The Signal, 1918-11-28, Page 41 --w-melfwer11294 4 Cat WM ti).• the 4' 45' s. .". * , a , 'et ..4 = e 44 $ s.* V, it r. Y.,??" tr94441;0•414 • -41141,04 •t":1; . r, THE SIGNAL • GODERICIt ONTAIII0 ; 4112I lass ss, --'1.11".11111hisire911frieer t 4,14 :42- ek.a15.1. „ s • re; •• 4 4 -t -1. 4 1- 1- 1- -1- ele Ow OD we ele OD IND XXXXXXXX COME ON SATURDAY FOR YOUR OVERCOAT We have received great praise for our Overcoats. They have the style -that snappy appearance which appeals to stylish young men: warm, comfortable. dur- able, stylish. Prices $15.00 to $40.00. UNDERWEAR The vety best makers' goods are to be found at this store: Stanfields', True Knit. Pen- man's, Turnbull's, in combination and two-piece. Our prices are right. SPECIAL ORDER DEPARTMENT D Suits and Overcoats made to order by 20th Cen- tury and Art Tailors. WALTER C. - Ak.).ST 20th Century clothing + P.RIDHAM FOR Borsalino Hats Phone 57 XXXXXMCXXX=CX=CCX= In Trouble. "What's in the mill from your hus- band today?" "A couple of eedks. He wants me to thread 'em and 30 'em back to him. Gat to do so sewing. he says." - Louisville Courier- urnal. 5 Rubber Footwear The season is here agai for Rubber Footwear. It is very essential that \ everyone keep their feet dry and warm. The Life-littoy Rubbers are the best in quality, style and will give the qpost service. They are now in stock at the lowest Pbmiible prices. Have a look at our Heavy Shoes for workingmen. They are without excep- tion the most reliable goods ' made in Canada. - REPAIRING - Geo. MacVicar North side Square, Goderich • `4. McEwen's Specials Men ' s and by'.' fleece- i ned Underwear, winter weight, at special prices. Men's Cardigan Jackets to take the place of a sweater and not so bulky. Men's and 1 -os' Knitted Mitts and Leather Mitts. A new shipment -nt-Crompton Corsets, all sizes in stock. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Ladies' fine Cashmere Hose. Winter weight. Last year's Mock at last year's prices. FRUITS for Christmas Cake Best package seeded Raisins. Best package seedless Raisin,. also in hulk. Currants in stock. Hard to get this year. Lemon, Citron and Orange Peel Shelled Walnuts, Almonds and Filberts. Lemon and Vanilla Extracts. Pure Clover Honey .-, and 10 pound pails. 20c and 2ric glass jars. RIT Something new. Washes and d ves. Makes old clothes new. All colors. Pink, rose, light blue, dark blue. red and light green. 10c per package. J. J. McEWEN Phone 46 - Gioderich Caknada Food Board 1-werwe No 1 730 DUNGANNON. MR. N. F. WHYARD is the anent for THE SIGNAL, at Dungannon Otders lett with h lar subscrumoris. • vertiorne nts or Jab printing will receive 19 iim pt et tent ion. Telephone (Godert, h Rural) after his severe illness. Election day, Monday, December 2nd. We are sorry to heat that Mrs. Bee- croft of 1Vhitectiurch (tormerly Miss Stella Kirks who was recovering from an attack ut lIlfluenlI. took a relapse un Monday last and is .n a critical condition. Mrs. Henry Jones received word last week that her nephew, Reynolds Sands, Still Of Mr and Mrs. Richard Sands, formerly of Dungannon, had died at his home In the West. He was tifteen years of age. Death was due to influenza. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Myers are giving up their positions in connection with the Rural Telephone Co. and are removing to Hamilton. Miss Ella Stoteels will take charge of the operating arid she and her moiler, Mrs. Wm. Stothers, will live in the telephone buildnig. Mr. Lorne Mc- Kenzie may succeed Mr Myers as 'amebic man." The changes take effect at tlw end of this month, WEDDED. -At the home of Mrs. William leers. 501 concession of West Wawanush, at noon today ( th'edriesday), her eldest daughter, lairs Pearl, was united in marriage to Mr. Gordon Congram. of the th concession of Ashfield. The cere- iy was perfermed-by Rev. 13'. J. Ectleston. of Luckn ov, in the presence of a gathering of immediate relatives and frien. s. 'rhe beat of good wishes acc pany Mr. and Mrs. Congram in their matrimonial Journe,. Thos. G. Allen DUNGANNON Issuer of Marriage Licenses ConwnisSioner for Affidavits. etc., and Conveyancer With. Deeds. Mortgages, Agreements. etc Carafully rxetyied and Money Sup- plied kr Mortgages AGENT FOR F.re. VV•nd' and tn the bast Companoes o.,5 WIEDNESDAY, Nov 27. Ou rchants report bnsiness excep- tionally good. NILE. WkCDNIDIDAY, Nov. 27. Rev. T. E. liteadman, of 1)uniannon, occult led ti epulpit of Nile church last Sammy. Rev. J. W, Hisey preaching at Dungsmion. Next Sunday Rev. Dr. Avery, a returned missionary, will preach at Nile. On Prides.. December 20, the Sunday school will give an interesting enter- tainment. A special treat it. in store; do not Mies it. lo vim of the disagreeable weather last Thursday a jemod repreeentat. of the ::: i t deters of the district met et Nile for thettuarterly district meeting. Nile Patriotic League met es usual fast wee.. Althougti- peace has beer. proclaimed the ladies here are nit losing interest in Red Cross %awls. Miss Della and Mr. Derrell McCann spent the week -end at h . Mimi Marion Ryan has been visiting friends at Nile. J. R. IcNi.bb received a piece of Sir Wilfrid urier's birthday cake and dreamt on He does not like to tell his dream until iter Monday next, for. fear of discouragm the Tories. Mr. and M 5 vid McGratten, of (,oderich. were i the village on Monday visiting Mn. atsen's father. Mr. William Ryan.. The ladies' sewin meeting this week is at the•home of Mrs. 13. J. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Joh Elliott and the Mimes Frank and Lillie clean attend- ed the funeral of the la John Cox, of Goderich township, on Sat day. George Spotton is aroun giving his lecture. "The Kaiser Band in ory Land, or, Ilow to Steal Conventiona. ' George ought to know something abou the sub- ject, as he travelled with the sa com- pany himself for a good many yea Mise Ethel Glenn was home rom Toronto for a few days. She ha an attack of the "flu." but is now fu y recovered. Mr. Louis Govier has sold his teaming hes ems to Mr. Wm. Johnston He does not intend leaving the village. however. What about getting a German aub- marine for Disher's millpond as a souvenir of the great war? The River Valley Creamery Co. usually closes down at this season of the year, but intends to take in cream throughout the coming winter and ship it out. The many friends of Aubrey Higgins are pleased to see him in the village again 15, • SALTS If BACKACHY AND HONEYS HURT Drink lots of water and stop eating meat for a while if your Bladder troubles yon. When you wake up with backache end dull misery in the kidney region it gen- erally means you have been eating tao much meat, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks the kidneys in their effort to Alter it from the blond and they become Note of paralyzed and lot.rgy. When your kidney, get sluggish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels; re- moving all the body's urinous waste, else you have backache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, ton,gue is coated, and when tim weather is bad you have rheumatic twingea. The urine is cloudy, fall of sediment, channels oftew pet sore, water scalds and you are obliged to eek relief two or three times during the sight Either eonsult a gond, reliable pbrii- cian at once nr get from your pharmeeint about four puerto. of Jad gaits; take • tablespoonful in • glaze of water before breakfaet for a few days and your kidneys will then set fir. This famous mita is made from the add of grapes and lemon juke, combined with MILL, and ham been need Inc generations to close and stdmulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize odds in the urine so it no longer irritates, thua ending Madder. weak -sees. Jail Salta is • life saver for regular meat eater. is imerpeasive, museat injure and makes a deligkthal, Wee - Tamen, Blida -wake drink. ss r1",•: "rg,„T: r • KNOW THEM BY THE FRIENDS THEY MAKE. Why Dodd's Kidoev Pills Hold Their Pc polarity. Breche a Manon, Que., Nov. 25th (Special.. -Among the many fiends Dodd's K•deey Pil's h .ve made in this part of Quebec is Dirge Clement Collin, a well-known resident of this place. "I reetoven great ie -lie, from Dodd's Ki tney Pil ," is the reason she gives for always re.or,•mending Lhidd•s Kidney Pills io her hienr;s. and she adds that a ereat deal of her health and vigor is due to t Ss help she got from the great Canadian kidr.ey remedy. Dodds Kidney Pills hold their popu- larity n at because of the promises they make, but because of the good they do. They are no cure-all. They are purely and simply a kidney remedy. The reason they are credited with the cures of rheum- atism, heart disease. dropsy. etc., is be- cause all these diseases are caused by sick kidneys. Cure the kidney,. and the cause of the disease is removed. ST. AUGUSTINE. HOW MRS. BOYD TUESDAY, Nov. 26: Mr. and Mrs. F. Boyle vis ted Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Boyle recently. Mrs. Mason McAllister vis ted her mother, Mrs. James Reid, of Ashfield, last week. Mr. and Mrs. McClinchey, of Blyth visited their daughter, Mrs. Chas. Robin son, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. M 'yet.. of Cukor, visited at the home of Mrs. Ed. Brophy this week. Rev. Father Dean left last Saturday for his new charge at Kingsbridge. The Thursday evening before h:s departure the people of the St. Augustine parish pri: iterated him with a well-filled purse. Miss F. Robb visited friends in this vicinity last %week. AVOIDED AN OPERATION Canton, Ohio. -"1 suffered from. female trouble which caused me much suffering. and two doctors decided that 1 would have to go through an operation before 1 could get well. Nfy mother, who had been helped by Lydia S. Piakham • Vegetable Com- pound, advised mo to try thofore sub- mitting to an opera- tion. lt relieved me from my troubles so 1 can do my house work without any difficulty. I advise any woman who is afflicted with female troubles us give Lydia E. Pinkhiun's Vegetable Gene - pound a trial and it will do sa much for them." -Mrs. Mettle BOYD. 1421 loth St., N. &, Canton, Ohio. Sometimes there are serious condi- tions where a hospital operation is the only alternative, but on the other hand so many women have been cured by this famous root and herb r•mody, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, after doctors have said that an operatioa was necessary - every woman who wants to avoid an operation should give it a fair trial before submitting to ands a trying ordeal. If complicatioas exist, writs hi Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lyna, Rasa., for advice. The emelt of many years experience is at your service. AUBURN. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 27. .. W. T. Riddell spent the first -part of the k at Toronto. Mr. tarry Beadle and Mr. Elwin Kill- ough le on Tuesday morning for Toron- to to se re work. They returned the same even g to the county town to try their fortu there. They have the best wishes of ma friends for success. On Monda night Mr. Spotton. the independent servative candidate for North Huron. Id a meeting in the Foresters' Hall 1. tell the electors his position and show up his grievances against his party Robert Buchana a acted as chairman. Miss Lila Howatt h., had to give up teaching for a few day being laid up with the influenza. Several new cases of in nza have developed in the village and inity late- ly. Mr. Ralph Munro. Mr. and s. Chas. Beadle and Mr. and Mrs. tthews spent Sunday at Kitchener iting friends. The Women's Missionary Society Id a prayer meeting at the parsonage h on Tuesday afternoon. Miss Clara Schultz is recovering rapid- ly after an operation for tumor •uccess• . fully conducted by Drs. Macklin. Hunter and Weir. Mr. James Websler is wearing a broad smile. A baby son is the cruse. ' The school children are hard at work practising for a Christmas entertainment Ito he giv n before school closes. A Sutcess-The Red Cross consert on Friday night was a decided success. The hall was filled by an appreciative audience. Applaur was generous and all taking part responded to encores. Those tak- ing part in the program were Mr. Ray- mond Redmond. violinist; Mr. irvey McGee comedian: Miss Florence Young, who gave several readings; Misses Mary Patter -eon, Ella Robe: tson and Lena Plunkett who rendered soiree., and Mir L. Errington, of !Myth, and Miss Winnie Howson. accompanist,. Rev. R. J. ROINI acted as chairman. The proceeds were Ise. which amount goes to the Red Cross funds. ST. HELENS. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 27. Mr. Carl McDonald and Mr. Ewart McPherson, who have been in the West for a couple of months, arrived home on Thursday. Mr. William Woods, Mr. Robinson 04 '4 1 s 1,4[5,14)5 1 ' 04,ts, Woods and Mrs, R. J. Woodsand Mr. and Mrs. John Durnin attended the funer. al of their cousin. Mrs. Reid, at Bayfield on Monday. Mr. Horace Woodley and family have moved Its) Mr. W. Rutherford's house. Mr. VS bodley has bet n engaged by Mr. Rutherford for a year. The Harris Mission Band will hold its annual meeting in the church on Satur- day next at 2.30 o'clock. hlr. Roy McQuillan has been engaged by Mr. J. Joynt to look after his stuck for the winter. s. • K1NGSBRIDGE. hlOnavir, Nov. 25. Mr. Ed. J. Dalton arrived home to spend the winter. Mr. J. J. Dalton, of St. Columban. visited his mother a few days last week. Miss Mary Garvey. who has been visit- ing at her home here, left last week to vuutther sister at Detroit. FATHER DEAN TAKES CHARGE. -Rev. Father Dean. of St. Augustine. has been appointed parish priest of Ashfield and took charge here on Sunday last. Rev. Father McCardle, who Ras had charge here for the past two months, since the death of Father McCormick. alt late week for St. Augustine. having been ap- poireed parish priest at that place. 11111111XXXMINXIIIIIEXX111111•111101111XXXXXXX0111111E1�IONIN• ▪ rq r Store Hours: 8 a. m. to 6 p. m., Saturdays 10 p. m. 11111111111$1111111111111111011111•1i1i11smommmi11111CMINNOM1 D 1\1 I LLAR SON fe:4 ttiot t, 154 GODERICH TOWNSHIP. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 27. Mr. Geo. Cox. of Stratford, spent the the vrread ,eznong friends around Porter's Hill. .Mr. W. Williams, who bought W. Van- derbuigh's store, took possession last week. We wish him success. Taylor's Corner sewing circle will hold its next sewing meeting on Wednesday. December 4th, at the home of Mrs. T. NI. Johnston. Spr. Art Patton, of the Siberian Signal Corps. who has been stationed at Ottawa, was home for a few days last week, prior to leaving for Siberia. On Friday afternoon last a social aftet- noon was spent by the members of the United Patnotic Society at the home of Mrs. 1. Salkeld as a farewell for Mrs. Bic- han. one of the society's most faithful s'Up- porter,. During the afternoon Mrs. Bichan was presented with an address and a fruit spoon as a slight remembrance of her felloa-workers. Refreshments were Nerved and the meeting was closed by singing Auld Lang Syne. Mr. G. M. Elliott wishes to thank all who helloed him to poll so large a vote in the London Free Press contest. enabling him to obtain a splendid prize, al- though he did nit win the automobile. Years ago we used to hear much about the jealousy existing between the neigh' boring cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis. We have not heard much of it lately. but it is recalled by a story told by one Id the Victory loan workers at Toronto. in deny- ing that there had been "jealousy •' be- tween competing divisions. thouzh. of cour-e, there had been rivalry. To show what jealousy really WM,. he told the s ory of the M. nneapniis man who:visit. ing a strange city. was ereatl enjoying a church service until the m nister an- nounced his text as a verse from St. Paul And he left at once. 112 Warned. "I'm going to get a divorce. My w fe hasn't spoken to me for six months" •'lletter be careful. You'll never get a ether wife like that." NO CLOGGED FROM 1 COLD OR CATARRH Ap,IyI c m in Nostrils To Alt Passages. Ah I What retie Your elogged nos trill) open right up, he air paeaages 01 your head ire clear a you can breaths freely. No more h king, anuflling, mucous discharge, head e. dryner-no stniparling for breath at a t, your cold or catarrh is gone. Don't stay Muffed up' t a smell brittle of Ely's Cream Balm om your dniggiat now. Apply a littl of this fragrant, antirptic cream in y r nor trills let it pen, trate through 151, air passage or the head soothe and the vwollen, inflamed M11001111 membr giving you instant relief. Ely's 'Salm is just whet everyTeold and ea- tarrh sufferer has...hems seekiag. a It joss spired. f, 14 IT IS NONE .„ TOO EARLY 'TO .0 YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING The great scarcity of all desirable goods, and the good old Christmas spirit of pre-war times which onte again prevails make it more advisable than ever to do your Christmas shopping early. The Store for Practical Gifts for Personal Wear and for the Home - Kimono Cloths, Eiderdowns, Novelty Blankets 9-.1.26Sigt We are showing a splendid variety of Kimono Cloths, Eiderdown and Fancy Blankets, for making up in Kimonos and Dressing Gowns, which maka ideal gifts. .,-•°.x.111117141, .1, 345 11A16,111,9pasalelelrek.-s...ef,„ Kimono Cloths in a great variety of designs. 30 inches wide. 39c yard. Eiderdowns, in sky, pink, cardinal. white and grey, 50 inches wide, $2.50 yard. Novelty Blankets in handsome designs. that make most attractive Dressing at OATS COATS COATS A new Coat would make an excellent gift. We are showing some very exclus- ive models, in Plush and Velours, in the latest New York styles, at moat attractive prices. $25.00 to 565.00. Exceptional values in womens Amid misses Tweed and Blanket Cloth Coats. From $15.00 to $25.00. Special value in women's Serge Dresses. $16.50. FURS FURS FURS Furs make the ideal gift. Our popular - priced Furs are sure to please. They come in Red Fox, Grey Fox, Natural Wolf, Black Wolf, Iceland Lamb, etc. All at the very keenest prices. From $15.00 a set, up. Children's Fur Sets a specialty. Gowns. $5.95 to $9.00 each. BLOUSES in distinctive styles, in Georgette. Crepe de Chine and Habutai Silks. Many new styles that are very chic and smart, just opened up, the beat styles we have ever shown. From $3.50 up. NE 11 E Handkerchiefs Galore ,,,,m, NI t.s -1‘ Misses' Smart Skating Sets- Special showing of misses' smart Skating Set, consisting of Tam and Scarf, in brush -knit, in all the leading colors, in entirely new styles. At $1.95,• • • $2.50 and $2.95 the set. Your Christmas Store is Ready Handkerchiefs make one of the moat popular gifts. We have them in thous- ands, from children's picture Handker- chiefs to the dainty styles of real lace. Frown 5c each to $2.25 each. • Men's and women's pure Irish Linen hand -embroidered initial Handkerchiefs, put up in 1-4 dozen in neat boxes, at 25c. 35c and 50cleach. X . a"'%i'''' '''s, 1 - ,.. - .., ,s, . . „ X /'••',1.,, •11.1 • :li";.'ss ;41. • '':'S'i,„ 21 • •.ir,'. 'Is 11( II'' ',,li X 0[•••••••••••••••••••11XXXXX11•••••••••••[11(11 rs. X PHONE 50 Millais Scotch Store PHONE 58 NAM ••• X XX *Xi( •••111IX•11•1111••••••••111•11X XXXXXX • ",,.)., l': 4 .t0f,'• * 4:5:5 THE LEADING PHONE AND MAIL- ORDER HOUSE "Always go to bed with influenza." says a medical Officer of health. It is, of course. a mere matter of taste, but we ourselves always prefer to go to bed without it. Fancy Biscuits Owing to war conditions we have until recently found it impossible to keep up our usual large assortment. We have now overcome this difficulty and we have Fifty New Kinds of Christie's, Telfer's and McCormick's most famous Biscuits. You will like this assortment. Try a pound for some special occasion. - Ler so -earl; DEAN BROS. GROe.ERS East side Square te Ooderieh License No. 8-4g58 Phone 110 4,4 Let us have your next order for OFFICE STATIONERY The Signal EXTRAORDINARY OFFERING OF ART NEEDLE WORK COMMENCING sss reser SATURDAY. NOV. 30 trit SPECIAL REDUCTIONS CUSHIONS Hand embroidered in silk, conven- tional, floral, patriotic and masonic designs. $5.50. for $3.50. TABLE RUNNERS --on oatmeal cloth, embroidered in colored silks, conventional designs. $5.50, for $3.50. DAY SLIPS- in beautiful solid white embroidery. also Blue Birds. $5.75, for $3.75. HANDSOME CHRYSANTHEMUM CENTRE - solid white work on best linen, 36 -inch size. $15.00, for $10.50. DAINTY SILK DRESSING SACQUE-$6.75, for $4.75. Embroidered Night Gowns, Boudoir Caps, Pin Cushions, Towels and small pieces all at a - reduction. Now is your chance to buy a good Christmas present cheap. Hurry up before they all go. Christmas will soon be here. ' SMITH'S ART STORE East, Street 'Phone MR ae er re et. alt. • r, • t s t- .1- + 500000CMCCXXICICXXXIC ,•„„ .!,,,•••. • "" • ","•1441"e: . „ 44 • , ,.. " • „ 44.4 _11, • 1•1' • • • t 4,1 4447 44