HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-12-12, Page 13• 4,7 • . ,Aries; THS .SIGNAL 'R• r OODZRICH, OUT. • guritarin 111 THURSDAY. DEC 12, 19 IL- II For Storage Batteries and Battery 1 ,1rWei :4 Supplies you cannot do better than come to East Street Garage "'""p'° � ie by a Ix 1 GODERICH - - - OAT °' Artier M. Glover • Why Not Have 1*N4'wd.i ill` • Photos for Christmas? 9 # p ■ 1t a All pictures taken on or before Decem- ber 20th will be finished by Christmas Eve. =rp 1[ M ■ FELL'S STUDIO" 1 • ■I MNIiN.!I[1111•1B■■■■■■■1B1B1.1K1•i$ 41I••••••••••••••••••••••••• !CHRISTMAS SPECIALS; • Navel and Florida Oranges • Sweet and Juicy • • 41 wrt We have an asment ranging in price from 30c to $1 •• • • • • CHRISTMAS CANDY. All kinds and prices. • CHRISTMAS NUB'S Muted or separate • MINCEMEAT. Why worry making it ? We • have it. Fresh in. 20c a Ib. •• Cranberries and Poultry Seasoning.. • • Grape and Cherry Wine. 3^1 *yttt:: ti f}' . ii._ r • Come early and avoid the rush. • Open every evening till after Christmas. • • LOCAL TOPICS Huron Old Boys. _ The annual meeting of the Huron Ofd Qoys' Association of Toronto will be held in St. George's Hall. Elm street. Toronto, on,Thursday evening, 19th inst,. at 8 o'clock. for the election of officers and the transaction of genaal business. Annual Hospital Meeting. As announced in another column. the annual business meeting of Alexandra hospital will be held at the court house next Tuesday evening. at 8 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to the gene ralpublic to attend and take part in this meeting. To Vote on Two Bylaws. The town council met on Tuesday evening[ and gave the first reading to two industrial bylaws. concerning the Jackson Manufacturing Co., Limited,andbe Goderich Salt Co., Limited. hese are published in the local psp:'rs this week and will be voted upon on January tkh. Beady for tie H.q(taL The collection started on the amu- let's* aek•bratluu day realized 8E81 for the funds of Alesinedru hospital. Two MO Vletary boldos were pireluawd and tlw balance was pla..d in the lank. The ladies who tool: part hl £iota col- lection were Ura. W. 1.. Herten, Mrs. 'James Clark, Mrs. McKim, Miss 1.e Tnuael and Mims Walton. CHURCH NOTES. The union Epworth League service will be held in Victoria street church next - Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock and the union prayer service on Wednesday night in the same church. • • The services in Knox choral next Sabbath will be conducted by -Rev. D. Carswell of Saforth. The pastor. Rev. ' R. C. McDermid. will conduct armorer- ' sary services in Mr. Carswell's church. Rev. J. H. Osterhout will have charge ' of the services in the Victoria street Methodist church next Sunday. Morning • subject: "What we can glory in." Even- t trig: "The Great Salvation " Sunday school and Bible class at 3 o'clock. "Luke 16: 10-1s it true?" and "The Master's Criterion of Conversation" will be the subjects for consideration at the Baptist church next Lord's Day. The Bible school meets at 3 p. m. and the B. Y. P. U. at: 8 p. m. The services in North street Methodist church will be conducted by the pastor next Sunday. morning and evening. In the evening the pastor will begin a series of sermons on . 'The Modern P'ilgrim's ' Progress." Subject for Sunday evening: irtlaRe." Men's 1 Sunday Club meets in the church parlor at 10 a. m. Subject for discussion: -Should there be sex equality in payment • Phone'Ux ROBERTSON & MAIR l:alderieh • . • 111••••••••••••••••••••••••• BLACKSTONE'S, West Street Thank the people of Goderich and vicinity for their generous patronage during the present year, and wish one and all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Blackstone's will as usual be the headquarters for Santa , Claus for Christmas Candy. We have the finest assortment of gift packages of Chocolates. Be sure and see these. , Fresh solid sealed Oysters and delicious Ice Cream a specialty. BLACKSTONE'S, West Street A sili. •t:f emir. (' (, 1„ are simply kidney disorders. The kidney* Mier the blood of all that ahoukln't be there. The blood passes through the kid- neys every three minutes. If the kidneys do their work no impyrit or cause of disorder can remain +d the: circulation longer than that time. Therefore it your blood is out of order your kidneys have failed in their work. They are in need of% atimulatwn. streeigthening or doctoring. One nwdieine will do all three, the hne-t rand most iijitated blood mediclae there Y- Dodd's Kidney S Mere for work done?" Sunday Bible classes meet at 3 p. m. to these services. The Presbytery of Huron held its regular December meeting on Tuesda y, 10th inst., at Clinton. There were present Drs. Larkin and Aitken. Mesar s. Telford, Ross, Hogg, Carswell. McLean. McDermid, Macfarlane, Johnston. McIn- tosh. Foote and Hamilton, ministers. and Messrs Wilson: Ratcliffe, Cunningham, Tough and Sparrow, elders. The treas- urer presented his annual report and his estimate for the requirements of the com- ing year and all tft!r'e approved. The re- mits from Assembly were both disap• proved and the Presbytery expressed it- self as opposed to the innovation of giving the.place of moderator to an elder and as well to the complicated propose/ to en- large the powers of Synod. Committees were appointed tp co-operate with the National Service Commission and for the purpose of encouraging the life Of prayer. The next meeting is to be held at Clinton on February 26th. 1919. school and All welcome ,Els FROM HUH CHISHOLM Tells of a Sight-seeing Trip to Scotland. Mt. and Mrs. James Chisholm. of the Lake Shore road. Colborne. reoeptly had a letter from their son. Pte. Hugh Chis- holm, written from Witley Camp, Eng- land, jut after returning from a six OBITUARY. BIDDLE.-The death occurred at Port Rowan en Tuesday _of Cornelius Biddle, father of Mrs. C. H. Humber of town, aged eighty-five years. The de-. ceased had frequently vested his daugb- ter" Panne to Goderich. Mrs. Humber is at Port Rowan for the fttttteraL which takes place today. ROBINSON.-Atter a lengthy illness. Men passed away et Winnipeg on Friday December nth, James Robinson, form- er?, a well-known resident of Goderich. The deceased was born in Platteville sixty-six years ago and whey a boy moved to this town. After serving an apprenticeship in local drygoods stores be embarked in business for luaasell spout twenty-five years ago in the preys stow occuped by the Bank of Mootsed, later moving to the store now used by Ma J. H. Colborne.Fifteen years ago be moved to the t and for thirteen rose he had conducted a general 'store bust 1 nese at Boissevain, Man. The late Mr. Robinson was very prominent in fratern- al circles. being a life -member of Maitland Lodge, No. 33, A., F. & A. M., and for many years a member of the I. 0. 0. F. Besides a widow. he leaves one daughter, Mrs. R. Hill. of Manitoba. two brothers and three sisters: Capt Wm. Robinson. hof (;oderich: George Robinson, Regina: Mrs. Jamieson, St. Paul. Minn.; Mrs. McAllister. Vancouver. and Mrs. S. E. Hick, Goderich. At the deceased's awn request his remains were brought to Goderich and interred in Maitland ceme- tery on Tuesday last. The funeral which took place from the residence o11 his sister. Mrs. Hick. Elgin avenue. was in charge o( Huron Lodge. No. 62, 1. 0. 0. F. Mr. George Robinson ac- companied the remains from Winnipeg. MacDONALD -An old and highly respected resident cf this section for over fifty years, Mr.. A. C. MacDonald, passed away on Friday last at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. F. Clark, in her eighty-fourth year. The deceased was a native of Ireland, and nme to Canada with her parents at the age of ten years, the family sett ing first at Kingston. in the year 1.856 she was married at Buffalo to the late A. C. Mac- Donald. Fifty-two years ago Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald came to Goderich and three years later moved to Dunlop. Fourteen years ago the husband died and Mrs. MacDonald came to town to live with her daughter, Mra 'Dr.) Clark. The other members of the family are a daughter, Mis. Chas. Hawkins of Wind- sor, and a son. Robert MacDonald of Dunlop. For the last three years the deceased had been ill and suffered much despite the unremitting .ore and atten- tion given by those about her. The re- mains 'were interred in Colborne cemetery on Sunday afternoon, the funeral services being conducted by Rev. Jameslton and Rev. R. C. Mc - old. ThThe pallbearers erwere Messrs. E. N. Shaw, A. H. Clutton, Ben Allen and Frank Allen. Mrs. Hawkins came up from Windsor to attend the funeral. remaining a few days. _ _-- - days' leave and a visit to Edinburgh. On the way to the earth he passed through 1�f1111�f1�11111�111f1�fA�111111111f1�1 London and saw some of the sights of that burgh and was much impressed with its great city. He had four days in Edits - Flowers for Christmas great buildings, its numerous monuments, rl s Christmas the Castle, the Museum, and other sights • As stook is very Bram' this year. orders for cut flowers for elitists map must be placed *sly. 1 shall have the usual supply of Christmas Wreaths, Blot • g Plants. etc. r'lfmpt lt' ' •'%; stel Ee:Mt . r fig Stewart the Florist Phone 1U . TTTTTII'i!1ol'!!1!TTTT The Museum, he says is the greatest place he was ever in. He tells of some of the things he saw there. Models of loco- motives and marine engines and of boats of all kinds, showing all the latest inven- tions; stuffed birds and animals, ern- bllmed bodies thousand of yen old, and many other things -he could write pages about it, he says. He spent three hours at the Castle, where one of the rooms was full of ancient weapons. such as swords and spears, shields, armor and guns. Some of the walls were eight feet thick. with old can- non sticking in holes in them. The street cargo( Edinburgh are run by end- less cables running beneath tjie pavement. He took a ride out to the Forth bridge, which is a mile and three-quarters long, the greatest bridge of its kind m the world. Beneath the bridge was one of the harbors for the navy. and there were about a hundred veseels in there. IMODEL THEATREI aesaue Jay cul t. -....h l oral a AlParamount Picture Dearest Mir : Mr. Bolas got great Wallace Irwin Picture atles+ wane. Japanese aeho olboy from Sat. Eve. Post and Good Hmisekeeping. for Friday and fijiturday. Hoping you are the same. Yours truly, "Haahimura Togo - PA. : ogo•P.$.: I make love like anything. Clara Kimball Young IN "Shirley tati�, y Kaye - Mon. and Tees. Dec. 16.ad 17 Fri. and Sat. • its this weak #«` • in a large Red Cross store he bought APITAL a ' £SERVE -R $.400,000 TOTAL. ASSET S - X130000.000 THRIFT MEANS SAVING TLe imperc.t ive need for Thrift is apparent to all thinking people. Those who are wale have erased to spend on non-eseentids, and are tae ing to provide egoism poamfdfe advet.e ee.Wliti0n•. The .,crest w•ay to protect yourself is with& Sa•.1ngs Account. Start one with this' Bash at or.e. Interest paid st current rates. UNION BANK OF CANARA HEAD OFFICE WINNIPEG, GODERICH BRANCH, F. WOOLLCOMBE, • . Manager. :a. EVANS.- Mrs. W. .1. }:vans. a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Riehard Parker, formerly well known residents of Goalerieh, dieel on the and Inst. at New Liskeard, and the following re- fereawt is from the local paper: Sorrow alannlds in more than ores hone in New Liskeard be,•anse of the death of 1'arrle Biel i'arker. wife of Mr. W..1. Enols and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rlehanl Parker, of 1 no Park. This sad happening took pia. I some souvenirs and had them sent to the folks at home direct from the store. 1 Coming down from Edinburgh they ' left in the morning and had all day to 1 see she country. On every farm, be says, you see about twenty-five stacks all together. They do not thresh until about the spring. Most of the fences are stone walls There are a great many fields of turnips and potatoes. Bread is not as dear there as in Canada. They get a larger loaf there for ten cents than we do in Canada for eleven. For meals they did not pay more than 35c or 40c. and some they got for a shilling. Hugh mentions having seen E lmer Lautenslayer and Freddie Gliddon. boys ' from his own home neighborhood. aVrrom) grafi' R -Asa ors i RAUYEY lyWILF mw • r GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT Lod CHICAGO Uaexoelkd dieing car service Sleeping cars ou eight trains, and parlor ears on principal day trains\ Full inlonnatioo from any Brand Trunk Ticket Agent, or IL E. Horn- ing. orning. District 1'aescager Agent, To- ronto. P. F. LAWRENCE & SONS Town Agents phone 8 r Tuesday morning, t'eewtw'r a, x1111 was the result of the after 1•ffeets of the influeuxa. The funeral took place to the New Liskeard .enactery Wed- nesday attermslu, Rev. Gorge 1aw- renee oN.'Iatins. Many ls•lultiful flowers, loving tributes from friends, adoriurl the eusket. The deceased was a youlg woaiaau. thirty- four years of ,tar•, also Instil the past few daywas not, apparently. werhnisly i11. but lat- terly grew worse amid at one time four dts'tors *err lu attenelils'e. The late Mrs. Evans was a lady of attru.•tion, a sweet singer who gave freely of her talent, and of joyous. happy nature whish made friends wherever she went. She was wiled away early. bat heantiful memories sire left 1... i l and friends will not forget. 111 sill church work she was an aetive member and more than the immediate lou • will feel her Toss. Two shuall . hitdren. Ih•1- eu, eh•v.'u years. and 1'., ker. fear years. HMI the I11r'.Iw1.11I are b•ft in sor- row for flim fuss of a lsvlur loather and wife. There sire also the father alai mother. Jar. and %Irs. Richard Parker, I -no 1'nrk, four sisters. Mrs W. Mor- row, Rayne. Lake. 1i. t' . Mrs. F. .1. Stouffer, Wainwright. .1111a.. 61rs. V. V. Harrison. Myrtle Statism. tent.. Mrs. W. E. Harrison, Latchford, tint. and thr1.• brothers. Arthur JI . sisal Frank, m•ers,•a4. a nil Harry at home 'Piss late Mrs. Evans waw Isorla at 1:0sh r1.'l1, then Med for +.nue tinge at the town 01 Dirtiain +old spent seem al 31711'5 at Fort William. THE OOOERICH MARKETS. TwutlwsT. December 12. bosh 2.05 toe 22.00 Wheat. 4 per b,1 h g '.000 to 70 Harley. per burgh .10 to 1.00 ' Peon. per blph 2.2h to 2.05 Huckwheat per buaki..'...... 1.10 to • 1.71 1 rMnr. family. perowt Seo to L7b Flourpatent. par eat 375 10 500 Won. peeta/1 shorts. per 1051 Hay. per ton -1traw. Imre, per ten 47, t• Dairy Butter. Perla (rearwr) Setter. per Ili ...... .....525 . 0 hent., t w.h. per Jos to Petat0ee. new. per bush 1.00 us rattle, haMlrer•'shotes. permet12 170 to Cal lie, Mitehats' ,nslluan.psr ewt 10.00 to Hers. live welrhs. wee owl. . • - 17 :41 to 140 to Lambs..... .. .. Hae,. per Ib .12 to .heep.kln. ..... 2.•0 to Dressed spring chicken .2 • to Ihemed sews .......... .L' to Turkeys .ns to mos t0 WOO 14140 to 1).00 12..40 to 1%40 see u 5.10 srel M I.s.5 13 0s' 11.0• 17 •1 19.110 .1s' 2.50 .L5 .n .20 '"OVOARSTS" WORK pffiLII YOU RI.1e1P Foe Sisk Naadsch&, Soar Stomach. Sluggish Liver and Smits-- Tale Cas.arab tonight. Vaned Teague, Dad Tails, Tallier Moa, Sallow Ms sad Miserstle Head- aches eels from a torpid liver gas clogged b.pwls, which sodas your stow seb en basses doled with undigested food IMAM sours sad ferments lib gar Map is a will barrel That's the hat step to astold aisery-trldfgeutiow, foal bad breath, yellow ekla, skeatai everytbhs that le horrible and asaaeatitgy A °wears£ to -sight win give your eoastf bewsls tbsrwgb sleaadis sad M� yea oat iy seerailg. They while you sleep- s ►£must 1K from roar drew t will !seep 7A Maw -lose mostlia ;VI 0 i t+ • 1 �l L TO FRIENDS AND KINSFOLK Your portrait at Clariatlnas will carry a message of thoughtfulness that is nest to a personal visit. Make the appointment today. The.' Sallow& Studio Special Millinery Announcement Five to six dollar trimmed Hats for $3.50 8p�• y('fir s Children's "Hats half-price . r. T at 50c 'I Miss M. R. acVicar KINCS'I'ON STRfil?T rt .\. .f. cooper, who has ias•n talrtt ninety busy duriste the fall in 1 grain blasilwP•, whir pal two ,'ars ot` coir to Durhato chi+ ',York. When we see is wan on the oppa'r its. side of the street who Ones us re dollar we wish he'll •'.•roe aer0ss. A Inan is bonsai to fellow his w if.'• advice o•ee, 1f only for the psrpos of reminding her of it in later yeuis. Try a Chaage. "I like to air my oOuions occasion- ally." - • Itut why /lo yen always use hot aalr?" NOT THE SAME Through a shuiharity ih names • wrong hewn ss' has Is.vl .•r1•ated which nmy s•sti-e at great 111•11 of harm. .t fen days ago it was re- ported in uunly paper. that the Momitrmal Herald had gels,1111'0 1iyn1- datlon, The• news was tree. hit the pihlte should knew that the ,wla•r.lo nlwurinl dittk mites had m0 ,'ounl`('- 1t.rn whatever with the great weekly pp/•r milled The Fancily herald and \Ver•kly Star. TM• latter paper 1• published by The Montreal Stir i'ub- lishlog ('o.. nod Is 111104'0 in almost every 110111• fu 4'51150a. 111 jllstiee 10 our ,•0nfr.re we make this announce - talent. Tire Family Herald cold Woolly Star Is mus -if the ,hoses£ wipers o. the .vrnths•nt. The word "Fetidly" shoals] not he onaitleetl when addressing that paper. • LOYAL. WaNtnAT, Dect11. Mr. James Green has got started at his new house, which will he a credit to the community when completed, and we hope he maj+ be long spared to enjoy it. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Rost. McMillan. jr , is improving nicely after • severe attack of the "flu." The dreaded disease is gradually on the .decrease in oet neighborhood. Have you seen the elegant flee of Christmas greeting cards at The ' nal` Printed with your own name, and greeting. they make a handaolns Christmas remembrance. There is certainly Ira054$ stormy west ds the road to rata be keep It la e:esflet repair. i >o I<Tt".*"%.. Fe • O • U05 • w • .1 • • • ■ ••• •�>j• • A • • ■ it !moi as ■ • a 1'...•• • • ■ ••• • ■ 4-0 The universal military service gum- �t5ltt iiY'i tw rtv �5# A Soldier's offering to his sweetheart is naturally the sweetmeat that gave him most refreshment and great- est enloyment whenpon duty. era w,rr. •,,_ e Flavour Lasts rr qr5 1 s • } r 71 Ram tae bars la servers eawsaed. Mae Comm M 44 it