HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-12-26, Page 2• W• • • • 2 -Thursday, Dec. 26. 1918. 't de - PBB SIGNAL PRINYINO W., Lao. PoaLiallLIMS Thursday, Dec. 26, 1918. EDITORIAL NOTES. It wasn't a green Christmas after all. Monday next is nomination day. Be . on hand at the town hall and see that your favorite candidate is nominated. A New Year resolution the Ottawa . Government should make is to discontinue the publication of the "Canadian Official Record." which involves a scandalous misuse of public money. The old year is nearly gone. with its sorrows and i:s lriumphs,and the new year %tili soon be here. with its still unexplored heights and depths. Happy those peope oho can live one day at a time and let the years and the months take care of themselves. Now that public works expenditures by the Federal Government are to be re- sumed, why not press the claims of Gode- rich for the completion of the scheme of harbor improvement which was com- menced about fifteen years ago'' By the way. what has become of the representa- tive of this riding Who nes elected a year ago? The returning soldiers present a prob- lem which should be dealt with in a sys- tematic manner. Are they to be allowed to drift aimlessly into civil life. or+ are they to bo given such assistance, as will guide them to success and usefulness in the community ? Upon the proper handling of this problem depends n K only the hap- piness of the men themselves but also in great degree the weltare of Canada for a generation Of tw•o. NOMAD TO OUR BOYS. Meamtge Sent From canasta to the Overseas Troop.. OTTAWA, Dee. 24. - Maj.-113en. Hon. S. C. Mewburn, Minister of Mili- tia and Defence, has sent the follow - Ing Christmas message to the Cana- dian troops overseas "On behalf of your comrades in Canada. 1 have the proud privilege of sending Christmas greetings this year to a victorious Canadian army, occupying the territory of a conquer- ed foe. Last year you looked back upon a year of desperate, If glorious. fighting, and forward to a doubtful tissue, for the enemy was known to have gained new strength and to be mediating a tremendous blow against us. To -day you can look back upon a year in which the British anus bore adversity with fortitude, recused to despond when things were at their darkest. returned to the offensive at the critical moment, and In three months of fighting such as the world had never seen won a victory un- exampled for the glory and for the service rendered by it for humanity. "In this warfare of the giants you have borne a part which fills us with a pride and gratitude which we can- not express. Amiens. Arras, the Queant-Drocourt line, the Canal do Nord. Carbrain Valenciennes and Mons are words which will Inspire Canadians for centuries, and you are the men who have done the resound- ing deeds. Our homage of love and pride Is tendered to the men who fell to winning this triumph. "We hope adon to welcome you home, and you may rest assured that every effort Is being made to ease the path of your return to peaceful in- dustry." NOT HUMBLED YET. ?S� .IIGNAL ItY1-AW NO 24 OF 1918. OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH, BEING A BY LAW GRANTINO ;EXEMPTION FROM TAXATION OF THE JACKSON itANUFAC- TURING COMPANY. LIMITED. GODUXna, O!1T. livered. free d charge to the said 1 be Goderteb '.telt Compaq, Limited- at its plant the electric power necessary fur its pummels. bon sot in war event to reamed twelve tmrscwwar per math* any amount in excess of twelve horsepower mod by the said Company in any moot to be paid for by said ComPlany at ordinary rates. e. Aa a ousditroa precedent to the granting of the aid nereon provided for the said The Guderrch Salt Company. Limited, shall agree with the cor- poration of time Town a G.d.rxh as writing to g posrdve it, t be{ sen n the lea ure duor ring said term nt of aid to ■ say hke mio11w1 ry ea the Town of Godereeb_ WNgagAs The Jackson M.nufact unng Com- t. The aid herein peon Jed for is granted upon pony. Limited. being an industry for some time the further a,.uwd dn that the number sal hands (ablothed in the Town of Gcderich. has re• permar,eutly employed by tt said TheGode ich quoted the municipal council oil the 'To or Code ash to submit a bylaw to the ratepayers [ranting exemption Iron munk,pal tuaton m respect 0i tint said plant in the *aid Town of Grnlarid fur all priPm , earept school taxes, lora further pond of ten years. salt Company. Cunard. shat loll below the num- ber u1 forty to a period of sex successive months, or iljthe dant shall be doled down and not in actual operation. or an operat1 to only intermit- tently for a period of three seeceasive ootM, then in either of such events ths►Coumil of the Aso W' MUSA% in camel/rat ton el the said ex- corp ration of the Town of (:oder h may peas a emotion the said The Jackson Manufacturing bylaw. without submitting rt to the ratepayers, Company. Looted. has agreed to continue to repealing lhn bylaw ind r tthdrawm[ the a,d operate its said plant in the Town of Goderieh hereby granted, and thereafter all obll(attra Os: during the tail. period of ten years, and loemploy I poa.d upon the musdeipal eorpoeston to honied continually throughout sold porud on the [ver• any further 54 us hereto 910.14ed fa shell lease, age of at least forty operatives thetem. 1l being understood, however, that the above pro - Arm W moans I he said The Jackson Manufac- viral* are not to apply in cane the Plant to so doom tering C ,. Limited. he. under taken to enter nto down owing to Ore. accident or other phyewal or an ogre,me t m onto" to secure the perform - unforeseen dtl6cwlty.,n which event the .1,d Com - once of the said c rditioxu pony shall sae 11 exp edither to overcome and rec- Oly the sad difficulty and to resume operation at the eartint 010041st possible. If the Company (ads to use due diligence an the removal of the cause of 1M closing down of the plant. (he coin- ed of the morporatson shall ,n it* di.cret.o n have the rail in the manner aforesaid to withdraw the aid hereby granted. AND WNU&AS It ,s expedient to grant the said aha. Tberelore the municipal council c' -the corpor- ation of the Town of Guderich enacts. follows. 1. The factory building at present occupied b The Jackson Manufacturing Company, Linxitod. and the plant, machinery, erections. aao.k-(5- trade. supplies ani lands owed In connection with Inc busmen therul in the said Town of Gaderlcb, shall be and are hereby exempted from moot Opal taw ton for all pur pones. except school (aces, foe a period of to years commencng with the first d J 9i S. The mid The Godench Salt Company. Lim ited, shall under to corporate seal enter into an ttr aeement ..1b the cur potation d the Town of Goderich prior is the final paring of Ma beta*. which agreement shall embody the oh gstions hereby leopard. or intended to be imposed upon anu.ry, , 9. the said Company. and such other monotone for 2. As a tondrtwn of the continuance through- the due prolectnm of the 'orporatior, of the said Town >! Godench as to is Sohcmor gamy sant out th amid per•od of the gaol exemption from fe1.e■■ary laxation. the mal The Jaceaon Manufacturing Thema The Goderich Salt Company, Compmny. Limited y shall ageemof the 'p -a-nit Iced. shall acres with the corporation of the sad erwJ a monthln average n( luy Pero- Town of ('.oderirh to hear ■ 1 the expense Uvea, and al fthealling event of the sad number1.dnof in connection with the .uhr ir, to the rate - bit for operatives lalling and remaining below u d promum- Payers of this bylaw her for a period•ol six months the exemptur, from sur taxation herehy granted shall cease fur the year 7. io which default tikes place. and this bylaw as p regards the tan for said year in which default what occurs may be repealed by • bylaw, w be pas*d by the council of the Town of Godench wt� hout submission to the ratepayers, and thereupon the full municipal tales for sad year shall become payahle in the same manner as 1 thea bylaw had mol been pared. 3. The said The Jackson Manufacturing Com- pany. Limned. shall enter into an agreement In weitin` with the corporation of the T..n d Godench agreeing to the te reran peon -woos and stipulation* of this bylaw. and also agreeing to give its consent In writing upon request to any anular industry being [ranted aid by way of bosun or eaem.r.n from taxation by the r,rpor- atkD of the 'Town of Goder,ch uunn, the sand period of ten yea.. 1. The vole d the electors of the said town d tksm into oonsld0r ,tion by the municipal courted LONDON. Dec. 24. -Reliance On Gtttlerxh will be taken on flus bylaw on the day u( obs Iowm tot Godench, alter the expiration of t icatiori Rbde .awakening .awake Junkers at lance t'onferesce. hied fur t.k,n the poll at the annual mumcrpsl ,rite moothfror e*e d■te sal the hre pub President Wilson to persuade the eleetrn. a11he same Ume ■rid place. and before thesool 45 The Goder,ch Star, the date of which Entente powers to deal with Ger- the faint deputy retain ng olrrcers. blication waw Friday. the lath day of Deceit• After all, the ma lagement of our municipal business touches us more closely than do Provincial and Federal affaires and we should see that It i, placed In as. capable hands as we can command. • The citizen who merely grunts an growls when things in the town do not go to suit him is not doing his duty as a citizen. It , would probably cure slime of the grunters and growlers if they were themselvesi given a term at the helm as town conn- - cillors. In 1911. when the protected manufac- turess opposed the rati"kation of the re- ciprocity agreement U1,11 the United' States.they wets warned that something less to their liking might befall them than', anything involved in that proposal. which j affected agricultural products mainly and with a few exceptions let manufactured articles alone. Now the organized bodtes•I • of farmers throughout Canada are de I manding. not the reciproctty o1 1911 only ,1 but a general lowering or abolition of duties on manufactured goods entering Canada. The cry of 1911 was. Let well enough alone. It might have been better for the protected interests If their motto had been, Let us go with them cheerfully a mile. lest they compel us to go unwill- ingly two miles. The indications are that questions of tariff policy will quickly come to the front in Parliament, and if the Union Government refuses to go a cnn- miderabDe distance in meeting the views of the farmers 1t w-iIl not last long WHAT OTHERS SAY. The beMat and advantage M such tax 10 - and delivery •of electric tower 1 mute to the successor and alsgoa of the said The (:«fetich Salt Com- pany, Limited, daring said teem. but subject al ways to the /ttlormance by and successors or arens of the conditions and stipulattoas hereto contained. >t This bylaw shall take effect tat the day of the final pin[ thereof. Provisionally pawed at the council chambers of the Town. of Coda -rich this loth day:of December. 19ta. E. R WIGLE, L. 1. KNOX. Mayor. Clerk. 1 TAXI rerrwe that the above as ■ true copy of a = proposed bylaw. which in the event of the meant ..�1 of the electors being obtained thereto will be many 50 that a stable. orderly GOv- A. The said The Jarkron Manulaclunng Com- Cr. 1015. eminent may be assured. is urged by more own of h Limcted ah:.ell agree t0 bear all carni n coo with the 10(90111100 of Theodore Wolff. editor of the Berlin Tageblatt in a remarkable Inters thy y the with the sumaewn to the ratepayers d Jew is h law.• Aso rVa Taa. TAILS Ntrrica:that all lemeholden air. qualified under the proviso. W the Municipal E Act. section 266. S• S. s are required ten days be - 11 k effect he A d the tore the day d zoom to file with Inc ■ statutory au given the by hila to the tiken.pwndent of TNT bylaw she tae act ter t day declaration d qua'firemen. otherwise thou anal passing thereof. I names will not appear on the voters' Inst for such the Copenhagen P011tlken, which has i been telegraphed here to the Rally Express. "Had we supposed we were to be gi-ven over to brutal might," he said, "our course might have been different. Our front Was unbroken at the time of the armistice. "We stand fast by President Wil- son's program of real peace negotia- tions. not an the dictation of peace terms. and we rottnt on the President to persist in that program. "We shall demand that Alsace- Lorraine be given the privilege of voting and determining for Itself Its future government. and we sball urge the same privitegen for the Ger- man eastern provinces and for Ger- man Austria. "It the Entente supposes that Ger- many has been so humbled as to be powerless. It is a mistaken reckoning. for l,0111.41•0 people will not be row- ed Indefinitely by threats. Germany will rise again. and will be a strong factor intheEuropean family.Her Proveuonally pawed at the council chambers of I coli.,. the Town d Godencb this loth day of December. - 191•. Ate rt'5Ttrga TAXI Noli(1 that the votes sal L L KNOX. E R. WIf.LE • the electrs will be taken on the said peopo.ed Clerk. Mayor bylaw on therms day as the votes of the ekc- Mrs for the aunt won d the muntc,psl cooncdloxs, namely on Monday. the nth day d January, 1919. and before the same deputy -returning offic- ers at the elan lolling paces. Tree Nonce that the above i a true copy 01 proposed bylaw. which to the event of the aavent d the. electors tonne obtained thereto wall be taken into consideration by the municipal council d the Town:of 6.derich. after the expiration of one month from the dale M the first publication thereof in The Goderich Signal. the date of which pablrcatrun was '1hurday. the 12th day of De- cember 191.. - ANo Ft Inoue Tsai Noma that all leasehold- eraqualified aider the provisions 1 the Momcipal Act. rection 'Aft S ti a err retenred len days be- fore the day of voting ie ile with me ■ sit toot, declarator d qua rficalwns. °therm. their Damn wills not appear on the voters' Mt for sods vexing. Ano Fuenana TARS Womu that the votes of the electors 0111 be taken 0r, the sad proposed Town Clerk. bylaw on the sans day as the voxes of the elector, Ga4ar11ig, j�sber 1llli„ISL for the election of the municipal a:ouncilkrl namely, on Monday. the loath day of January. •:•19. arw belore the same depity.rrturndg 11 c- era at the same polling place On Saturday. the 4th day al J guars. 1919. the M• or of the sad Town a GodKtch shall attend .t tAe council chamhers of the said Town at ten ocor m rated at the�vanonyprLLin[ places dorn■d, gad Tit! Disunion Government has agreed tithe (1041 summon up Mithe votes by the Clerk to make a loan to the Ontario Govern - On Saturday, the 4th day of January, 1919. the Mayo oftha so d Town 01 (:oder,ch shad Atte d at the o.ncil .ambery of the said town at ten o'cho, k in the Goren/Jon to ■ppoint Persson. 10 at tend at the wrong pdi.ng peaces *hominid and al the final sommo a up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the pertain. interested m trend pit. Booing or 099000g the paring of the soot pro. posed bylaw tesl•ectivelY. The Clerk he council of the Town of ('.ode- rch shall attend at hes oarce An the Town•Hall at ten o'clock iw the (creno .n on Tuesday. the 71h day d Janyary lila, to sum up the number of vote** ...Amami the proposed bylaw. L. L. KNOX. • LOANS POM HOUSING. ac or Government Will Provide Panamint Erec- central position Is dominating and 1 k the (oremron to appoint persons w how 01 Dwellings. she cannot be held down." OCCUPY ROYAL SUITE. het Ir 1 the rare interested in and pro cont n9pnmg the paean( d the .ala pro MOM for the providing Of hex earn• m r pled iylaw, rnpect,vey modatton, The Province will in turn tend The Clerk d the Council of the Town of God.- tOmutllctpalities upon the following terms: President and Mrs. Wilson Honored oat mist' attend .t his office On the Town Hall • Mumc lutes and companies incorp at ten o'clock in the forenoon on Tuesday. the by Rritlish. 7th day of January. 1919. to sum up the number Orated under the Housing Accommodation LONDON, Dec. 24. --The "Belgian of votes for and against the sad cooed bylaw. Act Ri. S. O., chap. '220) may acquire suite," reserred exclusively for royal - L. L. KNO�fk lands and ctxhstruct hcu+es for returned ,guests until now, will be occupied by Gorterich. December 12th, 19Ix Csoidiera. and also for working men std President and Mrs. Wilson during 1 women and those d shall means. �e tbelr stay in London, in the yearn s Act mentioned will be amended to include of Its Interesting history it has had al, municipalities. The type of house to within Ire walls many crowned heads. -)ter ;a .. .. ' he constructed shall not exceed S2.'00 one of the latest. but the least men- r in clot for the construction of each house. tloned at Buckingham Palate, being re's ti yt The maximum cost of each house. togeth- with the cost of the land and interest Municipal Elections. Collingword Bulletin The Brantford Expositor and The Stratford Ileac in express the opinion that the date of the municipal elections should be moved from the holiday season. With our contemporaries The Bulletin is in full accord As The Expositor points out, Ontario is the only provincial state on this continent that mixes up municipal election with the Christmas business and festivities. Because of the hanging to this old-fashioned idea municipal affairs are given little or no consideration, when as a matter of fact they should occupy a foremost place in the public mind. There appears no good reason for it, while many • arguments favor a change. Were the elections moved to late November or earls December or possibly shoved over to February., though our preference is for the earlier dates, the demands of ordinary business; would be less pressing, thus ' leaving more time for thought on many questions bearing on municipal govern- ment. Truly it is time for a change and the Hearst Government could not do better than tong Ontario into line with the "other parts of the continent which evidently have seen. if not experienced, the disadvantage at present followed in Ontario. HE TAKES A COUPLE AND THEY CHECK i T. What Dodd's Kidney Pills Did for Mr. [tinkle's Sciettes. Clifford. Ont., Dec. 23rd ISpecial).- After suffering from sciatica for two years. Mr. Chris. 'tinkly, sr., a well- known and respected resident of this plate, declares that he has 100041 the re- pel he en long looked for in Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. 1 have been ailing in all shout five years. 1 had backache and stiffness in the joints. with an oora•irtal attack of rheumatism. i was often dizzy, I had dark circles under my eyes. and i had Rashes of light or floating specks before my ryes. Abaft two years ago sciatica was added to my troubles. and i suffered With it till an advertisement led me to toy D7wdd's Kidney Pills. They helped M more than anything I have ever . 1 took oil bares in all Hut 1 feel an attack weft on i jest couple chi DetM i Kidney nue. t checks it. Dodd's Kidney ghee sae good n •' tiefartios. the former German Emperor. It was given its name during Queen Victoria's reign. and was al- ways known as "The House of the King of the Belgians." when royalty was entertained here. At the request of President Wil- son, who evidently found that tow much is being crowded into his short stay to England. the proposed dinner at Lancaster House on Saturday night has been eliminated. This was tO hare been a function only second to the banquet at Buckingham Pal- ace Friday night. Instead of the Lancaster House banquet Premier Lloyd George will entertain the President at dinner Saturday to meet the War Cabinet. Demobilizing Anzacs. MELBOUi(NE. Dec. 24. - It will take from nine to twelve months he - fore the Australian and New Zeplani troops will he ready for transporta- tion from Europe to Australia. ac- cording to ah announcement made in the Federal House of Representa- tives. A scheme has been devised whereby the soldiers will be trained In altrteulture and manufactures dur- Ing chat period. Senator Pierce, Minister of De- fence, will go to England to super- intend the transportation of the troops and their welfare on Euro- pean shores. A board will he appoint- ed to attend to matters of food and clothing dumas the initial period of Partial demobilisation. These measures are only prelimin- ary to the larger and more Inteosivs program of repatrtatlon outlined by the Commonwealth for the welfare of its returning troops. er BYLAW NO. 25OF 1918, 0 during construction. is not to exceed TOWN OF GODERICH• I sL000. The building scheme of each s ____ 1 municipality, indudlug the laying out of 7 A Byt*w G.ANTINC AID To Tru Gop[stcm'At.T I the land and the plottntg of the buildings ! i 3 11.. o*IPANT. Llutrao, so was OF EgIN►T'UN thereon, the plans of the houses, the form 150.1 TAXATION. 01 con=truth n. and the location 1f the land to be developed shall be approved 3 by %fie Director 0(the Bureau of Muniri- Women's Seal Plush Coats Beautiful garments at rices which will appeal to you. They are splendidly tailor-made, well lined and of best make of plushes. Different styles to choose from. Sizes 38 to 44. At each $30, $35 and $40. Kid Gloves • - Perrin's famous Kid Gloves, blacks, tans and white, with two fancy dome fasteners. Special per pair VAS Black Suede Kid Gloves $2.25 Women's lined Kid Gloves, in tans, two dome fasteners, At per pair .$2..50 Men's heavy cape Kid Gloves, two heavy dome fastners, fine wool -lined. Tans, greys. At per pair $740 Silk Waists Many styles in this week, in Crepe. Georgette. Wash Silks and Voiles. Dainty and exquisitely made. Blacks, colors and white. Sizes 34 to 44. Each ..... ;3, K, $5 Furs Never before such a pleasing choice. Fox, Lynx, Wolf, Sable. Coon and Mink. Stole or scarf and muff. At per set $15, $22, $30, $40, $50, $75. $80 and up. W. ACHE �Ii NmIQIhnUiIIit lI1111111111111111111111111111 Silk Stockings Sim 8S to 10, black:, grey, tan or white heavy Silk Hose, 3 -ply heels and toes, garter top of deep lisle. At per pair. , • • $1.50 Handkerchiefs Hundreds of dozens Linen Handkerchiefs Men's pure linen hemstitched Hand- kerchiefs, with initials hand -em- broidered very daintily in corner. all initials. Each 40c and Sic Ladies' fancy pure linen Handler-, chiefs, an almost bewildering choisi . At each 211c, 25c, Sit; See Men's Fur Coats Black Dog. Sitka Beam or' Alaska Beaver Coats for men. The ,skins are selected and we can buy none better. Linings of heavy farmers' satin. Cuffs in sleeves. shields, etc. Dozens to select from. All sizes 42 to 30. Price, special ..... ... $35 Men's No. 1 Muskrat -lined Coats, Otter collar, shell of No. 1 English Beaver clothEach =1511.00 MEDICAL. R. GEO. HEILEMA. PA1 H, specialist in nom -aefa, acute.chronic and mer mar and throat. partial 1 rheumatic oo ach.. ts. A Ute ketile. Ounce at sod St. Andrew's mimeo Thur.d■ys and MOW t. DENTISTRY r N & SON Ii. G. MAcDONE le Toeunto Unrtn of [ental Sureeo to the late Malo Se list street. Garen. III um IIIIM Iia I.� AUCTIONEE GUNURY. AUCTIONEEI traria. All onto (,rine will feynt phone l i r LEGAL RON. K abate, notarj Godersch. funds to Ion at YTkN, SOLICIT PUBLIC. ET ng, Iia nke Black depnom. r. Lama sad 1555 . KILLORi SOLICITOI PUBLIC, ET( the `quad e, otar.d (.od.rtch. x1YlliliflYlNW WNiIYIYilf�littrilf EL RIC G E C ARE IST ACOEPTAB Make Your • HAVE JUST REC t lo}.e H. J. D. Coo" GARROW, kit. alta nay. since at lowest rates. ER, BAkR R. outcry. public home, Cole. W by Bylaw No. 111 of 1915 which was pal A fl:airs, or ,each other person or boil) he i d majority of the ratepayers and was fine y pad as may be designated fax that the T gra 1 Ire twenty years at per Cent. duly submitted to and nee sed t assn .e n taz. on the Itch day of JJun., 1915, the corporation of The loan *lib ' for a period notTeed- own Goder,ch toted to the North Omer- .t Restrictions Are Removed. WASHINGTON. Der. 24. -Sweep- ing relaxation of restrictions os the export■ of foodstuffs. foddera and feed to the Pan-Amerlcaa republics, Canada. Cuba and the West Indian was annoiineod last night by Chair- man McCormick. of the War Trade Board. The list of sieeptiona named only wheat and wheat `Sour, ebft!w. star, corn, butter. eheeaa, ekgp, llaaeed meal and sake and cotton seed meals and rake. To avoid way mlMppre- henalon as to the supply of thee* ae- tlelen to the countries named it waw emphasised that praetttttly' all or tkewt are available In desired qua Utlaa throe. Oovbrensest Assails. lean Chemical Company. Limited, exempt ion roan alit siakt loans troat,on. except for school farces, upon the lands. ' f,tuniatp les are not t0 buildings and plant of the said Company, ant to individuaU, firms or mmpan es except any improvements meat addition made thereto for o:ORipanies moil porsted as before merle to period oa f ten y from and including the year companies who Own ther own Meaning the fin( day of January, (910, 590n the timed. arta td persons i terms and condi, iods *et forth ,n said byl.w..inA land and 'desire to erect houses there.ta dM 4,141, agr a to furnish said Company with elec- tric power up to tl♦E savant of twelve boron, r.er per month free of charge Gr the.r Own occtlpallon, and t0 farmers for • 4 t he erection of houles for their fico- 3 ANn Willett AA the said the North American p.,. If a municipality itself azoires k be 1 diedor f r,A1 1 w. loaned k aired the fell amount l ulnad req therefor. chem al Companr. 1 imted pertorrm-d the land' and u,pitructs houses tet foeprKedr'nl Rosi ro a rnsad gi.n m111MM nKame emit ta tern aiA gr■wee hr *■,d nrtewa portion of the Tilt Ivan to he made to a iMositlg comp- ' gaol permd of ten years any shall lot exceed 83 per cast. of the AND WHastAs the said The Notch American value if the land and buildini . Chemical Co„ Limited, has fRm and in the course thereof t toe cd t The c -alt ( n> to a person who own* his otter land, aid t sit the roe sal ire, Hutt Or for mob= tqudetion. wdator i■a sold A loan may he made to a ern end lt»n ven d Tkf ry imited.rid, ' erects a h h f fib American Chemical CamAay, Limit a tion, to tette full valued the going t-nrr.ern ANo W the sNd The GodarieA `;,It Alto to 3 ;Orson for tb! ercC las of a 4 1.2 Company. Lorded, preheat' to carry on ehr finite oat owned by the rntrfdlipa flim• ba.itw, of manuacttdetg talc in the To.n provided he tnhutto in cash the value e l Gpkrich, as f rmeel 41Mdacted by the .std d the lot if) Ci`n1, of the whole The North heAmland. pC n company. Lim. of Flashlights ltd. oma the land..50dW11 and plant td the osa. • A New Line lk former Crsnwnr. andWae/(wper• tont I loan 1 he mad% by the Peoeinot h torr . wm.aad en■blawnirtg M Happy EDA NEW LINE Of! Electric- irwls Tauten Toaster Stores Heating Pais H�st�w_a�ter Cops Ikkeou Hsatsrs Vibrators All above appli- ances will be ,kept in repair. free . of charge. Heather INBURef NCE, LORI ILiOP MUTUAL ANCE CO. -Farm and i toured. ars-1.. Connolly, Pre Evans. Vice -Pres., beeches Ya Sec. -Tress. Sealorth 1 tore,- D. F. Sec.-Treas., Jolla O. Grieve, No. k 14 R. No. 4 Malor th, hagen, foto. McCartney. Robert Ferns, Hark Clinton. Jaren E.ana 1 ly, Goderich. no. J. W. Yeo, Gorier No 1, Clinton; Nahum H,mhle7, Seaport h. Pohcy- aunts and gel thele c ids ride's Clothing Store, ry, Kingston street. 's General Store, Bayftetd. MUSIC. BEL R. SCOTT, Voce, Piano sod Organ. •.tor715510, atfdna. A RRIE'L, Britnma road. A complete line Portable Lamps, Tungsten and•Nitroge i opentrms y ,n[ err (wither sari pars M titan...( wMe1 the output to the mu )ahtles ti•IprogresseaNratee ash eat he con.idetably incressg and the mine Ina required_ Iter of handy employ wl added a, . ArmW tiewi4TheGedelett•ak pan , Limed. lsaa renovated the mamma d n.. or the rorperet inn rel the Teewat Go low is omit ■ hyla. In the ratepayer' a (Mead fawn nut/Wiring the ext as, t r n ass M t M •a d ed that aII bonzes be sold ' On the mon v rearm •tot plan. The period of vment must not rioted twenty y ar.d the rate of interest 6 ends err he Itala}ee t the Petcti t. monthly repayment for rrgmal trim d to y r} (went earn cover interest and repay - ranted salt Company. Limited, the while es s y ranto,A to the North Armnxan Chemic5 C ,n�- men% Of prl I will be abn*st $JO. per pony, t-lmite4. by rd bylaw No. IS of 1013. month (or a 113,000.00 house IntestThe er e •de ANn 94 it N deemed mpediem to grant will be chiliad on arrears. the said aid and to extend the unexpired port M the original term of ten year* to (Maoist The Or any part ti the pry 1 may n` Goderkh Snit Company. 1.tm,t.d paid at any the during the twenty years. Therefore the mmnkipel council M the nwpw- A • penbn tal{,ing a Mouse trust (t nv4n- at ides d the Town of GolssrICh enacts a follows' ant to repieta rid 10 pay tames std to. I The Imola wiM(ste and Mont (moiety •urarK7. or eted mod orvratd by The th Amer.can CTnaie 1 Cempsoy. Limit's, • it a assn tact Any muniC tiolity may come under the or toe it a..er.tom "A. M the own o - rare11iora of the proposed legislation bt dna .tela w sod .n a.n ie sa to ax- after it is eidterl *porta bylaw limak llwfor the par- s. /nl�• IMIa• aalddale f..05tPrd elm M in mparatlaa � tot ohms the .•1 spin ahtal tope Nem awmlelpal r tawniest ler p5•pe•ta 72/4°Pdd roar• for . pMpM.eM as..a pealed h►y�eaute crgtnca. Tile ndn t:" py e:letN`"ale.�ml. then "t>t the Ani unstirred of three shit Mime poselA dna on as be one. of ek4 said lamdl bulMny. and plat tend PT' � the other two nomi ate •ode/ atso that then stall re wpse said date and coot y thereafter Moto' said /ke(od est• colyCil, not fin sof the . Ind pbyed M sed wheat aa' pant wdrk0vn e0 the elected for t yews, one "arias aid, a to... .t 51 tot lowly _ a 'tip treyof Artllar **N M oke aid T'. GOderieh Solt Co.pasa i ellf.: %:0191 IM Thr moo term d the Tow. d (' elan fora iM t( unto yta.i eeteverowewee the Are young the d lwaamy, teal digiti. or %mss ,s at 4- patent ami 4 a gg♦1l fates w Idle atria l M sto spend oa ewe 1f a11h did. and Batteries on Hand WvyMP* w Brophe3 1 'I me Leading Funeral Dire and Emball Orion ease{uly a .1 en hours. Mgt OODMRiC OF ELECTRIC FIXTURES A NEW STOCK OUR SPECIALTY Let us give you an esti- mate on wiring your home, office, garage or place of business. Tt�e Saults 1 a n talmmwl 6s YCfloom Exam:nos Aria LEHIGH VA THE COAL, TBA'r We deal in Hard an i.ltue, Calx Pin Clay, also Na and Manta sad H tot:! ROBERT �•T WEST STREET, NRt*T TO POSTO1rFICE Ruth un ' Gdasat }us a1R Rot 1!!Irk! �AoM�Mnl!IIM! !!g ***41010! IP 5 ' 1