HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-12-19, Page 12;i-'CG.4'i9aikwdafr.L*r/..iirA '^fa •'. oifellett -SAT. IDSO. a► DIA TER .11101141L rP Only 4 More Days Till Christmas It rots Mid It baro to decide Jost what to give for Christmas w.• can s.i1ve the problem. bolts as to Awals and price* $palatal values in fancy hotel l'hrfalmss Notepaper and Cu v cliche'*, priced from 25e to $2.2.i Large stoic of twsutiful Chit draws Books from 5e up. Our ktot'k of French and I:ng fish White Ivory is mO.t cum lucre Had Ito-to-ttafP. pieces p•i;e4 from %lc is $3.N. Beautiful die -sunk ....d a uhha•r ,441e t'bristuaa Cards from 5. tis►. C'hristtuna Postcard., special le'each. A gilt sure to 'oleos- -Water nun's Idr:,t 1.'9,11100u L iso, from • $2 50 up. (.•dtimhim Gr., f,nloIss, ilio.' ords .,nil Ntrdlri Pool e Gsden.-a - H..,-.., . Cowes G.tr CHI'K('H, NOTEM. The C IIiatsnag service* in Knox chun'h reit 140h1r0h will to coadurt• el by thr minister 2tubJtleta - 11 a.m . .Tutt (sift of a Sum." 7 p. m . ".Making Peace." Sabbath 'whoa sad Bible classes at 3 o'clock. The Christmas thea es at the Rapti* .'hu rcb next Lord's Day will be alio Name" and "Exceeding Joy ' Bible school at 3 p. m. and H. V. P. U. at $ p. m. The pastor, Rev. J H Oste.hmurt, will have charge of the services next Sunday In Victoria street Methodist citurctt. Special Christmas music andgas at both service*. Sunday school and Eit'b*r class at 3 o'clock. A cordial aelcA.ne to all. The Christmas anniversary will' be cf.ebrated In North street craw next Sunday The pastor,Methodist Dr. Rutledge, will preach at both services. Morning soloed . 'The Message o(Ctrwt - ntas." Evening, "Nu Rotor an The leo- The cboir, assisted by visiting friends. will render soecal Christmas music. Men's Sunday Club meets in the chtucb parlor at 10 a. m. Everyone invited W these services Rev. J. Holntes and Rev Byron Snell, of Lohdon, iesllectively ptevetent and secretary of the London Conference of the Methodist church, aid Rev. J A. Agnew, of Clinton. chair man of the Gide- rich district. were in (own on Tuesday• conferring with the local ministers'with reference to the Conference meetrt; to be herd in Goderich next June. In the evening, In company with Rev. lir. RuUedge. Rev. J H. Osterhout and Rev. J E. Ford, they attended the union FP Wath League alerting at Vlctaia strut ■rn■na1MNIanINN INN flliIN WEN NS* Kiln The Hydro Office and Store is ri North Side of Square IR Mi Is Now Open for Business 1 • Water irate, are hereafter payable quarterly u1 ad 1 1111 Vance on the first days of January. April, July and• IIII October of each year. Ili It A discount of 15 per centwill be allowed off rate* . IR when pia on or before the first of each quarter. IRIII 5 per cent will be added to all water rates that are ■ 30 days in arrears from the end of each quarter.1 . • fISPI,A1' OF ELECTRICAL APP[,IANCES • M Irons, Toasters. (:rill:, Vacuum C'eaner, Heaters, Etc. . SI Use "Hydro" Lamps See Our Electric Washing Machine • ili • W. & L. Commission n• 1 1 ranaansaaaaaasn•aaaaaanna■ N 1. B KELLY, Colleetor 1, L KNOK, Secretary • Methodist church. and all gave addresses, making the.meetinga into estln. are I;MRts'rMAlk MUSIC. KNOT (.M1aCH. short goof Sunday, December 42. 11100bilet; SAS vllAl thesis Prelude -Vas an Ancient Christ- mas arid. Oetaier Anthem - V.rst Christmas MGc ...... N,.ton (Merton e.O asa-Chnstnu.oaortarY. . Barrett Soprano Solo- N. ure.h.... ........(iounod Mn. Kat* Lythe. Apthem-Arise, Stone. kw Thr Light Is Come Maker Oran Poatlude--Naulieems. ..... . Kinder smew **•vies. Oases Pr lode -The Hep Nose.,.udRuch A,v atb m, -Fes at T Deum to H Lindh.), (Dudiey Hue► (luartelte- MosK twit. boa w. Nan n. air Chas K Sauod.re, Mr. H Muc�re�ur Oaertay, Organ -The March of the Maa, K,n s (Dubois (The sustaioe I note repte.ent. the star that luded tbe Mag, K,atea.t Nant.,re Sulu - The Stas W $ethleheat . Adamt M. H. Macgregor. Mattoon -Gloria io 6acelw. ., Organ Po.tlude-Toccata from the phony . odor Fasna[tt T. Eczema. Mus. edl[.*1111aisl and director NORTH STREET METH DIST CHUa(1*. Sunday, December 22. r,MNIP Prelude-Paa4orak to rsLenoreLarrChessman.Anthem-The Fast Chest. Mora ...New ee °denary -Toa Row Bud . .. .....S.eele Tenor Su u .. . Mr Geese Israel AMY al -Hark! What Mama Inuit Ho y Veer.? Ptude-Foetal March _..... ... . .. CaS� n ust [vaNleh.. Recital by Mho Isobel Scott, moistest by Miss Cit[ee Seeger. v,niawt, sit i;, p. m. Oren and Viobn-M,nuett. ...aeethoven Ina a.. Mischa e Most Scott mod Miss Seeger. Anthem -Calm on the listening Ere Nell. (L •• • Pare Quartette -Th • Wayside Cron . .... . (Ne++n. Barter, Humber, Israel and Scott. (Wert ory -S n,sent, Is Anthem -God Iron n Itgb Hath Heard.. Anthem -We Have Seen His Sta, 0 the gat career Patlu e--HaYetuLa1 Chong. .�Haa de Miss Stott. creat., and duet to . St. GEORGE'S CHUR I4. Christmas Day. Organ Prelude -Largo . Han el Te Ileum .wood lard Anthem -Christians Awake Maunder soloists, Miss Watson and Mr. Parsons. Olrertory-(olio Araniam •Romini Ant .em - While SI, amends Watch Tbeu Flocks e.y Night R. Saaart Sokn.t. Mws T,chtorne Femme Quartette -Holy N.flmt M,ssrIS taickeon, Miss IE. Wat.o•, Mrs. 1'. Davis. Mn C. Buckley, Post ude-Halleluiah Chorus Handel HI CMLEV. organist and d,Nclaa'Q St. George's ('hureh. Ihretufwr 2 uA, funrth SIlrtdav in Advent -44 a.m., fluty l!mum uMon ; 11 a.m., morning prayer and sermon; 7 p.m.. evensong mewl mermen; 3 p.m,; church "wham 01. Ikrwtuber Sifh, Christmas Day -8 a.m., Holy f'•rwmuuGm; W:31) ■_a„ matins (slwrtt, I(Wy (,rmrnunton and sermon ; appropriate stm.•ial mus*I:, Ti. (h.+n• ,roues all are cordially incite' or come, Int us adore Him. Christ Ihr 1unL" LITTLE TOKENS OF REGARD that convey the spirit of Cltti,tmas compliment can be purchased quickly, economically and satisfactorily at Campbell's E)rug Store. Isere are suggestions that should solve most of your gift problems. Gifts for mother, father, son, daughter, baby, hest girl or your gentleman friend. A KODAK 't \ n.Akr•s a merrier Cht iatter.. I� No.n Brownie, $2.(111; Nu. 2 Ehmvnie, $2.50; No 23 Brownie, $3.5I, Fold• itt+g Brownie. from 10.0(1 ; No. In Kodak, 14:4.0(1; No. la Kodak. spec- ial Irnm, $24.641 ; No. :ta Kodak. It. R. lens, $ 4 NI SWAN FOUNTAIN PENS $2.50 to $5.00 Thermos Bottles and Kits, 82.50 to $4 PERFUMES • tlhnl'atl^ and fol,•I.J,n iii'1.kis. A Mee present- for 11 young Lady. ICs• Dai • I( tilt' SAFETY RAZORS It AVM nI'Tt4)t'M, o(fAVINIi SF"I:sl, RRUlotH Es oto !trop, $;.. (90\ti $'7.5.I: Gillett., 115. HOT WATER BOTTIAS WHITE IVORY TOILET ARTICLES A Targe rtnge of gift. goods. Hair Brushes. $4.110 to $5.50; Combs, 3,1 1.. $1.2:x; Hand Mirrors. 1300 to $).75, Buff to, SOe to $1.00. Individual htl cute Articles, '(Geta. 75c: Jewel 'loxes, Powder Boxes, Hair Reoeiv- ets. Vt.unp I1..icea, Phots. 1?ran1044, Tooth Paye' Holders, Clucks, etc. FLASHLIGHTS Make the night, like day. $110 to $5 1(i MILITARY BRUSHES For vim, gentleman friend ='2 ii to fir( Go. Photograph Albums and Calendars l nl.•ndnn, 11c (. 14e. Albicans, a'e 1+, tt'2 io Pattersmes Chocolates Ike .Iltr ni l for/. a box of )'atteraon's with your otter gifts. Christmas Greeting Cards 2 for 5r, 100• And 2* each. 1 QCDWOI 0111. The »nose'' meeting of the W. M. S. of Kusa chant war held 00 TaemMr attrrnoou last. Very approprlatatty. though the topic card war arranged In the Iwgiuulug of tlw year, the text wont fpr the December aaeetiug was "Pace," which had peculiar salt ability tutu that Iswtw Ilea actually t'e.mr. 1'(W topic, 'Y'rurtia'r Century, - Was taken by Miss F:va Uutdop. Ttw' auuual election of oMyers was held. Mrs. Hume retied from the pers. 'dewy after a very faithful awl su.•- t•essful term, mud the following ogkers were elected for next y eo r : Hun. pres- ideut, Mrs. H. 1. Strang: prreddcnta Mrs. Mcliermid: eke-presldrnts, firs. Tom. Mrs. t'rquhart. Mrs. Tape, Mrs. Struclan and Mn.. Taylor; artS'tary, Mrs. M, MacKay ; treasurer, Mri, W .1. McNwu j : Messenger secretary, Miss Eva Inlulop; asslatunt. Maas 1.. Ferguson; stranger secretary•, MGs Steellug; Itbrary Iee•retary, Mfr. Strung; protist, Mrs. J. W. Fraser: supply committee, Mrs. Murdoch Mc- Donald mud Mrs, 'Tifton : press secre- tary. alis. Walter 'Nutlet. LO('1*. TOPICS IN BRIER. The monthly meeting of the Red Cross Society will be held next Mon- day evening, at Nn,'loek, in the jury room of the court house. Mr. William lane, k.enl ter•surer for the Itrlglau eerier fusel, acknowl- edges tow following contributions: Ladies of St. Pelee, church, 131: Miss H. S. Atlin's Surwtay lovh o t elms*. 50c. . The 'i'lnnny 'South" company on Wednesday night of last week and "Hearts of the Workl" on Saturday attracted large *roods to Victoria Opera Honer. "Hearts of the World" is a great picture. upholding the repu- tation of 1). W. Griffith as a producer of mu.Metpieces in moving pictures. On Wednesday Wm. Lumby was be- fore Judge Dickson on a charge of false pretences In connection with the sale of a bicycle and also on a charge of misrepre- sentation - in the sale of some automobile • three. Bottf ca' es were dismissed. Crown Attorney Seager appeared for the pros- • • •• • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••N•!••••••••••••• • 235 • "we 'Ph."THE COLBORNE- STORE Hoare Ilene • • •• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0• • elution and Mr M. G. Cameron for the defence. Mr. George Johnston was ranter severely burned about the face and haw's and the workshop of his garage slightly damaged by the expiration of a tank of gasoliue on his vulcaniser this (Thursday) morning. Au alarm was tarred in and the prompt responme nt time are brigade 0o doubt saved the building. While Mr. Johnaton's burns are painful it is not expected that they will prove serious. Two changes in the teaching staff of the I • public schools will take effect at New Year's. Miss Vera Elliott is taking a paggioa as teacher in one of the Toronto • �etgris, and her place at Central school wilf be taken by Miss Ida Currie. Mrs. W Garrison is resigning her position on the • Victoria school staff and will be succeeded • by Miss Bentley. a ho with her sister. Miss Sara Bentley. has come to town from Blyth. r$RSONAL MENTION. Mr. George Robinson left on Tuesday on his return to his home at Regina. MF. Wni. McMillan lino returned home otter the season's sailing. ('apt. I).' P. McCarthy ham' arrived home after laying up hit. boat for the winter. ' Mr. Mid Mrs, R. W. ('raigir, of Brockville, are in town for the holi- day season. ,. Mr.'and Mrs. W. J. Blair left this morning t.,. visit their d'utghter at. Petera.rnugh. Mr, H'm. Crafgie arrived last week front. Cleveland. having antic Odes the meae.n on the takes. Mrs. Sinclair, Britannia road, is clos- ing up ber house for the winter and will visit her brother. Mr. W. D. Cox, at Leanuugtoti. Mrs. H. 1l. M. Macgregor. atri.m- paniext by her daughter Jean, is leaving. on Saturday for Bark's Faller , to spinet pa 'festive season with tier • palmist*. Large and varied stock We are here to serve you JAMES A..CAMPBELL DRUGGIST •VEJIDICT IN.RLYTH CASE. Coanty Court Adjourn. to Friday of This Wain. The case of Bowen vs. Charlesworth. wnicft was before Judge Dickson in the Count y Court on Thursday last. was con- cluded on Friday. His Honor submitted a aeries a Question* to the jury and on the answers to these he directed that judgment be entered for the plaintiff for 2130 and costs. and that the defendant have judgment on his counterclaim for $17•wilbout costs. The defendant was a hardware merchant at Blyth and the plaintiff was a tinsmith employed by him, who made claims file exfra work and on other grounds. Other cases on the docket were 4bd- fourned. The Court will sit again on Friday of this week. at 2 o'clock., War Satingrt Stamp ter Christmas. Many parent. Are manifesting not a 11t*e enIueru over what kind of gift they will giro A child at ('hrlstmag. They wand to give something mrful, haat a 11 touter n laeting benefit. Hen.v th*Ir .+.n.ern over the subject. Thi.+ (1hristmas they may give an al- together WPM 11 e1 appropriate gift in the form of wear tinvings eetatnpa, which cost 34 Parch, and at any time are worth the ruonev pail for them In addition to n little over 4 1-2 per cep(, r.lnls.utulwl half-yelrly. They ate thus a great dent Metter than the or dhlaryy gift, whkir taus I ly depre'Iatea in valve. Haase stamps, Ism ever, be- lionie more ralnable an time goes nn. Thi. . who have not $4 In emelt mar by merely speeding 2(1 reals for it thrift stamp start A child nn the way to PP - curing r war saving. stamp. Indeed, a thrift stamp ti the drat 'of aixtorn instalment, on the purchase of a war suiIugs stamp. The habit of pitying MM. formed a Ill do the child n world Of gars*. - . _-- A Kindly- (lurlatmaa Reataarbranee. The following note has been tient by the secretary of the Wpme.n•s In .Ilfnte to Miss likimings. who ask. The 8ytnal to p..h1Mh It : Vigor lihni aktmings. Ton are mimed et perry tweeting of the Wee rain's Institut.. and all the members do not .all on you as ntt.'n MM they .non1A. not mist tom ate.forgot ten An a rwntemllrrn.r of the mist whet v.Si were Always pot...Nal to play the rym'nin& tile, •ct'ep( eweloatd as • JUSTA FEW MORE DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS WILL BE HERE Have you all your shopping finished ? „If not, we can help you select your present, and show many things that are very useful as well as beautiful. The store is filled • with new fancy things for gifts. • .4 SILKS FOR DRESSES, SKIRTS AND BLOUSES Crepe de Chine, Georgette, Duchess, Poplids and Taffeta Silkstwre here in many shades and in good elothlta • , We are speciatizir.g'in black for dres.ses. Black Duchess at 11.75, 12.00. $2.35, 12.85 up to $4.50 a yard. •Black Taffeta, 36 inches wide, at $2.00 a yard. Pussy *Mow Taffeta Silk, 40 inches wide, in good colors, at 13.75 a yard. ' . HANDKERCHIEFS • This week we are making a special showing of Crepe de Chine Handkerchiefs. These Handkercf*iefs come in many pretty colored borders and a range of designs, at 35c each. Watch • for them in the windows. Children's Picture Handkerchiefs, at 5c and 10c each. Men's Excetlda and Khaki Handkerchiefs, at 18c oe 2 for 35c. Ladies' pure Linen Handkerchiefs, in extra value at 25c, 30c, 35e, 40c and 45c, Ladies' fancy embroidered Handkerchiefs, at 15c, 20c, 25e, 30c, 35c, 40c and 50c. We have everything in Handkerchiefs for gifts. SILK HOSIERY ▪ Silk Stockings are always au acceptable gift and also a useful one. Ladies' black Silk Hose, at 60c, 85c, $1.25 and 11.50. Ladies' colored pure Silk Stockings, in'grey, brown, fawn, sand, champagne, white and black, at 12.25 a pair. Ladies' Glave Silk Stockings, at $2.25 a pair. Ladies' brown Silk Stockings, at 65c, $1.2, and $2.25 a pair. COLLARS COLLARS COLLARS We are showing a very large range of the newest and best designs in Collars. These Collars are made from the latest designs, are right up to the minute. Cowl Collars in many creations of Georgette, Silk Ind Satin. Flat Collarsthe newest shapes and trimmed with the best of pretty lace. Every one is different and new. They range in price from 60c to $4.00. CAMISOLfS AND SILK UNDERWEAR Dainty Camisoles in white, black and pink,emade of Crepe de Chine sad Hstwtai Silk. Each one is prettily trimmed with lace and ribbon. They range from $1.25 to $2.25 each, Silk Underwear, iu flesh and white, at $3.00find x3.75 a garment, BLOUSES BLOUSES • • r tiarrTii ,t A BLOUSES Our Blouse stock is large and we are sure to be able to supply your wants in this line. Georgette Blouses are being shown here in the newest colorings and bes tbeaded designs. Voile, Crepe de Chine and •Habutai Blouses in white, moderately priced. D. & A. Corsets J. H. COLBORNE Standard Patterns. • • •• • • •• •• • • • • 0 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Christmas gift from the members. with tlw best wishes of the memtwre of the Women's Institute azul with best wisties for "a Merry ('bristmita and n Happy Nrw• Year." Mary E. Salkeld, . lie-retary. TO FRIEND AND KINSFOLK 01 Your portrait at Christinait will carry a message of thoughtfulness that ix next to a personal visit. Make the appointment today. .The Sallows Studio 4•N SPECIAL NOTICE We are now prepared to serve the public for their Christmas baking with the beat goods obtain- able on the market. Raisins, seeded and seedless. New Currants. Citron, Orange and Demon Peels. Shelled Walnuts a n d Almonds, Icing Sugar, Shredded , Cocoanut. T)romadory, Anchor and Excelsior hates, Also in stock a full line of general groceries. Try our Black and japan Tea at Mc per lb. No trouble to show good&, JOHN SPAHR . Phone 145 Hamilton Street P • License No. A 417' Memorial Fuad Malef c The Model Theatre was packed last Thursday evening, when the play "Within the taw" was presented no - der the auspices of the Menesetung Canoe Club for the benefit of the sol- diers' memorial bawlBefore the plc tore was shoal' • musical program was given and was received with warm ap- preciation. every Dumber being encored. Mina E. Lyltle and Mims rdrieann Wai- tron asmon leave vocal solos, Mrs. Gene Cooper gave a piano number and Meyers. Parsons and Moody gave one of their funny sketches in costume. Messrs. Egener and Buckley played accompaniment's. The Goderieh Or- chestra gave meveral numbers and alao played throughout the presentatlon of the picture. Mr. H. T. Edwards, F.revd- dent of the atenetietung Canoe flub. gave a twat little speech thanking the performers and the audience, and also Mr. Gander for handing over the theatre for the evening for the benefit of tbe memorial fund. A statement of ore net proceeds will be published next week. 1 - Tice OODERICH MARKETS. Twuamar, December 15. Wheat per bah s t.as to E1011. Oat.. per bush .an to .ea Barley. per bush N to Ili Peas, per bush 2.26 to i,7a B[ekwMat, per buds, .,,. 1.70 to Flour. (An y. perewt aro to Ylour, wt•„t. per cwt 371 (o Bras., par ten • Mos to Shona, per ton ......s.., 1.., 6400 to qsy ta+r ton . list to !sew, Mow. pert*. aro to Dairy Huttar. peep .47 to Crsansri gutta. pm No .52 to It5R-, trash. per tiesM to Potatoes, new. per 1.51 to rattle. hoteliers ebu*[, preset1700 to Cattle, buteh•ew' •oadi.nij r mid 10.51 1a Hain. 11va weight, ow sot 17. 0 In Lambs ls.m to glues. pee Ib 11 u he.p.l.lr.s2 11 to Oreswd .Orin[ tlhick.* .71 to tlreeeed ream .72 to Turkeys . .... .2s to A. 4007 CAW 11.»60 4..M .p 1.76 19.00 MOO 17.10 14.90i .14 :s .S .7a smnunutIlmniuumlmmos ■ r 1* * ntmniffHhI nllmlmmunu ■ i� SSL Smart Christmas Footwear Just a few more days to do your Christmas shopping. Why not look over our many lines of Warm, cosy Slippers? We have them to fit the entire family. In kid, velvet, felts and many colors and styles in plaid cloth, with heels and without. At prices most fair for the Christmas trade. 1 91: `•1 HOCKEY BOOTS Wehavereceived a shipment of ladies', men's, boys' and girls' b Hockey Boo, with and without ankle supports, wool -lined, and sure to please. We have marked these lines very close for this season. For smart high -cut winter footwear' see our windows. WM. SHARMAN THE SHOE MAN ■ BI N IB IR 1<��M�,r