The Signal, 1918-11-14, Page 6r, I,
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TUU%$p1L*, No-% 14, 1918
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tf n
Economical Purity
In your soap, purity is not
only desirable but its an
absolute necessity if you
want )Our Clothes to last.
somhalight anitio is all'.1wely pure
thou bilery or &Julterents of on,
W&.,, Soap
Clothe. he.l..olt'lly Mrs.
@I new without the
mer,kil wear asm.1 tear . of "the
wipoh hrJ.
levf-" RK01M.As 111,141111)
The Singer Store 3The Kaiser as 14
W 4
I I Knew Him
coule and see .our line of For Fourteen
and ears
Scolres, scarf: and cushions is
Ttirnmed bet1hAo*eJs'_crochet
iooke.,, fancy hag, and hand- 177 ZR
kerchiefs, . Stamped lunch
cloilts, ceutres, inat.4 and
tow. -6, pule linen.
New shilorueont of ladies' I AR17HUR N. DAVIS. U. D. S.
aUJ children's winter under-
(Copyriot. 191%. by lh, M,C'bp Newslia-
15"N per or
MISS S. NOBLE Zventually.'rhilleerit and moldlers re -
taming (room the wexteru front on fw-
--------- laugh or passing through the counbilli
toa route from imp front to the other
brought the repoort of fit#. defeat Wore
Paris. Soldiers who participated in
'Alrous retreat wrote from the
Massey -Harris amtr"eachroo to their friends sad rel-
atived telling if the terrible expierl
0_ . Shop Pace* they had undergone, when they
went for days with nothing fit Pat hetr
W L, �1 4�1 t,,o it w potatoes slid tio-nipm which they
joleked from the fields.
When these reports finally spread
through Germany the people began to
IllikDERS, MOIVERS ANP I!Vallze that their generals In the west
61CTIVATORS. were not meeting with the- same success
that Yon filridenhurg had had in The
east sad Von Hindenburg heo-a. the
6E.LCO-L,C1HT PLANTS, Idol or the people Immediately. & (act
that was very distasteful to the high
The kahimor's dimlike, of Von Motion -
burg was of long R(Roding. If@ hold
GILAVANDMcLAUGHLIN never forgiven (hot general for the inim-
CA RR I AG F -S. take he made during military mmaeliv-
jga en In peace little when joy & brilliant
illstroll- of strategy lie had Purclooded to
GAS, ENGINES. capturing the koiser'n forces. Including
iAl - I
the kaiser and his whole stall
I have referred In a previous chapter
to the kaiser's unboundedcon f1donce
OLD HONIFSTFAD after the Itellon collapse In 1917.
Now, we've got the pilles, he ex-
FFRTILI�RJW. J1 3 C', 77", with an of conclusiveness
w on, z the optimlxm be
I ch millillss
Robert Wilson YOU 00U41F
11 imilt9ii Goderich
_ _ ___ _ __ _ � NEED TO ti GO
on suffering with tbatobs nnl�srite,
It you *ill only use Zam-Buk tho
great herbal onto cure. This balm.
(taring to 1% uniti-le compoxf ties, fit
Let You Light Shine 1. his very thing for morem slid skiii
this that have resisted ordinary
I rest men to.
Mrs. Herbert Cox, of Port MeNfooll,
Doll't hitutniole iirtitind 'in Ontario, writes; ' For nine years I
the dark. It It i4 cheaper in suffered with an ahooremot on my fLc,-,
htch won both painful And disfigui
the long rim, and vwkly uiore Ing. I had the abscess lanced ro-
Pleasant, to have your home posterity. but It still remained. I
&inro tried ordinary olntmenl%, bill
lighted fit the modern, sensible without any permanent horipfit frim
tvay_With electricity. ally the doctor told me I had it
toimnr an the hone. and would have
We should he glad to give to underlie an operation. whiels I
bit"I Instead
aof Inifir,)vIng. thm
YOU An eatinuilte on the witing wiftiltifonbrno worse I was
of your home and can It"re - I in dompair whom a frl#,nA got me to
try Zaw Fink. I soon notir 4 ft
you,& good job, became marked Improvement. Zara Rut
- it to get to flip very roof of
trooblok. and in rho end tie sts
mi-som -dk entirely cured- not *we"
lo4sving a morar. Thin west •a year
age, and there ham tholin no rituarm
Wr_- It Ive I full line of y of the tr%iblo.-
Zeark-11ilk is not a titers ninflatint,
hat a rich herbal balm Unequalloott
Ele6cal Cwh for eezems, aralo some i-Ingworm,
for lighting, cooking, heatiag, bo1W bad legs, blood-polmoning.
etc, itiles, cut*, burns. sprains. mrsids,
and all skinI"j"ries. W h I. I
$1.26. all druggloto or Zmm% IZ
Toronto. M. likiiis on free trial ball9koosd Ir stampfor
Kou". lo". TAR .
W@%t "t.11—t--neat W Pn4t Oft -r-
4(ter (be capture of Itountarian, be
orajitAted a aituolur Orign-o- .( exults.
ti,,*. Ito twileved tbn4 to that achleve-
oureal too kind successfully "W"d Ille,
.tf,udl proanbleThe one virlsi
okid ch
tltomKanUy dockesiftf the kal4wr's tkm-i As a matter of business," what
Il -
"1111.1or the a ki" will never succeed to
or arflug us." the "fit to ure In my of -
M -e shortly after the Ituniukesifin drive.
'With Hournaula in our puirkets a4mil
do you think of the plan ?J
Bervia already ours, their vorusider-full
our foomf needs and foil our rueniese This is the reason for sellingictory
agricultural Possibilities will supply You are a farmer. �Ak
:Zto starve us. Indeed, they had Canada is a farming country. Bonds.
.11 look eat for tbrkipwlve& tlkoer't
have a mosisponly on the Canada grows more food than the Can anyone deny the -sound business
=".b we people of Canada need.
IV mat 0", �e of this plan of protecting our
VrOVOr e trill "t,thir w4.w.W.W.,
will to on decreasing and deervealug I To prosper she must sell that sure valuable market ?
and they womi't get any lmotaatk Orgill we
get ready to let their& howe If plus food.
From the standpoint of the man
The failure (of the Zeppelins from a LLGreat Britain is our best customer
Military stmodlholn( was uridoubtedly a who ]ends, what better security could
great dimappointilivilt to the German for grain, pork, beef, cheese and other heget for his money ? Where else
farm products.
people at large, who bud counted so could he get a] five and a half percent.
iuu(,b upon thein to briog disaster to
England. tout It cannot tm- "Id that theEvery practical man must see how return on such security? Where would
kaiser mitered their chagrio. Ou the
importan he find an investment to
contrary, I have retiamli to believe that t it is to hold the British trade. y interest I
be nevor expei-ted k cry touch froin that
Canada wants not only the profit on so regularly and with so ritatle trouble
Orin of big military force except an It
slight he Useful to terrorize the civil this trade, she wishes to createto the lender? Certainly Canadians
pollOU I a I I oil. it grood
A day or two after Zeropella's death. o will in Britain towards Canadian have an opportunity to benefit very
ian pro -
In 1917, a patient of ruine. a lady. lisp- 0 directly from this borrowing plan.
�1 ducts and thus assure our export busi-
pened to remark that it was too had ---for the future.
that The count food not lived to groo the nese And the money Canada borrows is
Irluniph of him Invention, and when I
4 spent entirely in Canada—a very arge
Naw the kaiser shortly afterwards I ZAt the moment Great Britain asks
repeated her reonark to we what be
would Ray. for credit, asks Canada to sell her the part of t ft)r the very crops the- farmer
am convineq 44 4"A
-d that thin count lived products of the farm, on time." To has to sell.
long enough to see all that the Zep-
pelins were, capable of aecomplishing." hold her trade, it is necessary to give
comment. Therefore, if the Victory Loan is a
was Ids only
It -recalled the this credit.
answer ho; had given we some, yearssuccess, business in Canada must b
when both pellas and air- This takes'eavital—immense capital 1,
pi..": %u7"rre in their Infancy and I had ood, the nation must prosper and so
asked him which held the greater For Britain's 6urchases from Canada g�l Ee able to carry on a vigorous war
proordar. "We do not know. Time are it C, antUTC uses must e 11..
� , I France and Flanders.
alone will tell." was him reply, d h�E pb
The last time I c"evi-roked with the paid for in cash.
kaiser was on November 26, 1917. Up As a practical man you must
to that tilme we flail sent Over IW.0W In these times, it is not easy even approve of the Victory Loan}
oan plan. R�
troops, according to the figure" which
have hoinve been revealed fly Meerittary for a nation as wealt as Canada to h,,,- Then help it along. Put your own
Maker. Areordlug to the kalwr's In-
formation, however, wV had ouly SO,- procure money. Certa ly, no other 11'r- money into Victory Bonds;
urge your
000 men In France ai that time and country can lend usmo n The only ra friends to buy; work hard among
he was of the opinion that we would way now open
never these many more. for 'Pana t secure �f, your loyal neighbors to make the
.1 Ig having ,rine time try- money is to borrow from the I
amerif le of P` Victory Loan 1918 an overwhelming
Ing to raise an army," he declared
satirically. "I beer that 1.00 mutiniedSuccess.
the other day In New York and re -
h( he
fused to get on it trauspert, slid a
town in the Northwest tNanposod prin-
cipally of citizens of Swedish big" Buy VICTORY OND
refused to register at all ! We are get-
ting excellent IFI((JrMStiOn UtM.Ut all P , _143i_011.vou can V
conditions In America." opt P4. -for In cash and all 'tit
tiolotions from Washlugloin of the le- ;w gg pot
Shortly before this had come the rev- Vou can c on Inttalmen?.r.
tri) of Count von Luxhurg. the Ger- F
a Victory Loan Comariti
loan minister to Argentina, and I knew ij Tqsued bv Canada" in co-operation with the Minister of Finance M4.
where the kaiser was getting the in -
of the Dominion of Canada.
formation he r#,f,,,-d to. In nearly 147
every cage, it appeared, the koisk-r's is-
forwasts were misleading him.
With twfore gulf after we entered
the war thv kaiser wits thoroughly com- dendkork, an the Germans were taking
vinced Thal we could play only a noa simllar number of trained troops
trial part In It an far as wen power front file Roiudan front. The only 1 1
was concerned nod his assurance no menace of American portlelpation in The Kaiser's Plan for World Dominlorl
that ilmoint undoubtedly accounted for the war lay In the possibility that we I'lip history of modern
Germany is. a!R
his decimlon to carry through his sub- In ight add eonoolderably to the •allied puha v, in itself Rufficient Indic d 0
air wriongth. Alen power alone. they of the underlying plan of file Teuton 10 1 M
marine even
program though it re- "T
sulted In bringing us Into itip war. contended, would neve,- be sufficient to war barons to control the whole of
'Do you realize how many tons of help the allies much, but overwhelming I Eurnpe and, eventually, the world. Tho
shipping It taken to ship a single sol. superiority In the air might occasion program has been slowly unfolding It- "if a man empties his purse into
his head
dierr' he asked me on one oci-silos. the Germans some annoyance. self since the time of Frederick the no man can take it from him ... .... ,4
I cosi(eased my ignorance un that The kaiser himself find hut a pow Great mod the present generatton I
opinion tof the dg
fighting qualities of the Dow witnessing what was Intended to -An investment knowle e al-
"Well. It taken shit form to the mol American stroldler so far a modern war be fit- climes. ways pays best inter est."
To send over an mrtny of 5(to.00) me■. requirpments are concerned. I There can he no doubtthatIf Ger- iw —Benjamin Franklin
fbe"fore, your country would require "The American soldier would pogh. Many had aweedrd In her efforts to
*,000.000 tuna of shipping fit addition sibly give a good account of himself 1 94111 control of the major part of Ku- Young man, soon woman—you are the architect
to the tonnage required for regular In open Agbting." he declared. "but he I f0to" Ohl' would have soon looked
traffic. Where is It coining from,
with in not built for the kind of warfare he I toward the western hemlopher* and of your own fortune. I Orr success or failure in I life
my submstritiep oinking the allied viont- will encounter in rrance. He lack@ ! the east. depends altogether upon urself. If you would be
act& fsxto�r Ilion they can ever be re- the stolidity to endure life in the I . This program In fairly Indicated by successful you must LEAA TO DO.
placed? My U -brats are dolni won- trenches. He Is too high-strung and I the cnurpo of events as history ImYs
derful work ani we are prppnrpd to couldn't stand the Inactive life which them hare. but I have the actual word Genius is fifty Per Cent. TRAINlNcf and 'fifty per cent.
kaiser to substantlate It. WORK. As you carve out your future you will rusikeamost
take care of all the troops America lop much an important part of modern of the L
way try to land In France.." warfare. Besides, he lacks discipline At nne of his visits, to me shortly serious mistake if yl
you fail o provide J strong, secure founds -
"Now foolish for America to have and trained officers." after the beginning of the war we were tion in the way of practicalbusiness edacation.
ensue Into the war." he went on. "If discussing England's participation in
the could sneered in lending a realIt. "It is only the trained, qualified man why makes his life tell."'
- "What hypocrites the English arel" v?r%
krmy In France., what good would It —1 the kaiser exclaimed. The time to lay the proper foundation is 21,�M and this is,
lot America can see tkpw %xy it wag S They
I sq? Sale of Gin i but) always treated me so the school.
'or molo to break through Red to r-
sp- ho I when I visited them I never be- COURSES:
urst VX),(Wfu of the lj&limos, and th
lieve:they would have comeinto this Business
nun( realize th,#q I can rWk throughisis Greater than Ver 'wae r' They always acted as If the,Stenographic k,'
Civil Service
in the western frmil mno� (in the milmo liked me. MI mother was Engilvr. wrtrSecretarial
hiog fliers. If America had kept out
if the war ahs w Gill l"I'll! I ou'% c heard of them, of YOU know- I always thought the
have gone on
mild Its world was big! enough for three of us
making Untold profits and strikespeace 44tutilop for they are the acknow)r.1ged
a we could keep It for ourselves—
work filially declared stop would have 1111 VAt.11.l:A11c.I remedy ror KAney and For further particulars write to
that Germany could control the conti-
leen In a most enviable PORITIOR HIS -1 -ler Troijbiert. Uja piJig I, fratored hun-ttetis of (!amrd:9a sea nest of Europe. F;bglsnd, through her B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principal
km""g the liationa of the world. As It and women to health, strength 'And Vast posstsqlonx and Beet, could con-
s. Wilson will never have a seat at happiness. Tritifftionlikis received by us trot the Mpdltfrran*sn and the far M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice -Principal
ho peace table If I ran befir It, and from persons in all parts -of Cak�,
ads east, and America could dominate the
low America shall have to pay all the tell we that Gin Pills have relieved western heiihisphere!"
,Omfx of the war!" Firldently he lrnalL% them` from the suffering esu*e,l by How long it would have been before
tied that his trivimph would be. set kidney or Bladder derangements- Gpnmaay would have tried to wrest my emor d my tintL Phone 2013
,ostriplete that there would he no peace These testimonials are from people dominion from England can readily he
rable, bill that the warring nations Who hove tokell Gin Pills and berielited
by them. In most cases they wrote OrImagined, and with the whole of Zu-
WOU14 he 'milpellod to swept the Irope and the far Pant under her thumb
,ormm he offered them,t.
G all suffererr of complaints such an Olin, America would undoubtedly have MIME= - 111
mowing the itimilvinnimity of the (lot-
,-imo inake Up. I xhould any the world may know what des Pill* did for into proved too tempting a morsel for the
Gin Pills rerhie,iv; that's why Vey have kalmer's or him derrendants' rapacious
r years; in fact, we believe there enough for flirpoo; he didn't say U r
for of
Or large would have if# be content with *a many friendi, maw to have restated. He mold that
rery little (;;a Pills iter', been on the. marl:ct be believed that the world won "blig
Now the kaiser tesla now that the F r s
rmlhjro� of the 17-4olatm to Intercept . i
Ore more Via Pills sold than any other was too big for one.
Amoviran Ir(wPp Offilpot must be pole- proprietary medicine in Canals. Froth What wax really in him mind. how%- 4
V Nothing inure appetizing or nourish' 17
rally apperptit to him, end America fax to Vancouver you can bit.%* init ��11
has w) overwheirmingly overroftie the the
has error city, town, village Over. In Indicated by a passage In an tet
or hale- address he made some twenty -Bus then a bowl of delicious TELFER'S
kitchriage of shipping. [don't know. but h Pit popiflarity line been built
felt i rX . n the ton-lorsiorront-n of those years agn. In which. as Rev. its.
t in more than probable that for mothre
itmoo t�- come the rest, mituation will at I who have been benefited I))- their use. Oil I)vrltht 11111lot has prillonted out, he
these words: Takes the place of ordinary breakfast
toy rate. Pso onectioxitfully rorhromlod I Tf coil art- otiffering from Tla;n% in ""it nt food.
rroin the German people. I know that the Its- it, Dizziness fleads'llp or a "From my childlinod I have been into Sweetened to the average histe—
the faihiro of the 11-thomill (,Rmpaign wag General reeiing of Lato-6twil, yno der the Inflnenco of five mon- Aloyan- always crisp and light.
anknown in the Gornitina lip to the need Wo dills. (let a hiix from votir door. Jullux Cno-oonr. Thendoirloor 11. NM -
dealers; ter them, and if chef do not
polet)n and Frederick the ()real. Their*
limp I left llerlln—In January, 1919. help vail, writo wt and we will refund flro moon drenmeti their dromm of R Packed in air tight packedsis.
While the knitter and flip Germans you the lonrrhase price willingly. I world empire: they felled. I amFor sale at all droCers.
renerally to -it confident that we wailld SAM by Ao-altirit almost Prerywlitoro tir"toilroir my dream of a world empfros
never tw able to send many mets at `wfiv lo
loneA trial sample -free it hilt I shill iturcood
across. they fornfommed to feel little you write ii, Cor it. "0 kaintor's plan to dorninstit Ila-
Noneern even It we did. Tih, vicmn-a i)nisr & rit,omiesi rn pope I nrloded the control of Turkey.
According No some (it the 0-rman f- -dit. LialitiA, Toronto, On,.,,,,.
of C:inn T elfe- rs
leves with whom I spoke, even It we hollidres and he nindo every effort to atrength4on
lif-ron, that enuntry -,, that obs might he a
landed 2.0410JI100 m.-tv I France It Co., like., M Ifain gt., Buts)*, X.V "Thill, Allklit Word for Biscuits'
Would not be enough to break vshishit filly In thit war to coerilist. p
(L%Iftuw next week)