HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-12-19, Page 7THE . SIGNAL GODERIC) ONT. 7711111114 011V. DEC. 19. itfe.- 7 0 • We Want to Take Care of Your Storage Battery this winter, and we know how to do it right. It, will only cost you 12. Bring it in any time. East Street Garage GODERICH - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover "Owned and Operated by a Practical Man" r e r r RE A Handsomely Worked Scarf and a Fancy Neck Yoke Given Away Free Here is a New Guessing Contest How Many Grains in the Elevator ? LOCAL TOPICS. Christina. Week at the Model. Tilt- 1'hrhhltna, week program at the Model 'These t re will Iw a good aide: Monthly and Tuesday, Mabel Norma111I In "Pack to the W041114;" Wduewlay and 'Thursday, I/et-alien*. Farrar ' fu 'The VVuwan 0,.t Forgot ;" I'rhicy .411141 Kat it tt • "The Kaiser's Sir elow," There will be it special 1'hli...gt.'s matinee at 3 lo.tu. T O Open Business Sc hoot Hors. Miss B. F. Ward, principal of the S:hool of Commerce. Clinton, was in J Itown on Saturday looking for suitabk premises in which to open a Goderich ' branch of the School of Contmere. -�1 The rooms over Sharman's shoe IJ *tore, corner of East street and the • Square. have been secured, and the branch school will open on Monday, January 6. The Sptsrll of Commerce uw der the direction of Miss Ward has had 'conspicuous success, and the establishing of the classes here will give the young people of Goderich and vicinity a splen did oppdtunily of obtaining a business training. C. O. F. Officers. Court Goderich. NX. ;tee. C. O. F., el- ected °Myon+ fur 1919 alt follow,' on (�J j Tuesday evening Chit./ Ranger, Ten. FA Want Drennan; vice -chief, John Sproul; tin. see.. A. J. Wilkins; rec. sec., W. J. • t ('hath: treasurer, Mr. J. McNevin; 1J. Sharman arman tiplain, W. M. Knight; H. J. A. MacEwan; sen. weal ward, John lien; jdn. w°odwaed, Matthew 'Sproul; sen. beadle. Edward. Harney; jun. beadle, A. Henderson; trustees, A. Haddon. %V. M. Knight and W. Sproul; marshal. D. Sprd. Who Will lie Warden? The w'ardeuship of Huron ey.unty See the miniature Grain' Elevator in our window and get busy. A guess with every 25c purch- ase at our store any time up to Monday evening, December 3o, at to pkn., Three prominent ,citizens will be selected to count the grains of wheat and award the prizes. A fair and square contest in every way. Buy Your Christmas Gifts Here and make some guesses. Some very choice goods in Fancy Neck Yokes Scarfs, Handkerchiefs, Fancy Aprons, Boudour Caps, Ties, Laundry Bags. etc., etc. .1 THE SINGER STORE MISS S. NOBLE. LEIERSTEES1 J�i�LJC�'J�LI lu CHRISTMAS GREETINGS We wish you all a Merry Christmas. We can assist you to stake it merry if yotr .purchase your Christ. mas specials at the popular Grocery. • Robertson & Mair Phone 161 Ca. Hamilton St. and Square Canada Food Board License No. $-2117 1 • One of the- nue t d.mett- cos weld repulse.,items .,t Kidney Dwease is OPS for which Dodd's Kidney Pills are the o.'Iy cerium cure. In Dropsy the lsel- neys are actw.11y dare wird oft, and the water, which should be expelled in the form of urine, flews back • and lodges in the cells of the flesh and puffs out the skin. Remove+ the filth whkh plugs up the drain. Restore the Kidneys to health. There is Only one Kidney Medicine DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS i .1n /old Eni.ish ('.'dein RevisrtI. grump of whole re trout Knox ehureh .,veiny wileed ,v: ill sing carols, '111 t'hrIetmae Ivo betwct:u -7.311 and e :to for the purple of securing funds for their Vic1u ry te01111 Perish« wish- ing the children to sing lwtore Owls' hooey will tight w 'walk ill their wlwlow at the above tiour sad ttw header will receive their dwwttuu. The Matelots will be as tullowX: 1. $.Inure -North street to Ter - rave to iYreseut to West •street. 2. simmer--Eaststreet to Cambria' road to 'ferrate. 3. Square -Colborne street to Nel- son to Altwrt. 4. fyl.mre-West street to Welling- ton to Elgin avenue to Waterloo. ooterloo .5. $.rare --Montreal to to Britannia road to Fouth street. 6. Aqurre-$Oath street to Brftaie ula road to Huron toad. 7. Khttprten street to Flgia avenue 10 Tinting street t0 Britannia road. n. Square-11#milten to Vietorha street to 'ferrite next year goes to a 1Jlwrul. at -cording to tow lime-hot,ond agreement be- tween the part ire. The aepiruut$ whore minuet we htl Vt h.'a rd m0utlou- al are Re've J. N. Campbell of East Wawa nosh. Reeve M. Armstrong of Mullett and Iteve, Itraverw'°f F:xoter. la point of 'seniority, which is usually the deckling tactor, Reeve t'aumbel! las it aro' tau• others mentioned by a erou«kferable margin. He has 1«sen a utemlwr of the eouuty teemed for six years. Of eourste election to the 1War- dedt chair pre,uplwoees m-eieetkou 10 the ewuu'Ih but pn.bably all three mentioned' ahoy,. are fairly safe in this respect. lis C. 1. Literary fi.riety. 'rhe ena•luding au+etiag of the t:. 4'' 1. literary rks•iety for the teras was held ou Friday evening, lith Cant. A large number of student'. were la at- teu.lauee. Miss, II. Pinder ori upiwl the Omit-. 'f6e program included the follow fug numbers: 1 natrumentfl, �HXX 11. 'Wurs.1: sole. '*'beer 1•p. little flailing." Miss H. $yulmadi4; reading. Mire Hodge; el. t'. 1..knirual, Mr. A. Hume: boy%' •horue, •'1'pide•; address. l'riu.•ipal Huwe; I61er Club w•le/6o11, "My Kelp;lan Roar." There wan u delete on the subject : "Re- solved, that I'alatda offer« more Co- du.eutont to fwutigraltt5 than the 1'nNwl state..:' The debate warm' be Yet telt forme L H. alwl 11., .1aclt Slitter- limit litterlimit nett Misr' 51. Hassell arguing fur the attirtuatire, AhU.o Mies J. Mutter wooed Mir., 1). Morahan .puke for the negutite. The tlevieloll war« iso favor of the affirmative. A number of the etllrtellte also put on' as nark trial which w uruesiug. An "Wiser roll party" will be held uu the evening of Friday, I)wy'lulwr C11, to whh•11 all studento who huge taken part in uny of the Literary So- ciety meeting. during the term are fu- vftwl. ' Local Factories Securing Help. During the past two weeks a large number of families have moved to Gode- rich and the vacant houses are fast being occupied. The local industries which have teen short of labor for some time are gradually becoming able tO secure sufficient working help. Goderich suffered considerably during the war period in that a large number of employees of local concerns, attracted by the high wages in munition plants, sought employment elsewhere, and as the labor market was short at all times many kcal plants have been working short-handed for a long time. Things have changed as the manufacture of munitions has ceased and the labor employed in it is back on the general market. and t;odench. together with many other places. as going to benefit. It1of'felled'trtfhX)=X>n°Ir XXXX:C•C Kbit MODEL THEATRE PRESENTS , A big triple headline attraction for Christmas -the biggest star in the line -directed by the biggest director of spectacular drama moat popular supporting star. CECIL B. De MILLE'S Production GERALDINE FARRAR Staged in the magnificently beautiful valley o� Yosemite National Park- tare's grandest amphitheat --a fit- ting background f this tremendous production. Von can't afford to miss it. , 2 ---- IN ---- A horning love story of the land of Montezuma -a spec- tacle of extravagant splendor a drama of great power and intensity. The Woma1 God Forgot" AN ARTCRAFT PICTURE This great photoplay of Aztec days, with an unusual cast of famous players headed by GERALDINE FARRAR and WALLACE REID will be presented at the Model Theatre with special music by the GODERICH ORCHESTRA, on Wednesday and Thursday, Dec.•25.26 SPECIAL CIIRiSTMAS MATINEE AT 3 p.m. PRICES: Matinee, Children 10e, Adults tOc: Lveni'p, Children 15c, Adults 2.5e • Children tinder I. must be accompanied by pnrcnt Of guardian. • Apples from Oregon. Mr. J. 1.. Aitken, who has been with his most, Mr. Scott Aitken, at his fi nit ranch at Hood River. Oregon, sin a May last, was expected h for Christmas, but owing to his son's illness is senuining with 1 . for' a further time. He hart • ent home *Hite apples grown on hen ,eon's property, and The Signal has been privileged to receive sone samples. One of three is a manatee apple, fourteen and a -half inches in circuulfereu.•e, Another i« an apple of . rdinary size. but pt host beautiful color, a deep win? color, !Ikea large pl . Ol •g.tn, of ronr•@c, ie fanlmts as an apple -producing country, and Mr. Aitken evidently is s-ueesufnl in growing fruits of a very high grade. Goderich Students at Trinity. BUSY? Yes Our But never 100 busy to give every patron cour- teous treatment, distinc- tive portraiture, and the promptest possible serv- ice. modern equipment insures this. mind? N.t at all J. T. FELL pllO'IOGRAPHER . Y ..0 ,�' •W't -J .�llllll. .......{u APJTAL • liiL$LR1t't->X $400.000 Til. AsscTb - $,3O000000 MUTUAL CONFIDENCE FOSTERS SUCCESS ltotuai . •,nf.?en, a is essential between two parties it the b. --t *sines are 10 be obtained from their bnaiuc: t t:)alt011r. Italy businesses have been aasidelli io .access betalu•e the firms or individuals tout the bank into their fullest eoafrdenceiaai prated by the advice obtaiued. 141 rear business transaetloa you would be well advised to consult our local lnseager. He will be Riad tq help yah with his counsel. ygf • 1 t.F. WOOLLCOMBE. • - - Manager. UNION BANK OF CANADA li'_AD OFI lex. \',INN1P):C. MAN. GODERICH BRANCH, 4 The tioderich students at Trinity College, Toronto, took a prominent part in a dramatic and nmsteal enter- tainnwttt recently given in the con- vocation hall of the college in aid of the Christmasoverseas fund. A war drama with the title "Thr Mudwal- topers of ?a Pao Corner," which was put on by a p ber of the students, was written by Mr. R. Cockburn Hays and another student, and Mr. Hay@ took a part in its presentation on the stage. Another wartime pro- duction, "As We Are.' was presented by thrstudrnto of St. Hilrl.is College, Mile Mary T and Mira Edna Paid - ham appearing in the cast. We are iuforu eel by a former Goderich resi- dent who ,saw the performance -that it was very enjoyable and that he was r root of the manner in which the three 0. C. 1. ex -students a quitted 1 Good Things For Christmas Notes from the l'hiklren's Shelter. The children's home on 4 'auremn et met is Iwwout1n more homelike every day ruder the management of Miss ll.•ntley. There are at present five children in the home, four girls and ./11e boy. The following donation% were re- ceived slut-.' Inst week's report : .1. 11. Colborne. a bug Noor: Walter •Naft.'l, Deo rocking ehalr,; Mrs. Jae. Shaw, one hag of winter apple:. : Mrs. Doerr, prettiest! risme; Mrs. MltehetI, hesket vegr•tuble; Mrs. starry Salk.'ld, child's coat and shoes. A little girl six years of age from Morrie township was given over to the eore of tale Children'. Aid Society by order of Police \lagt.trate Reid the. week. She was taken to the shelter and is being got ready for her new Getter -home which has elteldy Iwru seleetel for her by t' nnty Secretary f: M. F:Illnft. Prettiest Town on the Continent. ' Mr. J A. Honet.on, of Vanenur.'r, 13. ('. who hat been in town the past week owing to the death of his pother, the late Mrs. Thomas Camp - was hrought up in the township of Colborne, telt has been away from thin, sect.i.oe for many years. A marine engineer by rotation, he has travelled pretty much all over the world and lived for twoears in Japan. He has now an engineering Ixteinese at Vancouver. He hart al- ways retained fond r eolter'tiewle of the old home town, and he declares that Goderich it the prettiest town on this continent. Itenewing hie ae- quatntenre with the town after the lupe of so litany yearn, he admirer ite original and tytm. etri.•al plan. Ito broad, clean .tueote, and Its handsome r.•dkteneet. Froin Toronto to Code rich. he says. It the finest st.rett h of c eenley he iva everaren. and he has wets ranee lands &bat, waw wi.b•Iy fawoeel an anoong the choirs plae•ee of the earth. • California Orange navels .60c to $1.00 a dozen. Florida (Irapefruit is the best . 75c a dolp. Cranberries, finest late Howes 20c a pound. Malaga Grapes, extra fancy. quality 35c a pound. California Figs, Fez brand ..10c, 15c and 20c packages Dromedary Dates, just in fresh 25c a package. Cluster Raisins. Spanish mol - item 45c a package. Christie. Plum Pudding will please \oils. 50c lb. can Special Candy Assortiotnt at 40c a pound. See our store display for other srecials A Merry Christmas to All DEAN BROS. GROCERS STANDARD FEEDS AIa}. ENDORSED by the Organization of Resources ('ow- lnitltee of ,nntario and are fur sale by the following tiring: The Campbell Flour Mills Co., Ltd., West Toronto. The Campbell Flour Mills co., Ltd., Petcrborc. Howson & How4son, Wingham. D C Thomson, t)rillia. A. A. McFall, Bolton. Write for prices and purchase direct from the above 111:,1111 facture I'S. - See "Standard" on the tags. OFFERING FOR SALE Oil Cake Meal Cotton Seed Meal For immediate sale in oarload lots. To be sold directly to , ifartners, Farmers' Local Organizations and Local Dealer. selling directly to feeders of Live Stock. This offer is open only to December 314 when other disposition will be trade of stocks relnaittiug. Pricers on application. 'fill December :31st they will be approximately $63 to *CO per ton f o. b. Hamilton, depend- ing on.earrying charges at the time of purchase. • Sold on the basis of marked weights as they arrive. Purchase directly from Junes Richardson S Sons, Ltd., Royal Bank BuildinS, Torentb, in charge for the Organiz- ation of Resources Committee, Parliament Bniidiigs, To- ronto. • East side Square (:olerich T,icenae No. R-4858 Phone 110 Following the sun with Vision. for a moment. those far off Ports beyond the trackless seas - From Arctic ice. to the torrid lands beneath the Southern Cross - From towns tucked in the mountains. to the busy river's mouth - WRIGEEY'S is there! There. because men find comfort and refreshment in Its continued use. Because of its benefits and because NThe Flavour Lasts! MADE IN CANADA SEALED TIGHT - KEPT RIGHT 1. •