The Signal, 1918-12-19, Page 6at the hotpe of Mr. and Mrs. Rooert Mc-
Kenzie this week.
Mr and Mrs. Jary a Anderson are
moving into Mr. and Mrs.' John Gra-
ham's house this week. bylaw be passel suspending the five
A Sunday school entertainment in con- ewibeingadded so n id taxes for
nection with the Methodist church will Per pa
be held Monday night. I today. Bylaw read first. second. and
Ralph Dither, who has been holidaying; thied time and passed. The collector
up in New Ontario for a couple of was instructed to take taxes as per collect -
months. arrived home last Saturday ' or's roll. Moved by McCann and Currey
aveninsBary, . I that Allan Green try and get the gravel
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stothers. of Cal- . ling done north of Loyal. on conte -aeon
are here spending a few days at the x. as per offer of James Green and ,Tait
home of the former's parents, Mr. and Clai k at 84. 50 per cord and that William
Mrs Thomat Stothers.McPhee be inspector. Carried. Moved
Mr. Abe Culbert has purchased what is by McCann and Snyder that the Reeve
known as the Craig farm on the 8th con- attend the sale of lands for taxes by the
cession of West Wawanoah. which runs county treasurer on December 19th to'
behind Alex. Pentland's place. look after the township's interests. Car -
Mrs. Nat. Whyard received the sad tied. Moved by Fisher and Currey that
news on Friday last et the death of her we buy tbe open shed in connecttnn with
only sister, Mrs. N. A. Richardson. d the township hall from Mr. Wilson fors
Amay. Sask. The (muse of death was in-
RueA GREAT TREAT. --The entertainment
given by the Henderson juvenile enter-
tainers, of London, in the Agricultural
Hall last Friday evening gas a rare treat.
t0 those who bad the prtvllege of being
present. Each of the numbers on the
progratr. was heartily appreciated and
warmly applauded. Sam Munro. the
Canadian juvenile Harry Lauder, a boy
not yet nine years of age. w a marvel.
He and his sister. Dorothy. a girl of seven
years. gave excellent exhibitions of skill
as trained singers, dancers and stage per-
formers. The program throughout was
very choice and humorous. The audience
was not large. due to the very disagree -
a ole, wet weather.
9 -THURSDAY. DEC. i9. 1918.
'!tiM'arVwn/.+,.+Y.MwwM M+.
El lit
MR. N. F. WHYARD is the
agent for THE SIGNAL. at Dungannon.
Orders lett rah him fur subscription,
advertisements .r lob printing roll receive
Men's and Boys' Christmas Gifts su
I prompt a.tentn. Telephone lGuderieh
Rural) vas.
Neckties, Neckscarfs, Shirts, Hosiery, Sus-
penders, Gloves, Underwear, Coat Sweaters..
Jerseys, Umbrellas, Pyjamas, Nightgowns,
Waterproofs, Hats, Caps, etc.
We have a goodvariety of swell Suits
Overcoats. '''ou will hnd the best at this store.
Blue'and Black Serge Suits at a
Saving of $10.00 .
To make our Christmas trade a hummer we
put on sale blue and black Sere Suits at $10.00 less
than next season's prices. These Suits cannot be
bought wholesale for anywhere near the price we ask
you for them. Good weight serge, mohair linings and
well tailored. sizes 36 to 42. •
Thos. G. Allen
nwotwltlwtamllaur lets Baltic remained
good. After atteudlhig decor service
on alay iv.nlua las hr retired
early and ou Motalay morning it was
found that he had passed away during
the night: ,Ilii wife and family load
all peels se* him with the exeeir
tion of histwstin Janie*. at whose home
his death took place. One brother, a
reeldent of 1.014 Angeles. California,
survives him. The reuwlua were
brought from 'I'or'..utu and interment
Wwmeeukty. •rhe film -nil w•rvltea
took plater in \laltsaud ee t.ry 011
were conducted by Hew. 1)r. ltuilelge,
pastor of North street Methodist
church. of which the demented during
his rnsfdeejee W GotlerIeh was a faith-
ful aud *Mire member. •
ttu Moiilav afternoon
Mat tlw remains of tlw• late Mrs.
Schulze: wife of Mr. e. R. tic•hubs•,
were lab' In their resting plate In the,
Colborne cemetery: The Itllrerrt took
place front tier Hume of Mr. Kenneth
Stowe. Fast street. ltev. K. 4'. Me-
Dermld emelt lc the services. The
palllwarets were Messrs. Samuel
Bisset. Hobert Symonds. Geo. Fowler
alwl Richard Frltzley. Mrs. Schulze
passwl away Thursday of lust work
at Alexandra hospital. where she had
been for nine ths. The dw,wsed.
whlsse maiden name was Mary Claus -
ley. was born sixty-seven years ago
at ('Iarevllle. tintand at au early
age went to Dettloff. where 14114• lit eil
for want- tears. she was twice mar -
climb her first husband being the late
Thomas Devine. After his death she
wars utarriel twenty-one years ago to
Mr. Schuler. with whin she wade Iter
home at S*ltfonl. Mrs. Charles H.
Cook, Mrs. Ralph Beckley 141141 Mrs.
%Vw. slay, all art Det rolt. are
daughter* Iry the torinrr marriage.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
Comrmssrorw for Affidavits. etc..
lint/ Corw•yancer
WdIs Dare.. Non*.... Arne.w.nU. sic_
Can fully enc yid and Monet Sao -
oho! ler
Wind and Lae I s.raar.ce. .n sM tri
Conran... only.
L(Jr - Ai,lCNT FOR
tit _'i it C•ntury Cl.thiug Itorsalin.t lf,t-
iU Phone 57
.sett xX ° , X:C•ltnglatrlarlgrflflarinrCN:iltX
Did you ever think what your ad. n
the newspaper is doing for you? When
You close your store in the evening and
go home to your family and fireside, not
thm king about your business at all. then
it is that the paper is being pored over in
hundreds of homes -the homes from
which your trade is drawn. And there is
your ad. doing its work silently, but
surely, and if you have taken the pains to
make it attractive its work wiIl be all the
more attractive. This is repeated over
and over again. and is no doubt what
inspired some writer to call newspaper
advertising a "silent drummer."
Say, have you paid your taxes ? The
time limit is up.
,J. C. McFarlane received a consige -
menu 01 pianos last week.
Our business rnen report Christmas
• business exceptionally good.
Mrs. N. F. Whyard was a visitor to
the county town on Tuesday.
Mins Clifton, milliner, left for her home
at Streetsville Tuesday of this week.
The West Wawanosh and,A.hfseld coun-
cils held their last meeting for the year
on Monday.
What about a reception committee for
( Get
Mr. Thos. N. Siltib, of Whitla. Alberta,
renewing his subscription to The Signal.
says: "1 note that the war and the 'flu'
have not killed all the Liberals in North
Huro t."
rs. lf. Mew, Puslinch. Ont., sands
81.50 and the foll'iwing greeting: "1 with
you and the readers of The Signal a merry
Christmas and a happy New Year."
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin have
ref tamed to Toronto after visiting
with rclatiVeil 111 town.
LIST, 1919
The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe .$5.25
The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire .... 5.25
The Signal and Toronto Daily World 5.25
The Signal and Toronto Daily Star 5.25
The Signal and Farmer's Advocate 3.00
The Signal and Montreal Family Herald
and Weekly Star 2.65
The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) 2.40
The Signal and London Daily Advertiser5.25
The Signal and London Daily Free Press 5.25
The Signal and Presbyterian and West-
minster 3.30
1 he Signal and Catholic Record 2.75
The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto).. 4.25
The Signal and McLean's Magazine.. .... 3.00
The Signal and Farmers' Magazine 2.50
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness 2.90
The Signal and World Wide 3.25
The Signal and Canadian Magazine 3.50
The Signal and Canadian Poultry journal 2.00
The Signal and Canadian Countryman... .. 2.25
The Signal and Farm and Dairy 2.40
The Signal and Rod and Gun 2.90
Thc+e eaten W. for papers Mcut to addresses in Canada.
The Signal can also give clubbing rates with many
other periodicals in Canada and the United States.
The above publications may be obtained by Signal
subscribers in any combination, the price for any pub-
lication1beingthe figure given above less $1.50 repre-
senting the price of The Signal. For instance:
The SignSt
Signal and Thr Family Herald and Weekly Mar_ _$2.66
The Globe 45.26 leas $1.6m) _ - - - .75
-making the price of the three papers $6.40.
Remit ht• postal note et. express order -NOT by Sauk
Mrs. Nicholson, of StreetavilThe municipal council ofle, visited I
tonahip met in the townshiColborne
p hall on
December (doh. Members all present.
Minutes of last meeting were read and
adopted. cn motion of Fisher and Currey.
Moved by Currey and McCann that a
X■■11■XXXX1BX•■■■X11■1K■11XMX■■)I■XWIN XXXX■)M■
Store Hours: 8 a. m. to 6 p. m., Saturdays 10 p.m. I a
l♦■■■111111■11111111111111■1111111111111111111111■■ 1111■X■XxX■s
the Rush.
ono tete StocC hs for.
of the Next Few Days'
New arrivals daily by every express are keeping assortments up to the
best, and no matter how many presents you still have to get,
our assortments will make shopping a pleasure
even up to Christmas Eve.
Many Suggestions Which Are Sure to Please •
the boys returning from overseas . ' y
bar everybody.
Goderich, Ontario
STOKE(*. -There pissed awes- at
Toronto on Monday lent an old settler
of Huron county, lu the person of Mr.
Jaeob Stokes. The dee-eased, who was
born In England in lsas, came to this
pert of the county with Ills father, the
late lir. ('has. Stokes. *lien a child
of two years cif age. For nearly torty
years he resider on a farm on the
Hayfield road, anter which he MOvtd
to Galerleh, and resided here 'Intl' a
few years ago. when he decided to
make his home with his son at To-
ronto. louring the past few years he
had muttered two slight strokes. but
$27. Carried. Moved by Snyder and
McCann that th- collector's time be
extended till February 11 1919: Carried.
Moved by McCann and Snyder that a
bylaw be drawn up and passed fixing the
hour of nomination at 1 o clock p. m. on
December 30th. 1915. in the township hall. l
Carlow. and if a poll be demanded the
election be beld in the following polling'
subdivisions, namely:•
No. 1 -Temperance HalL Benmilkr,'I
C. Oke. D. R. 0.: Joshua Moore, poll I,
clerk. •
No. 2- i'emperance Hall. Saltford. A..
J. Goldthorpe. D. R. 0.: Rich. Walter,poll clerk
No. 3 - entperanee Hall. Carlow. A.
P. SbeOkrd. 02 R. 0.: Will Sallows. poll
No. 4-71emperance Hall. f eeburn..
E. Shaw. jr., D. R. O.: Jas. Chisholm,
poll clerk.
A number of accounts were passed and
ordered paid, which wilt appear in the
financial statement.
Moved by Snyder and McCann that
we adjourn council.
R. Mc(LwAIN.
For Good Reliable Shot
Repairs, try
Smith & Ring
SO East Street. Opposite Knox Church
Give Us a Trial
presents a special
Christmas Week Program
Meaday sad Tuesday
The rainbow girl of the screen
"Bads to the Woods"
An adventure in an elevator
that led to a romance in
the mountains
Wednesday and Than ay
Cecil R. i)eMille's production
'Vie Woman God Verge
A spectacle of extravagant
Special Christmas matinee at
3 pf.m. Special music by
the Goderich orchestra
Friday and Saturday
",a Kaiser's Shadow"
TON. 1s the hest mystery
play of the year
TtlasuaY, Dec. 17.
Mr. Reg. Sowerby has returned home
from a visit to his cousins. Pearl and
Edgar Amy. Burford. Ont.
Mrs. Thos. Amy, of Burford. is spend-
ing Christmas at the home of her mother,
Mrs Thos. Sowerby.
The electors of this township will
vote on municipal -election day on a
bylaw 10 pride that the term
of n•rmher•s onthe municipal council
shall hereafter be two yeses.
Taylor's Corner Patriotic Society
will hold the next sewing meeting at
the house of Aliso Nettie Sturdy on
Friday, December 27.
Mr. and Mrs Bert Orr and Mrs.
I t•lleet left on Friday for Chicago for
the Christina+ holidave.
Bert Cox reached the height of
matrimonial ecstasy when his wife
presented him with a son on Sunday.
Tugs/DAY: Dec 17.
Mr. James Glen and daughter Mar-
ion attended the Winter fair at Guelph
last week, Miss Marion spending the day
at MacDonald College.
Mrs. James Glen has gone to Detroit,
to visit her daughter Edythe.
Miss Richmond is spending her Christ
mas holidays at her home at Chealey.
WstriiestAV, Dec is.
A new furnace has been metalled In
the basement of Smith's Hill church
this week by Mr. Fred Hunt, of (lode -
Mrs. Wm. Fallows to visiting her old
home at .Wmberley.
We understand that Mr. Warner
Walter has pnrchaned Mr. Horne'
farm and will trove on It in the spring.
There was a gathering of shout a
hundred people at Mcasw station to
meet Pte. William Fowler. eon of Mr.
John Fowler. on his arrival home from
Prepwrstiowl are being made for a
Chrlatniaa tree entertainment to he
held in smith's Hill church on Christ-
mas gee.
ler. and Mrs. Andrew Johnston have
gone to Anhurn to spend scare time
with their daughter. Mrs. (Dr.) B. C.
R R. Hallows was out from Gofers,
rich last evening to take a flaahlight
pietism of Mr. Gordon Young's Bible
cissa, which met in the township hall.
Blouses in Georgette. Crepe de Chine, tai and Voile in great variety
We -rue wine to have just what you require.
Priced from $.1-.69 to $10.00
Tea Aprons
Tea Aprons in daintier -designs than
escr. variety to .elect from. I''ront
50c tip.
Boudoir Caps
I'l,e daintiest creations of Silk Ribbon
and Lace that note could conceive of. 75c up.
Silk Camisoles
.lust the thing to wear with your best
waist. One of these lovely Camisoles would
Wake a most acceptable gift, $1.50 up.
Fats, the Ideal Gift
tint stock teas never better assorted
than not:. •
Gloves and Neckwear
No gift is more appreciated. These are
. two eant. lead4ng lines. the stocks are com-
plete. %ever have they been better.
Handkerchiefs in Hundreds
Handkerchiefs, the popular gift. We
have all kinds, from 6c to $2.50 each.
No trouble in selecting Handkerchiefs for
men, women and children from our immense
Cashmere and
Silk Hosiery
Many people are giving 4losiery for
gifts this season, and think of the great
satisfaction if the recipient knew they were
selected at the Scotch Store.
Cashmere dose for presentation from
$1.00 up.
Silk Hose for presentation from 85c to
$2.50 per pair.
Women's Sweater of
Silk and all Wool
wonhlu'1 one of these handsome Silk
Sweaters make a •swell gift ? In all colors.
Prised from $10.00 to 120.001. or perhaps
your fancy might run to one of these useful
All Wool Sweaters. all colors. Priced at
$10.00. Children's Sweaters make sensible
Suggestions for the Home
Carpets. Blankets, Comforters, Carpet
Sweepers, Lace Curtain'', Tapestry Cur-
tains, Pillows, Bed Spreads.
The Season's Greetings
To all our customers and friends we wish the
compliments of the season and every happiness for
the coming year. We hope for a continuance of the
agreeable business relations of the past years.
X■■■11■N XXXXX■X11■ XXXXX11111111111111■■1111■■ XXXI**
■ PHONE 56 MillarsPHONE Si ■ Scotch Store ■
Yr. Tsou. Clark, of Pickering. ar
rived Tweeds) night to visit relatives
bees. He is looking as young as ever.
Mina alma Match la hoe from
Toronto Mr a mouth's holidays.
Pte. Collo Campbell arrive) unex-
pectelly by C. P R. nn Tuesday and Stirling her official weIcome home. After
proceeded to the home of his parents, a very fine and bountiful supper had
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Campbell. His kern enjoyed and a social time spent
many friend, will be glad to welcome I together. tbe chair wasaken by Rev. A.
him back from the field of victory. Macfarlane, who in Mirky vein referred
Oen. Yunghlut shipped a car of hogs to the many gatherings there had been in
to Toronto on Wednesday. the old hall during the past four years,
Mr. E. G. Matthews is able to he ont social gatherings which had Inc their ob.
ject the raising of funds to support those
who had gone from our land to fight in
the great cause. Mr. Macfar;ane then
referred to the ca tee of the presen t
gathering, to welcome home one of those
who had gone from our midst. and after a
few complimentary words regarding Mee
Stirling's personal work she was pre-
sented with a cut -glass bonbon dish by
Mrs. Gibson, president of the Patriotic
Society, as a slight token of the Society's
apprrcia inn of her work. Miss Stirling
replied in a few well-chosen words. thank-
ing the people of Bayfield Inc their wel-
come and theirift. Speeches were
made by Rev. W. Ashe-Everest and Rev.
A. L. G. Clarke of Goderich. the latter
speaking more particularly regarding the
Victory loan campaign, with which he
had been 1y coroweled. bring r
again after an attack of the influenza.
Mrs. Matthews k now confined to her
bed with the same trouble.
Mr. H. Macgregor. of the (loderleh
branch of the sterling Bank, has been
acting manager of the Bank here dur-
ing the Illness of Mr. Matthews.
some 51 the people who visited the
Guelph winter fair brought hick the
tnflucnea with theta and are now laid
TUESDAY. Dec. 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. tknakltwn, who
have both been under the dnctnr's care,
are slowly recovering and are able to be
about the home again.
PRESENTATIO14. A very happy even-
ist wts spent Mat Thursday in the town mereAt tbe Huron cownly execu-
hall. when a large number of the citizens lkS the.cltre of hie relrsrka he un-
turned out to give Nursing Sister Maude furled the Victory loan flag which Bey
field has won by passing its objective, the
amount raised' in the village being
930,000. SOWS were rendered by Miss
Belle Woods of Seaforth, Rev. Eric And-
erson. Rev. A. Macfarlane, Rev. W.
Ashe-Everest and Mrs. Everest and
Reeve Erwin The singing of the Nation-
al Anthem brou;ht a mist pleasant
e vening to a close.
Mr. Chas. D:nalde n and Pte. S. Don-
aldson r. turned last we ek to their home
in Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Merner are moving
vete shortly to their new horns on the
Front road, the farm recently purchased
from Mr. J. C. keit.
THE PUBLIC LIARARY.--Tae book selec-
tion committee of the pubic library is
meeting tonight. The library has now
over 500 volumes and its shelves present
a very fine selection of literature of all
kinds. Thu,* . are still many families
in the neighborhood who are not repptr&
vented on the subscribers' list. What
better Christmas box could you present
to your friend nett week than a 50 -cent
subecfipticn to lore Hayfield public lib-
rary? For this anal) nim. a fresh honk
can he drawn every day of the year. 11
desired. Sundays excepted. and a never-
ending source eV enjoyment supplied.