The Signal, 1918-12-12, Page 2'44
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QAP he allus ust to say,
"Chris'mus comes but
onc't a year!"
Liked to hear him that -a -way,
In his old split -bottomed
By the fireplace here at night -
Wood all in --and room all
Warm and snug and folks all
"Chrts'mus comes but onc't a
year r
Me and 'Lim and Warr'n and
And Eldory home fer two
Weeks' vacation; and, I guess,
Old folks tickled through and
MORS as WE was--"Ilome onc't
Per another Chris'mus--ehore!"
Pap 'udsay, and tilt his cheer-
"Chris'mus comes but eac't a
year !"
Hdly Pap was ap' to be
Seeous in his "daily walk,"
As he called it ; geneely
Was no hand to joke er talk.
Fac's is, Pap bad never be'n
Bugged -like at all -and then
Three years in the army had
Hepped to break him pretty bad.
Never FLINCHED! But frost
and snow
Hurt his wowed in winter.
Yea bet MOTHER bayed it,
Watched his feec-iiitd lags
him putt
On his flannels: arl• knee,
Where it never healed up. be
Claimed was "weU now--74sightY
"Chris'mus comes but onc't a
"Chria'mus comes but onCt a
Pap 'u'd aay and snap lus
Roo o' apples sputtertn' here
Round the hearth, and me and
* 4 4
Crackin' hiekee-nuta; and
And Eldory parchin' corn;
And whole raft o' young folks
"Chris'nius cornea but onc't •
Mother tuk most comfort in
Jest a-heppin' Pap: She'd fill
His pipe fer him, er his tin
0' hard cider ; er set still
And read fer him out the pile
0' newspapers putt on file
• NsVolmiiltete(hsewaswittlihet p
, Sheurmioanm-e.
Knowed the whole war -history!)
"Boys," he'd say, "and you
girls, too,
Chris'mus is about to come;
So, as you've a right to do,
C ELE B II ATE it! Lots has died
Same as Him they crucified,
That you might be happy here.
Chris'mus comes but onc't a
•,,wt,..; A Met rti
alle. I,.
Cr '-
'0011 Mrs. MIdgely sat In
her disordered living
room ta aa utterly hope-
less attitude.
"Oh. dear." she sighed, "i haven't the
heart to tidy the house or even myself.
To think of Christmas only three weeks
"mai. and not one gttt for the children
and no hope of getting any. I am glad
they are at school; I can at least have
a good cry !"
Just as she was getting out her hand-
kerchief preparatory to enjoying this
unusual luxury she beard (he post-
man's step on the porch. Habit forced
her to gulp back the tear" and go t
the door. He handed her several leer
tent, all of which she recognized
bills, with the exception of one, whi
bore the handwriting of her sister
"Anne, dear," she wrote. "at Net I
can visit you, and shall he with you in
a few days."
"Oh, dear! Ob, dear! To think of
Judith visiting us at a time like this,
when we can hardly manage, with the
high cost of living, to set the table, let
alone having a holiday time!"
Mrs. Midget, Indulged In the desired
err, then, realizing there was much to
be done, she dried her eye* and with
the relief that the shedding of tears
Nrissed his voice last Chris'-
Mother helt up tel she kissed
net (5-1"
Them old cheery words, you !"
All of us -then had to go
And break down! And I laughs:
Chris'mus comes but onc't a
"Than's his very words," sobbed
"When' he asked to marry me.
-Chris'mus comes but onc't a
year 1"-•-•
"Chris'mns comes but onc't
Over, over, still 1 hear,
"Chris'mus camel hut 'ac't a
year !"
'fit like him, I'm go
Arid keep cheerful s
ALLUS Chria'mus
And here
--Chris'mus comes but onc't $
in' to mails
ll the viola:
le :o_\
. • • • 41.2.'etsi
In the Christmas
Handicap .41
Mere Man Describes How
Friend Wite Wins by
an Eyelash
L ' (
NYRE le an nee In my ening
home tonight." observed the
tali, sad man tis he pushed
the dice box from him andl-
accepted the consolation e
gar which the tobacconist
vouchsafed him.
"There will he Nothing do.
Ing the way of eats. My
if, hasn't time to conk. She's enter
ed In the Christmas handicap. You talk
about the .(s -day races whore fellows
ride around and around until they
drop dead or go nut.' Why, the ,
Chrietmas handicap has that kind of
an eliduranee race slum • mile,
"My wtte g,.s on* hundred and
eleven present,' no December 24 and
2%. Tb. race le between her and
(*helloes... and. believe me Christmas
le costing •leng pretty fest when it
roots. to the lest lap of the race tier-
ing Deeetalter Rut ley wife Is eoming
•Iong pretty rapidly. toe Tek• it
from my, those needle& of bora *dick
,a fast th.t they snood lik• fifty row
elution. to the anieatte. •ed she kite
on all all. ton. and she 1.4ree • string
of pink •nd Wee desale howitoota, ke-
foists, glees sal found" Is the wake
of these ...dies that woad esteitieli
yes t
- -7-Mf-ks Ad; .-61.n..6.2...0g10110
*tIckerty, ticlerty, tick, tick,' gays The
needle and there's a pair of embroid-
ered sockI, an embroidered handker-
chief or a foot towel, • sweater, • rip.
• dolly, a lamp 'shade, a photo holder
or most any old thing.
"Bingo! It's December 22! Bingo,
bingo, bingo -n -o. go the knitting
beedlelikand crochet hooks and the tat-
tled 'bullion. leaving a string of ger-
meets In their woke.
"December 23 jumps nti on the (sl-
ender, and whim' bang! zipp! go the
needles. the paint brushes, the brand-
ing freer' and the stencil. And swigh.
insish! on ironies the scenery, the me-
nagerie. or whatever she has to
"December 24 !wings Into the
stretch. Now Christmas is here.
They approach the wire.
"Now. 1 don't know whether my wife
has worked all night or not, hut she
has brought her string pretty well up
abreast of the times. Rut some of
tAtte presents have to he delivered.
My wife grebe • handful of them and
"torte oat tn deliver them. None of
them is finished vet. but ahe finishes
them on the way.
"Clang, elang ' gees the street car. here with you all. But I am glad you
Ruz-s-z! goes the current and sway told rite." John and I will have *anything to tot
we go! Rut bib, Mb. bob go the An- The children were delighted to have Y.a..nne.,aatnumn„."1"11r. wil" II. leaves fc't
tithing tenches on the presents. My their .,int 111, these. They had often - ----
wife arrives •t a pl•ee whore • pre,- visited the pleasant old white bees*
eat is to he delivered snit ring. the th•t had been their mother's home. and 141e Day.
bell. Rip. hip. lap. hip go the needles. it was a happy party that myraaadod "Ieteesiaawenaresor had • treat Owe
five yard. to mak. andtim
this id le the Monier tehle that night. Mrs. Ch
on the way to the door. Midaviy. toe, slmost forgot to be wee- ' I"L
t:Aldide't have le "yell fee
li"Creek-11 i The spryest °pone the tied as she sniped at her sister's high Christmas day, bet 1 did the day ef-
door. Swiab h ' the preasat is eareplet- spirits. ter."
ed. Tbod' My wife elves it ist• the Nett morale( after Judith bog1 "Were, Via filet 011 Chehitiewer
' hos Swish. Is go•s wiy wife's eerd, kissed the four ehilitrea as they left "T'Ire9•• Mut You se• BM day after
wort al
' and rattle. on e..e. some 'titillated for ischotti. elm tweed te h-er ester sal riet"." Pa bal to go
*wrapping paper (bad ra, on* *Om by Veldt 1 get ft thence la play With all Mg
: se eyelash!" f. ' :; • b.:, ' -•••
' •
1 "AAne. dear, we must tate as ta.
ventory of 'tack and boa what we cu
make for the Millets for Christmas."
"There is authing," said Anae.
"We'll find somethiegl" determined-
ly answered Judith.
"You can make thing" out of com-
paratively nothing," laughed Anne.
"but you csin't make them out et abso-
lutely nothing."
"Yee. we can! Til send for my
yarns and knit a cap and minims for
each child. They are using bright col-
ors and combinations of colors. In
that way we can ase your lett-over
yarns. too. We'll have plenty without
buying any more, and 1 knit rapidly.
I've deee lots of this work for the Red
She made looms with empty 'meow
and pins, from which each child helped
to make a round string which they
worked on at odd moments. They were
to be sewed on the mittens. No more
hunting for the "other mitten." The
children wee entertained with the idea
of being useful and of helping Anal
The sisters looked up discarded dolls
and sewed up legs and •rms, painted
the faces and restored the hair. En-
tire outfits of clothes that could be
taken off and put on were made from
hits of cloth found In the scrap bag,
and Illeyacroebeted lace enough for the
trimming. These were for the two lit -6
tie girls. Martha and Peggy, aged •ev-
en and nine.
How to make eleven -year-old Ralph
happy with left -overs was the problem.
Then Judith remembered that years
ago she had been the recipient of a
stamp book which she had not need.
She wrote her father for it, and then
Invested In some mixed stamps for
Ralph to make a beginning with. A
few new puzzles and toys from the
ten -cent store made • goodly amy of
bright things for Tommy. who was the
youngest child.
"Now for the dinner" said Judith.
'Let's not try to have the usual Christ-
mas dinner, but think up somethillif
different.* '
"1 did so went to ask Mr. and Met
Lambert:* sighed Anne. "They came
from England several years ago, and
are so Mose at Christmas time. I hod
hoped to have them. bat ot course I
eennot do It tlas year."
"/Chtit eves me the very Ides. Anne.
WIRD Invite them and surprise them
with\ii regular F.ncileil dinner -roast
beet.`Sarkahire podding and gravy,
ii-ind bilve roly-poly pudding for des-
The days flew by with the sisters as
busy as bee. Anne was never happier
ta all her life. She had not time for
repining, and toned that by simply
staking the best of everything she had
no real troubles at all. Henry. too,
caught the spirit .f hope. and remark-
ed to his wife:
t "It wool be long until we have made
np for lest time, and 1 like my sew
position better than the *id one. be-
cause It has 'Imre d • fulure to IL"
The Lamberts mace delighted with
the havitadoe, as they were expect.
Ing a lately dsy, far away from Marie
I Otte duty. whew Judith ease le from
Recants a Great Help te Judith.
shopping. Aerie met her with the sews:
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If lour gift list is ready let us help you select. It would take a
• ,t s•ist-A
things we have for Christmas.
bigger advertisement than this to tell you all the
makes • merrier Chriantas •
No.0 Bmwnie, 22M0; No. 2 Brownie,
$2.50 ; No. 2a Brownie, $3.50: Fold-
ing Brownie. front fiti.00 ; Ni'. Is
Kodak, $13.00 ; No. la Kodak. spec-
' ial lens. r24.30 ; Nd. Sa :Kodak. R. R.
lens, Er.1.50. a • P
1 •
. Swan Fenotain Pens, $2.S6 to
nernsos Bottlekaad Kits, $2.50 to $4
• INniiestic and foreign wakes. A nice
present fur a young toe to
~law r
RAZOR STItOl'S, sti tytNo NEM.*
Anti, Strop, $5.01 to $7
Bolder and metal. 25 to grt..75.
A large ••iige of gift glade.' Hair
Hrusbe". OM: Combs, Me
to $1.2.5; Hand Mirrors, use to
1475: Butt-m.50c to41.50; Individual
Iii•nicure Article*, 75c; Jewel
Boxes, Powder Boxes, Hair Reeeiv-
Stastip Boxer. Photo Fragile*,
Thoth Paint Holders, ()locks, etc.
\lake the night like (ley. $1.50 to
. yew vou• gcntleman friend. 12.25 to
4 Ma%
Astograph Albums and Calendars'
Calendars, .11, to it.: '‚41t441115 1. 3:x. tA•
Patterson's Chocolates
Beall" anti pot a 11444a of Piitterson's
Christmas Greeting Cards
t••• :•• Uh. mid 20.• each. -----
With your otlict:
Large sad varied stock - We are here toisevs yes
ijt , „ G ,1411•11 riet.wl!
V .0.4
›•>*- ,;•\
'',•• .4. *la
amig.. IMP
a• -4
ele *eel.
cave her, she started in to put the "A nephew, John Leigh.ltes murals
house to order. ed the Laberts. Be hes seen service
At least we'll be clesn." she *aid to In rivet', end Is sent here by the
Britiph government at a tassioia he` rE
herself. as she made broom and duster
Washington. He has a week's 'rata
ly about.
Some wionths before this time Henry tie" and bee mine 1r. Me" It with
them. I feasted that he cane to see
'fidgety had lost his peation as book-
keeper on account of the failure of the , ClitiatIews di""r• theg are •71.
arm for which he worked. They had goleg to call tonight."
and were almost staggered by the dill*. "Perhaps he ean advise me about
had no idea of impending conditions 1 "H•w Interenting." "laimed 7"- ,V.,
blew. The Midgelyt had four growing mi Red Cr." wort." 115 • is
children and every month had lived up I nwPrr"" w" delighted to eleet the '''-' R ,
to the salary. Mr. idety had Nat handsome young **idler and eager to
410S, f.ittk f • et* Sittle "
asy Christmas Buying
found another position. When Anne hi"er ""1"1" et "ever there" fr•a1 01,41 lemmas -
wrote home she did not tell her family who kaew. John became a crest beip
of their toss. and she bravely set her- to Judith with her plats for the ehil-
self the task of reeking np for the dren's Christmas aed her Red Crean
months when debts had accumulated. work. le fet, be thought of so eseey
Christmas' That was the hard part. things that he came te the Midget?"
Nothing for the children' They had et least once a day and every eveeing.
had Ruch Ione times before. with pres- Re trimmed the tree while Judith
ente for . e. Now she had more made the ample things to adorn It.
work then ever to do and less time for One evening Mrs. 'fidgety remarked
making presenta, even if she had the te- her hnehntid: "I saw • yoong
money with which to bay material. men so interested in children"
"I shall have to telt Judith," ate said Be looked up from his paper in
to her husband that night. when they amu"Pd "'Melee- "MY deer. do You
were seated by the lamp end the chit- really think la Is iaterested only In
dren were in Ns& "how sorry we are tlie children, -
t eke her visit • pleas- 1 "John. you don't mesa Indithr
III t from
that we cantle to 'Certainly. It has been ev en
ant one." the first."
"It Is too bad," said he. "Judith is
such a slave to your father. looking Christmas arrived -e glorious day,
after. his every whim and sever think- with snow on the craned. The din-
ing of herself. I wlah she had a home drer* had hung up their stockings. Into
of her own. I alertlya planned to give the bottom of each had been placed the
her a really good time whenever she Med n" e•P end mitten'', and • ray
ehould make that long -deferred *left." hag ef es"Y " tr4'• while thr nther
Judith arrived, her face • In ag w lefts were grouped shout the tree.
h I ith
happiness. After the set -coastal dinner was
"As holt I am beret Are you quite eat" Sit"' /*et° the evening in sing -
well, Anne?" Ind carls. John had a good tenor voice
"Oh, yes, dear." Mrs. Midgely's voice and Judith aecompenied him on the
had • Orange mote in it. Judith looked plane. Then he Nang military songs
he had learned in the treaches,
np quietly.
"Yon don't look well, Anne. What ! The guests took their departure,
is the matterr vowing it the happiest Chrietmas of
Poor 'ants let the floodgatee of her In Mrs* Iftddel7 turned te her minter'
tears open and told Judith her eras- 1 "Only thi°14 indlitill• 1 w•"freid
you would have a dell tIme. The chit -
"It's only that we don't want yea le dr•n hare ainawl "Walt and 7"
have • stupid time. Judith" have been an angel of mercy r
"Never mind about me." snewered "flapisees hes nothing to do with
Judith. "1 ant wildly happy just to be the peaseirsee at things." sullied Je-
dith • "it is all s state of sled. And-
, se“ tbsik"
,', .
. ..t.
. ' '..1...11.414
''''''' ..:. •,:'''
„ -"I t. .
s •
Sweater Coats
For men and boy& Prices ri
Fashionable Neckwear
Put up in boxes. A splendid
Here Are a Few S
Men's Braces
Bound to pkase.
• '71rinAts::
For every age.
f A fine new stock in all sizes arid
just the thing for a gift
For the latest designs and best
niaterials we cannot be excelled.
In the season's latest styles.
The best obtainable. At a gigot
variety of prices. 1,1r4y7
rea,40,4•144 4'4
• et's:0
Mitts and Gloves
Ve have the real thing and ere
sure to please. Prices right.
Open Evenings
e rich