The Signal, 1918-12-19, Page 24
Rt4DAl, DEC. 19, 1919.
THE . jaOWLa
+r : to decreased interest in the business of the
I township on the part ot the general body
aRti'A of ratepayers. One of the greatest draw -
{J v- backs in connection not only with muni-
- i cipal government but with governmental
t, affairs u1 general in this country is that
CRIB SIGNAL PRINTING CU., LTD. the great mass of people take little or no
PCd1.1aBHRp II interest in what is going on except at elec-
tion tunes. To increase the interval be -
1 tavern municipal elections from twelve to
twenty-four months would. it seems to us.
result in a greater degree of apathy off
the part of the ratepayers in regard to
EDITORIAL NOTES. municipal business.
ttvered. trGoderlch
fall CosWaY. t -(inked• a ht* dant ole electric
poser necawary fur iM purposive. but Iwo any
Any q}tt I twelve horsepower wawa
*mid CwnMn7 m any rpun(h to
be pad (or
E `j twdCompany at ordnurY rams.
TOWN OF (a IIIEHICJt. BEING A 1.Y• a. Asa condom° precedent to the panting of
Mont W eaceed twist horsepowerper aM014Ot In eA o we e
I IYI AW NO 24 OF 1918, OF '1'N
LAN' CHANTING ; EXEMPTION FROM the aid hereto provided ,u the said The Grd•rkh
Town 0 G derich in writing to
TURING COMPANY. LIMI rkU. give It+aurrnl W any limas or gram of ad pts
paved to be given in the future during said term to
-- -_.--- soy like industry or the Town of Goder,ch.
WHIR(is The Jackson .tanul.ct%twat Curd: I. The aid herein poet 'eel lir Is granted nate
pany. Limited, being an Industry for some time the further condition that d Ow number of hangs
si.bluhed in the Town of G.iderich, bis re- �er manentle employed by the sad The Code. rich 7=
quested the m AIM:11 AI couocd of the fora Salt ('om Way. Limited. shall (x11 below the num
of Golfertch to submit a bylaw te tornit the bee of forty r a 5eod of ssuccessive months
Sale Compo' ' Limited. shall agree with theoar-
Women's Seal Plush Coats
ratepayers he r (tinting exemption Iron municipal tow plant elm I be c
^^- - --- - -
matron mrespect of their said dant in the rid actual operation, d of thee successive only months
termit =
Town of (ardent fur all tearooms tire* school trolly fur • period of three soccrssive °writ ha. =_
Mae*. for a further perm' W len years. thin in either ul such events the council of the
AN,/ It tra[A\ In Cnllaldera Im , Ir
k b wlactnring bylaw. without submitting 't w the ratepayers.
t n of the sn,A el- cot kation of the Town of (:oderich maY pas+ a
emotion or said The Jac son a 7 .
Limited. h eel t i onetnwe [u rrpeajmg this bylaw and withdrawing the rid
Have you bought them yet ? I THE HYDRO POWER QUESTION,
t -- Lucknow Sentinel
. A fsie y Christmas to each and all The i A subject of tint -rate interest which is
Signal's readers. now coming before the people of Ontario
for discussion is the matter of equalizing
Will Santa Claus use an airplane this' the charge for Hydro -Electric, power
Christmas or will he stick t° the good's thAccordingtbtoProvince.
set methods the
old-fashioned sleigh and reindeer ? Hydro Contmissaon sella power to a muni-
- I cipalay at cost -that is. at the co.t of
Christmas is less than a week away; l transmitting it to the place where it is
but it is almost impossible to realize it in' used. On this plan the cost to the user
weather. I will depend moon the distance he is from
the midst of this mild, opena water power which is controlled and
USN' by the Hydro Comm vii .
Company. Limit as r
operate its said plant int Town M Go/circle I hereby granted. End 1 'hereafter .44 oh K•t road
during the fol- period of ten years. and toemduY posed uponW po
continually throughout mrd period on the aver any further ad .s herein provided fur .batt cease,
age of al least holy open+�ives 4hen ran. ' it hems understood. 'weever. that the above pro -
AND teL - the said flat Jackson Manulac norms arerot to apply in case the dant a wcl°een
turiug C t. Limited. has undertaken to �{ntrr No down owing W lire. accident or other physical or
an ague• n,e t m w tto secure tN prrlorm• unforeseen diaiculty.mwhich event the adCom-
anee of the said c editions. pony *hall me 11 espad,twn to overcome and rec-
lily the said difficulty and t • resume operation at
Atm WHEREAS it ,+ expedited l0 (rani the real I the
earliest moment possible ( the Pompon,
aid. lads to use due diligence Me remota) of the
Therefore the m«nieipa1 council m the caper- cause or the closing drown or the plant, the conn
atu 11 d ton lymvr
ton ui the Toon of Godench enacts as tones.: c of the cattroa aha m, iia ,rrc
1. The factory building at present °erupted bfI /be right in=manner aforesaid to withdraw the
Company. L.sit � herrDY panted.
The Jackson pl t.Mmachinery. ng5 The rid The Godench alt Company. Lim
and the plant, machinery, erre tuSs, eon with
trait, .meas t ■r t lands used T tonged non rd', tagreement with the cor porati wt sol the Town til
enter into an
aha lie- and
are he ,n the said Town of um -iota rich petite 1 o the °nal passing of the by t1.«
f Ort .411.11 b• and are hereby exempted 414005 mum -iota which Kfpr,.o shall 1 pa154 the obi/attune
London Advertiser: In Minneapolis s of The Commission has developed nine (union We .n years except school , e he fair thereby ampaard or intended to he imputeupon
can purchase sirloin steak for fifteen cent 1\ and this K
a pound.d oats from thirty
system bas as
five to hefty cents Will somebody please to how the cost to the user tfr m e talo Hy the sad The ll employ
thlrough eit q Thesaid The Goderich lit Company. Lim- -
proportion as h! is distant from the Company. Limited, shall ego 01 Iced. *tall agree with the corpuratI,m ,1 the
page the food bons? and t.erw.l a monthly average the til forty berm-
_-___ _,_ sauce of power. At the town o[ Niagara. tinea, mid in the event of the said number of Tt,wn d .°derrh t° bear a I the eaper,se
Stratford denies that it is afflicted with which is mite near the pant, power costs operatives failing and remaining below sa d num- in connect ton with the whruaton to the rate.
(lar Orr a penod;rol Ii nomas the eaempt,un from payers 01 this bylaw Tom'
diphtheria. Mack itch or the coxylies, de SI W1. a pec horsepower 314 per Year. At tantwn hereby panted t1.❑ carr kN ter Ywr 7. The benefit and adsantage of such ug ex
spite reports allot to have originated in Welland it costs 114.0(} at Hamilton in which default take. place, and tiro, 1>Ylaw r em ion ,rid d,hvemy .,l ekcfric oust. >�
914 W at (,all and Guelph 9- al, t Ids d n which delimit
M71 enure to the sucoeaow and •s,gru,
(.1 be led p bylaw to be partied
the said The Culer
h Salt Lo
a period d ten ,ears cownmerrmR with the brit
s .coders of p 5w'er in Ontario. the largest I rhe said C.rmpany and such other pronouns for
Niagara ' I„ the due protection po
rid I Canada it c
Januar Y. 1tur of the 1.r rattan of the said plant hong at nagged; a t t. M a 1.I per rid of the continence throng Town re Goderlch r to its Solicitor may seem
(Lyn gives us 111! t illustration 'put th wiA per rid of the said errmlHum iron tMelmafy .�
'�. a regards the urn s1., Year i . m. S
IOI,n and GuddflCh. occur, may repea y a J
(,oderich 943.W. and at Tavistock beim' . b tae counai M the Town of Goderich w, tout pant. Limited. during end term. but subject al
This is the first we have heardiP wh ch is the highest once at suhmuswn u, Int raiepar and m t rem ways
5d 1.r Mall Ia.:onte asst d the conditions a stipulations herein
tri,. b law had Il some measure, a cows-, t Pin fuse 1. -en "led' X Thin bylaw Mall take effect oo the day of C
_ - will depend uponthe amount of power s Thr ,std Tor Isckson M 1 Co- t I page tine eM
d h present being Y rd ha son the W the performance by 1.,d s00llS 4r. ,x =
h $ t id full mYrnMlpal tsar. f x sand
Ye g.. rid
ford • . mentioned in connection with
bra- pa o( payable to the a.m. manner..,( Y contained
Voting took place in the Old Country
elections on Saturday. but the results
will not be known until December 2tuh,
the interval being occupied with the take
ing of the soldiers' vote. It is taken for
granted that the coalition Government
under Lloyd,���George will be returned with -Farmers want it for lighting (heir houses
a large inij Y• -- - • +and barns. and -for operating (rani -grind•
• ers„root-pulpers. churns. etc.: and the
It is rumored that more hereditary largest mills and factories want it tor
light and power.
peerages are to be bestowed upon Cana- 1t sill be seen at once that develop-
dians. in spite of the protest of Parliament ment of the water powers by the Com -
at the last session. One of those rnen- I mission and mills of mean all kindsrinration of
yted ( thisdistinction is none other f) td that the
e anti acturin[ he fine ,n r .
used. or the nearness of the municipa h at pany. L,mted, shall enter into an agreernMt k1. Provisionally passe at the count* chambers 01
to other municipalities which are using writing .,tri the cm (wratiron of the T mat al saw
the Towns of (,ockrich this loth day; .f December.
power. but distance from the source of C,Nkrich server's to rms. provenons gad tits.
atipalahoww d the bola«. and ileo agreeing to L L KNOX. S
plower IS the main factor in determining give ,t, consent m «nun[ moan request t° any E. . tYtGLE
similar industry being granted a by way of
power is the cheapest and most Nous or enemy am from tuataras tor the forpoe•
19,61`,,d' til the To«not Guder,ch muting the rid
Mayor. Clerk.
TAKa Nm sg that the above ,+ a true copy of 1.
reliable poser that can be used In this M Ire yesr' of the ee hylaswinch 591 the resent a the assent
Province, and it is wanted everywhere.. W the electors brig nbwftM m'ete'r wall be Go-•
Y I. The ver 1 the doctors of the said town of taken into ea,s,der•,Iwn by the municipal council
will he he pollo ..n this bylaw on the day of the 1 own 04 Guderah. alter the expiration of
el,for taking the e, the anneal mumctp,. one month from the dale til the first publication
e6 ,1.,05 rt the acme 0me and (44ateaartd brlare
la The
do or is initc of the oaterpowers, a
than Sir Joseph Flavelle, of bacon fame. rest of the Province wall be robbed in
1f the rumor is confirmed there will be a favor of these favored localities. Estab-
noise that will tt unpleasantly heard in i 'fishedrom tbe
factorieses oer will buy poser f but will
Downing street. alwaysbe t a disadvantage as compared
Sir Wilfrid Laurier has been denounced
for speaking of the Germans. in a recent
address. as "one of the noblest peoples in
the world." In some quarters the speech
seemed to be regarded almost as a capital
offence. It is now pointed out that the
verbatim report of Sir W it rid's address
shows that what he said was that before
the war the Germans were regarded all and foundries at a disadvantage. I voting.
one of the noblest races in The outcome o i� sl
you can bet the same old story will still nand that Hydro power be supplied to I tlr electors will be `ase" on the said protaked
at the Sano � bylaw, oft the !rami day a he M the elector.
Wr election of the municipal councillors.
CO8 ,f•lv, and Mtorl the .Lime deputy -r. -turning fi.e-
This will not at first seerisa reasonable'1 ort . ane ane pee a: dads.
request, but when we consider that the I On Smlurd.y, the nth der ofJ ^sat r I.1*• ors
Province as a whole finances the develop- • mon::
ayo or the +aid Town M (oderich .hall atteIre
ment of user and the install *ion of syn- at the council chambers W the aid Town at tee
• 1 k the Ione Won to appoint persons to
Godrrtrh Star the date0) which
ole same deputy recur no officers.
The ad The Jackson Manulactunrhg Com-
puM,catiort was Friday. the 13th day oft Dean
bre. IYI�.
pent. Limited. *41.44 agree' with the cupric at ion of �.r'
the Town of (,.derich to bear all expense in con- AND Minna under the 1provisionssoth ( elle. ebalderal E
*tenon with the submission to the ralepoyen d •
Act. section .fir, S S. Y, are moored ten days be-
lhu hylbw. ng` to file
Thor bylaw shall fake effect on the day til the d cls of voting
ooh soar statutory
h r•r
nal pasmg 44.14001. names ,ll 1:-K appear on the'votrn' hat Int wch
Provuwnelly paarA at the council chambers vWrng.
the Tuan of (odench this loth day til em
en 013
opened =
L. Ctlaek KNOX. - E K W I Igroe 1 bylaw alt the ters s me dll be ay as the the
of he eke
__ • liars for tbt election of the municipa counc,lkr*.
gamely, on Monday. the •th day of January.
Tore Homes that the above ,r a true cApr of a ' hitt, mrd belere the same depoly-returning offha
int a even u at the same polling paces.
AND FURTHER TAKE Ntrrlla that the soles uI
Beautiful garments at rices which will appeal to you. They are
splendidly tailor-made, well lined and.of best make of plushes. Different
styles to choose from. Sizes 38 to 44.
At each $30, $35 and $40.
Kid Gloves
Perrin's famous Kid Gloves, blacks,
tans and white. with two (ancy dome
fasteners. Special pir pair $2.00
Black Suede Kid Gloves $22
Women's Tined Kid Gloves, in tans,
two dome fasteners, At per pair .$2.50
Men's heavy cape Kid Gloves, two
heavy dome fastners, fine wool -lined.
Tans, greys. At per pair $2•SI
Silk Waists
Many styles in this week, in Crepe,
Georgette, Wash Silks and Voiles.
Dainty and exquisitely made. Blacks,
colors and white. Sizes 34 to 44.
Each $3. $4, $5
Never before such a pleasing choice.
Fox, Lynx, Wolf, Sable, Coon and
Mink. Stole or scarf and muff. At
per set $15, $22, $30, $40, $50, $75.
$80 and up.
Silk Stockings
Sizes 8 y; w 10, black, grey, tan or
white heavy Silk Hose, 3 -ply heels
and toes, garter top of deep lisle.
At per pair
Hundreds ot dozens
Linen Handkerchiefs
Men's pure linen hemstitched Hand-
kerchiefs. with initials hand -ern -
Men's Fur Coats
Black Dog. Sitka Beaver or Alaska
Beaver Coats for men. The skins
are selected and we can buy none
better. Linings of heavy farmers'
tiatin.Cuffsin sleeves,
Dozens to select from. All sizes
42 to 50• Price, special • • • . • • • • $35
Mensa No. 1 Muskrat -lined Coats,
Otter collar. shell of No. Ie English
Beaver cloth. Each $151•%
broidered very daintily in corner,
all initials. Each 40c and 50c
Ladies fancy pure linen Handker-
chiefs. an almost bewildering choice.
At each 20c, �, 3k* 50c
shields etc.
muuununnnmm�unmimnmmimnmmIuuuuumnu iWUMIInuunuuiunnM111unmuu�uniUMIN
a ,n
th a competitor cleft to the (rower
proposed boom •niers h m t me assent
I of the, ek:un being obtained thereto will be Ori Saturday. the uh day of JanuarY. 1311'. so the
It is said that the Wingham stove taken unto it1 or borne satA mbar dl (f Janh shall ante e
or the rown:of G•dench, after the ew,ration of at t ouncd cbamhen u( Iheesatd titan at ten
found° wants more electric power from 'one Ironth from the date 0( the hO,(�puNicaIion o'clock in the forenoon to appoint prrwns •tf
ittown than It 1$ now getting and that thereof sa The (. dh ,c itgnil I li da yfol ti t the heal summing p o he 7
t II be seriously handicapped a it can
plan. k t conederanon by (tie thereto
tend at the various polling dare. aforesaid a
p11101CalNm ser sir 1.Y. - a I t ewes h the Clerk
1 M'1 se `ember "t".'on belts" eA the prim.. tnterestcd in and pre,
n the pasa,nL til the sasdpo.
not get it. 14 has to compete lllh other I AND INDTlaa soma that all leasehold- of opposing foundries at Niagara and Welland and ars gelrhed order the pnrvitNrrns t the Mumu I j,1. T r e,ode
rich Mall attend at his °Inc'e on the 1 own Hall at
clock in the tremor) ,n on Tuesday.
G 1 11 flim has not Htdro power. Act reit'•«'*.' S S..f. *re requred ten lay. be
posed by w respectively.
The Clerk of the council of the owno
Iraq 1 fare the day til ,-,,,ns to ale wntt mor a stautoey
- d. t
but even I( it ad its Iatan:e from
any ;decimation of qua ,ticartons. others * their
Hydro development w'(Nl;d put its mill
names .1441 not appear on the voters' list for such
the world.But t 1 this situation 1s a de- A D FURTHER TARR ' 0Tl0a that the votes d
r votes
coop up wherever it can be sprung to the all [parts of the Provincethe ale
fumel el Monday. the (• day of ncill rs.
injury of' the Liberal chief.
Tuesday was the anniversary of the
Saturn of She au,caled Union Government po quite so unreason- o c « m
to power at Ottawa. and Sir Thomas , tems it does no, appearattend at thr,variorf. Mlltn[ daces a(orea.d. and
White, who is acting as Prime Minister in I able. For example. WIngham. Lucknow et the haat wmmmg 5p of (he 00(14. nr the Ckrk
and other trio'°. dlsta^t (rum a good t m upth. ate.• n( �ii tM y
the absence of Sir Robert Borden over ;source of power can hardly be expected rtaw. hessiitivelr
pro -
The Clerk of the Council of the Tow of C,de
*tat len °'cle f In the forenoon on Tuesday the
n u I91v to sum up the number
s lot and atnst t r,
which gave* hem dear user as con Goileficn. December
loaded franchise is a stand- pared aith what others near the source of _i
p an of dev'ebp
gees, issued a statement detailing the wnungo w Jtw„
alleged benehts which the Government I relent which means that they shalthat
lose I,
eh shall attend at his office (,n the Town Hall
Inc country. The 1 the industries
Ihes have.
et a th day of a u Y
present scheme means 1 ' the d proposed bylaw
has conferred upon
statement is not a formidable document. It means. too. that the farmers n( one Iwo vote K L. L. KNOX,
t is noteworthy for what it omits. I township shalt help to finpponce a scheme Clem
12th, 1441$.
namely. that the Government eletttd a
ust what the
year ago oma I power get.
trig denial of democratic government in We understand that Mr. Fraser, who
Canada. ane: that. instead of being a' was elected the other day in North Hur-
"union" Government, it has introduced I on. is advocating equalization of charges
I for Hydro
elements of disunion among the people of doubt will �l a Targe folllowineno
this country that it will take a generation _ _______
or two to get rid of.RECOMMENDS THEM TO Alit.---
_ t.
With regard to municipal affairs. the
people of•a town can be classified about
' New Brunswick Lady Tells of Dodd's
as follows:
(1) The man who criticizes the conn -1
Kidney Pills.
til from first to last. but refuses to help II aladran• Gloucester Co.. N. 11., Dec.
make things better by taking a seat in 16 (Special)-"Dodd's Kidney Pills re
the council himself. �the best medicine 1 have ever taken."
(21 The man who gives the council a These are the words of Mrd. Antoine J.
reasonable Supp rt throughout the year. (;rant. a well-known and highly respected
BYLAW NO. 25, OF 1918. OF THE
r the 7U,
tin o'
day of Janwry. IYIv, w sum up the mbar °1
volas for and against the proposedbylaw.
Town Clerk.
Gtaaericb. December 1-21)5, 1314.
Rebellions Sons.
The King of Roumania was re-
cently reported to have condemned
his son. the Crown Prince, to seventy -
ave days' imprisonment on account
board of directors who shall truly repre-
sent the different Provinces in which the
Bank does business.
in carrying out this policy it is an-
nounced that Mr. Stanley Elkin. of St.
John. N. B.. has been added to the direc-
torate. Mr. Elkin is one of the outstand-
ing figures in the business life of the
Maritime Provinces. Ik is president of
The Maritime Nail Company. L.mited.
president of Idolise Car and Equipment
Company. Limited. and connected with
many other enterprises in New Brunswick.
He is also a member of the Dominion
Parliament from St. John.
Mr. Elkin repr1aents the extreme East.
I)ust as the appointme it of Mr. W. M.
I Malkin of British Columbia represents
the estreme West of the board of the
f Union Bank, and enables this growing
institution to give a still more thorough
service to its clients through its branches.
which now total more titan 100 in the
East and 200 in the West,
of a little affair of the hart and a •
marriage outside the ring of royal � • •
ane mans It the story be true the; • O •
Roumanian monarch and his son . aAn ss
• have merely added a new chapter to •
an old story and a long story. I •
Kings and their heirs have often •
showy* V.
ws tendency to deter, Henry • Solid Foundation
II. had a rebellious brood of sons.
Henry wag a wild and naughty
prince In his youth; the heir to the : -
tprone in Hanoverian days was
usually on the worst terms with his •
father. Russia has always been a
land of extremes. and in Russia this
little tale of disagreement between di
the royal rather and tha princely
son was carried to its fullest extent. •
Peter the Great executed his own son. •
But Peter Was probably a Bolshevist
at heart; he believed In sentences of MP
death as the cure for most of the
w.....S by Bylaw No. 18 of 1441s, which tea troubles of life. -Tit -alts.
duly submitted to and rem vet/ the assent of a
majority of the ratepayers and was finally permed
on the lath day of June. 14416, the corporation M Gathering Beechnwta la Bwltzer'lan,l. •
the Toledo! Goderach granted to the North Amer. The Centre) Control of Greases .
scan Chemical Company. Li mned.e pr ion from
n lath* organized last autumn the gatherings
midi g except for school (rias, u the
t. r •
Awld,np and plant of the said Company. ani ' Of beechnuts, says the Tribune de
although he declines to be a candidate. lady who lives here. any improvements or additions for Geneva. The gathering of nuts was
(3) The man who has the municipal MIs. Grant was a sufferer for one and a period of ten years Irom and including the year made thereto f
"twee in his bonnet" and is a perennial a -hal( years She was troubled with• l term. and e°i,e nom sridt«in in :.,e oyyull . and e
hpon the • d direction of orestl(authoridren ties.
by the school chuer
dad also agr a to furnish said Compsny/withtier• From Iheae Huta they were able 10
irk power up to the amount of ewe ve f *power prepare 1,100,000 pounds Of edible
per mor l h tree of charge
candidate. neuralgia, pain in the bac , and palplta
14) The man who would like to be a l tion of the heart and had a pressure or
candidate but wants to be coaxed. I sharp pain in the t•'p of her head.
(5) The man who is willing to take a She took just (out boxes of Lodd's
seat at the council if the electors really Kidney Pills, and they did her so much
want him and think he can give them good she is enthusiastic in their praises. "1
good service. have also given t)odd's Kidney Pills to
(6) The man who doesn't pay any my child and ( find they are the best
attention whatever to municipal affairs - remedy for the kidneys. 1 recommend
except. perhaps. when he pays his taxes them to all the world." •
or wants a SW, walk on his sheet, 1( you haven't used fkldd's Kidney
(7) ' The man who kooks up to a tenni i Pills, ask your neighbors about them.
councillor as a sort of deity, takes off his
hat to a member of the council whenever
to meets himand considers it Racril LANES.
1 (.aderich, u
W . Lane and Wm. Baldwin attended ' The Nath American Chemical Company. Lim-
end .rat n! the
I - ndlelao , to extend
Frank Scott is holding an auction sale I auoper *noes by boring new well sod establishing
of standing timber on Tuesday• further salt pans by means of whirr the output M '
«Miss )osephme McAllister, of St. Au 11saelr of n e. m' d sea : e a'io"d and the "°m-
gustine, spent a few days at 11LP Hogan'.. Asro W the said The ('.oderich - alt cos.
Much s
cdb the corporation t
Johnston. Jr.. who died at Loxhdon hon
December 7th after a lingering illness.
Her husband and baby predeceased her last
spring. Mrf. Johnston. who was formerly'
M' Donald*" Mct:reight of Huron 1 " . N,tgREA„t is deemed expedient m grin(
for any person to criticize the doings of
the council.
(We put in this last to make the seven;
there isn't any such kind of man nowa-
Where do you classify, dear reader?
Goderich township will vote on muni•
cipal election day on a proposal to elect
the council for a twoyepr term. The
argument hr the change is that it takes a
new councillor a year to become accus-
tomed to the work of the council and it is
only after this fit* year that he can give
really good service to the municipality
There s arxxhrr vide to it, however. The
township ran hive two-year councils)
under the present system. simply by re-
electing the council by acclamation every
alternate year: and there is this derided
advantage un.ler the present system, that
if by accident an unfit iron gets into the
council the eiect,rs have only to wait
until the end of tete year to dispose of
him. in fact. the effect of the passing of
the two-year proposal will only be to tie
the hands rt( the *Stoners bind to lessee
their (moral of their 'municipal *Mara
Farther, am believe the clttnlge would tend
AM/ WrIAXPEAA the said the North American oil.
Chemical Company. Limited. performed the The long and white almond con -
conditions precedent provided for by and bylaw. ,tamed Id the beechnut has tante
•hereby n became ant a much like that Of hata.
raid period of ten years furnishes a flour which may be con
tl-d to gad received
the It
.4d granted by rid bylaw fora putwn of the very -
Awn W the sato The North American Yerted Into bread. and a soft oil which
Chemical Co,. Limited. thed,ligone
ne ligroin or has
has the advantage of not becoming
and in the course (herrn( the liquidator Me sold
and conveyed to The Grdereh salt Com ray. rancid.
American Chemical Company Ltmued, a as
• cit Y
L.mrted, all the situ of the said The nth
going concern
foto W ss the said The Goderich Salt
Compady, Limitedpro;wrs to carry on the
Prosiness of manufacturing salt in the Town
(ormrrl conducted by the said
MONDAY, Dec. 16,
m ntA upow the lands, memos* d
the (ileiph fat Mock show. s • ad former Company. • propose*
f mpathy is extended to the se- I pan .Lamated. has requested the mwnica al coun-
jstives and friends of the late Mrs John ^( the Town °( ("r cit to
• *,Arno a bylaw to the ratepayers of the said town .
aulhnrinng the rxtendlnt, for the balance I the
ori •
heh,'Salnal tom of ten Company.y. L mited. rad
The ile e-
pr.vik es
ranted to the North Amevican Chemical C
ny,,ted, by rid bylaw No. 19 id IPI ).
Miss , No
township. (eaves two in ant children. a , the mid ad and to mend the unenp,red portrait
boy and a girl. who will make their home o' the °'- V al term M ten years to the said The
Gowknch .' Il Company. l.imated.
with their aunt. Mrs. Mc. omell. place
Tttrttlor. the munkipal council m thus coaiww
Hnron The funeral, which took place ,igen of the Town of Goxlench enactanlMlmrs
( the Mrn1e of Wm Johnston rot 1 Thr lands. buildings sed dant rOfmerly
al4041 l Company, Limited. • sten t upon pert
d Id 1'J awres81011 •'A.'• In the Town M Ckele-
rich shad he and are hereby declared to 1r es•
emm born municipal taxation Ire all parpraee•
except school taws. for • p'ro'd of *even years
from and inrtudifng the year beginning
gay M Isnuaryy. 1915. pov'Aed the
Ged.rrh salt Company. Limited. .hail 055 et
before sand date have acquire and he ,n operation
m and •m, tad
serer tuts,. would he 2 1.2 inches. vide alae the, there Mall he upon said dare and
commensal! nsal! ,heresitet ,firing said period ea -
ain't"' In and about said plant workmen to UM
n mho d * Meastorty
Lofty tri ee and operated by The North Am.r,ean
Lucknow•, to Green Hill cemetery, was
largely attended.
Rolfe of Bober Days.
"How long will my steak be. waiter?':
"Ah at six inches. Mr."
We like to read over this old joke; it,
recalls such pleasant metrtnriew-the an- of the laid lands, (inkl n d 1.o•
Hoer to Get Thew*.
Stye -How shalt 1 go to work to become
a star'
He (:et the reviewers to (raise you to
the skies.
2. Hy war r.1 curler aha In the said The
Cafrrrh Salt Comppaenny. Limited, the said the
trt*tam otf the Tows of oder4ch shall lit a
p=al row fears eommeneing fermi the first
day of Jimmy. TMs, deliver. or ave to Ix de -
The French T8'n.
There la no known 76 -centimetre
gun. If there were Its bore would bs
more than 29 Inches. The famous
French 75 -millimetre gun has a bore
a little lean In size than the Ameri-
can 3 -Inch field gun, being appeoxl-
mately 2.96275 Inches; the German
77-mtlllwletre Is a little larger than
the American, being approximately
3.03149 Inches.
('harlged Name of Dynasty.
On July 17, 1917. ging George an-
nounced to the Privy rouncil the new
name of the Royal House and family
to be "the House of Windsor." The
council unanimously indorsed the an-
nouncement and the proelamat(oa
putting it Into effect wit published
the wine day.
• 11. • ••••
• . Fair Prices •
• •e a •
• 'Constant Supply, �i •
• Extensive Variety •
• Careful •.Selection ••
• Prompt Attention r •
• • U ni.form. treatment •
• Absolute Deli ability •
• a,
• •
&Son•• James Lloyd•
•• WHO ,.
., 1 » - t 7 9)41 $ r, .1-! o
P r..
1111K1U*a111 f 1 11111**X1NMI(
On Directorate of Union bank.
The Union Bank of Canada has been
very happy in the choi a of the gentlemen
who hive been asked to join the heard of
director., and much of the rapid gmwth
of this "Pioneer Hank of Western Can-
ada" has beer due to the plhhlic opn-
lkt nee inspired by thine rem) ming the
digectoeste as math as to the wise and
efficient management of the officials.
h has been the policy of the Union
Ban) ,o have representative omen on the