HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-12-12, Page 1616—THUilki11Ali, IIr:C. 1!, ISIS.
Only Ten More Days Left
to do Your Christmas Buying
A visit to our store will prove to you that we art in a position
l3 give you the very best of Christmas goods for thekast money.
All the new Books. both for children and grown-ups.
A wonderful display of Christmas Cards. from 5c to $1.09.
See our special lc Christmas Post Cards.
Christina; Seals. ,Tags, Enclosure Cards. Holly and Decor-
eines; Papeteries, a beautiful stock, new and very low
!; Specialioiei of English China. Cut Glas sad Pottery of the
very highest grade
*White ivory. both English and French. prises from 50c to $5.
Also fuel stock of genuine Ebony Goods, pr'iceswost reasonable.
The Ideal Chns mas Gift. r/,aterman's Ideal Fountain Pen,
fuse stock for Christmas. -
Columbia Grafonolaa and Records.
c.e.,icil—•iwree's G.uM Gate'
SUSS, Vers W.g iu, i. hamar from
Detroit for hoar!
Mia Alice Middleton, of Ottawa. is
visiting her sister. Mrs. Geo Stewart.
Mks; Mary Curran; of Crewe. ,i4
visiting at the home ut hrr aunt, Mrs.
vl•cls.ter. Newgate stint
Mr. Thos. Gundi y attended the stock
showiat Teeentolast week and withothers.
(ion this section is at Guelph this week,
tat -tie ut the great winter fair.
M t. Esther Carters:turned this week
from *troll and r, leaving for Assiniboia.
Sask.; to visit 1 ei son. Mr. R. B. Carter,
who.: we regret to :ay, is in rather poor
Atif Agnes Ihnuttoi+. daughter of
iirrvar-FYINag Remedy for
Indigeoion, Stomach Discrieri,
Appendicitisand Ki lreyStonca
smarten causal by Gall Stoat+,
and mislead people witil those
Ix►d attacks of Grill Stone Colic
appear. Not one in ten Gall
Stone Bufcrrn knows what i
the trouble :tartan's Spect6c
will cure nil !.rad pain or oper-
For sale eselasivety in (.o.le
rich by
...JAMES A i'AM1h1E1.1,...
:A1 ONTARIO ST, 706041/71
Rev. James Hamilton of town. who is on
the staff of the Kincardine High School
as specialist in art, has received a bonus
of 6100 from the Department of Educa-
tion in recognition of her efficient work in
that capacity. This special bonus is
given for menti and is a testimonial to
the excellent results of Miss Hamilton's
We are now prepared to
serve the public for their
Christmas baking with
the best goods obtain-
able on the market.
Raisins• seeded and s edtess.
'New Currants.
Citron, Orange and Lemon
Shelled V4 a In tt i s a n d
Icing Sugar, Shredded
Dromadory, Anchor and
Excelsior Dates.
Also in stock a full line of
general groceries.
Try our Black and Japan
Tea at 65c per lb.
No trouble to show goods.
Phone 146 Hamilton Street
License No: 11817
rimmuU111IIHAlI INIHlma a IN a a 1111101111111111111111111111111111x
Smart�Christmas Footwear
Just a few more days to do your Christmas
shopping. Why not look over our many lines of
warm. cosy Slippers? We have them to fit the entire
family. In kid, velvet. felts and many colors and
styles in plaid cloth. with heels and without. .At
prices most fair for the Christmas trade.
• We have received a shipment of ladies', men's.
boys' and girls' Hockey Boots. with and without
ankle supports, wool -lined. and sure to please. We
have marked these lines very close for this season.
For s
't high -cut winter footwear
see our windows.
o(Indless Vati
Wiiat is more appropriate, more useful or more effec-
tive than one of Dame Fashion's up-to-the-minute Collars
in either actin. georgette or fine organdy for a gift at
Christmas time.
We are showing a very large range of the newest
and best collars that could be procured. They are com-
posed of the newest and beat designs in materials that are
tete newest.
They range in price from 60e to $4.00 each and every
one is new.
Georgette crepe Blouses are very popular at the
present time, and we are Showing a large range of these
Waists in white. pink, maize. navy. light blues and black.
,Also combinations of collars with beautiful beaded trim-
mings. $6.00 to $11.00 each. .
Crepe de chine Blouses in white. pink, grey. black
and maize, very prettily trimmed with. beads, from $5.() to
$7.00 each.
VOW Waixib in_tn`attr '(ttferent designs. . $hone with—
round collar and others with square collar. Each Waist
is made of good quality voile. $200 to $6.00 each.
Our stele k of Silks is in good shape.' We have just re-
ceived several new shades in duchess,. which is the popular
Silk at the present tithe. We are showing this cloth, which
is 36 inches wide, in grey. brown. navy and black, at $225 a
Pussy Willow Taffeta, 40 inches wide, in navy: plum,._
midnight blue, and taupe. at $3.75 a yard.
Special values in black Taffeta. 36 inches wide. at I$2.00
a yard.
We are showing a very large
range of Christmas Handker-
chiefs. The patterns are new
and the cloths good.
Ladiea' fine Handkerchiefs with
embroidered cgrner, 1<Tom 25c to
Ladies' initial Handkerchiefs
with pretty corner, at 30e each.
Ladies' crepe de chine Handker-
chiefs, at 30e each.
Ladies' embroidered corner
Handkerchiefs, at 15e ,and 20e
Ladies' Pure Linen Handker-chiefs. at 30e, 35e, 40e
Men's Handkerchiefs in plain linen and plain
lawn in good qualities.
Men's .excelda Handkerchiefs with plain centres
and colored borders.
Children's Handkerchiefs with colored borders,
picture Hand kerchiefs, plain white and initial, at
from 5c 'each up.
$id Gloves in white and
black at $200 a pair. These
(cloves are, pure French kid
and we Ave them in all
sizes, at $2.00 a pair.
Lambskin Gloves in white
and black, at $1.00 a pair.
White washable kid Gloves
wtih _.black.. hacks or _plant
, backs, at $2.00 -a pair.
Tan cape Gloves iu all sizes,
at $2.00 a pair.
llhamodartte (llurgw, In white, black. mastic and ustursl. at 11.25 a
pa Ir.
ttidk (Mores, in White and black. In many ynalitiea, from Mc a pair
The beat and prettiest range of Camisoles we have ever
shown. They come in white, pink and black, beautitnlly
trimmed with lace and ribbon. Some have little short
sleeves which are very effective, while others have no sleeve.
They range itt price from *1.25 to $3.00 each. Be sure to
see these values.
Children's caps in white and colors and combinations
of colors at from 50e a piece up.
Children's .knitted suits iu white, khaki, blue and red,
moderately priced.
Infanta' mitts, bootees, scarfs, yells and stockings in
many qualities.
Ladies' sweater coats in all sizes and in the newest
shades in all wool and combinations of wool and cotton, at
front $6.00 to $10.00 each.
Ladies' pure silk Stockings in black, white, sand, grey,
dark brown and champagne. This is a pure thread silk
Stocking which will give excellent wear. They come at
$2.25 a pair.
Ladies' silk boot Stockings, in grey, tan, black and
white, at $1.25.
Ladies° black and white silk boot Stockipgs, at $1.50 a
Ladies' cashmere Stockings, in plain or ribbed, at 90e
and 95c a pair.
Children's Little Darling -Stockings, in pink, red and
light blue, at 39c and 49c a pair.
This is only a partial list of the many new and beautiful things we have for your inspection which
will make excellent Christmas Gifts.
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