HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-11-21, Page 1astilaat
^ter ! fi irfa.
•` t
ea • Ilea •
^ !!^.re^ !gal 1F
• "0wAVP�emai ,�.•-.illi,
SAVE, Because-
Your success is assured if you spend
judiciously and save persistently.
• M
• e -
The next two or 1 hole years are bound
to be the most important to every Cana-
dian industry, and to none does this ap-
ply to a greater extent than to the farm-
ing industry. To make the best of your
opportunity. read each week The Weekly 1
Sun. the most helpful farm paper in On-
tsno. No increase in price. one dollar i
sent directly to the Farmer's Weekly Sun,
Toronto. will pay your subscription for
full'year of 1919 with the balance 01
Or -e. There is no other paper lust
If ql �'1 a, /nes, use Blackstone's de•
liciouw ice c.. n in bulk or tricks fir alt
occasions, Phone '240.
The admnntratn■ art the estate of John Good.
lace of ,he township el Hullrt. farmer. deceased.
will sell by public auction, an the premises, on
commencing at I o'clock p. m. the fallowing tarn,
!arm stuck. implements and chattels. vis.:
PUBLIC NOTICE. FaRu. Lot is ureter None e91, Ma!tMnd in Concession. n the township a tt, in the
roomy of Huron, eontaioena one red acres
more or Inca. Thr farm ,r ,u a Mate of cut-
_ SALE.- FRAME COTTAGE, IN1 ADJOURNED SALE OF LANDS tail.on On the tarn there la a goad lune
OR TAXES ho soh cellar. and a roof honk barer, the
good state d reppaair, also lot adjoining. Ap-
ply to MR. F. WOULLCOMBE, Trafalgar ---
street. T he adiour ed sale of Janda Ise tales ,n the
county of Huron w111 take Maces en the court
VOR SALE. -SOLID BRICK HULSE house .n the towns Gederxh, au Thursday, the
Doh day W December, Isis. at : Amuck p m.
Treesurcr Perom Count
November 2.,. I91a 14•St
with as conven,encn central lot atom. Ad -
B.' X 11. Slt. NAL OFFICE. Goderich
Macre' of choice land within • mile and a -hall
of soot of the best villages in Huron. on line of
C. P. R. Good churches. school and market.
Tata term P In proper condition: good building.
Moon and water. en tact. them is a real farm TM
poen. mower hes made money oo et, and i, re-
tsrYtg. having no help. Price i4.Ytn. reasonable
Int acres with good budder 1444 acres spiend.d
sad; halaaee pasture and timber. 1 hove not hien
this farm. but I am told it es good en every
andu intim two mitd minket and depot.
and is ogered our salean t/'s sent are over.
5055. Price 44.110. on y terms.
Wei acres. best d land and budding,. within
Hoer miles of Gaderech. Has always been •
prodigal,* lam. Good rea.aas for 'Ohne Price
C,4au. THOS. GL'NURI'.
ROOM dwelling en connectroo tberea.th.
AAAppr to W. E. KELLY.100L
vete all conveniences. Apply W. A. CHIS -
M. Toilet's' street. 0611
iaI school hon. MRS. PRECIOUS.
man to represent "THE ULD Ft E1.1 ABI E
=HILL.Y. A nendtdalfs§..rypnwksouty llor en
enterprising 04tlerticJ1 and
irltlnnan Write (ns lull par tecu,ars
STONE a MEL1.IN(:TUN. Totentw Ont. 11 -at
Applications addressed toil. undersigns.' will
be received op to W.drle.day. Dereneter fit
Ink, for the poatsoa a night policeman of the
toss no4God'tcb. '
Applicant beiwgeteeeted will be requHred to `
a trial for *sty dey. before bests permanently
eeealed- .
For further perticol s apply to
L. L KNOX. 9vR. w F CLARK,
Town Clerk. �htu man, Sppeetceai C.,m ,
G,dench. OM. Goder b. h. Oat.
between McGaw station sed Carlow. Oct.
41st. Color red plaid Will Mdse pkat
L H R. Goderic
1 y
IN Tea MATr1N OF THU at tail to 1•ARStLA NAM•
MAN Res mot LATA W IMa rOTrN aeGrios-
Dac1As►D. - I COUNCIL.
Liles to U. BROW He py, highest new'
Feces Phone .7n Preutc.-Abel 1. un Io of rats. about
1 acre of a Wtl . about 3 acre art urn .n crook.
.haul Mr of hay. a yuan'..•. aoray.
build gs a•e m good condition; spring creek two
acre t orchard hvr acre of 1.11 whist worn;
over 1 lye acre* of hall plowing dune. about ten
acres a nod Lai doted bush The harm nslta-
ated a o • hour melee from the village of Auburn.
Hoasea One horse. 11 year. old. 1 mart. 12
years old. foal. 1 mare, years old, 1 share. t
years old
CaTTI et.- s cow 9' yearn odd. I cows years
old, both due u calve m January; I cow A years
old; I cow 7 es Old. 1 cow a ysrs,old, Icor 4
years old, all pooled to to call; 1 tenth
crow. 1 years old; yearling calves. 4 spill( rales.
Patti' -Teeple 4wxxoth.ola; Ibtaxodww.
IMPLawaST'.- • e:. tt.4U( alaseiell Moder,
I nearly new I lolu:d herr sake. both
bean Aarrar,w mak 1 new corn cultivator sad
seed drill. T wing troth
tMuvalur I wooden Ike, I so b b044-igh• 1
■agon and hos with w -k rack.1 rats olfnpsna4
walking plow* 1 *RI . heernw., 1 vel Garnett
scales, 1 scorner. 1 new X -Harris 'render, 1
tanning mil. I hs) fork. c .no rope.: cut tens -
box . t power emery. 1 to . 1 top buggy. 1
Prarr*'44E1e Incubator. 1 . len brooder. 1 tuot
pllper. 1 lee Laval cream curator. 1 Daisy
churn. 1 tet of double 1 art smelt har-
Warning's hereby siren that person, shunt tag
or alherwlse trespus*K ou our property volt be
papoueuted according to law„, BI T BR06..
SaltNed Height
DR. F. J. R. F1 STER,
Late House Surge* N.. Yost Ophthalmic
and Aural Hopsat M•,atant et Mooreheld's
Eye Hospital and Golden g4uaN Throat Hos-
pital London. En
42 Waterloo St S.. imatiad. Telephone 117.
At Bedford Motet , oderecb. Wednesday,
January 11, from 7 p. m . to hur.du). January
lath. at 1 p. m
1 OF HIJ eg., 1_
� r •.
Noss, Hereby given that 1 have Iran elated
o delivered to the persons ,04ntlaned .n seet.0n 5
of the Ontario VlAet,' Lest Act the tomes required
hymned sections to be w l,aaa.melled w delivered
olthe list.:madesyurwant to mid A, t. of all per-
sona appearing by the Int reused aysrsament roll
d the said mum4{vlity to be rotated to vote In
the sad monio,pal,Iy at elections for members of
the Lepslaove Aarmbly and at muneupll ekc-
1eon. and That the e4u1 1,0 sac host pulled up at
my office on the Town Hall, t...dent h. on the 9th
day of Novemher. Iva'. and remains there los res•
aped eon.
And 1 hereby call upon all voters to take mime -
duce proceedings to have anp error, or omen*ow
coaected according to las.
Dated at Gorier.. h this 12th day of November,
! L. L. KNOX,
Clerk a the Town a Godencb.
MlsartLAwtto . - Oil! coar , starve et
hens, 1 thoroughbred brown 1. ocknek.
and a lot e4 other articles too nearer . to men•
Terms of Sale M Land. -Th• .01.1.,? laes. will be
•uh,rtl to ■ reserved t,d. Ten per cels of the
purcha.. nIor , y '0 he Mod Morn on day (hair
and the balm_, .,(h,n; days t ter.
Terms of Sale ,o Farm Stock, Imp:temente and
Chrtek - All .uma of 11.1 othle, cash: -• er
that amount. 1. isomer crrliafet Oil be Oven
furnishing approved jinn/ es. A discount
the nu of 1 per cent. per er,nam weal be albs
Ir cash on cred.t amount. '\
.Fs, further pare.cukrs afeit conbun s of sale
apply to Mrs. Ellxateth M. Good, admirrtr
trti Auburn P. O . or to the uperatgoed.
claim deed to lot 19, Reed's survey. a's0 THE LADS IN KHAKI. FOR. A $NLDIERS' MEMORIAL.
- Fuod Started ie God taxa to Perpetta•
- demic, the victory celebration, and other The following is from he Galt Report- ate Memory 01 Out Falko Heroes.
NEW COMPANY SALTS OVEN AND matters that had conte tupo during the er of Monday, lith ansa and refers to a With the close of the war the Sugg es-
touncll's recess. He stated tout the
EXTENDING PLANT, town had won its Victory l honor nephew of Mr. and hers. AIe1raSaunders tion of the erection of a soldiers' mernor-
it be hoisted on some ceremonial occa- --- flag, with two stars, and he Dro eea that of this town: ial, to coin lie curate the heroes from this
TI,:- of . rp aril rrioicin ¢ town and district who have given heir
fs taking definite
Gorkn:h. (mean.
Solicitors for Adm.
MR. JAsr[Iew. Bkl11i
will sell hp pithier auction. at 'hi,. 5, c
(:odersh townsbtp. on
commencing at 1 o ck. k sharp.
Floaaas -One brown Percneron man.', years
old. in foe' to Ferguson a horse. 1 Ida k orals
gelding. s years ad: 1 pacing mare. 3 Pears old. I
general pur elle chestnut mars. a years old ',gen.
teal porter Idly. ruing : yera old 2 good
Pemba -mo on-, weanlings _
CATTLa-Three good Durham c.,ir,. Cue to
freshen in May..1 young farrow come.' fat nose.
• Years old: 1 good grade crew. due en spill; 2
Durham steers. 2 years. odd. 2 Durbpm Steers.
ming 2 years old 4 -pons catves,1 y. ungeall
Sugar. -Forty well -heed Lettwtrewe. and 1
ram latpb.
Pio.. Three n rood wows. duet farrow eat y
December: 1 Yorkshire boar.: year, old. 1' fat
The Mayor commented upon the epi- l
Council Endorses Menesetueg Canoe
Club's Project for a Solder, s' Mem-
orial -Taxes An Coming In Well -
To Advertise for Night Policeman -
Cannot Enforce Appointment of
sines. With regard to the fuel question, is one of mourning for one home in the lives in the great cause,
and the demand made from some guar• city. that of Alderman Andrew Oliver shape, At the meeting of the town
tors for the appointment of a fuel cent -and Mrs. Oliver, '24 Bond street. who on council on Friday✓ evening President Ed -
troller, His WWorshtp stated that last Sunday received the very sad news that wards and other members of the Menese-
winter. .when the same proposal was their youngest son Gunner Alexander tung Canoe Club addressed the council
made, the coal dealers positively de. Saunders Oliver. :323977. artillery. had and in behalf of the Club expressed their
be 29th hold of Itprojector.
Fuel Controller a�uet Dealers' coined to place the distribution of fuel In been killed in action On Otto r t wilhngnesb to take l ,
'Mishit 4 the hands of a municipal officer, and the With everybody In a state of expectancy if the council should wish to undertake
- aw prov. rw means o over t of grace and the end of it to gtv their assistance and co -opera-
of such an officer.
four years of bloodshed. the news of pert. They stated that they had no
A resolution was sled that Messrs. Ggnner Oliver's death came as a heavy definite plana as to the form the mein-
McAllistrr and Brindley be requested to blow to the parents and his wide circle of onal should take: their idea rather was
proceed with the ecxnpletion d the con -
The late Gunner Alex. 01 ver was that a fund . should first be raised, 'the
tract of cutting woad (.s the town, and born In Galt and lived here all his life .He various lodges. societies and other organi•
Councillor Davis pointed out that in the was educated at Victoria school and later nations being asked to give their assi -
gully at the cemetery there was a lot of 'earned the trade of patternmaher, work lance, and that then a Renetal .ummd-
fallen wood that should be cleared out. ing at the C. M. C. works. He was an tee. representing all the contributing or -
Thr chairman of the cemetery committee exceptionally popular young man, a mem- ganizattons, should be formed to decide
promised to attend to this. ber of the Amity Club, and a well-known as to the diltposrtion of the fund.
It was decided to advertise for a night city league ball player, having played The Mayor and council . expresetd
pdicerlran, to succeed Sergeant Moore. with the Royals. He enheted with the hearty approval of the project, and
Deputy Reeve Clark put in a word for 5.lyd Battery at Guelph and had been asked the representatives of the !tient-se-
going of this appointment to a overseas two years and through much of tung Canoe Club to go ahead with their
returned soldier. - the heavy lighting of the past year. He plans, and two members of the c0unc-I
Bylaws Na 19, confirming the grants had never been wounded l3esides his were named to act in cooperation with the
4, the public library and the hospital,
grief-stricken parents, to whom the sem- committee of the Club. This committee
and No. 20. authorizing the erection 01 pathy of the entire community is ex- is composed of W. H. Robertson (chair -
the "silent policemen' on the Square, tended on this day of peace. there sur- man), H. T. Edwards. J. W. Fraser.
were pasted. 1 he grant to the hospital vives one brother, Tone of Chicago.
W. T. Millar (treasurer! and Lorne G.
is Iit+04.9(I, of this amount i304.S4) re-, Young (secretary). At a special meeting
presenting the accumulation of taxes on The third and final message was on Tuesday evening the Club subscribed
the old Cameron property belonging to received last week by Mr. and Mrs. Jas $100 aa an initial contribution ution to the
the hospital board. I Woods of East Wawannsh, intimating fund, and member. made additional
The council toren adjourned. 1 that their sou, Pte. Russell. had been contributions amounting t3 123. Letter, ,
---- -- - killed in action. The first cablegram ate being sent out W the various organiza-
tionsThe R tion of a Canadian Town. stated that b'' was missing, which caused
in the town and distract soliciting
much anxiety for some days unt I the their aid, and Inc the present an oh;e-
By Ernest Heaton .Tonnlul. proal word as above stated leaves no tive of $6,000 has been set. Contribu-
Sc me dew years ago a prominent reel- doubt as to the tragedy which removed thins will he acknowledged by the
dent of Goderich "blew in" at a small another of our young heroes in the awlul treasurer from week to week in the local
town in the ,tate of Virginia.. On the conflict which has been raging during the Press.
I ded f enforcing the ProWei' s •
Atter an iutenuiembs of several
weeks, owing to the 1a/0enra epide-
mic. the tow U 00U0OiI lre,ulued Its
regular sittings on Friel‘y night lane.
All the Ibgbery were 1W ett tadanee
except Councillor Cooke.
Tax Celllecb,r Campbell repartee that
be haul reecaved of late taxes Sae' jam.
The total tax collections Min year to
date were $7(),s35, an brreaoe art
•24.P110 over the awpuaa paid to the
same date last year.
An appeal by MI.4 Caf>ibri ag/iinst
her the nue assetemlent was sent tA, the
nuance cuwmitate.
A letter wag r.-oeived tr p the Union
M 1'saadlan Mnnitopelis�-e web re-
ference to the apeficatiun •>i the Bell
Tek'phooe ta. to the Do. inion Rail-
way Beard for an ,urtear'- of twenty
ler cent. in it* rates. The Mayor
Ordeal the Importance of title matter
and it war referred to the, epeeist com-
mittee/ .
A letter fr'os1 •.Allr W. 1' Kelly, of
London. with Y tisk water -
rate s000nat was sent Se' the nuance)
Jae. Lloyd & rine.' wad's** moving
6 rete. asked
their buwisess to est t. st. r hrst evening after his arrival his host, past four years Pte. Russell Woods was
permission to erred a 10. --Ar. at the atter a bounteous dinner, announced that the only son of Mr, and Mrs. James
rear of their vtarehnune. 9LvertnR it he wool i take him round to the inaugur- W'oolsand was born in East Wawantx.h
with galvanized sheeting: Referred at ton meeting o1 their Clemens' Commit twenty-five years ago last 'lite of April. W. 1. F'ewell
to Are oourLDitt a with polar et act. ere. The hall was crowded with citizens He was a young man who held the esteem W. T. Millar
A (communication from %a. Joseph who talked in enthusiastic terms of the of a wide circle of friends w'asof a HT. Edwards....
}`Ilion eallell attenti, o to lite condition fotore possibilities of their town. Incl generous disposition, en.rgetic and L.. G.
Menesetung Canoe Club........., $ 100.00
--a 10.0 '1
, 5.00
of the cement walk along the east side dentaly It cane cut on the platform that upright. He attended Clinton Business
of her residence. and sated Haat it he the Idea of the Citizens Committee was College for two years and for three. years i 1'13.110
repsinrt. 11411411914 so puhil u(rIrianrkw borrowed Irian a little town In Ontario, prior to enhstiti was in Mr. Jas. 111LLA reasurR,
Mc -
committee with power to mi. - The speaker thought that the name of the Murchie's bank. Blyth. He enlisted with T
Craigle Brea. and F. H. Weeel wrote town wa- Goderich. Our heisted 111C8UtlOuS (he 161st Hurons In 1915, went lit train-
asking for a rebate en their license Iv remarked that he was Vice -President of ing at Camp Borden and in the tall of A Wonderful Story.
es-. their pare] rooms 'haying been the Goderlch Citizens' Committee. Ile 11110 to England, where he remained in Ori Monday std Tuesday next the
cl,.nt-al for a metals no aeecdut of the wag promptly hustled on to the platform training until last March, when her went hi,xIel Theatre Is 5h4,w1114 a Goldwyn
epuleu+. Referred to rfManer terminal- to tell bus experience. He explained that to France. The community as a whole , picture thi.t will reach the heart of every
tut . in the course u[ two yeas the Citizens' t s lend; to Mr. and Mrs. Woods much' man, woman aqd child in Gode-
A erlptest from *1:e National Mania Cemmlttee of the town of Gutdtnch lvad �e nipathy in the loss of their only slxl:
reins Awio riatiww for a grant was sent brought to their town a Furniture Fal• - Blyth Standard.
the emir* Committee. Knitting Factory and a kircycle
W evati fl otel mld.•revt the n'Ifne•41 Factory: had organised a ,mall Lumber -
1�'gCEJ flrnl tar P.r.brrtrun. Maden• 1 Comp ony, a skating rink and tennis club Mr. W. Ervine tece'ved word thls creek
Ylaok. Tonmto, for the paawing and a cottage sWrrltnrr ierkxt, and had pre- that his win Pte. Wililam H. Ervine had There are no spies, no struggles, grief or
bylaw traaeferring'tbe special Dented petitions to the Dominion Govern- been admitted to No. 22 R' neral hospital Govern -
sates! pl the Nueth American 1 ment Inc the deepening of the harbor. and I Itutraito the a wander of the and s.1.
(tit; Ltd.. 4) ti (' t�e/lrrieh l to the Canadian Pacific Railway for the to November 4th sufferinc from gunshot 1 yet there is a wurlderfuf clary and CELL. '
'7Gh flu " ��LLtuaem i r.g.a area. �,. .i - 7�- tea ak wp m
.Ss"ms clYtr4 -
I pip. 1 ww and hater of pig•, 7 malts old.
- POULTRY. - Frty-seven young mew. �4' bent
MEETINGS. and pulkta..
Ium.grsNt,: -One new 7.1%.<u; Mas'yHa•res
_. _- _ _ - _ - - - __. binder, with truck and carrier -.I 4-I1. ,.eau Deering
Notes a reby given that all creditors and
others have any corms or demands against the
estate of the ale Isebell■ Hannah Neynett. who
died on or .holt the 2416 day of Jone.1910, at the
town of (:,.tench. in the county of Huron, are re-
quired. on en before the and day of Decemh•r. 1'n s, '
to send by pot. prepaid. ,r lever to Charles
Seager, of the torn; of Grderic , solicitor for The
Canada Trust Company, the elerutore and trus-
tee of the last volt and testament of the sad
deceased. their Christian and surnames, all -
dresses and deon,piures. the 1o11 particulars of
their chums and the statement of their'eccounte.
ANP P1 57Haa Tug Nuri(.( that alter .rich last-
mentioned date the mid executors and trustees
wdl proceed to distribute the assets of the mid
deceased among the parties entitled thereto.
haven regard only,o the claims of which they
shall t have bad notice, a d that the said erc-
cants and trustees, The Canada Trust Company.
will not lir liable for the seed asset., or any part
thereof. to any person or personsol whose claims
notice shall not have hon received by them at the
time of "uchMeslretwleon.
Tbiabatoe is given pursuant to The Revised
Statutes of Ontario, 1911. hapter 121.
Dated the a0th day of Qtlnher. A. D. 1011'.
London, ('het.
BY the* Solicitor.
Coder,ch. Ont. 39--'t
mower: 1 halse rake. 1 new disc. I1 plate.. 1 new
}' scorner. 1 Cockshutt nlan•ur speadsr, 1 new
complete Massy H•rns drill. 1 , J1. -cut goad
cCormack bender. 1 new heavy wagon. with
bog and ,bels ing; Y sets heavy sleigh. abeam
r. e.; 1 heavy second-hand wagon. 1 nearly -000
Adams st Ick rack, 1 set diamond h mows. I
Fleury plow. 1 fanning mill. 1 grindstone. 1 cov-
ered buggy Steal mg trough.. 1 good Complete
buggy pole. 2 Iron kettles 1 new set brae -
mounted team harness 2 sots double ens int har-
nem. 2 sets good single harness. 1 god Portland
The Council of the Corporation of the County
of Huron will meet on the (tuned Chamber.
(.uder.ch at 3 u'clock in the afterwoon on Twee -
day. the led day of December. 1910.
County Clerk.
Goderich. November 15th 191•. a -2t
c..I ter. 1 rirll g plow. 1 Oliver fedora pl ow, 2 new
Clay gales. 1 art ton scale, Doth rack.
T.o hundred bushels lurm •••• Mishits Oats.
' some household furniture. Irnks.ahovels. chains.
and numerous other arbcks.
1 - - r -. - -- --- . _. - - I Everything must go. as proprietor has rented
Tame; MUSIC.
-' ns - All sums s�(( 410 and under. a.h- over
• that smarm. 1. mewiha credit g
Menior Singing Honor Diploma, Tor- ' wm be oven so
onto University.
Organist and Choirmaster Knox Church.
Pupils prepared Inc any examination
nd for church positions
Special rates for children.
ITelephone '212.
Studio over Dunlop's Drug Store.
y a •.
CAPITAL PAID UP. $15.000,000 RESERVE FUND, • $13.500,000
C.V.0. LLD.. D.C.L. Presider
SIR JOHN AIRD, General Manatee
K V. F. JONES, Ana Gent Munger
Consult the Mana8er re�ardin$ current
accounts, collections, loans and
the other facilities offered
by this Bank.
Goderich Branch -G. WILLIAMS, Manager.
Perfurnishing stole d intoe d tor. Aa )1.0discount e 41 a o Nal Inc the erection of a scathe's'
per rent stragM sleeved ern alih_un creditlye Po -
amount.. - memorial in Godench. The deputati(n
JASPER K BRINLEY. T. GUNURY. consisted of Messrs. H. T. Edwards.
Pf.nprieror. Atrctnmetr. W. H. Rob rtson. W. T. Millar and
AKIN AUCTION 'SALE OP J• W. Fraser. Their proposal was that
sat FARM STOCK ANTI IMPLEMENTS. a fund should be raised. with the co -
ll ' • operation of all the lodges and societies
MRS. WILLIAM RICHAN in the district. and liter on ;t could he
decided what form the memorial should
The following, resolution was passel:
rich. This picture is a drama of the
American home and of mothers', daukh-
ters' and lovers' heal ts. Not one scene oil it
is laid in Europe Not one scene reveals
a battle. or preparation Inc battle.
taken aver
the former
parry. it w•as
new well POI
0ut0ut of brier
er,ntinUonwly' a
14111,at*Oehl WILD
yroli. The coo
r ne=t favorably. a
pec 'area for suhynfr
tray= at the munie
the ce t of the app tea
A le er trona 1.. E. It
wing; a ce.ruplafnt
rt Store with rate
jtty' I •.piye 1: :5 has L7lslgNYttltw► et s new -1}P"" iMo 4°4611+�]fstltidwn eels " 1 cul girl vim. thrlwg�the pedlar that God
misegs tyf I e w 'h t it lora
she plant and Port of taoderiea. both of het tx from Canada m hovtlm I1)i.i, to I puha into the souls of woman, seeds away
�umprmc. Tele new cool- have borne fruition so that Goderich is Archangel to assist the Russian Govern- a wonderful, boy to make this a wonder -
1411. Iran amrankt'tl for a now one of the recognized Grain Ports of
Pala which means an , the Dominion. The Citizens Committee
keep the plant going : had two rules -No quorum was necessary
the adduluII of a , and the active membership was confined
y of band% to the' to shoe. The dog of the secretary_
11 ermeidered thea Treastaer a sagacious bull terrier, was
1 a hylas will belelected President, and when the dog
qn to the rate-; sagged his tail the thing went.
elections, at: Ali this happened some sixteen or seven -
teem years ago. Then came an epidemic
cey. Nina"' of sleeping sickness. The inhabitants ate
n beha1 of their meals in the daily routine: that was
nee ze the the only sign of life. At last Mayor
team Ptah a at the rear of lie town W;gle had a waking dream. 1" his vision
hall. and sato a letter from the board of he saw the pinnacles and towers o(a new
health rrgartleeyl the save, w e site , Goderich gilded by the rays of the su 1 as
nutted to tee ceenr'fl.' nod a «tion - it set over the waters of Lake Huron and
was EIS- " C ou
permed that the mect•issa '' R W 1 I
p'i► c ht Ihe heard a voice saying ' E. g Y
tlen4 tie made to render the place - only live once and every man has work
tory. ! to do in his generation. The dawn will
A letter from W. T. Moore. former sem calx of an,hiding peace, when the
sergeant of police. crow Provincial polis eves of the world will b e turned towar'4
officer at South Porcupine. Ont., asked nada the !arid of nppxrtunities. This
the council to accept his resignation from he Golden Gate of Huron. Wake,'us
the local force and extended his thanks do your duty: T his i+. time to
to the Mayor and council for kindnesses your talents in a napkin.ot M hide
ettended to him. The resicnation was ht ureter a bushel." The Mayne
accepted with regret. and the Mayor pr. - with a start. Rel." Th fig how
peed that. in view of Mr. Aloore's etti' dreamer was jibed by his
dent servicer to the toirn. h e be granted . dreamer
, he sant to New York
an honorarium of, two month: salaty. art Gabriel who would srwnk
This was referred to tete finance commit- and wake the whole
tee. sleep. The expert ane
A deputation from the Menesetung d
Canoe Llub was then heard with reference
ter. re
ptact teal
for an ex
the trump
town from t
and a great ba ort was held u1 the lea -
ing hotel to which represenlatic ;were
invited from leading cities and t�ivns Of
Western Ontario. A (hart of plot -up
orators was let loose. it was premed out
that G•,defi •h was rounded in the same
year as Chicago and the only reawn that
its 'vat Fity had outstl,pped it in the race
was le •genius and enterprise of its in-
hab tants; Goder ch has the advantage of
Chicago in respect to climate: there is no
climate in the world that can compare
That tlx Menesetung Candle Club pro -
with thr east _pore of Lake Huron where
tion to arrange to raise a fund Inche prevailinv winds travel over Lakes
Hae.ss.-One nweral reTVye honor, 4 years
position Superior. Michigan and Huron: as cli-
bid; 1 general purpose mare. years old. I hay.. the erection of a memorial to the fallen mate had made Florida it would make
drove. 112 yens old. 1 aged etre. soldiers of Goderich and vicinity.. be the fortune of Goderich: so the make
cs1na:-thee purehred Jersey 50w..•1 years old • heartily endorsed and that the Club have century belonged of the United States
twill repots -1, dor January 1-,. 1 cow. 3 years old. • the approval of this council in the'under. a but thr twentieth century belongs to Mae March 'e. 1 cow, .t years old, dile Apel it 1
ada and to Gerdes ch, and Goderich the
prettiest town in Canaria, the hest of all
the ports for the 1'4'est. with fes grain
vowels asking for return freight, is well
endowed with natural rewurces-a rich
surrounding agricultural district, miles -of
sand for making glass. clay for tilt', and
pottery. salt aril contiguous limestone
for chemica;s, and gravel for cement.
A, a result. Gmlerlcn today has a more
active, hard-working and enthusiastic
Board of Trade than any city in Canada
and Its citizens have sworn to set an ex-
ample to the rest of the Dominion of
what can be dorie by the genius of a de.
termined ptnple who all pull together. ,
1•'lloneter'' Pleats ie at it *gate. It
peak to Ile Mimed the torearang
•tory Written by Mr. Eritrea Heata,n,
.f Toronto. which w.' mndeninnd from
Mr I-.intts letter is CO Ile puhli.h.'d
ley Sy fitetu inalragine and is (A, have
ext. 1 ive .•isolation ot.ht•rwi«•, SIr.
r mitt• mays the H„atYl of r'ra:Ie im "len
the right track." Inst he wants it to
111111 est still greater things for (irslc-
rich. Billy never `h,ws weary.!
*i11 sen by puh'tc auction. at north -half tot 11.
Goderich township, three miles from Caoderech.
on Bayfield road. nn
commencing at I ..clock sharp:
am, 4 yeses old. due April Is. 1 tow, 4 years old, ' ! il0ang.
due May 211;1 order. 2 years old. due April s: I His W'Mehip named :he chairman of
Cow, Milken', I over. 1. years old 2 •tern. 1 yeas the public Werke committee and the
nM t heifer. 7 years old; tt sleetrt 1 year old; S I chairman of the parks committee to c(r
aping calves
Prs.-One brood sow, In pip, a week, OM at Operate with .the Mete setung Club's
tom. of sale. 1 committee.
len gutters. -One Mala.y•Hann blade% 1
Fro.. h N,vvl mower. 1 rake. 1 own fsrar t^h era- Tlx repot of the finance committee
te•,, 1 r, harrows, , norm and orchard dew, 1, recommended the payment -of a
don, 1 n,.,.1 Fleury Mon..% one-horse pow. I: large number of accounts. Other
twin plow, 1 Rang plow. ■ mor( mel l dean pa
1 1 2 h p engine ,n truck t end Rain wagon. 1 {- yMents recommended were: To public
.!nay tank on wagon. 1 waren Imes 1 combines library board, $40f1 On 19)5 grant:
IMnrack. 1 pis tack. 1 we hoh.le,gh• 1't hest county rate for 1917. 65.263.62. and
.leeS tau, 1 culler, 1 demo. rat. 1 Intro. l winners)o Olevirile fecolsotn,, t set ,'Mable harnrwo, 1 rlereett: county wartax for 1915.
chain harness. 2 art, 'mete harness ,Mer Melt,11.42'2.410; l0 water and light commie -
roars, hoes, grindstone• wMe
lnelrea, .hair", 1 goon, arrears of light rates. 17:39..9. and
prers, plantool.. es. and various other tra, One
Mrlmu seeraiat arrears on water account. 11 7141.1h. It
GRAIN .Sone U. A. C. '1n oat*. tower' clever was rernmmended that *20 (0) oil various
"teed oat.. barky and mla1d grain hay. corn m sinking funds he invested in five-year
.t ruse, 4131;. held carrot. and mantel•
Feawtte pa. One quite hrdrroom furniture. 1 Victory loan bonds. The report WAS
anal Is ...nye .-.d other turnout- ' adopted.
Mow.R, t*NRMos A aumh•r of her hive and The public works committee rrrr'm-
other her supplies. hotted sashes, inhere and ruts.
1 churn, dairy pads. cant A member et young frlerxlld that the chairman hf the Mm -
hens and pullets motet be enip,wered to engage Petra
Nnre.erve. a. (arm es '^Id
TR., Sum, of 11,, .1., hay,
asRillfance to complete the installation of
and under,
alr.w, ones, and grain. cash, nn her .mount., eox catchbasing and other necessary work
month.' credit en approver) mint notes ON before winter. Adopted.
cent pro annum elf nm cash.
Auctioneer. A report from the special committee,
Proprietress'.recOtfftltllnding the execution of a gnit-
merit with Its railway syst m. Alter five
months' service he was returned to Can•
ada and immediately enlisted in the 4th
ful world to live in.
Whether youare hard or soft of heart,
whether you think you wish to or not.
Pioneers at London, going overseas the
ere is otng e worcan
following August. In Ihcember he pro- there kelp you
nfrhiim omensinthto thldethat Model
ceeded to France and in August,' P117. he Theatre to pee dge Kennedy" in "The
was severely gassed. On being returned Service Stat," M y and Tuesday.
to duty he was attached t0 the :;4th Fiat-
talion and unf :rtunately was woalxlsd Nealship2 nester% always flesh, at
within a week of the armistice. • A Edwards . Blinn,' 2ii►,
brother, }:dear a who left Canada with \
the IOlst Battalion. was Rw'
severely Mr. av Iturieball, $. t manager for •
wounded in the left lest; on September the Bell 'ft'lepheme1'o., fli*Ip.,utagtth'
2nd, but is making good progr-'s towards after an illness of several Weeks.
recovery in an English hospital. an- .
other brother also went over with the . GUNDRY'S SALE REGISTER. -
Huron Battalion and was returned to
C apada on account of being too yourdg. TutaDay. Nov. 20 -Sate of farm. far Stock
Mr- and Mrs. Ervine have hada terve nn•1 implements, at the en;n.esof John code;
pottioll of this world's trouble recently. Is. rips the township a I%neu.
kksides the Wounding of (heir boy's, one pFsm1Ay, Nov. 2e. Sal.' of 401.0 stork endive.
stn, Louis ohn, died a few weeks a O O( Ir5ient■• .*^pens of Mr Jasper K 'kinky, at
J R let '., c,xlceasmn. 2. (:ndrrich township
T oustor, Dec 9. • Clearing its :tom .ale of
Isom stock and ,mpl.m.'nt 4. the popert an( Mrs.
Wdlum Rn Lin. Rayneld road, Goderich town-
ship. commencing at 1 o'clock. No reserve, al
the !arm has herr sal I.
the prevailing epidemic and the other et
just recovering from a very aevlre attack
Of it.
Mrs. ,Trot. Mel'la ieety has oat ivrd
word by letter that her INr0.her,
Trooper W. W Nimes's, wan ••aexwl
Meptt'llltx'r 111h11. Ile wrote' 1n 11
after he hart Liam nevernl week. in
hospital and wax rerovetimpl Teetotal:
Menenm, who was f.,rrnerly art ('liuhn,
en feted at Winnipeg and was at-
tnehed tei a n'tehitie-guir requ arena -
UItD.. I
BOWMAN. -In ff adelich. on Wednesday., No-
vember 2011h, Ellmlie h Daus. helovel wiled
Joseph Row man, aged .11 years.
Meeting of Co : nt y Counci -Geo. M. Hd-
man . • t
heirs Blanket List -James 9nelL., ..... .. -, 1
i'te Herbert hellos Palmer, why last
Cottage for Sale F. Won4knmbe ... ... ... 1
Y Apphcanon. hw Night Policeman -Topa d
week was reported wounded, has died of Grdericn .. 1
his wounds. Mrs. Palmer having been Hoy Wanted Mr. Prec,ou, .., ..., r
officially notified on Friday last to this !louse for snit- not 13, Signal office .,.- -
effect. He was wounded in t¢e right sktn■and Hide. --D. Brown .......:..... _1
arm on October 22p.t. but nothing ex- Auction Sale --'.tri. Wm. Hoban ... ...... 1
cept the bare telegram ane ncing his Auction Sale -Jasper K. Brinley - 1
death has been received as yt . Adjourned Sale of (.ands for Taxes -W. Lane., 1
Collections for Farmers
Farmers, who wish to
teceive prompt returns on
shipments of Cattle, Grain,
Fruit and Dairy Products,
should draw on the con-
signee through this bank.
A Bank of Montreal Draft
is presented promptly and
remitted immediately on
collection at lowest rates.
neer. O9r*CL.MONT5IAL.
A. W. Stric'-'9 '1d, Manager, Goderich Branch.