The Signal, 1918-11-14, Page 5qtM
.r.... -ter. ,..."mipp ie1seme
Dear nix: -
Wel OiA
That we opened the first Garage in
triot and have operated it continually
this dis-
ever t
That we have never..ceased to add new equipment
for your convenience.
That we installed the first tire repair
That we put in the first privately owned
Storage Battery Repair and Charging Plant and
that it has been running for two years.
That we are in as good a position as any city
firm to give satisfaction, at a lower price, on '
any automobile repairs, as our overhead expenses
are much lower than theirs, which means that you
get a better job at a lower price. "No dead-
heads in our place."
Our name for good work at a low price is our
most valuable asset and it will remain so.
That you should have your machine overhauled
this winter to avoid the rush next spring. You
should leave your storage battery with us this
winter and it will be in good shape next spring.
If•new parts Or supplies are needed, your
order planed now for spring delivery will save
you money. If you cannot bring your job in we
will fetch it.
Anyway, you should drop around, have it talk
and let you that~ we can do all we say.
Yours faithfully,
The Signal until
January 1, 1920
Wallace Reid
YOU be the Judge ..a
See Wallace Reid in this great thrilling drama of military life;
answer with him the centuries-old question, "Love or
Duty?" You will, look at the question through new
eyes after you've seen this wonderfully fine picture an'
player, and you'll be glad you came.
The Singer Sewing Machine
Agent. has taken over the
agency of the
international Harvester
on Hamilton Street
ani will hanile b)th lines
Mon. and Tues., Nov. 18 and 19
ADMISSION x5c and 20C
Mary Pickford
__IN- . per
Little Princess
By Frances Hodgson Burnett
Wed. and Thurs., Nov. 20 and 21
ADMISSION t5c and 25c
First Show 7.30 o'clock -Second Show 9 o'clock
Farm Machinery and
Singer Sewing Machines
A fair share of the public pat-
ronage will he appreciated.
War and
What war destroys
thrift must replace. The
Victory Bond is the most
profitable and easy form
of thrift. It rebuilds and
yields profit.
Victory Bonds
Geo. MacVicar
North side Square. Goderich
is Rheumatism of the face -
Uric Acid left in the blood
by disordered kidneys
lodges along the nerve
which branches from the ,
eye over the forehe ad, and
acmes the cheek to the
side of the iia e. The
cause is the sautes,* in ad
Rheumatism- disordered
Kidneys. The curt, is like.
wise the sante -
Kidney' M
Thanksgiving Sunday.
Sunday next has been fixed by the tic -
tawa Government as a day of 'thanksgiv-
ing to celebrate the conclusion of peace.
Churches Throughout the Dominion are
requested to hold special thanksgiving
Masons Elect.
At the meeting of Maitland Lodge
A. F. & A. M., on Tuesday night the
following officers were elected: W. M.,
Geo. MacVicar: S. W.. C. K.
Saunders; 1. W., W. J. McNevin; chap-
lain. Rev. R. C. McDermid; treasurer,
R. G. Reynolds; secretary, J. Straiton;
tyler. A. Kaiting.
M . C. C. Officers.
The Menesetung Canoe Club has
elected officers as follows for the coming
year: President, H. T. Edwards; vice-
president. L. L- Knox; secretary, L. G.
Young treasurer, W. T. Millar; commo-
ommadore, J. A. Lawrence; vice-conunodore,
W. H. Robertson; chaplain. ' Walter
Shipman: additional member, of execu-
tive. C. A. Nairn. G L. Parsons; auditors,
J. W. Fraser, J. A. Lawrence.
Bible Society Meeting.
An illustrated address on "The Bible on
the Battlelkeld" will be given in North
street Methodist church on Thursday
evening next, November 21st. by Rev.
Jesse Gibson, secretary of the Upper
Canada Bible Society. The annual meet-
ing of the local branch of the Bible So-
ciety and the election of officers will be
held on the same evening. The address
is a very timely and interesting one, and
will be illustrated with electric lantern
views from official photographs furnished
by Lord Beaverbrook. Everyone inter-
ested in Bible work amongst the soldiers
is invited to hear Rev j11r. Gibson.
There will be no admission fee.
Ministerial Association,
The Ministerial Association held its
monthly meeting on Tued y, the 12th
inst. It was also the annual meeting for
the election of officers. Rev. J. E.
Ford was elected president and Rev.
J. E. Mc_ auley secretary. Prof. Kil-
patrick of Knox College, Toronto. gave a
very instructive and helpful address to
the ministers which was much appreci-
ated. The question of the Government's
request that Sunday, the. 17th inst., be
observed -as a day of thanksgiving was
discussed. It was decided to request
every pastor and congregation to allow
the thought of thanksgiving to determine
the character of their Sunday services.
instead of having a united t ving
service. the citizens service as hav-
ing been held on Monday on t Square.
it is, therefore, urged that the
citizens make their way to the church
they are accustomed to attend and there
record their thanksgiving and pay their
vows unto the Lord.
Each Hunter May Kill Two Deer.
In response to inquiries from the hunt-
ing field, the Deputy Minister of Game
and Fisheries has communicated with
game wardens throughout the Province
making clear for their benefit a point
touching the deer hunting regulations for
the current season as to which considerable I
controversy has arisen. The Department
makes it quite plain that each resident of
Ontario holding a deer hunter's license is;
entitled this year to take two deer (if he I
can get them), and that sub -section 4 of
section 13 of the Act, which provides that
only one deer may be taken • by two or
more members of a hunting party.
should and would have been amended at
the came time as sub -section 3, but for its
being inadvertently overlooked, Eastern
Ontario newspapers have latterly been
I warn ng hunters that only one deer may be
taken by each party. as the regulations
formerly set forth, and it is to remove
this misapprehension that the circular
letter to wardens has been sent out. -
Guelph Mercury.
Matron Appo inted.
I The regular monthly meeting of th
Children's Aid Society was held in the
grand jury room of the court house on
Tuesday last. The following contribu-
tions were acknowledged: Mrs. D. Millar,
12; Mrs. W . L. Horton, 13; Mrs. Frank
Hodgens. Toronto, 12; mite boxes in the
• local banks, t1ii. Several applications for
the p reition of matron of the new abet-
; ter were considered. and tbat of Me
Sarah Bentley. of Blyth, was 'accepted.
She will b gin her duties D.cember 1st,
and the executive was empowered to
endeavor to have the formal opening of
the shelter take place during that week
while the county council is in session, so
that the members of the council may
we the home and be able to judge of its
requirements and fitness for the work.
1t is hoped that Mr. J. 1. Kelso, Provin-
cial superintendent of the C. A. Societies,
will be present at the opening. Several
donations of furniture and other requi-
sites for the furnishing of the home have
been received, and the Women's Institute
' of Goderich is arranging for substantial
assistance in the way of a "shower " It
is expected that the arrangements will be
to far completed as to allow a full state-
ment of the de.ails in next week's local
tl raw foe Salt Company.
A bylaw is to be wbmitied to the rate
payers to transler the privileges granted
by the town to the former company
opaatui theNorth Ainerican Clllzts.ul
Works to .a new company which has
been organized to take over and operate
the plant. -The personnel of the new
corporation has nut been announced.
Dr. Kilpatrick's Addresses.
Large congregations listened to Profes-
sor Kilpatrick, of Toronto, in Knox
church last Sabbath and his masterly
sermon, were rratly enjoyed. On Turn
day evening Dr. Kilpatrick considered
the prubiems arising in Canada out of the
mixed population and strongly urged
that our civil zation sho ukl be Christian.
Last evening he diaivaied the significance
of a League of Nations. and pointed out
in a vivid way the dangers to the world
in the near future if the great nations of
the East remain unevangelized. The
Professor k a strong and inutkve sp 1cer
and presents his set,i is in a clear and
comrrehenaive manner. The subjects
of the sermons next Sabbath will be:
Morning, 'The Gift of Pentecost." Even -
Ing, 'So Great Salvation."
Two days 1r`luai0 of the Victory
loan ...impatigto and 4,9..eryy effort must
iw noel' to bring the .ulw•riptiona in
11"n)n comity 1111) 10 the "bjeetive.
lip to Wednesday night ti.wl.•rieh
had s. -cured 112 Li IMM) and it is hoped
that the obj.x•tiv . of {:MM),tion will be
second by Satta day night.
The .•urp.lratirnt tad ti.ulerich is tak-
ing approximately 120.000 as a inking
fund investment, and -acme oilier large
subscnptlons are being lined up.
The Godes-14:h Knitting' Co. has taken
lioulrrieh t+.w'n+hip lute won iia
honor flag, with a g'na1 w,udoti fur 414
extra cm-wn
Clinton town and Hullett township
have an humor Hag 811.1 are going on
to win anuth, r ,Town,
The township of Morris also haw won
its Hag.
Everybody is urged to do his (or her)
very utmost during the remaining days of
the campa►
an PIM
Nana est ern ern%
Alawlastir $51JLLP11 . ow..;
Where Pier Eyes and Good
Glasses Meet.
Our sliecial blend of high-grade
Coffee is hard to beat. Freshly
ground, 4Sc a pound.
Soluble Barrington Hall Cof-
fee iq glass containers. Made in
an instant.
Condensed Coffee, all prepared
with cream and sugar, in two
sizes. A good overseas line.
A great big bottle of Camp
Coffee for We,
Special for Saturday
A 1 -pound tin.of Steel- `Alt
Mit Coffee for
Robertson & Mair
THURSDAY, Nov 1 f 11( i
Are You a Shareholder
in Your Country ?
WHEN you subscribe for Victory Bonds, Canada
offers you shares in Canada. These are
Canada's bonds, with a fixed period to run, aid
repayable in full at maturity, just as a Government
bill is repayable on demand.
But, unlike the Government bill, Victory Bonds
pay you interest at 5)4 % all the time you hold thelia.
77.4s .pore acedo dwoololido for tAe sir of Victory
Loos b' cwrt.q o/ Union Book .1 Canada.
The Ahweek Chapter, 1. 0. U .
will meet sex& Monday at 4.13 at the
court house.
Lieut. W. Proudfoot, who was take n
seriously ill with pneumonia at Lindsay
three weeks ago, is reported to be recov-
er .ng from the attack.
SAVAGE. --The death occurred recently
at Detroit of Mr. Roland Savage, a form-
er resident of Godench, and brother of the
late W. M. Savage. The deceased was
eighty-three yews of age.
TNVerotr, November N.
Wheat, Mrbmt.h. .... ...g LIP w t'
$ -P9
Oslo per bu.b. .... ..... ^.. .72 to .7.,
Barky. per berh 100 to 1.05
Pew., per bmwh 12.% to 3.11
Nu. kwheat per bush. .... 1.10 to 1.25alone, family. permit. .,1111 to 5.73
Ybou.. putout, per owl. SYS to a 10
Bran, porton :41.110 to, 40.011
huh per tem . N 00 to 15.00Hay, per loo .. 1210 to - 1 I..0
•traw, too -e, Iwrte,. . .. ams to seo
Dairy Butler. perils .0 to 41
1'reaturn 9ette.. pet lb. . .:0 to .!.1S
yAtk•. nre.h, per due .12 to .15
Purlmom new. pr's bush 19e to I.1..
.'attic. but.•ber.' rhotto. Per cwt. 10 00 10 11.10
t '.0 Ile, butchery wedlwu,)er eat 9 t0 to 10 te
Hos•,, 1Ne, perowl. . 1a 7) to 17.10
Lamb ... 14 00 10 14.001
11111,.. per lb.... I! to .13'
+heep+klas i.•0 to 3 '0
Woad, nnwe.1.m1. Per lb.. 1.0 to ...7
0...bed. per Ib. .. ••r to ,1.1
For Good Reliable Shoe
Repairs, try
Smith & Ring
30 East Street. Opp ole t nos CW..11
Give Us a Triol
Lady g1•aohlatra o IAA tel 11, nn•
1141W ear g as high as SIN ao.e1
rtcn 112') per week, while y4 tang
men are oar g still better sal-
aries. We 4•811 nut ur.wt the d.•u,iuul
fen' trained help. NV rite us at 1 u.P
for particulars regarding .ver Com-
mercial, Shorthand tar '1'.'Irgrnphy
1).'partulout. 74ttad1.11G4 y .•1114r
at any Lime.
1). A. Mr'i4A :1 , AN, Principal.
M Your Christmas Gifts
1♦ should breathe Your own personality. How betty attain
this than by giving
1 IN
The only truly economical Gifts, leaving with th .n the
spirit of Christmas Day.
)♦ 1R
$ Make your appointment early Christina, is'our bi..v ,ciw_orn
r IN
"Heavy. heavy hangs ove
your head."
"OA know what it is, daddy
You held it too close and
smell it -it's WRIGLEY'S!
Phone 164 Cor, Ham.lton St. and Square
Cvlada Food Board License No. 8.2149
"Righto, sonny - give you
appetite and digestion
treat. while you tickle
your sweet tooth."
Chew It Atter Every flail
The Flavour La Id
When you buy a Victory
Bond you are laying by
something that may be the
foundation of future wealth.
The millionaires all say that
the first hundred dollars is
the hardest to get. Make
the beginning with a
Victory Bond
Made In Caned
W. Walker