HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-11-21, Page 5ri it .4 THE SIGNAL - GODERiCH ONTA RIO it For Storage Batteries and Battery S13ii: t :i1( Supplies 1 t..7,3nt you cannot do better than come to East"Droned wed Operated by a Street Garage practical Mae" GODERICH ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover Christmas Reminder just a mouth till Christmas and the Christrnas Cake and Plum Pudding are two im- portant requisites to make the Christmas Dinner com- plete. Be Ready, Aye Ready We are prepared to supply • you with all the require- utents to make the Christ- mas repast a success. Fresh Fruit just arrived. We solicit your Christmas trade. Robertson & lair Phone 164 Cor. Hamilton St. and Square Canada Food Board License No. 8-2949 L. B. TAPE The Singer Sewing Machine Agent, had- taken over the agency of the ..fiyb�ryr International Harvester Company a Ps Mr an Hamilton Street sy! •- . aid will handle both lines Farm Madnnery and Singer Sewing Machines A fair share of the public pat- ronage will be appreciated. LOCAL TOPICS-- Wants OPICS Wants the Nome News: "I always look forwar d every week to my copy of The Signal. „to get the- new; of the old home town on the shores of good old Lake Huron." So writes Walter J. Br:micombe, a Goderich "old ley" residing in Detroit. ' Parcels foe Prisoners Stopped. The Canadian Red Cross Society has been notified by the chief commissioner overseas that all individual parcels to prisoners in Germany have been stopped 1 and that food i• now being sent in bulk. Owing to the present conditions the former method of addressing the parcels I to individual men is no longer neeessarv. This will apply to all parcels for prisoners. Shot at Toronto. • Acting Detective Frank Williams, of ' the Toronto police force, was shot and killed on Tuesday last whilt arresting a suspected burglar by the name of Mc- Cullough. VI dlIams was in the act of placing the handcuffs on McCullough and , a pal when the former suddenly drew a revolver and fired five shots at the officer. killing him instantly. The murderer made a dash for liberty but w -as soon re- captured. Detective V alien* was a son of Mr. Chas. Williams, of Holmesvdle. He w'as twenty-three years nt age arid Rubber Footwear The season is here again for Rubber Footwear. It is very essential that everyone keep their feet dry and warm. The Life -Buoy Rubbers are the best in quality, style and will give the most service. They are now' in stock et the lowest possible prices. Have a look at our Heavy Shoes for workingmen. They 'are without excep- tion the most reliable goods made in Canada. —REPAIRING -01 Geo. MacVicar North side Square, Goderieh =1afltrflttfksflrr C .. OilOrb Ile 4111 GOLDWYN presents r r .. .1- -1. Madge 'Kennedy it >•, at— 1 N— e Service Star" The Flag of All Mothers .tat.•, The love story of the slacker who built itis own prison Mon. and Tues., Nov. 25 and 26 it Mme. Petrova e Law of the Land" A PARAMOUNT PiCTURE r r, rer;u At great effort and expense -we have itecured the photoplay adaptation of George Broad- hurst s' famous play which thrilled theatre- ti goers throughout the land. Wed. and Thum., Nov. 27 and 28 Model Theatre 1 010' ,ra FJYit Show 7.30 o'clock --Second Show 9 o'clock 1. o 44.: . -8- 8- -8- -1 .1- .1. 1- t had been uuwwcted with the Toronto police department for about 'four year, He was promoted to his present rank but a duet time ago as a result of efficient service. His body will be brought to Clinton fur burial. Got Your Coal Yet? In order to ensure tip far as pu,.stblu au even distribution lot ,the supply of anthracite coal, it in rewlucsted that any citizen who has no far not received tueuty•ttve per oeut ut Itis allpttioint wake the name known to the Mayor, w hu will endeavor W procure it for him. Only the Best. In accordance with his policy of pt repenting . the ••)nest and most, Isuptt fur" in motion pictures. Manager Lauder of the Model Theatre x'- nounee•s that he now has contracts for Parauu,unt. Artcraft and Goldwyn pictures r*elasively. This will allow the citizens of (i,xi.rich to see the very best pictures, as shown in the (setter-ela..s theatres in the city. Invite London Conference. The London Conference of the M&•th.xlist church is to he Intdtod U, meet in Go,lerich next year, the official b,mrdn of the two Methodist chur hes of town having decided to issue such au invitation. The tweeting is held an- nually about the first week in June and is a large and important gathering. The last .time the l'oufer•nce caret in Godes- rich was in 1907, shortly after the eompletlon of the new North street church: Paton—MacGillivray. aLiuy readers .f The Signal *will Is, 1ntergsted in the following account of the wedding of a foros•c Goderich girl its reported by The Vancouver Daily World: A happy event took place ..n Mon- day, November Ith. at. 4 o'clock in the afternoon. at, the house of the \' 'v. bride sur the , MI'S. A. Ma (rilh ray, Maypole, H. C., when Miss Pearl Mae- (iiilivray V. united in ntart•iage Go the fury. Thome. 5'. Paton, of Ras- , 04/41... Alberta. Thr c.o.• 7 was Is•rt.'tuted I.v the R.-.. Principe! Mackay of W..tu.iniste•r hall. Van- cuver. assisted by Rev. E. (i. Thomp- son. of \tarts..•. H. t'. The bride was dressed in white one oe-dr-chine, with seiI and orange carrying t. bite chrysanthemums and asparagus fern. She entered the r'u'in on the tern of her brother Pte. Archie Mac- (:illivriy-. of the Siberian Expedition- ary For•r, while Mins Marian Mat• - shall. her eou.in, played the wedding iiiaurh. Miss IIIc McKenzie. cousin of the briar'. Iie.srd in !side blue taffeta., ...crying a bouquet of pink carna- tions and asparagus fern. actrl as bridesmaid. Little Miss Evelyn Mc- Kenzir made. a dainty Howergirl, dressed in a pretty frock of white net over silk. and carried a basket of .hry-santheuimns. The groom was .np ported by tete Rev. Hugh M. Hae, of Roos.•dale. R. C. In the library was to tie seen a fine display ..f handsome and fitting gifts. evidences of the este,•m and friend'hip enjoyed by the haPp4y couple. The gram's present to the bridesmaid was a cameo ring, t.. the Hower -girl a bracelet, and to the pianist -s cameo brooch. A g the guests present were Rev. ' Princi- Fmil and Mr.. Mackay. Vie. Mackay, Itev. Fy (1 and Mrs. Thompson Mrs. Dr. t\ . B. McKeehnie Minto Martha Ms Keel ' • Mr. and Ara:. Geo. Ellis .net Donald Butterworth, Mr. and 1 Mrs. J. A. Mclhonald. Mies Winnie Blair, 'Slims Marian Marshall. \fins Marian SIbhald, Miss Lislwth Walker. Miss Maude Allen, Mr. .los. Denham, Mrs. J. A. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. \V. M. McKenzie and Grant McKenzie. Rev1 T. P. and Mr.. Paton Left for Victoria to spend a 'short hili- . day prior to proceeding U. Basxano, Alta. The bride's travelling costume was a navy blue suit, white hat, and grey squirrel furs. It may lir of in- t.•t•rst to note that Mrs. Paton is a ;sister t . Ur. Donald AlanGillivray of shanghai, now on furlough. and Rev. .1r. Pattm��fi was formerly a student at, \\-estm141ster• Hall and the• local t'nivergity. and hag many friends throughout the Province, and in Ayr, Mcotland, his nativest own. r — —'411111111. - Photographs 1 for til 1 Christmas , 1—The Very Thing' 1 1 1 i Your friends can bur I anything you can 'give them except j/ou-r p!(otorraph. 47, Arrange for 04 (ting today. LPhotos Copied or Enlarged. J. T FELL - - ter .411=111ns - 1 CENTRAL •TRATFORD. ONT.. lady graduates of last tear are now earning as high an 1118 and even $20 per week, while young men are earning still better sal artee We can not meet the demand for trained help. Write us at once for particulars regarding our Com. mweciai. Shorthand or Telegraphy Department. Student's 'nay enter at any time. D. A. M iLacAt,as, Principal. Oman's eakness A woman's reproductive organs arc in the .t in- tense mud cuntinueus sym- pathy with her kidneys. The slightest disorder inlhe kidneys brings about a eurrespooding disease in the reproductive organs. Dodds Kidney Pisa, by re- storing the kidneys to their perfect condition, prevent and cure those fearful dia.- orders peculiar to women. Pale young girls, worn-out mothers. buffering wives and women enier:mg apron the Change of.L your best friend is Dodd's Kidney Pills Animal Meeting of Red Cross Society. The annual greeting of the Goderich branch of the Red Cross Society took place in the jury room of the court house on November 12th, with Mrs. Colborne presiding. After the minutes the last annual meeting were read and opted the secretary read the report tor the year , 1917.18, as folbws: RECEIPTS. ` Retained for current expenses last year....... 8 400 40 Life members' fees 250 00 All other sources...- ----- :j Total receipts EXPENDITURES. church par:or. Subject for d,scu-soon, "Christian Giving." Sunday school and Rev. J. E. Fad's Bible claw meet yet i3 p.m. 4‘ The ntrutb•r of the \Vuutarfs Miseiouary society of the Urthuu4�list 'hurelo,. of liexl.n•ich are rgtur•ste•d to natty. that a day of prat er will be ob- served by holding uuintl "'meting,' in North street Methodist churn', • on \Vednesdar, Noven[ber27th, eeuutenc- ing at 11) a cl.u•k, to be emit nine. in the aflerus ..rt and ....)11111.1t4b P a ' prayer 1twttiug at eight. Conte and bring your friend. lyita. B>,ttwty \Yl t.s. IN, (or. Kee. 1 , PERSONAL MErITION. Mrs. II. C. 'Dunlop returneduee lay from visiting friends at Galt: tt Mies Asia to a Nairn returnedalt-urs - y from a visit to London and Galt (•j Rev. Howard Durnin, of tepit, matte u brief visit to town and vicin- ity this week. Mrd. latzirr, of Ha ntiltou,1is the guest et her sister, Mi•s. Rutledge, at the North street parsonage. Mr. W. 11. Bieuie accompankd his daughter; Mrs; t:onald Murray. W De- troit last week t . visit frieurlr. 11111•, Folin Patterson and Master ('Dain Patterson, of Brantford, are visiting relatives and friends hi tlod..- ri.•Ii. Ili l 1., :11. Mabe has returned frau, a limiting trip in Northern Ontario, bringing 'a deer home with him as a trophy of the .'hose. \Irv. D, M. Campbell (turtnrvi Miss Lilian Graham), of Wi .nape .. sisit- ifjg her parents. Mr. ural11L•s Johu Graham, Cau+bria road. - b1r. and Mrs. Hector McFad1 Toledo, Ohio. stent Sunday in to the batter's tattier. Mr. A. M. N.,IIe le t on Wednesday to spend the wi Calgary and on tete Pacilic coast. .. 4333 43I Mr. B. C. Slim nings hay • rtur '—" Brantford, wh. n,e, he was . all 84983 83 the death of his then. Mr. flings is baildiug a her of h $ 225 25 at Brantford and will he en 2068 47 thee• until 1'hri.tn.a.. Sent to Head Office. Amount spent in yarn, Amount spent in sewing supplies 2310 56' Miss CliRurd, who was roil ing at her home atter un otsv Totalexpenditure.. 84784 28 which she lerwint d..nnl Balance on hand and voted for suupmrr holidays, has ret.'• tied current expenses. .8 199 5S duties on the Collegiate Institute RED CROSS SUPPLIES SHIPPED. Mins Guvrol.�k, of Seaford', tb * teacher of art, also has j 182 stretcher caps, 228 dressing gowns, ! 39 pneumonia jackets. 352 pairs pyjamas, stale. 5 dozen handkerchiefs, 4 pillows, 1 quilt, 206 huckaback towels, 37 Turkish towels, li 587 wash cloths, 40 dozen compresses, 351 dozen swabs, 190 day shirts, 93 housewives. 30 kit bags. 53 personal, property bags, 1 hot-water bottle cover. 1 knitted helmet: 2880 pairs of socks. m- ber of articles shipped, Nu3778. Value of material on hand is: Yarn. .......... .. >~303 55 Socks 363 00 This report having been approved, the officers were elected for the coming year: Honorary president, Mrs. Colborne: chairman. Mrs. W. L Horton; first vice president, Mrs. 1131; second vice- president, Mrs. Hume, third vice-presi- dent. Mrs. Williams; secre ary, Miss Clifford; assistant secretary. Miss V. E. Williams; treasurer, Mr. George Porter; wat'd treasurer, Mr. h. M. Robertson. • The following committees were ap- i 'n, of . w1t11 , ter at �dto .1 by Lor- ..v4p aged •r..t• tion the her tart?. no.w Olt Mrs. D. McMurchy was at Toronto this week visiting her daughter, 4Mrs. J. H. Worsen, who is leaving to make an extended stay at Oakland, Cahfdrnia. Mr. Worsell will join her there later,. and Mr. and Mrs. McMurchy also may Make the trip at a later date. i Dr. Rollins. of London, a•' ompenie1 Warden Elliott on a visit to the tarsi house on Wednesday. The Dieter was for yearv, while he' rrsieled at Ex- eter, a pre nninmet figure in the • i- poal affairs of the a ty, and his visit was a re ' her of oki times. • Captain W. Proudfoot, M. C., who for several weeks was confined .n the Ross Memorial hospital at Lindsay suffering from influenza and pneum , had suf- ficiently recovered to leave that insltu- tion last week and reached Guderich .on Thursday, the 14th He is now progres- sing favorably, and expects to be around within a short time. nomtea • Se ing—Mesdames Colborne, Field, B. J. Saults. Knitting -Mesdames McKim. Dickson, Horton, and hisses Shirray and Swaffield. Maple Leaf Chapter Workers—Mrs. E. Jordan. Miss Irene Saults, Miss C. Roberts. Auditors—Messrs A. W. Strickland and F. Woollcombe. On motion of Mrs. McDonald, and seconded by Mrs. McKim. a vote of thanks was given to the retiring officers; ' to the ward collectors, who have worked faithfully and untiringly in their efforts; to the contributors for their unending donations. which will still be needed for , some months more, and to those who have packed boxes, and\ done valuable work by assisting in shipping the goods, and to all others who have helped in any way to further the work of the So- ciety. V. E. WILLIAMS. Asst. Sec. The monthly meeting of the Red Cross will be held in the jury room of the court house on Monday, November 25th, at 8 p.m. There is :still a great deal of Red Cross work to be done and the Society hopes that the helpers will not lose in- terest. CHURCH NOTES On Sunday last in nearly all the town churches the advent of peace was marked by special addresses of the clergymen. Music amtable to the occasion was also rendered by the choirs. The services in Knox church next Sab- bath will be conducted by the minute-, Rev. R. C. McDermid. Subjects: 11 a.m.. "The Message of Isaiah to the Church of IToday." 7 p. m., "Our Chief Ground of Exultation." Sabbath school and Bible mases at :1 o'clock. The pastor will spsak at both services in the Baptist church next Sunday. The morning subject will be "Everybody's Business" aro the evening theme "Two Things to be Rid Of." The Bible school meets at 3 p. m., and the B. Y. R. U. at 8 p. m. Rev. A. E. Jones, of Clinton, will preach next Sunday morning in Victoria street Methodist church, and Rev. T. E. Sawyer, of Londesboro', will preach in the evening. Sunday school and Bible class at :i o'clock. Epworth L:ague Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. The annual thvnkoffering meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of Kn, x church will be held on Tuesday ;after- noon, November 26, at :3.30 o'clock. An interesting program has been prepared, in- cluding a thanksgiving address by Mrs. Urquhart, and a very cordial invitation to be presentis extended to aN the women of the 1(o ngtegtrtion. - To mark the coming of peace. it is in- tended to hold a omgregational reunion and social evening In St, George's church parish hall, on Monday, November 25th, at 8 o'clock, to which all members of the congregation are cordially invited. Light refreshments will be served, and there will be an interesting program of vocal and instrumental numbers. Silver collection at the door. • The miattonary exchanges 1A the Metho- disteremites of the Goderich district will labia place neat 8und87. The services in North street Methodist church will be conducted in the twenitttl by Rev. T. E. Sawyer, of Londesixnro', in the evening by Rev. A. E. Janes, of Clinton. Men's Sunday Club meet, at 10 a.nt, in the LOCAL TOPICS IN tRIEF. The Ahmeek Chapter, 1. O. D. E., wlshe'. W thank the Imbue of Malrtmd for the paper they so kindly collected. The annual meeting of the Goderich H•sticultural Society, postponed from .the 8th inst., will be held Thursday evening. November 28th, in the secretary's Mice at the court house. The county treasurer's sale of lands for taxes, announced to be held en the l )th inst., did not come off, there being -no buyers present. The adjourned sal will be held December loth. Tho busbies to whom were acv rdett the prizes' of photographs, Oven by Mr J. T. Fell at the (:.,lrf'ich Industrial Exhibition are re ingsted to • all at Mr. SAYS HOT. WATER WASHES, POISONS FROM THE LIVER Everyone s could drink hot water with phosphate In It. before breakfast. yg To feel as flue as the proverb1as Addle, we must keep the liver washed clean, almoet every morula& to Pro vent Its sponge -like pores from clog. ging with Indigestible material, sour bile and poisonous toxins, says a noted physician. If you get headaches, It's your liver. it yon catch cold easily, It's your liver. It you wake up with a bad taste. furred tongue, nasty breath or stomach be- comes raneid, It's your liver. Salto* skin, muddy complexion, watery eyes all denote liver uncleanliness. Your liver is the most important, also the must abused and neglected organ of the body. Few know it* function or bow to release the dammed -op body waste, bile and toxins. Most folk* resort to violent calomel, which 1s • dangerous, salivating cbemlcsl which can only be used occasionally because it accumulates la the tissues, also attacks the bones. Every man and woman, sick or well, should drink each morning be. fore breakfast, • masa of bet water with a teaspoonful of limestone phos phati In It, to wash from the liver aa& bowels the previous day's Indigestible material, the poisons, *our bile and toxics; thus cleansing, sweetening and freshening the satire alltnsstary canal before putting mer food late the stomach. Llmestes• phosphate does sot re- strict the diet like calomel, bemuse It caw sot salivate, for It 1s batsless and, you can eat anything afterwards. it 1s lsespenslve and almost tasteless, amid . say pbarm•elet will sell you a quarter's pound, which Is sufficient for a der- j esetratfen of how bot water and Ioow stoee pbospbate cleans, stfralates aN i trashes* the liver, keeping you Nelly • at dere 1s wad da,* est. 44444 JI THURSDAY-, Nov 21, 1919 PJTA4 • tazwv F-1 $400D00 �TAL. ASSETS — $eaiO00000 THRIFT MEANS SAVING ani The Ia►preative nerd for Tbrih is apparent to ell tblakit:g people. Those who are wile have ceased to spend ow was-eeaentiala, sad are s viug to pomade against pa..tibia adverse conditions. - f. The .nfest wiry to protect yeomen 3. w lbrel 1' Savings Account. Start one with this Ralik st once. luterest paid at carnal rrte.s, UNION BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE WINNIPEG MAN. GODERICH BRANCH, F. WOOILCOMBE, . - - Masyer. bell's photographic studio and has+, their slttings at once, while the we:attar In at. On MHO 'ay of last week during the peace ceiebetltion, Mr. Samuel McNeil, of Nile, had the misfortune to have his car turned' over on .Victoria street. It appears that while driving past the sewer excavation the automobile *truck some loose earth and before it could be stopped almost ; For Good Reliable Shoe Repairs, try • Smltlh & Ring 30 East Street. °meow Kinn. Church Give Us a Trial turneedturtie. The occupants, four in num- j ber, were thru n out but escaped writes NIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImnmiHHiuuuniiilll injury with thee>lception of Mr. McNeil, who had his leg c. with the slivers of glass from the broken wt dshield. The car will need considerable re roc New Currants Finest quality Grecian Patras PARADISE BRAND The kind you used to get before the war. They will make' your, cake or mincemeat taste better. Special price for Christmas trade "32c a pound in bulk. Our new Peels and other baking fruit, are just as good. DEAN BROS. hast side Square 441" Goderich License No. 8-4858 5- ;i k gait. WINTER OVERCOATS for Men and Boys New Shipment just , received Call and .bee them. You will like the goods and you will like the prices. M. ROBINS - OPEN E:VRNINGS ---- 1111IIIIIIIHIIIIINIINIIII IIIIHIIINIIIHIII11 �✓ rsst• It's the great war- ; time sweetmeat. il r —the benefit. the pleasure. the economy' of a Sc package of WRIGLEY'S — has made it the fan write "sweet ration" of the Allied armies. 1—send it to your friend at the front: — it's the handiest. longest - lasting re-� freshment he can carry. M �5 c1 CHEW IT AFTER r 1 EVERY MEAL 1 , r 1r Made The Flavour Lasts In Canada THREE [JUIGYFRUIT 91 • 1 4 11 • :i s KINDS • • r;; 1