HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-12-19, Page 9BLACKSTONE'S, West Street Thank the people of Goderich and vicinity for their generous patronage during the present year, and wishone and all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Blackstone's will as usual be the headquarters for Santa Claus for Christmas Candy. We have the finest assortment of gift packages of Chocolates. Be sure and see these. Fresh solid sealed Oysters and delicious Ice Cream a specialty. BLACKSTONE'S, West Street 1 McEwen's Specials \leen', and boys' fleece -lined Underwear, winter weight, at special prices. e Men's Cardigan Jackets to take the place of a sweater and not so bulky. \1eu's and boys' Knitted Mitts and I.eather Mitts. A new shipment of Crompton Corsets, all sizes in stock. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Ladies' fine Cashmere Hose. Winter weight. Last year's stock at last years prices. FRUITS for Christmas Cake Rest package seeded Raisins. Best package seedless Raisins, also in bulk. Currants in stock. Hard to get this year. Lemon, Citron and Orange Peel. Shelled Walnuts, Almonds and Filberts. Lemon and Vanilla Extracts. Pure Clover Honey .i and 10 pound pails. laic, 20c and 2ic glass jars. RIT Something new. Washes and dyes. Makes old clothes new. All colors. Pink, rose, light blue, dark tithe. red and light green. 10c per package. J. J. McEWEN 'Phar $ c....ar fed COUNTY and DISTRICT It is expected that the Mullett townehip council will be* returned by uclaouatom. From report. in the c ty press, it appears there is still a g.wud deal of in- tta.•ura throughout the district. Mrs. Matthew Raney. ofTucker •mith, flied December 8th of mfleenza, at the age of thirty-tive•years, leaving a hos- . band and two children. Mn.. Henry Staulake, of (:rand Bend. died at SL Joseph's hospital. Lindon, un lhrenibt.r Inti, aged afxty-fuer years. She hail been in pyor health for some months. Mr. and Miss Albert Trewin. londesbwtni, announce the engage- ment of their daughter. Agnes Muir, to John \ 'atatttuf McKillop, the unae- riage to take place quietly this month. I Pte. James Scott..ton of John Scott of Roxboro, was married recently to an English nurse overseas. He will resume farming in the Peace River district, where he enlisted, when he returns to Canada William J. Moony died last week at at. J.ww•ph's hospital, bombes. while on his way horn. to Ilenwall from the West. Influenza, develop- ing into pneumonia, was the eaten of death. Charles Turnbull. son of MIs. Alex. Turnbull of Thames Rowed. diel at Regina Nov.mher :Nith, aged eighteen ears. It waw a ears• tf intiuwnrei, remains we re bntught to Exeter Gor interment. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Elliott. who have removed from Stanley to reside at Bayfield, were given a hearty sendoff by their neighbors and other friends, who gathered at their home and presented them with an address and two handsome The s- The marriage took [Iter at "The Poplars,' 12th enne.ssion of Howiei:, °n LArenrlw-r 41.11. of Ros.tta, elarst daughter of Mr. a••d Mrs. T. Vittie, and Clarence V. Prit•hard, of the rarur township. Rev. P. G. Powell entrusted. Greer, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, \V, H. !''et rs.m, of Morris. died on Saturday, ith inst., at the Wing - ham hospital. The deceased young roderleis laity was a Lure. and while puns ' g duties was taken down with in- a...e L.... 1 - no:+ ttuenza. fctllow•td by pneu • submitted plvnv for The• (;. T. It. has GODERICH BOARD 01 I-R:ADII The Jackson Bylaw is a reasonable one. They have 'maintained their business through the discouraging years of the war. Let us now help them to get in line, with a staff of one hundred. as soon as possible. Do your Christmas shopping in Godench. The mer- chants are making it worth your while. in assortment, quality and price. — - SEASON'S GREETINGS TO ALL C. L. MOORE. W. S. BOWDEN, Chairman Industrial Com. Industrial Sec''s/. xxxxxxy xxxxocxxxxxxxxnacsoccot Who Needs a Picture X EVERYONE! Everyone can always use a good Picture. For this reas' n Pictures make useful and appreciated gifts. Buy one now for Christmas. We have a splendid stock of artistic Pictures at very reasonable prices. Come in and see our display of beautiful things for Christman gifts at the Picurgift Store SMITH'S ART STORE 'Phone 19R Rash Street TIRE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. '1111 Rs11 jT, DEC. 19, 1918.— 9 a new station building at Mitchell, to replace the one deatrnyed by Are. The Mit•hwll Advocate thinks, the .•rop sedi building is nut what it ought tsi anal Protest 1I141(l to ilii' tvigorousat a railway I4emit. uritis. The bombs are errtainly getting af- ter the farmers' business. Kith the Hank of Ci wum-r a and the Bunk of Hamilton have ope rel branches at W hitw•hur.•h, the smile tun banks are opening branches at Bluevale, and tine Bank of (' n r his u new lire at, \Valtuu. of - Nome fishermen at 4t. Joseph got a bad scare a few days ago. They were engaged in taking up the pond net posts when a heavy swell (tion the east came cin. Thur engine on the fishing boat refused to work, and the craft was swept out into the lake, The other oxen in the party were Oil a meow and .•oukl not furnish 'any aid to those in the boat, whl.-h continue) to nide after mile, breakingil over it mtthreatenirgwaves 'swamp it at any moment. When it now nearly nee miles out the engine responded and the oermpauts were soon on shore, 'The Well on the scow Irad in the meantime succeeded also in reaching land. The Wroxeter News says: We have heard a great deal these last four years about the war efforts of the larger towns and cities, and the steady, persistent, un- heralded toil and suffering and sacrifice of the country places is apt to be over- looked. Comparisons are said to be odi- ous. but the intention at the present time is not to detract but to give honor where honor would appear to be due. From the village of Wrox- eter, with a present population of d48, twenty•eight men whose homes are in the village enlisted voluntarily—almost to a man—and went ova rseas. Of that num- ber seven were killed in action, eight wounded and one gassed. Wroxeter is also represented by one nurse in France. A chartered branch of the Rea Cross So- ciety was formed early in the war and the women have been yery active in sending comforts to the sildter at the Iran , When recruits for the army were being enrolled the young ladies formed a Y.L.R. League and they have been most active in forwarding supplies to the boys over- seas. About seventy men were recruited in Wroxeter and vicinity and received their first army training in the village. In the recent Victory loan canvass the people within the corporation subscribed $43,- 800, which entitled the place to the Gov- ernor -General's honor flag with two crowns. EXETER. The death occurred on Tuesday, 10th inst., of Joseph Davis, after a few days' illness of influenza. The deceased was fifty-one years of age and had lived in Exeter all his Ile. Percy Gillies has accepted a p sitioi as accountant with a manufacturing company at Cornwall and is leaving with his family for that place. Herb, Elliott is here from Yorkton, Sask., on a visit to his brother, Ernest Elliott. He has been in the West nearly twenty-five years. Chas. Northcott has arrived home af- ter spending the summer in the West. BRUSSELS. Pte. Percy Thud returned home Iasi weeksa(ter service in France. He was a member of a railway operating unit and was disabled by gas while doing duty on the Somme. Mrs. Garfield McDonald. of Niagara Falls, who as Miss Annie Gordon former- ly lived here with her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs- Wm. Gordon, died last week of influenza She was in her twenty-ninth year and leaves her hus- band and one son. A young fellow named Campbell. from Lucknow, attracted attention in town last week by chasing some little girls and making b' mselt quite familiar with grown- up people. Constable Oliver took him in charge and notified his people at Luck - now. and his brother came and took him away. It appeared that the young man was mentally unbalanced. James Bowman, M. P. for North Hur- on, was visiting relatives in Brussels and locality for a few days. His home is now at Toronto. CLINTON. Lieut. W. Earl O'Neil, on'y son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. O'Neil of town, has been awarded the Military Crow for conspicuous bravery. Lieut. O'Neil went overseas as an officer of the Holism petal' C. J. Wellis has returned from Sassat•hewan, where he had been for several months getting things in shale on his faro". George Cook, son of 11r. and bliss Arthur• ('dirk of town, hoot been in the NO MORE NEROUS HEADACHES Since She Tried "FRUI-A-T1VE$ TI. Famous Fruit Idinllinae. Musa ANISIC WARD 112 liaseo St., St. John, N.B. "It Is with pleasure that I write to tell you of the (treatbenefit I received from the use of your medicine, 'Frail-wIire.e. 1 was a great sufferer for many years from Nervous Read- •. -Acs and Conslipairon. I tried everything, consulted doctors ; but nothing seemed to help me until 1 tried 'Fruit -a -tins'. After I had taken several boars, I was completely relieved of these troubles and have been unusually well ever Anew." Miss ANNIE WARD. 'Fruit -a -tines' is fresh fruit juices, concentrated and increased is strength, combines! with finest tonics, and is a positive and reliable remedy for Headaches and Constipation. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial sire 25o. A t all dealers or Fruit -a -tines Limited, Ottawa. employ of the Simpson Co.. Teroutot, for son». years, for the laat two or three being in Now York as Iluy.r, The Company is now sending horn to Eurepeanl his headgrlarters will pisdr ably be Paris. Mr. Cook is expected Ito spend a few days here during the Christmas season before leaving for Euntpe. IILYTH. \Bea Alberta Mtuthers hoe return.d boort hour the \Vest, where she has been teaching w•hool. Fred Argent. who for some years has eondnettd a blacksmith shop nt Harhw•k has purchased John 111.•11iI- Ian's residence here and will remove with his family to town. Mr. Argent will likely visit his old home in I).•v- vnebire, England, during the coming I summer. ` Thy Blyyth Soldiers' Aidhas been tae orgami2wl, with the following officers: H.s.,piesid.nt, ilio W. J. Milne; pre- sident. Luxton Hill; vice-president, \Veto. Watson: secretary, Rev. W. 11 Hawkins;, treasut+er, Chatelde:taelland; r eeption no 'ttee• Petr Jammer Sims, Jamie. Cutts H. A. Th - as, with the other °Ricers. The u►em- bership fee is one dollar pee annus. and it is hoped that every roan in town will become an a.'tive member of the organization. The object is to pro- tect the interests of returned soldiers in very way gm sihte, LCCKNOW. Lucknow is to vote on December 27th on a bylaw for the purpose of raising =:1,000 for the purchase of the electric lighting plant now owned by Walter Stewart & Son. The price of the plant is 14,500 and the extra 1300 is for additional expenses. Mrs. J. Pritchard. who recently sold her house on Rose street. has moved to Tor- onto to reside. George Matheson has gone to Brant- ford for the winter. Miss Abbie M. Mackenzie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mackenzie, north of Lucknow, and Joseph M. Jardine. of Chicago. were marred at Detroit recently. They will make their home at Chicago. WiNGHAM. After a short illness, Mar,aret Mac- Laurin Fisher, died Weenesday, Decem- ber 4th. The deceased had been a resi- dent of Wingham for over fifty years. Mrs. lo.eph Iknuorlh. ossa. I ier of t%14.. Annie Cameron of Wingham, died on the 8th urs!. at Toronto. The remains were brought here for interment. - Miss Elizabeth Kerr, daughter of Brad- shaw Kerr of this town died at Detroit on the elth rust . aged forty-four years. the remains were brought to Wingham lot bursal. The death occurred on Sunday, r:th inst., of Jane McVlttie, widow of the late James Halliday. in her eighty-fifth year. Before nnov ne to town some years ago the deceased resided in Howick. One at the ptemeere of this district, /targe Taylor, died December 5!h at hos home sat Lower Wingham, in his eighty- first year. He was born in Carleton county and came to this district in 1$55 and afterwards cleared a farm in the township of Kinloss. Of four surviving children, two—Thomas and Mrs W. J. Currie -- Jive in East Wawanosh. 'rhe Wingham Times says: Municipal politics Is now cemirtg to the Iront in Wingham and neighboring municipalities. in Wingham. savor Binkley will seek a second 'term and Councillor Gurney, hoe announced that he also will seek els., tion for the Mayor's chair. For the Rervr ship. Reeve Tiplmg will seek re-election and the harness of ex -Reeve Isbrstet and Councillor Patterson are mentioned as likely to offer themselves for election to the reeveship. For the council we have not yet heard of any new candidates. In Morns, Reeve Fraser. who was recently elected as a member of the Legislature for North Huron, will retire from muni ripe! politics at the end of the year. Reeve T. K. Powell, of Turnberry, we understand, also intends retinng at the end of , he year. SEAFORTH- The Seaforth curling club has reorgan- ized for the season. Mrs. John Gillespie passed away on Monday. Oth inst., after a long illness. at the age of seventy years. She had been a resident of Seaforth for over forty years D. Reyrwlds of Clinton has purchased P. McGraw's residence in Egmondville and has moved his family here. D. D. Wilson, wholtas spent the last few years at New Westminster, B. C., is visiting at the home of his son, J. A. Wilson. Pies. J. Stewart and J. Dorsey were the first soldiers to arrive in Seaforth from overseas since the signing of the armis- tice. They had bo h been in English hospitals. The Seaforth Presbyterian church has recently raised a sum of somewhat over 11.200, which places the 'church free of debt. On Wednesday, December 11. the marritigt look place of Miss Mary E. nitchesoh, of Seaforth, and William C. Worden, of Stadia, Rev. Dr. Larkin of- ficiating, The ceremony was performed at fire 110.0NOf the bride's sam nde, ,lae•, Aitcheson. Rod and Gun. Th December issue of Rod and Gun from its first page to its last is replste with articles of interest to the sportsman and lover of the out of -doors. Stories, articles, special departments are good of their kind and the magazine is well illus- trated throughout. 'Birdl_apsl Reflec tions from an old Camera," by: Bonny-. castle Dalt; "Tire Open Places,' by R. J. Fraser: "Snowbound Hilts," by H. C. Haddon: "How Christman Comes in the Northland." by Harry Laughy; "A De- cember afternoon with Buster.' by Reg- inald Goutlay. are sane of the stories, while an article on the making of skis. fully iihwatrated, Fishing Notes, including an article on "Facts about Cotton Threading," and Guns and Ammunition, with more dope for the gun crank, and material of interest to the trapper. are some of the other features. Rod and Gun is published by W. J. Taylor, Limited, Woodstock, Ont. Fished in Vain, Mrs. Fisher—You wouldn't suapose that 1 had a son in school, would you? Mr. Blunt—No, irdeefl. I had an lea that all y.,ur children must be through dodge by this time. boyish Prejudices. 'Why did you name your boy 'Regi nald Clarence??' "Because, i wanted him to be a tighter. I figure that in our neighborhood a Mw named 'Reginald Clarence' has got to tight. "-- Washington Star. True Enough. A new aspirant for aldermanic horora concluding an address to a ratepilvers' meeting, used this peroration: "After al has been said and all has been done, it still remains a fact that the great masses of the people constitute the bulk of the populat ion. ' Fighting German Fire �Il �e • WEhavea fine stock of the famous Victor Victrolas at prices from ant r� $34.00 up Also fully 1000 Victor Records to choose from. A new line with us this season is a fin' assortment o Canadian -trade Dolls, of all prices, sizes and sexes Violins, Bows, Cases, Harmonicas Latest Popular and Patriotic Songs Holiday Gift Papeteries Leather Purses and Pocket Books Christmas and New Year Folders Hymn and Psalm Books Bibles and Testaments Art Pictures and Picture Framing Pictures as gifts are appreciated. We have a large and beautiful collection of choice Art Pictures at reasonable prices. Let us have your framing orders early. James F. Thomson i Music, Art and Stationery Store NORTH SIDE OF SQ'IARL • • Dad's a Pretty Good Old Scout 1M And has been pretty good to all of us. You ■ know how much he enjoys his little smoke ■ after his day of work and worry. Now's yo* time to even scores. ■ Give him a box of fragrant Cigars or a real I♦ good Pipe. a Tobacco Pouch, or a box of 111 Cigarettes. Choice Havana Cigars, $I.00 M • • 1111 1111 per box and up. \ Frank H. Wood Pastime Billiard Parlor, Ga'erich 1 ■ ■XXI[)t■1111■■1111■■%■X1111•11XXXX tr i• li 14,' J • • .1 The Family Tree t- nristmas trees in many homes this year will he surrounded by electrical gifts. ,,r An Electric Toester will save mother many steps and make crisp, hot toast right at the breakfast li fai,le, An Electric Flitiron will save much time and labor in 'the laundry. C An Electric CUP*, Dish is en appropriate gift for sister while father and brother w•mld enjoy coffee from an electric perm/aro? °f either the pit or urn type. delight ss Dainty bit -bits broiled on the electric tit will Use whole family. We have an electrical gift f•,r every member of the firmly. Come and sec our dirpl. y. ?tghttns the Iris started by the German'. c isliir r , .osis . 5& as rain