HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-11-21, Page 2/1"/TI4 1"1.11"1"'
Pam -magas
THURSDAY. NOV. al. 1918
By the way, what is to become of Ger-
man "kultur" ?
The Government is tuissue a
be ewieone-
coin. These coins
get hold of than Victory bonds.
Leas than five weeks to Christmas. 1t
is time for the reappearance of that old
chestnut: Do your Christmas shopping
early. _-_---
It's a good thing Bismarck is well
buried. If he were around just now
and saw the things that are hap-
pening to Germany he would choke to
death with rage. _
Canada wants her fighting sons
brought homy again as quickly as p05 thanks to the vacillation of the Gwen- to sell. 1 t' keeping th tr
declared.) position only . by
Bible after peace is actually ment at Westmin±ter. the Sinn Fein ele- this
scot: this fall. Therefore.
French and British troops can do the I rnent has grown to great strength and ,farmers. keep your icons and your s !a'1
necessary' policing m Germany. i promises to overwhelm the moderate Every breeding female held over this to
Irish party. will bring rich divi.teats in the Y.
come. If Canada produced ten hares her
Toronto Globe: Why so persistently present supplies of cattle and hcgs there
misuse a phrase which until lately had would be a' profitable market for them
only one meaning -and that a very sig-. aU(5) In regard to feeders for the present
nificant one -the phrase "go over the sinter( It seems now as certain as any -
top .'" The proper use of it is of course thing can be that there. will be a profit in
in speaking of the beginning of an attack. elk.f:eding deal thismmend season.farmers R eto untie -
hesitatingly reco
when the infan.ry go "over the tap" of up as many cattle as they can feed.
the sandbags forming ;their parapet to •
rush forward
d across "No Man's Land" to I EXCHANGE.
attack the enemy's trenches. But. espec-(Sad.) F.:MAYBE'.
fatly of late, and particularly in connec- � - Secretary.
___--e- ocelots Tea -Pot results
The incompa
always obtainable from an infusion,
has given it a prestige possessed
by no other tea on sale.
r•' . 'tib n l .t."." 1_,2
V •
out -draws and out -classes all other
"This is no idle claim"
condition and performing moet useful war
The books of account are accurately
kept and to the best of our knowledge re-
veal the true passion of the Chapter.
Dated at Goderich this '24th day ut Qe•
tuber, l0I t.
(Signed) F. WJ. H COMAE. Audita.
From Oct. tat to Noe. 19th. 1918:
Cash in Bank of Montreal .... $ 425 11
Donations from Murless-Jones 100 00
Drama is Cu 05
Sale of booklets _ 5
opposes a tax on food. Td'the Liberals ((o f chi of mains wiU pn+bably decline
he declares his attachment to trial) home on a scale w'hfeh will restore theta to
rule, squaring himself with the Unionists I normal in two or three years.
oy stating that Colonist lister must not Prices of live Meek will decline on
be coerced. Mr. Asquith, who still tele pouch slower scale. Normal prices. will
trains at the head of the Liberal party, I probably not be restored -for ten years.
I)uri.ng-these ten veers the. advantage
bides his time, for the present offering no 1 to the farttner of marketing his dun
opposition to the election plans of his ;through the medium of live stock will be
former colleague. The Labx party will . greater than at any envious time in a
• generation.
doubtless contest a large number of seats i (1, The farmers of $anada will mat
and expects to increase largely its repro Ile able to take advantage, of this
antatiun in Parliament. In Ireland. ituation utiles.: th•caaitiy placeve - thelmselves n
artier 1u prouwtl, g an uudrt kiuS .
wldch w'ar'ror the good and the 1- I INInnuumnmumm11mmuainiumnumnu1uumna nummuouu
Handsome Muskrat Coats
tet of the village an comuuuntty.
was twice married. His flr•st wife pre-
deceased bilk thirty'•thtee years ago.
Seven children blessed this uulou. lu
the racond marriage. live children
he widow
n d children n hato te a the deep sympathy
of a hoot of ft• ends. Following awl
the childtru: Mr••e. 4. N. Taggart and
Mrs. A. .1. Raabe. of !South Bvud,
Ind.: Mrs. (De.) 'I V. E. Pilcher. of
George. of Detroit; Mrs. D. A.
of Kaltfoed Hei hes: Slgin. of Toronto
nubile 'school
Mb. Flora. priecipal•of,
London:lr«Fe Ferdinand. Centralia; Andre Eand
Miss Celia of Zurich. One sister, Mrs.
J. Schmidt. pf.Detmlt. also survives.
The funeral was held Thursday' after-
McQU ARRIE.-Mrs. D. McQuarrie of
Brussels. mother of Mr. Athol McQuarrie•
well known in Godetich. passed away on
the 8th inst. The Brussels Post has the
following reference: Following an illness
of six. weeks. which was marked v)ith in-
tense suffering. the spirit of Janet McIn-
tosh. widow of the tate Donald McQuar-
rie. entered its eternal rest Friday morn-
ing of last week. For )''ears Mrs. Mc•
Quarrie had not enjoyed good health but
being possessed of a remarkably strung
constitution she was able to make a =
,taunch baht against the ravages of dis-
ease. Mrs. McQuarne was the eldest =
daughter of John and Mn. McIntosh.
who were numbered atnong the pioneer =
settlers of Grey township. She was born =
at Blair' Athol, Scotland. seventy-seven
-ears ago and about nine Seats 01 age the ME
Treasurer. current expenses. f 1002 0000
Serbian Relief..
C. R. C. S. t'riahners of War (sex
months 90 00
.0 75
C. R. C. S. Goderich Branch. t5
()serseas Christmas boxes . 611 100 00
Educational Secretary 1. 0. DE. 13 00
Belgian Relief
Navy League Christtnasboaes._ . 60 00
ictory bond......... .. 50 00
5 477 97
Balance (rash in bank, _. .... 47 a9
$ 526 86
,Signed) CORA B. RosERTS. Treas.
Maple Leat Chapter. 1.0. D. E.
The food question is most urgent.
When they. realize that millions of
people in Europe are on the verge of
starvation Canadian farmers surely sill
not slacken in their efforts to produce
large crops of foodstuffs.
What is to be done with the Kaiser?
is one of the most persisterit questions of
the day. There is a great variety of
answers to the question, and if the ex -
Emperor could hear some of them his
hair would stand on end.
It seems rather strange that the reve-
lations as to the ex -Kaiser's property
holdings in British Columbia should
come about through the activities of a
United States Government department.
What has the Ottawa Gov:rnment been
doing all this time'
It is proposed that November 11 he
adopted as the date of Canada's annual
Thanksgiving Day. The anniversary
ould fittingly commemorate the ending
the great war, and would be an annual
'oder to the people to be grateful for
ings of peace.
the b
HESS. -Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bis-
set. of Sanford Heights. were called
to Zurich Lythe eetious illness of Mrs.
Bisset's fatber. Mr. Fred Hess. who >
died 00 Tuesday', November lath. iu 1 family emigrated
tar three nate and They Its
bice• .svriaLt-third year. The Zurich at Harpu was
lot 12 concession 7.h Gree township.
(.41 Selected Skins, $125
They are made from the best dark Canadian Musk-
Be -
rat, full furred skins, full sweep. 45 inches
long. p shawl h 1 collar. Lined throughout _-
with Skinner's guaranteed -for -two -years satin. _
Sizes 42 to 46. Regular $
150$125 00
Famous for their deep pile, rich lustre and a
splendid wearing $25 $35 and $40
z' a qualities. At...
Avery select and high-class choice, at
tion with Victory fuse campaigns. the j IS PROUD OP HER CINE LITTLE
phrase is used with apparently no. clea• r I GIRLS.
sense of its real meaning. but to indicate
reaching an objective or getting to ort
over the "top'' mark aimed at. Such
a rxonfounding of meaning is un or- ,,�i�_�,,
tunate• and it would be well for speakers St. Honore. Chic3utiroi Co.; Q"eb
Nov. IS (Speciale• -'•1 have two fine little
and venters to use the Phrase "go over the girls. thank* to Dodds Kidney Pins. and
top" ones in its proper cense. that which . I can't tell how grateful 1 am
is fraught with deep meaning to thous- 1r was autaof a full hart that Madams
ands of our returned soldiers. and to . Pierre this place. ulcered tliese� words of
those who have not returned. to whom given Dol•* Kidney Pills to -mv little
-going over the top" signified the begin- . girls and now they sleep wen and do test
ning of an attack. but in thousands of wet the bed. They aro perfectly cured '-
kidney disease is hered-
cases falling before the attaimng of fere i • Whether the or not fa amain* that many children
objective. miler $rum weak kidneys that are unable
I to do their. full work of straining allthe
THE CATTLE SITUATION. impurities ow of the blond. I that many parents whip their children.
Normal Prices Will Probably Not Ise I when what they really need is a remedy
Restored for Ten Years. i for their kidney's.
According to the %ie•.a of Toronto live
stock dealers. high prices for food animals Fi"anc,al statement of Maple Leaf
will rule for a number of years to come. �,hapier, I. U. O. E.. for S.% Months
The following letter sets forth the ,nus- Ending September 30. 1918.
Toronto. Canada. REt.EIPTS.
November 13th. 191e. Cash on hand and in bank $ 76 49
The Toronto Live Stock Exchange. Erste tainments, site , etc. ... .. I:f76 13
posed of Members exclusively in- y Sty 48
'rested in the' buying and selling of
live stock. wish to set before the pro-
ducers of live stock the following facts:
(1) The close of the war. instead of
diminishing. will greatly increase the
demand fon Saud. and particularly. for
- e t the
Herald of tisit. greet. ruukes the too
ing reference: . .
In the pawing. of Fred Hess. el
Zurich lois onerof ite most high
respected and t -known ciLize
The end came peacefully' on Tttgs•tfa
morning at S ',clock. Oo Sunday las
it was noosed• dust he was growiu
weaker and gradually the end dee
nearer and in the early hours of Tu
day ukwuing he went peacefully
sleep For (veer a year it had bre
pponied that be was failing in heal
tieing troubled with his heart. B
ought bravely- against the oral
an 'd not give in until a few wee
ago. wbea the sic/news forced him
remain in the house 'Eamon
everybody in Zusii it and surround
country. hit lune will be keenly t
not alone as a citizen. bat as a t
and houses utas. His motto iu
was "Honesty" and he held this
alive all his other tuany ideals.
he tried to Lire up to it i:. the
way he knew how. His. thou
were never of hiuteetf. but Malay
h $ work. the good of the village,
township and the country in w
he made his h n Always he lou
to the interest. of others father L
for himself. A short hi.st•ory of
life tallows; He ea tut to ♦ anada w
urneteen years of age. Settle,
Zurich. where he has herd all his
time. Worked 'at the carpe
trade for -owe years. Bought
wagon soil carriage . business
Zurich and was a uieniuer of the
at the time of his death. Also
ducted the fbfasrry-Harris iinplri
agency for ta.,mr vests. Was ,.c
trustee and treaeuiry of the boas
nearly forty years. During the
few years when he occupied
position he with the aid of the
Dilaters. built the tine new
honer in 'Zurich. %Vas Reeve of
township fair two years and tow
Merl. for a1oyu�t eixteeu years. oe'
tog this position at the thus
death. tee was au authority in
ci Ilaw. Before hi• hearing
him hr was very active in c
wort. presiding at the church
for nearly thirty rears. was e!
the church, afro, superintende
the laundry school and teat
Why Madame Pep a is - Graedd to
Deed's Kidney Pills.
re -
t of
1 in
1 for
u s -
,f •ie
der sat
nt of
het for
w t►'
Now .t the war Iann campaign is
Over. it .- nnot be counted disloyal to
say what . ny people think. namely.
that it was ca ducted on altogether tow
extravagant a s • le. W hat good purpose
r, served by he "honor flags." the
buttons. and a lot the other parapher-
nalia of the campaign
The open season for
~ ates wilt soon be here.
nter on a period of Indu4tr
rnercial expansion after the as
town council could be a great
ensuring the desired results. The
should see that strong candidates
nominated and elected.
icipal rtndi•
rich should
and com-
and the
tor in
It is announced that 'President Wilson
will go to Europe to attend the peace con-
ference. In doing so he sill break one of
the traditions of the Preside'gcy, namely,
the rule that the President shall rot have
United States territory during:his term
of office. President Wilton. ha!Aever,
has the strength requisite to the break-
ing of precedent. _ �.
it is declared in Germany that th
revolution started among the sailors o'
the German fleet as the result of an order
to go out and give battle to the British
fleet in a final desperate endeavor to rally
the slaking spirits of the German people.
The men of the fleet did not feel like
offering themselves as a sacrifice. and the
revolt spread from place to place. until
the Kaiser was forced to quit.
meat. It is already' evident tha
chief reason fur the capitulation of had thnoe
Central Powers was that they
to go along with.
2) The products of the Canadian
tied wi
set itself t0
crop will gr
two crops w
are cereals and food animals.
nt time the demand for both is
The first demand to be salts -
unquestionably. he that for
1 the world can immediately
he raising o' cereals. One
ly ameliorate the famine;
probably restore wheat
reserves to nor I.
In regard to liv tock=this is not the
case. The buildin up of cattle
rticularly invoty a program
ars. Even if the fo dation•stock and
i fodder were immedi' It' avai.able in
Eur pe. the cattle herds could not be
restored in less than five or ix years, but
all Eutopean countries -cum . tants arid
neutrals alike -are stripped b(
stock and of fodder. An unli ted de-
mand will exist for years. bath for • ced-
ing stock and for meats -
(Municipal assistance
ale. ibershiP fees
purchased from Thomas McQueen.
There the subject of this notice contin-
ued to reside until hr r marriage in Sep-
time a sturdyl� Donald
pioneesrrie. at
r twitter
of the 4th concession of Grey township.
After residing there for fourteen years
they moved to Morris township. where
twelve years were spent on the farm on
the 6th line which was pu•chased from
the estate ut the late Edward Nichol.
Twenty-nine years ago they bought John
Vincent's farm. lOth concession of Grey.
There they lived until 1901. when they
decided to retire from farm life and sell-
ing their Isom to their son. Charles. they
moved to Crrnbrook. Six years Co fail-
ing health made them decide to spend their
declining " Sears m Brussels. Mr. Mc
Quarrie passed away eighteen months
ago. A family of seven children is left to
mourn the toes of a loving mother whose
life was cor:stantly devoted,to their in-
terests: -Mrs. Robe. Oliver. Brussels;
Charles. Grey- township: John. Montreal:
Mrs. Thos. Brown. of gravel road. Morris
township. south of Brussels: Dan.. of
Nutatta. Sask.: Sam. of Reward. Sask.:
and Athol. of Toronto. Alex. McIntosh.
Brussels South. is a brother, as also are
Angus McIntosh. Hartford. Mich.. and
Donald McIntosh. Hannah. North Dak
Funeral. which was private. took place on
Tuesday afternoon to Brussels cemetery.
Rev. A. J. Mann. deceased's pastor. con-
ducting the setyi-es at the house and
eravestde. •. The pallbeaters were: - Alex.
McIntosh. Robert Oliver and Charles.
John. Athol and Peter McQQuarne. The
bereaved' are sympathized with in their
sorrow. Mrs. McQtame was an indus-
trious. kind-hearted. sociable woman
ate enjoyed the esteem of a wide circle
.of friend-. _
2 00
51497 68
Entertainments. sales. etc _.. $ 380
Prisoners u ar.. 21 00
$to. $15, $2o, $25 and $35 E.
Georgette, Crepe de Chine and Silk. Splen- =
did qualities and perfect styles. Three dozen a
samples, sizes 36 to 42. Worth $3 50
$4.50 to $6.50 each, for
C. R. C. S. Pri. f \V
Residential Club Can .d'n Nurses 20 00
C. R. C. S. Goderich brunch . 100 0025 00
Bread Fund -Fete Sewell 24 50
Victoria League
Allied Prisoners of War............ 50 00
Goderich General and Marina {rte 52
Hospital 10 002
Tobacco Fund 210 00
French Relief
A good story is told of the meeting
between the Allied commanders and the
German envoy's preparatory to the con-
clusion of the armistice. The .Germans
protested against what they considered
the too severe naval conditions. "it is
inadmissible." they said. "that our fleet
should be given up without having been
beaten.'' Admiral Wemyss. the Bntish
naval officer. coolly retorted: "It had
only to come out."
Bolshevism. which appears to be half
starvation and halt ignorantism. is making
.rote headway in Europe in the midst of
the confusion caused by the breakup of
the old elements of authority. People
suddenly released from the rule of the
iton hand do not know how to use their
freedom, and hunger drives them to ex-
tremes. if the new governments in the
lands formerly known as the Central Em-
pires can be organized quickly enough.
the Bolshevist peril will probably he
averted. In Russia the reign of terror
still continues and strong Allied forces will
be necessary to stay the flood of red an-
archy which has been let loose upon the
unfortunate country.
A general election is to he held in Britain
in December. and the present coalition
(;enfernment >a seeking a renewal of Con-
fidence. 1 loyd George appears to be try-
ing to wake himself solid with as many
different parties as proxible. He cheers
the protectionists by declaring in favor of
Imperial preference. and in the next
breath he tells the free traders that he
Navy League -wool for sweaters_ :el !•0
31072 87
II Balance -cash is Bank of Mont 425 11
I real _ ---
il�!t7 fisc
We have audited the loos ks of the
iMaple Leaf Chapter. 1. O. D. E. and do
find that the attached return is a true and
accurate statement of the activiittief 01 the
said warc hardy for the pe
tat to September 30th. 1'.118.
We find the Maple Leaf Chapter. 1. 0.
s' D. E.. to be in a healthy and flourishing
13) The tuation is. therefore a )
."Who art hou, winzei shin. and w' her bouaI?
We hail the. as we pass thee in the n ht
Beyond the dint and shadowy torrid lin '
"Great Bezum f Bengal. a pilgrim sail.
We 'ought the pearly isles of dreamy peace
Beyond the outer tam of sentient thing'.
' And failing turn iomeMagardd l3ounbroken
'Who art thou, friend. ha land or severing sea.
In quest of gain and pleasure's cloying epain ?
Ne hail thee as we pas` this portal
•'1 am the phantom soul of eager men
Hund to the wheel of toil far self and home.
Unreckmg of the (:ad who makes. who gives,
Yet dime. feel that they too jour
Homeward Bound.\
"\\'ho art thou, soldier laddie, whithe bdund
With the broken limbs. thy smeared fate and hair.
Luing in star -lit hell -strewn fields of war ?"
"Crusader of the age-old blood -red Cross.
We pass but once. Now gn I West to pin
My Captain. Christ. God's Valiant Man-at-arms.
My work. His work. ie done. So go I blithely .
Homeward Bound."
Kamloops, B. C . 0. toter 2Jth, 191x. -John Swanson.
[Some years ago, on the occa'inn of a banquet given by Irene is't literary
.._-a, Twain on rhe eve of his departure from London to his home' n America.
tuauy yeses. He also tuck a
interest, in public affairs and
Mark Twain made a nest touchinr speech. Ile alluded to a email craft hatimg
own to a b g "windjammer." and the answer baorning back: "The Great Begum ed Bengal
-homeward bound " Then he made the application to hie own case -"home.varri
bound." This incident was in the mind of Judge Swanson when he composed, the
atewe lines which will appeal to many hearts that are grieving for a "soldier laddie"
gone home. The verses were sent by the author to Dr. H. 1. --trona. hi% teacher in
high rchonl days, and The Signal ie glad to have the opportunity of publishing them,
Judge Swanson has written many thing of notable literary quality. but probably
nothing more beautiful and appealing than these lines.."Horneward Bound.''-Ereroa i
He is not seriously wound-
ed. No! But he never tells
you of the pain be sometimes
foot after marching. He said
not a word of bow the
ground near where he Is bit.
leted reeks with old gas which
Irritates cuts and sores and
makes thews ten -fold more
painful and serious. He coo.
alders these Ibis "II ttle things."
Foe Jost such merlons "little
things" Zarn-Buk is provided.
It soothes thespian. draws the
Inflammation from cut or
blister sod heals eruptions
and *ores. la the borne* of
Canada, mothers coneider it a
necessity. How much more
neaessery Is It oat yonder
where your boy is!
See to It that Ise has a
atipplyl Perhaps be gore that
less bon yow sent toe comrade.
so In your stet parcel don't
forget to replace It. Put Zan. -
But In every parcel you
send. far the boys all my
"seed as kw*
72 -inch extra -heavy bleached Satin Double
Damask, all pure linen. Finest and best
quality we ever offered. Special $3 25
per yard
Satin Damask, finest pure linen Table Napkins./
Size 24 x 24. In four designs$12 W
At per dozen
72 -inch union bleached Table Damask, heavy,
handsome designs and washes beau- $1 75
tifully, worth $2.25. At per yard •_
Pure linen crash Towelling. 18 inches
heavy and extra value. At per yard
_ es`lnride best quality grey and white
Milit�ryr Flannel. Worth 75c. At 60
Pverskliest of United stater Will , =
WASHINGTON. Noy. le - Press =
session irf the peace conference Thi, =
was annhunced last night officially.
Ife will go immediately after the.
emsveging of the regular session of
Coagress on Dee. 2. This ()Metal
statement was Issued at the Wlsite
"The President espects to sail for
?ranee immediately after the open-
ing of tbe regular session of Con -
neer'. for the purpose of taking part
in the discussion and settlement of
the main features of the treaty of
Armee. It is not likely that it will be
possible for him to remain through-
out the Missions of the formal peace
conference. but Ills presence at the
outset Is necessary ia order to eh-
*tate the manifest disadvantages of
discussion by cable In detertninialt
the great outlines of the anal treaty
about whieh he must neeesaarily be
eonsulted. He will. of course, be ac-
companied by delegates who' will sit
se the representatives of the United
States throughout the conferenee.
"The names of the delegates will
be presently announce.d."
How long the President will re-
main abroad he himself probably can-
not; say Maw. The. time for ,the con -
vetting of the peace conference has
not yet been announced, Intl the gen-
eral belief here is that it cannot he
assembled before late In December,
at the earliest. If such provea the
case. the President will be absent
from atm country for at least 3
month, and atobalay logger.
What plans the President may
have for hls trip other than to at-
tend the opening of the peace con-
ference aad to participate in the die,
of the &emaciated nations which will
oriFede it. have •not been revealed.
He undonbtedly will be accoMaanted
by Mrs. Wilson. and it Is expected
how,' that besides visiting Paris,
where the peace congress probably
will be held, he will go to isondon
sad possibly to Bruasels and Rome.
In •isIting Europe. the Prestident
will eetablish two preeedews: he
will be the first chief exeeutive of
"the United States to participate In a
peace conference for the settling of
issues growling out of a war in which
thla eountry participated, and, like-
wise. he will he the frit President
to leave North America duriag his
terns of oilier. fa reachlag his deci-
sion te attend the peace conference,
Presideat Wiles* is asIllassesed to
hove been largely iallueseed by re-
presentations from Premiers Lloyd
'ie. -tries •of (Dave Britain sad ChM-
enceati of Franey. and other States-
men cif th• Entente countries. The
principle. and teems of **Magnetite
enunciate* hy tile President bars
Nations and th• Cruitral Powers as
re-estarelothed; and ii is iinderaitood
that It ie foe lie working nut et the
apetiestifin of those principle* that
his presonc• ; a NO earnestly desired
27 -inch, our best quality, light or dark 40c
old, old price
Tapestry Rugs in splendid patterns. Heavy
pile. British make.
3 x 4 yards $19.00
Axmirfoier Rugs, 3 x 37, yards. $35.00
Worth 850, for •
Axminster Rugs, 3 x 4 yards. $39.00
The Signal until ti En
January 1, 1920 .P.istni
A Friend 4,
in Need
The Pandora
Range is your real
friend on wash day.
Change the top
around, set the boil-
er on the far side
and use the three
nearest holes - you
can boil on all of
them. Dinner on
time; no extra fuel,
no rush or confusion.
For sale by RED HUNT
toteinn Toronto Montreal
St. John,N.B. Basnilton Calgary
Winnipeg Vancouver
Edmonton Saskatoon a