HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-12-19, Page 1oliteggr- e A CALENDAR with each Paid -in -ad- vance Subscription to The Signal for 1919 FOUR SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS r SEVENZY-FIRST YEAR -No 1744 04O1)ER1€ H, ONTARIO, 151IRSIM Ya DEC. 19 1918 THE SIGNAL FRIA INC: CO., LIMITED. Pvimieaaa THE STERLINt1NK OF CANADA <G,, 4pv h` s:4 eb, SAVE, Because - A savings account is a siga•board to happiness. PP . / FOR SALE OR RUT. FOR SALE.- FRAME COTTAGE, 114 seed Nate d repair; also lot adjoining. Ap ry to MK. F. Wont LCOMBEE altar Arose . OR SALE. -SOLID BRICK HOUSE wiry as ecumenicists", central locauns. Ad- B(,XrS. SIGNAL OFFICE. Coderieh. F ARMS FOR SALE. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO BUY A GOOD FARM. 140 saes of chows lend Whin a tattae awd a -ME M we of tote beat vdlags in Huron. on lineal C. P. IR Geed chinches,echsd and asarktL The hes ism proper condition: good bueldlaa Iasis and water; to Tact. this s a real farm TM premium owner has made money on ,t, and is rs• terteg, baying no help. Price 11,440; removable. tares. AUCTION 3AL1ts. IMPORTANT EXECUTOR'S SALE by auction of GOD/MCA ■4Ntrat.CI Aro eitcomTIES or TAIL LAT1 MISS ISABELLA H. 1(EYNETT. BUSY SCENES • AT THE HARBOR. • The Canada Trust Coyasy, [asoma of the estate. Ms instructed Theage• Gundry. am. Imam. to oder foe rale he esltsti4., De SAl UOO)AY. 21st DIICIMIXIMIL ,444. es 12 o'clock noon. at We feensgos corner of Victoria sad St David's ate o (,e/erab, a, two the slowing degas ie rssideatml proper - or Parcel 1. late re, tpo., 4 MIs. Reynett, Mt I. corner d Vicuna sad$.. David's street ISoderlck. This is orae of the most attractive bels built ea in G•'etrrwh, vert r imma- turity intuited one Mock...et throe centre of the town and in ■ One rendesti4y It =alms ■large dreamneruons large 4 1l **orn, five Ord_ twos. clothes clouts s1.wM.wnt, k,tcben, ws. staliacres with good Madden 100 acres eplMdM asst ktichee. w��dSlted• ■W, lor4s cellar. At the o. l• Oayorr pester..nod timber. I have 1Mst to % net d the yt• w%rh 4ss,p•gp Met o. e - bs term, but 1 as told s t n good let�wserr�� Volute, d an one. there re • heals RRorebnase. way: a within two stales 0L,omrket awl tasp.t. Pared 2. House and lot� }}�1aa 7'c car rtaf W aced i adored 144ask s owner'■ son. an ossa. Vectra and PersI,aoi. Dimly, Thi dueling seas. Pr,cs WON, on stalactry terms W recently bee. Uo o.4hly overhauled and re, egg was. bisi d land .nd b.Idrng•. writ.. 1g ored. and s in perfect oedit✓• and rented for es a ('. lledrrwh Hs sows�s bees a a too.coeditor. Them Is a Large frame bre on this MD. Good rename for 44g o4�.•� Rice 2-91:Y" el will .els THOS. GUZ4 '. I by the le a■Ofart*dba,eerv.d bid Goderkh. mount y tledr{Iut to amitoe . these apply tottlleta•d4 lei leather maculae rosy d r RENT. -OFFICE AND FIVE- . tAe THOMAS GUN DRY, IWOM t in nocn.ctaa therewith. C MEAGER. to M. K. KY LY. Aya�cltloo 'Leet e, G derich. asdtrM�k lidec-ttr for lbw [lyceum. SALE -RED BRICK HOL THE CANADA TRUfeT CQL�a�PjAoNnr, retch ell conveniences Apply W. A, GTaI i se.B jaar. M. Tredislgr serest r•!1 Whiter Fleet Has Largest Tentage In History of abet Bort. \ Gcderich harbor this winter will ac- commodate the largest vessel tonnage ever assembled at this port. No fewer Than nine large freighters have arrived during the past ten days, and the har- bor front has been a scene of great acti- vity while lie crews have been gelling the veaaels tucked away in their winter quarter. As one of the master mariners re- marked to The Signal the other day. Goderich harbor is almost the last one of any consequence on the lakes to be frozen up and the first one to open in the spring. Whole the er still retards nevi - DARDS OF TRANS,. • LTAKE THIS MEANS OF THANK. INC neghboes and Intend, for their many emma to my late wit. dor eta flee lona illness; part Warty the matron and nurses of Alexandra ao.pttal; also tb_ Nan o1 theaNat.onal Slupbu,14 mit Co. lot their &. al tribute. and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stowe lor the use u their hom ler tbe Matra[. 1 am aracetul for these and other kind - end 'rah W eipre.e toy sincere thanks f r rat PUBLIC NOTICE. TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNF. Nominations for Reeve and four Cor• cilkrs tor the Township of Colborne the coming year will be received at tbs !Township Hall. Carlow. on MONDAY. DECEMBER 30, 1919, at 1 o'clock p. in. R. McILWAIN, Clerk. I `I HEARS. SCISSORS. CLIPPERS AND 1) KNIVES of all kinds sharpened by socia., I All work guaranteed. W. (,. LCMBY, SL DevW' street, or at West street Barter Shop, NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. ir Warninit A lie7a•bs.glven that t•••••••••• vtraYag r othe0won tre.p0 s.n ou ur pr ppttoreut.d according to law. BIS ErTy6 idtlord Hearts. air i,R. F. J. R. FORSTER. A g 11 EYE EAR NOSE T --M - s roli.,,Yi1' LA -11 HRO �bCibt'for AT. PIE SIGMA L '� wis its readers a happy Christmas oleo in Laker ran and Lake Erie, Ich harbor rand barge its winter et�ready kir bu The excellent railway and elevator fa ties of the port beve made it one O( the man important points un the Great Lakes for the trans-' shipment of gain. I l� ppddddi�tkn to hand- I ling export grain, Go ie is the port j through which Wenno Ontario minters reo•tve their supplies pf Western wheat foe grinding, and the business of tran• i shipping hag assumed posportilns un- dreamed of not an many ;'ears ago. Some of the vessels now laid up here are hold,ng their careers in storage. to I be unle aded during �Ae wonler as con- venient The tollowipg is ■ hst of the jvrasels, with their owners, their captains and the amount and disposition ut t Eargoe:: $tr. Martian Steamship Ca, • R. McIntyre *)O,IU) buabda.. unloaded. Str. Home Rm1th4-Algunta central. Capt. A. McIntyre este:iIAl bushels, margo attired. Sir. Central W :leveland Cliff Iron Co., Cart. P..Rouvul; 401),1410 bushels, cargo storied. Rtr. M kllaad Krieg- Canada t4teatu. ship Co., taps. A. le. lecLannan; Y1A),IAN) bushels, cargo stored. Str. Aga wrAlgopia Central, ('apt. 1. W. Moutgo.aery; 7(41,144) hnsbela. cargo Stored. Ste-. look -Canada Moo is:041 p Co. emit. 0. M. Wing; 50,000 bushels, nay laded. titr. Bickenllke-Canada • Stesmabip Co., Capt. Y. H. Johnstuu; dU13M1 bushels, unloaded. Sir. Negauaes-Cleveland Cliff Iron Co., ( apt. W. Y. )loiri.on; 1100,000 bushels, cargo ..S.4. tier. Charlotte Gravereet Morrow 8teamehl0 1'a.. ry Mechanse::7U0, ba Oraplay rod . • h nod A urn aL messtant u Sooread/Ir� heloses Slew York t era EZe Hospital end Golden Svrmrr ThomeHsa- w ANTED. U1 ANTED. -C G K E R A L, oma` tgaZi =AEU; i D d goer et. BO9wELly RF1D. Pato. street. WAN TED.--IMMEi .IATELY. WOOD WOK K INC mutiny hand. SCHULTE BROTHERS CO.. LIMITED, Brantford 4.41 WANTED. -TEACHER OR school seet.nn No 9, Colborne township; second clan prefeswnal Aoply.-suting r1uy, to HORACE HORTON. Goderich R. R. Nu 3. Deters toerommeaee January ti, 1419- 44.44 GIRLS WANTED. -FOR T H E xmaking of light rubbers. Piecework Pay le lermng Euchre. wages and steady em- ployment. Fell pert,cslers on emotivity. KAUFMAN RUBBER 00.. Limited. Kitchener, Ont. 11.11 TROUBLE MAN WANTED.- APPLY. statenngg ale, egpefi�nce and s W to the 00D RICH KUR.sL TELEPHONE COM- 441iY. Limited, Dungannon. s•GIRLS WAM ED. -APPLY THE , 000ratca avantNGCO. 10-tt • II1HE OLD -ESTABLISHED FiRM OF 1 COMM Broa hes several -vtpneies for en- isrmis se leen to rt as agents for their well - sown nursery stork during the winter monlM. iberd rommnmrm and tree (mtfits. Write CAVERN BROS , R. R. No. I, Fruitland. (hot. 22 MUslc. FREDERIC T. EGENER, MUS. BAC. Senior Singing Honor Diploma. Tor- onto University. Organist and Choirmaster Knox Church. INSTRUCTION IN VOICE CULTURE. SINGING, PIPE ORGAN, PIANOFORTE. THEORY. ETC. Pupils prepared for any examination and for church positions. Special rates for children. e Telephone 212 Studio over Dunlop's Drug Store. CAST OR FOUND. - 1TRAYED FROM MY PREMi on the 27th of November, a red ■tees, r tun years. Anyone who , an give •ny in(nr1M• tion se 10 de whereabouts please call up 1104. Gin BRINLEY, Shrppnrdlon, 'TN THE TOWN OFGOti®tItal. d Under and by virtue of the powers of rale orllaioed in three mdrtgages Mid by the vendor, there will be offered for sale by public auction, at the BRITISH EXCHANGE H,JTEL, in the Town dl Goderich, on TUESDAY. the 31st day atDECEM- 01rk, A. D. lila. a. at two o'clock in the afternoon, the fol- lowing freehold propert y, namely: All and singular lot rutin* number one hundred and twenty-one 112,1) at the corner of South street and the legume, in the town of Goderich, m the a311mnf of Huron, being known as the flcilsh Ex- change Hotel Upon this property is erected (he lead- ing commercial ftotll in the town of Gode. rich, which has corned on busioesa for the past thirty years. Thete Is a three- story brick building containing forty-four Cmss, foto sample rooms, a large dining - m. office, bar. etc.. and the building is in a goad state of repent. TEAMS OF SALE. -The property will be sold subject to a reslrvtd bid Ten per cent. of the purchase money shall be paid to the vendor on the day of sale and the balance of the purchase money within thirty days thereafter. when a cdtfvey- once of the land *11 be made and posses- sion given. For further particulars apply to L( FTUS E. DANCEY. Vendor's Solicitor, Goderich, Ont. Dated December 166, 191,x. FOR SALE. ' FOR SALE -FORD TOURING CAR, i` run two anaMilk; owner Rein* Milk ire teen at JOHNLEVY'S, Carl PUREBRED STOCK FOR SALE.- [ have for sale four purebred shorthorn hulls a -two nine month old and 1wn thirteen months old. JAMES CHISHOLM. Telephone Dungan- non 31 is. R. R. No. t. Goderich. 25-t( STORM WINDOWS FOR SALE. Ont our price list showing cost of windows Oggcomplete, any sive. HALLIDAY COM- , BOX 41. Hamilton. • - 411-q THE CANADIAN BANK OFC • ERCE MR lDF1lJPD WALIOER C.V.O. LLD- D.C.L. Peesider. SR JOHN AMD. CiesrslMens r H. V. F. JONES. An't Gent Menem, CAPITAL PAID UP. $15,000,000 ReseRve FUND. • $13.500.000 SAFETY FOR SAVINGS F,ew people are sufficiently alive to the need of carefully selecting a deposi- tory for their savings. This Bank pro- vides a safe place for you. Goderich Blanch -G. WILLIAMS, Mans ii,, OaIrmerino St. J.. Stratford. Telephone A7. At Bedford Hotel, Cotters 11, w'edne.da Y. January U, lr.m 7 p, m.. to Thursday, January Nob. at 1 p. s. To give some irk i qJ the amount a mortify represented (.hilae ltr4in flood ins outfit at the harbor, the following figure are given: Nine brats, av(rage value 8500.00) 1' 4500 000 Value of cargoes, 1,525,000 bus., at 12.25 3,431 250 VOTERS' LiST COURT EF RE- Grain in elevators, 1.500,000 VISION bushels. 3,33075,000 ---- Value of elevator and mill....._1,0,000 TOWN OF GODERICH. - - -- Nonce is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to the Ontario VoterL st Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Court 11 ruse, Goderich, on Tuesday, the 24th day of December, 191S, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, to hear and determine complaints of errors and (res- iseons in the voters' list of -the muni- cipality of the Town of Goderich for 1918. Dated at Goderich this 12th day of December, 1918. • L. L. KNOX, Clerk of Town of Guderich, a ,paaa,u ar-s PATRIOTIC DANCE under the Hmpi, e. .ef THE MAPLE LEAF ('H. PTEB • I.O.1).E. Friday Evenhig, December 37,, at 8.30 o'eloek. OM/FELLOWS' HALL Dame and Refnwhmenta •- ORCHESTRA . a The fitting out of the vessels in the spring will mean that a Targe amount. of money will be left in (eoderich. At a caneerva Iveest imate each vessel will leave on an average at least 12,000 with mer- chants and either-. Probably most. of the winter there will be work progressing aboard the vewsels which will giveemplgy- mens to quite a number of mechanics and artisan-. Therefore the more shipowners and shippers that can be impressed with the importance and advantages of the port of Goderich the larger will b•come her volume otrade and the larger will be. conkher winter fleet and the benefits that accrue therefrom. On Sunday morning last the steamer Ionic, the smallest of the nine vessels, was the last to arrive, and she ; ecrived 'a right myal welcome (ram the whistles of her larger sisters. As she slowly worked her way to the elevator it struck the ordinary onlooker as rather presumptuous that a wooden vessel of her description should out while the large steel freighters had finished the season's work. This, of course. is accounted for by the remark. ably mild weather which has prevait d to the present time. While navigation on the lakes has ceased, the weather is not unlike that of October, School of Commerce Opening in Goderich The School of Commerce, Clinton, Ont., willopen a branch school in Goderich, in the rooms over Sharman's Shoe Store, on January 6th, 1919 Prospective students may make arrange- 'ments to enter the classes by writing B. F. %Ward, Clinton, Ont., or Idling at the School of Commerce rooms, Goderich, on January 4th, from 11.30 to 2 p.m. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON, ONTARIO Phone 208 H. F. WARD, B.A„ M. Arms. M. A. STONE, Cont. Specialist. THE LADS IN KHAKI. F'row The New York Herald, I)► cemlwr 14; Wont has just been receiv- ed by his relatives Plat Mr. McKee Munn Morrhton, of .him elty, was killed In action September 2't. He enlister. In the 1117th Infantry, the old Seventh, and wet his eleath in its attack u{ou the Hfn4Iruburg line, He was the son of the late Captain ('harko 4', Mor- rbson, graduate of Wrest filed, end of the Ilnited Staten Ordnance, and a gralsba,u of the late William McKee Dinh, of Washington. foneserly Judge Advocate-(:crier:I, ['attest StaDM army. Surviving him is his mother. Men, Minute 11. Morrison. ilenaoe1 regret was expoeawrt when it lar•awr Iowan that air. MeKee M,,r- Omen, wt well kuoW 4 to (he people of hoderich, was numlarnrl amoug throe w110 have given their livers In the great cauao. A telegram w•aa reeeived by 144. A. Taylor on Saturday from New York, where Mrs. Morrison Is at pres- ent, and this was followed by a letter nteived this wewk, but to fustier par- ticulars are known Is•yoal what Is misted alseye, nor le there any exptau- at' of the long delay lir reeelvhig the news of the caatutlty. With his tnAtlter, the late 1,14Kee spent his Mummers regularly 1n Cdel1•- rich since he w•4M 11 )young boy, .411 1 "e had many friends, here anions; .1o11g anti old. After the outbreak •d 1144' war ht• nude rwreral atte11104 k( e•n'ist 111 4414' ('dIuellan army bat 0.441 rtyt.l- ed on physical grounds. Ile persisted. however, awl finally was enroiled -1.- private. private. In a New York regimen'. Tb.' fullowhig letter, [lent to Mr,. *Arisen' on the receipt Or rile rad 1.44,, by u relative, air. i,u'uier Mc- Kee. of N.w Yurk, will he :reed v 44 abireett►rirm by -tee- ousel o --oL cuUrg herr in oodre iii: - ' v. "[)ear Mrs. Storro.on. - The trues welled into my eyes when 1 tvarleed the news of the boy'te death, fur. like you, I had really counted on his pulls ing through. But with It all there comes s ter•liilg of grunt pride anal comfort, that hos .•4(1 Mhoytd he m) glorious a There are unsay mea. I am confident, of htwleh *1141 mea1M, with apparently everything to live for, who envy McKee his death - -n splen- did (191(411 In the nervier Of hbe country, 1n the servicer of mankind -killed 1. action In the memorable attack of the 107th Infantry on the. Hindenburg Ihw, a feat whk'h slready is teener hrriellle.I throughout the world, awl wIik') 1 believe will lw ..m' of the military chistd:M-,of history, eertalnly 1n that of the' Putted States. And, after all, a man's s U.4Ms In this life Is linked with the death he .111•*, the Impel -melon he !payee w•Iwu he is gore. And what u splendid Iwritnge McKee hits left. He ham indent more than Justlfed his life and wade his family HIMI friends proud Hud grateful for the. honor he lues conft'rrcd upon then. He IM 114'm'rv10g Of far more credit' than 411e average puddler who enlister) with wound foal robust physique, (ou. (dent of x'1111 h4' could endure. afe- Kn' didn't know whether or liot he wap (41#401•NMI•1I of tenet':ant physical stamina, lent he was going to D•)•, end he kept res trying, .11.1 he triumphed with the sniff that wtlm In 111m. And r%4(%.' 4)4• has 1111114.11 nr•cl,'erl 111) '11011 - arable (11NchHrge.' Neter repromeh yourself for having urged him, ennnlr- agerl him, to get Into the service. !lard as it must WPM you never 11141 n filler thing ar nue• more generous, it seri the only thing to do. 011(1 motile day you w•I1I have comfort in the t ht 1 know how deeply t•on land to ober his services in the great battle for freedom. He was attached to the 230th Battalion and forwarded overseas. With a short training in England he was sent to Franceand was there cogtinuously until he was gassed to August last. He is at present staying with his sister, Mrs. Babb, East street. Pte. W. H. McGratten, son of Mrs. S. MCGratten, Bruce street, was a -member of the 161st Battalion and was transferred to the 50th Battalion for service in France. He was attached to the ,signal section and arrived in the front lines in April, 1912. He was severely wounded in the head and arrn at Amiens. Two brothers, Lorne and Ernest, served in the Canadian army in France and had previously returned to Canada. Pte. James Young is another 161st Battalion man who has born returned to Canada. In England he was transferred to the lath 13a talon, and went to France in February. 111x. In August he was wounded at Ameins. A brother, Pte. Benj. Young, of Krays street, is stall in active service. Pte. R. M. Bell mai a member of the machine-gun section of the 161st Battalion and in England was attached to the 7th Machine Gun Corps. He was wounded in the ankle at Passt•hendaele, but after a short time was returned to duty. Just after the last bar British offensive was started he ass sent to the hospital for further treatment and was ne"er returnecH to France. A brother, Wirt! id. a member of the same machine-gun corps, was killed in the same battle •as that in which his brother was wounded. Another brother, Victor, a member of the R. C. R., was taken prisoner on the S<cmme, and has lust been returned to England after spending t*o.years in Germany. He is at present in Kang George's ix,spital, Lon- don, and it is expected he wdl be returnee to Canada shortly. - Pte. W. Grindrod, who enlisted in the Huron Battalion, was drafted to the SKth Battalion in November. 14(16. At Vimy Ridge he was severely wounded and after his convalescence was given a position in the quartermaster's department. The Chrifitlan CtIAYdlan publishes the following with reference to a young man whose home was In Gude- rich while his falter, now deceased, was pastor of Victoria street Mctho- dt,ut dwn•I1. In Ile long IMIt of eaaualtles win- tallied owtalu.1 by the ('anadlln troops dnrhgt theft 14011111nM of Hoarier' Wood and e•ntrierwe into O'ambral, (MC of ('ani- slaws alas& 1111 newt enitgrerl Yonne Aare 110114' (41e Muprctw• sa,rriM-e un gMPt/•rslwr 1011th In thlr'Iwrw,n of Limit. De Leanne 7.11117,1-(1, sou of 1144• late Rev., le. 1C, )1111. aril, president of the Laisuten, ('allt4-r1.111,• ,it the time of Liget B, De Lenlme Mfllyard. his death. Ile graduated 41 arta from Toronto Cnirerslti, with homers, In t r spring of 11)15. I14' was highly gUted us a madden. nod am it pianist had few superiors. Shortly !after graduating, he enlisted w•ilh the 71111 4'nieersity Company. made up largely of students or graduates of various ('anudlan universlttew, and afterwards attached to the I'rilwess Ihltrk'i Ite'ginient. After a few mouths drill Ing In Montreal, he went (ve•rea, s early In 11)16. On arrival In England he took a special names. In mllltir' latwl 1111. nod 1 44(90• or him lice tar drill, andfor some mouths w• s retnls- yon. 1 hope that strength will he 44I In F:1g1*IRI to give Inotrootinsis in bayonet exercises. In 1114 (r4 gilg.ment in ''none be 05.1'4 severely wounded, and ons invalided home last winter. Ite(01rning again, he Joined him mailman 'u Yrs INV li September. Ht1ol It woe while Iwldlhg his rntapany given ylrn to enp1('"'4Iafety Ihrongh this hard and trying pia I, sl, *111.11 you cent hate p•a(w and c fort In the thought of what he proved himself to be and how rnticll you (ontributed toe; 'H rel the splendid 11•gaey. •' As fast Hs tninMprrto eHn III` prnvIel- 141 the ('H1111111H11 troops who were lo- cated In England est the signing of the nrmisllce are (wing returned to t'un- 11110. (luring the pais) few days ;rite ie number of toddlers hire orritnl in G1sl•rich ; in fact, on yl hey and 'r114'4111s)• of this week almost every train bronglit n few of i11ron're he'roc.. lock to their nen firesides. ThowP why rrhlrlu4l fhlN week were lies. W. 11. lIe4:rnttcn, Jam, Yntnlg, A. Me - Kenzie, 11'. (:. a;rin(1r1n1, ylnl•oln Mc- Leod, H. M. Heil, It. Meln'ul HMI It. FOW IPr. Pte. Alex. McKenzie, of Port Albert, who arrived home nn Monday last, was one of the "originals" who left Valcat tier with the first contingent. He wag a mem her of the 1st Brigade, C. F. A.. but was afterwards transferred to the 42 d High- landers. He was in all the principal engagements with the Canadians an In August was wounded in the arm at Amiens. Pte. Malcolm Melees[ left Goderich about twenty three years o4n and 191(1 found him a resident in Minnewna. hire many another Britisher in a foreign land. he wended his way back 10 kis native In the taking of ('awbrat thatt%�lw was killed. lie and Sergi Seifert, who were (seriatim, etillale.,I at the imine• time, alai spent wueh of the Hent year In w•rvice together, after which they were- separated till the last week In September, when they wet again m1 the field of battle. to lie united ha death. the one on the :74th atul t1w other ou 011e• :1(114) of that mouth, a rather remarkable culaa•Ieleuee. A brother officer who wan wounded In the same engagement, 111 wrItlag home. mid as they went over the top Lieut. alfllyard did so with it smile ou his fact.. Such heroism and ready sacrifice IM surely worthy of a crown of glory. Whether It was right to sink four 1.11I11111114 II div1111o1s to storm awl take the city of l'awtral, which was held by at least twin• the number of enemy for14M, thoroughly entrenched, Is a matter fur the future historian lir determine. The dash, hrruisw and (1/111111g.• of Canada's noble young wen ill IRS engagement has never b04 -u surpassed lir military warfare.. It woes quite on a peer with Ttvluysuu'a immortalized etarge of the light Bri- gade. Lieut. Mfllyard Is survived by four brothers. viz.. lire. J. E J. Mill - yard, of the London l'onferena e; 1)r. William Mlllyard, l'hh•ago; Malcolm S. *ltlyard, aee•tllwtallt, Toronto, and Ur. Willey Millyurd. recently of Grimsby. art[ n1FRS' MEMORIAL FUNU. A MOIfBTa OORTRIr1t'TED. Prt•riuua�lL_�rackoowledtud . $ 205 nil 'toy Rundles..,,,_ 0 7b (4) Roy Lloyd ..,, .. lir 01) E. G. Ceuta _ . . .... .... ..... 100 1'24100 W.1% MI Lean, treasurer. Try ){lacks( ''a for fresh maid seal oysters. PERFUMES 1N DAINTY ODORS. -Our tock contains the most exquisite odors in French and domestic makes. Odors as sweet and dainty as the flowers which they imitate. They are true floral extracts blended by the wetrld's best makers They may be hal in bulk and in beautiful gift packages. N e have a limited stock of Djerkisa and Soulkiss in bulk. E. R. Wigle. druggist, Goderich. Fresh homemade candy at 11. T. Edwards'. Take Monne home with you. ehr somas Signal for Overseas We have a number of extra copies of The l'hrtntmaa 81{p al left over. acrd will beg I to Mail theta too 1+oldk•ra oversiour l'thA VealiN_ eretowft1 hand na the seldn•nsra within Etre next hew days. If quality (stouts, use Hlyck.totw's delleions ler cream In bulk or bracts for all oeerssionts, ['hone 24(1, Elettricai Goods. Robert Tait, electrician, has a com- plete line of electrical supplies, tt which he calls atttn'ion in his ad. on page :5 of The Signal this week. Many of the articles m his stock would make suitable gifts for the holiday season. Mr. lent is an expert at his business and can give valuable information and ;ldvice to per- sons purchasing electrical equipment. there in at his place next the postoffiee and have a talk with him if you are inter- ested in electrical supplies. Snilship* In'stel'M, Hlways fresh, at Edwards'.Nhoue• _Mal_ BRUSHES. -There is nothing that makes more appropriate gifts than brushes. Our stock includes every kind of brush that druggists tall: Hair, hat. hand. nail, hath tooth. These may be had'In a variety of styles and prices. E. R. Wigle, druggist. Goderich. GUNORY'S SALE Htt.ISTER. • T0.SDAS, Dec. 51 Mortgage sal of valuable hotel roperty,kn. .n as the Brit eh F.xchanae Hotel, in the town ,•t Goderich. Sale at 2 o'clock in the allrrmeun. DIED. STIRI. ING. InGoderkhIl,,(enTherspay. flosan•I her 19. Aleaandee Stirling, in WPM yr, EW AOVER 1ISEMENT$-One. IOtto. ~•1Mosta .te Sale- L. E. Osney . n lrhine (lands Wanted-- Scbslts Bledsoe Co. Limited. Brant( •rd . 1 S ender,' Ferris-(haaniation of ReIOaISN ('ommruee 7 Co d of Thanks -C- R. Schulte 1 Cook Wanted -Mn. Boswell -Reid 1 Ford Car ow Sale• At John L try's, CrInq1 N"mmauon Meering --Township of Colborne 1 NK OFMONTREA ESTABLISHED OVER 11( YEARS Remittances to Soldiers Remittances to soldiers in England, Belgium, France or Eaitem Countries may be made through the Bank • of Montreal either by cable, if haste is essential; or by Draft or Bank Money Order if to be sent by letter post. 4', 4 MLA0 Or►)Ct. MONT MAL. A.W. Strickland, Manager, Goderich Branch. jl,' A.'w^Naer. . .... rvs:.w