HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-11-28, Page 1es JAa" -we A ;CALENDAR with each '"Paid-in•ad- vance Subscription to The Signal for 1919 seessowtesessasegreessesaeesswo N 4 OF CANADA "rt«'- yew dor Uel ei SAVE, Becau4 tom. A growing Bank account insp; :: °pelf -con- fidence as well as confidence fr t igthers FOR SALE OR REM'. ARMS FOR SALE. Year choice of a awmber of forma. nearly any Mr y�eeaa want. Som. them be Is taari prevent .t of ail Imcan Wovemeol•. Mhtanyat d them term. include nearly everything anyone aal4 byre to • farm and for ■ holm. Principal reasons kr selling, want ol help to work the farm Akio a number of houses and logs far sale in Goderich THE FARM LAND AGENCY. Poe par Lieu Iars see J W ARMSTRONG. Cor. Brock Street and Camhru Road. SALE. -FRAME COTTAGE, IN rift)Rgood mate of repo, also lot adjoining. Ap- Icy to MR. P. WOOL LCOMby Trafalgar street. R SALE. -SOLID BRICK HOUSE with MIconveniences central location. Ad- BuX la. SIt.NALOI'FICE. Godench. FARMS FOR SALE. A SPLENDID OPPORTLNITy TO BUY A GOOD FARM. tun acres of choice land whin a mile and a half of caw o4 the hest villares In Huron, on Ione of C. P R. Good -bur c& -s, .hoot And market. Tito farm 11 In grope, condition. [nod bondman. Noses and osier. m tact. EMs is a real farm. The pseaest owner has made money on It. and n re- wuuc. having no help. lance 94.3, 0. reasonable tarns. IN/ acres with Fried buiid,ag. IOU acres spin d,d • 1. balance pasture and timber. I have not been on Om farm. but 1 am told it a Food in every way: is wrthm two miles of Market and depot. and a offered Ica sale as owner'' mos are over - e rr. Terre $e rano on kettsfactay terms. Ito acres, best ol lard and buildings. within three miles M Grderlch Has always been a titbit farm. Good remote Inc willing Price .tut- ..� 1110e.GUNDRY Goinace mRENT.- OFFICE AND FI VE- )AOOki M .IUac Y cawcuoa therewith. R SALEE. .-RED BRICK HOUSE, with alt coovenieneta Apply W. A. CMS - M. Trafalgar street. d•tf WANTED. TAKE ALL YOUR SKiNS AND Aides to D. BROWN. He pays highest prices. Phone 220. AID WANTED FOR GENERAL hoo,ework: family of two. Apply MISS tOD(;E. BOX b4J, (;ode,,ch • WANTED AT ONCE. -A RELIABLE man to represent "THE ULD RELIABLE PONTHILL NURSERIES" in Gnderich and Huron county A splend,d opportunity for an enterprising salesman Write for full particulars STONE & WELLINGTON. Toronto. Ont. 41-41 '1IR1S WANTED. -APPLY THE VI GODpHCH KNITTING CO. 10.44 LOST OR FOUND. TAKEN FROM MY PREMISES ON Hallowe'en night. a small. green garden gate. Wall anyone who can give information as Ldtta whereabouts advise the undersigned? M. G. CAMERON. MEETiNGS. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY DE COUNCIL. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will Test in the Cwwncd Chamber, Goderich, at 3 tri clock on the afternoon on Tues- day, the Bed day of December, 1910. GEO. W. HOLM AN. County Clerk. Goderich, November 15th. N14. 42-2t COURT GODERICH,�NO. 32. C.O. F. Vv The members of Cdurt C;oderich No G. Cana- dian Order of Foresters, are reminded that Tues- day eyewink, December Berl. is the night of meet- ing A gooattendance 11 rcque.ted as special beaine.* is to be before the meeting W. J. McCREATII. Rec. See. l •.s-- • _ r ' .• fIM *+Elis - - rIGS MESSRS. . + . L4 1crONt AND .111 rel by 0.1:1 t farm. 1o4 7. contras. e t Jahn, to a tywp� )• ne township, on Wcommet . I ec Etl,4,R 4, MR. Mouse's • -ram 10[ . apesr .ft mare. G years old: 1 •a. •. year. fe•O-.t htrbeu December: 1 creel. P.O. Id. .0 beaten January; 1 cow. llyrnent ale, wppu+ed to iA calf, 2 heifers. '2 y. jp due m Jaaoary 2 heifers. 2 years. - Jointers, year.. ofd: 11 yeartirep..cilv.k,. *10, 0 weak. old. Ma. JOWNeyov'sL eilitne well-bred yntrri( Leicester ewe/ B car teed ewe Iambs; 2 wether Nadia, 1 fat ewe, 1 trios call 1 Wing sow, nrppaead to be in ... , R Alae/ cutter goad ea new.. th owe, whtihetree and .hilts. Everything advertised s •1 • .nye. I ages --All MO% ol re., and order. c sh. over that am..oet, t' • . m,•tabe. ,..1st .11 be born oa iorelsher(e app's,.✓ ndnt rotes. A discount ••1 1. per cars 'eke). Inc cash on credit anaou-ts. ANDRE W JOHNSTON A.' •D UA fthl MOORE T. GUNDRY, Wsstuv. Auctioneer. TEARING A )Cf*oN SALE OF J FARM STOCK 'AND IMPLEMENTS. MRS. WILLIAM BICHAN .dl sen by pitivic author. at north -had( lot 11, Goderich towna.tp. three tale+ final Gudm.rh. on Baybell roa13 on UESDAY. DECEMBER led. commencing at 1 o'clock stoup, t4aaras.-floe mistral ',sport base. 4 years old; l stoma! puriwae ma'. 0 years aid: l hdy's driver. 12 years eld, 1 apo snare. Cant., -One brad }•trey cue .1 years old calif register due jllnuary IS t cow. 3 yyeear. old. doe March 9. I cow, y... old. Jur A+nl 1. 1 caw, 4 Years old, due A . ,•- 1 lj_ 's Aloe row, nMd 1 hole71yem old spring calks Pio..-thee brood Sow. 10 plea n weeks old at time of sale. 1atn.asrawr;'-Una Maw y.Harets binder, 1 Frost & Wosd aMwer. 1 rake, 1 two -horse cultiva- tor. 1 -et karows. I farm and orchard disc. 1 drill. 1 No, 21 Fleury plots, 1 oar -hors.. plow. 1 twin plow. 1 gang plow. 1 fanningmoa. 1 GeLon 1 1-2 h. D• engine on truck 1 good Bain wagon. 1 'prey tank on wagon. 1 wagon Ems. 1 comb,na- ttonrack 1 pug nark, 1 set bobsleighs, 1 set light sleighs. I cutter, 1 democrat. 1 b uegY. 1 ecunkr, 1 Cycle -.l-egs incubator. 1 ser Aouble harness, 1 chain hornet's 2 sets single harness collars. pick, (irks. Apr grindstone. wh,flktrees. chain., pruners. Manes. and various other tools, One Melott. versos ter. (RAIN. -Some 0 A C. No. t oats. +wen clover seed. oats, harpy sed mixed graet hay, corn in slaok, straw. held carm(s and mantels. FueN,nrms,-One Rohe bedroom Immiture I sisal b.1 move and of her furniture. M'octtuwura..- A number of bre hir, and other bee suppliees}.. hotbed sashes, robe..01 rugs, 1 churn. dais 1Sarls. ca: