HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-12-12, Page 711,44 .0114Rar,'cr
THZ .111011AL
?HC18412 S, MCI. 12. 101$1- >f
---- --111
Grants of $18,000 to Navy League and $8,000 to Red Cross Societies -
Soldiers' AidCommittee Formed to Look After Returned Soldiers
Congratulations to Reeve Fraser, the New M. P. P. for
North Huron —Warden Elliott Gets a Case.
The Deena ber 11e1lslon of 111• (toruli
county council Opened in the 10(111411
chamber at 3 p.m. oil Tuesday,
ceiul.er 3rd.
1u view of taw ehnugwl conditions
throughout isle world, the trdlre rs
isrmbly. at the Nuggestlsu ort the War-
den. tutee and sing "Praise Clod From
Whom All lllrssin0l Flow." .otter
the nintlnc of rading (he minutes
'artier, Elliott addreaslrt the council
at Nome length.,
After making (cling n•ferens• to
the late Mr. Neil Taylor, Reeve of
Blyth, who WM14 recently killed in au
automobile a.•Ident. the Warden re-
ferred to the great vintage 1n the war
situation einee the county council wag
dart In 1[•011011. To haw 1t ulway.4
teemed that an unseen hai11 1,'a(' guid-
ing tlw Attlee to victory. Itr(talit had
always stood for right 11111 Itrtteiu
would alw'ay'1 1*• snpr•we. Hr 1,a(' al-
ways' proud of Hun11 comity Council.
Jn no time during the post four )'roil,
when a crop ism' wade for pulrlotic
yurpclt'n, 41141 it refuse, but it lad al-
ways n,•p1141e1 nobly. Thr ('011.111-
afon 01 peace had 01,/41.1e1 large prob-
lems In the placing of 111' sol411ere
bark is civil life and the 111.1 turn
were 1We1104.1 from the township (04111•
county agreeing to supplement the cost
of maintenance with gran r from time to
time. It was alio recommewded that the,
clerk be appointed to inspect the institu-
tion from time to time and report to the
council at least twice a year.
The following motion, presented by
Messrs. Heavers and '1 ipling. was
adopted: That this council heartily are
prove of the choice made by the commit-
tee appol'sed to porches a children's
shelter and after inspecting the building
believe it will be most satisfactory and a
credit to the county. We trust the work
done by the Children's Aid Society will
be heartily supported by all the mullet -
pa lilies and that Children's Aid commit
(•111 up. Ito -minting the prop,sr` 1401-
d1rr0' me lel. the Warden mad he
not think the present 4'unril in
its dying mouwnts 114(11(1 take Ile.
matter up. Hr wa1 heartily in sym-
pathy with tllo proposed and hoped
wlwn the time did 4 • Hunin 4
w'ouht do la1methhtg splendid 111 honor-
ing her brave 111111. The I'llrlotl4'
Fu1141 wo11111 mew at tl1'•rwl of the
year and its thought the Ked 'Tri-
angle Fund might well 41.414. then
too. The Nary lw'•Aue of ('SHAUN
wart making a request for as grant to
.gimlet hi It4 work. Hr w'•s heartily
Ili sympathy with this undertaking.
Among 1114' mm (callous wait 11114'
from the 411(1nty conned of 1"ruutellac
asking Huron to john in a memorial
to the ik.mitllon 4iurermnent. asking'
that titles 11, abolt*lrrl In Canada.
One of the 4111115 4Wang.' lodges
entered Mm .114.14.1414111 to the 4 ty's
making M grant to the Knights of Col-,
umbos Hut Furst.
A communication was nr4Irel tram
F4ir Hrrlwrt .\441,1. 1, o 4,nir5 tnasur•r
of taw Ik/minluu l'atrbdie Fund. noti-
fying the council that grant(' to the
fund mold 41.441,• at the end of 1111k.
lie mingratnleteil taw 4s)41nry- of Huron
on 1(1 mmgultl1•ut r11.1M411*' to this
work. It lull paid (t(' allotment to the
limit and multi look hark with treble
om the part it had taken.
,telt. i1. 4'. erase. representing the
Navy league of Canada. nddremarl
the mut•11 4111 I1•lalf of that I1wly.
Itesd11t11111 41f t'1141I4114.lI(1' were 1r11 -
sed est4nlimg lymputhy to the widow -
ami 41aWghtrr Of the late peeve Tay-
lor and to (' ty Treasurer lane
on the relent death of his wife. Tow
motion,. were loth oarriel by a Mantl-
ing rote.
Ex -Warden H. W. Livingston *1141
)rx-Warl4411 J. M. IktVenhs•k novtrl
that coi.gratrdationl',extended to W.
H. Fraser. Reese of Morris (lwnshtp.
sou Iwillg elected .to represent North
Flurou In the I'mvincial Legislature.
Thi' was carried with great applause.
Mr. Fraser In 1 short address thank-
ed h11 colleagues for their 4111()115
of good fes•llug. (le (mated that in hitt
wkler Mphere of work he would he
able to serve his follow-ratetl4Yt•rit ev-
en better Huila Ito had ill the (14411. He
bopetl that his company In (he lw•g11-
'latnrn 144(11141 he ■1 (11lgeulu1 410 It 11:141
always I1r'll at (114' cul*IIt5 1'411111'11.
A communication from Robert Mc-
Donald of Kintail. with reference to his
bill for damages to his automobile, was
sent to the good roads commission.
A motion by Messrs. Clark and
Campbell that a grant of $18,000 be
made to the Navy League of Canada
for the year 1918 was referred to the
executive committer.
A motion by Messrs. Erwin and Ford.
that the bridge on the boundary of Bay-
field village known as Smith's bridge,
which was rebuilt this fall. be taken over
by the county and that the cost of build-
ing it be paid by the county, was sent to
the lead and bndte committee
A motion by Mews. Harburn and
Petty that F. G. Nadia of Seaforth, be
paid the sum of 133 for services rendered
in connection. with the tractor plows in
the food production campaign of 1917.
the same as paid to the others who gave
similar services, was 0eferieed to the ex-
ecutive committee.
Motions to grant 1100 to Mrs. Brown
for extra services at the house of refuge
and to grant 1.5.000 for Red Cross work
were sent to the executive committee.
A motion by Mews. Dalton and
Mallough that the boundary road be-
tween Huron and Bruce counties from
Turnberry to Amberley be put on the
county system was referred to the good
roads commission.
At 190 p. m. the council visited the
new children's shelter for the county,
which was formally opened, and after-
wards returned to the council chamber.
On the presentation of the reports of
the road and bridge engineer there was
a general discussion of matters relating
oto county roads.
It was moved by Messrs. Clark and
Tipling that ninety per cent. of all
[moneys paid into the county under ' he
good roads system by the village* and
fawn of the county be refunded yearly
to each town and village included in the
Wad roads system. Referred to good
.tusds commission.
The report of 'the children's shelter
committee was presented 'and adopted.
The report reviewed the steps taken lead-
ing to the purchase from Mr. P. J. Ryan
of the former A. McD. Allan Dmperty 4n
Cameron target for $2.400. Furnishings
and firth gs had been purchased and re-
pairs nide. Up to the present the cast,
including the purchase price. was
*2,173.81. The committee recommended
.that. the county having provided the
shelter. the Children's Aid Society be te-
a/nested to undertake the management
ef.the lama as in other counties. the
This road and bridge committee recom-
mended the taking over by the county
of a cement bridge on the Lake Shore
road in Stephen.townshlp against which
there was a bill of 5:307.45 for work pione.
It was recommended also that the badge
at Hayfield known as Smith's bodge,
wbich was rebuilt this fall, be assumed
by the count....
The goon roads commission recom
mended that ninety per cent. of the
amount paid in to the gond roads fund by
towns and villages be refunded to them
(as no expenditure under the goad roads
scheme is made within the limits of towns
and villages). that th, boundary road be
tween Bruce and Huron, from Tu rnberry,
in the east to Amberley in the west, be
put on the county good roads system in
arrangement with the county of Bruce;
and that no action be taken in the claims
of Arthur Cantelon and Robert McDon-
ald for damage to cars.
Bot of these reports were adopted.
A inn war/ passed that the county,
rather has the township municipalities.
be responsible in cases of accident on
designated roads.
A nation was passed that the house
of refuge committee be instructed to
amend the bylaws of the institution and
report at the January session of tole
l'apt. Will Fiugbaad Tells of the Nett-
derful Scents in the Old
lIr. M1141 Mrs. J01111 F'h1n14w1, of
lelmdesl. i"i. hate rtrelrel frum thele
sun 4'opt. Will 1.111•111 1141 the 10110,1 1111(
letter, written two day* after the sign-
ing of the to mist 144': v
131 Ik'lIIord Square. L,on41o1, taw
November 1R, 191.'i.
Ik'ar Folks at Hoult•: ['raise the
1.4rnl! lteluiee :old be glad' 'no war
is over. What a happy aeoaalo1 this
is. .Jul.sto think -the war M oyer'
How' wa'w happy people there must
Ito in the ruuutry, res, to the world. 1
wish you timid see 11dr old city. It
gtwahlta*Autt•ly wild. 1 never saw nor
ecpr•( to s'' 01101 wl•11e1 111 wad re
Joking again. The streets, the mnhh
Ihoronghfares a1141 the squares are
simply 1014•1e41 111111 j,nn.lrt W11 11 ()'o-
ple, so that motors, rte., mold w•ann.'e1y
x14141' Tlw people 'climbed on them
stiiiciug like tpw,4, as malty t'. I44eun'
on a Ford tor, cheering, singing, daac-
ing 401 the street, (1•.1911• flat,, 0141 141
rings. whistles, bells, alltlhills to make
a nobs.: flags. bunting. err. Fr•neh
soldiers. Italians. Serbs. our 'withers
anti slitters absolutely cut 14s,s• ant
Company's plant here tpia es shortly and
Mr, Jackson presented the car for an
extension d the e\eniption. The council
approved of his proposition. and
* bylaw will he submitted to the tate
payers at the coning elections.
The civic committee presented a 1epolt
outlining an ambitious program of ac -
twines. This is published in another
colwnn of this paper.
The steamer 1'Mlplonge, which nue
cut In two here. 1r away •ui the trip
from the lakes to the wean, ('outrary
to expectation's under,' were vs -elves!
on Monday to leave as sown MN weath-
er permitted. I'oallllg anti the Iuklug
on of inimillea 1,a* 1.Iuwll*tely pr'o-
t04'dcl with on board the two parts
of the steamer and four tugs, 4'heroke',
J.I1'k11U0,1 TIMel IOW m 111141 Kraw n,
witch are msla II''l( 1e (vr 1114' trans-
portation of the vessel oil the long
trip to Montreal. This !wing mnp4t-
(MI the outfit got away o1 'f'nesduy
afternoon. The 44e:uber at the tiw0
was favornhk• for lowing and 1t
figured that if N (ontin't ,I 40 the trip
Ito 11e• ea 11111 head at fort 4'olks.nir
would be uratic before the ens) of 11s -
week Mud that to U0nireal in 1%014.•
or fourteen days.—('ollingwood Itul-
• I Thea. !rock R. Dolan John Laporte A. E. Erwin John Douglas , W. H. Fraser Harbert Groh
S. W. F. beavers W. H. Lobb Amos TOM, ML Armstrong Jos. Deleon T. K. Powell Gordon'fcusg John McNabb J. As Ford Jos. HacketJohnJ. A.
Dr. W. F. Clintn k R. W. Llvinaslon Geo. W. HolmW. R. Elliott Wm. Luww
Lane J. C. Leahails J. M. Gen sHardi ng y
CI.rl W4.44144, Trmare.
Gee. C. Petry Dr. F. Harburn Jos. Mallough S. T. Plum W. J. Spouo, John Levss- J. N. Campbell
ties will be formed in the sevtral towns
and villages.
The hnance committee reported on a
large number of accounts.
The special committer reported on the
suggestion fix the abolition of titles in
Canada. favoring its adoption. It was
decided to toward copies of the resotu
tion to the Premier and to the members
from this county at Ottawa.
The executive committee reported, re-
commending as follows: That a grant of
11'3,000 be made to the Navy League of
Canada to assist in the care of sailors'
dependent familie' deprived of their usual
means of support by yeas in of the war,
payment to commence in June, 1919, and
to be at the rate of 53.000 a month foe
six mouth'; that $33 be paid to F. G.
Neeelin, of Stator • h, for s-'rvices in connec-
tion with the fond uction campaign;
that the rum of 1�$$ be divided among
the Red Goss Sacaetiet of the county;
that 5100 he granted to Mrs. Brown,
matron of the house of refuge. for extra
work while there was no assistant at the
house; that a refund he made in the mat inmates in the house of refuge on Decem1• - They were exerrlingly kind to 11and
'teem.*ter of a duplicate licprocured for the ber 1st, 1918. d whom fifty-one were the Ilftie children gave me 11 most
firm of McFarlane & Maize, and that the females and forty males. Eleven in- hearty revelator'. 1 4uppaw there win
license bylaw be amended to make it hates were admitted during the year. I1, a great rejoicing In Canada, too.
clear in this respect; that a sum of from the following municipalities: Hay, Welt there ever it time like thiel 1
1300 be iaaid to the county clerk in recog, 4; Goderich town, 1; Seaforth, 2; Exeter, think that Frank and Mlnrray 1tt0u141
ninon of his efficient services and in view 2; Wingham, 2. The net expenditure son 1• going h • again, hut 1
of the increased cost o1 living; with re- during the year wast 36,55.5.66. represent- espial to IA' here for sonic time yet
gard to the application of C. A. Reid, ing an average weekly expenditure per on my work 111 connection with ttni'
police magistrate of Goderich, for a grant inmate of 11.37. Thee were ten deaths Khaki 1'nh•erilty. t will have to Home
towards securing a room suitable for in the house during the year. 1101,-, am 1 moat go nail lar' 111e crowd
holding Pol ce Court cases. that there is a Mr. Donald Patterson. county engi- „Kahl.llnittaa mht-_l rn-1. going to Mn5
room available at the head of the stair- neer, reported payments of 13.5.294 94 on mlllfonm-gn(herwl in the streets and
way in the court house. and that this be the improved road system front June 5th slowing. 1 wish you mull mee (him 1)111
put in a suitable state of repair for such to December 5th, and in addition gilts. It its )(Imply wonderful and the
put 11,1193.43 on other county roads. pot
liple are so kind and hpitahle.
he report was adopted. There were two vacant seats at the (lest love to all 1111 lest wlshr,l for the
At the evening session Warden Elliott board. Deputy Reeve Spott4n, of duration of pence.
was presented with a handsome gold- Howick, was absent owing to illness. Wii.i..
headed cane on behalf of his fellow -mem- The other vacancy was caused by the
Mr.. of the Ford read ial and the nicely wonted addcress lamented Taylordeath, a of Blyth.. Rivard
weeks ago, of mrd of TraPde
Committee WIII Con -
and Messrs. Laporte and Beaver; made ap- Major Shaw and Capt. M. D. Mc- there an' Educational Campalgp.
propria(e rcferencea speaking in terms of Taggart, of the former 161st Huron Bat -
Th.! report of the Hydro committee of
appreciat.on of the efficiency with which talion, have of prthesented
t the
f county a the Batts -
TheWarden had discharged his duties. group
The Warden thanked the members and lion. which has been placed in the defies
officials for the testimonial of their respect office. A picture d the men d the 16151.
and said the cane would always remind taken at Camp Borden in 1918, is being
him of the good feeling that had always presented t:, the county by Major R. S.
been manifested towards him in the Flays, and it also will be framed and
council.hung in the court house.
Mr. S. B. Stothers, county agricultur- The customary "smoker" was held on
al representative, was present and ad- Tuesday evening. The attendance was
deed the council, answering a number large, the smoke thick the speeches
of questions with reference to the use of
tractors. the raising of sheep. and the
bent fits of school fairs.
oonlmlittee re-
county property
parted having visited various county
building* and found therm welkept. for was recommended that arrangements
er be
tit( in tting of the children's he hands the chairmsn!t The
chairman* also to have repairs made in
Judge ttckeoxn'a rrxxn in the court house.
Tbacommittee reported in favor of en
i„cwae o(1190 in Jailer Griffin's unary?
bdt this was left over to the January sea'
Mine ismer of refuge committee re-
ported on various matters in connection
with the conduct d that institution.
The council appointed a central com-
mittee. composed d County Treasurer
Lane. County Clerk Holman and Deputy
Reeve Clark d GOderich, to assist re-
turned soldiers in every way possible and
to help adjust any grievances they may
have. Each 'member of the county
council is to co-operate with this
central commit tee.
The matter of furnishing a suitable
room for use by the police magi -trate of
Goderich was left in the hands d the
chairman of the property committee.
The work of the December meeting
being concluded, the Warden than .ed
the members for their uniform courtesy
and the art, ntion they had given to the
business of the county, and the council
then adjourned.
Jailer Griffin reported seven mile
prisoners at the county jail, two confined
for larceny and five for vagrancy.
Inspector Torrance reported ninety•nne
thi 1 • Without dam
Set everything was
4 Christmas Is
age to la•rs4nas or property. I saw' 4UR-
ultiwt London i' '-.'uu•n 4arriel 4110111 -
der high: x111 when the King M1141 Children's %1Q�
4111.wn passel along taw streets the D
1144 1/41e hem was like nothing on
earth. \Vorelerf411: Wantlerful! And
yet there are tears, too, for MO ninny
of our brave I11ys will never know of
th1' glad day. t 1110 ilaek to work
again feeling (111•. Murrey 14 lark to
llrnmsbott camp again after a good
lengthy delve. 1 4aw F'rtnk 011 Sun-
ihty last. He is coming along tine
now, but had a rather aerlone time
with Ids laud. '1114' doctor thought
11 would have to be taken off, hilt 1.444
I11(141. 11140 111 Mg 1.114( 11. He has been
in hell for eleven week,' now, tut is
looking twitter again 11 1111 Ow doctor is
very well pleased with the 1'145 he 10
Improving. 1 just got wont today that
our 401141)1, .Cohn F'b,glnnl. of Wiwi,
pig, had been kllits' on Iteptember 211th
1111. 1 had a 4h'lIghtfld hon 111151 at
Southport ■t the IAothroyd Home.
The message .t (I/trinomial a Is love.
Its emblem Is radfaat, tbaahtul, Iroo-
tented childhood Without love and
without children there male be w
real Christman. The fors might oar
vivo bat the substance would be ladl-
Unhappy must be the adult who can-
not make himself a child again In
spirit at the Yuletide. For Christmas
1s the universal ehlldren'. day. Men
and women are superfluous except as
they make themselyee partnere with
those whom the day glorifies.
Let a*, then, lay aside the affects
and arrognnee of manhood 144141
womanhood and be children again.
Let us adopt their point of 'flew some
put ourselves In their places --In Ihr
placae of these •on*'and d.uabter* of
our and of the eon* anti daughter* of
our neighbors. It 1,a* only • year or
two ago, as it seems, when we bung
oar well-worn etoekings in a row along
the mantel shelf, while ear father*
and mother looked on with anfelgnsrl
pleseure at the Innocent conadenco 1,r
showed la what the morrow would
bring forth. SE
Rven as yea and I. 11 all mar*
back In a flood of memories 1.(fe
was simpler then. Our desires wore
less pretentious than those our chit- ...-
does voice now. Modest remrmhreneee
they were that bulged toe and beef of
the *.&kings mother knit.
Ute and Its Cirr11m11,'41ee,' rhaage,
but the e1sen0e of CbriNls•l 1141100.
The same happy childhood. Isoe same
the Goderich Hoard of Trade and the ee•tlesene•s, the same *Dell-Itke renew
resolutionrelating to the same (advo- tog of time as the holiday approaches.
eating uniformity of Dower Meein On- The same parenthood. too_ the satre
tan()) w(rt submitted at the recant planning seines the reading table after
meet$ engs r the OntAssario
ated Boards d Trade the boy* and girt* sre abed, the rise
d Wes•.ern O)ntat•kr at Latdon. The
delegates from Goderich were Messrs. C.L. loving 4meideration elf whet Ibis er
Moore, J. P Hume, W. S. Bowden, R J. that (And most deter/at sad bow tar
Mesaw and Canon Hill. After !Wine dm- I the family parse sae paOwly be
cutslon the resolution was laid over to the W terhed to p0rslt .ome termer pee_
WE have a fine stock of the famous $34.00 Up
Victor Victrolas at prices from tt�
tt Also fully 1000 Victor Records to choose from.
A new line with us this season is a fine atsorament of
Canadian -made Dolls, of all prices, size* anil sexes.
Violins, Bows, e,s., Harmonicas
Latest Popula and Patriotic Songs
Holiday Gift 11apeteries
Leather Purs v and Pocket Books
Christmas an New Year Folders
Hymn and P - all Books
Bibles and T - - Laments
Art Pictures and Picture Framing
Pictures as gifts are appreciated We have a
large and beautiful collection of choice Art
Pictures at reasonable prices. Let us have your
framing orders early.
Musicf l Art and
James F. Thomson, Statiortet,.�
■ 111111111f a ■1111111111111f a aimma*a Noss
a 10
A lir
■ 1�
1� M
✓ it
✓ IN
Dad's a Pretty Good old Scout
And has been pretty good to all of us. You
know how much he enjoys his little smoke
after his day of work and worry. Now's
your time to even scores.
Give him a box of fragrant Cigars or a real
good Pipe, a Tobacco Pouch, or a box of
Cigarette. Choice Havana Cigars, '$1.00
per box and up.
Frank H. Wood
Pastime Billiard Parlor, Goderich
next meeting of the Associated Fhmrds, viam
happy, and Warden Elliott *ay. the 1918 the majority of the delegates declaring
council is the best in the Irtory of the
that as the question was new to them
they were tart prepared to express an
°optilrliion. A committee. of which Mr.
Bow:1en is a m'mber, was appointed to
kook into this matter.
At the moon monthly netting of
he council of the Goderich Board
of Trade last week Mr. Hone re -
pr ed on the meeting at London, and At Christmas be merry and
the members were 'mixed' wnhnut roe
the cnwatttee of which he is chairman thankful withal
was asked t5 continue its work and to Aneigh-
gard to pdntic41 division.. What has the I carry on an e4.uutioxnal campaia•t in And fast thy Pyr
County council to do with party politics, furtherance of the immense It ser equal- bars, the great with
anyway? bsatwrn of power rates. the small.
J.4r. Wm. Jackson, of Clintea. was n —Thomas Leas,.
Wh1M the "1" Anes nn the •wk-
attendance at the.meeting representing
eh. j: duceMlf. Co. (he ten -Year
ward man feta then with both feet. went of eseinptton from lApes on tit
Visitors to the council c 'amher noted
that the seating at this moron was not
according to the tied older. The custom
for years was that the Liberal members
of the council sat at one table and the
Conservative members at the other. At
this Renton. s• the suggestion of the
Warden, ih seating was readjusted so that
Every home la armoire() a (8rlsasas
tf 1t bas a great. warts heart p*Isatiag
Ice taw with the hope* and Jaye at
eldidt•sd.-1 xeh•mp.
The Jackson Manufacturing Co. were granted some
considerations when starting business here some years ago,
and are now willing to continue on. similar terms. They
feel that they have fulfilled their obligations in the past. Here
are some figures :
Amount paid in wages $117.884.30
Yards of cloth cut 997,134
Highest number of employes.... 62
The Goderich Board of Trade heartily approves of re-
newing the terms of the old bylaw and has plIdged its
support at the proper time to secure an extension of the
terms. The bylaw appears in the local press this week.
Chairman Industrial Corn. Industrial Secy.
aIIUINltl munaUtuulUuonimmumommilUUut1mmmm mIUUmU r
With every paid -in
advance sub.criptioo
to The Signal for 1.919.
Be sure to get one.
4wrrr•1aw•+•" ....r«w
▪ Ii i..
,fat•.,...+es...-y ...+.+.�..es...'s .
w "w `"M1"en.�.. �4�+r