days' illness tullowing a stroke of paral
lysia He was an active Conservative
-and one of the leading Orangemen of the
county. He was born in Ferm snagh. Ire-
land. but had spent nearly alt his life in
the township of McKillop He is sur-
vtved by tour sons: Fred W., on the
' farm; Albert, in S askatchewao; Samuel.
in Vancouver. and Mathias, with the
Canadian army overseas.
as a means of building up strength and thwarting •
Sergt. W. J. Mallett and Pte. A. S.
Bolton. both of whom enlisted with the
10Ist Battalion, arrived home last week.
The death occurred ori the 17th inst.
of Thomas Garnet Creech, agent of the
Canaelian Express Co. here, at the age of
thirty-eight years. The deceased was a
lifelong resident of Exeter. He leaves a
widow and five small children.
De. J. G. Reid, V. S., died December
14th in his thirtieth year, of pneumonia,
atter a few days' illness. Ile was in part-
nership with Dr. Sweet as a veterinary
surgeon. and his wife, who survives. is
the only daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Sweet
weakness is a habit well worth cultivating.
Try Sooff's Emulsion for Increased Strength.
scud & Dowse. ?omen... (tot. ItU
Mrs. George McCall, an old resident of
Morristownehip, passer: away on the\112th
inst. in her seventy first year.
Robert Warwick and ?Alva Mart
Roe. of Morns, were united in m
on December 113th by Rev. E. F. Arm-
The ordination and induction of Rev.
M. Kennedy. of Ripley into tie pastorate
of Cranbrook and Ethel Presbyterian
a gations takes place at Ethel on
J day next.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Peck, lifelong
is of Stanley township, have ve-
to Hensall to enjoy a well-earned
the duties of the farm. Their
Bert takes over the homestead.
r. and Mrs. W. J. Cardiff, who are
vies from Grey township to the vil-
o( Brussels. were waited upon by a
ber of their neighbors and other
and presented with an address and
r gifts.
a zu.xess Guelph
ter lair, Prue
'illtam Webster, of West Wawanosh,
ful exhibitor at the
r winningfirst on Mar -
and eco nd prize on O. A. C.
o. 72 white oats. His two bushes of
prize wheat sold at 18.50.
Will Cardkl and Miss Mabel Bruce. of
Grey township, were united in marriage on
Wednesday of last week. They will reside
on the Cardiff farm in Grey, which has
been taken over by the groom on the re-
tirement of his parents from active work.
Rev. R. Wanless died at the home of
his father, John Wanless, Varna. on
December 17th. at the age of kxty-five
years. He had been preaching for some
years in the States and last summer had a
paralytic stroke, from which he did not
Gunner John Routledge arrived home
t Zurich from overseas on Tuesday of
week and the sante evening a gather-
irl ,was held at the town hall to wel-
hitrt and Gunner William Braun, of
who had arrived home the
JatnesMcBurney, of the .th conces-
sion of Tetrnberry, was the victim or an
'unfortunate accident a few days ago. He
was cutting with sawing machine
when a aplintS flew up. almoet tearing
his eye out. He was sent to a London
hospital, and it is reported that h: has
lost the eye.
On account of the re -appearance of the
influenza epidemic in the township of
Stephen the ban has been placed on
churches and schools until further notice.
Nelson Disjardine and Harry Disler -
dine, brothers. of t;rand Be id. died with-
in two days of each other last week, of
influenza. Nelson was twenty-four
years of age and Harry ninteen.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. John Lake,
3rd concession of Grey township, was the
stew of a happy event on Tuesday, 10th
The Expectant Mother
" The Shadow of Corning Events " often darkens
the days of the expectant mother.
Constipation, always a handicap to the health and happiness
of every woman, becomes doubly dangerous to the woman
who is preparing to fulfill her highest duty—maternity.
The expectant mother must nourish two. She must be able
to get rid of a double waste. Failure to dos° poisons herself
and the child that she is to bring into the world.
Constipation means more than mere failure to have • regular
thorough bowel evacuation, It means stagnation of waste
matter in the bowels, production of irritant and poisonous
matter, its absorption into the blood, sad distribution ■l1
over the body.
It means aggravation of all these discomforts that attend the
period of pregnancy It contributes to the tragedies of child_
birth. It prejudices the ability of the another to narse her
child after it has been lora.
And, it is dangerous to employ pills, castor oil, purgative
mineral waters, salts, etc. that force the howels to act.
Rut the Nujol Treatment for Constipation is not only ham-
let but in every way efficient.
Nujol helps Nature to re-establish natural, thorough, bowel
evacuation, regular as clockwork.
Nujol is absolutely harmless.
Nujol is not absorbed. It cannot affect the child- It is easy
and pleasant to take.
Rest of all, Nnjnl not Daly overcomes constipation, but it
binders the formation of poisons in the bowels, absorbs and
carries them out of the body, thus preventingcomplicdions.
Get Nujol from your druggist and take according to
directions. .
NtJJ('L la sold only i led
Wa r'n i ng : bottles bearing the of Trade
Mark. insist nu Nujol. Von may safer apslnstitates.
Nujol Laboratories
York ti. S. A
/wrneafenr hal"'
p, led/bowseied
ja og af.'•a .Cel
S:w Meaia.d
1Karlait'S Spedhc
24.: 1Y .urs
Ilevsr-Faelirtg Remedy for
Indigestion, Stome cb Disorders,
Appendicitis and Kidney Stones
are eiten cawed by Gall $tones,
and mislead r•-eple until those
bed attacks cf Gall Stone Colic
appear NcA cc* in ten Gall
8moa Oufferers knows what is
the trouble 24arintt's Specific
will care witbcnt nuan or optir•
For aide exclusively in Aide -
rich by
J.W. ~LATT 6.03
1131 oir aiO ST, TOROWIG
Mr. and Mrs. Silas Handford were b Watsrxt that the assessment on lot
fifty years married on December lith. 18 concession•
1, be struck off. the as -
The wedding took d.ace in Exeter and se mint on lot 17. conceesan 1, be
theyhave lived nor roar the town ever and that on lot Ib
ve ry i 5 per cent. .
since. The family of five children are j, be reduced :,0 per cent. and
Tit,ir:,l;ty, flee. °u. 1'111
Havelock Wilson Leads
the Sailors of England
In Hatred of the Germans
Ni, living sailor on any sea has
at 'mined such renown an that
of Havelock Wilson. The a
curet of this ancient wartime
is loud and deep upon the submarine..
He Is, perhaps. the real hero of the
labor union war against the k.Nsem
Td -day be Is a kind of Jingo hero he
Great Britain, most bitter of "Tatter
enders." oven to those conaerw,tty
dailies like the London Daily Post.
which once denounced him as a vio-
lent labor demagog with little respe•c
for law. For Havelock Wilson. gaunt.
prophetic. hoarse and dominant, I
just the t pe that Marryat and
Cooper drew, the very figure realised
by Coleridge in the poem.
Just now he leads his brotherhood
of the brine in a crusade against the
pirate. There are no German sailors,
really,aecordlag to Havelock Wilson.
The German on the high Pella has,
violated the faith handed down.
the V tng. from the times or The SQUARE GODERICH
the Vikings and observed after a,
fashion by even the buccaneer.
nontewhat scattered over the continent, that the assent of these reductions be
but they jointed together in presentingthatpro rata to the other assessments
their parents with a purse of gold. in the drainage scheme. Motion by
The marriage took place at St. Marys Mallough and Johnston that all appeals
on the 17th inst of Miss Janet F. Brown, against the Kirk drain award be dis-
of Exeter, to Charles Harris, of Ottawa. mid. Carried. Clerk was instructed
Mr. and Mrs. Harris will reside at Otta- to notify all parties to the Young creek
wa• dram who wish to pay their assessments
SEAFORTH. in cash may do so on or before the 1st
The death ocrarred at Abbey, Sask., on day of February, 1919, to W. J. Thoma
December 5th, of Winnie Daley. wife of alta w
tonship reasu er, and the unpaid
balance of any) will be raised by the is -
W. A. Richardson. and youngest daughter sue of debentures.
of Mr. and Mrs. John Daley, formerly of General Bussnnes . By'a a N. 11, 191st,
Sealurth• was read and passed. providing tor ncmi-
Miss Annie Watson, a former well- nation meeting at 1 o'clock, December
known resident of Seaforth. and a sister 30, and if nieces ary an e ection on Jarm-
o( James Watson of towf, cried at Port
Arthur on December 4th, after a bnef ill-
ness of appendicitis
Nursing Sister Minnie Best arrived
from .overseas last week acid is staying
with her aunt, Mrs. J. D. Hinchley. Miss were paid for work and material, also
Best has been overseas almost since the officials' salaries. all of which'will appear
beginning of the war, first at Salonika, in financial statement being drepared by
then France and England. tows ship treasurer The valedictory
St. Thomas' church will observe its totting s udc'wnca( adjourned to mei : s P r
Wit -
diamond jubilee on January 5th and 6th statute January l f, tU19. W • .t. W IL -
next. Bishop Williams will be present on sos, Clerk.
the Sunday. Midsummer Examinations.
T. Arthur George, organist and choir- Pie Derartment of Education issues
master of the Presbyterern church, has the following anoosmcement:
=hit position and is going to In view of the unavoidable interrup-
d. 'tions to school work wh•cb I ave taken
CLINTON. . place during the current owl( year, the
Rev. A. Newcombe. a retired holding of the midsummer examinations
HenryY will be deferred in each case for a fort -
'Methodist minister, died in Clinton night in accordance with the following
Decemher 12th, at the age of eighty- n-henw: _
a ry 6, 1919. at the usual polling places.
Messrs Mcguillin. Durnin, Anderson.
Woods. Girvin, Foran were a 1 as
per inspectors' reports) for sheep killed or
worried by dogs. A number ni accounts
The Season's
With thanks for the patron- •
age of the past year, we
wish everybody a happy
and prosperous year in
I9i9 :
Seoi-Ready Tailors and Gents Furnishers
There must be no peace with the
three yearn. He united with the Bible
l;hrtttiau denomination in England,
and tooling W this (ntry visas
Prince Ed-
as a preacher in
ward Island and *leeward* is Ontario.
It is about twenty-five year; mince he
retired from active work.
Col. H. B: Comhe arrived home from
Junior high school entrance. July 2nd;
junior public school gradual ion. June 3011:
lower school, July 2nd; middle school,
July 11th; pass matriculation. July 2nd;
upper school and honor matriculation,
June 30th.
' ritil/1rritMlrnflrrirtflrrflratlr
Hun until his Ogg has been redeemed
on the deep. no matter what bap -1
Hants of blood may prove essential
to the purification.
Havelock Wilson, who talks like Going Strong.
this to gatherings of seamen in Brit The Family Herald and Weekly Star of
ish ports as 'hips comeein, is an old !Montreal is having the best year in is
salt, but vigorous, very. A writer -In history. Their subscriptions for tt e
month of November exceeds(' by alpost
200 per cent. the same month oAny
previous year. (December will also be a
record -breaker. The Family Herald pub-
lishers are perfecting plans f' elaborate
improvements. The pubhc should not
contuse that great weekly with a sma'I
dai'y paper of somewhat similar name
,now in liquidation. There is no fear of
1 such a thing happening with The Family
Herald. The word "Family" should not
be omitted in the addres- of that paper.
We are informed that their offer of a war
a bum free to all who subsuibe 4111 re-
mains good, hut the demand is so great
that it may have to be withdrawn soon.
The Family Herald is big value and the
album is most attractive, so it is no
wonder they are iecurmg thousands of
new subscribers.
The Figures Explained.
overseen last week and was warmly The quartermaster -general announces
weloometd. Col. Combe went overheat that contracts have been placed with the
an officer in command of the lelat Bat- British Government for 1.801 :000 pairs of
talion When the Battalion was trousers and 1,400.000 coats for the
broken up he reverted in rank in order American expeditionary forces. The
to get to Femme and wah given an int- reason why fewer coats than trousers were
portant poet in the Imperial service. ordered doubtless is that the American
Abort three months ago he antlered boys tight with their coats off, differing in
from ooncuswion and way obliged to this respect from the Scotch, who merely
remove their trousers. -Kansas City Stat.
the London News tells us he Is s
youth of sixty or so—one who can
never be old. Unlike moat deep-
water sailors. Havelock Wilson
swims with ease. Many a fight be
has had with roaring breakers op,
undergo an operation.
Hr. awl Mrs. W. Doherty received
wordlist week of the tragic drowning
ortheir two little graadsone, children
at Mr. and Mrs. 11. T. Kempthorne of
fiaakatoon4 Mask. The little lade but
been playing In their own yard and
being missed it was found they had
wandered to the river at torue lithe
distance from the hones and hal been
drowned. They were aged four and
two and a -half years. Mrs. Kemp-
thorno was formerly Mins Helen
Pte. W. J. Simmons has returned home
after taking part in (tome of the greatest
battles of the war, including Ypres. Vimy
Ridge land Passchendaele. He will carry
the mark of his heroism through life in the
Ions of his left arm. Other soldiers who
have returned are Chester Copeland. J.
H. Carruth, George Ireland and W. Po-
While at work in the Bennett planing
mills Harvey Haney, one of the employ
ees, had his glove caught in a belt, with
the result that he broke his wrist.
L. Lott has sold his handsome chestnut
driving horse to Mr. Hays of Seaforth at
a good figure.
Miss Hattie Ward fell on the slippery
sidewalk and broke one of her wrists.
'Fresh Paint."
"Waiter," he called, sniffing the air
suspiciously. "never mired that order now;
1 can never eat when there's a smell of
fr ah paint around."
"If you'll just wait a few minutes, sir."
replied the waiter, "them two young
ladies will be gag."
Had Piles
For Ten Years
And 'Died Nearly Everything Ex-
cept a Surgical Operation With-
out Obtaining Relief — Tells
How Complete Curs Wu
Eff acted
Municipal council of W-st Wawanosh
met December 16th as per statute.
Members all present, Reeve J. A.. Mal
lough presiding. Minutes a meetings
hell November 2nd and December Bed
read and confirmed. Dr. Case, M. H. 0.,
reported as follows for the year ending
November 15: -
Gentlemen,- in emendate* with the
requirements of the Public Health Act,
1 submit nay annual report for t fie past
year. With the exception of Spanish in-
fluenza there was no serious ,out break of
preventable disease. There were nodeaths
from any communicable &anise with
the exception of one case of tuberculosis.
There were a number of minor nuisances
reported which were proms tly at tended to.
j there were 11 marriages, 811 birth%and 24
deaths two still -born). We find ne
death from childhood to ten years n1
age; between ten and twenty. one; be-
tween twenty and forty. three; bet .reen
forty and sixty. four; between sixty and
eighty, ten; between eighty and ninety.
four. One sad feature during tine year
was the sudden death of Mr. John Mo
Lean, a valuable and esteemed member
of the board. His counsel and advice
were always worthy of rorssideratirss.
Respect hilly submittal,
T. E. Caw, M. H. 0
Crawl of Revision. -in the matter of
the J. 13. Young drain, ntnSlrwt by nat-
ion and Pardon that all aipla br rlit
milasL Gain& Kirk drrrlat motion
There are reported here three cures
of chronic cases of piles. in all three
uses many treatments were tried be-
fore It **aa discovered that Dr. Chase's
Olntmeitt 1s about the only reel cure
for this dietresaing ailment,
Mrs. A. Oates, 22 Gllklnaon street, several languages. The hair on his
i3rantford, Ont., writes : 'I have used long bead given Havelock Wilson that
Dr, Chase's Ointment as a household young look—thick hair, wohderfully
remedy for ever so long, and am par- brown In spite of Over strands. The
ttculsrly Indebted to it for • cure from
Piles. I bad suffered from this an-
noying trouble for ten years, and tried
nearly everything I heard of. After
i sing Dr. Chase's Ointment • short
while I was eomptetely cured."
Mrs. Wm. Shantz, 156 Albert street,
Kitchener. Ont, writes : "For several
years I was troubled with bleeding
piles. I tried different remedies for
relief without success. I read 1n Dr.
Chase's Almanac, of the benefits other
people were receiving from Dr,
Chase'. Ointment, so 1 sent to your
riffles for a sample box. I found It
gave ase such relief that I went to a
drag store and purchased a full-sised
box. I have need several booms since.
and have derived more benefit from
Its eau than any remedy I have ever
it Mrs. F. Cunene, Victoria street, In-
gersoll, Ont-, writes : "About two
years and a halt ago T was suffering
from Phew. I had tried alany d1Ree-
ent remedies for this distreaaing
tratrbte, but nothing helped me. Fin -
11 I tot a bolt et Tr. 5'lsase's Otnt-
Ashfield Soldiers Aid Circle.
The Aribfield Soldiers' Aid Circle
shipped for the year nailing November.
191s. 99.1 pairs mocks, 9611 rylama
suits, 31 bowpital towels, ba trei•s.i.
tench, 90 plllowalipt, 130 field 'shirts,
li threes, :Ili niattrets covers, Ste per-
sonal property bags. 16 ttretchor carry,
2 ptilowa. 1 hospital null.
To the Socontw National were shipped,
1in October 4 quilts, value 116 .00, and
S (airs mocks, itsO hose's were
packed and sent to our soldier boys
MAVIfJ.(K'K WILSON. . overseas, valued at 115590.75,
strange tropical shores. He has been Tho Circle 'shipped for December
a i'iatatAt on corat stttwd& He has' through (Medd ieh 1St tldrit PROM,
redden out a gale on a raft with a valued at S16S; 24 suite pyjama... 1180;
shirt -tall fluttering In the breeze to4 field,tbirte, 011; 4 perusal property
latlmate his distress of mind to can- bag's, Ole. Total, 11:416.430.
ual navigators 1n remote waales of Total receipts for he y r, 2,ii 19,111;
waters. • He has fought with aharkt, expenditure'', $2,1146.29.
He has dived for pearls. He has fac-
ed mutinies. He has talked defiantly
to eruel skippers on such aibjerts as
grog and grub.- He known all the
tremendous jokes, and he can play
all the tremeadous pranks. nd he Is
steeped in the practice sad p ocedure
et the seaman, He has risked his I1te brave Belgians. The next meeting ie
to save his elates and scolded then to he at the house of Mrs., David An -
severely for being so careless after- drew, on January 14th.
wards. He knows what it le to sub-
sist en salt pork aboard a wind-
jaasmer and he is Quite himself on an "'CAJOARETB" WORE
ocean grey hound. He has had his WHILE YOU SLEW
terrific collisions with pirates in the
Red Sea, .And he understands the best
mode of defeating tryannical second For lick Headache, Sour /Stomach.
states and reckless mestere. sluggish Liver and Soweto--
The astonishing thing about Have- Take Cascar.ts toaIght.
Mkt Wilson to the London Mall is
hb 5hyaical vigor, his verdant fres
Hess. He retains the charaeterletich-
Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indigo,-
ndige -gait of the old salt, and In a mood, i tion, •Sallow Skin and Miserable Head:
and a condition for a race he can run aches Dome, from a torpid liver and
fast enough to overtake a boarding- ologged bowels, which cause your atom-
•haisee keeper. He bursts now and ach to become filled with undigeated
then into such songs as "Aye, 0, roll food whieh sours and ferments like gar-
s man does." H. has the fndencrlb base, in • swill Darrel. That's the first
able deference of manner—at times
step to untold misery-indlgestion, foul
—for which the nailer is conspicuous
gases, bad breath, yellow skin, mrr.tal
among landsmen and he tan be as se everything Is horrible and
rade as he pleases in a crisis. He fnauseating.ryti Ang tthat hat et to -night conveys no impression of complexity, ht will R
either. in fact. hoe simplicity Is won- give your constipated bowels a thorough
derful not only as regards appear- cleansing and straighten you out by
anee but mentality. He is quite un- morning. They work while you sleep--
consefous of his own einiquenetie. a t0•eertt box from your dniggl t will
The curling moustache of Have- beep You feeling. good. ler months.
lock Wilson, reports the London
Mall, 1s only beginning to turn grey.
The nose is very Engllah — pugna-
riouh, long, splendid. suggestive. The
eye is a flasher. It holds as well an
roams. 1t searchers, too. It speaks
For December meeting the
n,et at the honne it Mrs. T. Doubherty,
nearly fifty nenubers beteg present.
Mrs. Allltoa gave two tutpiring ad-
dresses, tefing how much we needed
to speed up the work, especially for the
shoulders are broad and mobile, with
a psychological content of their own,
easily shrugged hilt not loose. The
figure is lithe and alert. The face is
hungry but heathily en. As for hos
bpeeeh, here is a sample, provided by
the admiring London 1UUa11, reporting
with sympathy an address at a gath-
ering of hip mates to discuss the
right way of dealing with the Hun:
" 'Now, then, you fellows,' he well
say, let me see If 1 rant put some
ginger and fight into ynii. d want
you all to understand, fncledlng that
Sbetlander o^er there, who things'
he's holding this meeting, that while
this row la on every rnaniack of you
has got to unglue his eyelids and ne
shenanigan. Look here, old Blow -
me -Tight with the serond-hand Tar-
tar whiskers' — this to the anelord
mariner who persists In telling his
math what he did in similar rte.
cumstanees to 1863- 'would you just
hold your jaw while I'm talking. nor
• 1
asst, and after nstng it found that 1 shall we tows up two rulings not t
was esmpletely cured and have not three whether It's me or you for out-
side? nut i ran tell you beforehand
It won't be me
Japan's Dye t'ae,nrlrs.
raven has eighty artlAriel dye less
tones, with an annual rapacity se
use of 19,100,110 pounds,
been bots erect In this was since. I
eau eboerfully recommend Dr. Chase's
Olptmost to anyone aurte4tng as I
Dr. Chaia'a Ointment, t• rent. a
Mss. at all dealers or p:Amanenn,
Hate* ! f'n . Limited, Toronto. There
are no rivals to Dr. mews OIMafteat
as a tsassalase ter Inca •
The Gid
In giving Christmas
presents don't forget
your feet; they're en-
titled to consideration
for their faithful efforts
in your behalf during
the past year.
The purchase of a pair
of comfortable Slippers
or Shoes is not only a
recognition of unselfish
service, but a wise in-
vestment, considered as
a business proposition.
eo. Mac" icr
North sl,le Sgt. r.
Owing to the scarcity of
Coal, and the fact that
sales have, of necessity, to
be made in very small
quantities, we have found
it absolutely necessary to
make a rule that
MacEwan. Estate
Special Millinery
Five to six dollar trimmed
Hats for
Children's Hats half-price
Tams at 50c
Miss M.R. MacVicar
What a luxury is a nice
bathroom in your hone! The
cost is repaid many times
over by the added comfort
and convenience. Let no give
you prices on fitting up a
bathroom in your residence.
'sassliten arrest M,o..a tag
numbing Irsating
tavwstroughina Metal Work