HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-12-26, Page 1I 1 A CALENDAR with each Paid -in -ad- vance Subscription to The Signal for 1919 atVENTY-111kSTYEAR -No aril UOJJ R1CH. ONTARIO, Thursday, Dee. 26, 1915.-3 - masa-+-•a- .r" • i ��ppny� c Q )k SDA 1 a DE 26 191 O THE;SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LIMITED. Pcauaate READ THE CLUBBING LIST ON PAGE FOUR THE STEJUA1NGBANk OF CANADA SAVE, Because - A savings account is a sign -bo to happiness. IOQ SALE OR RENT. . I • AOCTION;ALES, (•OR SALE._ FRAME C TTAGE, lhi MCRTGAGE SALEO? VALUABLE 1' Good stated rspont. a Mt �4rama AP - pip 40 MR. F. WOOLLCOMLg+ Train IN THE TOWN car GODERICH. ss -eat. VOR ilSAaLE.-SOLID BRICK HOUSE Urger and by virtue of the Lesqw mss ale cnalained In three P°wcees of B,.tX 10. SI/:NAL OPf•tCE. GodsriA. the vireos, there wiU mo the held by ARMS FOR SALE. by pubsc auction, at the offered for sale FSPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL. in the Town of Oadench BUY A GOOD FARM. , OR - TUESDAY. 3Ist day Itf DEfrom' it einsoirn, from the statements of tan rem d choice bred within • nide and •-hal! '� , Ib, 1 I A. D. 19 & thorns litIdle car. that the drivel Weir I1ONDAY NIG frS TRAGEDY. Mr. J. H. Colborn ?Nevelt by Aise- m.bike and Fatally Injured. a Tlw ('hriNtlnas eeemou In Galerk•h Ims berm warred by a terrible fatality w•W(-h o.'t•urept' on Moab, night, w Mr. John H. 1'ulbortw, one of the Twat-ku ow a residents of the tow u was killer( by an automobile. The event Is otw of the moat distressing asst have ever happened In (lotlerteh, and it is the tleet tlwe, we believe, an auto- mobile ambient hl Goderteb has - rutted fatally. Mr. 4'olIMorne abortly before 11 ei 'Irick had purehared inane oysters at Ed%arida restaurant and war .•reseing the roa(Iwry of the Square uu his Ry how, t' hen no automobile drive% by .1r E. 1. Crust, 441(11 Bert Towrtseud and .I. 1'. net in ole rear seat, titrnsk him and carried ur dragged him for some dl+tsn,' Hr. ('naw after stop- ping the ear pleked up the injured 1111 and t•arrtet hiss Into (', 1', Leri sine.', .tttt•rwanls be nn+ take% 10 the himpltnl. where be dh+l In leets than tau bourn without regaining Oen- s luttanx•-s, Iia kgs were broken stall i• ,11411. 11414 skull fractured and other i IJ 4llts smita Med. tea .flat, d the beat villages m Huronon line of at tau o dOG in the aft R. Good church.. school and market. afternoon. the (Of - TM tr.'s m Dower condos,°; mail (roti•'! mg (rrew▪ e °petty, ,;any. fraass cad walar. m la[t, thole a re- (arm All and y lot fun .be tririautssvmeso help. Price le -Y o, n>.ennah4 hundred a t) -ant I 21 n rat the srwwer fess made It10grY 0111n. sod ie .r.ning flim( r ora arms; corner of South t and the Square, in He acres with good btatdin} Un acres s sal, balance pasture and timber. 1 Ione n.lr to thea larm, but 1 aro tad it la good in war, le wale* two mules d rearket and and a (Awed far .ale as owner's eons are ov wit• Price k Ire,. on.tiala tory teras lea airs beet el had and lankie r's. within twee �� d tare**. Has slaty, been a pronta.M On. Geed reaeoos for waist. PI," `,ash TH°h. C.UGoderkh I id the town of C tr' Huron, being k change Hotel RENT.- OFFICE AND FIVE then illn -R�ip�s dwellreg M lslaaeallta y to M. E. KELLY- 1 �aQ Rt SALE --RED BRICK HOUSE. �OL71 },'stares eoesessa..tmt Apes* W. Ali.5C43111131- • thirty d i 4Q wANTED.-COOK. maraca faun r. anal len •o w we. stem 011 REID. Mims street_ W ANTED.--114tKING BR( /THEM CO LIMIw IIIRLS W U GODER1CH K ( •ERAL, sera ,e lits/411g 10 tow^ right. 1Bteudtig to paw I.•hllei Hr. 1'ulbonn•, when the latter three( lack The car then-werved to the left to avoid hiw, and Mr. (?ol- Ixn'ue also turned bark. and it 44as too late to 4)rold a 4011161401. in the county of Hr. Colhoriw was bon] seventy-nine 81. the brit fh Ex- year. ago 1n the city of New York. 111a parents, Lr. and Mrs. Alex. l'oI- erectAd the lead- kora(,. afterwards moved to n farad in town 04 Godo. he township of Hostage, Lanark 00 bttaineas for county, whore Mr. Colborne spent his e is a three. early da)'.. An a young lean be g fort) four taught owlsoo1 sad was ao engaged at a large dining- Ilearorth before coming to 1;oslerleb repair building is fort) four ye.trn ago. Herr tie went lata the .0-ye.Oty 1.114111.114111.11411W141with his rty will be brother.tie date W. ,t. Colborne. then. Test per for a fen, year. was 1u the grain Mod- ( I be pfljd 1144111, mei returnednall.) returlt to the dry- andthe coos 111.-Ileae with which his namewithinlha+ Twee .,+etarlrl.t for any )vat•* - is r 14' was eu,141!%tly point(,-Nptrtted end e tegem -Isb adttet w , nmrt est tuent .ka 'pplg pthis pro cOmfDercla1 hole . , which hat cat thirty years. ick biplaner sam 400 bar, c.. to a of ZALE sold suint to a cent. of titchase to lir vend,the balance oft parch t t . na9m '. daey, cart TELY WOOD- handa REHULTZ ,. BtaStfard M -et snOf given. For further par 1IClilors app u ISE. DAN Vredoes Soii: itor, Goderi Dated Ikeember 16th. 1928. I Z APPLY THE I NG CO. 40-tf FREDERiC Senior Sin onto Univers' Organist and Choirmaster Kno INBORIAT1oN IN VOICE CULTURE. 'rWE ORGAN, PIANOFORTE, THE Pupils prepared for any ex and for church positions.' Special rates for children. Telephone 212. Studio mer Dunlop's Drug FOR SALE- UREBRED STOCK 1 have for sale lour pure, leu n.ne months old and t ,id J11Mt3S CHiSHOLM• non p.fa R. I.E. STORM WINDOWS (:et our price list mho Ih, land complete. any aft• p�rM1l Ham ` orn BOX PANT. 1C. EGENER, MUS g Honor DTI° 1) PUBLIC NOTiCS. TOWNS -I - I No AC. 1 cillor for Ter-, To IP OF COLBOR firma for Rente and four the Township of Colborne Ing year will be received at t ship Hall. Carl, w. on MONDA E\IBEE 30, 191h, at 1 o'clock p, • R. MCILWAIN, Clerk. trlbrrk•1ta1 ,IffltUst, 1 at different 44,11.-o a 111,1111.•r of the town eoula•11, the public wiles+( board and the ('ul- Ieghtln Institute born(. He was a wide reader anal Mx exteusire library hearai nwt4,noly to her lore of hooka and his eultirrtrd mind- 111* death hi uulrerwdly mourned. not only Tarrson, of Its h•ngk• churn: ler earl the unex- pected sorrow that ham come upon his tsunily, but also because of tis' 41401 to (ht town of nue Of its Twat citizens. Mr. Vollstrs• la survived by his wife. four daughters and three arae: Mrs. .\. H. 1n11 Nnd Miss Nelle, of Vasliingtun, II. ('.; Was 4lwendyin, :Il cern' nurse in Fiance; NW lon•tlr,• at Innme: Moutr;rlle 1114.11Inc, I0411 (1. ler1est. who has n ns,ns•iatel with his father In 4,4041, Imd Harry W., who nrrntly 'rued foots tern Hos• to resume his Ilea In medicine at Queen's ['Myer - Kingston. funeral takes plsee oil Friday 10011, wish a .+,wine at the family ev, Nt. Patrick's Ntrw4, at 2 Msltho.t !Moe. No. SR, A., QilEARS. SCISSORS, CLIPPERS AND' 11 K NI VkS of en Man sharpened h1t lace All work guaranteed. W. G. LUMBY�I01. David's street. re it West street Barh.r Shop. I NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS m ret Warning n hereby/Oven that persons ,Mooting I er otherwise trespassing nu our property will be: arceecu,ed according to law. BISSET BROS.. Balt lard Heights. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER_ • L EYE. EAR, NOSE, THROAT. Late Hare Surgeon Mew York Oph'bales. and Aural Hospital assistant at Mreeea,N , Eye Hospital and (.=olden (hear, Thr°;,t oto. petal Lorafon. En`. 33 Waterloo St. S.. Stratford. Telephnr,e RR. At Bedford Hotel, Gederirh. Wain,. January 11, frofn 7 p. m.. to Thursday, Ia 1. 1 ^teary tech at Dm. t Sc C(merce Op: ing in Goderich telelhooi of mmerce, Clinton, Oit., w'll °hi bran school in Goderich, in the root over arman's Shoe Store, on January 4.. 19 Proepecti,t, slu trtents to eike r Ward, Clifton School of January 4thFr me may make arrange - classes by writing 13. F. Ont., or calling at the rce rooms, Goderich, on 11.30 to 2 p.m. SCHOOL CLi F COMMERCE TON. ONTARIO Phone 2115 B. F. WARD, B.A., M. AccT M. A. STONE, Can. Specialist. • 0.1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. E 1OCHIANHMS. N THa mantra fir fat I - s TM Or DtRRnC. F. HisO ,NR. LATE Oa T -roam Or I,.ra- aICH, n ma CouNrr Airman. i Tlratr,, p0CaA�ED, ' ,} YANt'fAC- r 1401.14..x is hereby of that th Trustee Ate. R, Ur 41.1 co h pter 121, aSei dltors andel ha ,Immo de• mange�a ,A tact tar Id ltstalr id said F T` of ((Aamaga wed rh,•d on a r'ogt the 10th day � !abet, A. D. ''*144(4,, Tod Town of God rich. ate requested. on or before the 1st day 01 nary. A. D. 1st% eu end h, pot. ep'td. Iver to the 1°01101 and w e,teel Trust Colpai ' r. London, (h,tario, the Eaen ut,r of the mod a te, th it Chrnaien sad autt44144, addrew -s thekdeernpteon,. the full partkW.t,. 14 writing r Llain's, a statement of tar, amounts, and the nature of the memos'. if uta, id by them. T "mfAstr !enrich tel a( er shut Ia,t- inentioned date the said Esecotnr wel prrheed to distribute the assets (*eke said deceased among the wain enuuevt Iherpes, having regard not), t• the clairef which it shall then have notice, and that the said Executor will no4 he liable for the seed mewls ae art thereof to any y Denew1 or pervrls of by It a n been received Dated r A. D NIA. PROUDFOOT KILLppO��RtAArN a C1, • t*e Eire titer. ,--tail CARDS OF THANKS. THE UNDERSIGNED TAKE TH151 mems °r returning their sincere thanks to May kind friends and neighbors err enamels of thd enid hmeolMaoerlllneesns ddherin srk wes Td ems their ennesbe,ra EYty¢e 1.AND MRS.. WES771411% AND FMgt PATRIOTIC DANOI tinier fie auspkvrt of THE MAPLY.I.1RAF CHAPTER Midas Evening, lrer,Rber !7, at 5.39 e'eleeb, O1)111111i4OWR' HALL Daae and Retreehmenta 711e dtcHlin TRA M f A H� PY NEW YEAR tvishes to all readers of The Signal for the coming year M 1 F. & A. )J., of whlc•1, 9tits-eased was it member, will tw In (Oar¢.•. Arcking 1. Os An InrentlgrttuU le. 1orouer's jury Into of the- reddest by w met Ids death. 1)r. the corolwr,, cal the WaIIIk 1 Jas. s'ar erbsou, It', Mulch a 01411114 w Ikrtaklirft aI,1belittle* on allay wor iiig add an lotion meet wail then made to 101o'rl(w•k day isebeing, at the town ImIL ('rows .kotorwy •r also has Instituted proaredfu against Mr. the drtyer (K t txr. On the charge of doing grkvr bodily harm ('rows was Iterate Maglekat.• tired on Tuesday murnhog and was remanded until Monday. bail beipg granted In the 11111unLIM.. gated • - turtle by a rete.itatxIss $r. CulIMonie C. Hunter Is ora are 'I'. K. town are badly shattered. but it is nothing compared with the destruction around the eld line at Arras and Lens. It is rather pitiable to seethe civilian popula- tion gathering up bits of furniture and personal belongings in their endeavor to start a new home. Many in the town in which we are now billeted have to find new homey. as nothing but the cellars here are habitable. The people here have n 1, .1. a.. Role-ro(um been fed for some time by various Red ,Zt�ea. t'. I'rIvidisr1L 4'. JI. diol,. Cross societies and they lel} us that Newhall, N'. • German soldkrs used to steal thetheir Alkex. i'ta ng'. The re rations. The Government is rapidly as- rwel at two 's tin. gulping control and the people seem very happy in their release. think the meanest trick of all that the Germans have done n the soaking of the town with gas after they have It ft. Many of the older people have become casual- ' ties. as they have not been provided with respirators and the German gas is fearful. ' I dread it more than 1 dread his shells• Just now our battalion is resting. but i have ix) idea how long it will las'. We get practically no war news here, but 1 would judge from the sound of the guns that the enemy .8 still retiring, and I am hoping that he goes back so tar that I never catch sight of him again. It's good to know that Fritz is left alone to fight the world. 1 don't think he can last an awful lot longer anyway. but he can make it mighty uncomfortable for us when we get too near him. 1 sincerely hope I come through O. K. now. for it would be too bad to get "napoo" with the end in sight. I can assure you I have had sufficient war experiences to last me ifee. much prefer the open war - paper, was written uai IQance November }arle totimthe trIench warfare. In this .ort THE LAST DAYS OF ' TN FIGHTING. Lancs -Corporal Warner's Chen Call IN the Captive of Valetttliaaea. The following letter received by the editor of The Signal from Mr. E. 'A Warner, formerly of the stat} of this i the of fighting a fellow has a chance to get Dear Mr. Robertson,..1 think it must his own back. but in the trench stuff all a be..nearly three month" 'same I received than can do is to dodge the shells as best your letter. 1 believe N arrived the day he can and never are the enemy (rOm one before I ran foul of ope Of Fritz', gas week's end to the other. shells and then fora 6r)upie of weeks 1' I am feeling bete and we are well (ad did not feel mach like flailing, and after 1 and c•.mfurtably billeted here. Please re - got through hospital ' o.iba tmvales- member me to any who may irkore. Assoc nteres o Ak�1pt 3llire did mnVor »cli d i t C t w11f$�:W.'""' •" thiugaearq gi�krerw tll at (mode tt use- 1 was away from the battalion nine weeks E. A. N'ARxER. with my wound and arrived hack just as - our men had completed the capture of After the Armistice,Was Declared. Dinain. I became a casualty agent in the; of Valenciennes, but my wound The following is a portion of a letter re- capture was very dight and I was back un duty , ceived by Mrs. Warner from her husband. after forty-eight hours' rest. My last 11 was written November ;13th. just two wound was a little too close to comfort. days after the cessation of hostilities: i was staling around the corner • oshed Dearest Mary, -You will have heard f a large railway freight when 1 met a (,roman face to the news of the armistice long before this face. Ile shot first and the bullet went I reaches you and It is possible by the time through my steel helmet, just skinned the that this reaches you peace will have been top of my left ear and drew blood in my declared. ' it is indeed glorious fleas and hair. 1t stunned me far a moment and 1 suppose that the people in Canada and by the time 1 had recovered my assailant England have been wildly enthusiastic had disappeared. I slipped a field band- over n and many oekbraucros will have age around my head and went on. A few been held. You will probably think that minutes later we accounted for about a upon the receipt of the news out here the score of the enrmy at a machine-gun Jxoys went wild with joy, but such was past, w i am hoping that my man was not the case. the bow have been througd) among them. Ne entered the town of too, much of late to lose control of them• Valenciennes about two hours later and 1 selves very easily and l think our joy was stayed with my platoon until 4.30 111 the all the deeper becaus duties eeesed.ou We afternoon (1 was hit at 0 a. m. i. but was just then suffering with sun h a sick headache mg had happene I. except that the band and si:k stomach that I was ordered to I played when the official news came the rear. 1 made my way back to our , through. 1 was on guard at the time, so transport lines, where my head was' it did not .fleet my duties in the least. dressed and I was inoculated with anti• , We can c;;rce seem to realize it yet that tetanus serum and 'sten forty-eight we have not got to go over ole top again hoursrest. Our battallbn was the hot or take part Irl any more burial parties. It to enter the city, and although we had it wonderful trying to grasp the idea that house-to-house fightim, for two refutes within a dew months we may be at home OW casualties were s ry light and the again enjoying that freedom and peace enemy kilkd were extremely heavy. ( • he which we have }ought and bled. es we believe the brigade took about 5,000 , amok into the (aces of some of these Ftench prnaners and I think there must have been 'girls and young children we can nee firs., 2,000 killed. Our artillery barrage was clearly what we were fighting for and what perfect and it was stated that one shell we were protecting Canada and England fell toe very two square feet of ground. 1 from. I don't know whether n was the I believe there wan no one from Goderich gas or partial starvation. but the faces of 1 or vicinity who was st•dti.dy hurt in this it int of the children here always make me last "chow.' There were two original think of a dead child. They are absolutely i 181st boys killed, Sergi. Bisset and Pte. Oobrlecs. raw There Is Joe Rowland. her no n i prospect f my getting Today we attended a celebration at home at present. '}'he Canadian Corps Valenciennes at which the Prince of has been given the honor of being at - Wales was present. The Mayor of the (ached to one of the armies cf occupation town trestle a speech to which some British that are going into Germany to restore general replied and then a dozen little oder, and 1 h•lieve that we arc to march girls ppremented immense bouquets of flow- all betway and the march of somewhere era en tiffi s 1', in., and staff ocers, after about 2/10 mites comments this week, 1 which there wan an inspection 1,4 the expect that we will be pretty tired boys Canadian trot?. and a march past. and for a w ' t there is an entertainment of some 1 EPPT sort ch out belga of the ct I e °rte emi. bad many , are UnhrOken. Ile. i dont know which 1 would to most, getting home (r going to le IR going. Getmdtfy. i think if someone gave me my y is but little dam choice nght now it would be to go home. ell Ms entered the Lest night 1 tried a new stunt on the lice Its beautiful win-' and I don't know which suffered moms, i outskins of the sprinkled all my clothes with creosote I/ ■ IMP L__j$ t7 HAVE YOU SEEN THE ,Signal Calendars for 1919 2 THEY ARE • HANDSOME Call nr write and pay your subscription and get one II1C===1 tIAG=1)Rl 1]■► IA ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ A Tr THE LADS IN KHAKI. Another Goderich boy has won the Military Cron., word having been received last week that the coveted distinction had been awarded to Lieut. Ernest H. Jordan for distinguished bravery. Gode- rich is proud to count upon her roll of honor several young men who have won special honors on the MI.1 of battle. r Dr. Harry Cressweller. nephew of Mr. and Mrs. William Proudfait of town, has returned to his home at Windsor after an eventful war expenence of four years. Fur some time he was at Salonika, and later was on the French front. where he war taken prisoner while giving medical atten- tion to wounded soldiers. He was released in October last and sent to Holland and then to England. Gunner R. A. Pridham returned last week from England, where he was in training with a Canadian tank battalion. His stay overseas was short, only about rix weeks, but he took the opportunity, while there to visit Edinburgh. He is now visiting his parents, Mr. and \bre. F. • J. Pridham Corp. Clifford V. Williams. stn of Mr. and \Ira. George W111iaru1, ar- rived hove on 14atnrelay night after throe years overseas. After training at Niagara In the sulntuer of 1911 be lett., Canada in October of that year with the 3ith (Queen's (Own) Battalion of Toronto. He was W0111001 at Lena In July, 1917, and atter lying (Ilachargerl from hospital had ban acting aw a signalling instructor at Hratnshott . Cain]) in England. His brother, Harold, who was training 1n tae Itoval ('alla• - dlan Naval Air Service at Cambridge. , Marr.. when bostilitles ceased. also has returned home. ivfa jtrr 111. ('am peep, who went oVer•teav two years ago am an officer of the 161st I Battalion, has arrived in town. Hie wife bas Is•en totaling here with her father, Mr. Alex. fitralton. Major Campbell had au aocicbo*t in England which prevented his getting *craw to France, and he wti11 eufter, somewhat from his injured toot. Other soldiers who have retorted home are Pte. T. Kell and Pte. N'. Peat'hey. The Huron Poultry `Show. From present indications the poultry' show to be held in Goderich. January. 11, 13, 18. 1910, promisee to he the gest yet ' The "boy•s of the fancy" have made a •wrens, -o! 41* t0 9. and. the bsteinele (Ree and ethers have f aibbnded nub[ and generausly t0 ttwir appeal, with the result .that the Ass,s-ration has the ,best h=t'°f ; prises. general and special, ever offered by ; the Huron County Association. This will bring together the best collection of birds' to be seen in Western Ontario, and will' afford a rare treat to all who may be able to attend. The slew will open to the public on I Tuesday, January 14th, at 2 o'clock p.m.,' and will close at 10.30 p. m. each night. i opening Wednesday and Thursday morn- ing at 9 o'clock, and will finally clone on • Thursday night at 10 30 o'clock. School children will i e admitted free on Wed- nesday and Thursday, June 15 and 10, Dorn 4 o'clock to 14.30 p. m. General ad- mission 101 encs. What W. S. S. Are. What are "thrift stamps ?" They are a means by which persons who cannot pay 14 down for a war savings stamp may ave to buy one. A person pays 25 cents for a thrift stamp. with which goe also a thrift card, containing sixteen spaces to which thrift stamps are to Ix affixed as purchased. When the card 1s filled it should be exchanged for a war savings stamp. 1 h holder should then buy an- other thrift stamp. aril thus begin saving aga n for a second war savings stamo. and they were by no means dry when I put them on again this morning and then When 1 got warm the cre.o one burned just as if 1 had a mustard plaster on, 1 think it has (trig the lice for a while. If I get a couple of nights' sleep without being dis- turbed I shall think 1 am paid for my trouble. 1 expect we will get our Christmas din- ner in Germany this year. i don't know what sort of a reception we will get there. ' but i think our leaders expect a little trouble: at leant they don't intend to he caught napping, for we are taking Our Lewis guns along and are strengthening up the crews. It is a merciless weapon and has done much to win the war for us. 1Ve were out on a little trial march today just to get our feet in shape for the big MUNICIPALITIES LOSE AGAIN. Appeal is West Shore Railway Case Dismissed at Termite. The maul( of the appeal in the suit of the towns of Coderk h and Kincardine and the town*hlp* of Atshaekl and Huron against the Toronto (liners' Trusts Corporation, In connection with the O. W, TC. Railway. was announced off tiaturda). as follows: Stothers v. Toronto General l'rnsts !Corporation. -E. D. Armour, K. ('., W. Ptvudfoot. K. C., P. A. Ualo.meom (Klncas•dine) and C. Garrow (Goderich) for a rtellants. 1. F. Hellmuth, K. C., and E. T. Malone, K. C., for defendants. Appeal by plaintiffs from judgment of Sutherland. .1., of 13th December, 1917. Action by plaintiff municipalities, as guarantors of bombs of Ontario West Shore Railway Co., against defendant trustee for an account of all moneys receive' and p4141 0111 by defen(lant as trustee in connection with said railway, and payment to plaintiff of all moneys alleged to have been improperly paid orf, payment °thntersst reeelved std cancellation of ujs. At triad judg- ment was given plaintiff for 14410415 of *317.96 and *30,06. and for delivery of unguaranteed hoods refereed to in the eleadlugr, with emit* too date of flung defence, and Mentioning action otlrer- wlnle, with costs subsequent to filing defegce- Jlxigtuent: Appes1 diamisoesl with costs. IIoslgina, J. A., dissenting as to Huron and Klnearliue. The monthly meeting 01 the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs, C. Black, corner of Montreal street and Elgin avenue. on Thursday. January 2nd, at 3 p, m. Program -contest in hand- made handkerchief; roll call: different usei for salt; subject: Effects of Home Influences t pon Our Nati.,nal and Polit- ical Life. 14 you 111.u1t a pretty calendar for 1910, call ar the Signal ethos and pay your subscription for the coining year. Try 1tlackmtoue' a for fresh solid seal oysters. - .- ----- Fresh houleuwde vealy et 11. T. F.dwanla'. Take motor bone with you. 1f gnalfty coas, Um. IIIa('kstutte's Ilellclu us lee cream hi bulk Or brlrks for all oeirsafoga, Phone 240. Mealshlpt oyster's, always fresh, at Meant**. Phone 7154. Model Theatre. The popular novel. "Nan of \lusts ]lpnntain.' by Frank H. Spearman, watch rex enttleapptrreei its Ze.ery hctdyte Magazine, ha.I.een ainteal ley Director Neorge Milford of Paramount. and is to he shown at the Model Theatre on Mnnda) and Tim -whey. As %ill be remembered. this is one of the must vtviel and thrilling or modern Weetern dr*nlaa. The cast inchulos such well-known ,players an Theodore Roberts, .lamer Crux_,. Atm Little. Rey 1 Hatton, Henry Wood- ward o u d•ward and others. \Ir. FCC as home from E3.•antforJ for ('hrisfill ka. Soldiers' Memorial Fund. AMOUNTS CONTRIBUTED, Previouely acknowledged. , 1241 00 Mrs. Gavin H. Green 1 00 Wm. Somerville . 5 00 T. M. Davis - 10 00 Mosel Theatre benefit. 81 30 Goderich Orchestra...- rchestra.,._ 10 00 n *:348 30 W. T. MILLAR. Treasurer. CUNDRY'S SALE REGISTER. • Tutsosr, Dec. t1 --Mortgage wi of valuable hotel property. known as the Brit eh Exchange Hotel. ih the town 01 Goderich. Sale at 2 o'clock to Ilse afternoon. DIED. MORRISON.-•1n Goderich, on WM ewlnrr , De- . cern, er ! . Mr • CMMtinr M rrivm, relief of the late Malcolm hlnrr•aon to her 97th year. The funeral will take place from the lamely residence. Caledonia Terrace, un Saturday, e,e- cemher 2•, at 2. :R' 'Creak p. m , to Maitland cemetery. Service at the home at 2 o'clock. Please omo (lower.. t.AITHWAITE.--In ('.,Wench, on Friday. De. cemher 2% M1taribs enkI bee: roved rev 1 , M wife 1. C. iatahwatte, in her 7"tib ear. d The funeral will take place Iron the holly re,ulrnce, 5t. Patrick'. street, on Sunday, De. ceml4r 2(n h, at ''4 Iii o'dnek p. m., to Maitland cemetery.. A,VVt eat the hone at'2 ri clock. NEW ADVERT'IaEMENTB-Dna 40th. Card of Tha k. -.]1r. and Mrs. Wesley Fishw and F . .. . .. , . 1 march. ' Notice to Creditors-Pioudfoot, Kings.( & . cr.tke... .... ................. NK OFMONTREAL E*TAR1-Ia0ED OVER IN YEARS Canada's War Chest "Canada's War Chest" is the Savings Accounts of her men and women. The Bank of Montreal accepts deposits of $1. and upwards. 14(19 eeriC(MQNfat AL A. W. Strickland, Msesger, Goderich Branch. ANA