HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-12-12, Page 8• • .'rwl•It4n4v, Dar. It, Ma elle Jtret1 tprt.tmets And there were in the same country ahepberds abiding in the field. keep- ing watch over their Bock by night. And, to, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them; and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, fear not , for, khaki. { I bring you good tidings of great toy, which shall be to S all people. • For unto you is born this'; day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lard. And this shall be a sign onto you. Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swad- dling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of heavenly 'host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest. and on earth peace. good will toward men. And it came is pass. as " the angels were gone away from them into heaven. the " ak►epherds said one to an- other : Let us now go even unto Bethlehem. and see this thing which is come to paw, which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they came with baste. and found Mary, and Joseph. and the babe lying a manger. And when fiey Thad jean it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning the child. And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. And the shepherds re- turned, glorifying and t praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto thea$. -St. Luke ii :8-20. Suggesting Gifts That Are Sure to -Please The Scotch Store is exceptionally well prepared with the biggest stocks of useful and appropriate Gifts for every mem- ber of the family. and for the beauty and comfort of the home. Georgette Crepe de Chine Jap Silk Blouses The smart ugw styles will de- light you. A most welcome gift would be a new Blouse. The styles are so attractive and prices so moderate in the new round neck and slipover stvlea, in blaek, white and all colons, sines from 36 to 44.�., Georgette Blouses, from $6.75 Crepe de Chine Blouses, from . . tiabutai Silk Blouses, from $2.95 FURS, the Ideal Gift Furs always make a most welcome gift. and if bought from us, you are sure of getting the best value possible. All our Fur; are guaranteed. .---Nat tors! Wolf Sets, fail.... $20.00 to $35.00 a ° Black Wolf Sets, front 550.00 to 570.00 Red Fox Sets, from 535.00 to $50.00 4r Grey Fox Sets, from 527.50 to 540.00 White Iceland Fox Set. special 530.00 ,.:.;; White Thibet Sets for Iliices, from.. .$6.95 REO (ROSS NOTES. Its. oswlils awhile of tine Red Cross Sweep' loll. place an the jury room of the Loon Choose of Moodav, , Novernbet ' 2itli. soh 'Mrs Consume in the chair. A I(tal n "'raison (torn head( office Dialed that tyre Sated had decided to take up lo' a totted pe, rod 'thief work to the (stn of dnthtng los the destitute re- fit divoted uvthaa pum olatton of the differ- ent devastated A corntnesot Europe. whey: old men, t and children were left Ndh tootling t Ide It sat, de- cided Mr ar'cadate with It,e' - instruc- li.sis to devote the erteigie- of the kxal I M wrch to ibis wak Art (Wei of Sul hewn , has• Wonsn'S Wag Auk11131),tu.lt•tosed Int Belgian eche(. was. accepted, with m 'hank, 11r.. McKun replotted t t a shipment of 111 pain of boo ks, vat at s,.5" had been made The lsta.. tat statement •fa the month w is as (o.low a Balance from I t month. $I9.t 51. Receipts -Ward c lection, ay(MI .sv; Moe Kate Watson, 12. 'spend - insect. annus, 13a1ar11:e avid a for hest month, $W 95 The Red Cross Serri- ed think -lull) 1 .- ltatw'Icdmtestfe foltosina C,rttnitxrtI'rtts blob( socks. all hand -knotted W at Auxiliary^ fil pans; Mo s• 1te) nold . sr . 16 parrs; Mrs W. L. Horton, 10 pairs. Mrs Jas. Chili:. v pairs. Me- Ball, Miss S Clark, et pass,. Mies Rohltisat, Mrs. Lee, if.. Mgrs S,.nmge sw. 7 parrs each, Mrs. Geo. James. Mrs. Chas. Gatrow, MIA. Woods, hiss Mcl:sn, Mrs J Lynn, f; pairs each; hiss. Rall, Miss AlcPherson, Mrs Wel- ler, Miss AtmstronR,• Mis. Gordon, 5 l!wwr each, No Name. Mrs Hillier, Mrs 1 Enos, Mrs C. Garvin, 4 pairs each: Miss M. Bell, Miss Wuett Mn. A. (hdtdson, Mrs Shipman, t'dias Pearl Fraser, MINS Whitely, Mrs. Jno. Chits - (h dell, Mrs E E. Grummet,, Mss G. Pales, Mr: Itultard, Mis• Conon, Mrs. ',emotion. Mrs McKinnon. Mrs. Geo. Frit e. Miss I Price, No Name, Mrs. Jno. Studs. Mis Roshoo. Mn Mahon, pairs e,,ch. Mrs. Button. Mrs CLer, Mrs. (;utodr y, Mrs. Yates. Alia Rtiynas, M ss 11 rodeo. Mrs. (;oldutaas. Mrs. 11. Snits, Mop R J. Arneson, Mos Wm Sha,nman, Missrharntan. Mrs. 'last, Mrs Foster. Mon Stoak$an4, 2 pairs each. M,s ft. Chet,. Mos , J C. Goodin. Mrs. J J Graham, Mis Hy. Hund, Mrs. J. teat', Mrs !hasten, Moo C. Hark. s F Elliott. Mrs 14 J A MacEwan, Vs 1t Poles, Miss E. Pridham,. Mrs. h;wtarr; -Mos, M. Sharman Mrs. Wall td, Mrs. C Murray, No Name. Mis 11. arter, Mgt. Aitken. Miss M sit - k 1 , Mrs Lealclt. Miss I''eii4usoti. Mrs Harrison, ase Hammon. Mi Carrie, Mis, Tape. Mow Tape, Mis 1' Mc. Cathy. Ips eac% Knot o,, machine. Mis a•tckxnt nd ladies t -.$sting. 2•'2 pairs. The Society has of arn Remember, socks • Many than(.. -ale - due Steep foe hei eft of a beau snore 11 ns he, own work a ,.nM (or he Ismer', of doe Red C The Nicest of Neckwear Words would fail to describe the beauty of the new Neckwear. All the newest styles in Georgette, Crepe de Chine, Satin, Pique and Organdie in the new Monk, Tuxedo. and Jane Cowal lReets in attractive Christmas boxes, from 75c to 52.50 each. Dainty Boudoir Caps make charming gifts. A pretty Boudoir Cap is a gift that is stere to please any girl or woman who loves dainty things. They come in dainty colors in Crepe de Chine and Satin, elaborately trimmed with lace and ribbon. Priced from 51.00 to 52.50 each. A Sweater Coat for Comfort No more sensible gift could there be than one of these delightful all -wool Sweetens. They come in such attactive colors as Melon, Nile Green, Maize, Copen, etc., 510.00 each. ♦ Knitted All -wool Spencer. One of these pure Wool Knitted Spencers would make a most thoughtful gift for an elderly person. In White, Grey and Black. Prices! at 52.25 eaeli. r a�° { x= , • Silks of Exceptional Value 'What would be more appreciated than a dress length of silk for mother, sister or wife? Handsome Novelty Plaid Silks in dream lengths, in col- ers..of taiupe, burgundy, navy, green and nigger. Priced N per yard53.00 Palette Silk, extra heavy quality, Swiss snake black and all colors, 36 inches wide 51.95 per yard. Rich Silk Serge, 36 inches wide, all colors, priced At.., 53.50 per yard.' Spteciai Values in Fancy Linens Special value in Battetiburg Scarfs and Centres. A very special Apurchase. Priced at 98c each. .Embroidered Pure Irish Linen Pillow Cases. Some designs suitable fpr initialini. Special per pair.... 53.50 Leather Handbags A most tuneful gift tis a real Leather Handbag. We are allowing all styles, including many new lines in Hand Strap Purses, in black and colo: *. Priced from 75c Silk 'Handbag*, fitted il'th mirror, very dresay, in . black, grey and brown 52.50 each. s Gloves Gloves Always a most appreciated, gift, and more so this season than ever owing to the great scarcity of reliable Kid Gloves. Pertmi`n'a Guaranteed French Kid (}loves in black, white and col- ors, 52.50 per pair. Perrin 's and Jouvin Suede Gloves, tan, grey and black, $2.50 per pair. our xhovytg thi, xeaxuu is bet- ter than ever, which is saying a whole lot. No mistake can be nt de when including Handker- chiefs in your list. No matter stow many at person may get, an extra half-dozen or two is al- ways appreciated, and they are so handy for mailing to friends at a distance. Handkerchiefs put up in attract- ive Christmas, boles at 25o to $1.60 per box. Something new -Handkerchiefs put up in attractive mailing envelopes, with calendar for 1919, at 50e to $1.50 each. 1 Women's Pure Irish Linen Initialed Handkerchiefs, every initial in stock, wonderful value. Special 25c'each. A great showing of snowy white embroidered Handker- chiefs at 10c, 150, 2 for 250, up to $2.00 each. Children's Handkerchiefs, from.... .... .... 5c each. j The New Ribbons A most extensive showing rif handsome Dresden and Holly Ribbons, which make up so many attractive gifts. From 19c to 90c per yard. For Baby's Own Wear We have not forgotten.his majesty the baby. For the dear little one we have Bootees, Infantees, Bibs, Overalls, Wool Jaclettp, Bonnets, Kimonos, in fact everything you could _desire for baby's comfort. Velour Dressing Gowns 4r A most acceptable gift would be $ Dressing down its Velour or Padded Silk. They are so `useful yet inexpen- sive. Priced from .$2.9d to 510.00 eaeh. Children's and Misses' Knitted Skating Seta What more useful and comfortable gift could you think of than one of these Brushed Wool Skating Sets. consisting of Cap and Scarf, in all colors, exceptional value at .51.95, 52.50, 52.95 per set A Few Suggestions for the Home Blankets, Cotton and Wool. A real Eiderdown Comforter. ('ongoleu.w Rugs. A new Carpet Square or Hearth Rug. ie Window Curtain , Arch Curtaina. Himmel Carpet Sweeper, Vacuum Carpet Sweeper. SUGGESTIONS FROM r OUR MEN'S SECTION`t Men's Ties 50c, 75c, 51.00 each: ,& Men's,Kid Gloves, lined and unlined....52.50 per pair. - Men's Initialed Linen Handkerchiefs....25c, 50c each. Men's Socks, from 600 per pair. Men's Braces, Armbands, Cuff Links, Men's Under- r ' wear. Hosiery for Gifts A splendid variety of Silk and Cashmere Hose, which make most welcome gifts. 'y Women's Kayser Italian Glove Silk .11os5, ix black, emerald, ..( white. Special..$2.50 per pair. Radium Ankle -length Silk Hose, ,� a in black, white, pearl, leather, navy, champagne. Special .... 51.00 per pair. Women's Caahmere Hose, all wool. Exceptional value . 51.00, 51.50, 51.75 per pair. Shop early if possible Please carry small parcels if coeveeis t Phoebe centre - sat he Obrrstrnas Greeting Cards. The Sap,al his a vert ahlrartrve h a( Christmas greeting raids, suppl' with the sender's name. acklresa and per. 1 +rna) greeting ponied n,, each card AL:a I ass see the samples. Millar' s Scotch Store PHONE 56