HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-12-12, Page 3r • gas . IIOxil. _. OODIRIOH, ONT. ?Vbll$DAY+ DiC. u. Ing. --3 PLO, fir wet.. A_+w se....r SET year about the mld- dte et November a email alga appeared over the door of the Thomas est- tage which bore the knead. "The Bvergreea Shop." Beery year dariag the Christmas pasty Bath Themes made hundreds et evsrpeen wreaths, wile! sbe sold tee Christmas decorations. lits was why the people of Brterly nailed her tis evergreoa girl. The day before Chrlstmaa Rath sat r her little shop 'staling the last wreath sic wield make that mama. 'There!" she sold, daftly twisting a sprig of ►right turd berrtn sag the overgrwe sten. "that Galshes Hetes Stanwood's order, and thank goodness ICs Mae la time. Ob, dear'" she sighed: Iaying the wreath aside, "I do anis I could speed sae Christmas time es - "Wag mytetf as others do. Why, there bas not boon anyone ben over the holi- days dace I can remember, and I set been is a Christmas party In y —sot slate the time I west over Dell)r I IaWs with Due." ♦ arm elver anddealy glowed In the ghee cheeks and there was a soft light le her brown eyes es she thought of that memorable night. Dame Stanwood had taken her to that party. Once during the evening he caught her as she was standing seder the mistletoe bough, and— The sodden rear of s high-power auto- mobile broke la apes Ruth's musings. sad she !oohed out la elms to see a !sag blue roadster flash past the gate. Tis ear belonged to Dune Stanwood. Shortly after the Christmas party at Dolly Slab's Dose bad gone West to beams a seining engineer. He had writteu,t few times to Ruth and thee the letters had stopped coming. and sae had not beard from kis for nearly teat years. Them, jest a month ago. "Back with pee!" echoed Best< "Itsally 1-1 ewe go. risen 1e M mach to do are. tad—' 'Rosh!" laughed Dasa. "Of motes pee will ge back with me. pact is you'll have to." He waved his Mad as Blob started to spook. 'No m- emos tot, for 1 weal Dotes to 'ea Tee nee." dteawted west on, 'ills and ber !Tired were supposed to help gat things reedy fob the party tented. but she telepbooed Just as 1 was loam lag the boost that the train on which bar friend wee to arrive la very late. She may net get back until nine a'eloet, and the party begis* at eight. 1 told Ila I could a get things ready la time, for Ike decorating Isn't half dune. Thea she happened to think of you, an/ Y said richt of that you would be Just the one to help os out. You're tot 1 golag t dlapeolst us, are youl" very "Well. perhaps 1 eta go for a llttb wllle:' aid Rutb. 'Td dearly love to trim that t-bristas tree." "Of course, 1 won'. May to the party." oke thought as she scurried upstairs after a wrap, "se 1 won't see Dane's sweetheart, for of course she is the one Helen le to meet at the trait. And I really ought to Delp Dane and Isis slater out, for they have been suet good custesere." Dune ushered Ruth foto the bps double parlors of his new boar, whore the Christmas tree had been placed. "Do you sage." be asked, polat- ing to t great pile If evergreen at ate end of ebe room, "we will be able to hang all these wreaths and then deco- rate the tree beton elght o'clockr The evergreen girl gave • merry llt- lasgb. am sure we Cl. If we work fast." answered. "I am used to this workyou knew, sad with your help It weal take long." "Hes long have you been the ever- green gtr1Y' Dane asked, se he and Ruth were trimming a chandelier. "This Is gay third season," Ruth re- plied. "1 found that there was a big demand for wreaths and laurel trim- ming during the Thristrnas holidays. so three years ago 1 opened an ever- green 'bop. 1 love to do this Med of work, sod although the seams Is a short one, my little shop pays well." 'The evergreen girl might have added that. mon thin this. the rush of work Just at Christmas thee helped her to forget the dull ache In her heart which las always so bard to bear doting the holidays. She said setting of Oa. though. but asked. Instead: wreli me, Dane, bow yet have spite Christmas while you have bees away. Dee yen been where there wan sick MerryoaakingY' "For tbepast three 7MT"_ Stanwood, 'Tve celebrated Cb ti working from dews till dark. TWO Is the first enjoyable Christmas eve 1 hey* known ince 1 left Bristly." "It bas bees a very pleasant eves, Slag ter me, too." said Ruth. "and 1 Savo. stn joyed it ever es muck. NOV VII trim tM Maass tree, cad thea ya can take me home and get back Ik time for the party." At half -past *eves Dane surveyed ' the big double parlors with satirist -Dom With the help of the evergreen girl M had finished the decorations and every- , thing was to readiness for the guest,. "The rooms look just as they did fear lean ago at Dolly Btalr's Christi man t}er—evoa the mistletoe boagb." ssid Dane. "Don't yon remember hew that one hung right over our heads, all this one does nowt' The evergreen glri was silent "The Clirt I Ramat to Marry is Hera,. 'No," softly. "I had set illegettten." 'You sever thought I had forgotten. he bad suddealy agpeared in Bristly did you, &err with the blue racing car. Sone It was "But you sever wrote, Dane." remorod that be had made • tortoise "Because for • loag time I was mine la the pines. from a railroad or post °Mee and could Tbe mooed week after his returs net send &ay mail. Bet Yoe thougbt Stanwood bought the old Blain maa- of that night. though, and all these sloe and gave tbe information that he intended to move into his new home before Christmas. Next he that prevention' were under way for • party which he was giving Christ- ina eve. Tbe evergreen girl had been sur- prised and • little bit tort because Dams had sot even called. She had thought it strange. too, st first. thst the did not receive an Invitation to the party, for she knew nearly every- ese In Brterly was going. But when Ruth wax told the petty was to he...given in honor of Stanwood's fkaneee, she understood why she had sot bees invited. "That Is why Helen Stanwood didn't mention the party when she ordered these wreeths." Ruth thought. so she began tying them together. "Of course. I would not go anyway now. My. but limy will have to hurry If they hang all those wreaths before eight o'clock." The evergreen girt was ise busy get. Hug the Stanwood order ready that.she did not notice that eke blue roadster had returned and stopped by tbe gate. Neither did she observe the broad - shouldered young man who me striding up the path. The bell tingled merrily. "There's Helen sow, after the wreaths," Ruth thonght, and mho ran to the door. Dane was Mending la tee "Why, Timer she eertaimed. draw- ing back In confusion. "How yois startled me. I thoeght It was year "Helen hes gone to Raiford to meet • friend who Ix to speed tho holidays with us," said the young man, "so oho seat me after the wreathe." Ele down at the Fie. "This Is the ever. - green whop, isn't lir "Yes," said Ruth, forting a smile M "And roe are the evergreen sicir "I believe they call a tine 'Well; said Stanwood, 'Ds told ine 10 WI Mr* sad fifth yes beet wtfh elms I rearmed: years; rye been planning to have • Christmas party as much like that OM am I could, only this ono tonight will lat for you." "But isn't the Mead who is coming with Helen your Ileaceer faltered "Not exactly," laughed Dane. "That friend is Harry North, Helen's face. The girl I expect to marry is here, n ow. and. by Jove! I've caught bee & gals Handle( under the rolstlitos When Chrlehnas It Is a sprille, It hi that long Dreamt "AttorwAtie;" That sewn sweat Wiliest In us rime Our hurts to meet Tho splendid anise With lase and fall\ Of befter Mingo— Wise Christmas sow, waft caret... saw! 'Me Seestat The Christmas menage tens as of God's fttberbood. It le se mid heart that waits us when we turn to grati- tude and prayer. God has always leved ex; be loves us still. Seery trait Christmas thought anti gift Is Am am pressim of that divine love widen baa made our own love possible. Wm, eisim own our merry sad air risme mity is • call to become lib* Chat. Ail tbe pedaling qualities of tbe bo- na spirit were pretest st mos - goy: "fat tbe greatest et these ie One Advisees's. "What does It profit s man to have a minim dollars if sobody wishes Idea a hewn Noir Yearr "Of move. be's retber to he Mad. bot be la certainly la • galas to ta- ms* more etempagee ne New Year's eve than the Map wise bas ae smear erheee DIM& are am pair ad NNW • 1111111111111 TWO STORES • ChrtStriltikq 0 in otore WALKER'S illM111111111111/ •\\\ TWO STORES SIMINSION • ONLY TEN MORE SHOPPING DAYS LEFT. Make good Furniture you have not spent your money, yoi have invested it in a gilt -edge investment. Look over the list below carefully; see if there is something that appeals to you. use of them. When you buy STORE NO. Bedrooni Boxes Bake Boards Baby Carriages Baby Sleighs Baby Gates Bedroom Suits Beds, Brass Beds, Iron Beds, Camp Bed Couches Beds in fancy woods Book Cases, Sectional Bolster. Rolle Buffets Bathroom Cabinet China Cabinet Kitchen Cabinet Medicine Cabinets Music and Record Cabinets Parlor Cabinets - Smoking Cabinets Carpets and Rugs, in Axminster, Brussels and Wilton Rag Rugs Cedar Chests Cellarettes Chairs of all kinds Children's Chairs Children's Rorkera Children'a Toy Sets Morris Chairs Parlor Chairs Comforters Reed Chairs Reed Rotkers Chesterfields Chiffonieris Costumers, in -oak.' did mahogany Baby Cots Couches Cradles Cribs Curates Desks Dinner Wagons Statuary Foot Stools Card Tattles Parlor Tables Sewing Tattles \ Tea Wagons 7eleplione Stands Tov Sets Tea Trays Vacuum Cleaners, hand or elec- tric Work Baskets W sate Paper Baskets Furniture Covering Drapery Chintz Cretons Curtains, fancy and plain Curtain Material by the yard Club Bags Suitcases Trunks School Bags Music Rolls Music Cases Draperies Dressers Dressing Tables Flower Stands Picture Frames Furniture Polish Hall Clocks Hall Seats Hall Racks Hampers 'Library Tables Sectional Bookcases Magazine Stands Mant le 14 irrors Parlor Suits Pedestals Piano Benches Piano Stools Pillows Electric Floor Lamps Electric Table Lanips Fancy Shades STORE NO. 2 Dinner Sets Tea Sets Toilet Sets Water Sets Clocks Alarm Clocks Teddy Bears Dolls Pictures Trays, Brass Crokinole Boards Toy Dogs Toy Cats Baby Rattles Child's Dressers Jardinieres Vases Fancy Plates Platters Christmas Post Cards Artificial Flowers Indoor Football Toy Pianos Checker Boards Checkers - Games of all kinds Picture Books Story Books Toy Drums Hustle Tinsel, a new game Christmas Trees Christmas Bells Boys' Sleigh. Girls' Sleighs Phonographs Phonograph Records 'for all makes of machines Phonograph Cabinets in all fin- ishes Shoo -fly Horses Toy Autos Doll (7arriages Doll Sleighs Boys' Bugger Brown Wagon Boys' Buster Brown Sleigh Caaseroles Pyrex Ware Smoker Sets Dretu;ing Set., Photo Frames Ivory Combs - Ivory Brindles - Ivory Dressing gets Fancy' Ten Pots Carving Sets Tobacco Jars Nut Crackers Manicure Sets Handkerchief Boxes Cups and Saucers, a swell collec- t ion Ladies' Purses Gents' Purses Silver Knives and Forks, Old 'Colony Silver Spoons, Old Colony Fancy China of every description Some special -priced. aimortmenta Visit Our Music Department Every comfort awaits you. We have a music.:roomi fitted up-to-date for the comfort of record customers. Our record hst is complete. We have records for the:following makes of machines : Columbia, Pathe Freres, Bruns- twick, Classic, McLagart. Call and hear the "Brunswick" --all phonographs in one. • NOTHIN111 HAPPENED. Sloe sat biniestli the mistletoe Witham! 11m slightest fear: she reit wiid. lead *reeler, teelleil /be imam he lingered near; SU sat them rains lipid unafraid'. And sleepily he Mismed. far Word Dom married for • yaw. estiteremesterteterememeenterewwwwwweseett Christmas Wherever thee is sickness May Santa Clans bring health; Wherever thwe is poverty May Santa aar bring wealth. Wherever one weeping • • May tear to smiles give way $ Wherever sadness boven • • May ioy come Christmas day • • • To every heart that's aching • • May peace and comfort come, And may an outlook rosy • Su ant each outlook una. • • • May ends now wpm on reunited be, And every one find gladness Upon his anstmas tree. • • When we or " mnn on the comae Ile aide of the ntreet who °weft na llottar we wish he'd romp scram GNOME AMA MISTLETOIL oe or no A Christmas Wireless. To you and yours • wireless Akins the Good -will Ilne It brings a Christmas greeting Willi Wye from me sad mine. There Is eerie inly enough money spent on the road to ruin to keep It In excenent repair. 1 SOMETHING IN OUR STOCK FOR EVERY STOCKING 111( At, our store yon will tintl a line of gif that have enduring value -gift.. that betoken 5...11 judgment a,t well as gots1 will. 1111( 111 111 a Ont, of the siwcial advantages of it ecting from a stttek like outs lies in the fact that it (.1 'tit/tins oniething appropriate .for every member .t lie family. WI. Het lwlow s • of our leatiring lines. but it is impoivaible to give you a hint of the twain yi novelty and real worth of the ;psalm, or of the porter of (air low prices. Perfumes, Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Stationery, Ivory Goods. Leather Goads, Het Water Bottles, Thermos Bottles, Pocket Books, Pipes, Cigars, Playing Cards, Razors, Cigar Cases. 1-‘,11 con h.ok 111 you, leisure, with fi romplete amaortment to ehtwee from. R 0 ..0,747, of tiOngfildif •