The Signal, 1918-12-26, Page 4119191
4'.-Tlinrsday, Dec. 26, 1918.
TMs .81011.114. .
Thank You
We wish to thank our
friends once more for their
generods patronage during
the past year.
Here is hoping that
Goderich will prosper dur-
ing the coming year and
that all her citizens will
have happiness and pros-
■ /
Walter C. Pridham
MorwAY. Dec. 23.
RED elutes WORK. -The HenneUler
branch of the Canadian Rett Crass So-
ciety has the following shipment to
report for November and Deceut•
her: 18 pyjama sults, 25
trench shirts. 7$ pairs moven. Value
$215. The Society gratefully ackaowl-
tetgeea the work seat eo, aN follo
Footing socks: MFM. Ww. Okws:
e, 14
pains: Mrs. Wm. 'Canteens. 10 pairs:
Mrs. E. Grigg. Mrs. E. Good. 9 pairs
each: Mrs. John McClure, s pairs; Mrs.
G. Vanstone, MN* L. Vanstone 6 pairs
each: Mrs. C. Fisher, 5 pairs; Mel-
M. eingford, Miss Elsa Oke. Miss
1Mabel Good, 4 pairs each: Mrs. J. J.
Moore. Mrs. E. 11. Walters.
. Mn. F.
Kadin, 3 firs each: S.
I Mrs. Wm. 4trsug1au, r,t. E. Mitchell.
3 pairs each: Mrs. Juo. Feagan, Mrs.
I G. •A. Bean, Mrs. 11. Col, Mrs. P. Wal -
I terse ?Also E. Walters, 1 pait'each.
Sewing pyjama salt} MFM. Wm.
Oke, si suits: Mrs. E. H. Welters. 7
snits: MFM. A. Allen, 1 eV suits: Mrs. C.
Allis. 1 suit.
Trench shirts: Mrs. M. Mugford.
7 whine: Mrs. J. W. Gledhill, 8 shirts:
Mims Mabel Good. $rs. Juo. Feagan.
4 shine each; Mies Della Grigg, 3 shirts:
Mrs. G. A. Bean. 2 shine: Mrs. Ed.
Vaustoue, Mrs. Ed. Walters, 1 elan
Mas. J. W. GLEDHILL, Secretary.
Prevented by "Fruit -a -tiles"
The Wonderful Fruit Medicine
58 MAISOritesi'ra 8v,, 1lri.L, Qua.
"In my opinion, no other medicine
Is -so good u 'Fruit -a -tires' for
Indigestion and Constipation.
w Foe years, I suffered with these
dreaded diseases, trying all kinds of
treatments until I was told I was
One day a friend told me to try
'Fruit -a -tires'. To my surprise, I
found ties medicine gave immediate
relief, and in a, short limo I was all
right again".
MONDAY, Dec. 23.
Miss Annie Dalton is visiting her
mother here. .
Miss Mary Buckley has returned home
after a week's visit with her sister in
- Miss Elizabeth O'Neil, of Jackson,
Mich.. is visiting friends herr.
Mr. Scudder, of Buffalo. is visiting
/ friends here.
Wilfred Garvey. M. J. Dalton. Will
' and Jack Long are home from Assump-
tion College, Sandwich.
Miss Marie Sullivan. Miss Margaret
Garvey. Mimes Patricia and Madele e.
Sullivan are ,pend ng vacation at their
he mes here.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Byron
Doyle washeld here on Thursday m en-
ing. Rev. Father Dean celebrated mass
and officiated at the grave. Deceased is
survived by one son. Josepa. who has
the sympathy of his many friends herr
Merry Christmas
and a
Happy New Year
is extended
to all
5. J. McEwen
Thanks for 1918
Hopes for 1919
_ FRIDAY. Dec. 20.
DEATH OF MRS. Ivisos.-A lady much
beloved in a wide circle passed away on
,Friday, December 13th. m .the person of
Mrs. William (visor'. of Kippen, who
died at the home of her son-in-law. Sterl-
ing McPhail. Porto a Hill. at the age of
eighty-one years. The deceased was Neesm Mrlmrty Inst Friday.
born at Feterboro' and after her marriage Fte. l.iuiielar Andersen hits received
sixty-one years age she and her husband. I his discharge from military service.
the late Will am Ivison. who died three The Women's Institute has had a
years ago. came to the Huron tract and letter from Harold Sproule. w ho was
settled in the township of Hay just west • In herepitsl in England. Menktuq them
of Kippen. In time they converted their' for the tliristdwts box sent life.
home in the forest into a comfortable lir". Robe. Moore Tres had a letter
and handsome farmstead, and then. I trotu Iu.1,, who wrote from Fran,•,
twenty-five years ago. they retired from I sayfug lie watt on the home stretch.
the farm and made their home in the His many friends art anxiously wait -
village of Ktppen. Two sons and six , ?tut to are hint again.
daughters survive. The funeral took . Mr. S. E. Sanderson left on Friday
place to Hensafl cemetery on Monday, ' for Toronto. having revived a mer
the lith. j sage that lax son Perry was III.
ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. -The anni- ,1. Will 11alzr is aaslatittg in R..1.
versary services of St. Andrew's church 1 eraw•fonl'sstorc during the ClirliTl3Q
were held Net Sabbath. when good con- ! nosh. •
gregations listened to able aerm'ms de- , Ttw ,telephone system Is doing httai-
livered by Rev. R J. Ross. of Auburn. wee seethe after having been seriously
We fancy there were not many present on 'I cripple,d by the recut siert Nome.
this occaliprt who attended the opening, per Were worry to Iver that Mr.
500. a hoz, 6 for $2.30, trial size 25e.
At all dealers or from Fruit -a -Lives
. Limited. Ottawa.
bad an anxious time over the ardour
Ulnew of their daughter Mrs. Hee,
croft. of Fart Wawatlosh. After an
operrttou fur appendicitis,her'I►te was
alntoat despaired of, but with wonder-
ful vltallty ed the welting efforts of
Iter atteadalits she he now sltowitlg
signs of n e,tvery. Her sister, Mrs.
Creighton. came up from Detroit to
asslst Mrs. Kirk Ili writ( for the In-
Mr. Creighton. of Detroit, and Mr.
Oliver Klee. of 'rorouto, are visiting
at 11w home of Mr. and MIN. Andrew
The following is from The Seaforth Ex-
positor of last week: The death occurred
; at Abbey. Sack., from an attack of in-
fluenza. of "Winnie" Daley. wife of W. A.
Richardson, youngest daughter of Mr.
agd Mrs. John Daley. formerly of Sea -
forth. She *as born -in Seaforth thirty-
; one years ago and lived there nearly all
her hie until going West about six years
ago. 1 he funeral took place on Friday.
December 8, to Lancer cemetery. Besides
her husband and little daughter she is
survived by her father and mother and
two brothers in Saskatchewan, and one
sister, Mrs. N.N. Wbyard. of Dungannon,
MR. N. F. WHYARD is the
agent for THE SIGNAL at Dungannon.
Orders left with him for aubucripione,
advertisements a job printing will receive
prompt al tendon. Telephone lGodench
Hi,r.i r39.
Thos. G. Allen
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
Commiseoner for Affidavits. etc..
and Conveyancer
W,!l,. O.eds, Aere.a.nts. eir..
C.ntully e..c r.d and Money Sup.
pl,.d for Mongers
F.... Wind .nd L.I. Insur..... m the be.. onto.
TUESDAY. Dec 24.
Miss Willa ('ox is home from New-
market for the ('hriatntas holidays.e.
Miss Muriel Johnston entertained
number of her friends on Monday night
in the form of a dance. Mr. sem. and
MIN May Westlake Tarnished the
music and everyone reports a huge
Oswald Ginn and N. W. Trewartha
are spoken of as probable candidates
for the teeveship at the coming elec-
THF. FARMERS' CI.t'H.-The annual
meeting of the Goderich Township
Farmers' Club was held at the Orange
Hall on Friday. December 20. The
election of oMeent took place, as fol-
lows: Presjdent, Dsrnlot McEvoy;
vice-president. 'sliver Edward; eecre-
tary-trea.urer, H. L. Salkeld; dir•ctotes,
John Sowei'by, Isaac Salkeld, (:targe B.
Wilaou, John McClure. ulchant Porter.
Knynett Netted. A vote was taken on
the eueaMm of affiliation with the
U. F. 0.. and It wall deckled not to do
ao for the present at least. The an-
nual fee was placed at 511e. President
McEvoy suggested that the Club be
made a modal centre and not merely a
place for discussion of farm work and
political affairs, and doubtletss plans
to this effect will be carried out.
Owing to the busy Chrlatmae season.
Thursday. Dec. 20. the date of the next meeting has not yet
bribe boy arrived nt the home of beep decided.////x,//////������
We appreciate most heartily the very Targe share of public pat-
ronage which has been accorded us during the year, which has
been the biggest in the history of the Scotch Store.
For the coming year we have made greater preparations than
ever before, looking forward with entire confidence to a greater
and more prosperous Goderich. With the advent of peace we
have good reason to expect increased activity among our fac-
tories, our town filling up with busy people, and everything hum-
ming to the cheerful note of profitable industry. The Scotch
Store will be ready to meet these conditions with bigger and
better stocks. and, if possible, even better service than it has
given in the pat.
Yours for a Happy and Prosperous 1919
I extend my hearty thanks
for the generous patronage
that has been accorded me
during the year that is
now closing, end trust
that the coming year will
be a prosperous one foratil
my friends and customers.
SII. Robins
Gants' Fe reisietr
ceremonies fty one years ago. However, I Donald McNevin, of elotlerk•h, `net
there would be a dozen ter more. The I with en accident et the Beg Mill last
services of the day were of the best and I week. breaking tato ribs, They ought
no mistake was made in having Mr. Ross be more careful of good fellows Ilke
to conduct ' the hfty-first anniversary oflto lrtusld.
St. Andrew's, a, his sermons were full of I w„rye was received to the enlage
the old Gospel and left a good impression metweek that Marvin I/nniln was
on the peo for food. thought and nidi• srrkiusly 111 of Inflnrttaa. He is now
tattoo. The choir discoursed sweet reported much Iwtter, but other mem-
music at both -services. The offerings for : here of the family have Toru taken
the day totalled 3217.
Momper. Dec. 23.
Mrs. Ed. Thorn andldanghters Helen
and Jean kftee Saturday for Toronto
to spend Chrl etnlaa with her brother.
Mr. John Miler.
Mrs. R. J. Woods left for Erin and
will spend Christmas with her daugh
ter. Mrs. Aen„Id Barbour.
Mr. R. McGuire and tun Horace, of
Landon, are visiting Mr. E_1. Thorm
lover ('hrlatmas'
Miss Colena Clark, Mills W. Ruther-
ford. Miss May Cameron, Mesa Pearl
Webetbr and the Mimics Nina, Winnie
and Clara Woods are all spending
Christmas holidays under the parental
Mies V. McLaughlin and Mies M.
Dnrnln held a concert and Christmas
tree in the schoolroom on Friday after-
noon. There was quite a gathering of
parents and a'isltore and a pleasant
afternoon wait spent.
Mr. Gregor SUMO was paying a visit
I., lila mother before leavnlg for Isla
home In Mlnnrapon'.
Mrs. !avis and family- smwnt Christ -
rnaa with Mrs Levis' daughter, Mrs.
Mr. Pert Wiggins. who teaches at
Auburn. Is reported aariotisly 11l with
the "flu. -
"nippy" 11'relearrn has ills colt.
"Illtu )iti11." ht training for the spring
facet. Wesley honk Is the trainer.
"Happy- eXpe'ta great things of this
Mr. Hud' Mirs. J. R. 14,•Nahlt end fam-
ily- spent Hie holiday at Selforth,
It Is rather unfortunate that some
of the 11.1itse'rsby hadn't informed that
gentleman who tans "till dressed up
and had nowhere to go," a w,s•k law`
Sniday morning, that dlvlrw serrhw
wit.,. he'll In the Angilean and Presby-
eerieehurrhea, nitl gh ills own
church w'as elosr,l for the day. le
these days of stress. and strain we
al id he united in worship as well as
Ill ia,Iitft's.
Mr. Walter Pittman hats rented Yrs.1
Wm. Soothers' farm. and eomwsMton of 1
\\-eat \Wawanoslt, and will move to It
In the spring.
Miss Ilene Miller. of Clinton. i.
rtsitirlg MIsN Pearl Finnigan. I N • Inside -bathing makes any
Mr. tint -envy Smllle 1s rtslthtg hbt II y one look and feel clean,
pitrents this week. 1
crave tinnttltuu, of (L,wle•rieh Col- sweet and refreshed.,
ROBINSON.-Rev. John William,
Robinson, formerly plu.tot• of Victoria
street Methodist church, G,Mlerich.
and of the Itnngannen Methtsiist
church. died Thursday last after a
short illness et his residence, 08 1-2
L•aosdowrte avenue, Toronto. Mr.
Robinwrn waft superannuated eight
years ago and had lived at Toronto
since 1914. He spent forty-one years
In the ministr] his charges being
mainly in the efd Guelph Confereutw
and the London Conference. His wife
and four ileughtr'e snrvise, tbeF
daughter,' Iwing Mn. J.
Hunter, Charing Crisis, Ont.: Mots
Louise, New London, Cttnn.; Mrs.
Killatu, Yorkton, Steak., and Mise
Alma e,t1onsito Mr. Robinwtn was
hors' at Seartstm'. England, seventy.
seven yearn ago and was educated at
the Methtsliat College, Hamilton.
STIRLING. --Thr death occurred
stn Thurwlay' last of nnr of the oldest
residents of this. ort-tione fu the person
of Mr. Alexander Stirling. who passel
away nt bis home. ('ambrin nisi, in
his righty-ssenth year. There was
pratticnlly no illness: In his rase
death „imr just frons the gradnal
wearing out of the vital marhlnery.
He was, going around nntll the pi -p-
ylons Saturday. anti the rel ramp
finitely on Thursday m ortibig. Mr.
Stirling Wits, born nt i'arnanstie. For-
farshtre. t4cotlend. Angnst 22. 1582.
and came to Canada with his father
Wash the poisons /rid toxins from
system before putting more
food Into stomach.
Mte1 foal.
dlcghite. Ill 1.116.1141.116.1141.116.114H11/ tilt '1111'114t 111/11, I
Stuart M fl •i visit t an. rth n at I
cGuire mat a y ng r e n Tonle.
London ou Saturday. Mluriel Weer and Dm Erring-
ton. who are taking et Irinrw' Ill the''
WEST WAWANOSH. forstieetthe I1ollege athClintonl' sire home
MONDAY. Dec. 23. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bellamy left oto
A merry Christmas and a happy New Mtuudny for Stratford, whim they will
The mild weather has been easy on the
wood pile and the coal bin.
The Westfield threshing machine syndi-
cate, after a very aoccessful waren, held
their annual meeting on Thursday even-
ing of last week. After transacting the
usual business. it was decided to celebrate
the chole of the year by having a fowl
supper at the home of Mr. R. R. Red-
A reception was held at the home of
spend it few day's.
The entertainment given in the
.tgrlrultnlel IiNII on MI lily night.
nnder the auspices of the Methotllst
Sunday tvtlutd, wRa N ,le-htel ali''Paa,
The prngrnm was choice and well
rendered. Iter. T. A. Steadman re-
copied the chnIr. After the elope 01
the potersnl the children were treated'
to eanik•s, erener-re etc. The hall wits
well Riled. Reeipts VA.
Mr. W. . Campbell on the evening of The Christmas rlsltors herr hlrhld-
Wednesday. 18th Inst., to welcome home
ed Mr. and lira. Cartwright and Mew,
Pte. C. -lin G. Campbell, who has been "f I'res'ton, ■t Anslre'w Stewart's;
osgneas for more than two years. Many Ytssei Ethel Cow. Pearl McKtnalr,
trieids from East and West WawanosFt •tftule Soothers, IMfsy Ryan and (tuff,
flulktt and Aahfteld were present. homes. Mr. O. P:. Angustlnt anti Red- recitations, instrumental music Mr. re huon pSfrom
left f erd.on 'Friday
red speeches. The ladies, who had
brought hasketa with them, provided a ter Toronto and Mrs. Stothera left on
very refreshing lunch.
Monday to Join him NTMI they were to
Heave for Calgary of Titeelay, staying
Her Complaint. off at t'blcapt for i'hrtatnraa at the
"1f it ain't ,lough to drive a poor home of MFM. Stothere iwn'nte.
woman barmy, 1 dunno sot ts'" ex- Mr. rind Mrs. Andrew M. Kirk re-
claimed Mra. Mixup to a sympathizing teive"t word recently that their lion,
I'te. Norman Kirk, of the I'tilted
States, Infantry In France, was severe-
ly wounded in the left arm on Heptem-
ole roan down at the training camp. and I iter iso. letter reports ate that 1w Itt
they re a-Iearnin' am ow to teem (Ours '" tasking gnnsl progres* in a bometal Is
-Fair Flay. France. Mr. shad Mn. Kirk have also
The sal ?1r. 1:eo. lyase, at their vartmu
group of fronds and neighbors. "Fres
feeinfo on me feet again after triplets-
trtpleta. mark yet ' and they's% got tele
and thaw brothers awl other relatives
in 15,411. Thr trip aerosol the Atlantic.
from Ilunlew to Queles•, ts,•uptesl six
weeks. There were eighteen Stirling),
In thea tarty. MINI all hater now de-
partel this life. the subject of this
sketch Iwlug the last to survive. Tio•
family wattled on the 4th t,in,'ssios of
GalerMh township titut afterwards,
orer forty years ago. moved to Vol -
borne. [„mint to reside In Galrrk h
eighteen years ago. The deceased
w,ls a this. ulrl geutlemau, trite to ills
petit tph•s, a I're'shytertan in religious
['kith and it statim•I, Liberal in Is titles.
Mrs. 'Stirling snrvtres, with thaw
dnughte•rt': .1rs. !Reek. of town: Mra.
Wm. Young. of ('m•hrane. and Mfss
Tillie, at home. -t eon, John. is de-
ieasMd. The funeral took plate On
Saturday. Iter. H. C. McDermid em -
dieting tlw ser,-iees. Four twphcwa,
all Mtirlings. were the palllwarers:
hlexantler and .lames of Gadrrk-h
itownship, Alexander end William of
('ollsenw township. Yrs. Young tame
Mdown from t'ms'bran' for the funeral
and will remain iu town for a week er
Wash yourself on the Inside L'rf ri
breakfast like you do on the ouisile
'rhea Is vastly more important becaus-
the skin pores do not absorb lmpurI
ties into the blood, causing illness.
while the bowel pore* do.
For every ounce of food and drink
taken into the stomach nearly an
ounce of waste material must he
carried out of the body. If this waste
material Is not eliminated day by .lay
It quickly ferments and generates
poisons, gasps and toxins which are
absorbed or socked into the blood
stream. through the lymph ducts which
should seek only nourishment to sus-
tain the body.
A splendid health measure is to
drink, before breakfast mach day. a
glass of real hot water with a tea-
spoonful of limestone phosphate in it,
whleh is a barmless way to wash
these 'poisons. gases and toxins from
the stomatee liver, kidneys aid
towels; their cleansing. aweeteniag
and !reahening the entire alimentary"
canal before potting more fond into
the stnmarh.
A gnarter pound nt i1mwatette phew
phate rests but very title at the dmfs
store bat is avdlcient to make enyais
an enthusiast on inside -bathing. Men
and women wbo are scenatomtA to
wake np with a dull, nehtng head of
bare fnrree towgn& bed taste, nasty
tr stb. ales* ennsplaeloe, others wbo
have bilious attae Ate, Reed atsrnaeb or
e,nstlpattrm are assured of pro•
nouneed tmi,rovsrneet In both beakll
sad tappesaratsos shortly.
leyan mission. the very kitchen which. by
its success. led to their establishment in
the West End. The Queen taststed on
serving behind the counter. to the great
delight of the customers. One small boy.
Ask the Boys.
Those who speak of their sons or
brothers comingthrough the war "with-
out a scratch" orget about the cooties.
Old Baying Amended.
"What's come over the girls nowadays;
they don't seem to want to marry ?"
Perhaps they thmk: Where singleness
is bliss. 'tis folly to be wives." hi r
Story of Queen Mary.
This story is told about a visit paid by
Queen Mary to a communal kitchen. in
London's East EId, belonging to a Wes -
Winter Term from Jan. 6.
We place graduates in positions.
Lady students of last term are now
earning as high as 3is and even goo
per week while boys are earning
higher salaries. We have Commer-
cial, Shorthand and Telegraphy De-
partments. Write for our free cata-
D. A. MCLACnt&E, Principal
in the flurry of the moment. gave a thtrer-
nny ticket kir a twopenny pie. The
asked him what he would like for
t penny. "Oh, you can keep it for
yourself. tidy." was the prompt answer.
a. -
A change of time will
Ole made on
homy 5th, 1919.
Information now in Agents'
Tows Acmes Phoie it
LIST, 1919
The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire ... - 5.25
The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe
The Signal and Toronto Daily World 5.25
The Signal and Toronto Daily Star 5.25
The Signal and Farmer's Advocate 3 00
The Signal and Montreal Family Herald
and Weekly Star 2.65
The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) 2.40
The Signal and London Daily Advertiser5.25
The Signal and London Daily Free Press 5.25
The Signal and Presbyterian and West-
minster 3.30
The Signal and Catholic Record 2.75
The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto)4.25
The Signal and McLean's Magazine.. 3.00
The Signal and Farmers' Magazine 2.50
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness 2.90
The Signal and World Wide. - 3,25
The Signal and Canadian Magazine 3.50
The Signal and Canadian Poultry journal 2.00
Il lanlilton)
The Signal and Canadian Countryman... ..
The Signal and Farm and Dairy
The Signal and Rod and Gun
Thew rates are for paters sect tit aldvenw•ei in 1 funds.
The Signal can also give clubbing rates with m
other periodicals in Canada and the United States.
The above publications may be obtained by
subscribers in any combination, the puce for as
licaiion being the figure given above less $1.5
senting the price of The Signal. For instance
The Signal and The Family Herald and WrekI1 Slat
The Globe ($•S.2ti ieee$1.60).
-making the price of the three papers $6
Remit by postal note or express order
Goderich, On
t bl