HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-12-19, Page 56
THURSDAY. DEC. 111, till$. -16
__- Other Weird Sugge.tkemi
Every Muscle in Body Ached with Horsiest. Nature.
Indications Point to Victory for Rheumatism Like New Man After The Australian Government ie ser -
British Coalition.
W Help
Taking Tanlac.TORONTO. Dec. 17. -The quota- lously considering the. suggest Ion
hone on the Board of Trade yrrter- made to them to cause rein. and so
1 •'1 have lived in Portland for thirty day were as follows:-- • overcome the drought difficulty. by
6ENOINE Action of Votera in Old LaLnd Ras years and there are just lute of people MaI it b* wheat ten acre. Feet wnuam, sending airplanes up above visible
Not Inatudtny Tax).
Mode Britain's Peace Terms u4o1 here who know that Tanlac has made a No 1 norutorn 82 24'4. clouds which refuse to liquefy and
Everycootodote Woo Forced to new man of •me," raid J. H. Palmer, the No r northern, 12.2114, come dawn In drops, and to scatter
r ter and baggage man No 3 northern. $2,1'%, • salt on their "silver linings."
PAIR. spectator m se;aren's agd ch ren'
dresses. acute, chronic and nervous diseases, eye
OW, owe and throat. partial deafness. lumbago
miry rheumatic condition. Adenoid. removed
Without the knile. (Mice el residence. corner
�lsroa and St Andrew • sir«u. At home ot,ce
Raaadaye, Thursdays and Sat.Says, any evening
a� appamtneent.
Graduate Tenet° University. Graduate
Maya! College of Drtal Surgeon.
Successor to the late Mawr Sate. Offices corner permitted to replace British Droduc-
gareand hem street Gtodericn. produc-
tion and deprive British artisans of
114 British seamen, soldiers, and
women are more bitter against the
Germans than the official Govern-
ment clasfes and forced the accept-
ance of their demands on the latter.
To the British 3,000,000 dead and
Bin 67, Godertrh, All tnwrurfain. byy�ggg a maimed has been a terrible tragedy
len at Stgnslt/0ae well be prumpily aueMssso and In their deep feellnt of bitter-
Rwdeere telephoee try. Hess against those guilty o 'flits trag
edy demanded and obtained pledges
6i0AL. guaranteeing monetary reparation
for financial sacrifices as tar as pos-
Bible and protection against future
lj C. HAYS, a association to social or business We
jl. BARRISTER SOLICITOR. NOTARY with the Hun. British statesmen,
Puf1L►C, ETC.
w well-known tans ¢>� No 4 wheat. 31.11%. •
TAke Strong Staid Against (ler- residing at NO Knott street Portland It Is claimed that this salt season -
t g Manitoba Oatp Uri Store, Fort William).
roans - "Hands Of the Navy" Ote.,noetttly. w Ing will produce a rainy season D1
Was Favorite Slogan.
LONDON, Dec. 17. - Though the
election in Great Britain is over and
the results remain unknown, every-
body believes that the coalition has
won a • .weeping victory. The cam-
paign Indicated the trend of British
thought and sentiment. Conscription
le doomed, but although the British
demand a small army they are equal-
ly Insistent that t large navy he
maintained. To the British an invinc-
ible navy symbollies Empire, and dis-
armament that would reduce the re-
lative strength of the navy would, to
them. threaten the security of the
Abolition of conscription weruld
greatly reduce the military forces.
but "hands off the navy" was the ap-
parent demand of the electorate In
the pledges extorted from the lead-
en and candidates.
It the result of the election is as
confidently anticlpated. the Brltteh
electorate have served notice on the
allied conference that "freedom of
the seas" must not Imperil Imperial
naval security. From every candi-
date. even those "whose trlendi were
In Germany before the war," was
forced pledges that the Germans
wouldehe rooted out of England and
no others permitted to nettle here.
that Gertuan goods would not be
"1 have been a sufferer from rheuma-
tism twenty-hve years," continued Mr.
Pabner. "and reach d the point where i
never expected to get well, or even any
better. 1 spent thousands of dollar, try-
ing to get relief. but gradually got worse.
Every muscle in my body seemed to be
drawn up. every joint stiff, and I could
not move without suffering agony. When
I walked. instead of lilting my feet. 1
would just have to drag them along and
if my life had depended on it I could rpt
have raised my hands high enough 'to
touch the back of my head. I was laid
up for more than two years at one time.
Alter sitting down for a while I couldn't
get up without holding on to something
arid after I did get on my feet it would
take me several minutes to straighten
myself up. During the past year or leo
my condition btcame very much worse.
My whale system seemed to be run
down. My kidneys bothered me nearly
ali the time, my back hurt me, and at
times' I would almost scream with pain.
"I also suffered from indigestion. My
stomach would -b.oyat up after eating and
my food would sour amd add more to my
misery. 1 would lie awake more than
could eeee po way out of my suffering.
"The teitimoniaals of people right here
in Portland,tsome of whom 1 know per
socially, caused. me to try Tanlac. Well,
I am now seventy years old and 1 just
want to say that 1, have never seen any-
thing like it. I3efote I finished my first
bottle 1 was eati .g twice as much as be-
fore and felt no bad effects frim it. 1 am
now on my fourth bottle,and the rheu
matlam has just about all t me. Why.
my kgs are just as limber as if I had
never had a touch of rheumatism. I don't
suffer any more from constipi�t4t.n and
headache and. have gained back 'all my
energy and strength and several pounds
in weight. besides. Numbers of my friends.
who know what Tanlac has done for nle.
are now taking it with hne results. Yes,
sir. Tanlac has done everything for me 1
could wish. far more than I expected it
could do, and i would be willing to go
before a notary and make an affidavit as
the truth of this statement." '
anlac is told in Goderich by E. R.
Wi in Seaforth by C. Aberhart, in
Wi am by J. Walton McKibbon, in
He by A. M. E. Hemphill, in Blyth
by White\City HrugStore. in Wroxeter
by J N. A 1:, in Londesboro by John
0. Lound y, in Exeter by W. S.
Howey. in Br field by Peter Bowev, in
Dashwood by Deman Sr Edighofer, in
Crediton by J. Re. Orme in C.inton by
W. S. R. Holmes in ,heppardto n by
J. H. Simpson, in ie, by H. V. Arm
strong, and in Fordwic by H. Sansom.
were forced by the strong feeling In
OOm-Sterling_Bank! Bkck, Hasoiltw Street the country to pledge themselves to
Gedrsce. 'telephone es. exact from Germany' the fullest poa-
keel Susie. Loons aed leeersees. slble indemnity for the world-wide
_ expenditure and destruction. The
"tom*o0T, KILLORAN & cooKE, British electorate during the cam -
Deign have made Britain's peace
PUBLIC. ETC. What was even more striking than
Micece the Square, second ,door bum Hama, the antipathy displayed to associa-
tes sueet,Gooerick. tion in any form with the enemy was
Private funds to Loan at legion rams.) 1 the almost unanimous recognition by
W.POIMOM3or.K,C-, J•1-•,fiwwaart. the candidates of the rights of the
ft D.
manses to share In the amenities of
G. CAI C., BARRIS- life. Nearly every candidate was
TER e.,hc,tor, notary publr . (Pore, pledged. and in most cases volun-
teers/atom Street. t.oderrch, thud door Iron tartly offered the pledge, that In egtt-
me. At Calton Ihurway to eech'met,ia cation and oppoltunity the state
office o„ Albert ttoi utastaed by Mr. hopper. would recognize the right of indivi-
�mhogrsaa-m. trip. 00.
duals to equal chance, and that the
LRLES GARROW. LL B., BAR' state would be responsible for com-
\J i sl R, a *,nay., b0t.eta,uoder'd'. Portable housing and the surrounding
loaned at lowest rats of the masses with healthy condl-
/1 SEAGER, BAKRISTER. SOL- tion.. The war ha:* brought home
I,/ lc -nun. oaety. public and conveyancer. to Britain that classes make not for
Court tram.(,oaer'ch. oasr4m national strength, that "you cannot
have an Al Empire with an A3 popu-
lation," and that there must be a
general, thorough. and rapid reform
in the social and economic conditions
of the laboring claseee if Britain is
to retain Industrial prosperity' and
national stability. The masses have
a clearer conception of their rights
than in pre-war days, and In the elec-
tion contest have been promised
state recognition of those rights.
Throughout the campaign there was
evidence of Industrial unrest, and
the wisdom of the Government in
deciding on an early election was
MC APLE CCG.- IUrm and) isolated toleprop-
pr r
rty insured.
(Macre-Js. Connolly. Pres., Goderieh P. 0;
Jsa, vara. Vice -Pres.. beechwood P.O.:Thomas
R. tray.. Sec --7 resat. Seskath P.O. R. No. i, Ses-
Directers-D. P. McGregor. R, w,Se-
orth, John G. Gneve. No. 4, Welton;
Ree.•, R R. leo. 4 Seaford). John
k n Denney/int,
nna tet.
'Brodhaaen, Gao Mel.
«tb; Robert Ve*M Market, Malcolm Mc-
Ewen, (Ammo, James Evans, )ieechwwd, James
Connolly. (.r dench.
Agent.. J. W. Yeo Goderrch. Alet. Leitch,
R. k. ho 1, Ulster; Williams Chesney. Staturth,
E Hinkley, yearn th. Pon y •holdere can say alive
ppnayenents and ret their code reretpted at 14. f,
t6rrnh'a l Iothieg Store. UtnumNh, or Cult
Grocery, Kingston creel. (;oder
ked' Genera Smote. t-ayl .
1i ),i 11 It l WAN Apply to M. G. CAM -
RON, Barrister, Hamdtun wed. (.oderwh.
1 Voice, Pang. eSCOTT. Pupils re �orr
vatory examinata)na. Apply •
URRIE'S. Bnunnu road.
Brophe3 Bros.
Ise Leading
Funeral Directors
aid Embalmers
Orders carefullynightended to
or y•
at all hours.
the night rubbing my arms and legs
to get easy so I could get a little
would get awfully blue and de -
over my condition. and yet
The Saults Coal to j
anonsnsore to Mofbnash a Gledhill
We deal in Hard end Soft Coal,
Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire •
Cla , also Hard and Soft Wood 1
MaPt and Hemlock Slabs.
Fresh care of Lime and
Cement Just revSIvrd.
Dillon May Be Defeated.
BELFAST, Dec. 17. -The feature
of Saturday's elections In Nationalist
Ireland was the strength shown by
the Sinn Fein. it Is reported here
that Cardinal Logue and Archbishop
Walsh both supported the Sinn Fein,
The defeat of John Dillon, the
Irish Nationalist leader, In East
Mayo, Is anticipated when the final
count is completed. The Sinn Fein-
er& polled a heavy vote In the county
and city of Dublin and in Cork. In
Northwest Ulster the Sinn Felners
will carry the city of Derry, the Beate
1p Donegal and South Fermanagh
ind northwest Tyrone.
The Unionists expect to retain all
their seats In the n'n th. Joseph Dev-
lin, Nationalist ,for ‘.'est Belfast, has
been , re-elected by severak thousand
No. 3 C.W., 77%e, (liquefying the clouds. But not only
No. 3 C ,W,. 7f%c, I
FSctn No 1 food, 74%0, would thousands of airplanes he re -
No. t teed. 73%c'qulred, but each one would need to
American corn (Track, Toronto). . be provided with a very large nalt-
No, 3, yellow. 81.62.
No. 4 yellow. 11.51. cellar!
Canadian Cern (Track. Toronto). It has often been suggested that
Sample, teed. 81.48 to $1.55. we should get rid of the smoke nut:-.
Ontario Oats (A000rains to Freight*
No. 2 white. 72c to 75c.
No, 3 white. 71c to 76c.
Ontario Wheat (F.o.b.. Shipping evant4),
According to Freights).
No. 1 winter. per car lot, 32 14 to 32.21.
No. 2 winter, per car tet. 8211 to 12.19.
No. 3 winter, per car lot. 82.07 to 82.16.
No. 1 spring, per car lot. $2.09 to H.1?.
No. 2 spring. per car lot, 82.01 to 12.14.
No. 3 spring. per car lot. 3202 to 12.11.
Peas (According to Freights Outside).
The Fate of a HallbOt.
A large' halibut was captured un- the exception of canners and
der peculiar circuatancea by the common off colored cattle, wh
crew of a Scottish steam fishing boat, held steady.
There was a fairly heavy run of
sheep and lambs: 2472 head all told.
Choice lambs sold from 14 ty to 15c;
Barley.I Acc.rdlno to Frelnhts Outside).
Malting. new. 38c to 31.03 tem 14elf-seting.
Buckwheat (According to Freights Out.
side). All civilization would be piped, and
No. 2, 31.43. clv)itsatlon thus kept warm In winter.
Rye(According to Freights Outside). (Inc small experimental boiler 1s to
No. 1, 3153, nominal.
awe. the trouble of fire-flahting an•l
stoking, by turning on the Interior
fires of the earth. Crazy as the pro
jest sounds, it has been handled very
The scheme proposes to tap this in-
ner heat where It approaches nearest '
to the surface. Volcanic regions
would be dibbled with huge boilers
sunk to the level of the red-hot rock.
The difference to the weights o' hot
and cold water would make the syn -
Manitoba Flour (Toronto).
1.r be seen to -day at the base of Vesu-
W quality.31135 vlttfl.
Ontario Flur iP..ntpt Shipment). Methods of securing buildings
War quality, 81025. In begs. Montreal; against earthquake shock have often
810 25. In bags. Toronto. been suggested . Some method ot sus -
(Car S.LB, s included).
Montreal pension from above is the common -
Bran. per ton. 337..5.
Shorts. per ton. $42.25.
Hay (Track, Toronto)
No. 1. per ton. 3223 to 624.
Mixed, per ton. 820 to 621. -,
Straw (Trask, Toronto).
Car lots. per ton. $10.50 to 311.
Farmers' Market. •
Fall wheat -No. 2. 12.13 per buabN.
Spring wheat -No. 1. 12.11 per bushel though. might be produced by which
Goose wheat -No 3, 82 OS per bushel. a clear night might be turned Into a
Barley -Malting. 81.14 to 81.15 per
eat, but the trouble has always been
-what to hitch on to!
Someone wrote to the papers last
winter seriously suggesting the adop-
tion of some method of camouflaging
the moon as a preventive of moon-
light raids. Artificial clouds. they
Oats -111c to 82c per bushel, cloudy one.
Luckwheat-Nominal. A pet suggestion used to be the
'Rye -According to umpie. nominal. flooding of the Sahara Desert by the
Peas- According to sample, nominal letting in of the waters of the Medi- 1
Hay -Timothy. 323 to $30 per ton; tate- terranean. Those who wrote to the n/ti(Jtr(J<>♦JII�Jt7(Jtij�t7( Jt t�t t xxY
d and clover, 82u to fs6 ver ton. bout It seemed to think that trl�oAkctt�dflhti�th�t�fllen3llA7rr(n1[a� (� i�rRl�71 Ifs
"If a man empties his purse into his head
no man can take it from him
An investment in knowledge al-
ways pays the best interest."
- -Benjamin Franklin
Young man, young woman --you are the architect
of your own fortune. Your success or failure in life
depends altogether upon yourself. If you would be
successful you must LEARN TO DO.
Genius is fifty per cent. TRAINING and fifty per cent.
WORK. As you carve out your future you will make a most
serious mistake if you fail to provide a strong, secure founda-
tion ill the way of practical business education.
is only the trained, qualified man who makes his life tell:"
The time to lay,tWe proper foundation is NOW -and this is
the school.
Civil Service
For further particular, write to
B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principal
M. A. STONE, Com- Specialist, Vice -Principal
Rodents .ay eater at any time. Phone 208
• papers a
. I a canal similar to the Suet would
J, P. Sicken A Co., Standard Bank
Building, report the following prices on do the trick, and that the eters of
the Chicago Board pf Trade . Pelee the ocean would calmly flow through
and convert a desert Into a navigable
High Low rinse. Close.
Corn- sea. It was discussed quite seriously,
J•n. ..,. 135% 127% 124% 135 134 Bridging the Atlantic, too, has
Feb. 134 135% 133t. 133'. 134% been discussed scientifically, in spite
March .- 12435 136[6 132*. 133'8 13,, ' of the fact that the ahortee.t bridge
tiny „ , 135tii 137 it l34 , 135 336 would be 2,000 miles long. However,
n 72ya 72r�k 71•3 tt�. 72% i now that there Is a real prospect of
72% 71 Ys 7711%. , 71% 7214 the fulfilment of what would once
• 7231 73'. 7tlk 72+1(, 'have seemed the most outlandish sug-
46.S5a 47.15 1 gest ion possible -actual flight acrofts
l.3t 43.55 43os-
.35 43.35 44.35 the Atlantic - probably the bridge
will not be heard of araln.
25.20 24.47 25.20 25.50 But It Is well not to throw too
25.10 24.32 24.83 25.32
25.00 25.00 25.00 much cold water on a scheme, how-
ever apparently idiotic, for with wtrr-
10 24.72 24.72 25.40 lees and human flight, and a hundred
24.17 24.17 24.1•
6N other marvels of science, "one never
Jan. ..
Lar -
Jan. ,..lf.
May . ,.26.1
Dec. , . 26.00
Jan- ,..24.76 24
May ..,24 .60 24
CATTLE Mcan tell."
ai�l�Jriis7 Inter'eatlrtg Fxpevimenta,
MON 8Tec TAROS. Take a good-sias4 bowl, fill it near -
TORONTO, Der.147' ;c,c 1th re -
full of water; aged place it upon
celpta yesterday of 5147'attle on {the floor of a room which is not
the Union Stock Yards tub market I exposed to shaking or jarring from
for practically all classes was vela' the street. Sprinkle over the surface
lively from 50c to 75c lower. withht of the water a coating of lycopodium
powder, which can be obtained at
almost any chemist. Then upon the
surface of this coating of powder
ake, with powdered charcoal a
II . ight black (Inc. say an Inch or
Stirred by ilag-{Apes,
COLOGNE. Dee. 17. - Cplogne Is
accepting Britisfl rule with good
grace. And the new order of things
bas been established without impos-
ing the show of armed force such as
marked the German occupation di
Belgium abd France.
The Icy re of the bag-plp * ple has
been brokennbyy the
the Scottish Infantry entered the city
to take over the Rhine bridges from
the Dragnone and Hussars they lifted
the Inhabitants out of a forced calm
to make a show of real curiosity and
even mild excitement.
They were strolling about in
thousandsaftere midday dinner'
looking very and .determined
when the music of the Dag -pipes was
beard, and a company of Highlanders
marched briskly behind the band
through the little square and past
the cathedral. Men and women hur-
a them.
by bevies of small boysand girls. .ed
Again Coreplale.
LONDON, D. 17.-Aetnrdine ts'I
despatches received from Amster- 1
dam andother he leader of thehlGerman
aas Erg-
artnlatlee eommisslen, has again c•t)wt-
pl.lned of the severity of the amis.
tide terms. He asks for the raising
ot the blockade. tug liberatlos of
grb*emere off war sad the immedlati
***aloe of the Pease CoatsreaM
D/!fC* PwlnNyt - - - 75
B. ), Soaks' Residence `375
W. W iia aRs' Residence 2021
As the lines were being hauled a
codfish on one of tlm hooks was fed -
lowed to the surface by the halibut;
which made several attempts to swal-
low the cod. Then the halibut went
down out of sight, but soon reappear-
er, coming to the surface as the cod
was being hauled aboard. When It
came within reach of the fisherman
it was caught by the clips that are
used to haul fish aboard, and atter
a struggle it was safely landed on
the deck. It weighed over 170
Physical Training.
Aunt Nancy was visiting an army
camp and, aa she approached. some
Tommies were sitting on their heels
and then rising to a standing posi-
tion In perfect unison, "What are the
boys doing now?" she asked. "Why,
those are the setting -up exercise,"
explained an obliging sergeant.
"Humph." remarked auntie, "Looks
to me more like settin' down egeyt,
Many of the brave women who attend
our wounded hemee in this war are
women who have treed Doctor Pierce's
heavy latnbs, 14c to 14Vec; choice
light sheep, fc to 91,4c; heavy fat
sheep and bucks, 8c to 11%C. and
culla, 5c to 614c.
Chdice calves sold at from 16c to
17c, a few extra ones for more
money; medium calves, 12%c to
15c; grassers and common, 6%c to
7c. The calf market was slow and
the run 185 head.
With a run of hogs officially plac-
ed at 2578 the market was weak, last
week's contract prices of 18%c fed
and watered, of coul'sle holding, but
the price for the balance of the week
will be 1714e t.o.W 18c ted and wat-
ered. and 18 %c weighed off.
Winnipeg, Dec, 11.-Recelpta et the
Union Stock Yards today were 2000 cat -
11e. 137 canes, 1788 hogs. 63 sheep and
lambs. Butchers steers, 87 to 814.50:
heifers, 16.50 to 311.50: cows, 14.50 to
110• bulls. 15 to $7,60: oxen, 84,50 to
87.90; storkere and feeders. 58.50 to
110.75; veal calves, 85 to 61.60; sheep.
$10 to 111: latnbe, 113,60 to 815,
Hoge -Bel e eta, 11etae!p 3s an.h.a,ter les,
111.50 to 813.60:
lights, 113.50 to 114.50.
EAe6't, aHUFFAI.() LIVE lro(•K.
East Buffalo, Dec, 16.-CCattle-Rs-
celptO' 6300; good steady; common lower:
steers, 111 rto $18.517 0 butchers, 111 too 117.50: pping
yearlings. 112 to 818; heifers. 810 to 813;
cows. 84,50 to $11; bulls, ? to 111.;
stockers and feeder'. 87 to 811; fresh
cows and springers, 106 to 8145.
Calves-Recelpte, 1300: steady; 85 to
110.50. steady: heavy,
Hogs-RecelPts, 21,000R0:lht yotavy,
acrd Yor16 500; roughs, 111 to 816,80;
and Digs. 116,
stags. Sln to Di.
• Rh lambb.. 1! to yearlings, 81 t0
1r, ewes, 14 to
111: wether. 16.60 to 11u;
$8,50; mixed sheep, 11 to 11.60.
Chicago Dec I6.--Hogs-Rer•eltite, 64, -
kit steady to a shade lower;
nee; mer 1 going over in
Favnrite Preseri tion, Or who remelt- closing dull; good supple L
first !titin facilities tieing nvar-
Amend it. The hctepital, with ita wor
and long hours, imposes extreme hard-
ship on a woman a etrength. Every
woman should make herself fit for war's
call at home or ahmad, She should
obtain a book called the " Medical
Adviser," either at her nearest drug
street or by sending a) one -cent stem ppus to
Dr. Pierce, Cottrtwright St., Bricitebarg.
Ont., for this book whidt tells about
Ntenaing. Bandaging, Anatomy, Physiol-
1.p, •
Thntman of women in Canada have
overcome their suffering', and have been
L'. curvet of woman's t1. by Irby do ista
Favorite Prta+criptRtxal. gold ttlyh V
Pietro, Buffalo, N. Y., 10c for trial
,�. Ctrs... owl. -
am very glad
to • ,4 my reeommaad-
ria, to tut m•nr
olkers etre Me• fogad
relief {'reverie, fks week-
a▪ head
eek-ahe d I seed" gee
r50.M ley
1 woo met
weak .aid 1.e reee. •W
y" • t.rribM
t w veer
wow I k•�g uki.
the '
t k.*6 ,.yJ blah3err' el ad out W.
trA k t o ep io • r-t� Matrhy earned.
•eerie* F.wedesort i to. eT the beet grim hs
ttiegtsa.' -1.k•.
O. IA 11e W4..ree�, SAIL
in liquid or . Send . M.
da. g quotations unehangad.
Tha day
taxes. common light
Cott teRidy; ,others avid outcher M-
eta. 16 to 21 cents higher: calves mostly
15 cents lower. Butcher stock. tanner
end eutterfa, 66.41 to 14.81. The day
q Rheep-Reoos 4celpt' 23.000; Iambi mostly
26 cents Iow.r; sheep and yearlings
steady t0 lower, Lambe. choke and
prime. 114.76 to 816; medium and gond.
613.25 to 114.76. The day quotations
otherwise unchanged -
tw. In length.
vine made this little mark with
the c rcoal powder on the surfac,•
of the (intents of the bowl, lay down
upon the, floor clone to the bowl a
stick or grime other straight object,
so that it gill be exactly parallel
If the lane happens
Ith a crack in the
y stationary object
with the mark
to be parallel `t
floor, or with a
in the room, this mill serve as well.
Leave the bowl *disturbed for a
few hour, and then o erve the posi-
tion of the black mar
ence to the object with
parallel. It will be foun
with refer-
ich It was
to have
Committee Appointed.
OTTAWA. Dee. 17. -- In further-
ance of the dominion Government
housing scheme, there has bele ap-
pointed a committee of the Cabinet
to be known as the Moneing Com-
mittee. 14 will consist of Hon. N. W.
Rowell. Preeldent of the Privy Coun-
cil; Senator Robertson, Minister of
Labor; Hon. A. K. Maci.ean, vice-
ehslr•man of the Recoastreetlon and
Development Committee e► Canada;
Hon. T. A. C , Minister of Agri-
culture. Mr. Rowell will be chair-
man of the coMmittee,
The Olymple, carrying 6.000 Caa-
'dean so/oilers. Is expected to arrive
at Halifax In a few' days.
moved in the direction op Re to
that of the movement 1,f the eatth
on its axon. The earth Is sitepfy re-
volving. has carried the water
everything else in the bowl rou
with it, but the powder on the sur-
face has been left behind a little.
The line will always be found to
ve moved from east to west, which
is perfectly good proof that every-
thinP) else has moved the other way.
Easily .Arranged.
One beatttiful summer night. when
the crlcketawere chirping In the
pigs from thee 'caterpillars weie
trees,J hnHenry
turned to the charming girl who was
sitting on the verandah at his side.
"Edith," said he. a'trifle timorous-
ly, "there comes to mea thought, i
might say a fear."
"Well. what is it?" Owlet'. the
fair girl. as the other hesitated.
"I euppose," responded John. Hen-
ry, suggestively, hopefully.
were 1 to steal a kiss you would h se
me arrested?"
"Perhaps," was the ready rejoin-
der of the girl, "but you could find
somebody to pay your fine. couldn't
To all Automobile Owners
fitted up, also expert mechanics, and are able to
repair all makes of cars.
We would advise owners to bring their cars in early
this 'fall and winter to have them overhauled and
painted ready for next season's running. It
saves you time and money to have your work done
in the winter when you lay up your car.
We also look after all ,gasoline engine work. Ex-
perts on electric work and adjustments. Give us a
call. •
Phone 83 South street
LEO BAKER, Manager Repair Dept.
The Signal until $1.50
January 1, 1920
I'11111i811It(1lllip 'lilt'li'gla�.ppin�_ '�i,.l! i' ''.111 Ipin.III'Ni j;M!il4plullld!i�hI1111�IL'%
atmeal Crackers
They have a flavor such as you have
neve:- tasted in oatmeal crackers.
Crisp, nut -like and just enough of
sweetness to make them unusually
tasty. Try them.
Packed in air tight packages.
Sold by all grocers.
"The Buy Word for Biscuits"
Iib w1u;W1IIIIWIIIIIl;WI6iL'IL .Ilill��ll� i dll!dilP,l I,II I ,�LUIIII:"i11kJlI;C;I l II
DAII.1' TR.11N S1'.R\ICY
Leave Toronto 7 p.m.
Arrive Winnipeg 12.10 p.m (Second Day)
Arrive Vancouver 10.05 p.m. (Fourth Day)
(' l+,k.niet, Cars, Torontrr to Vnenrtver..artni,•nt OMrrrat.ion Cara, Ntmndard and T,,trri-d. MIe.•ping"ars. Dining Car, First-cletas
('otchee. (
p ticket. tet the P.aciflc (haat via the "Canadian Pacific" pe Its a wide diversity of
IdI(ioirwi ehary(e.
"Royal Alexandra." W.nns et•P.Ihwr Hetet" Calgary.
"Vancouver Hotel," Vancouver "Enw,ret4 Hotel.'4 V,ctor.a
Paa.sniers for California should arraage their trip to incluse the Canadian Pacific Rockies
Partlrnlar' from Canadian I'm die Agent.v, W R HOWARD, iti..tr t I'a..senC, r tgent, T .r"it..